diff --git a/Build/Configurations/Includes/SRB222_common.cfg b/Build/Configurations/Includes/SRB222_common.cfg
index 5d14a77ede5c5541856c78a8cf1cec52780f66b4..a6344d267b24a8313b3224649fcea6b7e9b6b621 100644
--- a/Build/Configurations/Includes/SRB222_common.cfg
+++ b/Build/Configurations/Includes/SRB222_common.cfg
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ common
 	ignoredextensions = "wad pk3 pk7 bak backup1 backup2 backup3 zip rar 7z";
 	// Default testing parameters
-	testparameters = "-file \"%AP\" \"%F\" -warp %L";
+	testparameters = "-folder \"%AF\" -file \"%AA\" \"%F\" -warp %L";
 	testshortpaths = true;
 	// Action special help
diff --git a/Source/Core/General/Launcher.cs b/Source/Core/General/Launcher.cs
index ad71842b96426ce0bac7e68e76f5c6d9e04d4ab9..6dcad1be6eeabbbe2149ec8808a4135977fd0355 100755
--- a/Source/Core/General/Launcher.cs
+++ b/Source/Core/General/Launcher.cs
@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder
 			DataLocation iwadloc;
 			string p_wp = "", p_wf = "";
 			string p_ap = "", p_apq = "";
+			string p_aa = "", p_aaq = "";
+			string p_af = "", p_afq = "";
 			string p_l1 = "", p_l2 = "";
 			string p_nm = "";
 			string f = tempwad;
@@ -168,16 +170,46 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder
 							p_ap += General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
 							p_apq += "\"" + General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
+							if (dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD || dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_PK3)
+							{
+								p_aa += General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
+								p_aaq += "\"" + General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								p_af += General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
+								p_afq += "\"" + General.GetShortFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
+							}
 						else if (linuxpaths)
 							p_ap += General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
 							p_apq += "\"" + General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
+							if (dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD || dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_PK3)
+							{
+								p_aa += General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
+								p_aaq += "\"" + General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								p_af += General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + " ";
+								p_afq += "\"" + General.GetLinuxFilePath(dl.location) + "\" ";
+							}
 							p_ap += dl.location + " ";
 							p_apq += "\"" + dl.location + "\" ";
+							if (dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD || dl.type == DataLocation.RESOURCE_PK3)
+							{
+								p_aa += dl.location + " ";
+								p_aaq += "\"" + dl.location + "\" ";
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								p_af += dl.location + " ";
+								p_afq += "\"" + dl.location + "\" ";
+							}
@@ -186,6 +218,10 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder
 			// Trim last space from resource file locations
 			p_ap = p_ap.TrimEnd(' ');
 			p_apq = p_apq.TrimEnd(' ');
+			p_aa = p_aa.TrimEnd(' ');
+			p_aaq = p_aaq.TrimEnd(' ');
+			p_af = p_af.TrimEnd(' ');
+			p_afq = p_afq.TrimEnd(' ');
 			// Try finding the L1 and L2 numbers from the map name
 			string numstr = "";
@@ -250,7 +286,11 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder
 			outp = outp.Replace("%L2", p_l2);
 			outp = outp.Replace("%L", General.Map.Options.CurrentName);
 			outp = outp.Replace("\"%AP\"", p_apq);
+			outp = outp.Replace("\"%AA\"", p_aaq);
+			outp = outp.Replace("\"%AF\"", p_afq);
 			outp = outp.Replace("%AP", p_ap);
+			outp = outp.Replace("%AA", p_aa);
+			outp = outp.Replace("%AF", p_af);
 			outp = outp.Replace("%S", skill.ToString());
 			outp = outp.Replace("%NM", p_nm);
diff --git a/Source/Core/Windows/ConfigForm.resx b/Source/Core/Windows/ConfigForm.resx
index b70bfa7284e7b3453c5e4527742e20453fbb443b..ce6a0dd1a37949c69b8fad1fcad4dcf9f1bdeebc 100755
--- a/Source/Core/Windows/ConfigForm.resx
+++ b/Source/Core/Windows/ConfigForm.resx
@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@
 %L1   - The first number found in the map lump name (as is set in the map options window).
 %L2   - The second number found in the map lump name (as is set in the map options window).
 %AP  - All resource files, except the first IWAD, with full paths included.
+%AA  - All archives (WAD and PK3 files), except the first IWAD, with full paths included.
+%AF  - All folder resources, with full paths included.
 %S     - Skill number at which to test.
 %NM - Either -nomonsters when testing without monsters, or nothing at all.</value>