diff --git a/Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/Resources/Actions.cfg b/Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/Resources/Actions.cfg
index 07e8eab712670a22e8be5afddfff1e975b22e389..69996d067020365a19fdc0b7dfdcdc15d8e00e30 100755
--- a/Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/Resources/Actions.cfg
+++ b/Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/Resources/Actions.cfg
@@ -654,6 +654,27 @@ raisesector128
 	repeat = true;
+	title = "Lower Floor/Ceiling/Thing by grid size";
+	category = "visual";
+	description = "Lowers the targeted or selected floors/ceilings by the current grid size. This also lowers selected or targeted things.";
+	allowkeys = true;
+	allowmouse = true;
+	allowscroll = true;
+	repeat = true;
+	title = "Raise Floor/Ceiling/Thing by grid size";
+	category = "visual";
+	description = "Raises the targeted or selected floors/ceilings by the current grid size. This also raises selected or targeted things.";
+	allowkeys = true;
+	allowmouse = true;
+	allowscroll = true;
+	repeat = true;
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/VisualModes/BaseVisualMode.cs b/Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/VisualModes/BaseVisualMode.cs
index ff2fa8bb02fb6826d7f37592a2afbf0e1b70ddee..60e2c1528d1dd672c3941fa6717f402a2918e36a 100755
--- a/Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/VisualModes/BaseVisualMode.cs
+++ b/Source/Plugins/BuilderModes/VisualModes/BaseVisualMode.cs
@@ -2720,9 +2720,33 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
+		[BeginAction("raisemapelementbygridsize")]
+		public void RaiseMapElementByGridSize()
+		{
+			PreAction(UndoGroup.SectorHeightChange);
+			List<IVisualEventReceiver> objs = GetSelectedObjects(true, true, true, true, true);
+			bool hasvisualslopehandles = objs.Any(o => o is VisualSlope);
+			foreach (IVisualEventReceiver i in objs) // If slope handles are selected only apply the action to them
+				if (!hasvisualslopehandles || (hasvisualslopehandles && i is VisualSlope))
+					i.OnChangeTargetHeight(General.Map.Grid.GridSize);
+			PostAction();
+		}
-        //mxd
-        [BeginAction("raisesectortonearest")]
+		[BeginAction("lowermapelementbygridsize")]
+		public void LowerMapElementByGridSize()
+		{
+			PreAction(UndoGroup.SectorHeightChange);
+			List<IVisualEventReceiver> objs = GetSelectedObjects(true, true, true, true, true);
+			bool hasvisualslopehandles = objs.Any(o => o is VisualSlope);
+			foreach (IVisualEventReceiver i in objs) // If slope handles are selected only apply the action to them
+				if (!hasvisualslopehandles || (hasvisualslopehandles && i is VisualSlope))
+					i.OnChangeTargetHeight(-General.Map.Grid.GridSize);
+			PostAction();
+		}
+		//mxd
+		[BeginAction("raisesectortonearest")]
 		public void RaiseSectorToNearest() 
 			List<VisualSidedefSlope> selectedhandles = GetSelectedSlopeHandles();