diff --git a/src/d_clisrv.c b/src/d_clisrv.c
index c0179ca1be99cff5fb94b2a15b73a81269c02719..6c0074942015f990198052a20f7a20fc7af48e21 100644
--- a/src/d_clisrv.c
+++ b/src/d_clisrv.c
@@ -568,6 +568,18 @@ static inline void resynch_write_player(resynch_pak *rsp, const size_t i)
 	rsp->losstime = (tic_t)LONG(players[i].losstime);
 	rsp->timeshit = players[i].timeshit;
 	rsp->onconveyor = LONG(players[i].onconveyor);
+	rsp->starpostwp = LONG(players[i].starpostwp);		// SRB2kart 16/02/21
+	rsp->position = LONG(players[i].position);
+	rsp->heldDir = LONG(players[i].heldDir);
+	rsp->turning = LONG(players[i].turning);
+	rsp->newfloorz = LONG(players[i].newfloorz);
+	rsp->lakitu = LONG(players[i].lakitu);
+	rsp->spinout = LONG(players[i].spinout);
+	rsp->spinouttype = players[i].spinouttype;
+	rsp->boosting = players[i].boosting;
 	rsp->hasmo = false;
 	//Transfer important mo information if the player has a body.
diff --git a/src/d_clisrv.h b/src/d_clisrv.h
index 6bc06f13a5e00e2e8bbe572ac208ba469644ab43..eac3ec3b9008e00edefab9c570db320d92ba1ae0 100644
--- a/src/d_clisrv.h
+++ b/src/d_clisrv.h
@@ -228,6 +228,18 @@ typedef struct
 	UINT8 timeshit;
 	INT32 onconveyor;
+	INT32 starpostwp;			// SRB2kart 16/02/21
+	INT32 position;
+	INT32 heldDir;
+	INT32 turning;
+	INT32 newfloorz;
+	INT32 lakitu;
+	INT32 spinout;
+	UINT8 spinouttype;
+	UINT8 boosting;
 	//player->mo stuff
 	UINT8 hasmo; //boolean
diff --git a/src/d_main.c b/src/d_main.c
index 95808b274ff111cb9146870f8530e5fe48686114..36152eb11f8593cec2cd4fbd581b03e8a282dabd 100644
--- a/src/d_main.c
+++ b/src/d_main.c
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ void D_SRB2Main(void)
 	if (dedicated)
 		COM_ImmedExecute(va("exec \"%s"PATHSEP"adedserv.cfg\"\n", srb2home));
-		COM_ImmedExecute(va("exec \"%s"PATHSEP"autoexec.cfg\" -noerror\n", srb2home));
+		COM_ImmedExecute(va("exec \"%s"PATHSEP"kartexec.cfg\" -noerror\n", srb2home));
 	if (!autostart)
 		M_PushSpecialParameters(); // push all "+" parameters at the command buffer
@@ -1282,11 +1282,13 @@ void D_SRB2Main(void)
-	if (M_CheckParm("-ultimatemode"))
+	if (M_CheckParm("-ultimatemode"))	// SRB2kart 16/02/21 - I don't think we need Ultimate mode
 		autostart = true;
 		ultimatemode = true;
 	if (autostart || netgame || M_CheckParm("+connect") || M_CheckParm("-connect"))
diff --git a/src/d_netcmd.c b/src/d_netcmd.c
index 266161c7ce11fc522c1970e72180a27b3248f5fc..9c3c7ec1c6c73277043131f1ec40be82d6eeaebd 100644
--- a/src/d_netcmd.c
+++ b/src/d_netcmd.c
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ static void CleanupPlayerName(INT32 playernum, const char *newname)
   * kicked with a consistency failure.
   * This function prints a message indicating the name change, unless the game
-  * is currently showing the intro, e.g. when processing autoexec.cfg.
+  * is currently showing the intro, e.g. when processing kartexec.cfg.
   * \param playernum Player number who has requested a name change.
   * \param newname   New name for that player. Should be good, but won't
diff --git a/src/d_netcmd.h b/src/d_netcmd.h
index 31a7cf81864bd7872e2752ea6c264cbba6c43303..e66df0c6f824b3dc0c85f214fedec500a96fb32d 100644
--- a/src/d_netcmd.h
+++ b/src/d_netcmd.h
@@ -96,6 +96,12 @@ extern consvar_t cv_jumpshield, cv_watershield, cv_ringshield, cv_forceshield, c
 extern consvar_t cv_1up, cv_eggmanbox;
 extern consvar_t cv_recycler;
+// SRB2kart settings - basically every item  	// SRB2kart 21/02/16
+extern consvar_t cv_magnet, cv_boo, cv_mushroom, cv_megashroom, cv_goldshroom, cv_star;
+extern consvar_t cv_triplebanana, cv_fakeitem, cv_banana, cv_greenshell, cv_redshell;
+extern consvar_t cv_laserwisp, cv_triplegreenshell, cv_bobomb, cv_blueshell, cv_jaws;
+extern consvar_t cv_tossfeather, cv_fireflower, cv_tripleredshell, cv_bowsershell, cv_lightning;
 extern consvar_t cv_itemfinder;
 extern consvar_t cv_inttime, cv_advancemap, cv_playersforexit;
diff --git a/src/d_player.h b/src/d_player.h
index 827b3afc71ba38c4f2a7349899b0f54d797786a1..d24d6690fb42560bc8e1cefe603fdb09eab74792 100644
--- a/src/d_player.h
+++ b/src/d_player.h
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ typedef enum
 	pw_ingoop, // In goop
 	// /////////////// //
-	// SRB2kart Powers //		// SRB2kart 16/02/15  (TODO: Remove Riders powers we don't need.)
+	// SRB2kart Powers //		// SRB2kart 16/02/15
 	// /////////////// //
 	// Basic gameplay things
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ typedef enum
 	pw_squishedtimer,		// Squished frame timer
 	pw_goldshroomtimer,		// Gold Mushroom duration timer
 	pw_startimer,			// Invincibility timer
-	pw_spinouttimer			// Wipe-out from a banana peel or oil slick
+	pw_spinouttimer,		// Wipe-out from a banana peel or oil slick
 	pw_laserwisptimer,		// The duration and relative angle of the laser
 	pw_fireflowertimer,		// Duration of Fire Flower
diff --git a/src/d_ticcmd.h b/src/d_ticcmd.h
index 1d1ffb2d2e1f6dccf94a084d73215cc7c5d00e39..ef645112513ef43e47a84757c65fd480c24cebae 100644
--- a/src/d_ticcmd.h
+++ b/src/d_ticcmd.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ typedef enum
 	BT_CUSTOM2    = 1<<14,
 	BT_CUSTOM3    = 1<<15,
 	BT_FORWARD    = 1<<16,	// SRB2kart 16/02/15
-	BT_BACKWARD   = 1<<17,
+	BT_BACKWARD   = 1<<17
 } buttoncode_t;
 // The data sampled per tick (single player)
diff --git a/src/dehacked.c b/src/dehacked.c
index e7e25e12ef3b36fbdaf5a3a23b73992d29267005..c0ef29c2445240148fd1da8890df34e01cbc9702 100644
--- a/src/dehacked.c
+++ b/src/dehacked.c
@@ -7374,7 +7374,69 @@ static const char *const POWERS_LIST[] = {
 	//for linedef exec 427
-	"INGOOP" // In goop
+	"INGOOP", // In goop
+	// /////////////// //
+	// SRB2kart Powers //		// SRB2kart 16/02/21
+	// /////////////// //
+	// Basic gameplay things
+	"WAYPOINT",			// Waypoints.
+	"INTROCAM",			// Early joiners need this, or a new joiner's camera will randomly rotate
+	"SOUNDS",			// Used this to avoid sounds being played every tic
+	"PCD",				// Past Checkpoint Distance
+	"NCD",				// Next Chekpoint Distance
+	"DRIFT",			// Drifting Left or Right, plus a bigger counter = sharper turn
+	"DRIFTSPEED",		// (Do we still need this?) (was 'pw_exspeed')
+	"DRIFTCHARGE",		// Charge your drift so you can release a burst of speed
+	"JMP",				// In Mario Kart, letting go of the jump button stops the drift
+	"FISHING",			// Lakitu is fishing you out of the pit and you have to wait to be dropped
+	"KARTITEM",			// Used for the roulette when deciding what item to give you
+	"ITEMSLOT",			// If you have X item, and kartitem chose X too, save it
+	"ITEMCLOSE",		// Used to animate the item window closing (was 'pw_psychic')
+	// Some Items use timers for their duration or relative effects
+	"MAGNETTIMER",			// Duration of Magnet's item-break and item box pull
+	"BOOTAKETIMER",			// You are stealing an item, this is your timer
+	"BOOSTOLENTIMER",		// You are being stolen from, this is your timer
+	"MUSHROOMTIMER",		// Duration of the Mushroom Boost itself
+	"GROWSHRINKTIMER",		// > 0 = Big, < 0 = small
+	"SQUISHEDTIMER",		// Squished frame timer
+	"GOLDSHROOMTIMER",		// Gold Mushroom duration timer
+	"STARTIMER",			// Invincibility timer
+	"SPINOUTTIMER"			// Wipe-out from a banana peel or oil slick
+	"LASERWISPTIMER",		// The duration and relative angle of the laser
+	"FIREFLOWERTIMER",		// Duration of Fire Flower
+	// Each item needs its own power slot, for the HUD and held use
+	"MAGNET",				// 0x1 = Magnet in inventory
+	"BOO",					// 0x1 = Boo in inventory
+	"MUSHROOM",				// 0x1 = 1 Mushroom in inventory, 0x2 = 2 Mushrooms in inventory
+							// 0x4 = 3 Mushrooms in inventory
+	"MEGASHROOM",			// 0x1 = Mega Mushroom in inventory
+	"GOLDSHROOM",			// 0x1 = Gold Mushroom in inventory
+	"STAR",					// 0x1 = Star in inventory
+	"TRIPLEBANANA",			// 0x1 = 1 Banana following, 0x2 = 2 Bananas following
+							// 0x4 = 3 Bananas following, 0x8 = Triple Banana in inventory
+	"FAKEITEM",				// 0x1 = Fake Item being held, 0x2 = Fake Item in inventory
+	"BANANA",				// 0x1 = Banana being held, 0x2 = Banana in inventory
+	"GREENSHELL",			// 0x1 = Green Shell being held, 0x2 = Green Shell in inventory
+	"REDSHELL",				// 0x1 = Red Shell being held, 0x2 = Red Shell in inventory
+	"LASERWISP",			// 0x1 = Laser Wisp in inventory
+	"TRIPLEGREENSHELL",		// 0x1 = 1 Green Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Green Shells orbiting
+							// 0x4 = 3 Green Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Green Shell in inventory
+	"BOBOMB",				// 0x1 = Bob-omb being held, 0x2 = Bob-omb in inventory
+	"BLUESHELL",			// 0x1 = Blue Shell in inventory
+	"JAWS",					// 0x1 = 1 Jaws orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Jaws orbiting, 
+							// 0x8 = 2x Jaws in inventory
+	"TOSSFEATHER",			// 0x1 = Feather in inventory
+	"FIREFLOWER",			// 0x1 = Fire Flower in inventory
+	"TRIPLEREDSHELL",		// 0x1 = 1 Red Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Red Shells orbiting
+							// 0x4 = 3 Red Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Red Shell in inventory
+	"BOWSERSHELL",			// 0x1 = Bowser Shell in inventory
+	"LIGHTNING"				// 0x1 = Lightning in inventory
 static const char *const HUDITEMS_LIST[] = {
@@ -7514,6 +7576,8 @@ struct {
+	{"TOL_RETROKART",TOL_RETROKART},	// SRB2kart 21/02/16
 	// Level flags
@@ -7797,6 +7861,8 @@ struct {
 	{"BT_CUSTOM1",BT_CUSTOM1}, // Lua customizable
 	{"BT_CUSTOM2",BT_CUSTOM2}, // Lua customizable
 	{"BT_CUSTOM3",BT_CUSTOM3}, // Lua customizable
+	{"BT_FORWARD",BT_FORWARD},		// SRB2kart 16/02/21
 	// cvflags_t
diff --git a/src/doomdef.h b/src/doomdef.h
index a0de27af8e1ce23a6ffa9e237f1fdafcd90cd298..be2ec9e35b995b6acf0b2bcd01d7b8a4c5f48844 100644
--- a/src/doomdef.h
+++ b/src/doomdef.h
@@ -160,8 +160,9 @@ extern FILE *logstream;
 // The string used in the alert that pops up in the event of an update being available.
 // Please change to apply to your modification (we don't want everyone asking where your mod is on SRB2.org!).
+// SRB2kart 16/02/15  (TODO: Put mod URL here)
-"A new update is available for SRB2Kart.\n"\		// SRB2kart 16/02/15  (TODO: Put mod URL here)
+"A new update is available for SRB2Kart.\n"\
 "Please visit SRB2.org to download it.\n"\
 "You are using version: %s\n"\
@@ -177,8 +178,9 @@ extern FILE *logstream;
 // The string used in the I_Error alert upon trying to host through command line parameters.
 // Generally less filled with newlines, since Windows gives you lots more room to work with.
+// SRB2kart 16/02/15  (TODO: Put mod URL here)
-"A new update is available for SRB2Kart.\n"\		// SRB2kart 16/02/15  (TODO: Put mod URL here)
+"A new update is available for SRB2Kart.\n"\
 "Please visit SRB2.org to download it.\n"\
 "You are using version: %s\n"\
diff --git a/src/f_finale.c b/src/f_finale.c
index f541995d49977d3e54cc229a657922006b0a3f81..073b3e29f5f0dca0b7290847b6ddbcac82c36644 100644
--- a/src/f_finale.c
+++ b/src/f_finale.c
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ static const char *credits[] = {
 	"\1Sprite Artists",
 	"Odi \"Iceman404\" Atunzu",
-	"Victor \"VAdaPEGA\" Ara\x1Fjo", // Araújo -- sorry for our limited font! D:
+	"Victor \"VAdaPEGA\" Ara\x1Fjo", // Araújo -- sorry for our limited font! D:
 	"Jim \"MotorRoach\" DeMello",
 	"Desmond \"Blade\" DesJardins",
 	"Sherman \"CoatRack\" DesJardins",
@@ -1317,10 +1317,10 @@ void F_GameEvaluationDrawer(void)
 			if (ALL7EMERALDS(emeralds))
-			if (ultimatemode)
+			if (ultimatemode)				// SRB2kart 16/02/21 - I don't think we need Ultimate mode
 			if (M_UpdateUnlockablesAndExtraEmblems())
 				S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_ncitem);
diff --git a/src/g_game.c b/src/g_game.c
index 9864110008514cdd8353b7b27a2a95c63689965b..f0eaecd250b737439fe6cc55e09b906f6db7274a 100644
--- a/src/g_game.c
+++ b/src/g_game.c
@@ -3601,7 +3601,7 @@ void G_InitNew(UINT8 pultmode, const char *mapname, boolean resetplayer, boolean
 	// Don't carry over custom music change to another map.
 	mapmusic |= MUSIC_RELOADRESET;
-	ultimatemode = pultmode;
+	//ultimatemode = pultmode;		// SRB2kart 21/02/16 - I don't think we need Ultimate mode
 	playerdeadview = false;
 	automapactive = false;
 	imcontinuing = false;