diff --git a/src/p_local.h b/src/p_local.h
index 9359290fae06fc000daece09423260b70a565ac7..8caab0d2716f97f376580b7fc53f6660e5e7082d 100644
--- a/src/p_local.h
+++ b/src/p_local.h
@@ -279,7 +279,6 @@ mobjtype_t P_GetMobjtype(UINT16 mthingtype);
 void P_RespawnSpecials(void);
 mobj_t *P_SpawnMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, mobjtype_t type);
-void P_SetMobjSpawnDefaults(mobj_t *mobj);
 void P_RecalcPrecipInSector(sector_t *sector);
 void P_PrecipitationEffects(void);
diff --git a/src/p_mobj.c b/src/p_mobj.c
index 5cde1639c8022909351df40a73bcaddb0bab1029..49db6daee9916632abb3a9fedb3c18a6f6871e82 100644
--- a/src/p_mobj.c
+++ b/src/p_mobj.c
@@ -10443,7 +10443,44 @@ mobj_t *P_SpawnMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, mobjtype_t type)
 	mobj->x = x;
 	mobj->y = y;
-	P_SetMobjSpawnDefaults(mobj);
+	mobj->radius = info->radius;
+	mobj->height = info->height;
+	mobj->flags = info->flags;
+	mobj->health = (info->spawnhealth ? info->spawnhealth : 1);
+	mobj->reactiontime = info->reactiontime;
+	mobj->lastlook = -1; // stuff moved in P_enemy.P_LookForPlayer
+	// do not set the state with P_SetMobjState,
+	// because action routines can not be called yet
+	st = &states[info->spawnstate];
+	mobj->state = st;
+	mobj->tics = st->tics;
+	mobj->sprite = st->sprite;
+	mobj->frame = st->frame; // FF_FRAMEMASK for frame, and other bits..
+	P_SetupStateAnimation(mobj, st);
+	mobj->friction = ORIG_FRICTION;
+	mobj->movefactor = FRACUNIT;
+	// All mobjs are created at 100% scale.
+	mobj->scale = FRACUNIT;
+	mobj->destscale = mobj->scale;
+	mobj->scalespeed = FRACUNIT/12;
+	// TODO: Make this a special map header
+	if ((maptol & TOL_ERZ3) && !(mobj->type == MT_BLACKEGGMAN))
+		mobj->destscale = FRACUNIT/2;
+	// Sprite rendering
+	mobj->blendmode = AST_TRANSLUCENT;
+	mobj->spritexscale = mobj->spriteyscale = mobj->scale;
+	mobj->spritexoffset = mobj->spriteyoffset = 0;
+	mobj->floorspriteslope = NULL;
 	// set subsector and/or block links
@@ -10750,8 +10787,6 @@ mobj_t *P_SpawnMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, mobjtype_t type)
 		mobj->frame &= ~FF_FRAMEMASK;
-	st = &states[info->spawnstate];
 	// Call action functions when the state is set
 	if (st->action.acp1 && (mobj->flags & MF_RUNSPAWNFUNC))
@@ -10782,52 +10817,6 @@ mobj_t *P_SpawnMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, mobjtype_t type)
 	return mobj;
-void P_SetMobjSpawnDefaults(mobj_t *mobj)
-	const mobjinfo_t *info = mobj->info;
-	state_t *st = &states[info->spawnstate];
-	mobj->radius = info->radius;
-	mobj->height = info->height;
-	mobj->flags = info->flags;
-	mobj->health = (info->spawnhealth ? info->spawnhealth : 1);
-	mobj->reactiontime = info->reactiontime;
-	mobj->lastlook = -1; // stuff moved in P_enemy.P_LookForPlayer
-	// do not set the state with P_SetMobjState,
-	// because action routines can not be called yet
-	mobj->state = st;
-	mobj->tics = st->tics;
-	mobj->sprite = st->sprite;
-	mobj->frame = st->frame; // FF_FRAMEMASK for frame, and other bits..
-	P_SetupStateAnimation(mobj, st);
-	mobj->friction = ORIG_FRICTION;
-	mobj->movefactor = FRACUNIT;
-	// All mobjs are created at 100% scale.
-	mobj->scale = FRACUNIT;
-	mobj->destscale = mobj->scale;
-	mobj->scalespeed = FRACUNIT/12;
-	// TODO: Make this a special map header
-	if ((maptol & TOL_ERZ3) && !(mobj->type == MT_BLACKEGGMAN))
-		mobj->destscale = FRACUNIT/2;
-	// Make sure scale matches destscale immediately when spawned
-	P_SetScale(mobj, mobj->destscale);
-	// Sprite rendering
-	mobj->blendmode = AST_TRANSLUCENT;
-	mobj->spritexscale = mobj->spriteyscale = FRACUNIT;
-	mobj->spritexoffset = mobj->spriteyoffset = 0;
-	mobj->floorspriteslope = NULL;
 static precipmobj_t *P_SpawnPrecipMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, mobjtype_t type)
 	state_t *st;
diff --git a/src/p_saveg.c b/src/p_saveg.c
index c1364e08fc4400349dac9e7325b4d2ee0b8ca8a4..03229e740bc0b5cddc3940ee8df0b96d1843347d 100644
--- a/src/p_saveg.c
+++ b/src/p_saveg.c
@@ -2692,10 +2692,7 @@ static thinker_t* LoadMobjThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
 		mobj->type = i;
 	mobj->info = &mobjinfo[mobj->type];
-	P_SetMobjSpawnDefaults(mobj);
 	if (diff & MD_POS)
 		mobj->x = READFIXED(save_p);
@@ -2721,21 +2718,35 @@ static thinker_t* LoadMobjThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
 	if (diff & MD_RADIUS)
 		mobj->radius = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->radius = mobj->info->radius;
 	if (diff & MD_HEIGHT)
 		mobj->height = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->height = mobj->info->height;
 	if (diff & MD_FLAGS)
 		mobj->flags = READUINT32(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->flags = mobj->info->flags;
 	if (diff & MD_FLAGS2)
 		mobj->flags2 = READUINT32(save_p);
 	if (diff & MD_HEALTH)
 		mobj->health = READINT32(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->health = mobj->info->spawnhealth;
 	if (diff & MD_RTIME)
 		mobj->reactiontime = READINT32(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->reactiontime = mobj->info->reactiontime;
 	if (diff & MD_STATE)
 		mobj->state = &states[READUINT16(save_p)];
+	else
+		mobj->state = &states[mobj->info->spawnstate];
 	if (diff & MD_TICS)
 		mobj->tics = READINT32(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->tics = mobj->state->tics;
 	if (diff & MD_SPRITE) {
 		mobj->sprite = READUINT16(save_p);
 		if (mobj->sprite == SPR_PLAY)
@@ -2751,6 +2762,11 @@ static thinker_t* LoadMobjThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
 		mobj->frame = READUINT32(save_p);
 		mobj->anim_duration = READUINT16(save_p);
+	else
+	{
+		mobj->frame = mobj->state->frame;
+		mobj->anim_duration = (UINT16)mobj->state->var2;
+	}
 	if (diff & MD_EFLAGS)
 		mobj->eflags = READUINT16(save_p);
 	if (diff & MD_PLAYER)
@@ -2767,14 +2783,20 @@ static thinker_t* LoadMobjThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
 		mobj->threshold = READINT32(save_p);
 	if (diff & MD_LASTLOOK)
 		mobj->lastlook = READINT32(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->lastlook = -1;
 	if (diff & MD_TARGET)
 		mobj->target = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p);
 	if (diff & MD_TRACER)
 		mobj->tracer = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p);
 	if (diff & MD_FRICTION)
 		mobj->friction = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->friction = ORIG_FRICTION;
 	if (diff & MD_MOVEFACTOR)
 		mobj->movefactor = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->movefactor = FRACUNIT;
 	if (diff & MD_FUSE)
 		mobj->fuse = READINT32(save_p);
 	if (diff & MD_WATERTOP)
@@ -2783,10 +2805,16 @@ static thinker_t* LoadMobjThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
 		mobj->waterbottom = READFIXED(save_p);
 	if (diff & MD_SCALE)
 		mobj->scale = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->scale = FRACUNIT;
 	if (diff & MD_DSCALE)
 		mobj->destscale = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->destscale = mobj->scale;
 	if (diff2 & MD2_SCALESPEED)
 		mobj->scalespeed = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->scalespeed = FRACUNIT/12;
 	if (diff2 & MD2_CUSVAL)
 		mobj->cusval = READINT32(save_p);
 	if (diff2 & MD2_CVMEM)
@@ -2817,10 +2845,16 @@ static thinker_t* LoadMobjThinker(actionf_p1 thinker)
 		mobj->renderflags = READUINT32(save_p);
 	if (diff2 & MD2_BLENDMODE)
 		mobj->blendmode = READINT32(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->blendmode = AST_TRANSLUCENT;
 	if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEXSCALE)
 		mobj->spritexscale = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->spritexscale = FRACUNIT;
 	if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEYSCALE)
 		mobj->spriteyscale = READFIXED(save_p);
+	else
+		mobj->spriteyscale = FRACUNIT;
 	if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEXOFFSET)
 		mobj->spritexoffset = READFIXED(save_p);
 	if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEYOFFSET)