From 6ef7221e38fa0f68a53936b0e841a8145ebd6f25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: spherallic <>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2022 00:49:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] A few drop shadow-related additions: - Added A_SetShadowScale
 - Added A_ShadowScream which combines the above with A_Scream, used for
 badnik explosions - Gave flickies drop shadows

 src/deh_tables.c |  2 ++
 src/info.c       | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 src/info.h       |  4 ++++
 src/p_enemy.c    | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/p_mobj.c     | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/deh_tables.c b/src/deh_tables.c
index 4412206f8e..8dbe314cc1 100644
--- a/src/deh_tables.c
+++ b/src/deh_tables.c
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ actionpointer_t actionpointers[] =
 	{{A_FaceTracer},             "A_FACETRACER"},
 	{{A_Scream},                 "A_SCREAM"},
 	{{A_BossDeath},              "A_BOSSDEATH"},
+	{{A_SetShadowScale},         "A_SETSHADOWSCALE"},
+	{{A_ShadowScream},           "A_SHADOWSCREAM"},
 	{{A_CustomPower},            "A_CUSTOMPOWER"},
 	{{A_GiveWeapon},             "A_GIVEWEAPON"},
 	{{A_RingBox},                "A_RINGBOX"},
diff --git a/src/info.c b/src/info.c
index 3f0f5361f3..717ada3132 100644
--- a/src/info.c
+++ b/src/info.c
@@ -3936,23 +3936,23 @@ state_t states[NUMSTATES] =
 	{SPR_SPRK, FF_TRANS20|FF_ANIMATE|9, 18, {NULL}, 8, 2, S_NULL},  // S_SPRK3
 	// Robot Explosion
-	{SPR_BOM1, 0, 0, {A_FlickySpawn}, 0, 0, S_XPLD1}, // S_XPLD_FLICKY
-	{SPR_BOM1, 0, 2, {A_Scream},      0, 0, S_XPLD2}, // S_XPLD1
-	{SPR_BOM1, 1, 2, {NULL},          0, 0, S_XPLD3}, // S_XPLD2
-	{SPR_BOM1, 2, 3, {NULL},          0, 0, S_XPLD4}, // S_XPLD3
-	{SPR_BOM1, 3, 3, {NULL},          0, 0, S_XPLD5}, // S_XPLD4
-	{SPR_BOM1, 4, 4, {NULL},          0, 0, S_XPLD6}, // S_XPLD5
-	{SPR_BOM1, 5, 4, {NULL},          0, 0, S_NULL},  // S_XPLD6
+	{SPR_BOM1, 0, 0, {A_FlickySpawn},  0, 0, S_XPLD1}, // S_XPLD_FLICKY
+	{SPR_BOM1, 0, 2, {A_ShadowScream}, 0, 0, S_XPLD2}, // S_XPLD1
+	{SPR_BOM1, 1, 2, {NULL},           0, 0, S_XPLD3}, // S_XPLD2
+	{SPR_BOM1, 2, 3, {NULL},           0, 0, S_XPLD4}, // S_XPLD3
+	{SPR_BOM1, 3, 3, {NULL},           0, 0, S_XPLD5}, // S_XPLD4
+	{SPR_BOM1, 4, 4, {NULL},           0, 0, S_XPLD6}, // S_XPLD5
+	{SPR_BOM1, 5, 4, {NULL},           0, 0, S_NULL},  // S_XPLD6
 	{SPR_BOM1, FF_ANIMATE,   21, {NULL},          5, 4, S_INVISIBLE}, // S_XPLD_EGGTRAP
 	// Underwater Explosion
-	{SPR_BOM4, 0, 3, {A_Scream}, 0, 0, S_WPLD2}, // S_WPLD1
-	{SPR_BOM4, 1, 3, {NULL},     0, 0, S_WPLD3}, // S_WPLD2
-	{SPR_BOM4, 2, 3, {NULL},     0, 0, S_WPLD4}, // S_WPLD3
-	{SPR_BOM4, 3, 3, {NULL},     0, 0, S_WPLD5}, // S_WPLD4
-	{SPR_BOM4, 4, 3, {NULL},     0, 0, S_WPLD6}, // S_WPLD5
-	{SPR_BOM4, 5, 3, {NULL},     0, 0, S_NULL},  // S_WPLD6
+	{SPR_BOM4, 0, 3, {A_ShadowScream}, 0, 0, S_WPLD2}, // S_WPLD1
+	{SPR_BOM4, 1, 3, {NULL},           0, 0, S_WPLD3}, // S_WPLD2
+	{SPR_BOM4, 2, 3, {NULL},           0, 0, S_WPLD4}, // S_WPLD3
+	{SPR_BOM4, 3, 3, {NULL},           0, 0, S_WPLD5}, // S_WPLD4
+	{SPR_BOM4, 4, 3, {NULL},           0, 0, S_WPLD6}, // S_WPLD5
+	{SPR_BOM4, 5, 3, {NULL},           0, 0, S_NULL},  // S_WPLD6
 	{SPR_DUST,   FF_TRANS40, 4, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_DUST2}, // S_DUST1
 	{SPR_DUST, 1|FF_TRANS50, 5, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_DUST3}, // S_DUST2
diff --git a/src/info.h b/src/info.h
index 9aa26a97a9..1b7a201cea 100644
--- a/src/info.h
+++ b/src/info.h
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ enum actionnum
@@ -312,6 +314,8 @@ void A_FaceTarget();
 void A_FaceTracer();
 void A_Scream();
 void A_BossDeath();
+void A_SetShadowScale();
+void A_ShadowScream(); // MARIA!!!!!!
 void A_CustomPower(); // Use this for a custom power
 void A_GiveWeapon(); // Gives the player weapon(s)
 void A_RingBox(); // Obtained Ring Box Tails
diff --git a/src/p_enemy.c b/src/p_enemy.c
index 26682ee326..a4ba42c483 100644
--- a/src/p_enemy.c
+++ b/src/p_enemy.c
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ void A_GoldMonitorRestore(mobj_t *actor);
 void A_GoldMonitorSparkle(mobj_t *actor);
 void A_Explode(mobj_t *actor);
 void A_BossDeath(mobj_t *actor);
+void A_SetShadowScale(mobj_t *actor);
+void A_ShadowScream(mobj_t *actor);
 void A_CustomPower(mobj_t *actor);
 void A_GiveWeapon(mobj_t *actor);
 void A_RingBox(mobj_t *actor);
@@ -4169,6 +4171,45 @@ bossjustdie:
+// Function: A_SetShadowScale
+// Description: Sets the target's shadowscale.
+// var1 = new fixed_t shadowscale (default = FRACUNIT)
+// var2 = unused
+void A_SetShadowScale(mobj_t *actor)
+	INT32 locvar1 = var1;
+	INT32 locvar2 = var2;
+	if (LUA_CallAction(A_SETSHADOWSCALE, actor))
+		return;
+	actor->shadowscale = locvar1;
+// Function: A_ShadowScream
+// Description: Sets the target's shadowscale and starts the death sound of the object.
+// var1 = new fixed_t shadowscale (default = FRACUNIT)
+// var2 = unused
+void A_ShadowScream(mobj_t *actor)
+	INT32 locvar1 = var1;
+	INT32 locvar2 = var2;
+	if (LUA_CallAction(A_SHADOWSCREAM, actor))
+		return;
+	A_SetShadowScale(actor);
+	A_Scream(actor);
 // Function: A_CustomPower
 // Description: Provides a custom powerup. Target (must be a player) is awarded the powerup. Reactiontime of the object is used as an index to the powers array.
diff --git a/src/p_mobj.c b/src/p_mobj.c
index 17be0300a8..301b7564de 100644
--- a/src/p_mobj.c
+++ b/src/p_mobj.c
@@ -10456,6 +10456,27 @@ static fixed_t P_DefaultMobjShadowScale (mobj_t *thing)
 			return 2*FRACUNIT/3;
+		case MT_FLICKY_01:
+		case MT_FLICKY_02:
+		case MT_FLICKY_03:
+		case MT_FLICKY_04:
+		case MT_FLICKY_05:
+		case MT_FLICKY_06:
+		case MT_FLICKY_07:
+		case MT_FLICKY_08:
+		case MT_FLICKY_09:
+		case MT_FLICKY_10:
+		case MT_FLICKY_11:
+		case MT_FLICKY_12:
+		case MT_FLICKY_13:
+		case MT_FLICKY_14:
+		case MT_FLICKY_15:
+		case MT_FLICKY_16:
+			return FRACUNIT;
 			if (thing->flags & (MF_ENEMY|MF_BOSS))
@@ -10477,7 +10498,7 @@ mobj_t *P_SpawnMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, mobjtype_t type)
 	if (type == MT_NULL)
-#if 0		
+#if 0
 #ifdef PARANOIA
 		I_Error("Tried to spawn MT_NULL\n");