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  • Marco Z's avatar
    More title screen features; menu meta state implementation (active and previous menu types) · 758647fa
    Marco Z authored
    * Draw background over titlemap
    * HIDEBACKGROUND to show titlemap
    * Specify NOMUSIC or IGNOREMUSIC (to not change music)
    * Linedef execs implemented for tree hierarchy, including bubbling (NOENTERBUBBLE/NOEXITBUBBLE)
    * Specify ENTERWIPE and EXITWIPE
    * Menuid hierarchy fixes (Control mapping, joystick setup)
    * Time attack handling fixes
    * Specify custom wipes on runtime for D_Display and P_SetupLevel (for titlemap)
    * Allow for forcing and skipping a wipe
    * Wipe utility functions F_GetWipeLength and F_WipeExists