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  • Sal's avatar
    Level completion emblems · b418ac0a
    Sal authored
    Simple port of something I made for a 2.1 exe mod that Mystic mentioned
    needed doing on the 2.2 Priorities topic
    ( Adds emblem type
    "map", which gives you an emblem upon beating the map it's for. Var sets
    more specific conditions; 1 for all emeralds completion, 2 for Ultimate
    mode completion, 3 for Perfect Bonus completion. (These can be easily
    removed if requested; these were added simply because it was easy to
    implement for modders.)
    Criticism on the way it's coded and/or how it is implemented is highly
    encouraged. Test wad is <root>/TehRealSalt/levelemblems.wad,
    pre-compiled exe is <root>/TehRealSalt/levelemblems.exe.