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  • toaster's avatar
    Major refinement of Add-ons menu! · bd3e9cc0
    toaster authored
    * Kill addonsresponselimit, which was a hacky solution to a stupid problem. Instead...
    * Allocate and consistently handle memory to store the name of an added file so we can reference it directly.
    * Replace the choice between ./ and a custom folder with the full, standard assortment of Default (usehome ? SRB2HOME : SRB2PATH), HOME (SRB2HOME), SRB2 (SRB2PATH) or Custom (cv_addons_folder.string).
    * Make these render as the name plus folder, since you can't go UP... from the top level.
    * Make the path seperators consistently system-based re PATHSEP. (Quite frankly, I'm surprised it even worked in the first place...)