diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index b40f7083ddad0ca173b46848f08a7562fe20ae03..99f4f87b58bb3b38bc3305a59223375fd9743477 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ endif()
-find_package(GME REQUIRED)
 find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
 find_package(PNG REQUIRED)
 find_package(SDL2 CONFIG REQUIRED)
diff --git a/libs/gme/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/gme/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 392b01856da89e07ac5430d4db0df223194152f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# CMake project definition file.
-include (CheckCXXCompilerFlag)
-# When version is changed, also change the one in gme/gme.h to match
-set(GME_VERSION 0.6.2 CACHE INTERNAL "libgme Version")
-# 2.6+ always assumes FATAL_ERROR, but 2.4 and below don't.
-# Of course, 2.4 might work, in which case you're welcome to drop
-# down the requirement, but I can't test that.
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6 FATAL_ERROR)
-# Default emulators to build (all of them! ;)
-    SET(USE_GME_AY 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable support for Spectrum ZX music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_GBS 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable support for Game Boy music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_GYM 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable Sega MegaDrive/Genesis music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_HES 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_KSS 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable MSX or other Z80 systems music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_NSF 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable NES NSF music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_NSFE 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable NES NSFE and NSF music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_SAP 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable Atari SAP music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_SPC 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable SNES SPC music emulation")
-    SET(USE_GME_VGM 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable Sega VGM/VGZ music emulation")
-    MESSAGE(" -- NSFE support requires NSF, enabling NSF support. --")
-    SET(USE_GME_NSF 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable NES NSF music emulation" FORCE)
-option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared library (set to OFF for static library)" ON)
-# Check for GCC "visibility" support.
-   check_cxx_compiler_flag (-fvisibility=hidden __LIBGME_TEST_VISIBILITY)
-      # get the gcc version
-      exec_program(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ARGS --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE _gcc_version_info)
-      string (REGEX MATCH "[3-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9]" _gcc_version "${_gcc_version_info}")
-      # gcc <4.1 had poor support for symbol visibility
-      if ((${_gcc_version} VERSION_GREATER "4.1") OR (${_gcc_version} VERSION_EQUAL "4.1"))
-         set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fvisibility=hidden")
-         set (ENABLE_VISIBILITY ON)
-         add_definitions (-DLIBGME_VISIBILITY)
-         # GCC >= 4.2 also correctly supports making inline members have hidden
-         # visibility by default.
-         if ((${_gcc_version} VERSION_GREATER "4.2") OR (${_gcc_version} VERSION_EQUAL "4.2"))
-            set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fvisibility-inlines-hidden")
-         endif()
-      endif()
-   endif() # test visibility
-    # Cache this result
-    set( LIBGME_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY ${ENABLE_VISIBILITY} CACHE BOOL "GCC support for hidden visibility")
-# Shared library defined here
-# EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL adds build rules but keeps it out of default build
-add_subdirectory(player EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
-add_subdirectory(demo EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
diff --git a/libs/gme/changes.txt b/libs/gme/changes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 034ba48217586d0bea7c2a72ffd7565c94e4c970..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/changes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Game_Music_Emu Change Log
-Please see the git version history (e.g. git shortlog tags/0.6.0..tags/0.6.1)
-for the accurate change log.
diff --git a/libs/gme/demo/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/gme/demo/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 024e9e9732bb5e95e60eb0b670f46d35678bfec9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/demo/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Rules for building the demo.  Doesn't use an installed gme if you've already
-# installed the project so if you're copying these rules you probably don't
-# even need these next two lines if you're building against system-installed
-# gme.
-include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/gme ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR})
-add_executable(demo Wave_Writer.cpp basics.c)
-# Add command to copy build file over.
-add_custom_command(TARGET demo
-    COMMENT "Add convenience copy of test.nsf file for demo application"
-    VERBATIM) # VERBATIM is essentially required, "please use correct command line kthx"
-target_link_libraries(demo gme)
diff --git a/libs/gme/demo/Wave_Writer.cpp b/libs/gme/demo/Wave_Writer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1acaebc0148b45a4d26839be818f6d162d0c7d3b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/demo/Wave_Writer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Wave_Writer.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 by Shay Green. Permission is hereby granted, free
-of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
-documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
-merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and
-to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
-following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice
-shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE
-const int header_size = 0x2C;
-static void exit_with_error( const char* str )
-	printf( "Error: %s\n", str ); getchar();
-	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-Wave_Writer::Wave_Writer( long sample_rate, const char* filename )
-	sample_count_ = 0;
-	rate = sample_rate;
-	buf_pos = header_size;
-	chan_count = 1;
-	buf = (unsigned char*) malloc( buf_size * sizeof *buf );
-	if ( !buf )
-		exit_with_error( "Out of memory" );
-	file = fopen( filename, "wb" );
-	if ( !file )
-		exit_with_error( "Couldn't open WAVE file for writing" );
-	setvbuf( file, 0, _IOFBF, 32 * 1024L );
-void Wave_Writer::flush()
-	if ( buf_pos && !fwrite( buf, buf_pos, 1, file ) )
-		exit_with_error( "Couldn't write WAVE data" );
-	buf_pos = 0;
-void Wave_Writer::write( const sample_t* in, long remain, int skip )
-	sample_count_ += remain;
-	while ( remain )
-	{
-		if ( buf_pos >= buf_size )
-			flush();
-		long n = (buf_size - buf_pos) / sizeof (sample_t);
-		if ( n > remain )
-			n = remain;
-		remain -= n;
-		// convert to lsb first format
-		unsigned char* p = &buf [buf_pos];
-		while ( n-- )
-		{
-			int s = *in;
-			in += skip;
-			*p++ = (unsigned char) s;
-			*p++ = (unsigned char) (s >> 8);
-		}
-		buf_pos = p - buf;
-		assert( buf_pos <= buf_size );
-	}
-void Wave_Writer::write( const float* in, long remain, int skip )
-	sample_count_ += remain;
-	while ( remain )
-	{
-		if ( buf_pos >= buf_size )
-			flush();
-		long n = (buf_size - buf_pos) / sizeof (sample_t);
-		if ( n > remain )
-			n = remain;
-		remain -= n;
-		// convert to lsb first format
-		unsigned char* p = &buf [buf_pos];
-		while ( n-- )
-		{
-			long s = (long) (*in * 0x7FFF);
-			in += skip;
-			if ( (short) s != s )
-				s = 0x7FFF - (s >> 24); // clamp to 16 bits
-			*p++ = (unsigned char) s;
-			*p++ = (unsigned char) (s >> 8);
-		}
-		buf_pos = p - buf;
-		assert( buf_pos <= buf_size );
-	}
-void Wave_Writer::close()
-	if ( file )
-	{
-		flush();
-		// generate header
-		long ds = sample_count_ * sizeof (sample_t);
-		long rs = header_size - 8 + ds;
-		int frame_size = chan_count * sizeof (sample_t);
-		long bps = rate * frame_size;
-		unsigned char header [header_size] =
-		{
-			'R','I','F','F',
-			rs,rs>>8,           // length of rest of file
-			rs>>16,rs>>24,
-			'W','A','V','E',
-			'f','m','t',' ',
-			0x10,0,0,0,         // size of fmt chunk
-			1,0,                // uncompressed format
-			chan_count,0,       // channel count
-			rate,rate >> 8,     // sample rate
-			rate>>16,rate>>24,
-			bps,bps>>8,         // bytes per second
-			bps>>16,bps>>24,
-			frame_size,0,       // bytes per sample frame
-			16,0,               // bits per sample
-			'd','a','t','a',
-			ds,ds>>8,ds>>16,ds>>24// size of sample data
-			// ...              // sample data
-		};
-		// write header
-		fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
-		fwrite( header, sizeof header, 1, file );
-		fclose( file );
-		file = 0;
-		free( buf );
-	}
-	close();
-// C interface
-static Wave_Writer* ww;
-void wave_open( long sample_rate, const char* filename )
-	ww = new Wave_Writer( sample_rate, filename );
-	assert( ww );
-void wave_enable_stereo() { ww->enable_stereo(); }
-long wave_sample_count() { return ww->sample_count(); }
-void wave_write( const short* buf, long count ) { ww->write( buf, count ); }
-void wave_close()
-	delete ww;
-	ww = 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/demo/Wave_Writer.h b/libs/gme/demo/Wave_Writer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index da08cc2a718129d5f481a38a826802cdd00b0a71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/demo/Wave_Writer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* WAVE sound file writer for recording 16-bit output during program development */
-#ifndef WAVE_WRITER_H
-#define WAVE_WRITER_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-	extern "C" {
-/* C interface */
-void wave_open( long sample_rate, const char* filename );
-void wave_enable_stereo( void );
-void wave_write( const short* buf, long count );
-long wave_sample_count( void );
-void wave_close( void );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-	}
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* C++ interface */
-class Wave_Writer {
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	// Create sound file with given sample rate (in Hz) and filename.
-	// Exits program if there's an error.
-	Wave_Writer( long sample_rate, char const* filename = "out.wav" );
-	// Enable stereo output
-	void enable_stereo();
-	// Append 'count' samples to file. Use every 'skip'th source sample; allows
-	// one channel of stereo sample pairs to be written by specifying a skip of 2.
-	void write( const sample_t*, long count, int skip = 1 );
-	// Append 'count' floating-point samples to file. Use every 'skip'th source sample;
-	// allows one channel of stereo sample pairs to be written by specifying a skip of 2.
-	void write( const float*, long count, int skip = 1 );
-	// Number of samples written so far
-	long sample_count() const;
-	// Finish writing sound file and close it
-	void close();
-	~Wave_Writer();
-	// Deprecated
-	void stereo( bool b ) { chan_count = b ? 2 : 1; }
-	enum { buf_size = 32768 * 2 };
-	unsigned char* buf;
-	FILE*   file;
-	long    sample_count_;
-	long    rate;
-	long    buf_pos;
-	int     chan_count;
-	void flush();
-inline void Wave_Writer::enable_stereo() { chan_count = 2; }
-inline long Wave_Writer::sample_count() const { return sample_count_; }
diff --git a/libs/gme/demo/basics.c b/libs/gme/demo/basics.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 741574afe051e8455b816fd3c6275224b87c10e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/demo/basics.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* C example that opens a game music file and records 10 seconds to "out.wav" */
-#include "gme/gme.h"
-#include "Wave_Writer.h" /* wave_ functions for writing sound file */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-void handle_error( const char* str );
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	const char *filename = "test.nsf"; /* Default file to open */
-	if ( argc >= 2 )
-		filename = argv[1];
-	long sample_rate = 44100; /* number of samples per second */
-	/* index of track to play (0 = first) */
-	int track = argc >= 3 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0;
-	/* Open music file in new emulator */
-	Music_Emu* emu;
-	handle_error( gme_open_file( filename, &emu, sample_rate ) );
-	/* Start track */
-	handle_error( gme_start_track( emu, track ) );
-	/* Begin writing to wave file */
-	wave_open( sample_rate, "out.wav" );
-	wave_enable_stereo();
-	/* Record 10 seconds of track */
-	while ( gme_tell( emu ) < 10 * 1000L )
-	{
-		/* Sample buffer */
-		#define buf_size 1024 /* can be any multiple of 2 */
-		short buf [buf_size];
-		/* Fill sample buffer */
-		handle_error( gme_play( emu, buf_size, buf ) );
-		/* Write samples to wave file */
-		wave_write( buf, buf_size );
-	}
-	/* Cleanup */
-	gme_delete( emu );
-	wave_close();
-	return 0;
-void handle_error( const char* str )
-	if ( str )
-	{
-		printf( "Error: %s\n", str ); getchar();
-		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/demo/cpp_basics.cpp b/libs/gme/demo/cpp_basics.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5222fe271449fc4ec4b98913553f440b0a028032..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/demo/cpp_basics.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// C++ example that opens a game music file and records 10 seconds to "out.wav"
-#include "gme/Music_Emu.h"
-#include "Wave_Writer.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-void handle_error( const char* str );
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	const char *filename = "test.nsf"; /* Default file to open */
-	if ( argc >= 2 )
-		filename = argv[1];
-	long sample_rate = 44100; // number of samples per second
-	// index of track to play (0 = first)
-	int track = argc >= 3 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0;
-	// Determine file type
-	gme_type_t file_type;
-	handle_error( gme_identify_file( filename, &file_type ) );
-	if ( !file_type )
-		handle_error( "Unsupported music type" );
-	// Create emulator and set sample rate
-	Music_Emu* emu = file_type->new_emu();
-	if ( !emu )
-		handle_error( "Out of memory" );
-	handle_error( emu->set_sample_rate( sample_rate ) );
-	// Load music file into emulator
-	handle_error( emu->load_file( filename ) );
-	// Start track
-	handle_error( emu->start_track( track ) );
-	// Begin writing to wave file
-	Wave_Writer wave( sample_rate, "out.wav" );
-	wave.enable_stereo();
-	// Record 10 seconds of track
-	while ( emu->tell() < 10 * 1000L )
-	{
-		// Sample buffer
-		const long size = 1024; // can be any multiple of 2
-		short buf [size];
-		// Fill buffer
-		handle_error( emu->play( size, buf ) );
-		// Write samples to wave file
-		wave.write( buf, size );
-	}
-	// Cleanup
-	delete emu;
-	return 0;
-void handle_error( const char* str )
-	if ( str )
-	{
-		printf( "Error: %s\n", str ); getchar();
-		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/demo/features.c b/libs/gme/demo/features.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 38c8a1a6ef01330ce0dd044b51b4359e70f44dce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/demo/features.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-/* C example that opens any music file type, opens an m3u playlist if present,
-prints its info and voice names, customizes the sound, and fades a track out.
-Records to "out.wav". */
-static char filename [] = "test.nsf"; /* opens this file (can be any music type) */
-static char playlist [] = "test.m3u"; /* uses this playlist, if present*/
-#include "gme/gme.h"
-#include "Wave_Writer.h" /* wave_ functions for writing sound file */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-void handle_error( const char* );
-/* Example of loading from memory, which would be useful if using a zip file or
-other custom format. In this example it's silly because we could just use
-gme_load( &emu, sample_rate, path, 0 ).  */
-Music_Emu* load_file( const char* path, long sample_rate )
-	Music_Emu* emu;
-	char* data;
-	long  size;
-	/* Read file data into memory. You might read the data from a zip file or
-	other compressed format. */
-	FILE* in = fopen( path, "rb" );
-	if ( !in )
-		handle_error( "Couldn't open file" );
-	fseek( in, 0, SEEK_END );
-	size = ftell( in );
-	rewind( in );
-	data = malloc( size );
-	if ( !data )
-		handle_error( "Out of memory" );
-	if ( fread( data, size, 1, in ) <= 0 )
-		handle_error( "Read error" );
-	fclose( in );
-	handle_error( gme_open_data( data, size, &emu, sample_rate ) );
-	free( data ); /* a copy is made of the data */
-	return emu;
-/* Print any warning for most recent emulator action (load, start_track, play) */
-void print_warning( Music_Emu* emu )
-	const char* warning = gme_warning( emu );
-	if ( warning )
-		printf( "**** Warning: %s\n\n", warning );
-static char my_data [] = "Our cleanup function was called";
-/* Example cleanup function automatically called when emulator is deleted. */
-static void my_cleanup( void* my_data )
-	printf( "\n%s\n", (char*) my_data );
-int main()
-	long sample_rate = 44100;
-	int track = 0; /* index of track to play (0 = first) */
-	int i;
-	/* Load file into emulator */
-	Music_Emu* emu = load_file( filename, sample_rate );
-	print_warning( emu );
-	/* Register cleanup function and confirmation string as data */
-	gme_set_user_data( emu, my_data );
-	gme_set_user_cleanup( emu, my_cleanup );
-	/* Load .m3u playlist file. All tracks are assumed to use current file.
-	We ignore error here in case there is no m3u file present. */
-	gme_load_m3u( emu, playlist );
-	print_warning( emu );
-	/* Get and print main info for track */
-	{
-		gme_info_t* info;
-		handle_error( gme_track_info( emu, &info, track ) );
-		printf( "System   : %s\n", info->system );
-		printf( "Game     : %s\n", info->game );
-		printf( "Author   : %s\n", info->author );
-		printf( "Copyright: %s\n", info->copyright );
-		printf( "Comment  : %s\n", info->comment );
-		printf( "Dumper   : %s\n", info->dumper );
-		printf( "Tracks   : %d\n", (int) gme_track_count( emu ) );
-		printf( "\n" );
-		printf( "Track    : %d\n", (int) track + 1 );
-		printf( "Name     : %s\n", info->song );
-		printf( "Length   : %ld:%02ld",
-				(long) info->length / 1000 / 60, (long) info->length / 1000 % 60 );
-		if ( info->loop_length != 0 )
-			printf( " (endless)" );
-		printf( "\n\n" );
-		gme_free_info( info );
-	}
-	/* Print voice names */
-	for ( i = 0; i < gme_voice_count( emu ); i++ )
-		printf( "Voice %d: %s\n", i, gme_voice_name( emu, i ) );
-	/* Enable most accurate sound emulation */
-	gme_enable_accuracy( emu, 1 );
-	/* Add some stereo enhancement */
-	gme_set_stereo_depth( emu, 0.20 );
-	/* Adjust equalizer for crisp, bassy sound */
-	{
-		gme_equalizer_t eq;
-		gme_equalizer( emu, &eq );
-		eq.treble = 0.0;
-		eq.bass   = 20;
-		gme_set_equalizer( emu, &eq );
-	}
-	/* Start track and begin fade at 10 seconds */
-	handle_error( gme_start_track( emu, track ) );
-	print_warning( emu );
-	gme_set_fade( emu, 10 * 1000L );
-	/* Record track until it ends */
-	wave_open( sample_rate, "out.wav" );
-	wave_enable_stereo();
-	while ( !gme_track_ended( emu ) )
-	{
-		#define buf_size 1024
-		short buf [buf_size];
-		handle_error( gme_play( emu, buf_size, buf ) );
-		print_warning( emu );
-		wave_write( buf, buf_size );
-	}
-	/* Cleanup */
-	gme_delete( emu );
-	wave_close();
-	getchar();
-	return 0;
-void handle_error( const char* str )
-	if ( str )
-	{
-		printf( "Error: %s\n", str ); getchar();
-		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/design.txt b/libs/gme/design.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d79c860f7e4b0a8320cfc7cf2b29d5ceb666853d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/design.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0 Design
-This might be slightly out-of-date at times, but will be a big help in
-understanding the library implementation.
-The library is essentially a bunch of independent game music file
-emulators unified with a common interface.
-Gme_File and Music_Emu provide a common interface to the emulators. The
-virtual functions are protected rather than public to allow pre- and
-post-processing of arguments and data in one place. This allows the
-emulator classes to assume that everything is set up properly when
-starting a track and playing samples.
-All file input is done with the Data_Reader interface. Many derived
-classes are present, for the usual disk-based file and block of memory,
-to specialized adaptors for things like reading a subset of data or
-combining a block of memory with a Data_Reader to the remaining data.
-This makes the library much more flexible with regard to the source of
-game music file data. I still added a specialized load_mem() function to
-have the emulator keep a pointer to data already read in memory, for
-those formats whose files can be absolutely huge (GYM, some VGMs). This
-is important if for some reason the caller must load the data ahead of
-time, but doesn't want the emulator needlessly making a copy.
-Since silence checking and fading are relatively complex, they are kept
-separate from basic file loading and track information, which are
-handled in the base class Gme_File. My original intent was to use
-Gme_File as the common base class for full emulators and track
-information-only readers, but implementing the C interface was much
-simpler if both derived from Music_Emu. User C++ code can still benefit
-from static checking by using Gme_File where only track information will
-be accessed.
-Each emulator generally has three components: main emulator, CPU
-emulator, and sound chip emulator(s). Each component has minimal
-coupling, so use in a full emulator or stand alone is fairly easy. This
-modularity really helps reduce complexity. Blip_Buffer helps a lot with
-simplifying the APU interfaces and implementation.
-The "classic" emulators derive from Classic_Emu, which handles
-Blip_Buffer filling and multiple channels. It uses Multi_Buffer for
-output, allowing you to derive a custom buffer that could output each
-voice to a separate sound channel and do different processing on each.
-At some point I'm going to implement a better Effects_Buffer that allows
-individual control of every channel.
-In implementing the C interface, I wanted a way to specify an emulator
-type that didn't require linking in all the emulators. For each emulator
-type there is a global object with pointers to functions to create the
-emulator or a track information reader. The emulator type is thus a
-pointer to this, which conveniently allows for a NULL value. The user
-referencing this emulator type object is what ultimately links the
-emulator in (unless new Foo_Emu is used in C++, of course). This type
-also serves as a useful substitute for RTTI on older C++ compilers.
-Addendum: I have since added gme_type_list(), which causes all listed
-emulators to be linked in. To avoid this, I make the list itself
-editable in blargg_config.h. Having a built-in list allows
-gme_load_file() to take a path and give back an emulator with the file
-loaded, which is extremely useful for new users.
-Interface conventions
-If a function retains a pointer to or replaces the value of an object
-passed, it takes a pointer so that it will be clear in the caller's
-source code that care is required.
-Multi-word names have an underscore '_' separator between individual
-Functions are named with lowercase words. Functions which perform an
-action with side-effects are named with a verb phrase (i.e. load, move,
-run). Functions which return the value of a piece of state are named
-using a noun phrase (i.e. loaded, moved, running).
-Classes are named with capitalized words. Only the first letter of an
-acronym is capitalized. Class names are nouns, sometimes suggestive of
-what they do (i.e. File_Scanner).
-Structure, enumeration, and typedefs to these and built-in types are
-named using lowercase words with a _t suffix.
-Macros are named with all-uppercase words.
-Internal names which can't be hidden due to technical reasons have an
-underscore '_' suffix.
-Managing Complexity
-Complexity has been a factor in most library decisions. Many features
-have been passed by due to the complexity they would add. Once
-complexity goes past a certain level, it mentally grasping the library
-in its entirety, at which point more defects will occur and be hard to
-I chose 16-bit signed samples because it seems to be the most common
-format. Supporting multiple formats would add too much complexity to be
-worth it. Other formats can be obtained via conversion.
-I've kept interfaces fairly lean, leaving many possible features
-untapped but easy to add if necessary. For example the classic emulators
-could have volume and frequency equalization adjusted separately for
-each channel, since they each have an associated Blip_Synth.
-Source files of 400 lines or less seem to be the best size to limit
-complexity. In a few cases there is no reasonable way to split longer
-files, or there is benefit from having the source together in one file.
-Preventing Bugs
-I've done many things to reduce the opportunity for defects. A general
-principle is to write code so that defects will be as visible as
-possible. I've used several techniques to achieve this.
-I put assertions at key points where defects seem likely or where
-corruption due to a defect is likely to be visible. I've also put
-assertions where violations of the interface are likely. In emulators
-where I am unsure of exact hardware operation in a particular case, I
-output a debug-only message noting that this has occurred; many times I
-haven't implemented a hardware feature because nothing uses it. I've
-made code brittle where there is no clear reason flexibility; code
-written to handle every possibility sacrifices quality and reliability
-to handle vaguely defined situations.
-Flexibility through indirection
-I've tried to allow the most flexibility of modules by using indirection
-to allow extension by the user. This keeps each module simpler and more
-focused on its unique task.
-The classic emulators use Multi_Buffer, which potentially allows a
-separate Blip_Buffer for each channel. This keeps emulators free of
-typical code to allow output in mono, stereo, panning, etc.
-All emulators use a reader object to access file data, allowing it to be
-stored in a regular file, compressed archive, memory, or generated
-on-the-fly. Again, the library can be kept free of the particulars of
-file access and changes required to support new formats.
-Emulators in general
-When I wrote the first NES sound emulator, I stored most of the state in
-an emulator-specific format, with significant redundancy. In the
-register write function I decoded everything into named variables. I
-became tired of the verbosity and wanted to more closely model the
-hardware, so I moved to a style of storing the last written value to
-each register, along with as little other state as possible, mostly the
-internal hardware registers. While this involves slightly more
-recalculation, in most cases the emulation code is of comparable size.
-It also makes state save/restore (for use in a full emulator) much
-simpler. Finally, it makes debugging easier since the hardware registers
-used in emulation are obvious.
-CPU Cores
-I've spent lots of time coming up with techniques to optimize the CPU
-cores. Some of the most important: execute multiple instructions during
-an emulation call, keep state in local variables to allow register
-assignment, optimize state representation for most common instructions,
-defer status flag calculation until actually needed, read program code
-directly without a call to the memory read function, always pre-fetch
-the operand byte before decoding instruction, and emulate instructions
-using common blocks of code.
-I've successfully used Nes_Cpu in a fairly complete NES emulator, and
-I'd like to make all the CPU emulators suitable for use in emulators. It
-seems a waste for them to be used only for the small amount of emulation
-necessary for game music files.
-I debugged the CPU cores by writing a test shell that ran them in
-parallel with other CPU cores and compared all memory accesses and
-processor states at each step. This provided good value at little cost.
-The CPU mapping page size is adjustable to allow the best tradeoff
-between memory/cache usage and handler granularity. The interface allows
-code to be somewhat independent of the page size.
-I optimize program memory accesses to direct reads rather than calls to
-the memory read function. My assumption is that it would be difficult to
-get useful code out of hardware I/O addresses, so no software will
-intentionally execute out of I/O space. Since the page size can be
-changed easily, most program memory mapping schemes can be accommodated.
-This greatly reduces memory access function calls.
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme.txt b/libs/gme/gme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a7d2f560f0ce2c6efd52bc0a8e7bf07e3e9a25b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-Game_Music_Emu 0.6.2
-Author     : Shay Green <gblargg@gmail.com>
-Maintainer : Michael Pyne <mpyne@purinchu.net>
-Website    : https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/
-Source     : https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/
-License    : GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), see LICENSE.txt
-* Overview
-* Error handling
-* Emulator types
-* M3U playlist support
-* Information fields
-* Track length
-* Loading file data
-* Sound parameters
-* VGM/GYM YM2413 & YM2612 FM sound
-* Modular construction
-* Obscure features
-* Solving problems
-* Thanks
-This library can open game music files, play tracks, and read game and
-track information tags. To play a game music file, do the following:
-* Open the file with gme_open_file()
-* Start a track with gme_start_track();
-* Generate samples as needed with gme_play()
-* Play samples through speaker using your operating system
-* Delete emulator when done with gme_delete()
-Your code must arrange for the generated samples to be played through
-the computer's speaker using whatever method your operating system
-There are many additional features available; you can:
-* Determine of the type of a music file without opening it with
-* Load just the file's information tags with gme_info_only
-* Load from a block of memory rather than a file with gme_load_data()
-* Arrange for a fade-out at a particular time with gme_set_fade
-* Find when a track has ended with gme_track_ended()
-* Seek to a new time in the track with gme_seek()
-* Load an extended m3u playlist with gme_load_m3u()
-* Get a list of the voices (channels) and mute them individually with
-gme_voice_names() and gme_mute_voice()
-* Change the playback tempo without affecting pitch with gme_set_tempo()
-* Adjust treble/bass equalization with gme_set_equalizer()
-* Associate your own data with an emulator and later get it back with
-* Register a function of yours to be called back when the emulator is
-deleted with gme_set_user_cleanup()
-Refer to gme.h for a comprehensive summary of features.
-Error handling
-Functions which can fail have a return type of gme_err_t, which is a
-pointer to an error string (const char*). If a function is successful it
-returns NULL. Errors that you can easily avoid are checked with debug
-assertions; gme_err_t return values are only used for genuine run-time
-errors that can't be easily predicted in advance (out of memory, I/O
-errors, incompatible file data). Your code should check all error
-When loading a music file in the wrong emulator or trying to load a
-non-music file, gme_wrong_file_type is returned. You can check for this
-error in C++ like this:
-	gme_err_t err = gme_open_file( path, &emu );
-	if ( err == gme_wrong_file_type )
-		...
-To check for minor problems, call gme_warning() to get a string
-describing the last warning. Your player should allow the user some way
-of knowing when this is the case, since these minor errors could affect
-playback. Without this information the user can't solve problems as
-well. When playing a track, gme_warning() returns minor playback-related
-problems (major playback problems end the track immediately and set the
-warning string).
-Emulator types
-The library includes several game music emulators that each support a
-different file type. Each is identified by a gme_type_t constant defined
-in gme.h, for example gme_nsf_emu is for the NSF emulator. If you use
-gme_open_file() or gme_open_data(), the library does the work of
-determining the file type and creating an appropriate emulator. If you
-want more control over this process, read on.
-There are two basic ways to identify a game music file's type: look at
-its file extension, or read the header data. The library includes
-functions to help with both methods. The first is preferable because it
-is fast and the most common way to identify files. Sometimes the
-extension is lost or wrong, so the header must be read.
-Use gme_identify_extension() to find the correct game music type based
-on a filename. To identify a file based on its extension and header
-contents, use gme_identify_file(). If you read the header data yourself,
-use gme_identify_header().
-If you want to remove support for some music types to reduce your
-executable size, edit GME_TYPE_LIST in blargg_config.h. For example, to
-support just NSF and GBS, use this:
-	#define GME_TYPE_LIST \
-		gme_nsf_type,\
-		gme_gbs_type
-M3U playlist support
-The library supports playlists in an extended m3u format with
-gme_load_m3u() to give track names and times to multi-song formats: AY,
-GBS, HES, KSS, NSF, NSFE, and SAP. Some aspects of the file format
-itself is not well-defined so some m3u files won't work properly
-(particularly those provided with KSS files). Only m3u files referencing
-a single file are supported; your code must handle m3u files covering
-more than one game music file, though it can use the built-in m3u
-parsing provided by the library.
-Information fields
-Support is provided for the various text fields and length information
-in a file with gme_track_info(). If you just need track information for
-a file (for example, building a playlist), use gme_new_info() in place
-of gme_new_emu(), load the file normally, then you can access the track
-count and info, but nothing else.
-             M3U  VGM  GYM  SPC  SAP  NSFE  NSF  AY  GBS  HES  KSS
-             -------------------------------------------------------
-Track Count | *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
-            |
-System      |      *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
-            |
-Game        |      *    *    *         *    *         *    *
-            |
-Song        | *    *    *    *    *    *         *
-            |
-Author      |      *         *    *    *    *    *    *    *
-            |
-Copyright   |      *    *    *    *    *    *         *    *
-            |
-Comment     |      *    *    *                   *
-            |
-Dumper      |      *    *    *         *
-            |
-Length      | *    *    *    *    *    *
-            |
-Intro Length| *    *    *
-            |
-Loop Length | *    *    *
-As listed above, the HES and KSS file formats don't include a track
-count, and tracks are often scattered over the 0-255 range, so an m3u
-playlist for these is a must.
-Unavailable text fields are set to an empty string and times to -1. Your
-code should be prepared for any combination of available and unavailable
-fields, as a particular music file might not use all of the supported
-fields listed above.
-Currently text fields are truncated to 255 characters. Obscure fields of
-some formats are not currently decoded; contact me if you want one
-Track length
-The library leaves it up to you as to when to stop playing a track. You
-can ask for available length information and then tell the library what
-time it should start fading the track with gme_set_fade(). By default it
-also continually checks for 6 or more seconds of silence to mark the end
-of a track. Here is a reasonable algorithm you can use to decide how
-long to play a track:
-* If the track length is > 0, use it
-* If the loop length > 0, play for intro + loop * 2
-* Otherwise, default to 2.5 minutes (150000 msec)
-If you want to play a track longer than normal, be sure the loop length
-isn't zero. See Music_Player.cpp around line 145 for example code.
-By default, the library skips silence at the beginning of a track. It
-also continually checks for the end of a non-looping track by watching
-for 6 seconds of unbroken silence. When doing this is scans *ahead* by
-several seconds so it can report the end of the track after only one
-second of silence has actually played. This feature can be disabled with
-Loading file data
-The library allows file data to be loaded in many different ways. All
-load functions return an error which you should check. The following
-examples assume these variables:
-	Music_Emu* emu;
-	gme_err_t error;
-If you're letting the library determine a file's type, you can use
-either gme_open_file() or gme_open_data():
-	error = gme_open_file( pathname, &emu );
-	error = gme_open_data( pointer, size, &emu );
-If you're manually determining file type and using used gme_new_emu() to
-create an emulator, you can use the following methods of loading:
-* From a block of memory:
-	error = gme_load_data( emu, pointer, size );
-* Have library call your function to read data:
-	gme_err_t my_read( void* my_data, void* out, long count )
-	{
-		// code that reads 'count' bytes into 'out' buffer
-		// and return 0 if no error
-	}
-	error = gme_load_custom( emu, my_read, file_size, my_data );
-Sound parameters
-All emulators support an arbitrary output sampling rate. A rate of 44100
-Hz should work well on most systems. Since band-limited synthesis is
-used, a sampling rate above 48000 Hz is not necessary and will actually
-reduce sound quality and performance.
-All emulators also support adjustable gain, mainly for the purpose of
-getting consistent volume between different music formats and avoiding
-excessive modulation. The gain can only be set *before* setting the
-emulator's sampling rate, so it's not useful as a general volume
-control. The default gains of emulators are set so that they give
-generally similar volumes, though some soundtracks are significantly
-louder or quieter than normal.
-Some emulators support adjustable treble and bass frequency equalization
-(AY, GBS, HES, KSS, NSF, NSFE, SAP, VGM) using set_equalizer().
-Parameters are specified using gme_equalizer_t eq = { treble_dB,
-bass_freq }. Treble_dB sets the treble level (in dB), where 0.0 dB gives
-normal treble; -200.0 dB is quite muffled, and 5.0 dB emphasizes treble
-for an extra crisp sound. Bass_freq sets the frequency where bass
-response starts to diminish; 15 Hz is normal, 0 Hz gives maximum bass,
-and 15000 Hz removes all bass. For example, the following makes the
-sound extra-crisp but lacking bass:
-	gme_equalizer_t eq = { 5.0, 1000 };
-	gme_set_equalizer( music_emu, &eq );
-Each emulator's equalization defaults to approximate the particular
-console's sound quality; this default can be determined by calling
-equalizer() just after creating the emulator. The Music_Emu::tv_eq
-profile gives sound as if coming from a TV speaker, and some emulators
-include other profiles for different versions of the system. For
-example, to use Famicom sound equalization with the NSF emulator, do the
-	music_emu->set_equalizer( Nsf_Emu::famicom_eq );
-VGM/GYM YM2413 & YM2612 FM sound
-The library plays Sega Genesis/Mega Drive music using a YM2612 FM sound
-chip emulator based on the Gens project. Because this has some
-inaccuracies, other YM2612 emulators can be used in its place by
-re-implementing the interface in YM2612_Emu.h. Available on my website
-is a modified version of MAME's YM2612 emulator, which sounds better in
-some ways and whose author is still making improvements.
-VGM music files using the YM2413 FM sound chip are also supported, but a
-YM2413 emulator isn't included with the library due to technical
-reasons. I have put one of the available YM2413 emulators on my website
-that can be used directly.
-Modular construction
-The library is made of many fairly independent modules. If you're using
-only one music file emulator, you can eliminate many of the library
-sources from your program. Refer to the files list in readme.txt to get
-a general idea of what can be removed, and be sure to edit GME_TYPE_LIST
-(see "Emulator types" above). Post to the forum if you'd like me to put
-together a smaller version for a particular use, as this only takes me a
-few minutes to do.
-If you want to use one of the individual sound chip emulators (or CPU
-cores) in your own console emulator, first check the libraries page on
-my website since I have released several of them as stand alone
-libraries with included documentation and examples on their use. If you
-don't find it as a standalone library, contact me and I'll consider
-separating it.
-The "classic" sound chips use my Blip_Buffer library, which greatly
-simplifies their implementation and efficiently handles band-limited
-synthesis. It is also available as a stand alone library with
-documentation and many examples.
-Obscure features
-The library's flexibility allows many possibilities. Contact me if you
-want help implementing ideas or removing limitations.
-* Uses no global/static variables, allowing multiple instances of any
-emulator. This is useful in a music player if you want to allow
-simultaneous recording or scanning of other tracks while one is already
-playing. This will also be useful if your platform disallows global
-* Emulators that support a custom sound buffer can have *every* voice
-routed to a different Blip_Buffer, allowing custom processing on each
-voice. For example you could record a Game Boy track as a 4-channel
-sound file.
-* Defining BLIP_BUFFER_FAST uses lower quality, less-multiply-intensive
-synthesis on "classic" emulators, which might help on some really old
-processors. This significantly lowers sound quality and prevents treble
-equalization. Try this if your platform's processor isn't fast enough
-for normal quality. Even on my ten-year-old 400 MHz Mac, this reduces
-processor usage at most by about 0.6% (from 4% to 3.4%), hardly worth
-the quality loss.
-Solving problems
-If you're having problems, try the following:
-* If you're getting garbled sound, try this simple siren generator in
-place of your call to play(). This will quickly tell whether the problem
-is in the library or in your code.
-	static void play_siren( long count, short* out )
-	{
-		static double a, a2;
-		while ( count-- )
-			*out++ = 0x2000 * sin( a += .1 + .05*sin( a2+=.00005 ) );
-	}
-* Enable debugging support in your environment. This enables assertions
-and other run-time checks.
-* Turn the compiler's optimizer is off. Sometimes an optimizer generates
-bad code.
-* If multiple threads are being used, ensure that only one at a time is
-accessing a given set of objects from the library. This library is not
-in general thread-safe, though independent objects can be used in
-separate threads.
-* If all else fails, see if the demos work.
-Big thanks to Chris Moeller (kode54) for help with library testing and
-feedback, for maintaining the Foobar2000 plugin foo_gep based on it, and
-for original work on openspc++ that was used when developing Spc_Emu.
-Brad Martin's excellent OpenSPC SNES DSP emulator worked well from the
-start. Also thanks to Richard Bannister, Mahendra Tallur, Shazz,
-nenolod, theHobbit, Johan Samuelsson, and nes6502 for testing, using,
-and giving feedback for the library in their respective game music
-players. More recently, Lucas Paul and Michael Pyne have helped nudge the
-library into a public repository and get its interface more stable for use
-in shared libraries.
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c1405231dcf73b9ed80346827d6927540ad6ae2e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Ay_Apu.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// Emulation inaccuracies:
-// * Noise isn't run when not in use
-// * Changes to envelope and noise periods are delayed until next reload
-// * Super-sonic tone should attenuate output to about 60%, not 50%
-// Tones above this frequency are treated as disabled tone at half volume.
-// Power of two is more efficient (avoids division).
-unsigned const inaudible_freq = 16384;
-int const period_factor = 16;
-static byte const amp_table [16] =
-#define ENTRY( n ) byte (n * Ay_Apu::amp_range + 0.5)
-	// With channels tied together and 1K resistor to ground (as datasheet recommends),
-	// output nearly matches logarithmic curve as claimed. Approx. 1.5 dB per step.
-	ENTRY(0.000000),ENTRY(0.007813),ENTRY(0.011049),ENTRY(0.015625),
-	ENTRY(0.022097),ENTRY(0.031250),ENTRY(0.044194),ENTRY(0.062500),
-	ENTRY(0.088388),ENTRY(0.125000),ENTRY(0.176777),ENTRY(0.250000),
-	ENTRY(0.353553),ENTRY(0.500000),ENTRY(0.707107),ENTRY(1.000000),
-	/*
-	// Measured from an AY-3-8910A chip with date code 8611.
-	// Direct voltages without any load (very linear)
-	ENTRY(0.000000),ENTRY(0.046237),ENTRY(0.064516),ENTRY(0.089785),
-	ENTRY(0.124731),ENTRY(0.173118),ENTRY(0.225806),ENTRY(0.329032),
-	ENTRY(0.360215),ENTRY(0.494624),ENTRY(0.594624),ENTRY(0.672043),
-	ENTRY(0.766129),ENTRY(0.841935),ENTRY(0.926882),ENTRY(1.000000),
-	// With only some load
-	ENTRY(0.000000),ENTRY(0.011940),ENTRY(0.017413),ENTRY(0.024876),
-	ENTRY(0.036318),ENTRY(0.054229),ENTRY(0.072637),ENTRY(0.122388),
-	ENTRY(0.174129),ENTRY(0.239303),ENTRY(0.323881),ENTRY(0.410945),
-	ENTRY(0.527363),ENTRY(0.651741),ENTRY(0.832338),ENTRY(1.000000),
-	*/
-#undef ENTRY
-static byte const modes [8] =
-#define MODE( a0,a1, b0,b1, c0,c1 ) \
-		(a0 | a1<<1 | b0<<2 | b1<<3 | c0<<4 | c1<<5)
-	MODE( 1,0, 1,0, 1,0 ),
-	MODE( 1,0, 0,0, 0,0 ),
-	MODE( 1,0, 0,1, 1,0 ),
-	MODE( 1,0, 1,1, 1,1 ),
-	MODE( 0,1, 0,1, 0,1 ),
-	MODE( 0,1, 1,1, 1,1 ),
-	MODE( 0,1, 1,0, 0,1 ),
-	MODE( 0,1, 0,0, 0,0 ),
-	// build full table of the upper 8 envelope waveforms
-	for ( int m = 8; m--; )
-	{
-		byte* out = env.modes [m];
-		int flags = modes [m];
-		for ( int x = 3; --x >= 0; )
-		{
-			int amp = flags & 1;
-			int end = flags >> 1 & 1;
-			int step = end - amp;
-			amp *= 15;
-			for ( int y = 16; --y >= 0; )
-			{
-				*out++ = amp_table [amp];
-				amp += step;
-			}
-			flags >>= 2;
-		}
-	}
-	output( 0 );
-	volume( 1.0 );
-	reset();
-void Ay_Apu::reset()
-	last_time   = 0;
-	noise.delay = 0;
-	noise.lfsr  = 1;
-	osc_t* osc = &oscs [osc_count];
-	do
-	{
-		osc--;
-		osc->period   = period_factor;
-		osc->delay    = 0;
-		osc->last_amp = 0;
-		osc->phase    = 0;
-	}
-	while ( osc != oscs );
-	for ( int i = sizeof regs; --i >= 0; )
-		regs [i] = 0;
-	regs [7] = 0xFF;
-	write_data_( 13, 0 );
-void Ay_Apu::write_data_( int addr, int data )
-	assert( (unsigned) addr < reg_count );
-	if ( (unsigned) addr >= 14 )
-	{
-		#ifdef debug_printf
-			debug_printf( "Wrote to I/O port %02X\n", (int) addr );
-		#endif
-	}
-	// envelope mode
-	if ( addr == 13 )
-	{
-		if ( !(data & 8) ) // convert modes 0-7 to proper equivalents
-			data = (data & 4) ? 15 : 9;
-		env.wave = env.modes [data - 7];
-		env.pos = -48;
-		env.delay = 0; // will get set to envelope period in run_until()
-	}
-	regs [addr] = data;
-	// handle period changes accurately
-	int i = addr >> 1;
-	if ( i < osc_count )
-	{
-		blip_time_t period = (regs [i * 2 + 1] & 0x0F) * (0x100L * period_factor) +
-				regs [i * 2] * period_factor;
-		if ( !period )
-			period = period_factor;
-		// adjust time of next timer expiration based on change in period
-		osc_t& osc = oscs [i];
-		if ( (osc.delay += period - osc.period) < 0 )
-			osc.delay = 0;
-		osc.period = period;
-	}
-	// TODO: same as above for envelope timer, and it also has a divide by two after it
-int const noise_off = 0x08;
-int const tone_off  = 0x01;
-void Ay_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t final_end_time )
-	require( final_end_time >= last_time );
-	// noise period and initial values
-	blip_time_t const noise_period_factor = period_factor * 2; // verified
-	blip_time_t noise_period = (regs [6] & 0x1F) * noise_period_factor;
-	if ( !noise_period )
-		noise_period = noise_period_factor;
-	blip_time_t const old_noise_delay = noise.delay;
-	blargg_ulong const old_noise_lfsr = noise.lfsr;
-	// envelope period
-	blip_time_t const env_period_factor = period_factor * 2; // verified
-	blip_time_t env_period = (regs [12] * 0x100L + regs [11]) * env_period_factor;
-	if ( !env_period )
-		env_period = env_period_factor; // same as period 1 on my AY chip
-	if ( !env.delay )
-		env.delay = env_period;
-	// run each osc separately
-	for ( int index = 0; index < osc_count; index++ )
-	{
-		osc_t* const osc = &oscs [index];
-		int osc_mode = regs [7] >> index;
-		// output
-		Blip_Buffer* const osc_output = osc->output;
-		if ( !osc_output )
-			continue;
-		osc_output->set_modified();
-		// period
-		int half_vol = 0;
-		blip_time_t inaudible_period = (blargg_ulong) (osc_output->clock_rate() +
-				inaudible_freq) / (inaudible_freq * 2);
-		if ( osc->period <= inaudible_period && !(osc_mode & tone_off) )
-		{
-			half_vol = 1; // Actually around 60%, but 50% is close enough
-			osc_mode |= tone_off;
-		}
-		// envelope
-		blip_time_t start_time = last_time;
-		blip_time_t end_time   = final_end_time;
-		int const vol_mode = regs [0x08 + index];
-		int volume = amp_table [vol_mode & 0x0F] >> half_vol;
-		int osc_env_pos = env.pos;
-		if ( vol_mode & 0x10 )
-		{
-			volume = env.wave [osc_env_pos] >> half_vol;
-			// use envelope only if it's a repeating wave or a ramp that hasn't finished
-			if ( !(regs [13] & 1) || osc_env_pos < -32 )
-			{
-				end_time = start_time + env.delay;
-				if ( end_time >= final_end_time )
-					end_time = final_end_time;
-				//if ( !(regs [12] | regs [11]) )
-				//  debug_printf( "Used envelope period 0\n" );
-			}
-			else if ( !volume )
-			{
-				osc_mode = noise_off | tone_off;
-			}
-		}
-		else if ( !volume )
-		{
-			osc_mode = noise_off | tone_off;
-		}
-		// tone time
-		blip_time_t const period = osc->period;
-		blip_time_t time = start_time + osc->delay;
-		if ( osc_mode & tone_off ) // maintain tone's phase when off
-		{
-			blargg_long count = (final_end_time - time + period - 1) / period;
-			time += count * period;
-			osc->phase ^= count & 1;
-		}
-		// noise time
-		blip_time_t ntime = final_end_time;
-		blargg_ulong noise_lfsr = 1;
-		if ( !(osc_mode & noise_off) )
-		{
-			ntime = start_time + old_noise_delay;
-			noise_lfsr = old_noise_lfsr;
-			//if ( (regs [6] & 0x1F) == 0 )
-			//  debug_printf( "Used noise period 0\n" );
-		}
-		// The following efficiently handles several cases (least demanding first):
-		// * Tone, noise, and envelope disabled, where channel acts as 4-bit DAC
-		// * Just tone or just noise, envelope disabled
-		// * Envelope controlling tone and/or noise
-		// * Tone and noise disabled, envelope enabled with high frequency
-		// * Tone and noise together
-		// * Tone and noise together with envelope
-		// This loop only runs one iteration if envelope is disabled. If envelope
-		// is being used as a waveform (tone and noise disabled), this loop will
-		// still be reasonably efficient since the bulk of it will be skipped.
-		while ( 1 )
-		{
-			// current amplitude
-			int amp = 0;
-			if ( (osc_mode | osc->phase) & 1 & (osc_mode >> 3 | noise_lfsr) )
-				amp = volume;
-			{
-				int delta = amp - osc->last_amp;
-				if ( delta )
-				{
-					osc->last_amp = amp;
-					synth_.offset( start_time, delta, osc_output );
-				}
-			}
-			// Run wave and noise interleved with each catching up to the other.
-			// If one or both are disabled, their "current time" will be past end time,
-			// so there will be no significant performance hit.
-			if ( ntime < end_time || time < end_time )
-			{
-				// Since amplitude was updated above, delta will always be +/- volume,
-				// so we can avoid using last_amp every time to calculate the delta.
-				int delta = amp * 2 - volume;
-				int delta_non_zero = delta != 0;
-				int phase = osc->phase | (osc_mode & tone_off); assert( tone_off == 0x01 );
-				do
-				{
-					// run noise
-					blip_time_t end = end_time;
-					if ( end_time > time ) end = time;
-					if ( phase & delta_non_zero )
-					{
-						while ( ntime <= end ) // must advance *past* time to avoid hang
-						{
-							int changed = noise_lfsr + 1;
-							noise_lfsr = (-(noise_lfsr & 1) & 0x12000) ^ (noise_lfsr >> 1);
-							if ( changed & 2 )
-							{
-								delta = -delta;
-								synth_.offset( ntime, delta, osc_output );
-							}
-							ntime += noise_period;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						// 20 or more noise periods on average for some music
-						blargg_long remain = end - ntime;
-						blargg_long count = remain / noise_period;
-						if ( remain >= 0 )
-							ntime += noise_period + count * noise_period;
-					}
-					// run tone
-					end = end_time;
-					if ( end_time > ntime ) end = ntime;
-					if ( noise_lfsr & delta_non_zero )
-					{
-						while ( time < end )
-						{
-							delta = -delta;
-							synth_.offset( time, delta, osc_output );
-							time += period;
-							//phase ^= 1;
-						}
-						//assert( phase == (delta > 0) );
-						phase = unsigned (-delta) >> (CHAR_BIT * sizeof (unsigned) - 1);
-						// (delta > 0)
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						// loop usually runs less than once
-						//SUB_CASE_COUNTER( (time < end) * (end - time + period - 1) / period );
-						while ( time < end )
-						{
-							time += period;
-							phase ^= 1;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				while ( time < end_time || ntime < end_time );
-				osc->last_amp = (delta + volume) >> 1;
-				if ( !(osc_mode & tone_off) )
-					osc->phase = phase;
-			}
-			if ( end_time >= final_end_time )
-				break; // breaks first time when envelope is disabled
-			// next envelope step
-			if ( ++osc_env_pos >= 0 )
-				osc_env_pos -= 32;
-			volume = env.wave [osc_env_pos] >> half_vol;
-			start_time = end_time;
-			end_time += env_period;
-			if ( end_time > final_end_time )
-				end_time = final_end_time;
-		}
-		osc->delay = time - final_end_time;
-		if ( !(osc_mode & noise_off) )
-		{
-			noise.delay = ntime - final_end_time;
-			noise.lfsr = noise_lfsr;
-		}
-	}
-	// TODO: optimized saw wave envelope?
-	// maintain envelope phase
-	blip_time_t remain = final_end_time - last_time - env.delay;
-	if ( remain >= 0 )
-	{
-		blargg_long count = (remain + env_period) / env_period;
-		env.pos += count;
-		if ( env.pos >= 0 )
-			env.pos = (env.pos & 31) - 32;
-		remain -= count * env_period;
-		assert( -remain <= env_period );
-	}
-	env.delay = -remain;
-	assert( env.delay > 0 );
-	assert( env.pos < 0 );
-	last_time = final_end_time;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Apu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Apu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b031f04733cb4e74881b42da0535ace57c90a8d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Apu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// AY-3-8910 sound chip emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef AY_APU_H
-#define AY_APU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-class Ay_Apu {
-	// Set buffer to generate all sound into, or disable sound if NULL
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* );
-	// Reset sound chip
-	void reset();
-	// Write to register at specified time
-	enum { reg_count = 16 };
-	void write( blip_time_t time, int addr, int data );
-	// Run sound to specified time, end current time frame, then start a new
-	// time frame at time 0. Time frames have no effect on emulation and each
-	// can be whatever length is convenient.
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t length );
-// Additional features
-	// Set sound output of specific oscillator to buffer, where index is
-	// 0, 1, or 2. If buffer is NULL, the specified oscillator is muted.
-	enum { osc_count = 3 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
-	// Set overall volume (default is 1.0)
-	void volume( double );
-	// Set treble equalization (see documentation)
-	void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	Ay_Apu();
-	typedef unsigned char byte;
-	struct osc_t
-	{
-		blip_time_t period;
-		blip_time_t delay;
-		short last_amp;
-		short phase;
-		Blip_Buffer* output;
-	} oscs [osc_count];
-	blip_time_t last_time;
-	byte regs [reg_count];
-	struct {
-		blip_time_t delay;
-		blargg_ulong lfsr;
-	} noise;
-	struct {
-		blip_time_t delay;
-		byte const* wave;
-		int pos;
-		byte modes [8] [48]; // values already passed through volume table
-	} env;
-	void run_until( blip_time_t );
-	void write_data_( int addr, int data );
-	enum { amp_range = 255 };
-	Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> synth_;
-inline void Ay_Apu::volume( double v ) { synth_.volume( 0.7 / osc_count / amp_range * v ); }
-inline void Ay_Apu::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq ) { synth_.treble_eq( eq ); }
-inline void Ay_Apu::write( blip_time_t time, int addr, int data )
-	run_until( time );
-	write_data_( addr, data );
-inline void Ay_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	assert( (unsigned) i < osc_count );
-	oscs [i].output = buf;
-inline void Ay_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	osc_output( 0, buf );
-	osc_output( 1, buf );
-	osc_output( 2, buf );
-inline void Ay_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t time )
-	if ( time > last_time )
-		run_until( time );
-	assert( last_time >= time );
-	last_time -= time;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Cpu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Cpu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 825320d081dd5ec2c8b53fe4a7ea16e3d64bfbff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Cpu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1666 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-Last validated with zexall 2006.11.21 5:26 PM
-* Doesn't implement the R register or immediate interrupt after EI.
-* Address wrap-around isn't completely correct, but is prevented from crashing emulator.
-#include "Ay_Cpu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-//#include "z80_cpu_log.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#define SYNC_TIME()     (void) (s.time = s_time)
-#define RELOAD_TIME()   (void) (s_time = s.time)
-// Callbacks to emulator
-#define CPU_OUT( cpu, addr, data, TIME )\
-	ay_cpu_out( cpu, TIME, addr, data )
-#define CPU_IN( cpu, addr, TIME )\
-	ay_cpu_in( cpu, addr )
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// flags, named with hex value for clarity
-int const S80 = 0x80;
-int const Z40 = 0x40;
-int const F20 = 0x20;
-int const H10 = 0x10;
-int const F08 = 0x08;
-int const V04 = 0x04;
-int const P04 = 0x04;
-int const N02 = 0x02;
-int const C01 = 0x01;
-#define SZ28P( n )  szpc [n]
-#define SZ28PC( n ) szpc [n]
-#define SZ28C( n )  (szpc [n] & ~P04)
-#define SZ28( n )   SZ28C( n )
-#define SET_R( n )  (void) (r.r = n)
-#define GET_R()     (r.r)
-	state = &state_;
-	for ( int i = 0x100; --i >= 0; )
-	{
-		int even = 1;
-		for ( int p = i; p; p >>= 1 )
-			even ^= p;
-		int n = (i & (S80 | F20 | F08)) | ((even & 1) * P04);
-		szpc [i] = n;
-		szpc [i + 0x100] = n | C01;
-	}
-	szpc [0x000] |= Z40;
-	szpc [0x100] |= Z40;
-void Ay_Cpu::reset( void* m )
-	mem = (uint8_t*) m;
-	check( state == &state_ );
-	state = &state_;
-	state_.time = 0;
-	state_.base = 0;
-	end_time_   = 0;
-	memset( &r, 0, sizeof r );
-#define TIME                        (s_time + s.base)
-#define READ_PROG( addr )           (mem [addr])
-#define INSTR( offset )             READ_PROG( pc + (offset) )
-#define GET_ADDR()                  GET_LE16( &READ_PROG( pc ) )
-#define READ( addr )                READ_PROG( addr )
-#define WRITE( addr, data )         (void) (READ_PROG( addr ) = data)
-#define READ_WORD( addr )           GET_LE16( &READ_PROG( addr ) )
-#define WRITE_WORD( addr, data )    SET_LE16( &READ_PROG( addr ), data )
-#define IN( addr )                  CPU_IN( this, addr, TIME )
-#define OUT( addr, data )           CPU_OUT( this, addr, data, TIME )
-	#define R8( n, offset ) ((r8_ - offset) [n]) 
-	#define R8( n, offset ) ((r8_ - offset) [(n) ^ 1]) 
-	#error "Byte order of CPU must be known"
-//#define R16( n, shift, offset )   (r16_ [((n) >> shift) - (offset >> shift)])
-// help compiler see that it can just adjust stack offset, saving an extra instruction
-#define R16( n, shift, offset )\
-	(*(uint16_t*) ((char*) r16_ - (offset >> (shift - 1)) + ((n) >> (shift - 1))))
-#define CASE5( a, b, c, d, e          ) case 0x##a:case 0x##b:case 0x##c:case 0x##d:case 0x##e
-#define CASE6( a, b, c, d, e, f       ) CASE5( a, b, c, d, e       ): case 0x##f
-#define CASE7( a, b, c, d, e, f, g    ) CASE6( a, b, c, d, e, f    ): case 0x##g
-#define CASE8( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ) CASE7( a, b, c, d, e, f, g ): case 0x##h
-// high four bits are $ED time - 8, low four bits are $DD/$FD time - 8
-static byte const ed_dd_timing [0x100] = {
-//0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F
-// even on x86, using short and unsigned char was slower
-typedef int         fint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint8;
-bool Ay_Cpu::run( cpu_time_t end_time )
-	set_end_time( end_time );
-	state_t s = this->state_;
-	this->state = &s;
-	bool warning = false;
-	typedef BOOST::int8_t int8_t;
-	union {
-		regs_t rg;
-		pairs_t rp;
-		uint8_t r8_ [8]; // indexed
-		uint16_t r16_ [4];
-	};
-	rg = this->r.b;
-	cpu_time_t s_time = s.time;
-	uint8_t* const mem = this->mem; // cache
-	fuint16 pc = r.pc;
-	fuint16 sp = r.sp;
-	fuint16 ix = r.ix; // TODO: keep in memory for direct access?
-	fuint16 iy = r.iy;
-	int flags = r.b.flags;
-	goto loop;
-	s_time -= 5;
-	goto loop;
-	s_time -= 7; 
-	pc += 2;
-	check( (unsigned long) pc < 0x10000 );
-	check( (unsigned long) sp < 0x10000 );
-	check( (unsigned) flags < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) ix < 0x10000 );
-	check( (unsigned) iy < 0x10000 );
-	fuint8 opcode;
-	opcode = READ_PROG( pc );
-	pc++;
-	static byte const base_timing [0x100] = {
-	//   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
-		 4,10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4,11, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 0
-		13,10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4,12,11, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 1
-		12,10,16, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4,12,11,16, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 2
-		12,10,13, 6,11,11,10, 4,12,11,13, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 3
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 4
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 5
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 6
-		 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 7
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 8
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 9
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // A
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // B
-		11,10,10,10,17,11, 7,11,11,10,10, 8,17,17, 7,11, // C
-		11,10,10,11,17,11, 7,11,11, 4,10,11,17, 8, 7,11, // D
-		11,10,10,19,17,11, 7,11,11, 4,10, 4,17, 8, 7,11, // E
-		11,10,10, 4,17,11, 7,11,11, 6,10, 4,17, 8, 7,11, // F
-	};
-	fuint16 data;
-	data = base_timing [opcode];
-	if ( (s_time += data) >= 0 )
-		goto possibly_out_of_time;
-	data = READ_PROG( pc );
-	#ifdef Z80_CPU_LOG_H
-		//log_opcode( opcode, READ_PROG( pc ) );
-		z80_log_regs( rg.a, rp.bc, rp.de, rp.hl, sp, ix, iy );
-		z80_cpu_log( "new", pc - 1, opcode, READ_PROG( pc ),
-				READ_PROG( pc + 1 ), READ_PROG( pc + 2 ) );
-	#endif
-	switch ( opcode )
-	{
-		if ( s_time < (int) data )
-			goto almost_out_of_time;
-		s_time -= data;
-		goto out_of_time;
-// Common
-	case 0x00: // NOP
-	CASE7( 40, 49, 52, 5B, 64, 6D, 7F ): // LD B,B etc.
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x08:{// EX AF,AF'
-		int temp = r.alt.b.a;
-		r.alt.b.a = rg.a;
-		rg.a = temp;
-		temp = r.alt.b.flags;
-		r.alt.b.flags = flags;
-		flags = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xD3: // OUT (imm),A
-		pc++;
-		OUT( data + rg.a * 0x100, rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2E: // LD L,imm
-		pc++;
-		rg.l = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3E: // LD A,imm
-		pc++;
-		rg.a = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3A:{// LD A,(addr)
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		rg.a = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Conditional
-#define ZERO    (flags & Z40)
-#define CARRY   (flags & C01)
-#define EVEN    (flags & P04)
-#define MINUS   (flags & S80)
-// JR
-#define JR( cond ) {\
-	int disp = (BOOST::int8_t) data;\
-	pc++;\
-	if ( !(cond) )\
-		goto jr_not_taken;\
-	pc += disp;\
-	goto loop;\
-	case 0x20: JR( !ZERO  ) // JR NZ,disp
-	case 0x28: JR(  ZERO  ) // JR Z,disp
-	case 0x30: JR( !CARRY ) // JR NC,disp
-	case 0x38: JR(  CARRY ) // JR C,disp
-	case 0x18: JR(  true  ) // JR disp
-	case 0x10:{// DJNZ disp
-		int temp = rg.b - 1;
-		rg.b = temp;
-		JR( temp )
-	}
-// JP
-#define JP( cond )  if ( !(cond) ) goto jp_not_taken; pc = GET_ADDR(); goto loop;
-	case 0xC2: JP( !ZERO  ) // JP NZ,addr
-	case 0xCA: JP(  ZERO  ) // JP Z,addr
-	case 0xD2: JP( !CARRY ) // JP NC,addr
-	case 0xDA: JP(  CARRY ) // JP C,addr
-	case 0xE2: JP( !EVEN  ) // JP PO,addr
-	case 0xEA: JP(  EVEN  ) // JP PE,addr
-	case 0xF2: JP( !MINUS ) // JP P,addr
-	case 0xFA: JP(  MINUS ) // JP M,addr
-	case 0xC3: // JP addr
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xE9: // JP HL
-		pc = rp.hl;
-		goto loop;
-// RET
-#define RET( cond ) if ( cond ) goto ret_taken; s_time -= 6; goto loop;
-	case 0xC0: RET( !ZERO  ) // RET NZ
-	case 0xC8: RET(  ZERO  ) // RET Z
-	case 0xD0: RET( !CARRY ) // RET NC
-	case 0xD8: RET(  CARRY ) // RET C
-	case 0xE0: RET( !EVEN  ) // RET PO
-	case 0xE8: RET(  EVEN  ) // RET PE
-	case 0xF0: RET( !MINUS ) // RET P
-	case 0xF8: RET(  MINUS ) // RET M
-	case 0xC9: // RET
-	ret_taken:
-		pc = READ_WORD( sp );
-		sp = uint16_t (sp + 2);
-		goto loop;
-// CALL
-#define CALL( cond ) if ( cond ) goto call_taken; goto call_not_taken;
-	case 0xC4: CALL( !ZERO  ) // CALL NZ,addr
-	case 0xCC: CALL(  ZERO  ) // CALL Z,addr
-	case 0xD4: CALL( !CARRY ) // CALL NC,addr
-	case 0xDC: CALL(  CARRY ) // CALL C,addr
-	case 0xE4: CALL( !EVEN  ) // CALL PO,addr
-	case 0xEC: CALL(  EVEN  ) // CALL PE,addr
-	case 0xF4: CALL( !MINUS ) // CALL P,addr
-	case 0xFC: CALL(  MINUS ) // CALL M,addr
-	case 0xCD:{// CALL addr
-	call_taken:
-		fuint16 addr = pc + 2;
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		sp = uint16_t (sp - 2);
-		WRITE_WORD( sp, addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xFF: // RST
-		if ( (pc - 1) > 0xFFFF )
-		{
-			pc = uint16_t (pc - 1);
-			s_time -= 11;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	CASE7( C7, CF, D7, DF, E7, EF, F7 ):
-		data = pc;
-		pc = opcode & 0x38;
-		goto push_data;
-	case 0xF5: // PUSH AF
-		data = rg.a * 0x100u + flags;
-		goto push_data;
-	case 0xC5: // PUSH BC
-	case 0xD5: // PUSH DE
-	case 0xE5: // PUSH HL
-		data = R16( opcode, 4, 0xC5 );
-	push_data:
-		sp = uint16_t (sp - 2);
-		WRITE_WORD( sp, data );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF1: // POP AF
-		flags = READ( sp );
-		rg.a = READ( sp + 1 );
-		sp = uint16_t (sp + 2);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC1: // POP BC
-	case 0xD1: // POP DE
-	case 0xE1: // POP HL
-		R16( opcode, 4, 0xC1 ) = READ_WORD( sp );
-		sp = uint16_t (sp + 2);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x96: // SUB (HL)
-	case 0x86: // ADD (HL)
-		flags &= ~C01;
-	case 0x9E: // SBC (HL)
-	case 0x8E: // ADC (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto adc_data;
-	case 0xD6: // SUB A,imm
-	case 0xC6: // ADD imm
-		flags &= ~C01;
-	case 0xDE: // SBC A,imm
-	case 0xCE: // ADC imm
-		pc++;
-		goto adc_data;
-	CASE7( 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97 ): // SUB r
-	CASE7( 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 ): // ADD r
-		flags &= ~C01;
-	CASE7( 98, 99, 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9F ): // SBC r
-	CASE7( 88, 89, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8F ): // ADC r
-		data = R8( opcode & 7, 0 );
-	adc_data: {
-		int result = data + (flags & C01);
-		data ^= rg.a;
-		flags = opcode >> 3 & N02; // bit 4 is set in subtract opcodes
-		if ( flags )
-			result = -result;
-		result += rg.a;
-		data ^= result;
-		flags |=(data & H10) |
-				((data - -0x80) >> 6 & V04) |
-				SZ28C( result & 0x1FF );
-		rg.a = result;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// CP
-	case 0xBE: // CP (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto cp_data;
-	case 0xFE: // CP imm
-		pc++;
-		goto cp_data;
-	CASE7( B8, B9, BA, BB, BC, BD, BF ): // CP r
-		data = R8( opcode, 0xB8 );
-	cp_data: {
-		int result = rg.a - data;
-		flags = N02 | (data & (F20 | F08)) | (result >> 8 & C01);
-		data ^= rg.a;
-		flags |=(((result ^ rg.a) & data) >> 5 & V04) |
-				(((data & H10) ^ result) & (S80 | H10));
-		if ( (uint8_t) result )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= Z40;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// ADD HL,rp
-	case 0x39: // ADD HL,SP
-		data = sp;
-		goto add_hl_data;
-	case 0x09: // ADD HL,BC
-	case 0x19: // ADD HL,DE
-	case 0x29: // ADD HL,HL
-		data = R16( opcode, 4, 0x09 );
-	add_hl_data: {
-		blargg_ulong sum = rp.hl + data;
-		data ^= rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = sum;
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | V04)) |
-				(sum >> 16) |
-				(sum >> 8 & (F20 | F08)) |
-				((data ^ sum) >> 8 & H10);
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x27:{// DAA
-		int a = rg.a;
-		if ( a > 0x99 )
-			flags |= C01;
-		int adjust = 0x60 & -(flags & C01);
-		if ( flags & H10 || (a & 0x0F) > 9 )
-			adjust |= 0x06;
-		if ( flags & N02 )
-			adjust = -adjust;
-		a += adjust;
-		flags = (flags & (C01 | N02)) |
-				((rg.a ^ a) & H10) |
-				SZ28P( (uint8_t) a );
-		rg.a = a;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	/*
-	case 0x27:{// DAA
-		// more optimized, but probably not worth the obscurity
-		int f = (rg.a + (0xFF - 0x99)) >> 8 | flags; // (a > 0x99 ? C01 : 0) | flags
-		int adjust = 0x60 & -(f & C01); // f & C01 ? 0x60 : 0
-		if ( (((rg.a + (0x0F - 9)) ^ rg.a) | f) & H10 ) // flags & H10 || (rg.a & 0x0F) > 9
-			adjust |= 0x06;
-		if ( f & N02 )
-			adjust = -adjust;
-		int a = rg.a + adjust;
-		flags = (f & (N02 | C01)) | ((rg.a ^ a) & H10) | SZ28P( (uint8_t) a );
-		rg.a = a;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	*/
-	case 0x34: // INC (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl ) + 1;
-		WRITE( rp.hl, data );
-		goto inc_set_flags;
-	CASE7( 04, 0C, 14, 1C, 24, 2C, 3C ): // INC r
-		data = ++R8( opcode >> 3, 0 );
-	inc_set_flags:
-		flags = (flags & C01) |
-				(((data & 0x0F) - 1) & H10) |
-				SZ28( (uint8_t) data );
-		if ( data != 0x80 )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= V04;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x35: // DEC (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl ) - 1;
-		WRITE( rp.hl, data );
-		goto dec_set_flags;
-	CASE7( 05, 0D, 15, 1D, 25, 2D, 3D ): // DEC r
-		data = --R8( opcode >> 3, 0 );
-	dec_set_flags:
-		flags = (flags & C01) | N02 |
-				(((data & 0x0F) + 1) & H10) |
-				SZ28( (uint8_t) data );
-		if ( data != 0x7F )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= V04;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x03: // INC BC
-	case 0x13: // INC DE
-	case 0x23: // INC HL
-		R16( opcode, 4, 0x03 )++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x33: // INC SP
-		sp = uint16_t (sp + 1);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0B: // DEC BC
-	case 0x1B: // DEC DE
-	case 0x2B: // DEC HL
-		R16( opcode, 4, 0x0B )--;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3B: // DEC SP
-		sp = uint16_t (sp - 1);
-		goto loop;
-// AND
-	case 0xA6: // AND (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto and_data;
-	case 0xE6: // AND imm
-		pc++;
-		goto and_data;
-	CASE7( A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7 ): // AND r
-		data = R8( opcode, 0xA0 );
-	and_data:
-		rg.a &= data;
-		flags = SZ28P( rg.a ) | H10;
-		goto loop;
-// OR
-	case 0xB6: // OR (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto or_data;
-	case 0xF6: // OR imm
-		pc++;
-		goto or_data;
-	CASE7( B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B7 ): // OR r
-		data = R8( opcode, 0xB0 );
-	or_data:
-		rg.a |= data;
-		flags = SZ28P( rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-// XOR
-	case 0xAE: // XOR (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto xor_data;
-	case 0xEE: // XOR imm
-		pc++;
-		goto xor_data;
-	CASE7( A8, A9, AA, AB, AC, AD, AF ): // XOR r
-		data = R8( opcode, 0xA8 );
-	xor_data:
-		rg.a ^= data;
-		flags = SZ28P( rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-// LD
-	CASE7( 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 ): // LD (HL),r
-		WRITE( rp.hl, R8( opcode, 0x70 ) );
-		goto loop;
-	CASE6( 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 ): // LD B,r
-	CASE6( 48, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4F ): // LD C,r
-	CASE6( 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57 ): // LD D,r
-	CASE6( 58, 59, 5A, 5C, 5D, 5F ): // LD E,r
-	CASE6( 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67 ): // LD H,r
-	CASE6( 68, 69, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6F ): // LD L,r
-	CASE6( 78, 79, 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D ): // LD A,r
-		R8( opcode >> 3 & 7, 0 ) = R8( opcode & 7, 0 );
-		goto loop;
-	CASE5( 06, 0E, 16, 1E, 26 ): // LD r,imm
-		R8( opcode >> 3, 0 ) = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x36: // LD (HL),imm
-		pc++;
-		WRITE( rp.hl, data );
-		goto loop;
-	CASE7( 46, 4E, 56, 5E, 66, 6E, 7E ): // LD r,(HL)
-		R8( opcode >> 3, 8 ) = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x01: // LD rp,imm
-	case 0x11:
-	case 0x21:
-		R16( opcode, 4, 0x01 ) = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x31: // LD sp,imm
-		sp = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2A:{// LD HL,(addr)
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		rp.hl = READ_WORD( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x32:{// LD (addr),A
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE( addr, rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x22:{// LD (addr),HL
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE_WORD( addr, rp.hl );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x02: // LD (BC),A
-	case 0x12: // LD (DE),A
-		WRITE( R16( opcode, 4, 0x02 ), rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0A: // LD A,(BC)
-	case 0x1A: // LD A,(DE)
-		rg.a = READ( R16( opcode, 4, 0x0A ) );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF9: // LD SP,HL
-		sp = rp.hl;
-		goto loop;
-// Rotate
-	case 0x07:{// RLCA
-		fuint16 temp = rg.a;
-		temp = (temp << 1) | (temp >> 7);
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) |
-				(temp & (F20 | F08 | C01));
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x0F:{// RRCA
-		fuint16 temp = rg.a;
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) |
-				(temp & C01);
-		temp = (temp << 7) | (temp >> 1);
-		flags |= temp & (F20 | F08);
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x17:{// RLA
-		blargg_ulong temp = (rg.a << 1) | (flags & C01);
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) |
-				(temp & (F20 | F08)) |
-				(temp >> 8);
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x1F:{// RRA
-		fuint16 temp = (flags << 7) | (rg.a >> 1);
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) |
-				(temp & (F20 | F08)) |
-				(rg.a & C01);
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Misc
-	case 0x2F:{// CPL
-		fuint16 temp = ~rg.a;
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04 | C01)) |
-				(temp & (F20 | F08)) |
-				(H10 | N02);
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x3F:{// CCF
-		flags = ((flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04 | C01)) ^ C01) |
-				(flags << 4 & H10) |
-				(rg.a & (F20 | F08));
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x37: // SCF
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) | C01 |
-				(rg.a & (F20 | F08));
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xDB: // IN A,(imm)
-		pc++;
-		rg.a = IN( data + rg.a * 0x100 );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xE3:{// EX (SP),HL
-		fuint16 temp = READ_WORD( sp );
-		WRITE_WORD( sp, rp.hl );
-		rp.hl = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xEB:{// EX DE,HL
-		fuint16 temp = rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = rp.de;
-		rp.de = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xD9:{// EXX DE,HL
-		fuint16 temp = r.alt.w.bc;
-		r.alt.w.bc = rp.bc;
-		rp.bc = temp;
-		temp = r.alt.w.de;
-		r.alt.w.de = rp.de;
-		rp.de = temp;
-		temp = r.alt.w.hl;
-		r.alt.w.hl = rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xF3: // DI
-		r.iff1 = 0;
-		r.iff2 = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFB: // EI
-		r.iff1 = 1;
-		r.iff2 = 1;
-		// TODO: delayed effect
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x76: // HALT
-		goto halt;
-//////////////////////////////////////// CB prefix
-	{
-	case 0xCB:
-		unsigned data2;
-		data2 = INSTR( 1 );
-		(void) data2; // TODO is this the same as data in all cases?
-		pc++;
-		switch ( data )
-		{
-	// Rotate left
-	#define RLC( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		result = uint8_t (result << 1) | (result >> 7);\
-		flags = SZ28P( result ) | (result & C01);\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x06: // RLC (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		rlc_data_addr:
-			RLC( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07 ):{// RLC r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0 );
-			RLC( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define RL( read, write ) {\
-		fuint16 result = (read << 1) | (flags & C01);\
-		flags = SZ28PC( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x16: // RL (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		rl_data_addr:
-			RL( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 ):{// RL r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x10 );
-			RL( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define SLA( read, add, write ) {\
-		fuint16 result = (read << 1) | add;\
-		flags = SZ28PC( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x26: // SLA (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		sla_data_addr:
-			SLA( READ( data ), 0, WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27 ):{// SLA r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x20 );
-			SLA( reg, 0, reg = result )
-		}
-		case 0x36: // SLL (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		sll_data_addr:
-			SLA( READ( data ), 1, WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 ):{// SLL r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x30 );
-			SLA( reg, 1, reg = result )
-		}
-	// Rotate right
-	#define RRC( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		flags = result & C01;\
-		result = uint8_t (result << 7) | (result >> 1);\
-		flags |= SZ28P( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x0E: // RRC (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		rrc_data_addr:
-			RRC( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0F ):{// RRC r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x08 );
-			RRC( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define RR( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		fuint8 temp = result & C01;\
-		result = uint8_t (flags << 7) | (result >> 1);\
-		flags = SZ28P( result ) | temp;\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x1E: // RR (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		rr_data_addr:
-			RR( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 18, 19, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1F ):{// RR r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x18 );
-			RR( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define SRA( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		flags = result & C01;\
-		result = (result & 0x80) | (result >> 1);\
-		flags |= SZ28P( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x2E: // SRA (HL)
-			data = rp.hl;
-			s_time += 7;
-		sra_data_addr:
-			SRA( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 28, 29, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2F ):{// SRA r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x28 );
-			SRA( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define SRL( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		flags = result & C01;\
-		result >>= 1;\
-		flags |= SZ28P( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x3E: // SRL (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		srl_data_addr:
-			SRL( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 38, 39, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3F ):{// SRL r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x38 );
-			SRL( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	// BIT
-		{
-			unsigned temp;
-		CASE8( 46, 4E, 56, 5E, 66, 6E, 76, 7E ): // BIT b,(HL)
-			s_time += 4;
-			temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			flags &= C01;
-			goto bit_temp;
-		CASE7( 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 ): // BIT 0,r
-		CASE7( 48, 49, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4F ): // BIT 1,r
-		CASE7( 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57 ): // BIT 2,r
-		CASE7( 58, 59, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5F ): // BIT 3,r
-		CASE7( 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67 ): // BIT 4,r
-		CASE7( 68, 69, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6F ): // BIT 5,r
-		CASE7( 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 ): // BIT 6,r
-		CASE7( 78, 79, 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7F ): // BIT 7,r
-			temp = R8( data & 7, 0 );
-			flags = (flags & C01) | (temp & (F20 | F08));
-		bit_temp:
-			int masked = temp & 1 << (data >> 3 & 7);
-			flags |=(masked & S80) | H10 |
-					((masked - 1) >> 8 & (Z40 | P04));
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	// SET/RES
-		CASE8( 86, 8E, 96, 9E, A6, AE, B6, BE ): // RES b,(HL)
-		CASE8( C6, CE, D6, DE, E6, EE, F6, FE ):{// SET b,(HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			int temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			int bit = 1 << (data >> 3 & 7);
-			temp |= bit; // SET
-			if ( !(data & 0x40) )
-				temp ^= bit; // RES
-			WRITE( rp.hl, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		CASE7( C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C7 ): // SET 0,r
-		CASE7( C8, C9, CA, CB, CC, CD, CF ): // SET 1,r
-		CASE7( D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7 ): // SET 2,r
-		CASE7( D8, D9, DA, DB, DC, DD, DF ): // SET 3,r
-		CASE7( E0, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E7 ): // SET 4,r
-		CASE7( E8, E9, EA, EB, EC, ED, EF ): // SET 5,r
-		CASE7( F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F7 ): // SET 6,r
-		CASE7( F8, F9, FA, FB, FC, FD, FF ): // SET 7,r
-			R8( data & 7, 0 ) |= 1 << (data >> 3 & 7);
-			goto loop;
-		CASE7( 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 ): // RES 0,r
-		CASE7( 88, 89, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8F ): // RES 1,r
-		CASE7( 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97 ): // RES 2,r
-		CASE7( 98, 99, 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9F ): // RES 3,r
-		CASE7( A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7 ): // RES 4,r
-		CASE7( A8, A9, AA, AB, AC, AD, AF ): // RES 5,r
-		CASE7( B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B7 ): // RES 6,r
-		CASE7( B8, B9, BA, BB, BC, BD, BF ): // RES 7,r
-			R8( data & 7, 0 ) &= ~(1 << (data >> 3 & 7));
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		assert( false );
-	}
-//////////////////////////////////////// ED prefix
-	{
-	case 0xED:
-		pc++;
-		s_time += ed_dd_timing [data] >> 4;
-		switch ( data )
-		{
-		{
-			blargg_ulong temp;
-		case 0x72: // SBC HL,SP
-		case 0x7A: // ADC HL,SP
-			temp = sp;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0x42: // SBC HL,BC
-		case 0x52: // SBC HL,DE
-		case 0x62: // SBC HL,HL
-		case 0x4A: // ADC HL,BC
-		case 0x5A: // ADC HL,DE
-		case 0x6A: // ADC HL,HL
-				temp = R16( data >> 3 & 6, 1, 0 );
-			blargg_ulong sum = temp + (flags & C01);
-			flags = ~data >> 2 & N02;
-			if ( flags )
-				sum = -sum;
-			sum += rp.hl;
-			temp ^= rp.hl;
-			temp ^= sum;
-			flags |=(sum >> 16 & C01) |
-					(temp >> 8 & H10) |
-					(sum >> 8 & (S80 | F20 | F08)) |
-					((temp - -0x8000) >> 14 & V04);
-			rp.hl = sum;
-			if ( (uint16_t) sum )
-				goto loop;
-			flags |= Z40;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		CASE8( 40, 48, 50, 58, 60, 68, 70, 78 ):{// IN r,(C)
-			int temp = IN( rp.bc );
-			R8( data >> 3, 8 ) = temp;
-			flags = (flags & C01) | SZ28P( temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x71: // OUT (C),0
-			rg.flags = 0;
-		CASE7( 41, 49, 51, 59, 61, 69, 79 ): // OUT (C),r
-			OUT( rp.bc, R8( data >> 3, 8 ) );
-			goto loop;
-		{
-			unsigned temp;
-		case 0x73: // LD (ADDR),SP
-			temp = sp;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0x43: // LD (ADDR),BC
-		case 0x53: // LD (ADDR),DE
-				temp = R16( data, 4, 0x43 );
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			WRITE_WORD( addr, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x4B: // LD BC,(ADDR)
-		case 0x5B:{// LD DE,(ADDR)
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			R16( data, 4, 0x4B ) = READ_WORD( addr );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x7B:{// LD SP,(ADDR)
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			sp = READ_WORD( addr );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x67:{// RRD
-			fuint8 temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			WRITE( rp.hl, (rg.a << 4) | (temp >> 4) );
-			temp = (rg.a & 0xF0) | (temp & 0x0F);
-			flags = (flags & C01) | SZ28P( temp );
-			rg.a = temp;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x6F:{// RLD
-			fuint8 temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			WRITE( rp.hl, (temp << 4) | (rg.a & 0x0F) );
-			temp = (rg.a & 0xF0) | (temp >> 4);
-			flags = (flags & C01) | SZ28P( temp );
-			rg.a = temp;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		CASE8( 44, 4C, 54, 5C, 64, 6C, 74, 7C ): // NEG
-			opcode = 0x10; // flag to do SBC instead of ADC
-			flags &= ~C01;
-			data = rg.a;
-			rg.a = 0;
-			goto adc_data;
-		{
-			int inc;
-		case 0xA9: // CPD
-		case 0xB9: // CPDR
-			inc = -1;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0xA1: // CPI
-		case 0xB1: // CPIR
-				inc = +1;
-			fuint16 addr = rp.hl;
-			rp.hl = addr + inc;
-			int temp = READ( addr );
-			int result = rg.a - temp;
-			flags = (flags & C01) | N02 |
-					((((temp ^ rg.a) & H10) ^ result) & (S80 | H10));
-			if ( !(uint8_t) result ) flags |= Z40;
-			result -= (flags & H10) >> 4;
-			flags |= result & F08;
-			flags |= result << 4 & F20;
-			if ( !--rp.bc )
-				goto loop;
-			flags |= V04;
-			if ( flags & Z40 || data < 0xB0 )
-				goto loop;
-			pc -= 2;
-			s_time += 5;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		{
-			int inc;
-		case 0xA8: // LDD
-		case 0xB8: // LDDR
-			inc = -1;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0xA0: // LDI
-		case 0xB0: // LDIR
-				inc = +1;
-			fuint16 addr = rp.hl;
-			rp.hl = addr + inc;
-			int temp = READ( addr );
-			addr = rp.de;
-			rp.de = addr + inc;
-			WRITE( addr, temp );
-			temp += rg.a;
-			flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | C01)) |
-					(temp & F08) | (temp << 4 & F20);
-			if ( !--rp.bc )
-				goto loop;
-			flags |= V04;
-			if ( data < 0xB0 )
-				goto loop;
-			pc -= 2;
-			s_time += 5;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		{
-			int inc;
-		case 0xAB: // OUTD
-		case 0xBB: // OTDR
-			inc = -1;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0xA3: // OUTI
-		case 0xB3: // OTIR
-				inc = +1;
-			fuint16 addr = rp.hl;
-			rp.hl = addr + inc;
-			int temp = READ( addr );
-			int b = --rg.b;
-			flags = (temp >> 6 & N02) | SZ28( b );
-			if ( b && data >= 0xB0 )
-			{
-				pc -= 2;
-				s_time += 5;
-			}
-			OUT( rp.bc, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		{
-			int inc;
-		case 0xAA: // IND
-		case 0xBA: // INDR
-			inc = -1;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0xA2: // INI
-		case 0xB2: // INIR
-				inc = +1;
-			fuint16 addr = rp.hl;
-			rp.hl = addr + inc;
-			int temp = IN( rp.bc );
-			int b = --rg.b;
-			flags = (temp >> 6 & N02) | SZ28( b );
-			if ( b && data >= 0xB0 )
-			{
-				pc -= 2;
-				s_time += 5;
-			}
-			WRITE( addr, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x47: // LD I,A
-			r.i = rg.a;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x4F: // LD R,A
-			SET_R( rg.a );
-			debug_printf( "LD R,A not supported\n" );
-			warning = true;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x57: // LD A,I
-			rg.a = r.i;
-			goto ld_ai_common;
-		case 0x5F: // LD A,R
-			rg.a = GET_R();
-			debug_printf( "LD A,R not supported\n" );
-			warning = true;
-		ld_ai_common:
-			flags = (flags & C01) | SZ28( rg.a ) | (r.iff2 << 2 & V04);
-			goto loop;
-		CASE8( 45, 4D, 55, 5D, 65, 6D, 75, 7D ): // RETI/RETN
-			r.iff1 = r.iff2;
-			goto ret_taken;
-		case 0x46: case 0x4E: case 0x66: case 0x6E: // IM 0
-			r.im = 0;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x56: case 0x76: // IM 1
-			r.im = 1;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x5E: case 0x7E: // IM 2
-			r.im = 2;
-			goto loop;
-		default:
-			debug_printf( "Opcode $ED $%02X not supported\n", data );
-			warning = true;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		assert( false );
-	}
-//////////////////////////////////////// DD/FD prefix
-	{
-	fuint16 ixy;
-	case 0xDD:
-		ixy = ix;
-		goto ix_prefix;
-	case 0xFD:
-		ixy = iy;
-	ix_prefix:
-		pc++;
-		unsigned data2 = READ_PROG( pc );
-		s_time += ed_dd_timing [data] & 0x0F;
-		switch ( data )
-		{
-	// TODO: more efficient way of avoid negative address
-	#define IXY_DISP( ixy, disp )   uint16_t ((ixy) + (disp))
-	#define SET_IXY( in ) if ( opcode == 0xDD ) ix = in; else iy = in;
-		case 0x96: // SUB (IXY+disp)
-		case 0x86: // ADD (IXY+disp)
-			flags &= ~C01;
-		case 0x9E: // SBC (IXY+disp)
-		case 0x8E: // ADC (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			opcode = data;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto adc_data;
-		case 0x94: // SUB HXY
-		case 0x84: // ADD HXY
-			flags &= ~C01;
-		case 0x9C: // SBC HXY
-		case 0x8C: // ADC HXY
-			opcode = data;
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto adc_data;
-		case 0x95: // SUB LXY
-		case 0x85: // ADD LXY
-			flags &= ~C01;
-		case 0x9D: // SBC LXY
-		case 0x8D: // ADC LXY
-			opcode = data;
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto adc_data;
-		{
-			unsigned temp;
-		case 0x39: // ADD IXY,SP
-			temp = sp;
-			goto add_ixy_data;
-		case 0x29: // ADD IXY,HL
-			temp = ixy;
-			goto add_ixy_data;
-		case 0x09: // ADD IXY,BC
-		case 0x19: // ADD IXY,DE
-			temp = R16( data, 4, 0x09 );
-		add_ixy_data: {
-			blargg_ulong sum = ixy + temp;
-			temp ^= ixy;
-			ixy = (uint16_t) sum;
-			flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | V04)) |
-					(sum >> 16) |
-					(sum >> 8 & (F20 | F08)) |
-					((temp ^ sum) >> 8 & H10);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		}
-		}
-	// AND
-		case 0xA6: // AND (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto and_data;
-		case 0xA4: // AND HXY
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto and_data;
-		case 0xA5: // AND LXY
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto and_data;
-	// OR
-		case 0xB6: // OR (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto or_data;
-		case 0xB4: // OR HXY
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto or_data;
-		case 0xB5: // OR LXY
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto or_data;
-	// XOR
-		case 0xAE: // XOR (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto xor_data;
-		case 0xAC: // XOR HXY
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto xor_data;
-		case 0xAD: // XOR LXY
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto xor_data;
-	// CP
-		case 0xBE: // CP (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 )  );
-			goto cp_data;
-		case 0xBC: // CP HXY
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto cp_data;
-		case 0xBD: // CP LXY
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto cp_data;
-	// LD
-		CASE7( 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 ): // LD (IXY+disp),r
-			data = R8( data, 0x70 );
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0x36: // LD (IXY+disp),imm
-				pc++, data = READ_PROG( pc );
-			pc++;
-			WRITE( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ), data );
-			goto loop;
-		CASE5( 44, 4C, 54, 5C, 7C ): // LD r,HXY
-			R8( data >> 3, 8 ) = ixy >> 8;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x64: // LD HXY,HXY
-		case 0x6D: // LD LXY,LXY
-			goto loop;
-		CASE5( 45, 4D, 55, 5D, 7D ): // LD r,LXY
-			R8( data >> 3, 8 ) = ixy;
-			goto loop;
-		CASE7( 46, 4E, 56, 5E, 66, 6E, 7E ): // LD r,(IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			R8( data >> 3, 8 ) = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x26: // LD HXY,imm
-			pc++;
-			goto ld_hxy_data;
-		case 0x65: // LD HXY,LXY
-			data2 = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto ld_hxy_data;
-		CASE5( 60, 61, 62, 63, 67 ): // LD HXY,r
-			data2 = R8( data, 0x60 );
-		ld_hxy_data:
-			ixy = (uint8_t) ixy | (data2 << 8);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		case 0x2E: // LD LXY,imm
-			pc++;
-			goto ld_lxy_data;
-		case 0x6C: // LD LXY,HXY
-			data2 = ixy >> 8;
-			goto ld_lxy_data;
-		CASE5( 68, 69, 6A, 6B, 6F ): // LD LXY,r
-			data2 = R8( data, 0x68 );
-		ld_lxy_data:
-			ixy = (ixy & 0xFF00) | data2;
-		set_ixy:
-			if ( opcode == 0xDD )
-			{
-				ix = ixy;
-				goto loop;
-			}
-			iy = ixy;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0xF9: // LD SP,IXY
-			sp = ixy;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x22:{// LD (ADDR),IXY
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			WRITE_WORD( addr, ixy );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x21: // LD IXY,imm
-			ixy = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			goto set_ixy;
-		case 0x2A:{// LD IXY,(addr)
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			ixy = READ_WORD( addr );
-			pc += 2;
-			goto set_ixy;
-		}
-	// DD/FD CB prefix
-		case 0xCB: {
-			data = IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 );
-			pc++;
-			data2 = READ_PROG( pc );
-			pc++;
-			switch ( data2 )
-			{
-			case 0x06: goto rlc_data_addr; // RLC (IXY)
-			case 0x16: goto rl_data_addr;  // RL (IXY)
-			case 0x26: goto sla_data_addr; // SLA (IXY)
-			case 0x36: goto sll_data_addr; // SLL (IXY)
-			case 0x0E: goto rrc_data_addr; // RRC (IXY)
-			case 0x1E: goto rr_data_addr;  // RR (IXY)
-			case 0x2E: goto sra_data_addr; // SRA (IXY)
-			case 0x3E: goto srl_data_addr; // SRL (IXY)
-			CASE8( 46, 4E, 56, 5E, 66, 6E, 76, 7E ):{// BIT b,(IXY+disp)
-				fuint8 temp = READ( data );
-				int masked = temp & 1 << (data2 >> 3 & 7);
-				flags = (flags & C01) | H10 |
-						(masked & S80) |
-						((masked - 1) >> 8 & (Z40 | P04));
-				goto loop;
-			}
-			CASE8( 86, 8E, 96, 9E, A6, AE, B6, BE ): // RES b,(IXY+disp)
-			CASE8( C6, CE, D6, DE, E6, EE, F6, FE ):{// SET b,(IXY+disp)
-				int temp = READ( data );
-				int bit = 1 << (data2 >> 3 & 7);
-				temp |= bit; // SET
-				if ( !(data2 & 0x40) )
-					temp ^= bit; // RES
-				WRITE( data, temp );
-				goto loop;
-			}
-			default:
-				debug_printf( "Opcode $%02X $CB $%02X not supported\n", opcode, data2 );
-				warning = true;
-				goto loop;
-			}
-			assert( false );
-		}
-	// INC/DEC
-		case 0x23: // INC IXY
-			ixy = uint16_t (ixy + 1);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		case 0x2B: // DEC IXY
-			ixy = uint16_t (ixy - 1);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		case 0x34: // INC (IXY+disp)
-			ixy = IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 );
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( ixy ) + 1;
-			WRITE( ixy, data );
-			goto inc_set_flags;
-		case 0x35: // DEC (IXY+disp)
-			ixy = IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 );
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( ixy ) - 1;
-			WRITE( ixy, data );
-			goto dec_set_flags;
-		case 0x24: // INC HXY
-			ixy = uint16_t (ixy + 0x100);
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto inc_xy_common;
-		case 0x2C: // INC LXY
-			data = uint8_t (ixy + 1);
-			ixy = (ixy & 0xFF00) | data;
-		inc_xy_common:
-			if ( opcode == 0xDD )
-			{
-				ix = ixy;
-				goto inc_set_flags;
-			}
-			iy = ixy;
-			goto inc_set_flags;
-		case 0x25: // DEC HXY
-			ixy = uint16_t (ixy - 0x100);
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto dec_xy_common;
-		case 0x2D: // DEC LXY
-			data = uint8_t (ixy - 1);
-			ixy = (ixy & 0xFF00) | data;
-		dec_xy_common:
-			if ( opcode == 0xDD )
-			{
-				ix = ixy;
-				goto dec_set_flags;
-			}
-			iy = ixy;
-			goto dec_set_flags;
-		case 0xE5: // PUSH IXY
-			data = ixy;
-			goto push_data;
-		case 0xE1:{// POP IXY
-			ixy = READ_WORD( sp );
-			sp = uint16_t (sp + 2);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		}
-	// Misc
-		case 0xE9: // JP (IXY)
-			pc = ixy;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0xE3:{// EX (SP),IXY
-			fuint16 temp = READ_WORD( sp );
-			WRITE_WORD( sp, ixy );
-			ixy = temp;
-			goto set_ixy;
-		}
-		default:
-			debug_printf( "Unnecessary DD/FD prefix encountered\n" );
-			warning = true;
-			pc--;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		assert( false );
-	}
-	}
-	debug_printf( "Unhandled main opcode: $%02X\n", opcode );
-	assert( false );
-	s_time &= 3; // increment by multiple of 4
-	pc--;
-	s.time   = s_time;
-	rg.flags = flags;
-	r.ix     = ix;
-	r.iy     = iy;
-	r.sp     = sp;
-	r.pc     = pc;
-	this->r.b = rg;
-	this->state_ = s;
-	this->state = &this->state_;
-	return warning;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Cpu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Cpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3d66747975e7127a2f3285736a5d6bc87a805f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Cpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Z80 CPU emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef AY_CPU_H
-#define AY_CPU_H
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-typedef blargg_long cpu_time_t;
-// must be defined by caller
-void ay_cpu_out( class Ay_Cpu*, cpu_time_t, unsigned addr, int data );
-int ay_cpu_in( class Ay_Cpu*, unsigned addr );
-class Ay_Cpu {
-	// Clear all registers and keep pointer to 64K memory passed in
-	void reset( void* mem_64k );
-	// Run until specified time is reached. Returns true if suspicious/unsupported
-	// instruction was encountered at any point during run.
-	bool run( cpu_time_t end_time );
-	// Time of beginning of next instruction
-	cpu_time_t time() const             { return state->time + state->base; }
-	// Alter current time. Not supported during run() call.
-	void set_time( cpu_time_t t )       { state->time = t - state->base; }
-	void adjust_time( int delta )       { state->time += delta; }
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t uint8_t;
-	typedef BOOST::uint16_t uint16_t;
-		struct regs_t { uint8_t b, c, d, e, h, l, flags, a; };
-	#else
-		struct regs_t { uint8_t c, b, e, d, l, h, a, flags; };
-	#endif
-	BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (regs_t) == 8 );
-	struct pairs_t { uint16_t bc, de, hl, fa; };
-	// Registers are not updated until run() returns
-	struct registers_t {
-		uint16_t pc;
-		uint16_t sp;
-		uint16_t ix;
-		uint16_t iy;
-		union {
-			regs_t b; //  b.b, b.c, b.d, b.e, b.h, b.l, b.flags, b.a
-			pairs_t w; // w.bc, w.de, w.hl. w.fa
-		};
-		union {
-			regs_t b;
-			pairs_t w;
-		} alt;
-		uint8_t iff1;
-		uint8_t iff2;
-		uint8_t r;
-		uint8_t i;
-		uint8_t im;
-	};
-	//registers_t r; (below for efficiency)
-	// can read this far past end of memory
-	enum { cpu_padding = 0x100 };
-	Ay_Cpu();
-	uint8_t szpc [0x200];
-	uint8_t* mem;
-	cpu_time_t end_time_;
-	struct state_t {
-		cpu_time_t base;
-		cpu_time_t time;
-	};
-	state_t* state; // points to state_ or a local copy within run()
-	state_t state_;
-	void set_end_time( cpu_time_t t );
-	registers_t r;
-inline void Ay_Cpu::set_end_time( cpu_time_t t )
-	cpu_time_t delta = state->base - t;
-	state->base = t;
-	state->time += delta;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 43670d1bd62c80c70bd04a4e7099cbeab681b82b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Ay_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-long const spectrum_clock = 3546900;
-long const cpc_clock      = 2000000;
-unsigned const ram_start = 0x4000;
-int const osc_count = Ay_Apu::osc_count + 1;
-	beeper_output = 0;
-	set_type( gme_ay_type );
-	static const char* const names [osc_count] = {
-		"Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3", "Beeper"
-	};
-	set_voice_names( names );
-	static int const types [osc_count] = {
-		wave_type | 0, wave_type | 1, wave_type | 2, mixed_type | 0
-	};
-	set_voice_types( types );
-	set_silence_lookahead( 6 );
-Ay_Emu::~Ay_Emu() { }
-// Track info
-static byte const* get_data( Ay_Emu::file_t const& file, byte const* ptr, int min_size )
-	long pos = ptr - (byte const*) file.header;
-	long file_size = file.end - (byte const*) file.header;
-	assert( (unsigned long) pos <= (unsigned long) file_size - 2 );
-	int offset = (BOOST::int16_t) get_be16( ptr );
-	if ( !offset || blargg_ulong (pos + offset) > blargg_ulong (file_size - min_size) )
-		return 0;
-	return ptr + offset;
-static blargg_err_t parse_header( byte const* in, long size, Ay_Emu::file_t* out )
-	typedef Ay_Emu::header_t header_t;
-	out->header = (header_t const*) in;
-	out->end    = in + size;
-	if ( size < Ay_Emu::header_size )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	header_t const& h = *(header_t const*) in;
-	if ( memcmp( h.tag, "ZXAYEMUL", 8 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	out->tracks = get_data( *out, h.track_info, (h.max_track + 1) * 4 );
-	if ( !out->tracks )
-		return "Missing track data";
-	return 0;
-static void copy_ay_fields( Ay_Emu::file_t const& file, track_info_t* out, int track )
-	Gme_File::copy_field_( out->song, (char const*) get_data( file, file.tracks + track * 4, 1 ) );
-	byte const* track_info = get_data( file, file.tracks + track * 4 + 2, 6 );
-	if ( track_info )
-		out->length = get_be16( track_info + 4 ) * (1000L / 50); // frames to msec
-	Gme_File::copy_field_( out->author,  (char const*) get_data( file, file.header->author, 1 ) );
-	Gme_File::copy_field_( out->comment, (char const*) get_data( file, file.header->comment, 1 ) );
-blargg_err_t Ay_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
-	copy_ay_fields( file, out, track );
-	return 0;
-struct Ay_File : Gme_Info_
-	Ay_Emu::file_t file;
-	Ay_File() { set_type( gme_ay_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const* begin, long size )
-	{
-		RETURN_ERR( parse_header( begin, size, &file ) );
-		set_track_count( file.header->max_track + 1 );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
-	{
-		copy_ay_fields( file, out, track );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_ay_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Ay_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_ay_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Ay_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_ay_type_ = { "ZX Spectrum", 0, &new_ay_emu, &new_ay_file, "AY", 1 };
-gme_type_t const gme_ay_type = &gme_ay_type_;
-// Setup
-blargg_err_t Ay_Emu::load_mem_( byte const* in, long size )
-	assert( offsetof (header_t,track_info [2]) == header_size );
-	RETURN_ERR( parse_header( in, size, &file ) );
-	set_track_count( file.header->max_track + 1 );
-	if ( file.header->vers > 2 )
-		set_warning( "Unknown file version" );
-	set_voice_count( osc_count );
-	apu.volume( gain() );
-	return setup_buffer( spectrum_clock );
-void Ay_Emu::update_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	apu.treble_eq( eq );
-void Ay_Emu::set_voice( int i, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* )
-	if ( i >= Ay_Apu::osc_count )
-		beeper_output = center;
-	else
-		apu.osc_output( i, center );
-// Emulation
-void Ay_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	play_period = blip_time_t (clock_rate() / 50 / t);
-blargg_err_t Ay_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	memset( mem.ram + 0x0000, 0xC9, 0x100 ); // fill RST vectors with RET
-	memset( mem.ram + 0x0100, 0xFF, 0x4000 - 0x100 );
-	memset( mem.ram + ram_start, 0x00, sizeof mem.ram - ram_start );
-	memset( mem.padding1, 0xFF, sizeof mem.padding1 );
-	memset( mem.ram + 0x10000, 0xFF, sizeof mem.ram - 0x10000 );
-	// locate data blocks
-	byte const* const data = get_data( file, file.tracks + track * 4 + 2, 14 );
-	if ( !data ) return "File data missing";
-	byte const* const more_data = get_data( file, data + 10, 6 );
-	if ( !more_data ) return "File data missing";
-	byte const* blocks = get_data( file, data + 12, 8 );
-	if ( !blocks ) return "File data missing";
-	// initial addresses
-	cpu::reset( mem.ram );
-	r.sp = get_be16( more_data );
-	r.b.a = r.b.b = r.b.d = r.b.h = data [8];
-	r.b.flags = r.b.c = r.b.e = r.b.l = data [9];
-	r.alt.w = r.w;
-	r.ix = r.iy = r.w.hl;
-	unsigned addr = get_be16( blocks );
-	if ( !addr ) return "File data missing";
-	unsigned init = get_be16( more_data + 2 );
-	if ( !init )
-		init = addr;
-	// copy blocks into memory
-	do
-	{
-		blocks += 2;
-		unsigned len = get_be16( blocks ); blocks += 2;
-		if ( addr + len > 0x10000 )
-		{
-			set_warning( "Bad data block size" );
-			len = 0x10000 - addr;
-		}
-		check( len );
-		byte const* in = get_data( file, blocks, 0 ); blocks += 2;
-		if ( len > blargg_ulong (file.end - in) )
-		{
-			set_warning( "Missing file data" );
-			len = file.end - in;
-		}
-		//debug_printf( "addr: $%04X, len: $%04X\n", addr, len );
-		if ( addr < ram_start && addr >= 0x400 ) // several tracks use low data
-			debug_printf( "Block addr in ROM\n" );
-		memcpy( mem.ram + addr, in, len );
-		if ( file.end - blocks < 8 )
-		{
-			set_warning( "Missing file data" );
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	while ( (addr = get_be16( blocks )) != 0 );
-	// copy and configure driver
-	static byte const passive [] = {
-		0xF3,       // DI
-		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init
-		0xED, 0x5E, // LOOP: IM 2
-		0xFB,       // EI
-		0x76,       // HALT
-		0x18, 0xFA  // JR LOOP
-	};
-	static byte const active [] = {
-		0xF3,       // DI
-		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL init
-		0xED, 0x56, // LOOP: IM 1
-		0xFB,       // EI
-		0x76,       // HALT
-		0xCD, 0, 0, // CALL play
-		0x18, 0xF7  // JR LOOP
-	};
-	memcpy( mem.ram, passive, sizeof passive );
-	unsigned play_addr = get_be16( more_data + 4 );
-	//debug_printf( "Play: $%04X\n", play_addr );
-	if ( play_addr )
-	{
-		memcpy( mem.ram, active, sizeof active );
-		mem.ram [ 9] = play_addr;
-		mem.ram [10] = play_addr >> 8;
-	}
-	mem.ram [2] = init;
-	mem.ram [3] = init >> 8;
-	mem.ram [0x38] = 0xFB; // Put EI at interrupt vector (followed by RET)
-	memcpy( mem.ram + 0x10000, mem.ram, 0x80 ); // some code wraps around (ugh)
-	beeper_delta = int (apu.amp_range * 0.65);
-	last_beeper = 0;
-	apu.reset();
-	next_play = play_period;
-	// start at spectrum speed
-	change_clock_rate( spectrum_clock );
-	set_tempo( tempo() );
-	spectrum_mode = false;
-	cpc_mode      = false;
-	cpc_latch     = 0;
-	return 0;
-// Emulation
-void Ay_Emu::cpu_out_misc( cpu_time_t time, unsigned addr, int data )
-	if ( !cpc_mode )
-	{
-		switch ( addr & 0xFEFF )
-		{
-		case 0xFEFD:
-			spectrum_mode = true;
-			apu_addr = data & 0x0F;
-			return;
-		case 0xBEFD:
-			spectrum_mode = true;
-			apu.write( time, apu_addr, data );
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !spectrum_mode )
-	{
-		switch ( addr >> 8 )
-		{
-		case 0xF6:
-			switch ( data & 0xC0 )
-			{
-			case 0xC0:
-				apu_addr = cpc_latch & 0x0F;
-				goto enable_cpc;
-			case 0x80:
-				apu.write( time, apu_addr, cpc_latch );
-				goto enable_cpc;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0xF4:
-			cpc_latch = data;
-			goto enable_cpc;
-		}
-	}
-	debug_printf( "Unmapped OUT: $%04X <- $%02X\n", addr, data );
-	return;
-	if ( !cpc_mode )
-	{
-		cpc_mode = true;
-		change_clock_rate( cpc_clock );
-		set_tempo( tempo() );
-	}
-void ay_cpu_out( Ay_Cpu* cpu, cpu_time_t time, unsigned addr, int data )
-	Ay_Emu& emu = STATIC_CAST(Ay_Emu&,*cpu);
-	if ( (addr & 0xFF) == 0xFE && !emu.cpc_mode )
-	{
-		int delta = emu.beeper_delta;
-		data &= 0x10;
-		if ( emu.last_beeper != data )
-		{
-			emu.last_beeper = data;
-			emu.beeper_delta = -delta;
-			emu.spectrum_mode = true;
-			if ( emu.beeper_output )
-				emu.apu.synth_.offset( time, delta, emu.beeper_output );
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		emu.cpu_out_misc( time, addr, data );
-	}
-int ay_cpu_in( Ay_Cpu*, unsigned addr )
-	// keyboard read and other things
-	if ( (addr & 0xFF) == 0xFE )
-		return 0xFF; // other values break some beeper tunes
-	debug_printf( "Unmapped IN : $%04X\n", addr );
-	return 0xFF;
-blargg_err_t Ay_Emu::run_clocks( blip_time_t& duration, int )
-	set_time( 0 );
-	if ( !(spectrum_mode | cpc_mode) )
-		duration /= 2; // until mode is set, leave room for halved clock rate
-	while ( time() < duration )
-	{
-		cpu::run( min( duration, (blip_time_t) next_play ) );
-		if ( time() >= next_play )
-		{
-			next_play += play_period;
-			if ( r.iff1 )
-			{
-				if ( mem.ram [r.pc] == 0x76 )
-					r.pc++;
-				r.iff1 = r.iff2 = 0;
-				mem.ram [--r.sp] = uint8_t (r.pc >> 8);
-				mem.ram [--r.sp] = uint8_t (r.pc);
-				r.pc = 0x38;
-				cpu::adjust_time( 12 );
-				if ( r.im == 2 )
-				{
-					cpu::adjust_time( 6 );
-					unsigned addr = r.i * 0x100u + 0xFF;
-					r.pc = mem.ram [(addr + 1) & 0xFFFF] * 0x100u + mem.ram [addr];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	duration = time();
-	next_play -= duration;
-	check( next_play >= 0 );
-	adjust_time( -duration );
-	apu.end_frame( duration );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86b020487ab87a730d39cef44492c9c059ebd069..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ay_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Sinclair Spectrum AY music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef AY_EMU_H
-#define AY_EMU_H
-#include "Classic_Emu.h"
-#include "Ay_Apu.h"
-#include "Ay_Cpu.h"
-class Ay_Emu : private Ay_Cpu, public Classic_Emu {
-	typedef Ay_Cpu cpu;
-	// AY file header
-	enum { header_size = 0x14 };
-	struct header_t
-	{
-		byte tag [8];
-		byte vers;
-		byte player;
-		byte unused [2];
-		byte author [2];
-		byte comment [2];
-		byte max_track;
-		byte first_track;
-		byte track_info [2];
-	};
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_ay_type; }
-	Ay_Emu();
-	~Ay_Emu();
-	struct file_t {
-		header_t const* header;
-		byte const* end;
-		byte const* tracks;
-	};
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const*, long );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t run_clocks( blip_time_t&, int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	void set_voice( int, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void update_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	file_t file;
-	cpu_time_t play_period;
-	cpu_time_t next_play;
-	Blip_Buffer* beeper_output;
-	int beeper_delta;
-	int last_beeper;
-	int apu_addr;
-	int cpc_latch;
-	bool spectrum_mode;
-	bool cpc_mode;
-	// large items
-	struct {
-		byte padding1 [0x100];
-		byte ram [0x10000 + 0x100];
-	} mem;
-	Ay_Apu apu;
-	friend void ay_cpu_out( Ay_Cpu*, cpu_time_t, unsigned addr, int data );
-	void cpu_out_misc( cpu_time_t, unsigned addr, int data );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Blip_Buffer.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Blip_Buffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b88cd4f8315774ecda65d51c3e2adb840484da9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Blip_Buffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-// Blip_Buffer 0.4.1. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-int const silent_buf_size = 1; // size used for Silent_Blip_Buffer
-	factor_       = (blip_ulong)-1 / 2;
-	offset_       = 0;
-	buffer_       = 0;
-	buffer_size_  = 0;
-	sample_rate_  = 0;
-	reader_accum_ = 0;
-	bass_shift_   = 0;
-	clock_rate_   = 0;
-	bass_freq_    = 16;
-	length_       = 0;
-	// assumptions code makes about implementation-defined features
-	#ifndef NDEBUG
-		// right shift of negative value preserves sign
-		buf_t_ i = -0x7FFFFFFE;
-		assert( (i >> 1) == -0x3FFFFFFF );
-		// casting to short truncates to 16 bits and sign-extends
-		i = 0x18000;
-		assert( (short) i == -0x8000 );
-	#endif
-	if ( buffer_size_ != silent_buf_size )
-		free( buffer_ );
-	factor_      = 0;
-	buffer_      = buf;
-	buffer_size_ = silent_buf_size;
-	memset( buf, 0, sizeof buf ); // in case machine takes exception for signed overflow
-void Blip_Buffer::clear( int entire_buffer )
-	offset_      = 0;
-	reader_accum_ = 0;
-	modified_    = 0;
-	if ( buffer_ )
-	{
-		long count = (entire_buffer ? buffer_size_ : samples_avail());
-		memset( buffer_, 0, (count + blip_buffer_extra_) * sizeof (buf_t_) );
-	}
-Blip_Buffer::blargg_err_t Blip_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long new_rate, int msec )
-	if ( buffer_size_ == silent_buf_size )
-	{
-		assert( 0 );
-		return "Internal (tried to resize Silent_Blip_Buffer)";
-	}
-	// start with maximum length that resampled time can represent
-	long new_size = (UINT_MAX >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY) - blip_buffer_extra_ - 64;
-	if ( msec != blip_max_length )
-	{
-		long s = (new_rate * (msec + 1) + 999) / 1000;
-		if ( s < new_size )
-			new_size = s;
-		else
-			assert( 0 ); // fails if requested buffer length exceeds limit
-	}
-	if ( buffer_size_ != new_size )
-	{
-		void* p = realloc( buffer_, (new_size + blip_buffer_extra_) * sizeof *buffer_ );
-		if ( !p )
-			return "Out of memory";
-		buffer_ = (buf_t_*) p;
-	}
-	buffer_size_ = new_size;
-	assert( buffer_size_ != silent_buf_size );
-	// update things based on the sample rate
-	sample_rate_ = new_rate;
-	length_ = new_size * 1000 / new_rate - 1;
-	if ( msec )
-		assert( length_ == msec ); // ensure length is same as that passed in
-	if ( clock_rate_ )
-		clock_rate( clock_rate_ );
-	bass_freq( bass_freq_ );
-	clear();
-	return 0; // success
-blip_resampled_time_t Blip_Buffer::clock_rate_factor( long rate ) const
-	double ratio = (double) sample_rate_ / rate;
-	blip_long factor = (blip_long) floor( ratio * (1L << BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY) + 0.5 );
-	assert( factor > 0 || !sample_rate_ ); // fails if clock/output ratio is too large
-	return (blip_resampled_time_t) factor;
-void Blip_Buffer::bass_freq( int freq )
-	bass_freq_ = freq;
-	int shift = 31;
-	if ( freq > 0 )
-	{
-		shift = 13;
-		long f = (freq << 16) / sample_rate_;
-		while ( (f >>= 1) && --shift ) { }
-	}
-	bass_shift_ = shift;
-void Blip_Buffer::end_frame( blip_time_t t )
-	offset_ += t * factor_;
-	assert( samples_avail() <= (long) buffer_size_ ); // time outside buffer length
-void Blip_Buffer::remove_silence( long count )
-	assert( count <= samples_avail() ); // tried to remove more samples than available
-	offset_ -= (blip_resampled_time_t) count << BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY;
-long Blip_Buffer::count_samples( blip_time_t t ) const
-	unsigned long last_sample  = resampled_time( t ) >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY;
-	unsigned long first_sample = offset_ >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY;
-	return (long) (last_sample - first_sample);
-blip_time_t Blip_Buffer::count_clocks( long count ) const
-	if ( !factor_ )
-	{
-		assert( 0 ); // sample rate and clock rates must be set first
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if ( count > buffer_size_ )
-		count = buffer_size_;
-	blip_resampled_time_t time = (blip_resampled_time_t) count << BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY;
-	return (blip_time_t) ((time - offset_ + factor_ - 1) / factor_);
-void Blip_Buffer::remove_samples( long count )
-	if ( count )
-	{
-		remove_silence( count );
-		// copy remaining samples to beginning and clear old samples
-		long remain = samples_avail() + blip_buffer_extra_;
-		memmove( buffer_, buffer_ + count, remain * sizeof *buffer_ );
-		memset( buffer_ + remain, 0, count * sizeof *buffer_ );
-	}
-// Blip_Synth_
-	buf = 0;
-	last_amp = 0;
-	delta_factor = 0;
-void Blip_Synth_Fast_::volume_unit( double new_unit )
-	delta_factor = int (new_unit * (1L << blip_sample_bits) + 0.5);
-Blip_Synth_::Blip_Synth_( short* p, int w ) :
-	impulses( p ),
-	width( w )
-	volume_unit_ = 0.0;
-	kernel_unit = 0;
-	buf = 0;
-	last_amp = 0;
-	delta_factor = 0;
-#undef PI
-#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029
-static void gen_sinc( float* out, int count, double oversample, double treble, double cutoff )
-	if ( cutoff >= 0.999 )
-		cutoff = 0.999;
-	if ( treble < -300.0 )
-		treble = -300.0;
-	if ( treble > 5.0 )
-		treble = 5.0;
-	double const maxh = 4096.0;
-	double const rolloff = pow( 10.0, 1.0 / (maxh * 20.0) * treble / (1.0 - cutoff) );
-	double const pow_a_n = pow( rolloff, maxh - maxh * cutoff );
-	double const to_angle = PI / 2 / maxh / oversample;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
-	{
-		double angle          = ((i - count) * 2 + 1) * to_angle;
-		double angle_maxh     = angle * maxh;
-		double angle_maxh_mid = angle_maxh * cutoff;
-		double y = maxh;
-		// 0 to Fs/2*cutoff, flat
-		if ( angle_maxh_mid ) // unstable at t=0
-			y *= sin( angle_maxh_mid ) / angle_maxh_mid;
-		// Fs/2*cutoff to Fs/2, logarithmic rolloff
-		double cosa = cos( angle );
-		double den = 1 + rolloff * (rolloff - cosa - cosa);
-		// Becomes unstable when rolloff is near 1.0 and t is near 0,
-		// which is the only time den becomes small
-		if ( den > 1e-13 )
-		{
-			double num =
-				(cos( angle_maxh     - angle ) * rolloff - cos( angle_maxh     )) * pow_a_n -
-				 cos( angle_maxh_mid - angle ) * rolloff + cos( angle_maxh_mid );
-			y = y * cutoff + num / den;
-		}
-		out [i] = (float) y;
-	}
-void blip_eq_t::generate( float* out, int count ) const
-	// lower cutoff freq for narrow kernels with their wider transition band
-	// (8 points->1.49, 16 points->1.15)
-	double oversample = blip_res * 2.25 / count + 0.85;
-	double half_rate = sample_rate * 0.5;
-	if ( cutoff_freq )
-		oversample = half_rate / cutoff_freq;
-	double cutoff = rolloff_freq * oversample / half_rate;
-	gen_sinc( out, count, blip_res * oversample, treble, cutoff );
-	// apply (half of) hamming window
-	double to_fraction = PI / (count - 1);
-	for ( int i = count; i--; )
-		out [i] *= 0.54f - 0.46f * (float) cos( i * to_fraction );
-void Blip_Synth_::adjust_impulse()
-	// sum pairs for each phase and add error correction to end of first half
-	int const size = impulses_size();
-	for ( int p = blip_res; p-- >= blip_res / 2; )
-	{
-		int p2 = blip_res - 2 - p;
-		long error = kernel_unit;
-		for ( int i = 1; i < size; i += blip_res )
-		{
-			error -= impulses [i + p ];
-			error -= impulses [i + p2];
-		}
-		if ( p == p2 )
-			error /= 2; // phase = 0.5 impulse uses same half for both sides
-		impulses [size - blip_res + p] += (short) error;
-		//printf( "error: %ld\n", error );
-	}
-	//for ( int i = blip_res; i--; printf( "\n" ) )
-	//  for ( int j = 0; j < width / 2; j++ )
-	//      printf( "%5ld,", impulses [j * blip_res + i + 1] );
-void Blip_Synth_::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	float fimpulse [blip_res / 2 * (blip_widest_impulse_ - 1) + blip_res * 2];
-	int const half_size = blip_res / 2 * (width - 1);
-	eq.generate( &fimpulse [blip_res], half_size );
-	int i;
-	// need mirror slightly past center for calculation
-	for ( i = blip_res; i--; )
-		fimpulse [blip_res + half_size + i] = fimpulse [blip_res + half_size - 1 - i];
-	// starts at 0
-	for ( i = 0; i < blip_res; i++ )
-		fimpulse [i] = 0.0f;
-	// find rescale factor
-	double total = 0.0;
-	for ( i = 0; i < half_size; i++ )
-		total += fimpulse [blip_res + i];
-	//double const base_unit = 44800.0 - 128 * 18; // allows treble up to +0 dB
-	//double const base_unit = 37888.0; // allows treble to +5 dB
-	double const base_unit = 32768.0; // necessary for blip_unscaled to work
-	double rescale = base_unit / 2 / total;
-	kernel_unit = (long) base_unit;
-	// integrate, first difference, rescale, convert to int
-	double sum = 0.0;
-	double next = 0.0;
-	int const impulses_size = this->impulses_size();
-	for ( i = 0; i < impulses_size; i++ )
-	{
-		impulses [i] = (short) floor( (next - sum) * rescale + 0.5 );
-		sum += fimpulse [i];
-		next += fimpulse [i + blip_res];
-	}
-	adjust_impulse();
-	// volume might require rescaling
-	double vol = volume_unit_;
-	if ( vol )
-	{
-		volume_unit_ = 0.0;
-		volume_unit( vol );
-	}
-void Blip_Synth_::volume_unit( double new_unit )
-	if ( new_unit != volume_unit_ )
-	{
-		// use default eq if it hasn't been set yet
-		if ( !kernel_unit )
-			treble_eq( -8.0 );
-		volume_unit_ = new_unit;
-		double factor = new_unit * (1L << blip_sample_bits) / kernel_unit;
-		if ( factor > 0.0 )
-		{
-			int shift = 0;
-			// if unit is really small, might need to attenuate kernel
-			while ( factor < 2.0 )
-			{
-				shift++;
-				factor *= 2.0;
-			}
-			if ( shift )
-			{
-				kernel_unit >>= shift;
-				assert( kernel_unit > 0 ); // fails if volume unit is too low
-				// keep values positive to avoid round-towards-zero of sign-preserving
-				// right shift for negative values
-				long offset = 0x8000 + (1 << (shift - 1));
-				long offset2 = 0x8000 >> shift;
-				for ( int i = impulses_size(); i--; )
-					impulses [i] = (short) (((impulses [i] + offset) >> shift) - offset2);
-				adjust_impulse();
-			}
-		}
-		delta_factor = (int) floor( factor + 0.5 );
-		//printf( "delta_factor: %d, kernel_unit: %d\n", delta_factor, kernel_unit );
-	}
-long Blip_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* BLIP_RESTRICT out, long max_samples, int stereo )
-	long count = samples_avail();
-	if ( count > max_samples )
-		count = max_samples;
-	if ( count )
-	{
-		int const bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( *this );
-		BLIP_READER_BEGIN( reader, *this );
-		if ( !stereo )
-		{
-			for ( blip_long n = count; n; --n )
-			{
-				blip_long s = BLIP_READER_READ( reader );
-				if ( (blip_sample_t) s != s )
-					s = 0x7FFF - (s >> 24);
-				*out++ = (blip_sample_t) s;
-				BLIP_READER_NEXT( reader, bass );
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			for ( blip_long n = count; n; --n )
-			{
-				blip_long s = BLIP_READER_READ( reader );
-				if ( (blip_sample_t) s != s )
-					s = 0x7FFF - (s >> 24);
-				*out = (blip_sample_t) s;
-				out += 2;
-				BLIP_READER_NEXT( reader, bass );
-			}
-		}
-		BLIP_READER_END( reader, *this );
-		remove_samples( count );
-	}
-	return count;
-void Blip_Buffer::mix_samples( blip_sample_t const* in, long count )
-	if ( buffer_size_ == silent_buf_size )
-	{
-		assert( 0 );
-		return;
-	}
-	buf_t_* out = buffer_ + (offset_ >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY) + blip_widest_impulse_ / 2;
-	int const sample_shift = blip_sample_bits - 16;
-	int prev = 0;
-	while ( count-- )
-	{
-		blip_long s = (blip_long) *in++ << sample_shift;
-		*out += s - prev;
-		prev = s;
-		++out;
-	}
-	*out -= prev;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Blip_Buffer.h b/libs/gme/gme/Blip_Buffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cc526d2f1c2d92f0587745291eb26985cc3b702..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Blip_Buffer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-// Band-limited sound synthesis buffer
-// Blip_Buffer 0.4.1
-#ifndef BLIP_BUFFER_H
-#define BLIP_BUFFER_H
-	// internal
-	#include <limits.h>
-	#if INT_MAX < 0x7FFFFFFF
-		#error "int must be at least 32 bits"
-	#endif
-	typedef int blip_long;
-	typedef unsigned blip_ulong;
-// Time unit at source clock rate
-typedef blip_long blip_time_t;
-// Output samples are 16-bit signed, with a range of -32768 to 32767
-typedef short blip_sample_t;
-enum { blip_sample_max = 32767 };
-class Blip_Buffer {
-	typedef const char* blargg_err_t;
-	// Set output sample rate and buffer length in milliseconds (1/1000 sec, defaults
-	// to 1/4 second), then clear buffer. Returns NULL on success, otherwise if there
-	// isn't enough memory, returns error without affecting current buffer setup.
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long samples_per_sec, int msec_length = 1000 / 4 );
-	// Set number of source time units per second
-	void clock_rate( long );
-	// End current time frame of specified duration and make its samples available
-	// (along with any still-unread samples) for reading with read_samples(). Begins
-	// a new time frame at the end of the current frame.
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t time );
-	// Read at most 'max_samples' out of buffer into 'dest', removing them from from
-	// the buffer. Returns number of samples actually read and removed. If stereo is
-	// true, increments 'dest' one extra time after writing each sample, to allow
-	// easy interleving of two channels into a stereo output buffer.
-	long read_samples( blip_sample_t* dest, long max_samples, int stereo = 0 );
-// Additional optional features
-	// Current output sample rate
-	long sample_rate() const;
-	// Length of buffer, in milliseconds
-	int length() const;
-	// Number of source time units per second
-	long clock_rate() const;
-	// Set frequency high-pass filter frequency, where higher values reduce bass more
-	void bass_freq( int frequency );
-	// Number of samples delay from synthesis to samples read out
-	int output_latency() const;
-	// Remove all available samples and clear buffer to silence. If 'entire_buffer' is
-	// false, just clears out any samples waiting rather than the entire buffer.
-	void clear( int entire_buffer = 1 );
-	// Number of samples available for reading with read_samples()
-	long samples_avail() const;
-	// Remove 'count' samples from those waiting to be read
-	void remove_samples( long count );
-// Experimental features
-	// Count number of clocks needed until 'count' samples will be available.
-	// If buffer can't even hold 'count' samples, returns number of clocks until
-	// buffer becomes full.
-	blip_time_t count_clocks( long count ) const;
-	// Number of raw samples that can be mixed within frame of specified duration.
-	long count_samples( blip_time_t duration ) const;
-	// Mix 'count' samples from 'buf' into buffer.
-	void mix_samples( blip_sample_t const* buf, long count );
-	// not documented yet
-	void set_modified() { modified_ = 1; }
-	int clear_modified() { int b = modified_; modified_ = 0; return b; }
-	typedef blip_ulong blip_resampled_time_t;
-	void remove_silence( long count );
-	blip_resampled_time_t resampled_duration( int t ) const     { return t * factor_; }
-	blip_resampled_time_t resampled_time( blip_time_t t ) const { return t * factor_ + offset_; }
-	blip_resampled_time_t clock_rate_factor( long clock_rate ) const;
-	Blip_Buffer();
-	~Blip_Buffer();
-	// Deprecated
-	typedef blip_resampled_time_t resampled_time_t;
-	blargg_err_t sample_rate( long r ) { return set_sample_rate( r ); }
-	blargg_err_t sample_rate( long r, int msec ) { return set_sample_rate( r, msec ); }
-	// noncopyable
-	Blip_Buffer( const Blip_Buffer& );
-	Blip_Buffer& operator = ( const Blip_Buffer& );
-	typedef blip_time_t buf_t_;
-	blip_ulong factor_;
-	blip_resampled_time_t offset_;
-	buf_t_* buffer_;
-	blip_long buffer_size_;
-	blip_long reader_accum_;
-	int bass_shift_;
-	long sample_rate_;
-	long clock_rate_;
-	int bass_freq_;
-	int length_;
-	int modified_;
-	friend class Blip_Reader;
-	#include "config.h"
-// Number of bits in resample ratio fraction. Higher values give a more accurate ratio
-// but reduce maximum buffer size.
-// Number bits in phase offset. Fewer than 6 bits (64 phase offsets) results in
-// noticeable broadband noise when synthesizing high frequency square waves.
-// Affects size of Blip_Synth objects since they store the waveform directly.
-		#define BLIP_PHASE_BITS 8
-	#else
-		#define BLIP_PHASE_BITS 6
-	#endif
-	// Internal
-	typedef blip_ulong blip_resampled_time_t;
-	int const blip_widest_impulse_ = 16;
-	int const blip_buffer_extra_ = blip_widest_impulse_ + 2;
-	int const blip_res = 1 << BLIP_PHASE_BITS;
-	class blip_eq_t;
-	class Blip_Synth_Fast_ {
-	public:
-		Blip_Buffer* buf;
-		int last_amp;
-		int delta_factor;
-		void volume_unit( double );
-		Blip_Synth_Fast_();
-		void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& ) { }
-	};
-	class Blip_Synth_ {
-	public:
-		Blip_Buffer* buf;
-		int last_amp;
-		int delta_factor;
-		void volume_unit( double );
-		Blip_Synth_( short* impulses, int width );
-		void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	private:
-		double volume_unit_;
-		short* const impulses;
-		int const width;
-		blip_long kernel_unit;
-		int impulses_size() const { return blip_res / 2 * width + 1; }
-		void adjust_impulse();
-	};
-// Quality level. Start with blip_good_quality.
-const int blip_med_quality  = 8;
-const int blip_good_quality = 12;
-const int blip_high_quality = 16;
-// Range specifies the greatest expected change in amplitude. Calculate it
-// by finding the difference between the maximum and minimum expected
-// amplitudes (max - min).
-template<int quality,int range>
-class Blip_Synth {
-	// Set overall volume of waveform
-	void volume( double v ) { impl.volume_unit( v * (1.0 / (range < 0 ? -range : range)) ); }
-	// Configure low-pass filter (see blip_buffer.txt)
-	void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )       { impl.treble_eq( eq ); }
-	// Get/set Blip_Buffer used for output
-	Blip_Buffer* output() const                 { return impl.buf; }
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* b )               { impl.buf = b; impl.last_amp = 0; }
-	// Update amplitude of waveform at given time. Using this requires a separate
-	// Blip_Synth for each waveform.
-	void update( blip_time_t time, int amplitude );
-// Low-level interface
-	// Add an amplitude transition of specified delta, optionally into specified buffer
-	// rather than the one set with output(). Delta can be positive or negative.
-	// The actual change in amplitude is delta * (volume / range)
-	void offset( blip_time_t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* ) const;
-	void offset( blip_time_t t, int delta ) const { offset( t, delta, impl.buf ); }
-	// Works directly in terms of fractional output samples. Contact author for more info.
-	void offset_resampled( blip_resampled_time_t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* ) const;
-	// Same as offset(), except code is inlined for higher performance
-	void offset_inline( blip_time_t t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* buf ) const {
-		offset_resampled( t * buf->factor_ + buf->offset_, delta, buf );
-	}
-	void offset_inline( blip_time_t t, int delta ) const {
-		offset_resampled( t * impl.buf->factor_ + impl.buf->offset_, delta, impl.buf );
-	}
-	Blip_Synth_Fast_ impl;
-	Blip_Synth_ impl;
-	typedef short imp_t;
-	imp_t impulses [blip_res * (quality / 2) + 1];
-	Blip_Synth() : impl( impulses, quality ) { }
-// Low-pass equalization parameters
-class blip_eq_t {
-	// Logarithmic rolloff to treble dB at half sampling rate. Negative values reduce
-	// treble, small positive values (0 to 5.0) increase treble.
-	blip_eq_t( double treble_db = 0 );
-	// See blip_buffer.txt
-	blip_eq_t( double treble, long rolloff_freq, long sample_rate, long cutoff_freq = 0 );
-	double treble;
-	long rolloff_freq;
-	long sample_rate;
-	long cutoff_freq;
-	void generate( float* out, int count ) const;
-	friend class Blip_Synth_;
-int const blip_sample_bits = 30;
-// Dummy Blip_Buffer to direct sound output to, for easy muting without
-// having to stop sound code.
-class Silent_Blip_Buffer : public Blip_Buffer {
-	buf_t_ buf [blip_buffer_extra_ + 1];
-	// The following cannot be used (an assertion will fail if attempted):
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long samples_per_sec, int msec_length );
-	blip_time_t count_clocks( long count ) const;
-	void mix_samples( blip_sample_t const* buf, long count );
-	Silent_Blip_Buffer();
-	#if defined (__GNUC__) || _MSC_VER >= 1100
-		#define BLIP_RESTRICT __restrict
-	#else
-		#define BLIP_RESTRICT
-	#endif
-// Optimized reading from Blip_Buffer, for use in custom sample output
-// Begin reading from buffer. Name should be unique to the current block.
-#define BLIP_READER_BEGIN( name, blip_buffer ) \
-	const Blip_Buffer::buf_t_* BLIP_RESTRICT name##_reader_buf = (blip_buffer).buffer_;\
-	blip_long name##_reader_accum = (blip_buffer).reader_accum_
-// Get value to pass to BLIP_READER_NEXT()
-#define BLIP_READER_BASS( blip_buffer ) ((blip_buffer).bass_shift_)
-// Constant value to use instead of BLIP_READER_BASS(), for slightly more optimal
-// code at the cost of having no bass control
-int const blip_reader_default_bass = 9;
-// Current sample
-#define BLIP_READER_READ( name )        (name##_reader_accum >> (blip_sample_bits - 16))
-// Current raw sample in full internal resolution
-#define BLIP_READER_READ_RAW( name )    (name##_reader_accum)
-// Advance to next sample
-#define BLIP_READER_NEXT( name, bass ) \
-	(void) (name##_reader_accum += *name##_reader_buf++ - (name##_reader_accum >> (bass)))
-// End reading samples from buffer. The number of samples read must now be removed
-// using Blip_Buffer::remove_samples().
-#define BLIP_READER_END( name, blip_buffer ) \
-	(void) ((blip_buffer).reader_accum_ = name##_reader_accum)
-// Compatibility with older version
-const long blip_unscaled = 65535;
-const int blip_low_quality  = blip_med_quality;
-const int blip_best_quality = blip_high_quality;
-// Deprecated; use BLIP_READER macros as follows:
-// Blip_Reader r; r.begin( buf ); -> BLIP_READER_BEGIN( r, buf );
-// int bass = r.begin( buf )      -> BLIP_READER_BEGIN( r, buf ); int bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( buf );
-// r.read()                       -> BLIP_READER_READ( r )
-// r.read_raw()                   -> BLIP_READER_READ_RAW( r )
-// r.next( bass )                 -> BLIP_READER_NEXT( r, bass )
-// r.next()                       -> BLIP_READER_NEXT( r, blip_reader_default_bass )
-// r.end( buf )                   -> BLIP_READER_END( r, buf )
-class Blip_Reader {
-	int begin( Blip_Buffer& );
-	blip_long read() const          { return accum >> (blip_sample_bits - 16); }
-	blip_long read_raw() const      { return accum; }
-	void next( int bass_shift = 9 )         { accum += *buf++ - (accum >> bass_shift); }
-	void end( Blip_Buffer& b )              { b.reader_accum_ = accum; }
-	const Blip_Buffer::buf_t_* buf;
-	blip_long accum;
-// End of public interface
-#include <assert.h>
-template<int quality,int range>
-inline void Blip_Synth<quality,range>::offset_resampled( blip_resampled_time_t time,
-		int delta, Blip_Buffer* blip_buf ) const
-	// Fails if time is beyond end of Blip_Buffer, due to a bug in caller code or the
-	// need for a longer buffer as set by set_sample_rate().
-	assert( (blip_long) (time >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY) < blip_buf->buffer_size_ );
-	delta *= impl.delta_factor;
-	blip_long* BLIP_RESTRICT buf = blip_buf->buffer_ + (time >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY);
-	int phase = (int) (time >> (BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY - BLIP_PHASE_BITS) & (blip_res - 1));
-	blip_long left = buf [0] + delta;
-	// Kind of crappy, but doing shift after multiply results in overflow.
-	// Alternate way of delaying multiply by delta_factor results in worse
-	// sub-sample resolution.
-	blip_long right = (delta >> BLIP_PHASE_BITS) * phase;
-	left  -= right;
-	right += buf [1];
-	buf [0] = left;
-	buf [1] = right;
-	int const fwd = (blip_widest_impulse_ - quality) / 2;
-	int const rev = fwd + quality - 2;
-	int const mid = quality / 2 - 1;
-	imp_t const* BLIP_RESTRICT imp = impulses + blip_res - phase;
-	#if defined (_M_IX86) || defined (_M_IA64) || defined (__i486__) || \
-			defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__ia64__) || defined (__i386__)
-	// straight forward implementation resulted in better code on GCC for x86
-	#define ADD_IMP( out, in ) \
-		buf [out] += (blip_long) imp [blip_res * (in)] * delta
-	#define BLIP_FWD( i ) {\
-		ADD_IMP( fwd     + i, i     );\
-		ADD_IMP( fwd + 1 + i, i + 1 );\
-	}
-	#define BLIP_REV( r ) {\
-		ADD_IMP( rev     - r, r + 1 );\
-		ADD_IMP( rev + 1 - r, r     );\
-	}
-		BLIP_FWD( 0 )
-		if ( quality > 8  ) BLIP_FWD( 2 )
-		if ( quality > 12 ) BLIP_FWD( 4 )
-		{
-			ADD_IMP( fwd + mid - 1, mid - 1 );
-			ADD_IMP( fwd + mid    , mid     );
-			imp = impulses + phase;
-		}
-		if ( quality > 12 ) BLIP_REV( 6 )
-		if ( quality > 8  ) BLIP_REV( 4 )
-		BLIP_REV( 2 )
-		ADD_IMP( rev    , 1 );
-		ADD_IMP( rev + 1, 0 );
-	#else
-	// for RISC processors, help compiler by reading ahead of writes
-	#define BLIP_FWD( i ) {\
-		blip_long t0 =                       i0 * delta + buf [fwd     + i];\
-		blip_long t1 = imp [blip_res * (i + 1)] * delta + buf [fwd + 1 + i];\
-		i0 =           imp [blip_res * (i + 2)];\
-		buf [fwd     + i] = t0;\
-		buf [fwd + 1 + i] = t1;\
-	}
-	#define BLIP_REV( r ) {\
-		blip_long t0 =                 i0 * delta + buf [rev     - r];\
-		blip_long t1 = imp [blip_res * r] * delta + buf [rev + 1 - r];\
-		i0 =           imp [blip_res * (r - 1)];\
-		buf [rev     - r] = t0;\
-		buf [rev + 1 - r] = t1;\
-	}
-		blip_long i0 = *imp;
-		BLIP_FWD( 0 )
-		if ( quality > 8  ) BLIP_FWD( 2 )
-		if ( quality > 12 ) BLIP_FWD( 4 )
-		{
-			blip_long t0 =                   i0 * delta + buf [fwd + mid - 1];
-			blip_long t1 = imp [blip_res * mid] * delta + buf [fwd + mid    ];
-			imp = impulses + phase;
-			i0 = imp [blip_res * mid];
-			buf [fwd + mid - 1] = t0;
-			buf [fwd + mid    ] = t1;
-		}
-		if ( quality > 12 ) BLIP_REV( 6 )
-		if ( quality > 8  ) BLIP_REV( 4 )
-		BLIP_REV( 2 )
-		blip_long t0 =   i0 * delta + buf [rev    ];
-		blip_long t1 = *imp * delta + buf [rev + 1];
-		buf [rev    ] = t0;
-		buf [rev + 1] = t1;
-	#endif
-#undef BLIP_FWD
-#undef BLIP_REV
-template<int quality,int range>
-	inline
-void Blip_Synth<quality,range>::offset( blip_time_t t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* buf ) const
-	offset_resampled( t * buf->factor_ + buf->offset_, delta, buf );
-template<int quality,int range>
-	inline
-void Blip_Synth<quality,range>::update( blip_time_t t, int amp )
-	int delta = amp - impl.last_amp;
-	impl.last_amp = amp;
-	offset_resampled( t * impl.buf->factor_ + impl.buf->offset_, delta, impl.buf );
-inline blip_eq_t::blip_eq_t( double t ) :
-		treble( t ), rolloff_freq( 0 ), sample_rate( 44100 ), cutoff_freq( 0 ) { }
-inline blip_eq_t::blip_eq_t( double t, long rf, long sr, long cf ) :
-		treble( t ), rolloff_freq( rf ), sample_rate( sr ), cutoff_freq( cf ) { }
-inline int  Blip_Buffer::length() const         { return length_; }
-inline long Blip_Buffer::samples_avail() const  { return (long) (offset_ >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY); }
-inline long Blip_Buffer::sample_rate() const    { return sample_rate_; }
-inline int  Blip_Buffer::output_latency() const { return blip_widest_impulse_ / 2; }
-inline long Blip_Buffer::clock_rate() const     { return clock_rate_; }
-inline void Blip_Buffer::clock_rate( long cps ) { factor_ = clock_rate_factor( clock_rate_ = cps ); }
-inline int Blip_Reader::begin( Blip_Buffer& blip_buf )
-	buf = blip_buf.buffer_;
-	accum = blip_buf.reader_accum_;
-	return blip_buf.bass_shift_;
-int const blip_max_length = 0;
-int const blip_default_length = 250;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/gme/gme/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 534be8a858b4c2d0e546d8096318aff4346e434a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# List of source files required by libgme and any emulators
-# This is not 100% accurate (Fir_Resampler for instance) but
-# you'll be OK.
-set(libgme_SRCS Blip_Buffer.cpp
-                Classic_Emu.cpp
-                Data_Reader.cpp
-                Dual_Resampler.cpp
-                Effects_Buffer.cpp
-                Fir_Resampler.cpp
-                gme.cpp
-                Gme_File.cpp
-                M3u_Playlist.cpp
-                Multi_Buffer.cpp
-                Music_Emu.cpp
-                )
-# Ay_Apu is very popular around here
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Ay_Apu.cpp
-        )
-# so is Ym2612_Emu
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Ym2612_Emu.cpp
-        )
-# But none are as popular as Sms_Apu
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Sms_Apu.cpp
-        )
-if (USE_GME_AY)
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-              # Ay_Apu.cpp included earlier
-                Ay_Cpu.cpp
-                Ay_Emu.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Gb_Apu.cpp
-                Gb_Cpu.cpp
-                Gb_Oscs.cpp
-                Gbs_Emu.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-              # Sms_Apu.cpp included earlier
-              # Ym2612_Emu.cpp included earlier
-                Gym_Emu.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Hes_Apu.cpp
-                Hes_Cpu.cpp
-                Hes_Emu.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-              # Ay_Apu.cpp included earlier
-              # Sms_Apu.cpp included earlier
-                Kss_Cpu.cpp
-                Kss_Emu.cpp
-                Kss_Scc_Apu.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Nes_Apu.cpp
-                Nes_Cpu.cpp
-                Nes_Fme7_Apu.cpp
-                Nes_Namco_Apu.cpp
-                Nes_Oscs.cpp
-                Nes_Vrc6_Apu.cpp
-                Nsf_Emu.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Nsfe_Emu.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Sap_Apu.cpp
-                Sap_Cpu.cpp
-                Sap_Emu.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-                Snes_Spc.cpp
-                Spc_Cpu.cpp
-                Spc_Dsp.cpp
-                Spc_Emu.cpp
-                Spc_Filter.cpp
-        )
-    set(libgme_SRCS ${libgme_SRCS}
-              # Sms_Apu.cpp included earlier
-              # Ym2612_Emu.cpp included earlier
-                Vgm_Emu.cpp
-                Vgm_Emu_Impl.cpp
-                Ym2413_Emu.cpp
-        )
-# These headers are part of the generic gme interface.
-# Run during cmake phase, so this is available during make
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gme_types.h)
-# On some platforms we may need to change headers or whatnot based on whether
-# we're building the library or merely using the library. The following is
-# only defined when building the library to allow us to tell which is which.
-# For the gme_types.h
-# Add library to be compiled.
-add_library(gme ${libgme_SRCS})
-# The version is the release.  The "soversion" is the API version.  As long
-# as only build fixes are performed (i.e. no backwards-incompatible changes
-# to the API), the SOVERSION should be the same even when bumping up VERSION.
-# The way gme.h is designed, SOVERSION should very rarely be bumped, if ever.
-# Hopefully the API can stay compatible with old versions.
-               SOVERSION 0)
-                    RUNTIME DESTINATION bin  # DLL platforms
-                    ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib) # DLL platforms
-install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libgme.pc DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/pkgconfig)
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Classic_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Classic_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bb2fbe2a5e33359a6acf223d2a07358b99a2e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Classic_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Classic_Emu.h"
-#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-	buf           = 0;
-	stereo_buffer = 0;
-	voice_types   = 0;
-	// avoid inconsistency in our duplicated constants
-	assert( (int) wave_type  == (int) Multi_Buffer::wave_type );
-	assert( (int) noise_type == (int) Multi_Buffer::noise_type );
-	assert( (int) mixed_type == (int) Multi_Buffer::mixed_type );
-	delete stereo_buffer;
-void Classic_Emu::set_equalizer_( equalizer_t const& eq )
-	Music_Emu::set_equalizer_( eq );
-	update_eq( eq.treble );
-	if ( buf )
-		buf->bass_freq( (int) equalizer().bass );
-blargg_err_t Classic_Emu::set_sample_rate_( long rate )
-	if ( !buf )
-	{
-		if ( !stereo_buffer )
-			CHECK_ALLOC( stereo_buffer = BLARGG_NEW Stereo_Buffer );
-		buf = stereo_buffer;
-	}
-	return buf->set_sample_rate( rate, 1000 / 20 );
-void Classic_Emu::mute_voices_( int mask )
-	Music_Emu::mute_voices_( mask );
-	for ( int i = voice_count(); i--; )
-	{
-		if ( mask & (1 << i) )
-		{
-			set_voice( i, 0, 0, 0 );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			Multi_Buffer::channel_t ch = buf->channel( i, (voice_types ? voice_types [i] : 0) );
-			assert( (ch.center && ch.left && ch.right) ||
-					(!ch.center && !ch.left && !ch.right) ); // all or nothing
-			set_voice( i, ch.center, ch.left, ch.right );
-		}
-	}
-void Classic_Emu::change_clock_rate( long rate )
-	clock_rate_ = rate;
-	buf->clock_rate( rate );
-blargg_err_t Classic_Emu::setup_buffer( long rate )
-	change_clock_rate( rate );
-	RETURN_ERR( buf->set_channel_count( voice_count() ) );
-	set_equalizer( equalizer() );
-	buf_changed_count = buf->channels_changed_count();
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Classic_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Music_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	buf->clear();
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Classic_Emu::play_( long count, sample_t* out )
-	long remain = count;
-	while ( remain )
-	{
-		remain -= buf->read_samples( &out [count - remain], remain );
-		if ( remain )
-		{
-			if ( buf_changed_count != buf->channels_changed_count() )
-			{
-				buf_changed_count = buf->channels_changed_count();
-				remute_voices();
-			}
-			int msec = buf->length();
-			blip_time_t clocks_emulated = (blargg_long) msec * clock_rate_ / 1000;
-			RETURN_ERR( run_clocks( clocks_emulated, msec ) );
-			assert( clocks_emulated );
-			buf->end_frame( clocks_emulated );
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-// Rom_Data
-blargg_err_t Rom_Data_::load_rom_data_( Data_Reader& in,
-		int header_size, void* header_out, int fill, long pad_size )
-	long file_offset = pad_size - header_size;
-	rom_addr = 0;
-	mask     = 0;
-	size_    = 0;
-	rom.clear();
-	file_size_ = in.remain();
-	if ( file_size_ <= header_size ) // <= because there must be data after header
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	blargg_err_t err = rom.resize( file_offset + file_size_ + pad_size );
-	if ( !err )
-		err = in.read( rom.begin() + file_offset, file_size_ );
-	if ( err )
-	{
-		rom.clear();
-		return err;
-	}
-	file_size_ -= header_size;
-	memcpy( header_out, &rom [file_offset], header_size );
-	memset( rom.begin()         , fill, pad_size );
-	memset( rom.end() - pad_size, fill, pad_size );
-	return 0;
-void Rom_Data_::set_addr_( long addr, int unit )
-	rom_addr = addr - unit - pad_extra;
-	long rounded = (addr + file_size_ + unit - 1) / unit * unit;
-	if ( rounded <= 0 )
-	{
-		rounded = 0;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		int shift = 0;
-		unsigned long max_addr = (unsigned long) (rounded - 1);
-		while ( max_addr >> shift )
-			shift++;
-		mask = (1L << shift) - 1;
-	}
-	if ( addr < 0 )
-		addr = 0;
-	size_ = rounded;
-	if ( rom.resize( rounded - rom_addr + pad_extra ) ) { } // OK if shrink fails
-	if ( 0 )
-	{
-		debug_printf( "addr: %X\n", addr );
-		debug_printf( "file_size: %d\n", file_size_ );
-		debug_printf( "rounded: %d\n", rounded );
-		debug_printf( "mask: $%X\n", mask );
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Classic_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Classic_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 99e99afbe6fb32b3aef0676b4d7127093278c579..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Classic_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Common aspects of emulators which use Blip_Buffer for sound output
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef CLASSIC_EMU_H
-#define CLASSIC_EMU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-#include "Music_Emu.h"
-class Classic_Emu : public Music_Emu {
-	Classic_Emu();
-	~Classic_Emu();
-	void set_buffer( Multi_Buffer* );
-	// Services
-	enum { wave_type = 0x100, noise_type = 0x200, mixed_type = wave_type | noise_type };
-	void set_voice_types( int const* t ) { voice_types = t; }
-	blargg_err_t setup_buffer( long clock_rate );
-	long clock_rate() const { return clock_rate_; }
-	void change_clock_rate( long ); // experimental
-	// Overridable
-	virtual void set_voice( int index, Blip_Buffer* center,
-			Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right ) = 0;
-	virtual void update_eq( blip_eq_t const& ) = 0;
-	virtual blargg_err_t start_track_( int track ) = 0;
-	virtual blargg_err_t run_clocks( blip_time_t& time_io, int msec ) = 0;
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate );
-	void mute_voices_( int );
-	void set_equalizer_( equalizer_t const& );
-	blargg_err_t play_( long, sample_t* );
-	Multi_Buffer* buf;
-	Multi_Buffer* stereo_buffer; // NULL if using custom buffer
-	long clock_rate_;
-	unsigned buf_changed_count;
-	int const* voice_types;
-inline void Classic_Emu::set_buffer( Multi_Buffer* new_buf )
-	assert( !buf && new_buf );
-	buf = new_buf;
-// ROM data handler, used by several Classic_Emu derivitives. Loads file data
-// with padding on both sides, allowing direct use in bank mapping. The main purpose
-// is to allow all file data to be loaded with only one read() call (for efficiency).
-class Rom_Data_ {
-	typedef unsigned char byte;
-	enum { pad_extra = 8 };
-	blargg_vector<byte> rom;
-	long file_size_;
-	blargg_long rom_addr;
-	blargg_long mask;
-	blargg_long size_; // TODO: eliminate
-	blargg_err_t load_rom_data_( Data_Reader& in, int header_size, void* header_out,
-			int fill, long pad_size );
-	void set_addr_( long addr, int unit );
-template<int unit>
-class Rom_Data : public Rom_Data_ {
-	enum { pad_size = unit + pad_extra };
-	// Load file data, using already-loaded header 'h' if not NULL. Copy header
-	// from loaded file data into *out and fill unmapped bytes with 'fill'.
-	blargg_err_t load( Data_Reader& in, int header_size, void* header_out, int fill )
-	{
-		return load_rom_data_( in, header_size, header_out, fill, pad_size );
-	}
-	// Size of file data read in (excluding header)
-	long file_size() const { return file_size_; }
-	// Pointer to beginning of file data
-	byte* begin() const { return rom.begin() + pad_size; }
-	// Set address that file data should start at
-	void set_addr( long addr ) { set_addr_( addr, unit ); }
-	// Free data
-	void clear() { rom.clear(); }
-	// Size of data + start addr, rounded to a multiple of unit
-	long size() const { return size_; }
-	// Pointer to unmapped page filled with same value
-	byte* unmapped() { return rom.begin(); }
-	// Mask address to nearest power of two greater than size()
-	blargg_long mask_addr( blargg_long addr ) const
-	{
-		#ifdef check
-			check( addr <= mask );
-		#endif
-		return addr & mask;
-	}
-	// Pointer to page starting at addr. Returns unmapped() if outside data.
-	byte* at_addr( blargg_long addr )
-	{
-		blargg_ulong offset = mask_addr( addr ) - rom_addr;
-		if ( offset > blargg_ulong (rom.size() - pad_size) )
-			offset = 0; // unmapped
-		return &rom [offset];
-	}
-#ifndef GME_APU_HOOK
-	#define GME_APU_HOOK( emu, addr, data ) ((void) 0)
-	#define GME_FRAME_HOOK( emu ) ((void) 0)
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Data_Reader.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Data_Reader.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f18928f4bf0d9b5660d2e1ead32e458c57368cf6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Data_Reader.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-// File_Extractor 0.4.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Data_Reader.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-const char Data_Reader::eof_error [] = "Unexpected end of file";
-#define RETURN_VALIDITY_CHECK( cond ) \
-	do { if ( unlikely( !(cond) ) ) return "Corrupt file"; } while(0)
-blargg_err_t Data_Reader::read( void* p, long s )
-	long result = read_avail( p, s );
-	if ( result != s )
-	{
-		if ( result >= 0 && result < s )
-			return eof_error;
-		return "Read error";
-	}
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Data_Reader::skip( long count )
-	RETURN_VALIDITY_CHECK( count >= 0 );
-	char buf [512];
-	while ( count )
-	{
-		long n = sizeof buf;
-		if ( n > count )
-			n = count;
-		count -= n;
-		RETURN_ERR( read( buf, n ) );
-	}
-	return 0;
-long File_Reader::remain() const { return size() - tell(); }
-blargg_err_t File_Reader::skip( long n )
-	if ( !n )
-		return 0;
-	return seek( tell() + n );
-// Subset_Reader
-Subset_Reader::Subset_Reader( Data_Reader* dr, long size )
-	in = dr;
-	remain_ = dr->remain();
-	if ( remain_ > size )
-		remain_ = max( 0l, size );
-long Subset_Reader::remain() const { return remain_; }
-long Subset_Reader::read_avail( void* p, long s )
-	s = max( 0l, s );
-	if ( s > remain_ )
-		s = remain_;
-	remain_ -= s;
-	return in->read_avail( p, s );
-// Remaining_Reader
-Remaining_Reader::Remaining_Reader( void const* h, long size, Data_Reader* r )
-	header = (char const*) h;
-	header_end = header + max( 0l, size );
-	in = r;
-long Remaining_Reader::remain() const { return header_end - header + in->remain(); }
-long Remaining_Reader::read_first( void* out, long count )
-	count = max( 0l, count );
-	long first = header_end - header;
-	if ( first )
-	{
-		if ( first > count )
-			first = count;
-		void const* old = header;
-		header += first;
-		memcpy( out, old, first );
-	}
-	return first;
-long Remaining_Reader::read_avail( void* out, long count )
-	count = max( 0l, count );
-	long first = read_first( out, count );
-	long second = max( 0l, count - first );
-	if ( second )
-	{
-		second = in->read_avail( (char*) out + first, second );
-		if ( second <= 0 )
-			return second;
-	}
-	return first + second;
-blargg_err_t Remaining_Reader::read( void* out, long count )
-	count = max( 0l, count );
-	long first = read_first( out, count );
-	long second = max( 0l, count - first );
-	if ( !second )
-		return 0;
-	return in->read( (char*) out + first, second );
-// Mem_File_Reader
-Mem_File_Reader::Mem_File_Reader( const void* p, long s ) :
-	begin( (const char*) p ),
-	size_( max( 0l, s ) )
-	pos = 0;
-long Mem_File_Reader::size() const { return size_; }
-long Mem_File_Reader::read_avail( void* p, long s )
-	long r = remain();
-	s = max( 0l, s );
-	if ( s > r )
-		s = r;
-	memcpy( p, begin + pos, s );
-	pos += s;
-	return s;
-long Mem_File_Reader::tell() const { return pos; }
-blargg_err_t Mem_File_Reader::seek( long n )
-	if ( n > size_ )
-		return eof_error;
-	pos = n;
-	return 0;
-// Callback_Reader
-Callback_Reader::Callback_Reader( callback_t c, long size, void* d ) :
-	callback( c ),
-	data( d )
-	remain_ = max( 0l, size );
-long Callback_Reader::remain() const { return remain_; }
-long Callback_Reader::read_avail( void* out, long count )
-	if ( count > remain_ )
-		count = remain_;
-	if ( count < 0 || Callback_Reader::read( out, count ) )
-		count = -1;
-	return count;
-blargg_err_t Callback_Reader::read( void* out, long count )
-	RETURN_VALIDITY_CHECK( count >= 0 );
-	if ( count > remain_ )
-		return eof_error;
-	return callback( data, out, count );
-// Std_File_Reader
-Std_File_Reader::Std_File_Reader() : file_( 0 ) { }
-Std_File_Reader::~Std_File_Reader() { close(); }
-blargg_err_t Std_File_Reader::open( const char* path )
-	file_ = fopen( path, "rb" );
-	if ( !file_ )
-		return "Couldn't open file";
-	return 0;
-long Std_File_Reader::size() const
-	long pos = tell();
-	fseek( (FILE*) file_, 0, SEEK_END );
-	long result = tell();
-	fseek( (FILE*) file_, pos, SEEK_SET );
-	return result;
-long Std_File_Reader::read_avail( void* p, long s )
-	return fread( p, 1, max( 0l, s ), (FILE*) file_ );
-blargg_err_t Std_File_Reader::read( void* p, long s )
-	if ( s == (long) fread( p, 1, s, (FILE*) file_ ) )
-		return 0;
-	if ( feof( (FILE*) file_ ) )
-		return eof_error;
-	return "Couldn't read from file";
-long Std_File_Reader::tell() const { return ftell( (FILE*) file_ ); }
-blargg_err_t Std_File_Reader::seek( long n )
-	if ( !fseek( (FILE*) file_, n, SEEK_SET ) )
-		return 0;
-	if ( n > size() )
-		return eof_error;
-	return "Error seeking in file";
-void Std_File_Reader::close()
-	if ( file_ )
-	{
-		fclose( (FILE*) file_ );
-		file_ = 0;
-	}
-// Gzip_File_Reader
-#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
-#include "zlib.h"
-static const char* get_gzip_eof( const char* path, long* eof )
-	FILE* file = fopen( path, "rb" );
-	if ( !file )
-		return "Couldn't open file";
-	unsigned char buf [4];
-	if ( fread( buf, 2, 1, file ) > 0 && buf [0] == 0x1F && buf [1] == 0x8B )
-	{
-		fseek( file, -4, SEEK_END );
-		fread( buf, 4, 1, file );
-		*eof = get_le32( buf );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
-		*eof = ftell( file );
-	}
-	const char* err = (ferror( file ) || feof( file )) ? "Couldn't get file size" : 0;
-	fclose( file );
-	return err;
-Gzip_File_Reader::Gzip_File_Reader() : file_( 0 ) { }
-Gzip_File_Reader::~Gzip_File_Reader() { close(); }
-blargg_err_t Gzip_File_Reader::open( const char* path )
-	close();
-	RETURN_ERR( get_gzip_eof( path, &size_ ) );
-	file_ = gzopen( path, "rb" );
-	if ( !file_ )
-		return "Couldn't open file";
-	return 0;
-long Gzip_File_Reader::size() const { return size_; }
-long Gzip_File_Reader::read_avail( void* p, long s ) { return gzread( file_, p, s ); }
-long Gzip_File_Reader::tell() const { return gztell( file_ ); }
-blargg_err_t Gzip_File_Reader::seek( long n )
-	if ( gzseek( file_, n, SEEK_SET ) >= 0 )
-		return 0;
-	if ( n > size_ )
-		return eof_error;
-	return "Error seeking in file";
-void Gzip_File_Reader::close()
-	if ( file_ )
-	{
-		gzclose( file_ );
-		file_ = 0;
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Data_Reader.h b/libs/gme/gme/Data_Reader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c22b678e5de3c81d1286adf3a7f3d95f79024df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Data_Reader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-// Data reader interface for uniform access
-// File_Extractor 0.4.0
-#ifndef DATA_READER_H
-#define DATA_READER_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-// Supports reading and finding out how many bytes are remaining
-class Data_Reader {
-	virtual ~Data_Reader() { }
-	static const char eof_error []; // returned by read() when request goes beyond end
-	// Read at most count bytes and return number actually read, or <= 0 if error
-	virtual long read_avail( void*, long n ) = 0;
-	// Read exactly count bytes and return error if they couldn't be read
-	virtual blargg_err_t read( void*, long count );
-	// Number of bytes remaining until end of file
-	virtual long remain() const = 0;
-	// Read and discard count bytes
-	virtual blargg_err_t skip( long count );
-	Data_Reader() { }
-	typedef blargg_err_t error_t; // deprecated
-	// noncopyable
-	Data_Reader( const Data_Reader& );
-	Data_Reader& operator = ( const Data_Reader& );
-// Supports seeking in addition to Data_Reader operations
-class File_Reader : public Data_Reader {
-	// Size of file
-	virtual long size() const = 0;
-	// Current position in file
-	virtual long tell() const = 0;
-	// Go to new position
-	virtual blargg_err_t seek( long ) = 0;
-	long remain() const;
-	blargg_err_t skip( long n );
-// Disk file reader
-class Std_File_Reader : public File_Reader {
-	blargg_err_t open( const char* path );
-	void close();
-	Std_File_Reader();
-	~Std_File_Reader();
-	long size() const;
-	blargg_err_t read( void*, long );
-	long read_avail( void*, long );
-	long tell() const;
-	blargg_err_t seek( long );
-	void* file_;
-// Treats range of memory as a file
-class Mem_File_Reader : public File_Reader {
-	Mem_File_Reader( const void*, long size );
-	long size() const;
-	long read_avail( void*, long );
-	long tell() const;
-	blargg_err_t seek( long );
-	const char* const begin;
-	const long size_;
-	long pos;
-// Makes it look like there are only count bytes remaining
-class Subset_Reader : public Data_Reader {
-	Subset_Reader( Data_Reader*, long count );
-	long remain() const;
-	long read_avail( void*, long );
-	Data_Reader* in;
-	long remain_;
-// Joins already-read header and remaining data into original file (to avoid seeking)
-class Remaining_Reader : public Data_Reader {
-	Remaining_Reader( void const* header, long size, Data_Reader* );
-	long remain() const;
-	long read_avail( void*, long );
-	blargg_err_t read( void*, long );
-	char const* header;
-	char const* header_end;
-	Data_Reader* in;
-	long read_first( void* out, long count );
-// Invokes callback function to read data. Size of data must be specified in advance.
-class Callback_Reader : public Data_Reader {
-	typedef const char* (*callback_t)( void* data, void* out, int count );
-	Callback_Reader( callback_t, long size, void* data = 0 );
-	long read_avail( void*, long );
-	blargg_err_t read( void*, long );
-	long remain() const;
-	callback_t const callback;
-	void* const data;
-	long remain_;
-#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
-#include <zlib.h>
-// Gzip compressed file reader
-class Gzip_File_Reader : public File_Reader {
-	blargg_err_t open( const char* path );
-	void close();
-	Gzip_File_Reader();
-	~Gzip_File_Reader();
-	long size() const;
-	long read_avail( void*, long );
-	long tell() const;
-	blargg_err_t seek( long );
-	gzFile file_;
-	long size_;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Dual_Resampler.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Dual_Resampler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2cc36e22ab279345dc5c51a058d708b4e8af07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Dual_Resampler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Dual_Resampler.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-unsigned const resampler_extra = 256;
-Dual_Resampler::Dual_Resampler() :
-	sample_buf_size(0),
-	oversamples_per_frame(-1),
-	buf_pos(-1),
-	resampler_size(0)
-Dual_Resampler::~Dual_Resampler() { }
-blargg_err_t Dual_Resampler::reset( int pairs )
-	// expand allocations a bit
-	RETURN_ERR( sample_buf.resize( (pairs + (pairs >> 2)) * 2 ) );
-	resize( pairs );
-	resampler_size = oversamples_per_frame + (oversamples_per_frame >> 2);
-	return resampler.buffer_size( resampler_size );
-void Dual_Resampler::resize( int pairs )
-	int new_sample_buf_size = pairs * 2;
-	if ( sample_buf_size != new_sample_buf_size )
-	{
-		if ( (unsigned) new_sample_buf_size > sample_buf.size() )
-		{
-			check( false );
-			return;
-		}
-		sample_buf_size = new_sample_buf_size;
-		oversamples_per_frame = int (pairs * resampler.ratio()) * 2 + 2;
-		clear();
-	}
-void Dual_Resampler::play_frame_( Blip_Buffer& blip_buf, dsample_t* out )
-	long pair_count = sample_buf_size >> 1;
-	blip_time_t blip_time = blip_buf.count_clocks( pair_count );
-	int sample_count = oversamples_per_frame - resampler.written();
-	int new_count = play_frame( blip_time, sample_count, resampler.buffer() );
-	assert( new_count < resampler_size );
-	blip_buf.end_frame( blip_time );
-	assert( blip_buf.samples_avail() == pair_count );
-	resampler.write( new_count );
-	long count = resampler.read( sample_buf.begin(), sample_buf_size );
-	assert( count == (long) sample_buf_size );
-	mix_samples( blip_buf, out );
-	blip_buf.remove_samples( pair_count );
-void Dual_Resampler::dual_play( long count, dsample_t* out, Blip_Buffer& blip_buf )
-	// empty extra buffer
-	long remain = sample_buf_size - buf_pos;
-	if ( remain )
-	{
-		if ( remain > count )
-			remain = count;
-		count -= remain;
-		memcpy( out, &sample_buf [buf_pos], remain * sizeof *out );
-		out += remain;
-		buf_pos += remain;
-	}
-	// entire frames
-	while ( count >= (long) sample_buf_size )
-	{
-		play_frame_( blip_buf, out );
-		out += sample_buf_size;
-		count -= sample_buf_size;
-	}
-	// extra
-	if ( count )
-	{
-		play_frame_( blip_buf, sample_buf.begin() );
-		buf_pos = count;
-		memcpy( out, sample_buf.begin(), count * sizeof *out );
-		out += count;
-	}
-void Dual_Resampler::mix_samples( Blip_Buffer& blip_buf, dsample_t* out )
-	Blip_Reader sn;
-	int bass = sn.begin( blip_buf );
-	const dsample_t* in = sample_buf.begin();
-	for ( int n = sample_buf_size >> 1; n--; )
-	{
-		int s = sn.read();
-		blargg_long l = (blargg_long) in [0] * 2 + s;
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) l != l )
-			l = 0x7FFF - (l >> 24);
-		sn.next( bass );
-		blargg_long r = (blargg_long) in [1] * 2 + s;
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) r != r )
-			r = 0x7FFF - (r >> 24);
-		in += 2;
-		out [0] = l;
-		out [1] = r;
-		out += 2;
-	}
-	sn.end( blip_buf );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Dual_Resampler.h b/libs/gme/gme/Dual_Resampler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc8dcfc2b673b3c47a797f8d9ade97d1bba8774..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Dual_Resampler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// Combination of Fir_Resampler and Blip_Buffer mixing. Used by Sega FM emulators.
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#include "Fir_Resampler.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-class Dual_Resampler {
-	Dual_Resampler();
-	virtual ~Dual_Resampler();
-	typedef short dsample_t;
-	double setup( double oversample, double rolloff, double gain );
-	blargg_err_t reset( int max_pairs );
-	void resize( int pairs_per_frame );
-	void clear();
-	void dual_play( long count, dsample_t* out, Blip_Buffer& );
-	virtual int play_frame( blip_time_t, int pcm_count, dsample_t* pcm_out ) = 0;
-	blargg_vector<dsample_t> sample_buf;
-	int sample_buf_size;
-	int oversamples_per_frame;
-	int buf_pos;
-	int resampler_size;
-	Fir_Resampler<12> resampler;
-	void mix_samples( Blip_Buffer&, dsample_t* );
-	void play_frame_( Blip_Buffer&, dsample_t* );
-inline double Dual_Resampler::setup( double oversample, double rolloff, double gain )
-	return resampler.time_ratio( oversample, rolloff, gain * 0.5 );
-inline void Dual_Resampler::clear()
-	buf_pos = sample_buf_size;
-	resampler.clear();
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Effects_Buffer.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Effects_Buffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6af9c14be33b96c1e5a7d3be0e07ff33534840f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Effects_Buffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Effects_Buffer.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-typedef blargg_long fixed_t;
-#define TO_FIXED( f )   fixed_t ((f) * (1L << 15) + 0.5)
-#define FMUL( x, y )    (((x) * (y)) >> 15)
-const unsigned echo_size = 4096;
-const unsigned echo_mask = echo_size - 1;
-BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (echo_size & echo_mask) == 0 ); // must be power of 2
-const unsigned reverb_size = 8192 * 2;
-const unsigned reverb_mask = reverb_size - 1;
-BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (reverb_size & reverb_mask) == 0 ); // must be power of 2
-	pan_1           = -0.15f;
-	pan_2           =  0.15f;
-	reverb_delay    = 88.0f;
-	reverb_level    = 0.12f;
-	echo_delay      = 61.0f;
-	echo_level      = 0.10f;
-	delay_variance  = 18.0f;
-	effects_enabled = false;
-void Effects_Buffer::set_depth( double d )
-	float f = (float) d;
-	config_t c;
-	c.pan_1             = -0.6f * f;
-	c.pan_2             =  0.6f * f;
-	c.reverb_delay      = 880 * 0.1f;
-	c.echo_delay        = 610 * 0.1f;
-	if ( f > 0.5 )
-		f = 0.5; // TODO: more linear reduction of extreme reverb/echo
-	c.reverb_level      = 0.5f * f;
-	c.echo_level        = 0.30f * f;
-	c.delay_variance    = 180 * 0.1f;
-	c.effects_enabled   = (d > 0.0f);
-	config( c );
-Effects_Buffer::Effects_Buffer( bool center_only ) : Multi_Buffer( 2 )
-	buf_count = center_only ? max_buf_count - 4 : max_buf_count;
-	echo_pos = 0;
-	reverb_pos = 0;
-	stereo_remain = 0;
-	effect_remain = 0;
-	effects_enabled = false;
-	set_depth( 0 );
-Effects_Buffer::~Effects_Buffer() { }
-blargg_err_t Effects_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
-	if ( !echo_buf.size() )
-		RETURN_ERR( echo_buf.resize( echo_size ) );
-	if ( !reverb_buf.size() )
-		RETURN_ERR( reverb_buf.resize( reverb_size ) );
-	for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		RETURN_ERR( bufs [i].set_sample_rate( rate, msec ) );
-	config( config_ );
-	clear();
-	return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( bufs [0].sample_rate(), bufs [0].length() );
-void Effects_Buffer::clock_rate( long rate )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		bufs [i].clock_rate( rate );
-void Effects_Buffer::bass_freq( int freq )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		bufs [i].bass_freq( freq );
-void Effects_Buffer::clear()
-	stereo_remain = 0;
-	effect_remain = 0;
-	if ( echo_buf.size() )
-		memset( &echo_buf [0], 0, echo_size * sizeof echo_buf [0] );
-	if ( reverb_buf.size() )
-		memset( &reverb_buf [0], 0, reverb_size * sizeof reverb_buf [0] );
-	for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		bufs [i].clear();
-inline int pin_range( int n, int max, int min = 0 )
-	if ( n < min )
-		return min;
-	if ( n > max )
-		return max;
-	return n;
-void Effects_Buffer::config( const config_t& cfg )
-	channels_changed();
-	// clear echo and reverb buffers
-	if ( !config_.effects_enabled && cfg.effects_enabled && echo_buf.size() )
-	{
-		memset( &echo_buf [0], 0, echo_size * sizeof echo_buf [0] );
-		memset( &reverb_buf [0], 0, reverb_size * sizeof reverb_buf [0] );
-	}
-	config_ = cfg;
-	if ( config_.effects_enabled )
-	{
-		// convert to internal format
-		chans.pan_1_levels [0] = TO_FIXED( 1 ) - TO_FIXED( config_.pan_1 );
-		chans.pan_1_levels [1] = TO_FIXED( 2 ) - chans.pan_1_levels [0];
-		chans.pan_2_levels [0] = TO_FIXED( 1 ) - TO_FIXED( config_.pan_2 );
-		chans.pan_2_levels [1] = TO_FIXED( 2 ) - chans.pan_2_levels [0];
-		chans.reverb_level = TO_FIXED( config_.reverb_level );
-		chans.echo_level = TO_FIXED( config_.echo_level );
-		int delay_offset = int (1.0 / 2000 * config_.delay_variance * sample_rate());
-		int reverb_sample_delay = int (1.0 / 1000 * config_.reverb_delay * sample_rate());
-		chans.reverb_delay_l = pin_range( reverb_size -
-				(reverb_sample_delay - delay_offset) * 2, reverb_size - 2, 0 );
-		chans.reverb_delay_r = pin_range( reverb_size + 1 -
-				(reverb_sample_delay + delay_offset) * 2, reverb_size - 1, 1 );
-		int echo_sample_delay = int (1.0 / 1000 * config_.echo_delay * sample_rate());
-		chans.echo_delay_l = pin_range( echo_size - 1 - (echo_sample_delay - delay_offset),
-				echo_size - 1 );
-		chans.echo_delay_r = pin_range( echo_size - 1 - (echo_sample_delay + delay_offset),
-				echo_size - 1 );
-		chan_types [0].center = &bufs [0];
-		chan_types [0].left   = &bufs [3];
-		chan_types [0].right  = &bufs [4];
-		chan_types [1].center = &bufs [1];
-		chan_types [1].left   = &bufs [3];
-		chan_types [1].right  = &bufs [4];
-		chan_types [2].center = &bufs [2];
-		chan_types [2].left   = &bufs [5];
-		chan_types [2].right  = &bufs [6];
-		assert( 2 < chan_types_count );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// set up outputs
-		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < chan_types_count; i++ )
-		{
-			channel_t& c = chan_types [i];
-			c.center = &bufs [0];
-			c.left   = &bufs [1];
-			c.right  = &bufs [2];
-		}
-	}
-	if ( buf_count < max_buf_count )
-	{
-		for ( int i = 0; i < chan_types_count; i++ )
-		{
-			channel_t& c = chan_types [i];
-			c.left   = c.center;
-			c.right  = c.center;
-		}
-	}
-Effects_Buffer::channel_t Effects_Buffer::channel( int i, int type )
-	int out = 2;
-	if ( !type )
-	{
-		out = i % 5;
-		if ( out > 2 )
-			out = 2;
-	}
-	else if ( !(type & noise_type) && (type & type_index_mask) % 3 != 0 )
-	{
-		out = type & 1;
-	}
-	return chan_types [out];
-void Effects_Buffer::end_frame( blip_time_t clock_count )
-	int bufs_used = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-	{
-		bufs_used |= bufs [i].clear_modified() << i;
-		bufs [i].end_frame( clock_count );
-	}
-	int stereo_mask = (config_.effects_enabled ? 0x78 : 0x06);
-	if ( (bufs_used & stereo_mask) && buf_count == max_buf_count )
-		stereo_remain = bufs [0].samples_avail() + bufs [0].output_latency();
-	if ( effects_enabled || config_.effects_enabled )
-		effect_remain = bufs [0].samples_avail() + bufs [0].output_latency();
-	effects_enabled = config_.effects_enabled;
-long Effects_Buffer::samples_avail() const
-	return bufs [0].samples_avail() * 2;
-long Effects_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* out, long total_samples )
-	require( total_samples % 2 == 0 ); // count must be even
-	long remain = bufs [0].samples_avail();
-	if ( remain > (total_samples >> 1) )
-		remain = (total_samples >> 1);
-	total_samples = remain;
-	while ( remain )
-	{
-		int active_bufs = buf_count;
-		long count = remain;
-		// optimizing mixing to skip any channels which had nothing added
-		if ( effect_remain )
-		{
-			if ( count > effect_remain )
-				count = effect_remain;
-			if ( stereo_remain )
-			{
-				mix_enhanced( out, count );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				mix_mono_enhanced( out, count );
-				active_bufs = 3;
-			}
-		}
-		else if ( stereo_remain )
-		{
-			mix_stereo( out, count );
-			active_bufs = 3; 
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			mix_mono( out, count );
-			active_bufs = 1; 
-		}
-		out += count * 2;
-		remain -= count;
-		stereo_remain -= count;
-		if ( stereo_remain < 0 )
-			stereo_remain = 0;
-		effect_remain -= count;
-		if ( effect_remain < 0 )
-			effect_remain = 0;
-		for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		{
-			if ( i < active_bufs )
-				bufs [i].remove_samples( count );
-			else
-				bufs [i].remove_silence( count ); // keep time synchronized
-		}
-	}
-	return total_samples * 2;
-void Effects_Buffer::mix_mono( blip_sample_t* out_, blargg_long count )
-	blip_sample_t* BLIP_RESTRICT out = out_;
-	int const bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( c, bufs [0] );
-	// unrolled loop
-	for ( blargg_long n = count >> 1; n; --n )
-	{
-		blargg_long cs0 = BLIP_READER_READ( c );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( c, bass );
-		blargg_long cs1 = BLIP_READER_READ( c );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( c, bass );
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) cs0 != cs0 )
-			cs0 = 0x7FFF - (cs0 >> 24);
-		((BOOST::uint32_t*) out) [0] = ((BOOST::uint16_t) cs0) | (cs0 << 16);
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) cs1 != cs1 )
-			cs1 = 0x7FFF - (cs1 >> 24);
-		((BOOST::uint32_t*) out) [1] = ((BOOST::uint16_t) cs1) | (cs1 << 16);
-		out += 4;
-	}
-	if ( count & 1 )
-	{
-		int s = BLIP_READER_READ( c );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( c, bass );
-		out [0] = s;
-		out [1] = s;
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) s != s )
-		{
-			s = 0x7FFF - (s >> 24);
-			out [0] = s;
-			out [1] = s;
-		}
-	}
-	BLIP_READER_END( c, bufs [0] );
-void Effects_Buffer::mix_stereo( blip_sample_t* out_, blargg_long count )
-	blip_sample_t* BLIP_RESTRICT out = out_;
-	int const bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( c, bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( l, bufs [1] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( r, bufs [2] );
-	while ( count-- )
-	{
-		int cs = BLIP_READER_READ( c );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( c, bass );
-		int left = cs + BLIP_READER_READ( l );
-		int right = cs + BLIP_READER_READ( r );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( l, bass );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( r, bass );
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) left != left )
-			left = 0x7FFF - (left >> 24);
-		out [0] = left;
-		out [1] = right;
-		out += 2;
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) right != right )
-			out [-1] = 0x7FFF - (right >> 24);
-	}
-	BLIP_READER_END( r, bufs [2] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( l, bufs [1] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( c, bufs [0] );
-void Effects_Buffer::mix_mono_enhanced( blip_sample_t* out_, blargg_long count )
-	blip_sample_t* BLIP_RESTRICT out = out_;
-	int const bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( bufs [2] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( center, bufs [2] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( sq1, bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( sq2, bufs [1] );
-	blip_sample_t* const reverb_buf = this->reverb_buf.begin();
-	blip_sample_t* const echo_buf = this->echo_buf.begin();
-	int echo_pos = this->echo_pos;
-	int reverb_pos = this->reverb_pos;
-	while ( count-- )
-	{
-		int sum1_s = BLIP_READER_READ( sq1 );
-		int sum2_s = BLIP_READER_READ( sq2 );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( sq1, bass );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( sq2, bass );
-		int new_reverb_l = FMUL( sum1_s, chans.pan_1_levels [0] ) +
-				FMUL( sum2_s, chans.pan_2_levels [0] ) +
-				reverb_buf [(reverb_pos + chans.reverb_delay_l) & reverb_mask];
-		int new_reverb_r = FMUL( sum1_s, chans.pan_1_levels [1] ) +
-				FMUL( sum2_s, chans.pan_2_levels [1] ) +
-				reverb_buf [(reverb_pos + chans.reverb_delay_r) & reverb_mask];
-		fixed_t reverb_level = chans.reverb_level;
-		reverb_buf [reverb_pos] = (blip_sample_t) FMUL( new_reverb_l, reverb_level );
-		reverb_buf [reverb_pos + 1] = (blip_sample_t) FMUL( new_reverb_r, reverb_level );
-		reverb_pos = (reverb_pos + 2) & reverb_mask;
-		int sum3_s = BLIP_READER_READ( center );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( center, bass );
-		int left = new_reverb_l + sum3_s + FMUL( chans.echo_level,
-				echo_buf [(echo_pos + chans.echo_delay_l) & echo_mask] );
-		int right = new_reverb_r + sum3_s + FMUL( chans.echo_level,
-				echo_buf [(echo_pos + chans.echo_delay_r) & echo_mask] );
-		echo_buf [echo_pos] = sum3_s;
-		echo_pos = (echo_pos + 1) & echo_mask;
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) left != left )
-			left = 0x7FFF - (left >> 24);
-		out [0] = left;
-		out [1] = right;
-		out += 2;
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) right != right )
-			out [-1] = 0x7FFF - (right >> 24);
-	}
-	this->reverb_pos = reverb_pos;
-	this->echo_pos = echo_pos;
-	BLIP_READER_END( sq1, bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( sq2, bufs [1] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( center, bufs [2] );
-void Effects_Buffer::mix_enhanced( blip_sample_t* out_, blargg_long count )
-	blip_sample_t* BLIP_RESTRICT out = out_;
-	int const bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( bufs [2] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( center, bufs [2] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( l1, bufs [3] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( r1, bufs [4] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( l2, bufs [5] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( r2, bufs [6] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( sq1, bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( sq2, bufs [1] );
-	blip_sample_t* const reverb_buf = this->reverb_buf.begin();
-	blip_sample_t* const echo_buf = this->echo_buf.begin();
-	int echo_pos = this->echo_pos;
-	int reverb_pos = this->reverb_pos;
-	while ( count-- )
-	{
-		int sum1_s = BLIP_READER_READ( sq1 );
-		int sum2_s = BLIP_READER_READ( sq2 );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( sq1, bass );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( sq2, bass );
-		int new_reverb_l = FMUL( sum1_s, chans.pan_1_levels [0] ) +
-				FMUL( sum2_s, chans.pan_2_levels [0] ) + BLIP_READER_READ( l1 ) +
-				reverb_buf [(reverb_pos + chans.reverb_delay_l) & reverb_mask];
-		int new_reverb_r = FMUL( sum1_s, chans.pan_1_levels [1] ) +
-				FMUL( sum2_s, chans.pan_2_levels [1] ) + BLIP_READER_READ( r1 ) +
-				reverb_buf [(reverb_pos + chans.reverb_delay_r) & reverb_mask];
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( l1, bass );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( r1, bass );
-		fixed_t reverb_level = chans.reverb_level;
-		reverb_buf [reverb_pos] = (blip_sample_t) FMUL( new_reverb_l, reverb_level );
-		reverb_buf [reverb_pos + 1] = (blip_sample_t) FMUL( new_reverb_r, reverb_level );
-		reverb_pos = (reverb_pos + 2) & reverb_mask;
-		int sum3_s = BLIP_READER_READ( center );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( center, bass );
-		int left = new_reverb_l + sum3_s + BLIP_READER_READ( l2 ) + FMUL( chans.echo_level,
-				echo_buf [(echo_pos + chans.echo_delay_l) & echo_mask] );
-		int right = new_reverb_r + sum3_s + BLIP_READER_READ( r2 ) + FMUL( chans.echo_level,
-				echo_buf [(echo_pos + chans.echo_delay_r) & echo_mask] );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( l2, bass );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( r2, bass );
-		echo_buf [echo_pos] = sum3_s;
-		echo_pos = (echo_pos + 1) & echo_mask;
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) left != left )
-			left = 0x7FFF - (left >> 24);
-		out [0] = left;
-		out [1] = right;
-		out += 2;
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) right != right )
-			out [-1] = 0x7FFF - (right >> 24);
-	}
-	this->reverb_pos = reverb_pos;
-	this->echo_pos = echo_pos;
-	BLIP_READER_END( l1, bufs [3] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( r1, bufs [4] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( l2, bufs [5] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( r2, bufs [6] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( sq1, bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( sq2, bufs [1] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( center, bufs [2] );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Effects_Buffer.h b/libs/gme/gme/Effects_Buffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 832c44b06ecf0ff40e7e31a7b561a0b23aa3cc62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Effects_Buffer.h
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@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Multi-channel effects buffer with panning, echo and reverb
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
-// Effects_Buffer uses several buffers and outputs stereo sample pairs.
-class Effects_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
-	// If center_only is true, only center buffers are created and
-	// less memory is used.
-	Effects_Buffer( bool center_only = false );
-	// Channel  Effect    Center Pan
-	// ---------------------------------
-	//    0,5    reverb       pan_1
-	//    1,6    reverb       pan_2
-	//    2,7    echo         -
-	//    3      echo         -
-	//    4      echo         -
-	// Channel configuration
-	struct config_t {
-		double pan_1;           // -1.0 = left, 0.0 = center, 1.0 = right
-		double pan_2;
-		double echo_delay;      // msec
-		double echo_level;      // 0.0 to 1.0
-		double reverb_delay;    // msec
-		double delay_variance;  // difference between left/right delays (msec)
-		double reverb_level;    // 0.0 to 1.0
-		bool effects_enabled;   // if false, use optimized simple mixer
-		config_t();
-	};
-	// Set configuration of buffer
-	virtual void config( const config_t& );
-	void set_depth( double );
-	~Effects_Buffer();
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long samples_per_sec, int msec = blip_default_length );
-	void clock_rate( long );
-	void bass_freq( int );
-	void clear();
-	channel_t channel( int, int );
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long );
-	long samples_avail() const;
-	typedef long fixed_t;
-	enum { max_buf_count = 7 };
-	Blip_Buffer bufs [max_buf_count];
-	enum { chan_types_count = 3 };
-	channel_t chan_types [3];
-	config_t config_;
-	long stereo_remain;
-	long effect_remain;
-	int buf_count;
-	bool effects_enabled;
-	blargg_vector<blip_sample_t> reverb_buf;
-	blargg_vector<blip_sample_t> echo_buf;
-	int reverb_pos;
-	int echo_pos;
-	struct {
-		fixed_t pan_1_levels [2];
-		fixed_t pan_2_levels [2];
-		int echo_delay_l;
-		int echo_delay_r;
-		fixed_t echo_level;
-		int reverb_delay_l;
-		int reverb_delay_r;
-		fixed_t reverb_level;
-	} chans;
-	void mix_mono( blip_sample_t*, blargg_long );
-	void mix_stereo( blip_sample_t*, blargg_long );
-	void mix_enhanced( blip_sample_t*, blargg_long );
-	void mix_mono_enhanced( blip_sample_t*, blargg_long );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Fir_Resampler.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Fir_Resampler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a6600be8a2a879ee76340eeaebbd1cf92e10753..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Fir_Resampler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Fir_Resampler.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-#undef PI
-#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029
-static void gen_sinc( double rolloff, int width, double offset, double spacing, double scale,
-		int count, short* out )
-	double const maxh = 256;
-	double const step = PI / maxh * spacing;
-	double const to_w = maxh * 2 / width;
-	double const pow_a_n = pow( rolloff, maxh );
-	scale /= maxh * 2;
-	double angle = (count / 2 - 1 + offset) * -step;
-	while ( count-- )
-	{
-		*out++ = 0;
-		double w = angle * to_w;
-		if ( fabs( w ) < PI )
-		{
-			double rolloff_cos_a = rolloff * cos( angle );
-			double num = 1 - rolloff_cos_a -
-					pow_a_n * cos( maxh * angle ) +
-					pow_a_n * rolloff * cos( (maxh - 1) * angle );
-			double den = 1 - rolloff_cos_a - rolloff_cos_a + rolloff * rolloff;
-			double sinc = scale * num / den - scale;
-			out [-1] = (short) (cos( w ) * sinc + sinc);
-		}
-		angle += step;
-	}
-Fir_Resampler_::Fir_Resampler_( int width, sample_t* impulses_ ) :
-	width_( width ),
-	write_offset( width * stereo - stereo ),
-	impulses( impulses_ )
-	write_pos = 0;
-	res       = 1;
-	imp_phase = 0;
-	skip_bits = 0;
-	step      = stereo;
-	ratio_    = 1.0;
-Fir_Resampler_::~Fir_Resampler_() { }
-void Fir_Resampler_::clear()
-	imp_phase = 0;
-	if ( buf.size() )
-	{
-		write_pos = &buf [write_offset];
-		memset( buf.begin(), 0, write_offset * sizeof buf [0] );
-	}
-blargg_err_t Fir_Resampler_::buffer_size( int new_size )
-	RETURN_ERR( buf.resize( new_size + write_offset ) );
-	clear();
-	return 0;
-double Fir_Resampler_::time_ratio( double new_factor, double rolloff, double gain )
-	ratio_ = new_factor;
-	double fstep = 0.0;
-	{
-		double least_error = 2;
-		double pos = 0;
-		res = -1;
-		for ( int r = 1; r <= max_res; r++ )
-		{
-			pos += ratio_;
-			double nearest = floor( pos + 0.5 );
-			double error = fabs( pos - nearest );
-			if ( error < least_error )
-			{
-				res = r;
-				fstep = nearest / res;
-				least_error = error;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	skip_bits = 0;
-	step = stereo * (int) floor( fstep );
-	ratio_ = fstep;
-	fstep = fmod( fstep, 1.0 );
-	double filter = (ratio_ < 1.0) ? 1.0 : 1.0 / ratio_;
-	double pos = 0.0;
-	input_per_cycle = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < res; i++ )
-	{
-		gen_sinc( rolloff, int (width_ * filter + 1) & ~1, pos, filter,
-				double (0x7FFF * gain * filter),
-				(int) width_, impulses + i * width_ );
-		pos += fstep;
-		input_per_cycle += step;
-		if ( pos >= 0.9999999 )
-		{
-			pos -= 1.0;
-			skip_bits |= 1 << i;
-			input_per_cycle++;
-		}
-	}
-	clear();
-	return ratio_;
-int Fir_Resampler_::input_needed( blargg_long output_count ) const
-	blargg_long input_count = 0;
-	unsigned long skip = skip_bits >> imp_phase;
-	int remain = res - imp_phase;
-	while ( (output_count -= 2) > 0 )
-	{
-		input_count += step + (skip & 1) * stereo;
-		skip >>= 1;
-		if ( !--remain )
-		{
-			skip = skip_bits;
-			remain = res;
-		}
-		output_count -= 2;
-	}
-	long input_extra = input_count - (write_pos - &buf [(width_ - 1) * stereo]);
-	if ( input_extra < 0 )
-		input_extra = 0;
-	return input_extra;
-int Fir_Resampler_::avail_( blargg_long input_count ) const
-	int cycle_count = input_count / input_per_cycle;
-	int output_count = cycle_count * res * stereo;
-	input_count -= cycle_count * input_per_cycle;
-	blargg_ulong skip = skip_bits >> imp_phase;
-	int remain = res - imp_phase;
-	while ( input_count >= 0 )
-	{
-		input_count -= step + (skip & 1) * stereo;
-		skip >>= 1;
-		if ( !--remain )
-		{
-			skip = skip_bits;
-			remain = res;
-		}
-		output_count += 2;
-	}
-	return output_count;
-int Fir_Resampler_::skip_input( long count )
-	int remain = write_pos - buf.begin();
-	int max_count = remain - width_ * stereo;
-	if ( count > max_count )
-		count = max_count;
-	remain -= count;
-	write_pos = &buf [remain];
-	memmove( buf.begin(), &buf [count], remain * sizeof buf [0] );
-	return count;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Fir_Resampler.h b/libs/gme/gme/Fir_Resampler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a1bb67781f85dfd7f4e41ed08203a9762297a738..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Fir_Resampler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// Finite impulse response (FIR) resampler with adjustable FIR size
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include <string.h>
-class Fir_Resampler_ {
-	// Use Fir_Resampler<width> (below)
-	// Set input/output resampling ratio and optionally low-pass rolloff and gain.
-	// Returns actual ratio used (rounded to internal precision).
-	double time_ratio( double factor, double rolloff = 0.999, double gain = 1.0 );
-	// Current input/output ratio
-	double ratio() const { return ratio_; }
-// Input
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	// Resize and clear input buffer
-	blargg_err_t buffer_size( int );
-	// Clear input buffer. At least two output samples will be available after
-	// two input samples are written.
-	void clear();
-	// Number of input samples that can be written
-	int max_write() const { return buf.end() - write_pos; }
-	// Pointer to place to write input samples
-	sample_t* buffer() { return write_pos; }
-	// Notify resampler that 'count' input samples have been written
-	void write( long count );
-	// Number of input samples in buffer
-	int written() const { return write_pos - &buf [write_offset]; }
-	// Skip 'count' input samples. Returns number of samples actually skipped.
-	int skip_input( long count );
-// Output
-	// Number of extra input samples needed until 'count' output samples are available
-	int input_needed( blargg_long count ) const;
-	// Number of output samples available
-	int avail() const { return avail_( write_pos - &buf [width_ * stereo] ); }
-	~Fir_Resampler_();
-	enum { stereo = 2 };
-	enum { max_res = 32 };
-	blargg_vector<sample_t> buf;
-	sample_t* write_pos;
-	int res;
-	int imp_phase;
-	int const width_;
-	int const write_offset;
-	blargg_ulong skip_bits;
-	int step;
-	int input_per_cycle;
-	double ratio_;
-	sample_t* impulses;
-	Fir_Resampler_( int width, sample_t* );
-	int avail_( blargg_long input_count ) const;
-// Width is number of points in FIR. Must be even and 4 or more. More points give
-// better quality and rolloff effectiveness, and take longer to calculate.
-template<int width>
-class Fir_Resampler : public Fir_Resampler_ {
-	BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( width >= 4 && width % 2 == 0 );
-	short impulses [max_res] [width];
-	Fir_Resampler() : Fir_Resampler_( width, impulses [0] ) { }
-	// Read at most 'count' samples. Returns number of samples actually read.
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	int read( sample_t* out, blargg_long count );
-// End of public interface
-inline void Fir_Resampler_::write( long count )
-	write_pos += count;
-	assert( write_pos <= buf.end() );
-template<int width>
-int Fir_Resampler<width>::read( sample_t* out_begin, blargg_long count )
-	sample_t* out = out_begin;
-	const sample_t* in = buf.begin();
-	sample_t* end_pos = write_pos;
-	blargg_ulong skip = skip_bits >> imp_phase;
-	sample_t const* imp = impulses [imp_phase];
-	int remain = res - imp_phase;
-	int const step = this->step;
-	count >>= 1;
-	if ( end_pos - in >= width * stereo )
-	{
-		end_pos -= width * stereo;
-		do
-		{
-			count--;
-			// accumulate in extended precision
-			blargg_long l = 0;
-			blargg_long r = 0;
-			const sample_t* i = in;
-			if ( count < 0 )
-				break;
-			for ( int n = width / 2; n; --n )
-			{
-				int pt0 = imp [0];
-				l += pt0 * i [0];
-				r += pt0 * i [1];
-				int pt1 = imp [1];
-				imp += 2;
-				l += pt1 * i [2];
-				r += pt1 * i [3];
-				i += 4;
-			}
-			remain--;
-			l >>= 15;
-			r >>= 15;
-			in += (skip * stereo) & stereo;
-			skip >>= 1;
-			in += step;
-			if ( !remain )
-			{
-				imp = impulses [0];
-				skip = skip_bits;
-				remain = res;
-			}
-			out [0] = (sample_t) l;
-			out [1] = (sample_t) r;
-			out += 2;
-		}
-		while ( in <= end_pos );
-	}
-	imp_phase = res - remain;
-	int left = write_pos - in;
-	write_pos = &buf [left];
-	memmove( buf.begin(), in, left * sizeof *in );
-	return out - out_begin;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 866594ddf62727ac84c316fca1f6ed06c65c5a7e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-// Gb_Snd_Emu 0.1.5. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Gb_Apu.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-unsigned const vol_reg    = 0xFF24;
-unsigned const status_reg = 0xFF26;
-	square1.synth = &square_synth;
-	square2.synth = &square_synth;
-	wave.synth  = &other_synth;
-	noise.synth = &other_synth;
-	oscs [0] = &square1;
-	oscs [1] = &square2;
-	oscs [2] = &wave;
-	oscs [3] = &noise;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Gb_Osc& osc = *oscs [i];
-		osc.regs = &regs [i * 5];
-		osc.output = 0;
-		osc.outputs [0] = 0;
-		osc.outputs [1] = 0;
-		osc.outputs [2] = 0;
-		osc.outputs [3] = 0;
-	}
-	set_tempo( 1.0 );
-	volume( 1.0 );
-	reset();
-void Gb_Apu::treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq )
-	square_synth.treble_eq( eq );
-	other_synth.treble_eq( eq );
-void Gb_Apu::osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right )
-	require( (unsigned) index < osc_count );
-	require( (center && left && right) || (!center && !left && !right) );
-	Gb_Osc& osc = *oscs [index];
-	osc.outputs [1] = right;
-	osc.outputs [2] = left;
-	osc.outputs [3] = center;
-	osc.output = osc.outputs [osc.output_select];
-void Gb_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		osc_output( i, center, left, right );
-void Gb_Apu::update_volume()
-	// TODO: doesn't handle differing left/right global volume (support would
-	// require modification to all oscillator code)
-	int data = regs [vol_reg - start_addr];
-	double vol = (max( data & 7, data >> 4 & 7 ) + 1) * volume_unit;
-	square_synth.volume( vol );
-	other_synth.volume( vol );
-static unsigned char const powerup_regs [0x20] = {
-	0x80,0x3F,0x00,0xFF,0xBF, // square 1
-	0xFF,0x3F,0x00,0xFF,0xBF, // square 2
-	0x7F,0xFF,0x9F,0xFF,0xBF, // wave
-	0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0x00,0xBF, // noise
-	0x00, // left/right enables
-	0x77, // master volume
-	0x80, // power
-	0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF
-void Gb_Apu::set_tempo( double t )
-	frame_period = 4194304 / 256; // 256 Hz
-	if ( t != 1.0 )
-		frame_period = blip_time_t (frame_period / t);
-void Gb_Apu::reset()
-	next_frame_time = 0;
-	last_time       = 0;
-	frame_count     = 0;
-	square1.reset();
-	square2.reset();
-	wave.reset();
-	noise.reset();
-	noise.bits = 1;
-	wave.wave_pos = 0;
-	// avoid click at beginning
-	regs [vol_reg - start_addr] = 0x77;
-	update_volume();
-	regs [status_reg - start_addr] = 0x01; // force power
-	write_register( 0, status_reg, 0x00 );
-	static unsigned char const initial_wave [] = {
-		0x84,0x40,0x43,0xAA,0x2D,0x78,0x92,0x3C, // wave table
-		0x60,0x59,0x59,0xB0,0x34,0xB8,0x2E,0xDA
-	};
-	memcpy( wave.wave, initial_wave, sizeof wave.wave );
-void Gb_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t end_time )
-	require( end_time >= last_time ); // end_time must not be before previous time
-	if ( end_time == last_time )
-		return;
-	while ( true )
-	{
-		blip_time_t time = next_frame_time;
-		if ( time > end_time )
-			time = end_time;
-		// run oscillators
-		for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; ++i )
-		{
-			Gb_Osc& osc = *oscs [i];
-			if ( osc.output )
-			{
-				osc.output->set_modified(); // TODO: misses optimization opportunities?
-				int playing = false;
-				if ( osc.enabled && osc.volume &&
-						(!(osc.regs [4] & osc.len_enabled_mask) || osc.length) )
-					playing = -1;
-				switch ( i )
-				{
-				case 0: square1.run( last_time, time, playing ); break;
-				case 1: square2.run( last_time, time, playing ); break;
-				case 2: wave   .run( last_time, time, playing ); break;
-				case 3: noise  .run( last_time, time, playing ); break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		last_time = time;
-		if ( time == end_time )
-			break;
-		next_frame_time += frame_period;
-		// 256 Hz actions
-		square1.clock_length();
-		square2.clock_length();
-		wave.clock_length();
-		noise.clock_length();
-		frame_count = (frame_count + 1) & 3;
-		if ( frame_count == 0 )
-		{
-			// 64 Hz actions
-			square1.clock_envelope();
-			square2.clock_envelope();
-			noise.clock_envelope();
-		}
-		if ( frame_count & 1 )
-			square1.clock_sweep(); // 128 Hz action
-	}
-void Gb_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t end_time )
-	if ( end_time > last_time )
-		run_until( end_time );
-	assert( next_frame_time >= end_time );
-	next_frame_time -= end_time;
-	assert( last_time >= end_time );
-	last_time -= end_time;
-void Gb_Apu::write_register( blip_time_t time, unsigned addr, int data )
-	require( (unsigned) data < 0x100 );
-	int reg = addr - start_addr;
-	if ( (unsigned) reg >= register_count )
-		return;
-	run_until( time );
-	int old_reg = regs [reg];
-	regs [reg] = data;
-	if ( addr < vol_reg )
-	{
-		write_osc( reg / 5, reg, data );
-	}
-	else if ( addr == vol_reg && data != old_reg ) // global volume
-	{
-		// return all oscs to 0
-		for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		{
-			Gb_Osc& osc = *oscs [i];
-			int amp = osc.last_amp;
-			osc.last_amp = 0;
-			if ( amp && osc.enabled && osc.output )
-				other_synth.offset( time, -amp, osc.output );
-		}
-		if ( wave.outputs [3] )
-			other_synth.offset( time, 30, wave.outputs [3] );
-		update_volume();
-		if ( wave.outputs [3] )
-			other_synth.offset( time, -30, wave.outputs [3] );
-		// oscs will update with new amplitude when next run
-	}
-	else if ( addr == 0xFF25 || addr == status_reg )
-	{
-		int mask = (regs [status_reg - start_addr] & 0x80) ? ~0 : 0;
-		int flags = regs [0xFF25 - start_addr] & mask;
-		// left/right assignments
-		for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		{
-			Gb_Osc& osc = *oscs [i];
-			osc.enabled &= mask;
-			int bits = flags >> i;
-			Blip_Buffer* old_output = osc.output;
-			osc.output_select = (bits >> 3 & 2) | (bits & 1);
-			osc.output = osc.outputs [osc.output_select];
-			if ( osc.output != old_output )
-			{
-				int amp = osc.last_amp;
-				osc.last_amp = 0;
-				if ( amp && old_output )
-					other_synth.offset( time, -amp, old_output );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( addr == status_reg && data != old_reg )
-		{
-			if ( !(data & 0x80) )
-			{
-				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof powerup_regs; i++ )
-				{
-					if ( i != status_reg - start_addr )
-						write_register( time, i + start_addr, powerup_regs [i] );
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				//debug_printf( "APU powered on\n" );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else if ( addr >= 0xFF30 )
-	{
-		int index = (addr & 0x0F) * 2;
-		wave.wave [index] = data >> 4;
-		wave.wave [index + 1] = data & 0x0F;
-	}
-int Gb_Apu::read_register( blip_time_t time, unsigned addr )
-	run_until( time );
-	int index = addr - start_addr;
-	require( (unsigned) index < register_count );
-	int data = regs [index];
-	if ( addr == status_reg )
-	{
-		data = (data & 0x80) | 0x70;
-		for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		{
-			const Gb_Osc& osc = *oscs [i];
-			if ( osc.enabled && (osc.length || !(osc.regs [4] & osc.len_enabled_mask)) )
-				data |= 1 << i;
-		}
-	}
-	return data;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Apu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Apu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e74ebc55b89b1366e3ebe145ff5c635526d4f56a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Apu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Nintendo Game Boy PAPU sound chip emulator
-// Gb_Snd_Emu 0.1.5
-#ifndef GB_APU_H
-#define GB_APU_H
-#include "Gb_Oscs.h"
-class Gb_Apu {
-	// Set overall volume of all oscillators, where 1.0 is full volume
-	void volume( double );
-	// Set treble equalization
-	void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& );
-	// Outputs can be assigned to a single buffer for mono output, or to three
-	// buffers for stereo output (using Stereo_Buffer to do the mixing).
-	// Assign all oscillator outputs to specified buffer(s). If buffer
-	// is NULL, silences all oscillators.
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* mono );
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right );
-	// Assign single oscillator output to buffer(s). Valid indicies are 0 to 3,
-	// which refer to Square 1, Square 2, Wave, and Noise. If buffer is NULL,
-	// silences oscillator.
-	enum { osc_count = 4 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* mono );
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right );
-	// Reset oscillators and internal state
-	void reset();
-	// Reads and writes at addr must satisfy start_addr <= addr <= end_addr
-	enum { start_addr = 0xFF10 };
-	enum { end_addr   = 0xFF3F };
-	enum { register_count = end_addr - start_addr + 1 };
-	// Write 'data' to address at specified time
-	void write_register( blip_time_t, unsigned addr, int data );
-	// Read from address at specified time
-	int read_register( blip_time_t, unsigned addr );
-	// Run all oscillators up to specified time, end current time frame, then
-	// start a new frame at time 0.
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	void set_tempo( double );
-	Gb_Apu();
-	// noncopyable
-	Gb_Apu( const Gb_Apu& );
-	Gb_Apu& operator = ( const Gb_Apu& );
-	Gb_Osc*     oscs [osc_count];
-	blip_time_t   next_frame_time;
-	blip_time_t   last_time;
-	blip_time_t frame_period;
-	double      volume_unit;
-	int         frame_count;
-	Gb_Square   square1;
-	Gb_Square   square2;
-	Gb_Wave     wave;
-	Gb_Noise    noise;
-	BOOST::uint8_t regs [register_count];
-	Gb_Square::Synth square_synth; // used by squares
-	Gb_Wave::Synth   other_synth;  // used by wave and noise
-	void update_volume();
-	void run_until( blip_time_t );
-	void write_osc( int index, int reg, int data );
-inline void Gb_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* b ) { output( b, b, b ); }
-inline void Gb_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* b ) { osc_output( i, b, b, b ); }
-inline void Gb_Apu::volume( double vol )
-	volume_unit = 0.60 / osc_count / 15 /*steps*/ / 2 /*?*/ / 8 /*master vol range*/ * vol;
-	update_volume();
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Cpu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Cpu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b0128ea4ca47bf27f92a2ffcf2b9a1782003b2c6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Cpu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1056 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Gb_Cpu.h"
-#include <string.h>
-//#include "gb_cpu_log.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "gb_cpu_io.h"
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// Common instructions:
-// 365880   FA      LD  A,IND16
-// 355863   20      JR  NZ
-// 313655   21      LD  HL,IMM
-// 274580   28      JR  Z
-// 252878   FE      CMP IMM
-// 230541   7E      LD  A,(HL)
-// 226209   2A      LD A,(HL+)
-// 217467   CD      CALL
-// 212034   C9      RET
-// 208376   CB      CB prefix
-//  27486   CB 7E   BIT 7,(HL)
-//  15925   CB 76   BIT 6,(HL)
-//  13035   CB 19   RR  C
-//  11557   CB 7F   BIT 7,A
-//  10898   CB 37   SWAP A
-//  10208   CB 66   BIT 4,(HL)
-	#define PAGE_OFFSET( addr ) (addr)
-	#define PAGE_OFFSET( addr ) ((addr) & (page_size - 1))
-inline void Gb_Cpu::set_code_page( int i, uint8_t* p )
-	state->code_map [i] = p - PAGE_OFFSET( i * (blargg_long) page_size );
-void Gb_Cpu::reset( void* unmapped )
-	check( state == &state_ );
-	state = &state_;
-	state_.remain = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < page_count + 1; i++ )
-		set_code_page( i, (uint8_t*) unmapped );
-	memset( &r, 0, sizeof r );
-	//interrupts_enabled = false;
-	blargg_verify_byte_order();
-void Gb_Cpu::map_code( gb_addr_t start, unsigned size, void* data )
-	// address range must begin and end on page boundaries
-	require( start % page_size == 0 );
-	require( size % page_size == 0 );
-	unsigned first_page = start / page_size;
-	for ( unsigned i = size / page_size; i--; )
-		set_code_page( first_page + i, (uint8_t*) data + i * page_size );
-#define READ( addr )            CPU_READ( this, (addr), s.remain )
-#define WRITE( addr, data )     {CPU_WRITE( this, (addr), (data), s.remain );}
-#define READ_FAST( addr, out )  CPU_READ_FAST( this, (addr), s.remain, out )
-#define READ_PROG( addr )       (s.code_map [(addr) >> page_shift] [PAGE_OFFSET( addr )])
-unsigned const z_flag = 0x80;
-unsigned const n_flag = 0x40;
-unsigned const h_flag = 0x20;
-unsigned const c_flag = 0x10;
-bool Gb_Cpu::run( blargg_long cycle_count )
-	state_.remain = blargg_ulong (cycle_count + clocks_per_instr) / clocks_per_instr;
-	state_t s;
-	this->state = &s;
-	memcpy( &s, &this->state_, sizeof s );
-	typedef BOOST::uint16_t uint16_t;
-	#define R8( n ) (r8_ [n]) 
-	#define R8( n ) (r8_ [(n) ^ 1]) 
-	#error "Byte order of CPU must be known"
-	union {
-		core_regs_t rg; // individual registers
-		struct {
-			BOOST::uint16_t bc, de, hl, unused; // pairs
-		} rp;
-		uint8_t r8_ [8]; // indexed registers (use R8 macro due to endian dependence)
-		BOOST::uint16_t r16 [4]; // indexed pairs
-	};
-	BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof rg == 8 && sizeof rp == 8 );
-	rg = r;
-	unsigned pc = r.pc;
-	unsigned sp = r.sp;
-	unsigned flags = r.flags;
-	check( (unsigned long) pc < 0x10000 );
-	check( (unsigned long) sp < 0x10000 );
-	check( (flags & ~0xF0) == 0 );
-	uint8_t const* instr = s.code_map [pc >> page_shift];
-	unsigned op;
-	// TODO: eliminate this special case
-		op = instr [pc];
-		pc++;
-		instr += pc;
-	#else
-		instr += PAGE_OFFSET( pc );
-		op = *instr++;
-		pc++;
-	#endif
-#define GET_ADDR()  GET_LE16( instr )
-	if ( !--s.remain )
-		goto stop;
-	unsigned data;
-	data = *instr;
-	#ifdef GB_CPU_LOG_H
-		gb_cpu_log( "new", pc - 1, op, data, instr [1] );
-	#endif
-	switch ( op )
-	{
-// TODO: more efficient way to handle negative branch that wraps PC around
-#define BRANCH( cond )\
-	pc++;\
-	int offset = (BOOST::int8_t) data;\
-	if ( !(cond) ) goto loop;\
-	pc = uint16_t (pc + offset);\
-	goto loop;\
-// Most Common
-	case 0x20: // JR NZ
-		BRANCH( !(flags & z_flag) )
-	case 0x21: // LD HL,IMM (common)
-		rp.hl = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x28: // JR Z
-		BRANCH( flags & z_flag )
-	{
-		unsigned temp;
-	case 0xF0: // LD A,(0xFF00+imm)
-		temp = data | 0xFF00;
-		pc++;
-		goto ld_a_ind_comm;
-	case 0xF2: // LD A,(0xFF00+C)
-		temp = rg.c | 0xFF00;
-		goto ld_a_ind_comm;
-	case 0x0A: // LD A,(BC)
-		temp = rp.bc;
-		goto ld_a_ind_comm;
-	case 0x3A: // LD A,(HL-)
-		temp = rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = temp - 1;
-		goto ld_a_ind_comm;
-	case 0x1A: // LD A,(DE)
-		temp = rp.de;
-		goto ld_a_ind_comm;
-	case 0x2A: // LD A,(HL+) (common)
-		temp = rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = temp + 1;
-		goto ld_a_ind_comm;
-	case 0xFA: // LD A,IND16 (common)
-		temp = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-	ld_a_ind_comm:
-		READ_FAST( temp, rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xBE: // CMP (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto cmp_comm;
-	case 0xB8: // CMP B
-	case 0xB9: // CMP C
-	case 0xBA: // CMP D
-	case 0xBB: // CMP E
-	case 0xBC: // CMP H
-	case 0xBD: // CMP L
-		data = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto cmp_comm;
-	case 0xFE: // CMP IMM
-		pc++;
-	cmp_comm:
-		op = rg.a;
-		data = op - data;
-	sub_set_flags:
-		flags = ((op & 15) - (data & 15)) & h_flag;
-		flags |= (data >> 4) & c_flag;
-		flags |= n_flag;
-		if ( data & 0xFF )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= z_flag;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x46: // LD B,(HL)
-	case 0x4E: // LD C,(HL)
-	case 0x56: // LD D,(HL)
-	case 0x5E: // LD E,(HL)
-	case 0x66: // LD H,(HL)
-	case 0x6E: // LD L,(HL)
-	case 0x7E:{// LD A,(HL)
-		unsigned addr = rp.hl;
-		READ_FAST( addr, R8( (op >> 3) & 7 ) );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xC4: // CNZ (next-most-common)
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( flags & z_flag )
-			goto loop;
-	call:
-		pc -= 2;
-	case 0xCD: // CALL (most-common)
-		data = pc + 2;
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-	push:
-		sp = (sp - 1) & 0xFFFF;
-		WRITE( sp, data >> 8 );
-		sp = (sp - 1) & 0xFFFF;
-		WRITE( sp, data & 0xFF );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC8: // RNZ (next-most-common)
-		if ( !(flags & z_flag) )
-			goto loop;
-	case 0xC9: // RET (most common)
-	ret:
-		pc = READ( sp );
-		pc += 0x100 * READ( sp + 1 );
-		sp = (sp + 2) & 0xFFFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x00: // NOP
-	case 0x40: // LD B,B
-	case 0x49: // LD C,C
-	case 0x52: // LD D,D
-	case 0x5B: // LD E,E
-	case 0x64: // LD H,H
-	case 0x6D: // LD L,L
-	case 0x7F: // LD A,A
-		goto loop;
-// CB Instructions
-	case 0xCB:
-		pc++;
-		// now data is the opcode
-		switch ( data ) {
-		{
-			int temp;
-		case 0x46: // BIT b,(HL)
-		case 0x4E:
-		case 0x56:
-		case 0x5E:
-		case 0x66:
-		case 0x6E:
-		case 0x76:
-		case 0x7E:
-			{
-				unsigned addr = rp.hl;
-				READ_FAST( addr, temp );
-				goto bit_comm;
-			}
-		case 0x40: case 0x41: case 0x42: case 0x43: // BIT b,r
-		case 0x44: case 0x45: case 0x47: case 0x48:
-		case 0x49: case 0x4A: case 0x4B: case 0x4C:
-		case 0x4D: case 0x4F: case 0x50: case 0x51:
-		case 0x52: case 0x53: case 0x54: case 0x55:
-		case 0x57: case 0x58: case 0x59: case 0x5A:
-		case 0x5B: case 0x5C: case 0x5D: case 0x5F:
-		case 0x60: case 0x61: case 0x62: case 0x63:
-		case 0x64: case 0x65: case 0x67: case 0x68:
-		case 0x69: case 0x6A: case 0x6B: case 0x6C:
-		case 0x6D: case 0x6F: case 0x70: case 0x71:
-		case 0x72: case 0x73: case 0x74: case 0x75:
-		case 0x77: case 0x78: case 0x79: case 0x7A:
-		case 0x7B: case 0x7C: case 0x7D: case 0x7F:
-			temp = R8( data & 7 );
-		bit_comm:
-			int bit = (~data >> 3) & 7;
-			flags &= ~n_flag;
-			flags |= h_flag | z_flag;
-			flags ^= (temp << bit) & z_flag;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x86: // RES b,(HL)
-		case 0x8E:
-		case 0x96:
-		case 0x9E:
-		case 0xA6:
-		case 0xAE:
-		case 0xB6:
-		case 0xBE:
-		case 0xC6: // SET b,(HL)
-		case 0xCE:
-		case 0xD6:
-		case 0xDE:
-		case 0xE6:
-		case 0xEE:
-		case 0xF6:
-		case 0xFE: {
-			int temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			int bit = 1 << ((data >> 3) & 7);
-			temp &= ~bit;
-			if ( !(data & 0x40) )
-				bit = 0;
-			WRITE( rp.hl, temp | bit );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0xC0: case 0xC1: case 0xC2: case 0xC3: // SET b,r
-		case 0xC4: case 0xC5: case 0xC7: case 0xC8:
-		case 0xC9: case 0xCA: case 0xCB: case 0xCC:
-		case 0xCD: case 0xCF: case 0xD0: case 0xD1:
-		case 0xD2: case 0xD3: case 0xD4: case 0xD5:
-		case 0xD7: case 0xD8: case 0xD9: case 0xDA:
-		case 0xDB: case 0xDC: case 0xDD: case 0xDF:
-		case 0xE0: case 0xE1: case 0xE2: case 0xE3:
-		case 0xE4: case 0xE5: case 0xE7: case 0xE8:
-		case 0xE9: case 0xEA: case 0xEB: case 0xEC:
-		case 0xED: case 0xEF: case 0xF0: case 0xF1:
-		case 0xF2: case 0xF3: case 0xF4: case 0xF5:
-		case 0xF7: case 0xF8: case 0xF9: case 0xFA:
-		case 0xFB: case 0xFC: case 0xFD: case 0xFF:
-			R8( data & 7 ) |= 1 << ((data >> 3) & 7);
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x80: case 0x81: case 0x82: case 0x83: // RES b,r
-		case 0x84: case 0x85: case 0x87: case 0x88:
-		case 0x89: case 0x8A: case 0x8B: case 0x8C:
-		case 0x8D: case 0x8F: case 0x90: case 0x91:
-		case 0x92: case 0x93: case 0x94: case 0x95:
-		case 0x97: case 0x98: case 0x99: case 0x9A:
-		case 0x9B: case 0x9C: case 0x9D: case 0x9F:
-		case 0xA0: case 0xA1: case 0xA2: case 0xA3:
-		case 0xA4: case 0xA5: case 0xA7: case 0xA8:
-		case 0xA9: case 0xAA: case 0xAB: case 0xAC:
-		case 0xAD: case 0xAF: case 0xB0: case 0xB1:
-		case 0xB2: case 0xB3: case 0xB4: case 0xB5:
-		case 0xB7: case 0xB8: case 0xB9: case 0xBA:
-		case 0xBB: case 0xBC: case 0xBD: case 0xBF:
-			R8( data & 7 ) &= ~(1 << ((data >> 3) & 7));
-			goto loop;
-		{
-			int temp;
-		case 0x36: // SWAP (HL)
-			temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			goto swap_comm;
-		case 0x30: // SWAP B
-		case 0x31: // SWAP C
-		case 0x32: // SWAP D
-		case 0x33: // SWAP E
-		case 0x34: // SWAP H
-		case 0x35: // SWAP L
-		case 0x37: // SWAP A
-			temp = R8( data & 7 );
-		swap_comm:
-			op = (temp >> 4) | (temp << 4);
-			flags = 0;
-			goto shift_comm;
-		}
-// Shift/Rotate
-		case 0x06: // RLC (HL)
-		case 0x16: // RL (HL)
-		case 0x26: // SLA (HL)
-			op = READ( rp.hl );
-			goto rl_comm;
-		case 0x20: case 0x21: case 0x22: case 0x23: case 0x24: case 0x25: case 0x27: // SLA A
-		case 0x00: case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x03: case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x07: // RLC A
-		case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: case 0x13: case 0x14: case 0x15: case 0x17: // RL A
-			op = R8( data & 7 );
-			goto rl_comm;
-		case 0x3E: // SRL (HL)
-			data += 0x10; // bump up to 0x4n to avoid preserving sign bit
-		case 0x1E: // RR (HL)
-		case 0x0E: // RRC (HL)
-		case 0x2E: // SRA (HL)
-			op = READ( rp.hl );
-			goto rr_comm;
-		case 0x38: case 0x39: case 0x3A: case 0x3B: case 0x3C: case 0x3D: case 0x3F: // SRL A
-			data += 0x10; // bump up to 0x4n
-		case 0x18: case 0x19: case 0x1A: case 0x1B: case 0x1C: case 0x1D: case 0x1F: // RR A
-		case 0x08: case 0x09: case 0x0A: case 0x0B: case 0x0C: case 0x0D: case 0x0F: // RRC A
-		case 0x28: case 0x29: case 0x2A: case 0x2B: case 0x2C: case 0x2D: case 0x2F: // SRA A
-			op = R8( data & 7 );
-			goto rr_comm;
-	} // CB op
-	assert( false ); // unhandled CB op
-	case 0x07: // RLCA
-	case 0x17: // RLA
-		data = op;
-		op = rg.a;
-	rl_comm:
-		op <<= 1;
-		op |= ((data & flags) >> 4) & 1; // RL and carry is set
-		flags = (op >> 4) & c_flag; // C = bit shifted out
-		if ( data < 0x10 ) // RLC
-			op |= op >> 8;
-		// SLA doesn't fill lower bit
-		goto shift_comm;
-	case 0x0F: // RRCA
-	case 0x1F: // RRA
-		data = op;
-		op = rg.a;
-	rr_comm:
-		op |= (data & flags) << 4; // RR and carry is set
-		flags = (op << 4) & c_flag; // C = bit shifted out
-		if ( data < 0x10 ) // RRC
-			op |= op << 8;
-		op >>= 1;
-		if ( data & 0x20 ) // SRA propagates sign bit
-			op |= (op << 1) & 0x80;
-	shift_comm:
-		data &= 7;
-		if ( !(op & 0xFF) )
-			flags |= z_flag;
-		if ( data == 6 )
-			goto write_hl_op_ff;
-		R8( data ) = op;
-		goto loop;
-// Load
-	case 0x70: // LD (HL),B
-	case 0x71: // LD (HL),C
-	case 0x72: // LD (HL),D
-	case 0x73: // LD (HL),E
-	case 0x74: // LD (HL),H
-	case 0x75: // LD (HL),L
-	case 0x77: // LD (HL),A
-		op = R8( op & 7 );
-	write_hl_op_ff:
-		WRITE( rp.hl, op & 0xFF );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x41: case 0x42: case 0x43: case 0x44: case 0x45: case 0x47: // LD r,r
-	case 0x48: case 0x4A: case 0x4B: case 0x4C: case 0x4D: case 0x4F:
-	case 0x50: case 0x51: case 0x53: case 0x54: case 0x55: case 0x57:
-	case 0x58: case 0x59: case 0x5A: case 0x5C: case 0x5D: case 0x5F:
-	case 0x60: case 0x61: case 0x62: case 0x63: case 0x65: case 0x67:
-	case 0x68: case 0x69: case 0x6A: case 0x6B: case 0x6C: case 0x6F:
-	case 0x78: case 0x79: case 0x7A: case 0x7B: case 0x7C: case 0x7D:
-		R8( (op >> 3) & 7 ) = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x08: // LD IND16,SP
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE( data, sp&0xFF );
-		data++;
-		WRITE( data, sp >> 8 );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF9: // LD SP,HL
-		sp = rp.hl;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x31: // LD SP,IMM
-		sp = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x01: // LD BC,IMM
-	case 0x11: // LD DE,IMM
-		r16 [op >> 4] = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	{
-		unsigned temp;
-	case 0xE0: // LD (0xFF00+imm),A
-		temp = data | 0xFF00;
-		pc++;
-		goto write_data_rg_a;
-	case 0xE2: // LD (0xFF00+C),A
-		temp = rg.c | 0xFF00;
-		goto write_data_rg_a;
-	case 0x32: // LD (HL-),A
-		temp = rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = temp - 1;
-		goto write_data_rg_a;
-	case 0x02: // LD (BC),A
-		temp = rp.bc;
-		goto write_data_rg_a;
-	case 0x12: // LD (DE),A
-		temp = rp.de;
-		goto write_data_rg_a;
-	case 0x22: // LD (HL+),A
-		temp = rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = temp + 1;
-		goto write_data_rg_a;
-	case 0xEA: // LD IND16,A (common)
-		temp = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-	write_data_rg_a:
-		WRITE( temp, rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x06: // LD B,IMM
-		rg.b = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0E: // LD C,IMM
-		rg.c = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x16: // LD D,IMM
-		rg.d = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x1E: // LD E,IMM
-		rg.e = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x26: // LD H,IMM
-		rg.h = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2E: // LD L,IMM
-		rg.l = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x36: // LD (HL),IMM
-		WRITE( rp.hl, data );
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3E: // LD A,IMM
-		rg.a = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-// Increment/Decrement
-	case 0x03: // INC BC
-	case 0x13: // INC DE
-	case 0x23: // INC HL
-		r16 [op >> 4]++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x33: // INC SP
-		sp = (sp + 1) & 0xFFFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0B: // DEC BC
-	case 0x1B: // DEC DE
-	case 0x2B: // DEC HL
-		r16 [op >> 4]--;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3B: // DEC SP
-		sp = (sp - 1) & 0xFFFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x34: // INC (HL)
-		op = rp.hl;
-		data = READ( op );
-		data++;
-		WRITE( op, data & 0xFF );
-		goto inc_comm;
-	case 0x04: // INC B
-	case 0x0C: // INC C (common)
-	case 0x14: // INC D
-	case 0x1C: // INC E
-	case 0x24: // INC H
-	case 0x2C: // INC L
-	case 0x3C: // INC A
-		op = (op >> 3) & 7;
-		R8( op ) = data = R8( op ) + 1;
-	inc_comm:
-		flags = (flags & c_flag) | (((data & 15) - 1) & h_flag) | ((data >> 1) & z_flag);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x35: // DEC (HL)
-		op = rp.hl;
-		data = READ( op );
-		data--;
-		WRITE( op, data & 0xFF );
-		goto dec_comm;
-	case 0x05: // DEC B
-	case 0x0D: // DEC C
-	case 0x15: // DEC D
-	case 0x1D: // DEC E
-	case 0x25: // DEC H
-	case 0x2D: // DEC L
-	case 0x3D: // DEC A
-		op = (op >> 3) & 7;
-		data = R8( op ) - 1;
-		R8( op ) = data;
-	dec_comm:
-		flags = (flags & c_flag) | n_flag | (((data & 15) + 0x31) & h_flag);
-		if ( data & 0xFF )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= z_flag;
-		goto loop;
-// Add 16-bit
-	{
-		blargg_ulong temp; // need more than 16 bits for carry
-		unsigned prev;
-	case 0xF8: // LD HL,SP+imm
-		temp = BOOST::int8_t (data); // sign-extend to 16 bits
-		pc++;
-		flags = 0;
-		temp += sp;
-		prev = sp;
-		goto add_16_hl;
-	case 0xE8: // ADD SP,IMM
-		temp = BOOST::int8_t (data); // sign-extend to 16 bits
-		pc++;
-		flags = 0;
-		temp += sp;
-		prev = sp;
-		sp = temp & 0xFFFF;
-		goto add_16_comm;
-	case 0x39: // ADD HL,SP
-		temp = sp;
-		goto add_hl_comm;
-	case 0x09: // ADD HL,BC
-	case 0x19: // ADD HL,DE
-	case 0x29: // ADD HL,HL
-		temp = r16 [op >> 4];
-	add_hl_comm:
-		prev = rp.hl;
-		temp += prev;
-		flags &= z_flag;
-	add_16_hl:
-		rp.hl = temp;
-	add_16_comm:
-		flags |= (temp >> 12) & c_flag;
-		flags |= (((temp & 0x0FFF) - (prev & 0x0FFF)) >> 7) & h_flag;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x86: // ADD (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto add_comm;
-	case 0x80: // ADD B
-	case 0x81: // ADD C
-	case 0x82: // ADD D
-	case 0x83: // ADD E
-	case 0x84: // ADD H
-	case 0x85: // ADD L
-	case 0x87: // ADD A
-		data = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto add_comm;
-	case 0xC6: // ADD IMM
-		pc++;
-	add_comm:
-		flags = rg.a;
-		data += flags;
-		flags = ((data & 15) - (flags & 15)) & h_flag;
-		flags |= (data >> 4) & c_flag;
-		rg.a = data;
-		if ( data & 0xFF )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= z_flag;
-		goto loop;
-// Add/Subtract
-	case 0x8E: // ADC (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto adc_comm;
-	case 0x88: // ADC B
-	case 0x89: // ADC C
-	case 0x8A: // ADC D
-	case 0x8B: // ADC E
-	case 0x8C: // ADC H
-	case 0x8D: // ADC L
-	case 0x8F: // ADC A
-		data = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto adc_comm;
-	case 0xCE: // ADC IMM
-		pc++;
-	adc_comm:
-		data += (flags >> 4) & 1;
-		data &= 0xFF; // to do: does carry get set when sum + carry = 0x100?
-		goto add_comm;
-	case 0x96: // SUB (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto sub_comm;
-	case 0x90: // SUB B
-	case 0x91: // SUB C
-	case 0x92: // SUB D
-	case 0x93: // SUB E
-	case 0x94: // SUB H
-	case 0x95: // SUB L
-	case 0x97: // SUB A
-		data = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto sub_comm;
-	case 0xD6: // SUB IMM
-		pc++;
-	sub_comm:
-		op = rg.a;
-		data = op - data;
-		rg.a = data;
-		goto sub_set_flags;
-	case 0x9E: // SBC (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto sbc_comm;
-	case 0x98: // SBC B
-	case 0x99: // SBC C
-	case 0x9A: // SBC D
-	case 0x9B: // SBC E
-	case 0x9C: // SBC H
-	case 0x9D: // SBC L
-	case 0x9F: // SBC A
-		data = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto sbc_comm;
-	case 0xDE: // SBC IMM
-		pc++;
-	sbc_comm:
-		data += (flags >> 4) & 1;
-		data &= 0xFF; // to do: does carry get set when sum + carry = 0x100?
-		goto sub_comm;
-// Logical
-	case 0xA0: // AND B
-	case 0xA1: // AND C
-	case 0xA2: // AND D
-	case 0xA3: // AND E
-	case 0xA4: // AND H
-	case 0xA5: // AND L
-		data = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto and_comm;
-	case 0xA6: // AND (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		pc--;
-	case 0xE6: // AND IMM
-		pc++;
-	and_comm:
-		rg.a &= data;
-	case 0xA7: // AND A
-		flags = h_flag | (((rg.a - 1) >> 1) & z_flag);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB0: // OR B
-	case 0xB1: // OR C
-	case 0xB2: // OR D
-	case 0xB3: // OR E
-	case 0xB4: // OR H
-	case 0xB5: // OR L
-		data = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto or_comm;
-	case 0xB6: // OR (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		pc--;
-	case 0xF6: // OR IMM
-		pc++;
-	or_comm:
-		rg.a |= data;
-	case 0xB7: // OR A
-		flags = ((rg.a - 1) >> 1) & z_flag;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xA8: // XOR B
-	case 0xA9: // XOR C
-	case 0xAA: // XOR D
-	case 0xAB: // XOR E
-	case 0xAC: // XOR H
-	case 0xAD: // XOR L
-		data = R8( op & 7 );
-		goto xor_comm;
-	case 0xAE: // XOR (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		pc--;
-	case 0xEE: // XOR IMM
-		pc++;
-	xor_comm:
-		data ^= rg.a;
-		rg.a = data;
-		data--;
-		flags = (data >> 1) & z_flag;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xAF: // XOR A
-		rg.a = 0;
-		flags = z_flag;
-		goto loop;
-// Stack
-	case 0xF1: // POP FA
-	case 0xC1: // POP BC
-	case 0xD1: // POP DE
-	case 0xE1: // POP HL (common)
-		data = READ( sp );
-		r16 [(op >> 4) & 3] = data + 0x100 * READ( sp + 1 );
-		sp = (sp + 2) & 0xFFFF;
-		if ( op != 0xF1 )
-			goto loop;
-		flags = rg.flags & 0xF0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC5: // PUSH BC
-		data = rp.bc;
-		goto push;
-	case 0xD5: // PUSH DE
-		data = rp.de;
-		goto push;
-	case 0xE5: // PUSH HL
-		data = rp.hl;
-		goto push;
-	case 0xF5: // PUSH FA
-		data = (flags << 8) | rg.a;
-		goto push;
-// Flow control
-	case 0xFF:
-		if ( pc == idle_addr + 1 )
-			goto stop;
-	case 0xC7: case 0xCF: case 0xD7: case 0xDF:  // RST
-	case 0xE7: case 0xEF: case 0xF7:
-		data = pc;
-		pc = (op & 0x38) + rst_base;
-		goto push;
-	case 0xCC: // CZ
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( flags & z_flag )
-			goto call;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD4: // CNC
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( !(flags & c_flag) )
-			goto call;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xDC: // CC
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( flags & c_flag )
-			goto call;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD9: // RETI
-		//interrupts_enabled = 1;
-		goto ret;
-	case 0xC0: // RZ
-		if ( !(flags & z_flag) )
-			goto ret;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD0: // RNC
-		if ( !(flags & c_flag) )
-			goto ret;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD8: // RC
-		if ( flags & c_flag )
-			goto ret;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x18: // JR
-		BRANCH( true )
-	case 0x30: // JR NC
-		BRANCH( !(flags & c_flag) )
-	case 0x38: // JR C
-		BRANCH( flags & c_flag )
-	case 0xE9: // JP_HL
-		pc = rp.hl;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC3: // JP (next-most-common)
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC2: // JP NZ
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( !(flags & z_flag) )
-			goto jp_taken;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xCA: // JP Z (most common)
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( !(flags & z_flag) )
-			goto loop;
-	jp_taken:
-		pc -= 2;
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD2: // JP NC
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( !(flags & c_flag) )
-			goto jp_taken;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xDA: // JP C
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( flags & c_flag )
-			goto jp_taken;
-		goto loop;
-// Flags
-	case 0x2F: // CPL
-		rg.a = ~rg.a;
-		flags |= n_flag | h_flag;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3F: // CCF
-		flags = (flags ^ c_flag) & ~(n_flag | h_flag);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x37: // SCF
-		flags = (flags | c_flag) & ~(n_flag | h_flag);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF3: // DI
-		//interrupts_enabled = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFB: // EI
-		//interrupts_enabled = 1;
-		goto loop;
-// Special
-	case 0xDD: case 0xD3: case 0xDB: case 0xE3: case 0xE4: // ?
-	case 0xEB: case 0xEC: case 0xF4: case 0xFD: case 0xFC:
-	case 0x10: // STOP
-	case 0x27: // DAA (I'll have to implement this eventually...)
-	case 0xBF:
-	case 0xED: // Z80 prefix
-	case 0x76: // HALT
-		s.remain++;
-		goto stop;
-	}
-	// If this fails then the case above is missing an opcode
-	assert( false );
-	pc--;
-	// copy state back
-	STATIC_CAST(core_regs_t&,r) = rg;
-	r.pc = pc;
-	r.sp = sp;
-	r.flags = flags;
-	this->state = &state_;
-	memcpy( &this->state_, &s, sizeof this->state_ );
-	return s.remain > 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Cpu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Cpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0994cec291e2be1c461f19a0c4fb2c76f30e0259..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Cpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Nintendo Game Boy CPU emulator
-// Treats every instruction as taking 4 cycles
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef GB_CPU_H
-#define GB_CPU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-typedef unsigned gb_addr_t; // 16-bit CPU address
-class Gb_Cpu {
-	enum { clocks_per_instr = 4 };
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t uint8_t;
-	// Clear registers and map all pages to unmapped
-	void reset( void* unmapped = 0 );
-	// Map code memory (memory accessed via the program counter). Start and size
-	// must be multiple of page_size.
-	enum { page_size = 0x2000 };
-	void map_code( gb_addr_t start, unsigned size, void* code );
-	uint8_t* get_code( gb_addr_t );
-	// Push a byte on the stack
-	void push_byte( int );
-	// Game Boy Z80 registers. *Not* kept updated during a call to run().
-	struct core_regs_t {
-		uint8_t b, c, d, e, h, l, flags, a;
-	#else
-		uint8_t c, b, e, d, l, h, a, flags;
-	#endif
-	};
-	struct registers_t : core_regs_t {
-		long pc; // more than 16 bits to allow overflow detection
-		BOOST::uint16_t sp;
-	};
-	registers_t r;
-	// Interrupt enable flag set by EI and cleared by DI
-	//bool interrupts_enabled; // unused
-	// Base address for RST vectors (normally 0)
-	gb_addr_t rst_base;
-	// If CPU executes opcode 0xFF at this address, it treats as illegal instruction
-	enum { idle_addr = 0xF00D };
-	// Run CPU for at least 'count' cycles and return false, or return true if
-	// illegal instruction is encountered.
-	bool run( blargg_long count );
-	// Number of clock cycles remaining for most recent run() call
-	blargg_long remain() const { return state->remain * clocks_per_instr; }
-	// Can read this many bytes past end of a page
-	enum { cpu_padding = 8 };
-	Gb_Cpu() : rst_base( 0 ) { state = &state_; }
-	enum { page_shift = 13 };
-	enum { page_count = 0x10000 >> page_shift };
-	// noncopyable
-	Gb_Cpu( const Gb_Cpu& );
-	Gb_Cpu& operator = ( const Gb_Cpu& );
-	struct state_t {
-		uint8_t* code_map [page_count + 1];
-		blargg_long remain;
-	};
-	state_t* state; // points to state_ or a local copy within run()
-	state_t state_;
-	void set_code_page( int, uint8_t* );
-inline BOOST::uint8_t* Gb_Cpu::get_code( gb_addr_t addr )
-	return state->code_map [addr >> page_shift] + addr
-		% (unsigned) page_size
-	#endif
-	;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Oscs.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Oscs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 735653fa9c3df416d556312c127c2afc3ba9d30b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Oscs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-// Gb_Snd_Emu 0.1.5. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Gb_Apu.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// Gb_Osc
-void Gb_Osc::reset()
-	delay = 0;
-	last_amp = 0;
-	length = 0;
-	output_select = 3;
-	output = outputs [output_select];
-void Gb_Osc::clock_length()
-	if ( (regs [4] & len_enabled_mask) && length )
-		length--;
-// Gb_Env
-void Gb_Env::clock_envelope()
-	if ( env_delay && !--env_delay )
-	{
-		env_delay = regs [2] & 7;
-		int v = volume - 1 + (regs [2] >> 2 & 2);
-		if ( (unsigned) v < 15 )
-			volume = v;
-	}
-bool Gb_Env::write_register( int reg, int data )
-	switch ( reg )
-	{
-	case 1:
-		length = 64 - (regs [1] & 0x3F);
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		if ( !(data >> 4) )
-			enabled = false;
-		break;
-	case 4:
-		if ( data & trigger )
-		{
-			env_delay = regs [2] & 7;
-			volume = regs [2] >> 4;
-			enabled = true;
-			if ( length == 0 )
-				length = 64;
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-// Gb_Square
-void Gb_Square::reset()
-	phase = 0;
-	sweep_freq = 0;
-	sweep_delay = 0;
-	Gb_Env::reset();
-void Gb_Square::clock_sweep()
-	int sweep_period = (regs [0] & period_mask) >> 4;
-	if ( sweep_period && sweep_delay && !--sweep_delay )
-	{
-		sweep_delay = sweep_period;
-		regs [3] = sweep_freq & 0xFF;
-		regs [4] = (regs [4] & ~0x07) | (sweep_freq >> 8 & 0x07);
-		int offset = sweep_freq >> (regs [0] & shift_mask);
-		if ( regs [0] & 0x08 )
-			offset = -offset;
-		sweep_freq += offset;
-		if ( sweep_freq < 0 )
-		{
-			sweep_freq = 0;
-		}
-		else if ( sweep_freq >= 2048 )
-		{
-			sweep_delay = 0; // don't modify channel frequency any further
-			sweep_freq = 2048; // silence sound immediately
-		}
-	}
-void Gb_Square::run( blip_time_t time, blip_time_t end_time, int playing )
-	if ( sweep_freq == 2048 )
-		playing = false;
-	static unsigned char const table [4] = { 1, 2, 4, 6 };
-	int const duty = table [regs [1] >> 6];
-	int amp = volume & playing;
-	if ( phase >= duty )
-		amp = -amp;
-	int frequency = this->frequency();
-	if ( unsigned (frequency - 1) > 2040 ) // frequency < 1 || frequency > 2041
-	{
-		// really high frequency results in DC at half volume
-		amp = volume >> 1;
-		playing = false;
-	}
-	{
-		int delta = amp - last_amp;
-		if ( delta )
-		{
-			last_amp = amp;
-			synth->offset( time, delta, output );
-		}
-	}
-	time += delay;
-	if ( !playing )
-		time = end_time;
-	if ( time < end_time )
-	{
-		int const period = (2048 - frequency) * 4;
-		Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-		int phase = this->phase;
-		int delta = amp * 2;
-		do
-		{
-			phase = (phase + 1) & 7;
-			if ( phase == 0 || phase == duty )
-			{
-				delta = -delta;
-				synth->offset_inline( time, delta, output );
-			}
-			time += period;
-		}
-		while ( time < end_time );
-		this->phase = phase;
-		last_amp = delta >> 1;
-	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
-// Gb_Noise
-void Gb_Noise::run( blip_time_t time, blip_time_t end_time, int playing )
-	int amp = volume & playing;
-	int tap = 13 - (regs [3] & 8);
-	if ( bits >> tap & 2 )
-		amp = -amp;
-	{
-		int delta = amp - last_amp;
-		if ( delta )
-		{
-			last_amp = amp;
-			synth->offset( time, delta, output );
-		}
-	}
-	time += delay;
-	if ( !playing )
-		time = end_time;
-	if ( time < end_time )
-	{
-		static unsigned char const table [8] = { 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112 };
-		int period = table [regs [3] & 7] << (regs [3] >> 4);
-		// keep parallel resampled time to eliminate time conversion in the loop
-		Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-		const blip_resampled_time_t resampled_period =
-				output->resampled_duration( period );
-		blip_resampled_time_t resampled_time = output->resampled_time( time );
-		unsigned bits = this->bits;
-		int delta = amp * 2;
-		do
-		{
-			unsigned changed = (bits >> tap) + 1;
-			time += period;
-			bits <<= 1;
-			if ( changed & 2 )
-			{
-				delta = -delta;
-				bits |= 1;
-				synth->offset_resampled( resampled_time, delta, output );
-			}
-			resampled_time += resampled_period;
-		}
-		while ( time < end_time );
-		this->bits = bits;
-		last_amp = delta >> 1;
-	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
-// Gb_Wave
-inline void Gb_Wave::write_register( int reg, int data )
-	switch ( reg )
-	{
-	case 0:
-		if ( !(data & 0x80) )
-			enabled = false;
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		length = 256 - regs [1];
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		volume = data >> 5 & 3;
-		break;
-	case 4:
-		if ( data & trigger & regs [0] )
-		{
-			wave_pos = 0;
-			enabled = true;
-			if ( length == 0 )
-				length = 256;
-		}
-	}
-void Gb_Wave::run( blip_time_t time, blip_time_t end_time, int playing )
-	int volume_shift = (volume - 1) & 7; // volume = 0 causes shift = 7
-	int frequency;
-	{
-		int amp = (wave [wave_pos] >> volume_shift & playing) * 2;
-		frequency = this->frequency();
-		if ( unsigned (frequency - 1) > 2044 ) // frequency < 1 || frequency > 2045
-		{
-			amp = 30 >> volume_shift & playing;
-			playing = false;
-		}
-		int delta = amp - last_amp;
-		if ( delta )
-		{
-			last_amp = amp;
-			synth->offset( time, delta, output );
-		}
-	}
-	time += delay;
-	if ( !playing )
-		time = end_time;
-	if ( time < end_time )
-	{
-		Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-		int const period = (2048 - frequency) * 2;
-	 	int wave_pos = (this->wave_pos + 1) & (wave_size - 1);
-		do
-		{
-			int amp = (wave [wave_pos] >> volume_shift) * 2;
-			wave_pos = (wave_pos + 1) & (wave_size - 1);
-			int delta = amp - last_amp;
-			if ( delta )
-			{
-				last_amp = amp;
-				synth->offset_inline( time, delta, output );
-			}
-			time += period;
-		}
-		while ( time < end_time );
-		this->wave_pos = (wave_pos - 1) & (wave_size - 1);
-	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
-// Gb_Apu::write_osc
-void Gb_Apu::write_osc( int index, int reg, int data )
-	reg -= index * 5;
-	Gb_Square* sq = &square2;
-	switch ( index )
-	{
-	case 0:
-		sq = &square1;
-	case 1:
-		if ( sq->write_register( reg, data ) && index == 0 )
-		{
-			square1.sweep_freq = square1.frequency();
-			if ( (regs [0] & sq->period_mask) && (regs [0] & sq->shift_mask) )
-			{
-				square1.sweep_delay = 1; // cause sweep to recalculate now
-				square1.clock_sweep();
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		wave.write_register( reg, data );
-		break;
-	case 3:
-		if ( noise.write_register( reg, data ) )
-			noise.bits = 0x7FFF;
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Oscs.h b/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Oscs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f88ea1450c1404398a0732d912a6ccfe118328..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gb_Oscs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Private oscillators used by Gb_Apu
-// Gb_Snd_Emu 0.1.5
-#ifndef GB_OSCS_H
-#define GB_OSCS_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-struct Gb_Osc
-	enum { trigger = 0x80 };
-	enum { len_enabled_mask = 0x40 };
-	Blip_Buffer* outputs [4]; // NULL, right, left, center
-	Blip_Buffer* output;
-	int output_select;
-	BOOST::uint8_t* regs; // osc's 5 registers
-	int delay;
-	int last_amp;
-	int volume;
-	int length;
-	int enabled;
-	void reset();
-	void clock_length();
-	int frequency() const { return (regs [4] & 7) * 0x100 + regs [3]; }
-struct Gb_Env : Gb_Osc
-	int env_delay;
-	void reset();
-	void clock_envelope();
-	bool write_register( int, int );
-struct Gb_Square : Gb_Env
-	enum { period_mask = 0x70 };
-	enum { shift_mask  = 0x07 };
-	typedef Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> Synth;
-	Synth const* synth;
-	int sweep_delay;
-	int sweep_freq;
-	int phase;
-	void reset();
-	void clock_sweep();
-	void run( blip_time_t, blip_time_t, int playing );
-struct Gb_Noise : Gb_Env
-	typedef Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> Synth;
-	Synth const* synth;
-	unsigned bits;
-	void run( blip_time_t, blip_time_t, int playing );
-struct Gb_Wave : Gb_Osc
-	typedef Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> Synth;
-	Synth const* synth;
-	int wave_pos;
-	enum { wave_size = 32 };
-	BOOST::uint8_t wave [wave_size];
-	void write_register( int, int );
-	void run( blip_time_t, blip_time_t, int playing );
-inline void Gb_Env::reset()
-	env_delay = 0;
-	Gb_Osc::reset();
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gbs_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Gbs_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a0b99356a6d3f2614b6978c8a9550fdba0a1f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gbs_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Gbs_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-Gbs_Emu::equalizer_t const Gbs_Emu::handheld_eq   =
-	Music_Emu::make_equalizer( -47.0, 2000 );
-Gbs_Emu::equalizer_t const Gbs_Emu::headphones_eq =
-	Music_Emu::make_equalizer( 0.0, 300 );
-	set_type( gme_gbs_type );
-	static const char* const names [Gb_Apu::osc_count] = {
-		"Square 1", "Square 2", "Wave", "Noise"
-	};
-	set_voice_names( names );
-	static int const types [Gb_Apu::osc_count] = {
-		wave_type | 1, wave_type | 2, wave_type | 0, mixed_type | 0
-	};
-	set_voice_types( types );
-	set_silence_lookahead( 6 );
-	set_max_initial_silence( 21 );
-	set_gain( 1.2 );
-	set_equalizer( make_equalizer( -1.0, 120 ) );
-Gbs_Emu::~Gbs_Emu() { }
-void Gbs_Emu::unload()
-	rom.clear();
-	Music_Emu::unload();
-// Track info
-static void copy_gbs_fields( Gbs_Emu::header_t const& h, track_info_t* out )
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, game );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, author );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, copyright );
-blargg_err_t Gbs_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	copy_gbs_fields( header_, out );
-	return 0;
-static blargg_err_t check_gbs_header( void const* header )
-	if ( memcmp( header, "GBS", 3 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	return 0;
-struct Gbs_File : Gme_Info_
-	Gbs_Emu::header_t h;
-	Gbs_File() { set_type( gme_gbs_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	{
-		blargg_err_t err = in.read( &h, Gbs_Emu::header_size );
-		if ( err )
-			return (err == in.eof_error ? gme_wrong_file_type : err);
-		set_track_count( h.track_count );
-		return check_gbs_header( &h );
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	{
-		copy_gbs_fields( h, out );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_gbs_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Gbs_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_gbs_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Gbs_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_gbs_type_ = { "Game Boy", 0, &new_gbs_emu, &new_gbs_file, "GBS", 1 };
-gme_type_t const gme_gbs_type = &gme_gbs_type_;
-// Setup
-blargg_err_t Gbs_Emu::load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	assert( offsetof (header_t,copyright [32]) == header_size );
-	RETURN_ERR( rom.load( in, header_size, &header_, 0 ) );
-	set_track_count( header_.track_count );
-	RETURN_ERR( check_gbs_header( &header_ ) );
-	if ( header_.vers != 1 )
-		set_warning( "Unknown file version" );
-	if ( header_.timer_mode & 0x78 )
-		set_warning( "Invalid timer mode" );
-	unsigned load_addr = get_le16( header_.load_addr );
-	if ( (header_.load_addr [1] | header_.init_addr [1] | header_.play_addr [1]) > 0x7F ||
-			load_addr < 0x400 )
-		set_warning( "Invalid load/init/play address" );
-	set_voice_count( Gb_Apu::osc_count );
-	apu.volume( gain() );
-	return setup_buffer( 4194304 );
-void Gbs_Emu::update_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	apu.treble_eq( eq );
-void Gbs_Emu::set_voice( int i, Blip_Buffer* c, Blip_Buffer* l, Blip_Buffer* r )
-	apu.osc_output( i, c, l, r );
-// Emulation
-// see gb_cpu_io.h for read/write functions
-void Gbs_Emu::set_bank( int n )
-	blargg_long addr = rom.mask_addr( n * (blargg_long) bank_size );
-	if ( addr == 0 && rom.size() > bank_size )
-	{
-		// TODO: what is the correct behavior? Current Game & Watch Gallery
-		// rip requires that this have no effect or set to bank 1.
-		//debug_printf( "Selected ROM bank 0\n" );
-		return;
-		//n = 1;
-	}
-	cpu::map_code( bank_size, bank_size, rom.at_addr( addr ) );
-void Gbs_Emu::update_timer()
-	if ( header_.timer_mode & 0x04 )
-	{
-		static byte const rates [4] = { 10, 4, 6, 8 };
-		int shift = rates [ram [hi_page + 7] & 3] - (header_.timer_mode >> 7);
-		play_period = (256L - ram [hi_page + 6]) << shift;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		play_period = 70224; // 59.73 Hz
-	}
-	if ( tempo() != 1.0 )
-		play_period = blip_time_t (play_period / tempo());
-static BOOST::uint8_t const sound_data [Gb_Apu::register_count] = {
-	0x80, 0xBF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xBF, // square 1
-	0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xBF, // square 2
-	0x7F, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0x00, 0xBF, // wave
-	0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xBF, // noise
-	0x77, 0xF3, 0xF1, // vin/volume, status, power mode
-	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // unused
-	0xAC, 0xDD, 0xDA, 0x48, 0x36, 0x02, 0xCF, 0x16, // waveform data
-	0x2C, 0x04, 0xE5, 0x2C, 0xAC, 0xDD, 0xDA, 0x48
-void Gbs_Emu::cpu_jsr( gb_addr_t addr )
-	check( cpu::r.sp == get_le16( header_.stack_ptr ) );
-	cpu::r.pc = addr;
-	cpu_write( --cpu::r.sp, idle_addr >> 8 );
-	cpu_write( --cpu::r.sp, idle_addr&0xFF );
-void Gbs_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	apu.set_tempo( t );
-	update_timer();
-blargg_err_t Gbs_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	memset( ram, 0, 0x4000 );
-	memset( ram + 0x4000, 0xFF, 0x1F80 );
-	memset( ram + 0x5F80, 0, sizeof ram - 0x5F80 );
-	ram [hi_page] = 0; // joypad reads back as 0
-	apu.reset();
-	for ( int i = 0; i < (int) sizeof sound_data; i++ )
-		apu.write_register( 0, i + apu.start_addr, sound_data [i] );
-	unsigned load_addr = get_le16( header_.load_addr );
-	rom.set_addr( load_addr );
-	cpu::rst_base = load_addr;
-	cpu::reset( rom.unmapped() );
-	cpu::map_code( ram_addr, 0x10000 - ram_addr, ram );
-	cpu::map_code( 0, bank_size, rom.at_addr( 0 ) );
-	set_bank( rom.size() > bank_size );
-	ram [hi_page + 6] = header_.timer_modulo;
-	ram [hi_page + 7] = header_.timer_mode;
-	update_timer();
-	next_play = play_period;
-	cpu::r.a  = track;
-	cpu::r.pc = idle_addr;
-	cpu::r.sp = get_le16( header_.stack_ptr );
-	cpu_time  = 0;
-	cpu_jsr( get_le16( header_.init_addr ) );
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Gbs_Emu::run_clocks( blip_time_t& duration, int )
-	cpu_time = 0;
-	while ( cpu_time < duration )
-	{
-		long count = duration - cpu_time;
-		cpu_time = duration;
-		bool result = cpu::run( count );
-		cpu_time -= cpu::remain();
-		if ( result )
-		{
-			if ( cpu::r.pc == idle_addr )
-			{
-				if ( next_play > duration )
-				{
-					cpu_time = duration;
-					break;
-				}
-				if ( cpu_time < next_play )
-					cpu_time = next_play;
-				next_play += play_period;
-				cpu_jsr( get_le16( header_.play_addr ) );
-				GME_FRAME_HOOK( this );
-				// TODO: handle timer rates different than 60 Hz
-			}
-			else if ( cpu::r.pc > 0xFFFF )
-			{
-				debug_printf( "PC wrapped around\n" );
-				cpu::r.pc &= 0xFFFF;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				set_warning( "Emulation error (illegal/unsupported instruction)" );
-				debug_printf( "Bad opcode $%.2x at $%.4x\n",
-						(int) *cpu::get_code( cpu::r.pc ), (int) cpu::r.pc );
-				cpu::r.pc = (cpu::r.pc + 1) & 0xFFFF;
-				cpu_time += 6;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	duration = cpu_time;
-	next_play -= cpu_time;
-	if ( next_play < 0 ) // could go negative if routine is taking too long to return
-		next_play = 0;
-	apu.end_frame( cpu_time );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gbs_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Gbs_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b233a2b4f0a7cbe83266f9a4a05793592fe13985..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gbs_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// Nintendo Game Boy GBS music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef GBS_EMU_H
-#define GBS_EMU_H
-#include "Classic_Emu.h"
-#include "Gb_Apu.h"
-#include "Gb_Cpu.h"
-class Gbs_Emu : private Gb_Cpu, public Classic_Emu {
-	typedef Gb_Cpu cpu;
-	// Equalizer profiles for Game Boy Color speaker and headphones
-	static equalizer_t const handheld_eq;
-	static equalizer_t const headphones_eq;
-	// GBS file header
-	enum { header_size = 112 };
-	struct header_t
-	{
-		char tag [3];
-		byte vers;
-		byte track_count;
-		byte first_track;
-		byte load_addr [2];
-		byte init_addr [2];
-		byte play_addr [2];
-		byte stack_ptr [2];
-		byte timer_modulo;
-		byte timer_mode;
-		char game [32];
-		char author [32];
-		char copyright [32];
-	};
-	// Header for currently loaded file
-	header_t const& header() const { return header_; }
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_gbs_type; }
-	// deprecated
-	using Music_Emu::load;
-	blargg_err_t load( header_t const& h, Data_Reader& in ) // use Remaining_Reader
-			{ return load_remaining_( &h, sizeof h, in ); }
-	Gbs_Emu();
-	~Gbs_Emu();
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t run_clocks( blip_time_t&, int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	void set_voice( int, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void update_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	void unload();
-	// rom
-	enum { bank_size = 0x4000 };
-	Rom_Data<bank_size> rom;
-	void set_bank( int );
-	// timer
-	blip_time_t cpu_time;
-	blip_time_t play_period;
-	blip_time_t next_play;
-	void update_timer();
-	header_t header_;
-	void cpu_jsr( gb_addr_t );
-public: private: friend class Gb_Cpu;
-	blip_time_t clock() const { return cpu_time - cpu::remain(); }
-	enum { joypad_addr = 0xFF00 };
-	enum { ram_addr = 0xA000 };
-	enum { hi_page = 0xFF00 - ram_addr };
-	byte ram [0x4000 + 0x2000 + Gb_Cpu::cpu_padding];
-	Gb_Apu apu;
-	int cpu_read( gb_addr_t );
-	void cpu_write( gb_addr_t, int );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gme_File.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Gme_File.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 995f56b1c4888669286ac3633a4c537fa07ce2cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gme_File.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Gme_File.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-const char* const gme_wrong_file_type = "Wrong file type for this emulator";
-void Gme_File::clear_playlist()
-	playlist.clear();
-	clear_playlist_();
-	track_count_ = raw_track_count_;
-void Gme_File::unload()
-	clear_playlist(); // *before* clearing track count
-	track_count_     = 0;
-	raw_track_count_ = 0;
-	file_data.clear();
-	type_         = 0;
-	user_data_    = 0;
-	user_cleanup_ = 0;
-	unload(); // clears fields
-	blargg_verify_byte_order(); // used by most emulator types, so save them the trouble
-	if ( user_cleanup_ )
-		user_cleanup_( user_data_ );
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_mem_( byte const* data, long size )
-	require( data != file_data.begin() ); // load_mem_() or load_() must be overridden
-	Mem_File_Reader in( data, size );
-	return load_( in );
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	RETURN_ERR( file_data.resize( in.remain() ) );
-	RETURN_ERR( in.read( file_data.begin(), file_data.size() ) );
-	return load_mem_( file_data.begin(), file_data.size() );
-// public load functions call this at beginning
-void Gme_File::pre_load() { unload(); }
-void Gme_File::post_load_() { }
-// public load functions call this at end
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::post_load( blargg_err_t err )
-	if ( !track_count() )
-		set_track_count( type()->track_count );
-	if ( !err )
-		post_load_();
-	else
-		unload();
-	return err;
-// Public load functions
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_mem( void const* in, long size )
-	pre_load();
-	return post_load( load_mem_( (byte const*) in, size ) );
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load( Data_Reader& in )
-	pre_load();
-	return post_load( load_( in ) );
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_file( const char* path )
-	pre_load();
-	RETURN_ERR( in.open( path ) );
-	return post_load( load_( in ) );
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_remaining_( void const* h, long s, Data_Reader& in )
-	Remaining_Reader rem( h, s, &in );
-	return load( rem );
-// Track info
-void Gme_File::copy_field_( char* out, const char* in, int in_size )
-	if ( !in || !*in )
-		return;
-	// remove spaces/junk from beginning
-	while ( in_size && unsigned (*in - 1) <= ' ' - 1 )
-	{
-		in++;
-		in_size--;
-	}
-	// truncate
-	if ( in_size > max_field_ )
-		in_size = max_field_;
-	// find terminator
-	int len = 0;
-	while ( len < in_size && in [len] )
-		len++;
-	// remove spaces/junk from end
-	while ( len && unsigned (in [len - 1]) <= ' ' )
-		len--;
-	// copy
-	out [len] = 0;
-	memcpy( out, in, len );
-	// strip out stupid fields that should have been left blank
-	if ( !strcmp( out, "?" ) || !strcmp( out, "<?>" ) || !strcmp( out, "< ? >" ) )
-		out [0] = 0;
-void Gme_File::copy_field_( char* out, const char* in )
-	copy_field_( out, in, max_field_ );
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::remap_track_( int* track_io ) const
-	if ( (unsigned) *track_io >= (unsigned) track_count() )
-		return "Invalid track";
-	if ( (unsigned) *track_io < (unsigned) playlist.size() )
-	{
-		M3u_Playlist::entry_t const& e = playlist [*track_io];
-		*track_io = 0;
-		if ( e.track >= 0 )
-		{
-			*track_io = e.track;
-			if ( !(type_->flags_ & 0x02) )
-				*track_io -= e.decimal_track;
-		}
-		if ( *track_io >= raw_track_count_ )
-			return "Invalid track in m3u playlist";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		check( !playlist.size() );
-	}
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::track_info( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
-	out->track_count = track_count();
-	out->length        = -1;
-	out->loop_length   = -1;
-	out->intro_length  = -1;
-	out->song [0]      = 0;
-	out->game [0]      = 0;
-	out->author [0]    = 0;
-	out->copyright [0] = 0;
-	out->comment [0]   = 0;
-	out->dumper [0]    = 0;
-	out->system [0]    = 0;
-	copy_field_( out->system, type()->system );
-	int remapped = track;
-	RETURN_ERR( remap_track_( &remapped ) );
-	RETURN_ERR( track_info_( out, remapped ) );
-	// override with m3u info
-	if ( playlist.size() )
-	{
-		M3u_Playlist::info_t const& i = playlist.info();
-		copy_field_( out->game  , i.title );
-		copy_field_( out->author, i.engineer );
-		copy_field_( out->author, i.composer );
-		copy_field_( out->dumper, i.ripping );
-		M3u_Playlist::entry_t const& e = playlist [track];
-		copy_field_( out->song, e.name );
-		if ( e.length >= 0 ) out->length       = e.length * 1000L;
-		if ( e.intro  >= 0 ) out->intro_length = e.intro  * 1000L;
-		if ( e.loop   >= 0 ) out->loop_length  = e.loop   * 1000L;
-	}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gme_File.h b/libs/gme/gme/Gme_File.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d0a573443704a4149295492ba2d949df162d183..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gme_File.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Common interface to game music file loading and information
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef GME_FILE_H
-#define GME_FILE_H
-#include "gme.h"
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Data_Reader.h"
-#include "M3u_Playlist.h"
-// Error returned if file is wrong type
-//extern const char gme_wrong_file_type []; // declared in gme.h
-struct gme_type_t_
-	const char* system;         /* name of system this music file type is generally for */
-	int track_count;            /* non-zero for formats with a fixed number of tracks */
-	Music_Emu* (*new_emu)();    /* Create new emulator for this type (useful in C++ only) */
-	Music_Emu* (*new_info)();   /* Create new info reader for this type */
-	/* internal */
-	const char* extension_;
-	int flags_;
-struct track_info_t
-	long track_count;
-	/* times in milliseconds; -1 if unknown */
-	long length;
-	long intro_length;
-	long loop_length;
-	/* empty string if not available */
-	char system    [256];
-	char game      [256];
-	char song      [256];
-	char author    [256];
-	char copyright [256];
-	char comment   [256];
-	char dumper    [256];
-enum { gme_max_field = 255 };
-struct Gme_File {
-// File loading
-	// Each loads game music data from a file and returns an error if
-	// file is wrong type or is seriously corrupt. They also set warning
-	// string for minor problems.
-	// Load from file on disk
-	blargg_err_t load_file( const char* path );
-	// Load from custom data source (see Data_Reader.h)
-	blargg_err_t load( Data_Reader& );
-	// Load from file already read into memory. Keeps pointer to data, so you
-	// must not free it until you're done with the file.
-	blargg_err_t load_mem( void const* data, long size );
-	// Load an m3u playlist. Must be done after loading main music file.
-	blargg_err_t load_m3u( const char* path );
-	blargg_err_t load_m3u( Data_Reader& in );
-	// Clears any loaded m3u playlist and any internal playlist that the music
-	// format supports (NSFE for example).
-	void clear_playlist();
-// Informational
-	// Type of emulator. For example if this returns gme_nsfe_type, this object
-	// is an NSFE emulator, and you can cast to an Nsfe_Emu* if necessary.
-	gme_type_t type() const;
-	// Most recent warning string, or NULL if none. Clears current warning after
-	// returning.
-	const char* warning();
-	// Number of tracks or 0 if no file has been loaded
-	int track_count() const;
-	// Get information for a track (length, name, author, etc.)
-	// See gme.h for definition of struct track_info_t.
-	blargg_err_t track_info( track_info_t* out, int track ) const;
-// User data/cleanup
-	// Set/get pointer to data you want to associate with this emulator.
-	// You can use this for whatever you want.
-	void set_user_data( void* p )       { user_data_ = p; }
-	void* user_data() const             { return user_data_; }
-	// Register cleanup function to be called when deleting emulator, or NULL to
-	// clear it. Passes user_data to cleanup function.
-	void set_user_cleanup( gme_user_cleanup_t func ) { user_cleanup_ = func; }
-	// deprecated
-	int error_count() const; // use warning()
-	Gme_File();
-	virtual ~Gme_File();
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t byte;
-	// Services
-	void set_track_count( int n )       { track_count_ = raw_track_count_ = n; }
-	void set_warning( const char* s )   { warning_ = s; }
-	void set_type( gme_type_t t )       { type_ = t; }
-	blargg_err_t load_remaining_( void const* header, long header_size, Data_Reader& remaining );
-	// Overridable
-	virtual void unload();  // called before loading file and if loading fails
-	virtual blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& ); // default loads then calls load_mem_()
-	virtual blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const* data, long size ); // use data in memory
-	virtual blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const = 0;
-	virtual void pre_load();
-	virtual void post_load_();
-	virtual void clear_playlist_() { }
-	blargg_err_t remap_track_( int* track_io ) const; // need by Music_Emu
-	// noncopyable
-	Gme_File( const Gme_File& );
-	Gme_File& operator = ( const Gme_File& );
-	gme_type_t type_;
-	int track_count_;
-	int raw_track_count_;
-	const char* warning_;
-	void* user_data_;
-	gme_user_cleanup_t user_cleanup_;
-	M3u_Playlist playlist;
-	char playlist_warning [64];
-	blargg_vector<byte> file_data; // only if loaded into memory using default load
-	blargg_err_t load_m3u_( blargg_err_t );
-	blargg_err_t post_load( blargg_err_t err );
-	// track_info field copying
-	enum { max_field_ = 255 };
-	static void copy_field_( char* out, const char* in );
-	static void copy_field_( char* out, const char* in, int len );
-Music_Emu* gme_new_( Music_Emu*, long sample_rate );
-#define GME_COPY_FIELD( in, out, name ) \
-	{ Gme_File::copy_field_( out->name, in.name, sizeof in.name ); }
-	#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
-		#define GME_FILE_READER Gzip_File_Reader
-	#else
-		#define GME_FILE_READER Std_File_Reader
-	#endif
-#elif defined (GME_FILE_READER_INCLUDE)
-inline gme_type_t Gme_File::type() const            { return type_; }
-inline int Gme_File::error_count() const            { return warning_ != 0; }
-inline int Gme_File::track_count() const            { return track_count_; }
-inline const char* Gme_File::warning()
-	const char* s = warning_;
-	warning_ = 0;
-	return s;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gym_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Gym_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f149aebb581e27792d4c5205f6a542bc4350734a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gym_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Gym_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-double const min_tempo = 0.25;
-double const oversample_factor = 5 / 3.0;
-double const fm_gain = 3.0;
-const long base_clock = 53700300;
-const long clock_rate = base_clock / 15;
-	data = 0;
-	pos  = 0;
-	set_type( gme_gym_type );
-	static const char* const names [] = {
-		"FM 1", "FM 2", "FM 3", "FM 4", "FM 5", "FM 6", "PCM", "PSG"
-	};
-	set_voice_names( names );
-	set_silence_lookahead( 1 ); // tracks should already be trimmed
-Gym_Emu::~Gym_Emu() { }
-// Track info
-static void get_gym_info( Gym_Emu::header_t const& h, long length, track_info_t* out )
-	if ( !memcmp( h.tag, "GYMX", 4 ) )
-	{
-		length = length * 50 / 3; // 1000 / 60
-		long loop = get_le32( h.loop_start );
-		if ( loop )
-		{
-			out->intro_length = loop * 50 / 3;
-			out->loop_length  = length - out->intro_length;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			out->length = length;
-			out->intro_length = length; // make it clear that track is no longer than length
-			out->loop_length = 0;
-		}
-		// more stupidity where the field should have been left
-		if ( strcmp( h.song, "Unknown Song" ) )
-			GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, song );
-		if ( strcmp( h.game, "Unknown Game" ) )
-			GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, game );
-		if ( strcmp( h.copyright, "Unknown Publisher" ) )
-			GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, copyright );
-		if ( strcmp( h.dumper, "Unknown Person" ) )
-			GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, dumper );
-		if ( strcmp( h.comment, "Header added by YMAMP" ) )
-			GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, comment );
-	}
-blargg_err_t Gym_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	get_gym_info( header_, track_length(), out );
-	return 0;
-static long gym_track_length( byte const* p, byte const* end )
-	long time = 0;
-	while ( p < end )
-	{
-		switch ( *p++ )
-		{
-			case 0:
-				time++;
-				break;
-			case 1:
-			case 2:
-				p += 2;
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				p += 1;
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	return time;
-long Gym_Emu::track_length() const { return gym_track_length( data, data_end ); }
-static blargg_err_t check_header( byte const* in, long size, int* data_offset = 0 )
-	if ( size < 4 )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	if ( memcmp( in, "GYMX", 4 ) == 0 )
-	{
-		if ( size < Gym_Emu::header_size + 1 )
-			return gme_wrong_file_type;
-		if ( memcmp( ((Gym_Emu::header_t const*) in)->packed, "\0\0\0\0", 4 ) != 0 )
-			return "Packed GYM file not supported";
-		if ( data_offset )
-			*data_offset = Gym_Emu::header_size;
-	}
-	else if ( *in > 3 )
-	{
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	}
-	return 0;
-struct Gym_File : Gme_Info_
-	byte const* file_begin;
-	byte const* file_end;
-	int data_offset;
-	Gym_File() { set_type( gme_gym_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const* in, long size )
-	{
-		file_begin = in;
-		file_end   = in + size;
-		data_offset = 0;
-		return check_header( in, size, &data_offset );
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	{
-		long length = gym_track_length( &file_begin [data_offset], file_end );
-		get_gym_info( *(Gym_Emu::header_t const*) file_begin, length, out );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_gym_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Gym_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_gym_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Gym_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_gym_type_ = { "Sega Genesis", 1, &new_gym_emu, &new_gym_file, "GYM", 0 };
-gme_type_t const gme_gym_type = &gme_gym_type_;
-// Setup
-blargg_err_t Gym_Emu::set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate )
-	blip_eq_t eq( -32, 8000, sample_rate );
-	apu.treble_eq( eq );
-	dac_synth.treble_eq( eq );
-	apu.volume( 0.135 * fm_gain * gain() );
-	dac_synth.volume( 0.125 / 256 * fm_gain * gain() );
-	double factor = Dual_Resampler::setup( oversample_factor, 0.990, fm_gain * gain() );
-	fm_sample_rate = sample_rate * factor;
-	RETURN_ERR( blip_buf.set_sample_rate( sample_rate, int (1000 / 60.0 / min_tempo) ) );
-	blip_buf.clock_rate( clock_rate );
-	RETURN_ERR( fm.set_rate( fm_sample_rate, base_clock / 7.0 ) );
-	RETURN_ERR( Dual_Resampler::reset( long (1.0 / 60 / min_tempo * sample_rate) ) );
-	return 0;
-void Gym_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	if ( t < min_tempo )
-	{
-		set_tempo( min_tempo );
-		return;
-	}
-	if ( blip_buf.sample_rate() )
-	{
-		clocks_per_frame = long (clock_rate / 60 / tempo());
-		Dual_Resampler::resize( long (sample_rate() / (60.0 * tempo())) );
-	}
-void Gym_Emu::mute_voices_( int mask )
-	Music_Emu::mute_voices_( mask );
-	fm.mute_voices( mask );
-	dac_muted = (mask & 0x40) != 0;
-	apu.output( (mask & 0x80) ? 0 : &blip_buf );
-blargg_err_t Gym_Emu::load_mem_( byte const* in, long size )
-	assert( offsetof (header_t,packed [4]) == header_size );
-	int offset = 0;
-	RETURN_ERR( check_header( in, size, &offset ) );
-	set_voice_count( 8 );
-	data     = in + offset;
-	data_end = in + size;
-	loop_begin = 0;
-	if ( offset )
-		header_ = *(header_t const*) in;
-	else
-		memset( &header_, 0, sizeof header_ );
-	return 0;
-// Emulation
-blargg_err_t Gym_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Music_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	pos         = data;
-	loop_remain = get_le32( header_.loop_start );
-	prev_dac_count = 0;
-	dac_enabled    = false;
-	dac_amp        = -1;
-	fm.reset();
-	apu.reset();
-	blip_buf.clear();
-	Dual_Resampler::clear();
-	return 0;
-void Gym_Emu::run_dac( int dac_count )
-	// Guess beginning and end of sample and adjust rate and buffer position accordingly.
-	// count dac samples in next frame
-	int next_dac_count = 0;
-	const byte* p = this->pos;
-	int cmd;
-	while ( (cmd = *p++) != 0 )
-	{
-		int data = *p++;
-		if ( cmd <= 2 )
-			++p;
-		if ( cmd == 1 && data == 0x2A )
-			next_dac_count++;
-	}
-	// detect beginning and end of sample
-	int rate_count = dac_count;
-	int start = 0;
-	if ( !prev_dac_count && next_dac_count && dac_count < next_dac_count )
-	{
-		rate_count = next_dac_count;
-		start = next_dac_count - dac_count;
-	}
-	else if ( prev_dac_count && !next_dac_count && dac_count < prev_dac_count )
-	{
-		rate_count = prev_dac_count;
-	}
-	// Evenly space samples within buffer section being used
-	blip_resampled_time_t period = blip_buf.resampled_duration( clocks_per_frame ) / rate_count;
-	blip_resampled_time_t time = blip_buf.resampled_time( 0 ) +
-			period * start + (period >> 1);
-	int dac_amp = this->dac_amp;
-	if ( dac_amp < 0 )
-		dac_amp = dac_buf [0];
-	for ( int i = 0; i < dac_count; i++ )
-	{
-		int delta = dac_buf [i] - dac_amp;
-		dac_amp += delta;
-		dac_synth.offset_resampled( time, delta, &blip_buf );
-		time += period;
-	}
-	this->dac_amp = dac_amp;
-void Gym_Emu::parse_frame()
-	int dac_count = 0;
-	const byte* pos = this->pos;
-	if ( loop_remain && !--loop_remain )
-		loop_begin = pos; // find loop on first time through sequence
-	int cmd;
-	while ( (cmd = *pos++) != 0 )
-	{
-		int data = *pos++;
-		if ( cmd == 1 )
-		{
-			int data2 = *pos++;
-			if ( data != 0x2A )
-			{
-				if ( data == 0x2B )
-					dac_enabled = (data2 & 0x80) != 0;
-				fm.write0( data, data2 );
-			}
-			else if ( dac_count < (int) sizeof dac_buf )
-			{
-				dac_buf [dac_count] = data2;
-				dac_count += dac_enabled;
-			}
-		}
-		else if ( cmd == 2 )
-		{
-			fm.write1( data, *pos++ );
-		}
-		else if ( cmd == 3 )
-		{
-			apu.write_data( 0, data );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// to do: many GYM streams are full of errors, and error count should
-			// reflect cases where music is really having problems
-			//log_error(); 
-			--pos; // put data back
-		}
-	}
-	// loop
-	if ( pos >= data_end )
-	{
-		check( pos == data_end );
-		if ( loop_begin )
-			pos = loop_begin;
-		else
-			set_track_ended();
-	}
-	this->pos = pos;
-	// dac
-	if ( dac_count && !dac_muted )
-		run_dac( dac_count );
-	prev_dac_count = dac_count;
-int Gym_Emu::play_frame( blip_time_t blip_time, int sample_count, sample_t* buf )
-	if ( !track_ended() )
-		parse_frame();
-	apu.end_frame( blip_time );
-	memset( buf, 0, sample_count * sizeof *buf );
-	fm.run( sample_count >> 1, buf );
-	return sample_count;
-blargg_err_t Gym_Emu::play_( long count, sample_t* out )
-	Dual_Resampler::dual_play( count, out, blip_buf );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Gym_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Gym_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e4ed8b3e5f317ada4d7c32be1950b724f49b481..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Gym_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Sega Genesis/Mega Drive GYM music file emulator
-// Includes with PCM timing recovery to improve sample quality.
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef GYM_EMU_H
-#define GYM_EMU_H
-#include "Dual_Resampler.h"
-#include "Ym2612_Emu.h"
-#include "Music_Emu.h"
-#include "Sms_Apu.h"
-class Gym_Emu : public Music_Emu, private Dual_Resampler {
-	// GYM file header
-	enum { header_size = 428 };
-	struct header_t
-	{
-	    char tag [4];
-	    char song [32];
-	    char game [32];
-	    char copyright [32];
-	    char emulator [32];
-	    char dumper [32];
-	    char comment [256];
-	    byte loop_start [4]; // in 1/60 seconds, 0 if not looped
-	    byte packed [4];
-	};
-	// Header for currently loaded file
-	header_t const& header() const { return header_; }
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_gym_type; }
-	// deprecated
-	using Music_Emu::load;
-	blargg_err_t load( header_t const& h, Data_Reader& in ) // use Remaining_Reader
-			{ return load_remaining_( &h, sizeof h, in ); }
-	enum { gym_rate = 60 }; 
-	long track_length() const; // use track_info()
-	Gym_Emu();
-	~Gym_Emu();
-	blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const*, long );
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t play_( long count, sample_t* );
-	void mute_voices_( int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	int play_frame( blip_time_t blip_time, int sample_count, sample_t* buf );
-	// sequence data begin, loop begin, current position, end
-	const byte* data;
-	const byte* loop_begin;
-	const byte* pos;
-	const byte* data_end;
-	blargg_long loop_remain; // frames remaining until loop beginning has been located
-	header_t header_;
-	double fm_sample_rate;
-	blargg_long clocks_per_frame;
-	void parse_frame();
-	// dac (pcm)
-	int dac_amp;
-	int prev_dac_count;
-	bool dac_enabled;
-	bool dac_muted;
-	void run_dac( int );
-	// sound
-	Blip_Buffer blip_buf;
-	Ym2612_Emu fm;
-	Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> dac_synth;
-	Sms_Apu apu;
-	byte dac_buf [1024];
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c7f515d660c0b68b7f1e368c3cb15563c878719..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Hes_Apu.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-bool const center_waves = true; // reduces asymmetry and clamping when starting notes
-	Hes_Osc* osc = &oscs [osc_count];
-	do
-	{
-		osc--;
-		osc->outputs [0] = 0;
-		osc->outputs [1] = 0;
-		osc->chans [0] = 0;
-		osc->chans [1] = 0;
-		osc->chans [2] = 0;
-	}
-	while ( osc != oscs );
-	reset();
-void Hes_Apu::reset()
-	latch   = 0;
-	balance = 0xFF;
-	Hes_Osc* osc = &oscs [osc_count];
-	do
-	{
-		osc--;
-		memset( osc, 0, offsetof (Hes_Osc,outputs) );
-		osc->noise_lfsr = 1;
-		osc->control    = 0x40;
-		osc->balance    = 0xFF;
-	}
-	while ( osc != oscs );
-void Hes_Apu::osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right )
-	require( (unsigned) index < osc_count );
-	oscs [index].chans [0] = center;
-	oscs [index].chans [1] = left;
-	oscs [index].chans [2] = right;
-	Hes_Osc* osc = &oscs [osc_count];
-	do
-	{
-		osc--;
-		balance_changed( *osc );
-	}
-	while ( osc != oscs );
-void Hes_Osc::run_until( synth_t& synth_, blip_time_t end_time )
-	Blip_Buffer* const osc_outputs_0 = outputs [0]; // cache often-used values
-	if ( osc_outputs_0 && control & 0x80 )
-	{
-		int dac = this->dac;
-		int const volume_0 = volume [0];
-		{
-			int delta = dac * volume_0 - last_amp [0];
-			if ( delta )
-				synth_.offset( last_time, delta, osc_outputs_0 );
-			osc_outputs_0->set_modified();
-		}
-		Blip_Buffer* const osc_outputs_1 = outputs [1];
-		int const volume_1 = volume [1];
-		if ( osc_outputs_1 )
-		{
-			int delta = dac * volume_1 - last_amp [1];
-			if ( delta )
-				synth_.offset( last_time, delta, osc_outputs_1 );
-			osc_outputs_1->set_modified();
-		}
-		blip_time_t time = last_time + delay;
-		if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			if ( noise & 0x80 )
-			{
-				if ( volume_0 | volume_1 )
-				{
-					// noise
-					int const period = (32 - (noise & 0x1F)) * 64; // TODO: correct?
-					unsigned noise_lfsr = this->noise_lfsr;
-					do
-					{
-						int new_dac = 0x1F & -(noise_lfsr >> 1 & 1);
-						// Implemented using "Galios configuration"
-						// TODO: find correct LFSR algorithm
-						noise_lfsr = (noise_lfsr >> 1) ^ (0xE008 & -(noise_lfsr & 1));
-						//noise_lfsr = (noise_lfsr >> 1) ^ (0x6000 & -(noise_lfsr & 1));
-						int delta = new_dac - dac;
-						if ( delta )
-						{
-							dac = new_dac;
-							synth_.offset( time, delta * volume_0, osc_outputs_0 );
-							if ( osc_outputs_1 )
-								synth_.offset( time, delta * volume_1, osc_outputs_1 );
-						}
-						time += period;
-					}
-					while ( time < end_time );
-					this->noise_lfsr = noise_lfsr;
-					assert( noise_lfsr );
-				}
-			}
-			else if ( !(control & 0x40) )
-			{
-				// wave
-				int phase = (this->phase + 1) & 0x1F; // pre-advance for optimal inner loop
-				int period = this->period * 2;
-				if ( period >= 14 && (volume_0 | volume_1) )
-				{
-					do
-					{
-						int new_dac = wave [phase];
-						phase = (phase + 1) & 0x1F;
-						int delta = new_dac - dac;
-						if ( delta )
-						{
-							dac = new_dac;
-							synth_.offset( time, delta * volume_0, osc_outputs_0 );
-							if ( osc_outputs_1 )
-								synth_.offset( time, delta * volume_1, osc_outputs_1 );
-						}
-						time += period;
-					}
-					while ( time < end_time );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					if ( !period )
-					{
-						// TODO: Gekisha Boy assumes that period = 0 silences wave
-						//period = 0x1000 * 2;
-						period = 1;
-						//if ( !(volume_0 | volume_1) )
-						//  debug_printf( "Used period 0\n" );
-					}
-					// maintain phase when silent
-					blargg_long count = (end_time - time + period - 1) / period;
-					phase += count; // phase will be masked below
-					time += count * period;
-				}
-				this->phase = (phase - 1) & 0x1F; // undo pre-advance
-			}
-		}
-		time -= end_time;
-		if ( time < 0 )
-			time = 0;
-		delay = time;
-		this->dac = dac;
-		last_amp [0] = dac * volume_0;
-		last_amp [1] = dac * volume_1;
-	}
-	last_time = end_time;
-void Hes_Apu::balance_changed( Hes_Osc& osc )
-	static short const log_table [32] = { // ~1.5 db per step
-		#define ENTRY( factor ) short (factor * Hes_Osc::amp_range / 31.0 + 0.5)
-		ENTRY( 0.000000 ),ENTRY( 0.005524 ),ENTRY( 0.006570 ),ENTRY( 0.007813 ),
-		ENTRY( 0.009291 ),ENTRY( 0.011049 ),ENTRY( 0.013139 ),ENTRY( 0.015625 ),
-		ENTRY( 0.018581 ),ENTRY( 0.022097 ),ENTRY( 0.026278 ),ENTRY( 0.031250 ),
-		ENTRY( 0.037163 ),ENTRY( 0.044194 ),ENTRY( 0.052556 ),ENTRY( 0.062500 ),
-		ENTRY( 0.074325 ),ENTRY( 0.088388 ),ENTRY( 0.105112 ),ENTRY( 0.125000 ),
-		ENTRY( 0.148651 ),ENTRY( 0.176777 ),ENTRY( 0.210224 ),ENTRY( 0.250000 ),
-		ENTRY( 0.297302 ),ENTRY( 0.353553 ),ENTRY( 0.420448 ),ENTRY( 0.500000 ),
-		ENTRY( 0.594604 ),ENTRY( 0.707107 ),ENTRY( 0.840896 ),ENTRY( 1.000000 ),
-		#undef ENTRY
-	};
-	int vol = (osc.control & 0x1F) - 0x1E * 2;
-	int left  = vol + (osc.balance >> 3 & 0x1E) + (balance >> 3 & 0x1E);
-	if ( left  < 0 ) left  = 0;
-	int right = vol + (osc.balance << 1 & 0x1E) + (balance << 1 & 0x1E);
-	if ( right < 0 ) right = 0;
-	left  = log_table [left ];
-	right = log_table [right];
-	// optimizing for the common case of being centered also allows easy
-	// panning using Effects_Buffer
-	osc.outputs [0] = osc.chans [0]; // center
-	osc.outputs [1] = 0;
-	if ( left != right )
-	{
-		osc.outputs [0] = osc.chans [1]; // left
-		osc.outputs [1] = osc.chans [2]; // right
-	}
-	if ( center_waves )
-	{
-		osc.last_amp [0] += (left  - osc.volume [0]) * 16;
-		osc.last_amp [1] += (right - osc.volume [1]) * 16;
-	}
-	osc.volume [0] = left;
-	osc.volume [1] = right;
-void Hes_Apu::write_data( blip_time_t time, int addr, int data )
-	if ( addr == 0x800 )
-	{
-		latch = data & 7;
-	}
-	else if ( addr == 0x801 )
-	{
-		if ( balance != data )
-		{
-			balance = data;
-			Hes_Osc* osc = &oscs [osc_count];
-			do
-			{
-				osc--;
-				osc->run_until( synth, time );
-				balance_changed( *oscs );
-			}
-			while ( osc != oscs );
-		}
-	}
-	else if ( latch < osc_count )
-	{
-		Hes_Osc& osc = oscs [latch];
-		osc.run_until( synth, time );
-		switch ( addr )
-		{
-		case 0x802:
-			osc.period = (osc.period & 0xF00) | data;
-			break;
-		case 0x803:
-			osc.period = (osc.period & 0x0FF) | ((data & 0x0F) << 8);
-			break;
-		case 0x804:
-			if ( osc.control & 0x40 & ~data )
-				osc.phase = 0;
-			osc.control = data;
-			balance_changed( osc );
-			break;
-		case 0x805:
-			osc.balance = data;
-			balance_changed( osc );
-			break;
-		case 0x806:
-			data &= 0x1F;
-			if ( !(osc.control & 0x40) )
-			{
-				osc.wave [osc.phase] = data;
-				osc.phase = (osc.phase + 1) & 0x1F;
-			}
-			else if ( osc.control & 0x80 )
-			{
-				osc.dac = data;
-			}
-			break;
-		 case 0x807:
-		 	if ( &osc >= &oscs [4] )
-		 		osc.noise = data;
-		 	break;
-		 case 0x809:
-		 	if ( !(data & 0x80) && (data & 0x03) != 0 )
-		 		debug_printf( "HES LFO not supported\n" );
-		}
-	}
-void Hes_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t end_time )
-	Hes_Osc* osc = &oscs [osc_count];
-	do
-	{
-		osc--;
-		if ( end_time > osc->last_time )
-			osc->run_until( synth, end_time );
-		assert( osc->last_time >= end_time );
-		osc->last_time -= end_time;
-	}
-	while ( osc != oscs );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Apu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Apu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89dde02cda204e99287bb56f173e218d1b2061de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Apu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Turbo Grafx 16 (PC Engine) PSG sound chip emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef HES_APU_H
-#define HES_APU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-struct Hes_Osc
-	unsigned char wave [32];
-	short volume [2];
-	int last_amp [2];
-	int delay;
-	int period;
-	unsigned char noise;
-	unsigned char phase;
-	unsigned char balance;
-	unsigned char dac;
-	blip_time_t last_time;
-	Blip_Buffer* outputs [2];
-	Blip_Buffer* chans [3];
-	unsigned noise_lfsr;
-	unsigned char control;
-	enum { amp_range = 0x8000 };
-	typedef Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> synth_t;
-	void run_until( synth_t& synth, blip_time_t );
-class Hes_Apu {
-	void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	void volume( double );
-	enum { osc_count = 6 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right );
-	void reset();
-	enum { start_addr = 0x0800 };
-	enum { end_addr   = 0x0809 };
-	void write_data( blip_time_t, int addr, int data );
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	Hes_Apu();
-	Hes_Osc oscs [osc_count];
-	int latch;
-	int balance;
-	Hes_Osc::synth_t synth;
-	void balance_changed( Hes_Osc& );
-	void recalc_chans();
-inline void Hes_Apu::volume( double v ) { synth.volume( 1.8 / osc_count / Hes_Osc::amp_range * v ); }
-inline void Hes_Apu::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq ) { synth.treble_eq( eq ); }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Cpu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Cpu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bfe8faff7e848cd856c3d1353cdace086502e22..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Cpu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1303 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Hes_Cpu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-//#include "hes_cpu_log.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-// TODO: support T flag, including clearing it at appropriate times?
-// all zero-page should really use whatever is at page 1, but that would
-// reduce efficiency quite a bit
-int const ram_addr = 0x2000;
-#define FLUSH_TIME()    (void) (s.time = s_time)
-#define CACHE_TIME()    (void) (s_time = s.time)
-#include "hes_cpu_io.h"
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-	#define PAGE_OFFSET( addr ) (addr)
-	#define PAGE_OFFSET( addr ) ((addr) & (page_size - 1))
-// status flags
-int const st_n = 0x80;
-int const st_v = 0x40;
-int const st_t = 0x20;
-int const st_b = 0x10;
-int const st_d = 0x08;
-int const st_i = 0x04;
-int const st_z = 0x02;
-int const st_c = 0x01;
-void Hes_Cpu::reset()
-	check( state == &state_ );
-	state = &state_;
-	state_.time = 0;
-	state_.base = 0;
-	irq_time_   = future_hes_time;
-	end_time_   = future_hes_time;
-	r.status = st_i;
-	r.sp     = 0;
-	r.pc     = 0;
-	r.a      = 0;
-	r.x      = 0;
-	r.y      = 0;
-	blargg_verify_byte_order();
-void Hes_Cpu::set_mmr( int reg, int bank )
-	assert( (unsigned) reg <= page_count ); // allow page past end to be set
-	assert( (unsigned) bank < 0x100 );
-	mmr [reg] = bank;
-	uint8_t const* code = CPU_SET_MMR( this, reg, bank );
-	state->code_map [reg] = code - PAGE_OFFSET( reg << page_shift );
-#define TIME    (s_time + s.base)
-#define READ( addr )            CPU_READ( this, (addr), TIME )
-#define WRITE( addr, data )     {CPU_WRITE( this, (addr), (data), TIME );}
-#define READ_LOW( addr )        (ram [int (addr)])
-#define WRITE_LOW( addr, data ) (void) (READ_LOW( addr ) = (data))
-#define READ_PROG( addr )       (s.code_map [(addr) >> page_shift] [PAGE_OFFSET( addr )])
-#define SET_SP( v )     (sp = ((v) + 1) | 0x100)
-#define GET_SP()        ((sp - 1) & 0xFF)
-#define PUSH( v )       ((sp = (sp - 1) | 0x100), WRITE_LOW( sp, v ))
-// even on x86, using short and unsigned char was slower
-typedef int         fint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint8;
-typedef blargg_long fint32;
-bool Hes_Cpu::run( hes_time_t end_time )
-	bool illegal_encountered = false;
-	set_end_time( end_time );
-	state_t s = this->state_;
-	this->state = &s;
-	// even on x86, using s.time in place of s_time was slower
-	fint16 s_time = s.time;
-	// registers
-	fuint16 pc = r.pc;
-	fuint8 a = r.a;
-	fuint8 x = r.x;
-	fuint8 y = r.y;
-	fuint16 sp;
-	SET_SP( r.sp );
-	#define IS_NEG (nz & 0x8080)
-	#define CALC_STATUS( out ) do {\
-		out = status & (st_v | st_d | st_i);\
-		out |= ((nz >> 8) | nz) & st_n;\
-		out |= c >> 8 & st_c;\
-		if ( !(nz & 0xFF) ) out |= st_z;\
-	} while ( 0 )
-	#define SET_STATUS( in ) do {\
-		status = in & (st_v | st_d | st_i);\
-		nz = in << 8;\
-		c = nz;\
-		nz |= ~in & st_z;\
-	} while ( 0 )
-	fuint8 status;
-	fuint16 c;  // carry set if (c & 0x100) != 0
-	fuint16 nz; // Z set if (nz & 0xFF) == 0, N set if (nz & 0x8080) != 0
-	{
-		fuint8 temp = r.status;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-	}
-	goto loop;
-	s_time -= 2;
-	#ifndef NDEBUG
-	{
-		hes_time_t correct = end_time_;
-		if ( !(status & st_i) && correct > irq_time_ )
-			correct = irq_time_;
-		check( s.base == correct );
-		/*
-		static long count;
-		if ( count == 1844 ) Debugger();
-		if ( s.base != correct ) debug_printf( "%ld\n", count );
-		count++;
-		*/
-	}
-	#endif
-	check( (unsigned) GET_SP() < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) a < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) x < 0x100 );
-	uint8_t const* instr = s.code_map [pc >> page_shift];
-	fuint8 opcode;
-	// TODO: eliminate this special case
-		opcode = instr [pc];
-		pc++;
-		instr += pc;
-	#else
-		instr += PAGE_OFFSET( pc );
-		opcode = *instr++;
-		pc++;
-	#endif
-	// TODO: each reference lists slightly different timing values, ugh
-	static uint8_t const clock_table [256] =
-	{// 0 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
-		1,7,3, 4,6,4,6,7,3,2,2,2,7,5,7,6,// 0
-		4,7,7, 4,6,4,6,7,2,5,2,2,7,5,7,6,// 1
-		7,7,3, 4,4,4,6,7,4,2,2,2,5,5,7,6,// 2
-		4,7,7, 2,4,4,6,7,2,5,2,2,5,5,7,6,// 3
-		7,7,3, 4,8,4,6,7,3,2,2,2,4,5,7,6,// 4
-		4,7,7, 5,2,4,6,7,2,5,3,2,2,5,7,6,// 5
-		7,7,2, 2,4,4,6,7,4,2,2,2,7,5,7,6,// 6
-		4,7,7,17,4,4,6,7,2,5,4,2,7,5,7,6,// 7
-		4,7,2, 7,4,4,4,7,2,2,2,2,5,5,5,6,// 8
-		4,7,7, 8,4,4,4,7,2,5,2,2,5,5,5,6,// 9
-		2,7,2, 7,4,4,4,7,2,2,2,2,5,5,5,6,// A
-		4,7,7, 8,4,4,4,7,2,5,2,2,5,5,5,6,// B
-		2,7,2,17,4,4,6,7,2,2,2,2,5,5,7,6,// C
-		4,7,7,17,2,4,6,7,2,5,3,2,2,5,7,6,// D
-		2,7,2,17,4,4,6,7,2,2,2,2,5,5,7,6,// E
-		4,7,7,17,2,4,6,7,2,5,4,2,2,5,7,6 // F
-	}; // 0x00 was 8
-	fuint16 data;
-	data = clock_table [opcode];
-	if ( (s_time += data) >= 0 )
-		goto possibly_out_of_time;
-	data = *instr;
-	#ifdef HES_CPU_LOG_H
-		log_cpu( "new", pc - 1, opcode, instr [0], instr [1], instr [2],
-				instr [3], instr [4], instr [5] );
-		//log_opcode( opcode );
-	#endif
-	switch ( opcode )
-	{
-		if ( s_time < (int) data )
-			goto almost_out_of_time;
-		s_time -= data;
-		goto out_of_time;
-// Macros
-#define GET_MSB()           (instr [1])
-#define ADD_PAGE( out )     (pc++, out = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB());
-#define GET_ADDR()          GET_LE16( instr )
-// TODO: is the penalty really always added? the original 6502 was much better
-//#define PAGE_CROSS_PENALTY( lsb ) (void) (s_time += (lsb) >> 8)
-#define PAGE_CROSS_PENALTY( lsb )
-// Branch
-// TODO: more efficient way to handle negative branch that wraps PC around
-#define BRANCH( cond )\
-	fint16 offset = (BOOST::int8_t) data;\
-	pc++;\
-	if ( !(cond) ) goto branch_not_taken;\
-	pc = BOOST::uint16_t (pc + offset);\
-	goto loop;\
-	case 0xF0: // BEQ
-		BRANCH( !((uint8_t) nz) );
-	case 0xD0: // BNE
-		BRANCH( (uint8_t) nz );
-	case 0x10: // BPL
-	case 0x90: // BCC
-		BRANCH( !(c & 0x100) )
-	case 0x30: // BMI
-	case 0x50: // BVC
-		BRANCH( !(status & st_v) )
-	case 0x70: // BVS
-		BRANCH( status & st_v )
-	case 0xB0: // BCS
-		BRANCH( c & 0x100 )
-	case 0x80: // BRA
-	branch_taken:
-		BRANCH( true );
-	case 0xFF:
-		if ( pc == idle_addr + 1 )
-			goto idle_done;
-	case 0x0F: // BBRn
-	case 0x1F:
-	case 0x2F:
-	case 0x3F:
-	case 0x4F:
-	case 0x5F:
-	case 0x6F:
-	case 0x7F:
-	case 0x8F: // BBSn
-	case 0x9F:
-	case 0xAF:
-	case 0xBF:
-	case 0xCF:
-	case 0xDF:
-	case 0xEF: {
-		fuint16 t = 0x101 * READ_LOW( data );
-		t ^= 0xFF;
-		pc++;
-		data = GET_MSB();
-		BRANCH( t & (1 << (opcode >> 4)) )
-	}
-	case 0x4C: // JMP abs
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x7C: // JMP (ind+X)
-		data += x;
-	case 0x6C:{// JMP (ind)
-		data += 0x100 * GET_MSB();
-		pc = GET_LE16( &READ_PROG( data ) );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Subroutine
-	case 0x44: // BSR
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 1), pc >> 8 );
-		sp = (sp - 2) | 0x100;
-		WRITE_LOW( sp, pc );
-		goto branch_taken;
-	case 0x20: { // JSR
-		fuint16 temp = pc + 1;
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 1), temp >> 8 );
-		sp = (sp - 2) | 0x100;
-		WRITE_LOW( sp, temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x60: // RTS
-		pc = 0x100 * READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFF) );
-		pc += 1 + READ_LOW( sp );
-		sp = (sp - 0xFE) | 0x100;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x00: // BRK
-		goto handle_brk;
-// Common
-	case 0xBD:{// LDA abs,X
-		PAGE_CROSS_PENALTY( data + x );
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR() + x;
-		pc += 2;
-		CPU_READ_FAST( this, addr, TIME, nz );
-		a = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x9D:{// STA abs,X
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR() + x;
-		pc += 2;
-		CPU_WRITE_FAST( this, addr, a, TIME );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x95: // STA zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x85: // STA zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xAE:{// LDX abs
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		CPU_READ_FAST( this, addr, TIME, nz );
-		x = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xA5: // LDA zp
-		a = nz = READ_LOW( data );
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-// Load/store
-	{
-		fuint16 addr;
-	case 0x91: // STA (ind),Y
-		addr = 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + 1) );
-		addr += READ_LOW( data ) + y;
-		pc++;
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	case 0x81: // STA (ind,X)
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x92: // STA (ind)
-		addr = 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + 1) );
-		addr += READ_LOW( data );
-		pc++;
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	case 0x99: // STA abs,Y
-		data += y;
-	case 0x8D: // STA abs
-		addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
-		pc += 2;
-	sta_ptr:
-		CPU_WRITE_FAST( this, addr, a, TIME );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	{
-		fuint16 addr;
-	case 0xA1: // LDA (ind,X)
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xB2: // LDA (ind)
-		addr = 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + 1) );
-		addr += READ_LOW( data );
-		pc++;
-		goto a_nz_read_addr;
-	case 0xB1:// LDA (ind),Y
-		addr = READ_LOW( data ) + y;
-		addr += 0x100 * READ_LOW( (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
-		pc++;
-		goto a_nz_read_addr;
-	case 0xB9: // LDA abs,Y
-		data += y;
-	case 0xAD: // LDA abs
-		addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
-		pc += 2;
-	a_nz_read_addr:
-		CPU_READ_FAST( this, addr, TIME, nz );
-		a = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xBE:{// LDX abs,y
-		PAGE_CROSS_PENALTY( data + y );
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR() + y;
-		pc += 2;
-		x = nz = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xB5: // LDA zp,x
-		a = nz = READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + x) );
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xA9: // LDA #imm
-		pc++;
-		a  = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-// Bit operations
-	case 0x3C: // BIT abs,x
-		data += x;
-	case 0x2C:{// BIT abs
-		fuint16 addr;
-		ADD_PAGE( addr );
-		nz = READ( addr );
-		goto bit_common;
-	}
-	case 0x34: // BIT zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x24: // BIT zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0x89: // BIT imm
-		nz = data;
-	bit_common:
-		pc++;
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		status |= nz & st_v;
-		if ( nz & a )
-			goto loop; // Z should be clear, and nz must be non-zero if nz & a is
-		nz <<= 8; // set Z flag without affecting N flag
-		goto loop;
-	{
-		fuint16 addr;
-	case 0xB3: // TST abs,x
-		addr = GET_MSB() + x;
-		goto tst_abs;
-	case 0x93: // TST abs
-		addr = GET_MSB();
-	tst_abs:
-		addr += 0x100 * instr [2];
-		pc++;
-		nz = READ( addr );
-		goto tst_common;
-	}
-	case 0xA3: // TST zp,x
-		nz = READ_LOW( uint8_t (GET_MSB() + x) );
-		goto tst_common;
-	case 0x83: // TST zp
-		nz = READ_LOW( GET_MSB() );
-	tst_common:
-		pc += 2;
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		status |= nz & st_v;
-		if ( nz & data )
-			goto loop; // Z should be clear, and nz must be non-zero if nz & data is
-		nz <<= 8; // set Z flag without affecting N flag
-		goto loop;
-	{
-		fuint16 addr;
-	case 0x0C: // TSB abs
-	case 0x1C: // TRB abs
-		addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc++;
-		goto txb_addr;
-	// TODO: everyone lists different behaviors for the status flags, ugh
-	case 0x04: // TSB zp
-	case 0x14: // TRB zp
-		addr = data + ram_addr;
-	txb_addr:
-		nz = a | READ( addr );
-		if ( opcode & 0x10 )
-			nz ^= a; // bits from a will already be set, so this clears them
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		status |= nz & st_v;
-		pc++;
-		WRITE( addr, nz );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x07: // RMBn
-	case 0x17:
-	case 0x27:
-	case 0x37:
-	case 0x47:
-	case 0x57:
-	case 0x67:
-	case 0x77:
-		pc++;
-		READ_LOW( data ) &= ~(1 << (opcode >> 4));
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x87: // SMBn
-	case 0x97:
-	case 0xA7:
-	case 0xB7:
-	case 0xC7:
-	case 0xD7:
-	case 0xE7:
-	case 0xF7:
-		pc++;
-		READ_LOW( data ) |= 1 << ((opcode >> 4) - 8);
-		goto loop;
-// Load/store
-	case 0x9E: // STZ abs,x
-		data += x;
-	case 0x9C: // STZ abs
-		ADD_PAGE( data );
-		pc++;
-		WRITE( data, 0 );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x74: // STZ zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x64: // STZ zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, 0 );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x94: // STY zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x84: // STY zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, y );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x96: // STX zp,y
-		data = uint8_t (data + y);
-	case 0x86: // STX zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, x );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB6: // LDX zp,y
-		data = uint8_t (data + y);
-	case 0xA6: // LDX zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xA2: // LDX #imm
-		pc++;
-		x = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB4: // LDY zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xA4: // LDY zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xA0: // LDY #imm
-		pc++;
-		y = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBC: // LDY abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0xAC:{// LDY abs
-		fuint16 addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
-		pc += 2;
-		y = nz = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	{
-		fuint8 temp;
-	case 0x8C: // STY abs
-		temp = y;
-		goto store_abs;
-	case 0x8E: // STX abs
-		temp = x;
-	store_abs:
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE( addr, temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Compare
-	case 0xEC:{// CPX abs
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc++;
-		data = READ( addr );
-		goto cpx_data;
-	}
-	case 0xE4: // CPX zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xE0: // CPX #imm
-	cpx_data:
-		nz = x - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xCC:{// CPY abs
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc++;
-		data = READ( addr );
-		goto cpy_data;
-	}
-	case 0xC4: // CPY zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xC0: // CPY #imm
-	cpy_data:
-		nz = y - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-// Logical
-#define ARITH_ADDR_MODES( op )\
-	case op - 0x04: /* (ind,x) */\
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);\
-	case op + 0x0D: /* (ind) */\
-		data = 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + 1) ) + READ_LOW( data );\
-		goto ptr##op;\
-	case op + 0x0C:{/* (ind),y */\
-		fuint16 temp = READ_LOW( data ) + y;\
-		data = temp + 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + 1) );\
-		goto ptr##op;\
-	}\
-	case op + 0x10: /* zp,X */\
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);\
-	case op + 0x00: /* zp */\
-		data = READ_LOW( data );\
-		goto imm##op;\
-	case op + 0x14: /* abs,Y */\
-		data += y;\
-		goto ind##op;\
-	case op + 0x18: /* abs,X */\
-		data += x;\
-	ind##op:\
-	case op + 0x08: /* abs */\
-		ADD_PAGE( data );\
-	ptr##op:\
-		data = READ( data );\
-	case op + 0x04: /* imm */\
-	imm##op:
-		nz = a - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-		nz = (a &= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-		nz = (a ^= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-		nz = (a |= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-// Add/subtract
-		data ^= 0xFF;
-		goto adc_imm;
-	adc_imm: {
-		if ( status & st_d )
-			debug_printf( "Decimal mode not supported\n" );
-		fint16 carry = c >> 8 & 1;
-		fint16 ov = (a ^ 0x80) + carry + (BOOST::int8_t) data; // sign-extend
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		status |= ov >> 2 & 0x40;
-		c = nz = a + data + carry;
-		pc++;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Shift/rotate
-	case 0x4A: // LSR A
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x6A: // ROR A
-		nz = c >> 1 & 0x80;
-		c = a << 8;
-		nz |= a >> 1;
-		a = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0A: // ASL A
-		nz = a << 1;
-		c = nz;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2A: { // ROL A
-		nz = a << 1;
-		fint16 temp = c >> 8 & 1;
-		c = nz;
-		nz |= temp;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x5E: // LSR abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0x4E: // LSR abs
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x6E: // ROR abs
-	ror_abs: {
-		ADD_PAGE( data );
-		int temp = READ( data );
-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) | (temp >> 1);
-		c = temp << 8;
-		goto rotate_common;
-	}
-	case 0x3E: // ROL abs,X
-		data += x;
-		goto rol_abs;
-	case 0x1E: // ASL abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0x0E: // ASL abs
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x2E: // ROL abs
-	rol_abs:
-		ADD_PAGE( data );
-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
-		nz |= (c = READ( data ) << 1);
-	rotate_common:
-		pc++;
-		WRITE( data, (uint8_t) nz );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x7E: // ROR abs,X
-		data += x;
-		goto ror_abs;
-	case 0x76: // ROR zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-		goto ror_zp;
-	case 0x56: // LSR zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x46: // LSR zp
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x66: // ROR zp
-	ror_zp: {
-		int temp = READ_LOW( data );
-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) | (temp >> 1);
-		c = temp << 8;
-		goto write_nz_zp;
-	}
-	case 0x36: // ROL zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-		goto rol_zp;
-	case 0x16: // ASL zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x06: // ASL zp
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x26: // ROL zp
-	rol_zp:
-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
-		nz |= (c = READ_LOW( data ) << 1);
-		goto write_nz_zp;
-// Increment/decrement
-#define INC_DEC_AXY( reg, n ) reg = uint8_t (nz = reg + n); goto loop;
-	case 0x1A: // INA
-		INC_DEC_AXY( a, +1 )
-	case 0xE8: // INX
-		INC_DEC_AXY( x, +1 )
-	case 0xC8: // INY
-		INC_DEC_AXY( y, +1 )
-	case 0x3A: // DEA
-		INC_DEC_AXY( a, -1 )
-	case 0xCA: // DEX
-		INC_DEC_AXY( x, -1 )
-	case 0x88: // DEY
-		INC_DEC_AXY( y, -1 )
-	case 0xF6: // INC zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xE6: // INC zp
-		nz = 1;
-		goto add_nz_zp;
-	case 0xD6: // DEC zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xC6: // DEC zp
-		nz = (unsigned) -1;
-	add_nz_zp:
-		nz += READ_LOW( data );
-	write_nz_zp:
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, nz );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFE: // INC abs,x
-		data = x + GET_ADDR();
-		goto inc_ptr;
-	case 0xEE: // INC abs
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-	inc_ptr:
-		nz = 1;
-		goto inc_common;
-	case 0xDE: // DEC abs,x
-		data = x + GET_ADDR();
-		goto dec_ptr;
-	case 0xCE: // DEC abs
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-	dec_ptr:
-		nz = (unsigned) -1;
-	inc_common:
-		nz += READ( data );
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE( data, (uint8_t) nz );
-		goto loop;
-// Transfer
-	case 0xA8: // TAY
-		y  = a;
-		nz = a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x98: // TYA
-		a  = y;
-		nz = y;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xAA: // TAX
-		x  = a;
-		nz = a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x8A: // TXA
-		a  = x;
-		nz = x;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x9A: // TXS
-		SET_SP( x ); // verified (no flag change)
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBA: // TSX
-		x = nz = GET_SP();
-		goto loop;
-	#define SWAP_REGS( r1, r2 ) {\
-		fuint8 t = r1;\
-		r1 = r2;\
-		r2 = t;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-	case 0x02: // SXY
-		SWAP_REGS( x, y );
-	case 0x22: // SAX
-		SWAP_REGS( a, x );
-	case 0x42: // SAY
-		SWAP_REGS( a, y );
-	case 0x62: // CLA
-		a = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x82: // CLX
-		x = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC2: // CLY
-		y = 0;
-		goto loop;
-// Stack
-	case 0x48: // PHA
-		PUSH( a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xDA: // PHX
-		PUSH( x );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x5A: // PHY
-		PUSH( y );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x40:{// RTI
-		fuint8 temp = READ_LOW( sp );
-		pc  = READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFF) );
-		pc |= READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFE) ) * 0x100;
-		sp = (sp - 0xFD) | 0x100;
-		data = status;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		if ( (data ^ status) & st_i )
-		{
-			hes_time_t new_time = end_time_;
-			if ( !(status & st_i) && new_time > irq_time_ )
-				new_time = irq_time_;
-			blargg_long delta = s.base - new_time;
-			s.base = new_time;
-			s_time += delta;
-		}
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	#define POP()  READ_LOW( sp ); sp = (sp - 0xFF) | 0x100
-	case 0x68: // PLA
-		a = nz = POP();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFA: // PLX
-		x = nz = POP();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x7A: // PLY
-		y = nz = POP();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x28:{// PLP
-		fuint8 temp = POP();
-		fuint8 changed = status ^ temp;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-		if ( !(changed & st_i) )
-			goto loop; // I flag didn't change
-		if ( status & st_i )
-			goto handle_sei;
-		goto handle_cli;
-	}
-	#undef POP
-	case 0x08: { // PHP
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		PUSH( temp | st_b );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Flags
-	case 0x38: // SEC
-		c = (unsigned) ~0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x18: // CLC
-		c = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB8: // CLV
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD8: // CLD
-		status &= ~st_d;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF8: // SED
-		status |= st_d;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x58: // CLI
-		if ( !(status & st_i) )
-			goto loop;
-		status &= ~st_i;
-	handle_cli: {
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - irq_time_;
-		if ( delta <= 0 )
-		{
-			if ( TIME < irq_time_ )
-				goto loop;
-			goto delayed_cli;
-		}
-		s.base = irq_time_;
-		s_time += delta;
-		if ( s_time < 0 )
-			goto loop;
-		if ( delta >= s_time + 1 )
-		{
-			// delayed irq until after next instruction
-			s.base += s_time + 1;
-			s_time = -1;
-			irq_time_ = s.base; // TODO: remove, as only to satisfy debug check in loop
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	delayed_cli:
-		debug_printf( "Delayed CLI not supported\n" ); // TODO: implement
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x78: // SEI
-		if ( status & st_i )
-			goto loop;
-		status |= st_i;
-	handle_sei: {
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - end_time_;
-		s.base = end_time_;
-		s_time += delta;
-		if ( s_time < 0 )
-			goto loop;
-		debug_printf( "Delayed SEI not supported\n" ); // TODO: implement
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Special
-	case 0x53:{// TAM
-		fuint8 const bits = data; // avoid using data across function call
-		pc++;
-		for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
-			if ( bits & (1 << i) )
-				set_mmr( i, a );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x43:{// TMA
-		pc++;
-		byte const* in = mmr;
-		do
-		{
-			if ( data & 1 )
-				a = *in;
-			in++;
-		}
-		while ( (data >>= 1) != 0 );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x03: // ST0
-	case 0x13: // ST1
-	case 0x23:{// ST2
-		fuint16 addr = opcode >> 4;
-		if ( addr )
-			addr++;
-		pc++;
-		CPU_WRITE_VDP( this, addr, data, TIME );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xEA: // NOP
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x54: // CSL
-		debug_printf( "CSL not supported\n" );
-		illegal_encountered = true;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD4: // CSH
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF4: { // SET
-		//fuint16 operand = GET_MSB();
-		debug_printf( "SET not handled\n" );
-		//switch ( data )
-		//{
-		//}
-		illegal_encountered = true;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Block transfer
-	{
-		fuint16 in_alt;
-		fint16 in_inc;
-		fuint16 out_alt;
-		fint16 out_inc;
-	case 0xE3: // TIA
-		in_alt  = 0;
-		goto bxfer_alt;
-	case 0xF3: // TAI
-		in_alt  = 1;
-	bxfer_alt:
-		in_inc  = in_alt ^ 1;
-		out_alt = in_inc;
-		out_inc = in_alt;
-		goto bxfer;
-	case 0xD3: // TIN
-		in_inc  = 1;
-		out_inc = 0;
-		goto bxfer_no_alt;
-	case 0xC3: // TDD
-		in_inc  = -1;
-		out_inc = -1;
-		goto bxfer_no_alt;
-	case 0x73: // TII
-		in_inc  = 1;
-		out_inc = 1;
-	bxfer_no_alt:
-		in_alt  = 0;
-		out_alt = 0;
-	bxfer:
-		fuint16 in    = GET_LE16( instr + 0 );
-		fuint16 out   = GET_LE16( instr + 2 );
-		int     count = GET_LE16( instr + 4 );
-		if ( !count )
-			count = 0x10000;
-		pc += 6;
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 1), y );
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 2), a );
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 3), x );
-		do
-		{
-			// TODO: reads from $0800-$1400 in I/O page return 0 and don't access I/O
-			fuint8 t = READ( in );
-			in += in_inc;
-			in &= 0xFFFF;
-			s.time += 6;
-			if ( in_alt )
-				in_inc = -in_inc;
-			WRITE( out, t );
-			out += out_inc;
-			out &= 0xFFFF;
-			if ( out_alt )
-				out_inc = -out_inc;
-		}
-		while ( --count );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Illegal
-	default:
-		assert( (unsigned) opcode <= 0xFF );
-		debug_printf( "Illegal opcode $%02X at $%04X\n", (int) opcode, (int) pc - 1 );
-		illegal_encountered = true;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	assert( false );
-	int result_;
-	pc++;
-	result_ = 6;
-	{
-		s_time += 7;
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 1), pc >> 8 );
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 2), pc );
-		pc = GET_LE16( &READ_PROG( 0xFFF0 ) + result_ );
-		sp = (sp - 3) | 0x100;
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		if ( result_ == 6 )
-			temp |= st_b;
-		WRITE_LOW( sp, temp );
-		status &= ~st_d;
-		status |= st_i;
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - end_time_;
-		s.base = end_time_;
-		s_time += delta;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	s_time = 0;
-	pc--;
-	CPU_DONE( this, TIME, result_ );
-	if ( result_ > 0 )
-		goto interrupt;
-	if ( s_time < 0 )
-		goto loop;
-	s.time = s_time;
-	r.pc = pc;
-	r.sp = GET_SP();
-	r.a = a;
-	r.x = x;
-	r.y = y;
-	{
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		r.status = temp;
-	}
-	this->state_ = s;
-	this->state = &this->state_;
-	return illegal_encountered;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Cpu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Cpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d46a0b8a87024a5c6626421c2fa4ddb223155bd4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Cpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// PC Engine CPU emulator for use with HES music files
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef HES_CPU_H
-#define HES_CPU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-typedef blargg_long hes_time_t; // clock cycle count
-typedef unsigned hes_addr_t; // 16-bit address
-enum { future_hes_time = INT_MAX / 2 + 1 };
-class Hes_Cpu {
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t uint8_t;
-	void reset();
-	enum { page_size = 0x2000 };
-	enum { page_shift = 13 };
-	enum { page_count = 8 };
-	void set_mmr( int reg, int bank );
-	uint8_t const* get_code( hes_addr_t );
-	uint8_t ram [page_size];
-	// not kept updated during a call to run()
-	struct registers_t {
-		BOOST::uint16_t pc;
-		uint8_t a;
-		uint8_t x;
-		uint8_t y;
-		uint8_t status;
-		uint8_t sp;
-	};
-	registers_t r;
-	// page mapping registers
-	uint8_t mmr [page_count + 1];
-	// Set end_time and run CPU from current time. Returns true if any illegal
-	// instructions were encountered.
-	bool run( hes_time_t end_time );
-	// Time of beginning of next instruction to be executed
-	hes_time_t time() const             { return state->time + state->base; }
-	void set_time( hes_time_t t )       { state->time = t - state->base; }
-	void adjust_time( int delta )       { state->time += delta; }
-	hes_time_t irq_time() const         { return irq_time_; }
-	void set_irq_time( hes_time_t );
-	hes_time_t end_time() const         { return end_time_; }
-	void set_end_time( hes_time_t );
-	void end_frame( hes_time_t );
-	// Attempt to execute instruction here results in CPU advancing time to
-	// lesser of irq_time() and end_time() (or end_time() if IRQs are
-	// disabled)
-	enum { idle_addr = 0x1FFF };
-	// Can read this many bytes past end of a page
-	enum { cpu_padding = 8 };
-	Hes_Cpu() { state = &state_; }
-	enum { irq_inhibit = 0x04 };
-	// noncopyable
-	Hes_Cpu( const Hes_Cpu& );
-	Hes_Cpu& operator = ( const Hes_Cpu& );
-	struct state_t {
-		uint8_t const* code_map [page_count + 1];
-		hes_time_t base;
-		blargg_long time;
-	};
-	state_t* state; // points to state_ or a local copy within run()
-	state_t state_;
-	hes_time_t irq_time_;
-	hes_time_t end_time_;
-	void set_code_page( int, void const* );
-	inline int update_end_time( hes_time_t end, hes_time_t irq );
-inline BOOST::uint8_t const* Hes_Cpu::get_code( hes_addr_t addr )
-	return state->code_map [addr >> page_shift] + addr
-		% (unsigned) page_size
-	#endif
-	;
-inline int Hes_Cpu::update_end_time( hes_time_t t, hes_time_t irq )
-	if ( irq < t && !(r.status & irq_inhibit) ) t = irq;
-	int delta = state->base - t;
-	state->base = t;
-	return delta;
-inline void Hes_Cpu::set_irq_time( hes_time_t t )
-	state->time += update_end_time( end_time_, (irq_time_ = t) );
-inline void Hes_Cpu::set_end_time( hes_time_t t )
-	state->time += update_end_time( (end_time_ = t), irq_time_ );
-inline void Hes_Cpu::end_frame( hes_time_t t )
-	assert( state == &state_ );
-	state_.base -= t;
-	if ( irq_time_ < future_hes_time ) irq_time_ -= t;
-	if ( end_time_ < future_hes_time ) end_time_ -= t;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e3c700dbc5e1bd30e15d7f3653a2f51900c352d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Hes_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int const timer_mask  = 0x04;
-int const vdp_mask    = 0x02;
-int const i_flag_mask = 0x04;
-int const unmapped    = 0xFF;
-long const period_60hz = 262 * 455L; // scanlines * clocks per scanline
-	timer.raw_load = 0;
-	set_type( gme_hes_type );
-	static const char* const names [Hes_Apu::osc_count] = {
-		"Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3", "Wave 4", "Multi 1", "Multi 2"
-	};
-	set_voice_names( names );
-	static int const types [Hes_Apu::osc_count] = {
-		wave_type  | 0, wave_type  | 1, wave_type | 2, wave_type | 3,
-		mixed_type | 0, mixed_type | 1
-	};
-	set_voice_types( types );
-	set_silence_lookahead( 6 );
-	set_gain( 1.11 );
-Hes_Emu::~Hes_Emu() { }
-void Hes_Emu::unload()
-	rom.clear();
-	Music_Emu::unload();
-// Track info
-static byte const* copy_field( byte const* in, char* out )
-	if ( in )
-	{
-		int len = 0x20;
-		if ( in [0x1F] && !in [0x2F] )
-			len = 0x30; // fields are sometimes 16 bytes longer (ugh)
-		// since text fields are where any data could be, detect non-text
-		// and fields with data after zero byte terminator
-		int i = 0;
-		for ( i = 0; i < len && in [i]; i++ )
-			if ( ((in [i] + 1) & 0xFF) < ' ' + 1 ) // also treat 0xFF as non-text
-				return 0; // non-ASCII found
-		for ( ; i < len; i++ )
-			if ( in [i] )
-				return 0; // data after terminator
-		Gme_File::copy_field_( out, (char const*) in, len );
-		in += len;
-	}
-	return in;
-static void copy_hes_fields( byte const* in, track_info_t* out )
-	if ( *in >= ' ' )
-	{
-		in = copy_field( in, out->game );
-		in = copy_field( in, out->author );
-		in = copy_field( in, out->copyright );
-	}
-blargg_err_t Hes_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	copy_hes_fields( rom.begin() + 0x20, out );
-	return 0;
-static blargg_err_t check_hes_header( void const* header )
-	if ( memcmp( header, "HESM", 4 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	return 0;
-struct Hes_File : Gme_Info_
-	struct header_t {
-		char header [Hes_Emu::header_size];
-		char unused [0x20];
-		byte fields [0x30 * 3];
-	} h;
-	Hes_File() { set_type( gme_hes_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	{
-		assert( offsetof (header_t,fields) == Hes_Emu::header_size + 0x20 );
-		blargg_err_t err = in.read( &h, sizeof h );
-		if ( err )
-			return (err == in.eof_error ? gme_wrong_file_type : err);
-		return check_hes_header( &h );
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	{
-		copy_hes_fields( h.fields, out );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_hes_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Hes_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_hes_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Hes_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_hes_type_ = { "PC Engine", 256, &new_hes_emu, &new_hes_file, "HES", 1 };
-gme_type_t const gme_hes_type = &gme_hes_type_;
-// Setup
-blargg_err_t Hes_Emu::load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	assert( offsetof (header_t,unused [4]) == header_size );
-	RETURN_ERR( rom.load( in, header_size, &header_, unmapped ) );
-	RETURN_ERR( check_hes_header( header_.tag ) );
-	if ( header_.vers != 0 )
-		set_warning( "Unknown file version" );
-	if ( memcmp( header_.data_tag, "DATA", 4 ) )
-		set_warning( "Data header missing" );
-	if ( memcmp( header_.unused, "\0\0\0\0", 4 ) )
-		set_warning( "Unknown header data" );
-	// File spec supports multiple blocks, but I haven't found any, and
-	// many files have bad sizes in the only block, so it's simpler to
-	// just try to load the damn data as best as possible.
-	long addr = get_le32( header_.addr );
-	long size = get_le32( header_.size );
-	long const rom_max = 0x100000;
-	if ( addr & ~(rom_max - 1) )
-	{
-		set_warning( "Invalid address" );
-		addr &= rom_max - 1;
-	}
-	if ( (unsigned long) (addr + size) > (unsigned long) rom_max )
-		set_warning( "Invalid size" );
-	if ( size != rom.file_size() )
-	{
-		if ( size <= rom.file_size() - 4 && !memcmp( rom.begin() + size, "DATA", 4 ) )
-			set_warning( "Multiple DATA not supported" );
-		else if ( size < rom.file_size() )
-			set_warning( "Extra file data" );
-		else
-			set_warning( "Missing file data" );
-	}
-	rom.set_addr( addr );
-	set_voice_count( apu.osc_count );
-	apu.volume( gain() );
-	return setup_buffer( 7159091 );
-void Hes_Emu::update_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	apu.treble_eq( eq );
-void Hes_Emu::set_voice( int i, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right )
-	apu.osc_output( i, center, left, right );
-// Emulation
-void Hes_Emu::recalc_timer_load()
-	timer.load = timer.raw_load * timer_base + 1;
-void Hes_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	play_period = hes_time_t (period_60hz / t);
-	timer_base = int (1024 / t);
-	recalc_timer_load();
-blargg_err_t Hes_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	memset( ram, 0, sizeof ram ); // some HES music relies on zero fill
-	memset( sgx, 0, sizeof sgx );
-	apu.reset();
-	cpu::reset();
-	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof header_.banks; i++ )
-		set_mmr( i, header_.banks [i] );
-	set_mmr( page_count, 0xFF ); // unmapped beyond end of address space
-	irq.disables  = timer_mask | vdp_mask;
-	irq.timer     = future_hes_time;
-	irq.vdp       = future_hes_time;
-	timer.enabled = false;
-	timer.raw_load= 0x80;
-	timer.count   = timer.load;
-	timer.fired   = false;
-	timer.last_time = 0;
-	vdp.latch     = 0;
-	vdp.control   = 0;
-	vdp.next_vbl  = 0;
-	ram [0x1FF] = (idle_addr - 1) >> 8;
-	ram [0x1FE] = (idle_addr - 1) & 0xFF;
-	r.sp = 0xFD;
-	r.pc = get_le16( header_.init_addr );
-	r.a  = track;
-	recalc_timer_load();
-	last_frame_hook = 0;
-	return 0;
-// Hardware
-void Hes_Emu::cpu_write_vdp( int addr, int data )
-	switch ( addr )
-	{
-	case 0:
-		vdp.latch = data & 0x1F;
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		if ( vdp.latch == 5 )
-		{
-			if ( data & 0x04 )
-				set_warning( "Scanline interrupt unsupported" );
-			run_until( time() );
-			vdp.control = data;
-			irq_changed();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			debug_printf( "VDP not supported: $%02X <- $%02X\n", vdp.latch, data );
-		}
-		break;
-	case 3:
-		debug_printf( "VDP MSB not supported: $%02X <- $%02X\n", vdp.latch, data );
-		break;
-	}
-void Hes_Emu::cpu_write_( hes_addr_t addr, int data )
-	if ( unsigned (addr - apu.start_addr) <= apu.end_addr - apu.start_addr )
-	{
-		GME_APU_HOOK( this, addr - apu.start_addr, data );
-		// avoid going way past end when a long block xfer is writing to I/O space
-		hes_time_t t = min( time(), end_time() + 8 );
-		apu.write_data( t, addr, data );
-		return;
-	}
-	hes_time_t time = this->time();
-	switch ( addr )
-	{
-	case 0x0000:
-	case 0x0002:
-	case 0x0003:
-		cpu_write_vdp( addr, data );
-		return;
-	case 0x0C00: {
-		run_until( time );
-		timer.raw_load = (data & 0x7F) + 1;
-		recalc_timer_load();
-		timer.count = timer.load;
-		break;
-	}
-	case 0x0C01:
-		data &= 1;
-		if ( timer.enabled == data )
-			return;
-		run_until( time );
-		timer.enabled = data;
-		if ( data )
-			timer.count = timer.load;
-		break;
-	case 0x1402:
-		run_until( time );
-		irq.disables = data;
-		if ( (data & 0xF8) && (data & 0xF8) != 0xF8 ) // flag questionable values
-			debug_printf( "Int mask: $%02X\n", data );
-		break;
-	case 0x1403:
-		run_until( time );
-		if ( timer.enabled )
-			timer.count = timer.load;
-		timer.fired = false;
-		break;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	case 0x1000: // I/O port
-	case 0x0402: // palette
-	case 0x0403:
-	case 0x0404:
-	case 0x0405:
-		return;
-	default:
-		debug_printf( "unmapped write $%04X <- $%02X\n", addr, data );
-		return;
-	}
-	irq_changed();
-int Hes_Emu::cpu_read_( hes_addr_t addr )
-	hes_time_t time = this->time();
-	addr &= page_size - 1;
-	switch ( addr )
-	{
-	case 0x0000:
-		if ( irq.vdp > time )
-			return 0;
-		irq.vdp = future_hes_time;
-		run_until( time );
-		irq_changed();
-		return 0x20;
-	case 0x0002:
-	case 0x0003:
-		debug_printf( "VDP read not supported: %d\n", addr );
-		return 0;
-	case 0x0C01:
-		//return timer.enabled; // TODO: remove?
-	case 0x0C00:
-		run_until( time );
-		debug_printf( "Timer count read\n" );
-		return (unsigned) (timer.count - 1) / timer_base;
-	case 0x1402:
-		return irq.disables;
-	case 0x1403:
-		{
-			int status = 0;
-			if ( irq.timer <= time ) status |= timer_mask;
-			if ( irq.vdp   <= time ) status |= vdp_mask;
-			return status;
-		}
-	#ifndef NDEBUG
-		case 0x1000: // I/O port
-		case 0x180C: // CD-ROM
-		case 0x180D:
-			break;
-		default:
-			debug_printf( "unmapped read  $%04X\n", addr );
-	#endif
-	}
-	return unmapped;
-// see hes_cpu_io.h for core read/write functions
-// Emulation
-void Hes_Emu::run_until( hes_time_t present )
-	while ( vdp.next_vbl < present )
-		vdp.next_vbl += play_period;
-	hes_time_t elapsed = present - timer.last_time;
-	if ( elapsed > 0 )
-	{
-		if ( timer.enabled )
-		{
-			timer.count -= elapsed;
-			if ( timer.count <= 0 )
-				timer.count += timer.load;
-		}
-		timer.last_time = present;
-	}
-void Hes_Emu::irq_changed()
-	hes_time_t present = time();
-	if ( irq.timer > present )
-	{
-		irq.timer = future_hes_time;
-		if ( timer.enabled && !timer.fired )
-			irq.timer = present + timer.count;
-	}
-	if ( irq.vdp > present )
-	{
-		irq.vdp = future_hes_time;
-		if ( vdp.control & 0x08 )
-			irq.vdp = vdp.next_vbl;
-	}
-	hes_time_t time = future_hes_time;
-	if ( !(irq.disables & timer_mask) ) time = irq.timer;
-	if ( !(irq.disables &   vdp_mask) ) time = min( time, irq.vdp );
-	set_irq_time( time );
-int Hes_Emu::cpu_done()
-	check( time() >= end_time() ||
-			(!(r.status & i_flag_mask) && time() >= irq_time()) );
-	if ( !(r.status & i_flag_mask) )
-	{
-		hes_time_t present = time();
-		if ( irq.timer <= present && !(irq.disables & timer_mask) )
-		{
-			timer.fired = true;
-			irq.timer = future_hes_time;
-			irq_changed(); // overkill, but not worth writing custom code
-			{
-				unsigned const threshold = period_60hz / 30;
-				unsigned long elapsed = present - last_frame_hook;
-				if ( elapsed - period_60hz + threshold / 2 < threshold )
-				{
-					last_frame_hook = present;
-					GME_FRAME_HOOK( this );
-				}
-			}
-			#endif
-			return 0x0A;
-		}
-		if ( irq.vdp <= present && !(irq.disables & vdp_mask) )
-		{
-			// work around for bugs with music not acknowledging VDP
-			//run_until( present );
-			//irq.vdp = future_hes_time;
-			//irq_changed();
-				last_frame_hook = present;
-				GME_FRAME_HOOK( this );
-			#endif
-			return 0x08;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void adjust_time( blargg_long& time, hes_time_t delta )
-	if ( time < future_hes_time )
-	{
-		time -= delta;
-		if ( time < 0 )
-			time = 0;
-	}
-blargg_err_t Hes_Emu::run_clocks( blip_time_t& duration_, int )
-	blip_time_t const duration = duration_; // cache
-	if ( cpu::run( duration ) )
-		set_warning( "Emulation error (illegal instruction)" );
-	check( time() >= duration );
-	//check( time() - duration < 20 ); // Txx instruction could cause going way over
-	run_until( duration );
-	// end time frame
-	timer.last_time -= duration;
-	vdp.next_vbl    -= duration;
-		last_frame_hook -= duration;
-	#endif
-	cpu::end_frame( duration );
-	::adjust_time( irq.timer, duration );
-	::adjust_time( irq.vdp,   duration );
-	apu.end_frame( duration );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e20fd676007e84b0c107d1978234df4c6543e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Hes_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine HES music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef HES_EMU_H
-#define HES_EMU_H
-#include "Classic_Emu.h"
-#include "Hes_Apu.h"
-#include "Hes_Cpu.h"
-class Hes_Emu : private Hes_Cpu, public Classic_Emu {
-	typedef Hes_Cpu cpu;
-	// HES file header
-	enum { header_size = 0x20 };
-	struct header_t
-	{
-		byte tag [4];
-		byte vers;
-		byte first_track;
-		byte init_addr [2];
-		byte banks [8];
-		byte data_tag [4];
-		byte size [4];
-		byte addr [4];
-		byte unused [4];
-	};
-	// Header for currently loaded file
-	header_t const& header() const { return header_; }
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_hes_type; }
-	Hes_Emu();
-	~Hes_Emu();
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t run_clocks( blip_time_t&, int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	void set_voice( int, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void update_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	void unload();
-public: private: friend class Hes_Cpu;
-	byte* write_pages [page_count + 1]; // 0 if unmapped or I/O space
-	int cpu_read_( hes_addr_t );
-	int cpu_read( hes_addr_t );
-	void cpu_write_( hes_addr_t, int data );
-	void cpu_write( hes_addr_t, int );
-	void cpu_write_vdp( int addr, int data );
-	byte const* cpu_set_mmr( int page, int bank );
-	int cpu_done();
-	Rom_Data<page_size> rom;
-	header_t header_;
-	hes_time_t play_period;
-	hes_time_t last_frame_hook;
-	int timer_base;
-	struct {
-		hes_time_t last_time;
-		blargg_long count;
-		blargg_long load;
-		int raw_load;
-		byte enabled;
-		byte fired;
-	} timer;
-	struct {
-		hes_time_t next_vbl;
-		byte latch;
-		byte control;
-	} vdp;
-	struct {
-		hes_time_t timer;
-		hes_time_t vdp;
-		byte disables;
-	} irq;
-	void recalc_timer_load();
-	// large items
-	Hes_Apu apu;
-	byte sgx [3 * page_size + cpu_padding];
-	void irq_changed();
-	void run_until( hes_time_t );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Cpu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Cpu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a2068efc476a4230f1131967c2fcf112bff2418f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Cpu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1707 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-Last validated with zexall 2006.11.14 2:19 PM
-* Doesn't implement the R register or immediate interrupt after EI.
-* Address wrap-around isn't completely correct, but is prevented from crashing emulator.
-#include "Kss_Cpu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-//#include "z80_cpu_log.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#define SYNC_TIME()     (void) (s.time = s_time)
-#define RELOAD_TIME()   (void) (s_time = s.time)
-// Callbacks to emulator
-#define CPU_OUT( cpu, addr, data, time )\
-	kss_cpu_out( this, time, addr, data )
-#define CPU_IN( cpu, addr, time )\
-	kss_cpu_in( this, time, addr )
-#define CPU_WRITE( cpu, addr, data, time )\
-	(SYNC_TIME(), kss_cpu_write( this, addr, data ))
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// flags, named with hex value for clarity
-int const S80 = 0x80;
-int const Z40 = 0x40;
-int const F20 = 0x20;
-int const H10 = 0x10;
-int const F08 = 0x08;
-int const V04 = 0x04;
-int const P04 = 0x04;
-int const N02 = 0x02;
-int const C01 = 0x01;
-#define SZ28P( n )  szpc [n]
-#define SZ28PC( n ) szpc [n]
-#define SZ28C( n )  (szpc [n] & ~P04)
-#define SZ28( n )   SZ28C( n )
-#define SET_R( n )  (void) (r.r = n)
-#define GET_R()     (r.r)
-	state = &state_;
-	for ( int i = 0x100; --i >= 0; )
-	{
-		int even = 1;
-		for ( int p = i; p; p >>= 1 )
-			even ^= p;
-		int n = (i & (S80 | F20 | F08)) | ((even & 1) * P04);
-		szpc [i] = n;
-		szpc [i + 0x100] = n | C01;
-	}
-	szpc [0x000] |= Z40;
-	szpc [0x100] |= Z40;
-inline void Kss_Cpu::set_page( int i, void* write, void const* read )
-	blargg_long offset = KSS_CPU_PAGE_OFFSET( i * (blargg_long) page_size );
-	state->write [i] = (byte      *) write - offset;
-	state->read  [i] = (byte const*) read  - offset;
-void Kss_Cpu::reset( void* unmapped_write, void const* unmapped_read )
-	check( state == &state_ );
-	state = &state_;
-	state_.time = 0;
-	state_.base = 0;
-	end_time_   = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < page_count + 1; i++ )
-		set_page( i, unmapped_write, unmapped_read );
-	memset( &r, 0, sizeof r );
-void Kss_Cpu::map_mem( unsigned addr, blargg_ulong size, void* write, void const* read )
-	// address range must begin and end on page boundaries
-	require( addr % page_size == 0 );
-	require( size % page_size == 0 );
-	unsigned first_page = addr / page_size;
-	for ( unsigned i = size / page_size; i--; )
-	{
-		blargg_long offset = i * (blargg_long) page_size;
-		set_page( first_page + i, (byte*) write + offset, (byte const*) read + offset );
-	}
-#define TIME                        (s_time + s.base)
-#define RW_MEM( addr, rw )          (s.rw [(addr) >> page_shift] [KSS_CPU_PAGE_OFFSET( addr )])
-#define READ_PROG( addr )           RW_MEM( addr, read )
-#define READ( addr )                READ_PROG( addr )
-//#define WRITE( addr, data )       (void) (RW_MEM( addr, write ) = data)
-#define WRITE( addr, data )         CPU_WRITE( this, addr, data, TIME )
-#define READ_WORD( addr )           GET_LE16( &READ( addr ) )
-#define WRITE_WORD( addr, data )    SET_LE16( &RW_MEM( addr, write ), data )
-#define IN( addr )                  CPU_IN( this, addr, TIME )
-#define OUT( addr, data )           CPU_OUT( this, addr, data, TIME )
-	#define R8( n, offset ) ((r8_ - offset) [n]) 
-	#define R8( n, offset ) ((r8_ - offset) [(n) ^ 1]) 
-	#error "Byte order of CPU must be known"
-//#define R16( n, shift, offset )   (r16_ [((n) >> shift) - (offset >> shift)])
-// help compiler see that it can just adjust stack offset, saving an extra instruction
-#define R16( n, shift, offset )\
-	(*(uint16_t*) ((char*) r16_ - (offset >> (shift - 1)) + ((n) >> (shift - 1))))
-#define CASE5( a, b, c, d, e          ) case 0x##a:case 0x##b:case 0x##c:case 0x##d:case 0x##e
-#define CASE6( a, b, c, d, e, f       ) CASE5( a, b, c, d, e       ): case 0x##f
-#define CASE7( a, b, c, d, e, f, g    ) CASE6( a, b, c, d, e, f    ): case 0x##g
-#define CASE8( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ) CASE7( a, b, c, d, e, f, g ): case 0x##h
-// high four bits are $ED time - 8, low four bits are $DD/$FD time - 8
-static byte const ed_dd_timing [0x100] = {
-//0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F
-// even on x86, using short and unsigned char was slower
-typedef int         fint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint8;
-bool Kss_Cpu::run( cpu_time_t end_time )
-	set_end_time( end_time );
-	state_t s = this->state_;
-	this->state = &s;
-	bool warning = false;
-	typedef BOOST::int8_t int8_t;
-	union {
-		regs_t rg;
-		pairs_t rp;
-		uint8_t r8_ [8]; // indexed
-		uint16_t r16_ [4];
-	};
-	rg = this->r.b;
-	cpu_time_t s_time = s.time;
-	fuint16 pc = r.pc;
-	fuint16 sp = r.sp;
-	fuint16 ix = r.ix; // TODO: keep in memory for direct access?
-	fuint16 iy = r.iy;
-	int flags = r.b.flags;
-	goto loop;
-	s_time -= 5;
-	goto loop;
-	s_time -= 7; 
-	pc += 2;
-	check( (unsigned long) pc < 0x10000 );
-	check( (unsigned long) sp < 0x10000 );
-	check( (unsigned) flags < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) ix < 0x10000 );
-	check( (unsigned) iy < 0x10000 );
-	uint8_t const* instr = s.read [pc >> page_shift];
-#define GET_ADDR()  GET_LE16( instr )
-	fuint8 opcode;
-	// TODO: eliminate this special case
-		opcode = instr [pc];
-		pc++;
-		instr += pc;
-	#else
-		instr += KSS_CPU_PAGE_OFFSET( pc );
-		opcode = *instr++;
-		pc++;
-	#endif
-	static byte const base_timing [0x100] = {
-	//   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
-		 4,10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4,11, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 0
-		13,10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4,12,11, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 1
-		12,10,16, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4,12,11,16, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 2
-		12,10,13, 6,11,11,10, 4,12,11,13, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 3
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 4
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 5
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 6
-		 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 7
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 8
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // 9
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // A
-		 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, // B
-		11,10,10,10,17,11, 7,11,11,10,10, 8,17,17, 7,11, // C
-		11,10,10,11,17,11, 7,11,11, 4,10,11,17, 8, 7,11, // D
-		11,10,10,19,17,11, 7,11,11, 4,10, 4,17, 8, 7,11, // E
-		11,10,10, 4,17,11, 7,11,11, 6,10, 4,17, 8, 7,11, // F
-	};
-	fuint16 data;
-	data = base_timing [opcode];
-	if ( (s_time += data) >= 0 )
-		goto possibly_out_of_time;
-	data = READ_PROG( pc );
-	#ifdef Z80_CPU_LOG_H
-		//log_opcode( opcode, READ_PROG( pc ) );
-		z80_log_regs( rg.a, rp.bc, rp.de, rp.hl, sp, ix, iy );
-		z80_cpu_log( "new", pc - 1, opcode, READ_PROG( pc ),
-				READ_PROG( pc + 1 ), READ_PROG( pc + 2 ) );
-	#endif
-	switch ( opcode )
-	{
-		if ( s_time < (int) data )
-			goto almost_out_of_time;
-		s_time -= data;
-		goto out_of_time;
-// Common
-	case 0x00: // NOP
-	CASE7( 40, 49, 52, 5B, 64, 6D, 7F ): // LD B,B etc.
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x08:{// EX AF,AF'
-		int temp = r.alt.b.a;
-		r.alt.b.a = rg.a;
-		rg.a = temp;
-		temp = r.alt.b.flags;
-		r.alt.b.flags = flags;
-		flags = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xD3: // OUT (imm),A
-		pc++;
-		OUT( data + rg.a * 0x100, rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2E: // LD L,imm
-		pc++;
-		rg.l = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3E: // LD A,imm
-		pc++;
-		rg.a = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3A:{// LD A,(addr)
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		rg.a = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Conditional
-#define ZERO    (flags & Z40)
-#define CARRY   (flags & C01)
-#define EVEN    (flags & P04)
-#define MINUS   (flags & S80)
-// JR
-// TODO: more efficient way to handle negative branch that wraps PC around
-#define JR( cond ) {\
-	int offset = (BOOST::int8_t) data;\
-	pc++;\
-	if ( !(cond) )\
-		goto jr_not_taken;\
-	pc = uint16_t (pc + offset);\
-	goto loop;\
-	case 0x20: JR( !ZERO  ) // JR NZ,disp
-	case 0x28: JR(  ZERO  ) // JR Z,disp
-	case 0x30: JR( !CARRY ) // JR NC,disp
-	case 0x38: JR(  CARRY ) // JR C,disp
-	case 0x18: JR(  true  ) // JR disp
-	case 0x10:{// DJNZ disp
-		int temp = rg.b - 1;
-		rg.b = temp;
-		JR( temp )
-	}
-// JP
-#define JP( cond )  if ( !(cond) ) goto jp_not_taken; pc = GET_ADDR(); goto loop;
-	case 0xC2: JP( !ZERO  ) // JP NZ,addr
-	case 0xCA: JP(  ZERO  ) // JP Z,addr
-	case 0xD2: JP( !CARRY ) // JP NC,addr
-	case 0xDA: JP(  CARRY ) // JP C,addr
-	case 0xE2: JP( !EVEN  ) // JP PO,addr
-	case 0xEA: JP(  EVEN  ) // JP PE,addr
-	case 0xF2: JP( !MINUS ) // JP P,addr
-	case 0xFA: JP(  MINUS ) // JP M,addr
-	case 0xC3: // JP addr
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xE9: // JP HL
-		pc = rp.hl;
-		goto loop;
-// RET
-#define RET( cond ) if ( cond ) goto ret_taken; s_time -= 6; goto loop;
-	case 0xC0: RET( !ZERO  ) // RET NZ
-	case 0xC8: RET(  ZERO  ) // RET Z
-	case 0xD0: RET( !CARRY ) // RET NC
-	case 0xD8: RET(  CARRY ) // RET C
-	case 0xE0: RET( !EVEN  ) // RET PO
-	case 0xE8: RET(  EVEN  ) // RET PE
-	case 0xF0: RET( !MINUS ) // RET P
-	case 0xF8: RET(  MINUS ) // RET M
-	case 0xC9: // RET
-	ret_taken:
-		pc = READ_WORD( sp );
-		sp = uint16_t (sp + 2);
-		goto loop;
-// CALL
-#define CALL( cond ) if ( cond ) goto call_taken; goto call_not_taken;
-	case 0xC4: CALL( !ZERO  ) // CALL NZ,addr
-	case 0xCC: CALL(  ZERO  ) // CALL Z,addr
-	case 0xD4: CALL( !CARRY ) // CALL NC,addr
-	case 0xDC: CALL(  CARRY ) // CALL C,addr
-	case 0xE4: CALL( !EVEN  ) // CALL PO,addr
-	case 0xEC: CALL(  EVEN  ) // CALL PE,addr
-	case 0xF4: CALL( !MINUS ) // CALL P,addr
-	case 0xFC: CALL(  MINUS ) // CALL M,addr
-	case 0xCD:{// CALL addr
-	call_taken:
-		fuint16 addr = pc + 2;
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		sp = uint16_t (sp - 2);
-		WRITE_WORD( sp, addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xFF: // RST
-		if ( pc > idle_addr )
-			goto hit_idle_addr;
-	CASE7( C7, CF, D7, DF, E7, EF, F7 ):
-		data = pc;
-		pc = opcode & 0x38;
-		goto push_data;
-	case 0xF5: // PUSH AF
-		data = rg.a * 0x100u + flags;
-		goto push_data;
-	case 0xC5: // PUSH BC
-	case 0xD5: // PUSH DE
-	case 0xE5: // PUSH HL
-		data = R16( opcode, 4, 0xC5 );
-	push_data:
-		sp = uint16_t (sp - 2);
-		WRITE_WORD( sp, data );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF1: // POP AF
-		flags = READ( sp );
-		rg.a = READ( sp + 1 );
-		sp = uint16_t (sp + 2);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC1: // POP BC
-	case 0xD1: // POP DE
-	case 0xE1: // POP HL
-		R16( opcode, 4, 0xC1 ) = READ_WORD( sp );
-		sp = uint16_t (sp + 2);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x96: // SUB (HL)
-	case 0x86: // ADD (HL)
-		flags &= ~C01;
-	case 0x9E: // SBC (HL)
-	case 0x8E: // ADC (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto adc_data;
-	case 0xD6: // SUB A,imm
-	case 0xC6: // ADD imm
-		flags &= ~C01;
-	case 0xDE: // SBC A,imm
-	case 0xCE: // ADC imm
-		pc++;
-		goto adc_data;
-	CASE7( 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97 ): // SUB r
-	CASE7( 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 ): // ADD r
-		flags &= ~C01;
-	CASE7( 98, 99, 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9F ): // SBC r
-	CASE7( 88, 89, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8F ): // ADC r
-		data = R8( opcode & 7, 0 );
-	adc_data: {
-		int result = data + (flags & C01);
-		data ^= rg.a;
-		flags = opcode >> 3 & N02; // bit 4 is set in subtract opcodes
-		if ( flags )
-			result = -result;
-		result += rg.a;
-		data ^= result;
-		flags |=(data & H10) |
-				((data - -0x80) >> 6 & V04) |
-				SZ28C( result & 0x1FF );
-		rg.a = result;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// CP
-	case 0xBE: // CP (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto cp_data;
-	case 0xFE: // CP imm
-		pc++;
-		goto cp_data;
-	CASE7( B8, B9, BA, BB, BC, BD, BF ): // CP r
-		data = R8( opcode, 0xB8 );
-	cp_data: {
-		int result = rg.a - data;
-		flags = N02 | (data & (F20 | F08)) | (result >> 8 & C01);
-		data ^= rg.a;
-		flags |=(((result ^ rg.a) & data) >> 5 & V04) |
-				(((data & H10) ^ result) & (S80 | H10));
-		if ( (uint8_t) result )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= Z40;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// ADD HL,rp
-	case 0x39: // ADD HL,SP
-		data = sp;
-		goto add_hl_data;
-	case 0x09: // ADD HL,BC
-	case 0x19: // ADD HL,DE
-	case 0x29: // ADD HL,HL
-		data = R16( opcode, 4, 0x09 );
-	add_hl_data: {
-		blargg_ulong sum = rp.hl + data;
-		data ^= rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = sum;
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | V04)) |
-				(sum >> 16) |
-				(sum >> 8 & (F20 | F08)) |
-				((data ^ sum) >> 8 & H10);
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x27:{// DAA
-		int a = rg.a;
-		if ( a > 0x99 )
-			flags |= C01;
-		int adjust = 0x60 & -(flags & C01);
-		if ( flags & H10 || (a & 0x0F) > 9 )
-			adjust |= 0x06;
-		if ( flags & N02 )
-			adjust = -adjust;
-		a += adjust;
-		flags = (flags & (C01 | N02)) |
-				((rg.a ^ a) & H10) |
-				SZ28P( (uint8_t) a );
-		rg.a = a;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	/*
-	case 0x27:{// DAA
-		// more optimized, but probably not worth the obscurity
-		int f = (rg.a + (0xFF - 0x99)) >> 8 | flags; // (a > 0x99 ? C01 : 0) | flags
-		int adjust = 0x60 & -(f & C01); // f & C01 ? 0x60 : 0
-		if ( (((rg.a + (0x0F - 9)) ^ rg.a) | f) & H10 ) // flags & H10 || (rg.a & 0x0F) > 9
-			adjust |= 0x06;
-		if ( f & N02 )
-			adjust = -adjust;
-		int a = rg.a + adjust;
-		flags = (f & (N02 | C01)) | ((rg.a ^ a) & H10) | SZ28P( (uint8_t) a );
-		rg.a = a;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	*/
-	case 0x34: // INC (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl ) + 1;
-		WRITE( rp.hl, data );
-		goto inc_set_flags;
-	CASE7( 04, 0C, 14, 1C, 24, 2C, 3C ): // INC r
-		data = ++R8( opcode >> 3, 0 );
-	inc_set_flags:
-		flags = (flags & C01) |
-				(((data & 0x0F) - 1) & H10) |
-				SZ28( (uint8_t) data );
-		if ( data != 0x80 )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= V04;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x35: // DEC (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl ) - 1;
-		WRITE( rp.hl, data );
-		goto dec_set_flags;
-	CASE7( 05, 0D, 15, 1D, 25, 2D, 3D ): // DEC r
-		data = --R8( opcode >> 3, 0 );
-	dec_set_flags:
-		flags = (flags & C01) | N02 |
-				(((data & 0x0F) + 1) & H10) |
-				SZ28( (uint8_t) data );
-		if ( data != 0x7F )
-			goto loop;
-		flags |= V04;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x03: // INC BC
-	case 0x13: // INC DE
-	case 0x23: // INC HL
-		R16( opcode, 4, 0x03 )++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x33: // INC SP
-		sp = uint16_t (sp + 1);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0B: // DEC BC
-	case 0x1B: // DEC DE
-	case 0x2B: // DEC HL
-		R16( opcode, 4, 0x0B )--;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x3B: // DEC SP
-		sp = uint16_t (sp - 1);
-		goto loop;
-// AND
-	case 0xA6: // AND (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto and_data;
-	case 0xE6: // AND imm
-		pc++;
-		goto and_data;
-	CASE7( A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7 ): // AND r
-		data = R8( opcode, 0xA0 );
-	and_data:
-		rg.a &= data;
-		flags = SZ28P( rg.a ) | H10;
-		goto loop;
-// OR
-	case 0xB6: // OR (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto or_data;
-	case 0xF6: // OR imm
-		pc++;
-		goto or_data;
-	CASE7( B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B7 ): // OR r
-		data = R8( opcode, 0xB0 );
-	or_data:
-		rg.a |= data;
-		flags = SZ28P( rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-// XOR
-	case 0xAE: // XOR (HL)
-		data = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto xor_data;
-	case 0xEE: // XOR imm
-		pc++;
-		goto xor_data;
-	CASE7( A8, A9, AA, AB, AC, AD, AF ): // XOR r
-		data = R8( opcode, 0xA8 );
-	xor_data:
-		rg.a ^= data;
-		flags = SZ28P( rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-// LD
-	CASE7( 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 ): // LD (HL),r
-		WRITE( rp.hl, R8( opcode, 0x70 ) );
-		goto loop;
-	CASE6( 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 ): // LD B,r
-	CASE6( 48, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4F ): // LD C,r
-	CASE6( 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57 ): // LD D,r
-	CASE6( 58, 59, 5A, 5C, 5D, 5F ): // LD E,r
-	CASE6( 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67 ): // LD H,r
-	CASE6( 68, 69, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6F ): // LD L,r
-	CASE6( 78, 79, 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D ): // LD A,r
-		R8( opcode >> 3 & 7, 0 ) = R8( opcode & 7, 0 );
-		goto loop;
-	CASE5( 06, 0E, 16, 1E, 26 ): // LD r,imm
-		R8( opcode >> 3, 0 ) = data;
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x36: // LD (HL),imm
-		pc++;
-		WRITE( rp.hl, data );
-		goto loop;
-	CASE7( 46, 4E, 56, 5E, 66, 6E, 7E ): // LD r,(HL)
-		R8( opcode >> 3, 8 ) = READ( rp.hl );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x01: // LD rp,imm
-	case 0x11:
-	case 0x21:
-		R16( opcode, 4, 0x01 ) = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x31: // LD sp,imm
-		sp = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2A:{// LD HL,(addr)
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		rp.hl = READ_WORD( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x32:{// LD (addr),A
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE( addr, rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x22:{// LD (addr),HL
-		fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE_WORD( addr, rp.hl );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x02: // LD (BC),A
-	case 0x12: // LD (DE),A
-		WRITE( R16( opcode, 4, 0x02 ), rg.a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0A: // LD A,(BC)
-	case 0x1A: // LD A,(DE)
-		rg.a = READ( R16( opcode, 4, 0x0A ) );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF9: // LD SP,HL
-		sp = rp.hl;
-		goto loop;
-// Rotate
-	case 0x07:{// RLCA
-		fuint16 temp = rg.a;
-		temp = (temp << 1) | (temp >> 7);
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) |
-				(temp & (F20 | F08 | C01));
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x0F:{// RRCA
-		fuint16 temp = rg.a;
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) |
-				(temp & C01);
-		temp = (temp << 7) | (temp >> 1);
-		flags |= temp & (F20 | F08);
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x17:{// RLA
-		blargg_ulong temp = (rg.a << 1) | (flags & C01);
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) |
-				(temp & (F20 | F08)) |
-				(temp >> 8);
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x1F:{// RRA
-		fuint16 temp = (flags << 7) | (rg.a >> 1);
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) |
-				(temp & (F20 | F08)) |
-				(rg.a & C01);
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Misc
-	case 0x2F:{// CPL
-		fuint16 temp = ~rg.a;
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04 | C01)) |
-				(temp & (F20 | F08)) |
-				(H10 | N02);
-		rg.a = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x3F:{// CCF
-		flags = ((flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04 | C01)) ^ C01) |
-				(flags << 4 & H10) |
-				(rg.a & (F20 | F08));
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x37: // SCF
-		flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | P04)) | C01 |
-				(rg.a & (F20 | F08));
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xDB: // IN A,(imm)
-		pc++;
-		rg.a = IN( data + rg.a * 0x100 );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xE3:{// EX (SP),HL
-		fuint16 temp = READ_WORD( sp );
-		WRITE_WORD( sp, rp.hl );
-		rp.hl = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xEB:{// EX DE,HL
-		fuint16 temp = rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = rp.de;
-		rp.de = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xD9:{// EXX DE,HL
-		fuint16 temp = r.alt.w.bc;
-		r.alt.w.bc = rp.bc;
-		rp.bc = temp;
-		temp = r.alt.w.de;
-		r.alt.w.de = rp.de;
-		rp.de = temp;
-		temp = r.alt.w.hl;
-		r.alt.w.hl = rp.hl;
-		rp.hl = temp;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xF3: // DI
-		r.iff1 = 0;
-		r.iff2 = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFB: // EI
-		r.iff1 = 1;
-		r.iff2 = 1;
-		// TODO: delayed effect
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x76: // HALT
-		goto halt;
-//////////////////////////////////////// CB prefix
-	{
-	case 0xCB:
-		unsigned data2;
-		data2 = instr [1];
-		(void) data2; // TODO is this the same as data in all cases?
-		pc++;
-		switch ( data )
-		{
-	// Rotate left
-	#define RLC( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		result = uint8_t (result << 1) | (result >> 7);\
-		flags = SZ28P( result ) | (result & C01);\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x06: // RLC (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		rlc_data_addr:
-			RLC( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07 ):{// RLC r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0 );
-			RLC( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define RL( read, write ) {\
-		fuint16 result = (read << 1) | (flags & C01);\
-		flags = SZ28PC( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x16: // RL (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		rl_data_addr:
-			RL( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 ):{// RL r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x10 );
-			RL( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define SLA( read, add, write ) {\
-		fuint16 result = (read << 1) | add;\
-		flags = SZ28PC( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x26: // SLA (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		sla_data_addr:
-			SLA( READ( data ), 0, WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27 ):{// SLA r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x20 );
-			SLA( reg, 0, reg = result )
-		}
-		case 0x36: // SLL (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		sll_data_addr:
-			SLA( READ( data ), 1, WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 ):{// SLL r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x30 );
-			SLA( reg, 1, reg = result )
-		}
-	// Rotate right
-	#define RRC( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		flags = result & C01;\
-		result = uint8_t (result << 7) | (result >> 1);\
-		flags |= SZ28P( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x0E: // RRC (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		rrc_data_addr:
-			RRC( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0F ):{// RRC r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x08 );
-			RRC( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define RR( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		fuint8 temp = result & C01;\
-		result = uint8_t (flags << 7) | (result >> 1);\
-		flags = SZ28P( result ) | temp;\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x1E: // RR (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		rr_data_addr:
-			RR( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 18, 19, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1F ):{// RR r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x18 );
-			RR( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define SRA( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		flags = result & C01;\
-		result = (result & 0x80) | (result >> 1);\
-		flags |= SZ28P( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x2E: // SRA (HL)
-			data = rp.hl;
-			s_time += 7;
-		sra_data_addr:
-			SRA( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 28, 29, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2F ):{// SRA r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x28 );
-			SRA( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	#define SRL( read, write ) {\
-		fuint8 result = read;\
-		flags = result & C01;\
-		result >>= 1;\
-		flags |= SZ28P( result );\
-		write;\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-		case 0x3E: // SRL (HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			data = rp.hl;
-		srl_data_addr:
-			SRL( READ( data ), WRITE( data, result ) )
-		CASE7( 38, 39, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3F ):{// SRL r
-			uint8_t& reg = R8( data, 0x38 );
-			SRL( reg, reg = result )
-		}
-	// BIT
-		{
-			unsigned temp;
-		CASE8( 46, 4E, 56, 5E, 66, 6E, 76, 7E ): // BIT b,(HL)
-			s_time += 4;
-			temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			flags &= C01;
-			goto bit_temp;
-		CASE7( 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 ): // BIT 0,r
-		CASE7( 48, 49, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4F ): // BIT 1,r
-		CASE7( 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57 ): // BIT 2,r
-		CASE7( 58, 59, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5F ): // BIT 3,r
-		CASE7( 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67 ): // BIT 4,r
-		CASE7( 68, 69, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6F ): // BIT 5,r
-		CASE7( 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 ): // BIT 6,r
-		CASE7( 78, 79, 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7F ): // BIT 7,r
-			temp = R8( data & 7, 0 );
-			flags = (flags & C01) | (temp & (F20 | F08));
-		bit_temp:
-			int masked = temp & 1 << (data >> 3 & 7);
-			flags |=(masked & S80) | H10 |
-					((masked - 1) >> 8 & (Z40 | P04));
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	// SET/RES
-		CASE8( 86, 8E, 96, 9E, A6, AE, B6, BE ): // RES b,(HL)
-		CASE8( C6, CE, D6, DE, E6, EE, F6, FE ):{// SET b,(HL)
-			s_time += 7;
-			int temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			int bit = 1 << (data >> 3 & 7);
-			temp |= bit; // SET
-			if ( !(data & 0x40) )
-				temp ^= bit; // RES
-			WRITE( rp.hl, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		CASE7( C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C7 ): // SET 0,r
-		CASE7( C8, C9, CA, CB, CC, CD, CF ): // SET 1,r
-		CASE7( D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7 ): // SET 2,r
-		CASE7( D8, D9, DA, DB, DC, DD, DF ): // SET 3,r
-		CASE7( E0, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E7 ): // SET 4,r
-		CASE7( E8, E9, EA, EB, EC, ED, EF ): // SET 5,r
-		CASE7( F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F7 ): // SET 6,r
-		CASE7( F8, F9, FA, FB, FC, FD, FF ): // SET 7,r
-			R8( data & 7, 0 ) |= 1 << (data >> 3 & 7);
-			goto loop;
-		CASE7( 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 ): // RES 0,r
-		CASE7( 88, 89, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8F ): // RES 1,r
-		CASE7( 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97 ): // RES 2,r
-		CASE7( 98, 99, 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9F ): // RES 3,r
-		CASE7( A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7 ): // RES 4,r
-		CASE7( A8, A9, AA, AB, AC, AD, AF ): // RES 5,r
-		CASE7( B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B7 ): // RES 6,r
-		CASE7( B8, B9, BA, BB, BC, BD, BF ): // RES 7,r
-			R8( data & 7, 0 ) &= ~(1 << (data >> 3 & 7));
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		assert( false );
-	}
-#undef GET_ADDR
-#define GET_ADDR()  GET_LE16( instr + 1 )
-//////////////////////////////////////// ED prefix
-	{
-	case 0xED:
-		pc++;
-		s_time += ed_dd_timing [data] >> 4;
-		switch ( data )
-		{
-		{
-			blargg_ulong temp;
-		case 0x72: // SBC HL,SP
-		case 0x7A: // ADC HL,SP
-			temp = sp;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0x42: // SBC HL,BC
-		case 0x52: // SBC HL,DE
-		case 0x62: // SBC HL,HL
-		case 0x4A: // ADC HL,BC
-		case 0x5A: // ADC HL,DE
-		case 0x6A: // ADC HL,HL
-				temp = R16( data >> 3 & 6, 1, 0 );
-			blargg_ulong sum = temp + (flags & C01);
-			flags = ~data >> 2 & N02;
-			if ( flags )
-				sum = -sum;
-			sum += rp.hl;
-			temp ^= rp.hl;
-			temp ^= sum;
-			flags |=(sum >> 16 & C01) |
-					(temp >> 8 & H10) |
-					(sum >> 8 & (S80 | F20 | F08)) |
-					((temp - -0x8000) >> 14 & V04);
-			rp.hl = sum;
-			if ( (uint16_t) sum )
-				goto loop;
-			flags |= Z40;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		CASE8( 40, 48, 50, 58, 60, 68, 70, 78 ):{// IN r,(C)
-			int temp = IN( rp.bc );
-			R8( data >> 3, 8 ) = temp;
-			flags = (flags & C01) | SZ28P( temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x71: // OUT (C),0
-			rg.flags = 0;
-		CASE7( 41, 49, 51, 59, 61, 69, 79 ): // OUT (C),r
-			OUT( rp.bc, R8( data >> 3, 8 ) );
-			goto loop;
-		{
-			unsigned temp;
-		case 0x73: // LD (ADDR),SP
-			temp = sp;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0x43: // LD (ADDR),BC
-		case 0x53: // LD (ADDR),DE
-				temp = R16( data, 4, 0x43 );
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			WRITE_WORD( addr, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x4B: // LD BC,(ADDR)
-		case 0x5B:{// LD DE,(ADDR)
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			R16( data, 4, 0x4B ) = READ_WORD( addr );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x7B:{// LD SP,(ADDR)
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			sp = READ_WORD( addr );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x67:{// RRD
-			fuint8 temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			WRITE( rp.hl, (rg.a << 4) | (temp >> 4) );
-			temp = (rg.a & 0xF0) | (temp & 0x0F);
-			flags = (flags & C01) | SZ28P( temp );
-			rg.a = temp;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x6F:{// RLD
-			fuint8 temp = READ( rp.hl );
-			WRITE( rp.hl, (temp << 4) | (rg.a & 0x0F) );
-			temp = (rg.a & 0xF0) | (temp >> 4);
-			flags = (flags & C01) | SZ28P( temp );
-			rg.a = temp;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		CASE8( 44, 4C, 54, 5C, 64, 6C, 74, 7C ): // NEG
-			opcode = 0x10; // flag to do SBC instead of ADC
-			flags &= ~C01;
-			data = rg.a;
-			rg.a = 0;
-			goto adc_data;
-		{
-			int inc;
-		case 0xA9: // CPD
-		case 0xB9: // CPDR
-			inc = -1;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0xA1: // CPI
-		case 0xB1: // CPIR
-				inc = +1;
-			fuint16 addr = rp.hl;
-			rp.hl = addr + inc;
-			int temp = READ( addr );
-			int result = rg.a - temp;
-			flags = (flags & C01) | N02 |
-					((((temp ^ rg.a) & H10) ^ result) & (S80 | H10));
-			if ( !(uint8_t) result ) flags |= Z40;
-			result -= (flags & H10) >> 4;
-			flags |= result & F08;
-			flags |= result << 4 & F20;
-			if ( !--rp.bc )
-				goto loop;
-			flags |= V04;
-			if ( flags & Z40 || data < 0xB0 )
-				goto loop;
-			pc -= 2;
-			s_time += 5;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		{
-			int inc;
-		case 0xA8: // LDD
-		case 0xB8: // LDDR
-			inc = -1;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0xA0: // LDI
-		case 0xB0: // LDIR
-				inc = +1;
-			fuint16 addr = rp.hl;
-			rp.hl = addr + inc;
-			int temp = READ( addr );
-			addr = rp.de;
-			rp.de = addr + inc;
-			WRITE( addr, temp );
-			temp += rg.a;
-			flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | C01)) |
-					(temp & F08) | (temp << 4 & F20);
-			if ( !--rp.bc )
-				goto loop;
-			flags |= V04;
-			if ( data < 0xB0 )
-				goto loop;
-			pc -= 2;
-			s_time += 5;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		{
-			int inc;
-		case 0xAB: // OUTD
-		case 0xBB: // OTDR
-			inc = -1;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0xA3: // OUTI
-		case 0xB3: // OTIR
-				inc = +1;
-			fuint16 addr = rp.hl;
-			rp.hl = addr + inc;
-			int temp = READ( addr );
-			int b = --rg.b;
-			flags = (temp >> 6 & N02) | SZ28( b );
-			if ( b && data >= 0xB0 )
-			{
-				pc -= 2;
-				s_time += 5;
-			}
-			OUT( rp.bc, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		{
-			int inc;
-		case 0xAA: // IND
-		case 0xBA: // INDR
-			inc = -1;
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0xA2: // INI
-		case 0xB2: // INIR
-				inc = +1;
-			fuint16 addr = rp.hl;
-			rp.hl = addr + inc;
-			int temp = IN( rp.bc );
-			int b = --rg.b;
-			flags = (temp >> 6 & N02) | SZ28( b );
-			if ( b && data >= 0xB0 )
-			{
-				pc -= 2;
-				s_time += 5;
-			}
-			WRITE( addr, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x47: // LD I,A
-			r.i = rg.a;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x4F: // LD R,A
-			SET_R( rg.a );
-			debug_printf( "LD R,A not supported\n" );
-			warning = true;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x57: // LD A,I
-			rg.a = r.i;
-			goto ld_ai_common;
-		case 0x5F: // LD A,R
-			rg.a = GET_R();
-			debug_printf( "LD A,R not supported\n" );
-			warning = true;
-		ld_ai_common:
-			flags = (flags & C01) | SZ28( rg.a ) | (r.iff2 << 2 & V04);
-			goto loop;
-		CASE8( 45, 4D, 55, 5D, 65, 6D, 75, 7D ): // RETI/RETN
-			r.iff1 = r.iff2;
-			goto ret_taken;
-		case 0x46: case 0x4E: case 0x66: case 0x6E: // IM 0
-			r.im = 0;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x56: case 0x76: // IM 1
-			r.im = 1;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x5E: case 0x7E: // IM 2
-			r.im = 2;
-			goto loop;
-		default:
-			debug_printf( "Opcode $ED $%02X not supported\n", data );
-			warning = true;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		assert( false );
-	}
-//////////////////////////////////////// DD/FD prefix
-	{
-	fuint16 ixy;
-	case 0xDD:
-		ixy = ix;
-		goto ix_prefix;
-	case 0xFD:
-		ixy = iy;
-	ix_prefix:
-		pc++;
-		unsigned data2 = READ_PROG( pc );
-		s_time += ed_dd_timing [data] & 0x0F;
-		switch ( data )
-		{
-	// TODO: more efficient way of avoid negative address
-	// TODO: avoid using this as argument to READ() since it is evaluated twice
-	#define IXY_DISP( ixy, disp )   uint16_t ((ixy) + (disp))
-	#define SET_IXY( in ) if ( opcode == 0xDD ) ix = in; else iy = in;
-		case 0x96: // SUB (IXY+disp)
-		case 0x86: // ADD (IXY+disp)
-			flags &= ~C01;
-		case 0x9E: // SBC (IXY+disp)
-		case 0x8E: // ADC (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			opcode = data;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto adc_data;
-		case 0x94: // SUB HXY
-		case 0x84: // ADD HXY
-			flags &= ~C01;
-		case 0x9C: // SBC HXY
-		case 0x8C: // ADC HXY
-			opcode = data;
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto adc_data;
-		case 0x95: // SUB LXY
-		case 0x85: // ADD LXY
-			flags &= ~C01;
-		case 0x9D: // SBC LXY
-		case 0x8D: // ADC LXY
-			opcode = data;
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto adc_data;
-		{
-			unsigned temp;
-		case 0x39: // ADD IXY,SP
-			temp = sp;
-			goto add_ixy_data;
-		case 0x29: // ADD IXY,HL
-			temp = ixy;
-			goto add_ixy_data;
-		case 0x09: // ADD IXY,BC
-		case 0x19: // ADD IXY,DE
-			temp = R16( data, 4, 0x09 );
-		add_ixy_data: {
-			blargg_ulong sum = ixy + temp;
-			temp ^= ixy;
-			ixy = (uint16_t) sum;
-			flags = (flags & (S80 | Z40 | V04)) |
-					(sum >> 16) |
-					(sum >> 8 & (F20 | F08)) |
-					((temp ^ sum) >> 8 & H10);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		}
-		}
-	// AND
-		case 0xA6: // AND (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto and_data;
-		case 0xA4: // AND HXY
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto and_data;
-		case 0xA5: // AND LXY
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto and_data;
-	// OR
-		case 0xB6: // OR (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto or_data;
-		case 0xB4: // OR HXY
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto or_data;
-		case 0xB5: // OR LXY
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto or_data;
-	// XOR
-		case 0xAE: // XOR (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto xor_data;
-		case 0xAC: // XOR HXY
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto xor_data;
-		case 0xAD: // XOR LXY
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto xor_data;
-	// CP
-		case 0xBE: // CP (IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 )  );
-			goto cp_data;
-		case 0xBC: // CP HXY
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto cp_data;
-		case 0xBD: // CP LXY
-			data = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto cp_data;
-	// LD
-		CASE7( 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 ): // LD (IXY+disp),r
-			data = R8( data, 0x70 );
-			if ( 0 )
-		case 0x36: // LD (IXY+disp),imm
-				pc++, data = READ_PROG( pc );
-			pc++;
-			WRITE( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ), data );
-			goto loop;
-		CASE5( 44, 4C, 54, 5C, 7C ): // LD r,HXY
-			R8( data >> 3, 8 ) = ixy >> 8;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x64: // LD HXY,HXY
-		case 0x6D: // LD LXY,LXY
-			goto loop;
-		CASE5( 45, 4D, 55, 5D, 7D ): // LD r,LXY
-			R8( data >> 3, 8 ) = ixy;
-			goto loop;
-		CASE7( 46, 4E, 56, 5E, 66, 6E, 7E ): // LD r,(IXY+disp)
-			pc++;
-			R8( data >> 3, 8 ) = READ( IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 ) );
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x26: // LD HXY,imm
-			pc++;
-			goto ld_hxy_data;
-		case 0x65: // LD HXY,LXY
-			data2 = (uint8_t) ixy;
-			goto ld_hxy_data;
-		CASE5( 60, 61, 62, 63, 67 ): // LD HXY,r
-			data2 = R8( data, 0x60 );
-		ld_hxy_data:
-			ixy = (uint8_t) ixy | (data2 << 8);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		case 0x2E: // LD LXY,imm
-			pc++;
-			goto ld_lxy_data;
-		case 0x6C: // LD LXY,HXY
-			data2 = ixy >> 8;
-			goto ld_lxy_data;
-		CASE5( 68, 69, 6A, 6B, 6F ): // LD LXY,r
-			data2 = R8( data, 0x68 );
-		ld_lxy_data:
-			ixy = (ixy & 0xFF00) | data2;
-		set_ixy:
-			if ( opcode == 0xDD )
-			{
-				ix = ixy;
-				goto loop;
-			}
-			iy = ixy;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0xF9: // LD SP,IXY
-			sp = ixy;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0x22:{// LD (ADDR),IXY
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			WRITE_WORD( addr, ixy );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		case 0x21: // LD IXY,imm
-			ixy = GET_ADDR();
-			pc += 2;
-			goto set_ixy;
-		case 0x2A:{// LD IXY,(addr)
-			fuint16 addr = GET_ADDR();
-			ixy = READ_WORD( addr );
-			pc += 2;
-			goto set_ixy;
-		}
-	// DD/FD CB prefix
-		case 0xCB: {
-			data = IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 );
-			pc++;
-			data2 = READ_PROG( pc );
-			pc++;
-			switch ( data2 )
-			{
-			case 0x06: goto rlc_data_addr; // RLC (IXY)
-			case 0x16: goto rl_data_addr;  // RL (IXY)
-			case 0x26: goto sla_data_addr; // SLA (IXY)
-			case 0x36: goto sll_data_addr; // SLL (IXY)
-			case 0x0E: goto rrc_data_addr; // RRC (IXY)
-			case 0x1E: goto rr_data_addr;  // RR (IXY)
-			case 0x2E: goto sra_data_addr; // SRA (IXY)
-			case 0x3E: goto srl_data_addr; // SRL (IXY)
-			CASE8( 46, 4E, 56, 5E, 66, 6E, 76, 7E ):{// BIT b,(IXY+disp)
-				fuint8 temp = READ( data );
-				int masked = temp & 1 << (data2 >> 3 & 7);
-				flags = (flags & C01) | H10 |
-						(masked & S80) |
-						((masked - 1) >> 8 & (Z40 | P04));
-				goto loop;
-			}
-			CASE8( 86, 8E, 96, 9E, A6, AE, B6, BE ): // RES b,(IXY+disp)
-			CASE8( C6, CE, D6, DE, E6, EE, F6, FE ):{// SET b,(IXY+disp)
-				int temp = READ( data );
-				int bit = 1 << (data2 >> 3 & 7);
-				temp |= bit; // SET
-				if ( !(data2 & 0x40) )
-					temp ^= bit; // RES
-				WRITE( data, temp );
-				goto loop;
-			}
-			default:
-				debug_printf( "Opcode $%02X $CB $%02X not supported\n", opcode, data2 );
-				warning = true;
-				goto loop;
-			}
-			assert( false );
-		}
-	// INC/DEC
-		case 0x23: // INC IXY
-			ixy = uint16_t (ixy + 1);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		case 0x2B: // DEC IXY
-			ixy = uint16_t (ixy - 1);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		case 0x34: // INC (IXY+disp)
-			ixy = IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 );
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( ixy ) + 1;
-			WRITE( ixy, data );
-			goto inc_set_flags;
-		case 0x35: // DEC (IXY+disp)
-			ixy = IXY_DISP( ixy, (int8_t) data2 );
-			pc++;
-			data = READ( ixy ) - 1;
-			WRITE( ixy, data );
-			goto dec_set_flags;
-		case 0x24: // INC HXY
-			ixy = uint16_t (ixy + 0x100);
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto inc_xy_common;
-		case 0x2C: // INC LXY
-			data = uint8_t (ixy + 1);
-			ixy = (ixy & 0xFF00) | data;
-		inc_xy_common:
-			if ( opcode == 0xDD )
-			{
-				ix = ixy;
-				goto inc_set_flags;
-			}
-			iy = ixy;
-			goto inc_set_flags;
-		case 0x25: // DEC HXY
-			ixy = uint16_t (ixy - 0x100);
-			data = ixy >> 8;
-			goto dec_xy_common;
-		case 0x2D: // DEC LXY
-			data = uint8_t (ixy - 1);
-			ixy = (ixy & 0xFF00) | data;
-		dec_xy_common:
-			if ( opcode == 0xDD )
-			{
-				ix = ixy;
-				goto dec_set_flags;
-			}
-			iy = ixy;
-			goto dec_set_flags;
-		case 0xE5: // PUSH IXY
-			data = ixy;
-			goto push_data;
-		case 0xE1:{// POP IXY
-			ixy = READ_WORD( sp );
-			sp = uint16_t (sp + 2);
-			goto set_ixy;
-		}
-	// Misc
-		case 0xE9: // JP (IXY)
-			pc = ixy;
-			goto loop;
-		case 0xE3:{// EX (SP),IXY
-			fuint16 temp = READ_WORD( sp );
-			WRITE_WORD( sp, ixy );
-			ixy = temp;
-			goto set_ixy;
-		}
-		default:
-			debug_printf( "Unnecessary DD/FD prefix encountered\n" );
-			warning = true;
-			pc--;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		assert( false );
-	}
-	}
-	debug_printf( "Unhandled main opcode: $%02X\n", opcode );
-	assert( false );
-	s_time -= 11;
-	goto out_of_time;
-	s_time &= 3; // increment by multiple of 4
-	pc--;
-	s.time = s_time;
-	rg.flags = flags;
-	r.ix    = ix;
-	r.iy    = iy;
-	r.sp    = sp;
-	r.pc    = pc;
-	this->r.b = rg;
-	this->state_ = s;
-	this->state = &this->state_;
-	return warning;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Cpu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Cpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aec24e9d5979e00d23684b33090a9b6c5776a4da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Cpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// Z80 CPU emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef KSS_CPU_H
-#define KSS_CPU_H
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-typedef blargg_long cpu_time_t;
-// must be defined by caller
-void kss_cpu_out( class Kss_Cpu*, cpu_time_t, unsigned addr, int data );
-int  kss_cpu_in( class Kss_Cpu*, cpu_time_t, unsigned addr );
-void kss_cpu_write( class Kss_Cpu*, unsigned addr, int data );
-class Kss_Cpu {
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t uint8_t;
-	// Clear registers and map all pages to unmapped
-	void reset( void* unmapped_write, void const* unmapped_read );
-	// Map memory. Start and size must be multiple of page_size.
-	enum { page_size = 0x2000 };
-	void map_mem( unsigned addr, blargg_ulong size, void* write, void const* read );
-	// Map address to page
-	uint8_t* write( unsigned addr );
-	uint8_t const* read( unsigned addr );
-	// Run until specified time is reached. Returns true if suspicious/unsupported
-	// instruction was encountered at any point during run.
-	bool run( cpu_time_t end_time );
-	// Time of beginning of next instruction
-	cpu_time_t time() const             { return state->time + state->base; }
-	// Alter current time. Not supported during run() call.
-	void set_time( cpu_time_t t )       { state->time = t - state->base; }
-	void adjust_time( int delta )       { state->time += delta; }
-	typedef BOOST::uint16_t uint16_t;
-		struct regs_t { uint8_t b, c, d, e, h, l, flags, a; };
-	#else
-		struct regs_t { uint8_t c, b, e, d, l, h, a, flags; };
-	#endif
-	BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (regs_t) == 8 );
-	struct pairs_t { uint16_t bc, de, hl, fa; };
-	// Registers are not updated until run() returns
-	struct registers_t {
-		uint16_t pc;
-		uint16_t sp;
-		uint16_t ix;
-		uint16_t iy;
-		union {
-			regs_t b; //  b.b, b.c, b.d, b.e, b.h, b.l, b.flags, b.a
-			pairs_t w; // w.bc, w.de, w.hl. w.fa
-		};
-		union {
-			regs_t b;
-			pairs_t w;
-		} alt;
-		uint8_t iff1;
-		uint8_t iff2;
-		uint8_t r;
-		uint8_t i;
-		uint8_t im;
-	};
-	//registers_t r; (below for efficiency)
-	enum { idle_addr = 0xFFFF };
-	// can read this far past end of a page
-	enum { cpu_padding = 0x100 };
-	Kss_Cpu();
-	enum { page_shift = 13 };
-	enum { page_count = 0x10000 >> page_shift };
-	uint8_t szpc [0x200];
-	cpu_time_t end_time_;
-	struct state_t {
-		uint8_t const* read  [page_count + 1];
-		uint8_t      * write [page_count + 1];
-		cpu_time_t base;
-		cpu_time_t time;
-	};
-	state_t* state; // points to state_ or a local copy within run()
-	state_t state_;
-	void set_end_time( cpu_time_t t );
-	void set_page( int i, void* write, void const* read );
-	registers_t r;
-	#define KSS_CPU_PAGE_OFFSET( addr ) (addr)
-	#define KSS_CPU_PAGE_OFFSET( addr ) ((addr) & (page_size - 1))
-inline BOOST::uint8_t* Kss_Cpu::write( unsigned addr )
-	return state->write [addr >> page_shift] + KSS_CPU_PAGE_OFFSET( addr );
-inline BOOST::uint8_t const* Kss_Cpu::read( unsigned addr )
-	return state->read [addr >> page_shift] + KSS_CPU_PAGE_OFFSET( addr );
-inline void Kss_Cpu::set_end_time( cpu_time_t t )
-	cpu_time_t delta = state->base - t;
-	state->base = t;
-	state->time += delta;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index def6ee1997853b5cc5f0f16ba819fa8ca4659ef9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Kss_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-long const clock_rate = 3579545;
-int const osc_count = Ay_Apu::osc_count + Scc_Apu::osc_count;
-	sn = 0;
-	set_type( gme_kss_type );
-	set_silence_lookahead( 6 );
-	static const char* const names [osc_count] = {
-		"Square 1", "Square 2", "Square 3",
-		"Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3", "Wave 4", "Wave 5"
-	};
-	set_voice_names( names );
-	static int const types [osc_count] = {
-		wave_type | 0, wave_type | 1, wave_type | 2,
-		wave_type | 3, wave_type | 4, wave_type | 5, wave_type | 6, wave_type | 7
-	};
-	set_voice_types( types );
-	memset( unmapped_read, 0xFF, sizeof unmapped_read );
-Kss_Emu::~Kss_Emu() { unload(); }
-void Kss_Emu::unload()
-	delete sn;
-	sn = 0;
-	Classic_Emu::unload();
-// Track info
-static void copy_kss_fields( Kss_Emu::header_t const& h, track_info_t* out )
-	const char* system = "MSX";
-	if ( h.device_flags & 0x02 )
-	{
-		system = "Sega Master System";
-		if ( h.device_flags & 0x04 )
-			system = "Game Gear";
-	}
-	Gme_File::copy_field_( out->system, system );
-blargg_err_t Kss_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	copy_kss_fields( header_, out );
-	return 0;
-static blargg_err_t check_kss_header( void const* header )
-	if ( memcmp( header, "KSCC", 4 ) && memcmp( header, "KSSX", 4 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	return 0;
-struct Kss_File : Gme_Info_
-	Kss_Emu::header_t header_;
-	Kss_File() { set_type( gme_kss_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	{
-		blargg_err_t err = in.read( &header_, Kss_Emu::header_size );
-		if ( err )
-			return (err == in.eof_error ? gme_wrong_file_type : err);
-		return check_kss_header( &header_ );
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	{
-		copy_kss_fields( header_, out );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_kss_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Kss_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_kss_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Kss_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_kss_type_ = { "MSX", 256, &new_kss_emu, &new_kss_file, "KSS", 0x03 };
-gme_type_t const gme_kss_type = &gme_kss_type_;
-// Setup
-void Kss_Emu::update_gain()
-	double g = gain() * 1.4;
-	if ( scc_accessed )
-		g *= 1.5;
-	ay.volume( g );
-	scc.volume( g );
-	if ( sn )
-		sn->volume( g );
-blargg_err_t Kss_Emu::load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	memset( &header_, 0, sizeof header_ );
-	assert( offsetof (header_t,device_flags) == header_size - 1 );
-	assert( offsetof (ext_header_t,msx_audio_vol) == ext_header_size - 1 );
-	RETURN_ERR( rom.load( in, header_size, STATIC_CAST(header_t*,&header_), 0 ) );
-	RETURN_ERR( check_kss_header( header_.tag ) );
-	if ( header_.tag [3] == 'C' )
-	{
-		if ( header_.extra_header )
-		{
-			header_.extra_header = 0;
-			set_warning( "Unknown data in header" );
-		}
-		if ( header_.device_flags & ~0x0F )
-		{
-			header_.device_flags &= 0x0F;
-			set_warning( "Unknown data in header" );
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		ext_header_t& ext = header_;
-		memcpy( &ext, rom.begin(), min( (int) ext_header_size, (int) header_.extra_header ) );
-		if ( header_.extra_header > 0x10 )
-			set_warning( "Unknown data in header" );
-	}
-	if ( header_.device_flags & 0x09 )
-		set_warning( "FM sound not supported" );
-	scc_enabled = 0xC000;
-	if ( header_.device_flags & 0x04 )
-		scc_enabled = 0;
-	if ( header_.device_flags & 0x02 && !sn )
-		CHECK_ALLOC( sn = BLARGG_NEW( Sms_Apu ) );
-	set_voice_count( osc_count );
-	return setup_buffer( ::clock_rate );
-void Kss_Emu::update_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	ay.treble_eq( eq );
-	scc.treble_eq( eq );
-	if ( sn )
-		sn->treble_eq( eq );
-void Kss_Emu::set_voice( int i, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right )
-	int i2 = i - ay.osc_count;
-	if ( i2 >= 0 )
-		scc.osc_output( i2, center );
-	else
-		ay.osc_output( i, center );
-	if ( sn && i < sn->osc_count )
-		sn->osc_output( i, center, left, right );
-// Emulation
-void Kss_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	blip_time_t period =
-			(header_.device_flags & 0x40 ? ::clock_rate / 50 : ::clock_rate / 60);
-	play_period = blip_time_t (period / t);
-blargg_err_t Kss_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	memset( ram, 0xC9, 0x4000 );
-	memset( ram + 0x4000, 0, sizeof ram - 0x4000 );
-	// copy driver code to lo RAM
-	static byte const bios [] = {
-		0xD3, 0xA0, 0xF5, 0x7B, 0xD3, 0xA1, 0xF1, 0xC9, // $0001: WRTPSG
-		0xD3, 0xA0, 0xDB, 0xA2, 0xC9                    // $0009: RDPSG
-	};
-	static byte const vectors [] = {
-		0xC3, 0x01, 0x00,   // $0093: WRTPSG vector
-		0xC3, 0x09, 0x00,   // $0096: RDPSG vector
-	};
-	memcpy( ram + 0x01, bios,    sizeof bios );
-	memcpy( ram + 0x93, vectors, sizeof vectors );
-	// copy non-banked data into RAM
-	unsigned load_addr = get_le16( header_.load_addr );
-	long orig_load_size = get_le16( header_.load_size );
-	long load_size = min( orig_load_size, rom.file_size() );
-	load_size = min( load_size, long (mem_size - load_addr) );
-	if ( load_size != orig_load_size )
-		set_warning( "Excessive data size" );
-	memcpy( ram + load_addr, rom.begin() + header_.extra_header, load_size );
-	rom.set_addr( -load_size - header_.extra_header );
-	// check available bank data
-	blargg_long const bank_size = this->bank_size();
-	int max_banks = (rom.file_size() - load_size + bank_size - 1) / bank_size;
-	bank_count = header_.bank_mode & 0x7F;
-	if ( bank_count > max_banks )
-	{
-		bank_count = max_banks;
-		set_warning( "Bank data missing" );
-	}
-	//debug_printf( "load_size : $%X\n", load_size );
-	//debug_printf( "bank_size : $%X\n", bank_size );
-	//debug_printf( "bank_count: %d (%d claimed)\n", bank_count, header_.bank_mode & 0x7F );
-	ram [idle_addr] = 0xFF;
-	cpu::reset( unmapped_write, unmapped_read );
-	cpu::map_mem( 0, mem_size, ram, ram );
-	ay.reset();
-	scc.reset();
-	if ( sn )
-		sn->reset();
-	r.sp = 0xF380;
-	ram [--r.sp] = idle_addr >> 8;
-	ram [--r.sp] = idle_addr & 0xFF;
-	r.b.a = track;
-	r.pc = get_le16( header_.init_addr );
-	next_play = play_period;
-	scc_accessed = false;
-	gain_updated = false;
-	update_gain();
-	ay_latch = 0;
-	return 0;
-void Kss_Emu::set_bank( int logical, int physical )
-	unsigned const bank_size = this->bank_size();
-	unsigned addr = 0x8000;
-	if ( logical && bank_size == 8 * 1024 )
-		addr = 0xA000;
-	physical -= header_.first_bank;
-	if ( (unsigned) physical >= (unsigned) bank_count )
-	{
-		byte* data = ram + addr;
-		cpu::map_mem( addr, bank_size, data, data );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		long phys = physical * (blargg_long) bank_size;
-		for ( unsigned offset = 0; offset < bank_size; offset += page_size )
-			cpu::map_mem( addr + offset, page_size,
-					unmapped_write, rom.at_addr( phys + offset ) );
-	}
-void Kss_Emu::cpu_write( unsigned addr, int data )
-	data &= 0xFF;
-	switch ( addr )
-	{
-	case 0x9000:
-		set_bank( 0, data );
-		return;
-	case 0xB000:
-		set_bank( 1, data );
-		return;
-	}
-	int scc_addr = (addr & 0xDFFF) ^ 0x9800;
-	if ( scc_addr < scc.reg_count )
-	{
-		scc_accessed = true;
-		scc.write( time(), scc_addr, data );
-		return;
-	}
-	debug_printf( "LD ($%04X),$%02X\n", addr, data );
-void kss_cpu_write( Kss_Cpu* cpu, unsigned addr, int data )
-	*cpu->write( addr ) = data;
-	if ( (addr & STATIC_CAST(Kss_Emu&,*cpu).scc_enabled) == 0x8000 )
-		STATIC_CAST(Kss_Emu&,*cpu).cpu_write( addr, data );
-void kss_cpu_out( Kss_Cpu* cpu, cpu_time_t time, unsigned addr, int data )
-	data &= 0xFF;
-	Kss_Emu& emu = STATIC_CAST(Kss_Emu&,*cpu);
-	switch ( addr & 0xFF )
-	{
-	case 0xA0:
-		emu.ay_latch = data & 0x0F;
-		return;
-	case 0xA1:
-		GME_APU_HOOK( &emu, emu.ay_latch, data );
-		emu.ay.write( time, emu.ay_latch, data );
-		return;
-	case 0x06:
-		if ( emu.sn && (emu.header_.device_flags & 0x04) )
-		{
-			emu.sn->write_ggstereo( time, data );
-			return;
-		}
-		break;
-	case 0x7E:
-	case 0x7F:
-		if ( emu.sn )
-		{
-			GME_APU_HOOK( &emu, 16, data );
-			emu.sn->write_data( time, data );
-			return;
-		}
-		break;
-	case 0xFE:
-		emu.set_bank( 0, data );
-		return;
-	#ifndef NDEBUG
-	case 0xF1: // FM data
-		if ( data )
-			break; // trap non-zero data
-	case 0xF0: // FM addr
-	case 0xA8: // PPI
-		return;
-	#endif
-	}
-	debug_printf( "OUT $%04X,$%02X\n", addr, data );
-int kss_cpu_in( Kss_Cpu*, cpu_time_t, unsigned addr )
-	//Kss_Emu& emu = STATIC_CAST(Kss_Emu&,*cpu);
-	//switch ( addr & 0xFF )
-	//{
-	//}
-	debug_printf( "IN $%04X\n", addr );
-	return 0;
-// Emulation
-blargg_err_t Kss_Emu::run_clocks( blip_time_t& duration, int )
-	while ( time() < duration )
-	{
-		blip_time_t end = min( duration, next_play );
-		cpu::run( min( duration, next_play ) );
-		if ( r.pc == idle_addr )
-			set_time( end );
-		if ( time() >= next_play )
-		{
-			next_play += play_period;
-			if ( r.pc == idle_addr )
-			{
-				if ( !gain_updated )
-				{
-					gain_updated = true;
-					if ( scc_accessed )
-						update_gain();
-				}
-				ram [--r.sp] = idle_addr >> 8;
-				ram [--r.sp] = idle_addr & 0xFF;
-				r.pc = get_le16( header_.play_addr );
-				GME_FRAME_HOOK( this );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	duration = time();
-	next_play -= duration;
-	check( next_play >= 0 );
-	adjust_time( -duration );
-	ay.end_frame( duration );
-	scc.end_frame( duration );
-	if ( sn )
-		sn->end_frame( duration );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e457f73119adc6fbdb77e4fee2a79b0873f3b399..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// MSX computer KSS music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef KSS_EMU_H
-#define KSS_EMU_H
-#include "Classic_Emu.h"
-#include "Kss_Scc_Apu.h"
-#include "Kss_Cpu.h"
-#include "Sms_Apu.h"
-#include "Ay_Apu.h"
-class Kss_Emu : private Kss_Cpu, public Classic_Emu {
-	typedef Kss_Cpu cpu;
-	// KSS file header
-	enum { header_size = 0x10 };
-	struct header_t
-	{
-		byte tag [4];
-		byte load_addr [2];
-		byte load_size [2];
-		byte init_addr [2];
-		byte play_addr [2];
-		byte first_bank;
-		byte bank_mode;
-		byte extra_header;
-		byte device_flags;
-	};
-	enum { ext_header_size = 0x10 };
-	struct ext_header_t
-	{
-		byte data_size [4];
-		byte unused [4];
-		byte first_track [2];
-		byte last_tack [2];
-		byte psg_vol;
-		byte scc_vol;
-		byte msx_music_vol;
-		byte msx_audio_vol;
-	};
-	struct composite_header_t : header_t, ext_header_t { };
-	// Header for currently loaded file
-	composite_header_t const& header() const { return header_; }
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_kss_type; }
-	Kss_Emu();
-	~Kss_Emu();
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t run_clocks( blip_time_t&, int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	void set_voice( int, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void update_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	void unload();
-	Rom_Data<page_size> rom;
-	composite_header_t header_;
-	bool scc_accessed;
-	bool gain_updated;
-	void update_gain();
-	unsigned scc_enabled; // 0 or 0xC000
-	int bank_count;
-	void set_bank( int logical, int physical );
-	blargg_long bank_size() const { return (16 * 1024L) >> (header_.bank_mode >> 7 & 1); }
-	blip_time_t play_period;
-	blip_time_t next_play;
-	int ay_latch;
-	friend void kss_cpu_out( class Kss_Cpu*, cpu_time_t, unsigned addr, int data );
-	friend int  kss_cpu_in( class Kss_Cpu*, cpu_time_t, unsigned addr );
-	void cpu_write( unsigned addr, int data );
-	friend void kss_cpu_write( class Kss_Cpu*, unsigned addr, int data );
-	// large items
-	enum { mem_size = 0x10000 };
-	byte ram [mem_size + cpu_padding];
-	Ay_Apu ay;
-	Scc_Apu scc;
-	Sms_Apu* sn;
-	byte unmapped_read  [0x100];
-	byte unmapped_write [page_size];
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Scc_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Scc_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab14bd00ace09dd4b0fc539667fe375f66f7b39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Scc_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Kss_Scc_Apu.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// Tones above this frequency are treated as disabled tone at half volume.
-// Power of two is more efficient (avoids division).
-unsigned const inaudible_freq = 16384;
-int const wave_size = 0x20;
-void Scc_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t end_time )
-	for ( int index = 0; index < osc_count; index++ )
-	{
-		osc_t& osc = oscs [index];
-		Blip_Buffer* const output = osc.output;
-		if ( !output )
-			continue;
-		output->set_modified();
-		blip_time_t period = (regs [0x80 + index * 2 + 1] & 0x0F) * 0x100 +
-				regs [0x80 + index * 2] + 1;
-		int volume = 0;
-		if ( regs [0x8F] & (1 << index) )
-		{
-			blip_time_t inaudible_period = (blargg_ulong) (output->clock_rate() +
-					inaudible_freq * 32) / (inaudible_freq * 16);
-			if ( period > inaudible_period )
-				volume = (regs [0x8A + index] & 0x0F) * (amp_range / 256 / 15);
-		}
-		BOOST::int8_t const* wave = (BOOST::int8_t*) regs + index * wave_size;
-		if ( index == osc_count - 1 )
-			wave -= wave_size; // last two oscs share wave
-		{
-			int amp = wave [osc.phase] * volume;
-			int delta = amp - osc.last_amp;
-			if ( delta )
-			{
-				osc.last_amp = amp;
-				synth.offset( last_time, delta, output );
-			}
-		}
-		blip_time_t time = last_time + osc.delay;
-		if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			if ( !volume )
-			{
-				// maintain phase
-				blargg_long count = (end_time - time + period - 1) / period;
-				osc.phase = (osc.phase + count) & (wave_size - 1);
-				time += count * period;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				int phase = osc.phase;
-				int last_wave = wave [phase];
-				phase = (phase + 1) & (wave_size - 1); // pre-advance for optimal inner loop
-				do
-				{
-					int amp = wave [phase];
-					phase = (phase + 1) & (wave_size - 1);
-					int delta = amp - last_wave;
-					if ( delta )
-					{
-						last_wave = amp;
-						synth.offset( time, delta * volume, output );
-					}
-					time += period;
-				}
-				while ( time < end_time );
-				osc.phase = phase = (phase - 1) & (wave_size - 1); // undo pre-advance
-				osc.last_amp = wave [phase] * volume;
-			}
-		}
-		osc.delay = time - end_time;
-	}
-	last_time = end_time;
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deleted file mode 100644
index c8c69f1186e908a3600bd2e606281a3d545d5047..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Kss_Scc_Apu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// Konami SCC sound chip emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef KSS_SCC_APU_H
-#define KSS_SCC_APU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-#include <string.h>
-class Scc_Apu {
-	// Set buffer to generate all sound into, or disable sound if NULL
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* );
-	// Reset sound chip
-	void reset();
-	// Write to register at specified time
-	enum { reg_count = 0x90 };
-	void write( blip_time_t time, int reg, int data );
-	// Run sound to specified time, end current time frame, then start a new
-	// time frame at time 0. Time frames have no effect on emulation and each
-	// can be whatever length is convenient.
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t length );
-// Additional features
-	// Set sound output of specific oscillator to buffer, where index is
-	// 0 to 4. If buffer is NULL, the specified oscillator is muted.
-	enum { osc_count = 5 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
-	// Set overall volume (default is 1.0)
-	void volume( double );
-	// Set treble equalization (see documentation)
-	void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	Scc_Apu();
-	enum { amp_range = 0x8000 };
-	struct osc_t
-	{
-		int delay;
-		int phase;
-		int last_amp;
-		Blip_Buffer* output;
-	};
-	osc_t oscs [osc_count];
-	blip_time_t last_time;
-	unsigned char regs [reg_count];
-	Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> synth;
-	void run_until( blip_time_t );
-inline void Scc_Apu::volume( double v ) { synth.volume( 0.43 / osc_count / amp_range * v ); }
-inline void Scc_Apu::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq ) { synth.treble_eq( eq ); }
-inline void Scc_Apu::osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* b )
-	assert( (unsigned) index < osc_count );
-	oscs [index].output = b;
-inline void Scc_Apu::write( blip_time_t time, int addr, int data )
-	assert( (unsigned) addr < reg_count );
-	run_until( time );
-	regs [addr] = data;
-inline void Scc_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t end_time )
-	if ( end_time > last_time )
-		run_until( end_time );
-	last_time -= end_time;
-	assert( last_time >= 0 );
-inline void Scc_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		oscs [i].output = buf;
-inline Scc_Apu::Scc_Apu()
-	output( 0 );
-inline void Scc_Apu::reset()
-	last_time = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		memset( &oscs [i], 0, offsetof (osc_t,output) );
-	memset( regs, 0, sizeof regs );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/M3u_Playlist.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/M3u_Playlist.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe52b1a7a3d51e70fdaf2226498072362b792db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/M3u_Playlist.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "M3u_Playlist.h"
-#include "Music_Emu.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// gme functions defined here to avoid linking in m3u code unless it's used
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_m3u_( blargg_err_t err )
-	require( raw_track_count_ ); // file must be loaded first
-	if ( !err )
-	{
-		if ( playlist.size() )
-			track_count_ = playlist.size();
-		int line = playlist.first_error();
-		if ( line )
-		{
-			// avoid using bloated printf()
-			char* out = &playlist_warning [sizeof playlist_warning];
-			*--out = 0;
-			do {
-				*--out = line % 10 + '0';
-			} while ( (line /= 10) > 0 );
-			static const char str [] = "Problem in m3u at line ";
-			out -= sizeof str - 1;
-			memcpy( out, str, sizeof str - 1 );
-			set_warning( out );
-		}
-	}
-	return err;
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_m3u( const char* path ) { return load_m3u_( playlist.load( path ) ); }
-blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_m3u( Data_Reader& in )  { return load_m3u_( playlist.load( in ) ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_load_m3u( Music_Emu* me, const char* path ) { return me->load_m3u( path ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_load_m3u_data( Music_Emu* me, const void* data, long size )
-	Mem_File_Reader in( data, size );
-	return me->load_m3u( in );
-static char* skip_white( char* in )
-	while ( *in == ' ' )
-		in++;
-	return in;
-inline unsigned from_dec( unsigned n ) { return n - '0'; }
-static char* parse_filename( char* in, M3u_Playlist::entry_t& entry )
-	entry.file = in;
-	entry.type = "";
-	char* out = in;
-	while ( 1 )
-	{
-		int c = *in;
-		if ( !c ) break;
-		in++;
-		if ( c == ',' ) // commas in filename
-		{
-			char* p = skip_white( in );
-			if ( *p == '$' || from_dec( *p ) <= 9 )
-			{
-				in = p;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( c == ':' && in [0] == ':' && in [1] && in [2] != ',' ) // ::type suffix
-		{
-			entry.type = ++in;
-			while ( (c = *in) != 0 && c != ',' )
-				in++;
-			if ( c == ',' )
-			{
-				*in++ = 0; // terminate type
-				in = skip_white( in );
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		if ( c == '\\' ) // \ prefix for special characters
-		{
-			c = *in;
-			if ( !c ) break;
-			in++;
-		}
-		*out++ = (char) c;
-	}
-	*out = 0; // terminate string
-	return in;
-static char* next_field( char* in, int* result )
-	while ( 1 )
-	{
-		in = skip_white( in );
-		if ( !*in )
-			break;
-		if ( *in == ',' )
-		{
-			in++;
-			break;
-		}
-		*result = 1;
-		in++;
-	}
-	return skip_white( in );
-static char* parse_int_( char* in, int* out )
-	int n = 0;
-	while ( 1 )
-	{
-		unsigned d = from_dec( *in );
-		if ( d > 9 )
-			break;
-		in++;
-		n = n * 10 + d;
-		*out = n;
-	}
-	return in;
-static char* parse_int( char* in, int* out, int* result )
-	return next_field( parse_int_( in, out ), result );
-// Returns 16 or greater if not hex
-inline int from_hex_char( int h )
-	h -= 0x30;
-	if ( (unsigned) h > 9 )
-		h = ((h - 0x11) & 0xDF) + 10;
-	return h;
-static char* parse_track( char* in, M3u_Playlist::entry_t& entry, int* result )
-	if ( *in == '$' )
-	{
-		in++;
-		int n = 0;
-		while ( 1 )
-		{
-			int h = from_hex_char( *in );
-			if ( h > 15 )
-				break;
-			in++;
-			n = n * 16 + h;
-			entry.track = n;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		in = parse_int_( in, &entry.track );
-		if ( entry.track >= 0 )
-			entry.decimal_track = 1;
-	}
-	return next_field( in, result );
-static char* parse_time_( char* in, int* out )
-	*out = -1;
-	int n = -1;
-	in = parse_int_( in, &n );
-	if ( n >= 0 )
-	{
-		*out = n;
-		if ( *in == ':' )
-		{
-			n = -1;
-			in = parse_int_( in + 1, &n );
-			if ( n >= 0 )
-				*out = *out * 60 + n;
-		}
-	}
-	return in;
-static char* parse_time( char* in, int* out, int* result )
-	return next_field( parse_time_( in, out ), result );
-static char* parse_name( char* in )
-	char* out = in;
-	while ( 1 )
-	{
-		int c = *in;
-		if ( !c ) break;
-		in++;
-		if ( c == ',' ) // commas in string
-		{
-			char* p = skip_white( in );
-			if ( *p == ',' || *p == '-' || from_dec( *p ) <= 9 )
-			{
-				in = p;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( c == '\\' ) // \ prefix for special characters
-		{
-			c = *in;
-			if ( !c ) break;
-			in++;
-		}
-		*out++ = (char) c;
-	}
-	*out = 0; // terminate string
-	return in;
-static int parse_line( char* in, M3u_Playlist::entry_t& entry )
-	int result = 0;
-	// file
-	entry.file = in;
-	entry.type = "";
-	in = parse_filename( in, entry );
-	// track
-	entry.track = -1;
-	entry.decimal_track = 0;
-	in = parse_track( in, entry, &result );
-	// name
-	entry.name = in;
-	in = parse_name( in );
-	// time
-	entry.length = -1;
-	in = parse_time( in, &entry.length, &result );
-	// loop
-	entry.intro = -1;
-	entry.loop  = -1;
-	if ( *in == '-' )
-	{
-		entry.loop = entry.length;
-		in++;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		in = parse_time_( in, &entry.loop );
-		if ( entry.loop >= 0 )
-		{
-			entry.intro = 0;
-			if ( *in == '-' ) // trailing '-' means that intro length was specified 
-			{
-				in++;
-				entry.intro = entry.loop;
-				entry.loop  = entry.length - entry.intro;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	in = next_field( in, &result );
-	// fade
-	entry.fade = -1;
-	in = parse_time( in, &entry.fade, &result );
-	// repeat
-	entry.repeat = -1;
-	in = parse_int( in, &entry.repeat, &result );
-	return result;
-static void parse_comment( char* in, M3u_Playlist::info_t& info, bool first )
-	in = skip_white( in + 1 );
-	const char* field = in;
-	while ( *in && *in != ':' )
-		in++;
-	if ( *in == ':' )
-	{
-		const char* text = skip_white( in + 1 );
-		if ( *text )
-		{
-			*in = 0;
-			     if ( !strcmp( "Composer", field ) ) info.composer = text;
-			else if ( !strcmp( "Engineer", field ) ) info.engineer = text;
-			else if ( !strcmp( "Ripping" , field ) ) info.ripping  = text;
-			else if ( !strcmp( "Tagging" , field ) ) info.tagging  = text;
-			else
-				text = 0;
-			if ( text )
-				return;
-			*in = ':';
-		}
-	}
-	if ( first )
-		info.title = field;
-blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::parse_()
-	info_.title    = "";
-	info_.composer = "";
-	info_.engineer = "";
-	info_.ripping  = "";
-	info_.tagging  = "";
-	int const CR = 13;
-	int const LF = 10;
-	data.end() [-1] = LF; // terminate input
-	first_error_ = 0;
-	bool first_comment = true;
-	int line  = 0;
-	int count = 0;
-	char* in  = data.begin();
-	while ( in < data.end() )
-	{
-		// find end of line and terminate it
-		line++;
-		char* begin = in;
-		while ( *in != CR && *in != LF )
-		{
-			if ( !*in )
-				return "Not an m3u playlist";
-			in++;
-		}
-		if ( in [0] == CR && in [1] == LF ) // treat CR,LF as a single line
-			*in++ = 0;
-		*in++ = 0;
-		// parse line
-		if ( *begin == '#' )
-		{
-			parse_comment( begin, info_, first_comment );
-			first_comment = false;
-		}
-		else if ( *begin )
-		{
-			if ( (int) entries.size() <= count )
-				RETURN_ERR( entries.resize( count * 2 + 64 ) );
-			if ( !parse_line( begin, entries [count] ) )
-				count++;
-			else if ( !first_error_ )
-				first_error_ = line;
-			first_comment = false;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( count <= 0 )
-		return "Not an m3u playlist";
-	if ( !(info_.composer [0] | info_.engineer [0] | info_.ripping [0] | info_.tagging [0]) )
-		info_.title = "";
-	return entries.resize( count );
-blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::parse()
-	blargg_err_t err = parse_();
-	if ( err )
-	{
-		entries.clear();
-		data.clear();
-	}
-	return err;
-blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::load( Data_Reader& in )
-	RETURN_ERR( data.resize( in.remain() + 1 ) );
-	RETURN_ERR( in.read( data.begin(), data.size() - 1 ) );
-	return parse();
-blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::load( const char* path )
-	RETURN_ERR( in.open( path ) );
-	return load( in );
-blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::load( void const* in, long size )
-	RETURN_ERR( data.resize( size + 1 ) );
-	memcpy( data.begin(), in, size );
-	return parse();
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/M3u_Playlist.h b/libs/gme/gme/M3u_Playlist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e764cb936b89cc3a66667252c2d53c6739474d07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/M3u_Playlist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// M3U playlist file parser, with support for subtrack information
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef M3U_PLAYLIST_H
-#define M3U_PLAYLIST_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Data_Reader.h"
-class M3u_Playlist {
-	// Load playlist data
-	blargg_err_t load( const char* path );
-	blargg_err_t load( Data_Reader& in );
-	blargg_err_t load( void const* data, long size );
-	// Line number of first parse error, 0 if no error. Any lines with parse
-	// errors are ignored.
-	int first_error() const { return first_error_; }
-	struct info_t
-	{
-		const char* title;
-		const char* composer;
-		const char* engineer;
-		const char* ripping;
-		const char* tagging;
-	};
-	info_t const& info() const { return info_; }
-	struct entry_t
-	{
-		const char* file; // filename without stupid ::TYPE suffix
-		const char* type; // if filename has ::TYPE suffix, this will be "TYPE". "" if none.
-		const char* name;
-		bool decimal_track; // true if track was specified in hex
-		// integers are -1 if not present
-		int track;  // 1-based
-		int length; // seconds
-		int intro;
-		int loop;
-		int fade;
-		int repeat; // count
-	};
-	entry_t const& operator [] ( int i ) const { return entries [i]; }
-	int size() const { return entries.size(); }
-	void clear();
-	blargg_vector<entry_t> entries;
-	blargg_vector<char> data;
-	int first_error_;
-	info_t info_;
-	blargg_err_t parse();
-	blargg_err_t parse_();
-inline void M3u_Playlist::clear()
-	first_error_ = 0;
-	entries.clear();
-	data.clear();
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Multi_Buffer.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Multi_Buffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f93b317404f6eefd436db13526f04c53b737b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Multi_Buffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-// Blip_Buffer 0.4.1. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-Multi_Buffer::Multi_Buffer( int spf ) : samples_per_frame_( spf )
-	length_ = 0;
-	sample_rate_ = 0;
-	channels_changed_count_ = 1;
-blargg_err_t Multi_Buffer::set_channel_count( int ) { return 0; }
-// Silent_Buffer
-Silent_Buffer::Silent_Buffer() : Multi_Buffer( 1 ) // 0 channels would probably confuse
-	// TODO: better to use empty Blip_Buffer so caller never has to check for NULL?
-	chan.left   = 0;
-	chan.center = 0;
-	chan.right  = 0;
-// Mono_Buffer
-Mono_Buffer::Mono_Buffer() : Multi_Buffer( 1 )
-	chan.center = &buf;
-	chan.left   = &buf;
-	chan.right  = &buf;
-Mono_Buffer::~Mono_Buffer() { }
-blargg_err_t Mono_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
-	RETURN_ERR( buf.set_sample_rate( rate, msec ) );
-	return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( buf.sample_rate(), buf.length() );
-// Stereo_Buffer
-Stereo_Buffer::Stereo_Buffer() : Multi_Buffer( 2 )
-	chan.center = &bufs [0];
-	chan.left = &bufs [1];
-	chan.right = &bufs [2];
-Stereo_Buffer::~Stereo_Buffer() { }
-blargg_err_t Stereo_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		RETURN_ERR( bufs [i].set_sample_rate( rate, msec ) );
-	return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( bufs [0].sample_rate(), bufs [0].length() );
-void Stereo_Buffer::clock_rate( long rate )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		bufs [i].clock_rate( rate );
-void Stereo_Buffer::bass_freq( int bass )
-	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		bufs [i].bass_freq( bass );
-void Stereo_Buffer::clear()
-	stereo_added = 0;
-	was_stereo   = false;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-		bufs [i].clear();
-void Stereo_Buffer::end_frame( blip_time_t clock_count )
-	stereo_added = 0;
-	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
-	{
-		stereo_added |= bufs [i].clear_modified() << i;
-		bufs [i].end_frame( clock_count );
-	}
-long Stereo_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
-	require( !(count & 1) ); // count must be even
-	count = (unsigned) count / 2;
-	long avail = bufs [0].samples_avail();
-	if ( count > avail )
-		count = avail;
-	if ( count )
-	{
-		int bufs_used = stereo_added | was_stereo;
-		//debug_printf( "%X\n", bufs_used );
-		if ( bufs_used <= 1 )
-		{
-			mix_mono( out, count );
-			bufs [0].remove_samples( count );
-			bufs [1].remove_silence( count );
-			bufs [2].remove_silence( count );
-		}
-		else if ( bufs_used & 1 )
-		{
-			mix_stereo( out, count );
-			bufs [0].remove_samples( count );
-			bufs [1].remove_samples( count );
-			bufs [2].remove_samples( count );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			mix_stereo_no_center( out, count );
-			bufs [0].remove_silence( count );
-			bufs [1].remove_samples( count );
-			bufs [2].remove_samples( count );
-		}
-		// to do: this might miss opportunities for optimization
-		if ( !bufs [0].samples_avail() )
-		{
-			was_stereo   = stereo_added;
-			stereo_added = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return count * 2;
-void Stereo_Buffer::mix_stereo( blip_sample_t* out_, blargg_long count )
-	blip_sample_t* BLIP_RESTRICT out = out_;
-	int const bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( bufs [1] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( left, bufs [1] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( right, bufs [2] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( center, bufs [0] );
-	for ( ; count; --count )
-	{
-		int c = BLIP_READER_READ( center );
-		blargg_long l = c + BLIP_READER_READ( left );
-		blargg_long r = c + BLIP_READER_READ( right );
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) l != l )
-			l = 0x7FFF - (l >> 24);
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( center, bass );
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) r != r )
-			r = 0x7FFF - (r >> 24);
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( left, bass );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( right, bass );
-		out [0] = l;
-		out [1] = r;
-		out += 2;
-	}
-	BLIP_READER_END( center, bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( right, bufs [2] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( left, bufs [1] );
-void Stereo_Buffer::mix_stereo_no_center( blip_sample_t* out_, blargg_long count )
-	blip_sample_t* BLIP_RESTRICT out = out_;
-	int const bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( bufs [1] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( left, bufs [1] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( right, bufs [2] );
-	for ( ; count; --count )
-	{
-		blargg_long l = BLIP_READER_READ( left );
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) l != l )
-			l = 0x7FFF - (l >> 24);
-		blargg_long r = BLIP_READER_READ( right );
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) r != r )
-			r = 0x7FFF - (r >> 24);
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( left, bass );
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( right, bass );
-		out [0] = l;
-		out [1] = r;
-		out += 2;
-	}
-	BLIP_READER_END( right, bufs [2] );
-	BLIP_READER_END( left, bufs [1] );
-void Stereo_Buffer::mix_mono( blip_sample_t* out_, blargg_long count )
-	blip_sample_t* BLIP_RESTRICT out = out_;
-	int const bass = BLIP_READER_BASS( bufs [0] );
-	BLIP_READER_BEGIN( center, bufs [0] );
-	for ( ; count; --count )
-	{
-		blargg_long s = BLIP_READER_READ( center );
-		if ( (BOOST::int16_t) s != s )
-			s = 0x7FFF - (s >> 24);
-		BLIP_READER_NEXT( center, bass );
-		out [0] = s;
-		out [1] = s;
-		out += 2;
-	}
-	BLIP_READER_END( center, bufs [0] );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Multi_Buffer.h b/libs/gme/gme/Multi_Buffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c8b3ab5af834c32b6eaedf7248e8d2badd37b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Multi_Buffer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-// Multi-channel sound buffer interface, and basic mono and stereo buffers
-// Blip_Buffer 0.4.1
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-// Interface to one or more Blip_Buffers mapped to one or more channels
-// consisting of left, center, and right buffers.
-class Multi_Buffer {
-	Multi_Buffer( int samples_per_frame );
-	virtual ~Multi_Buffer() { }
-	// Set the number of channels available
-	virtual blargg_err_t set_channel_count( int );
-	// Get indexed channel, from 0 to channel count - 1
-	struct channel_t {
-		Blip_Buffer* center;
-		Blip_Buffer* left;
-		Blip_Buffer* right;
-	};
-	enum { type_index_mask = 0xFF };
-	enum { wave_type = 0x100, noise_type = 0x200, mixed_type = wave_type | noise_type };
-	virtual channel_t channel( int index, int type ) = 0;
-	// See Blip_Buffer.h
-	virtual blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec = blip_default_length ) = 0;
-	virtual void clock_rate( long ) = 0;
-	virtual void bass_freq( int ) = 0;
-	virtual void clear() = 0;
-	long sample_rate() const;
-	// Length of buffer, in milliseconds
-	int length() const;
-	// See Blip_Buffer.h
-	virtual void end_frame( blip_time_t ) = 0;
-	// Number of samples per output frame (1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
-	int samples_per_frame() const;
-	// Count of changes to channel configuration. Incremented whenever
-	// a change is made to any of the Blip_Buffers for any channel.
-	unsigned channels_changed_count() { return channels_changed_count_; }
-	// See Blip_Buffer.h
-	virtual long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long ) = 0;
-	virtual long samples_avail() const = 0;
-	void channels_changed() { channels_changed_count_++; }
-	// noncopyable
-	Multi_Buffer( const Multi_Buffer& );
-	Multi_Buffer& operator = ( const Multi_Buffer& );
-	unsigned channels_changed_count_;
-	long sample_rate_;
-	int length_;
-	int const samples_per_frame_;
-// Uses a single buffer and outputs mono samples.
-class Mono_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
-	Blip_Buffer buf;
-	channel_t chan;
-	// Buffer used for all channels
-	Blip_Buffer* center() { return &buf; }
-	Mono_Buffer();
-	~Mono_Buffer();
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec = blip_default_length );
-	void clock_rate( long rate ) { buf.clock_rate( rate ); }
-	void bass_freq( int freq ) { buf.bass_freq( freq ); }
-	void clear() { buf.clear(); }
-	long samples_avail() const { return buf.samples_avail(); }
-	long read_samples( blip_sample_t* p, long s ) { return buf.read_samples( p, s ); }
-	channel_t channel( int, int ) { return chan; }
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t t ) { buf.end_frame( t ); }
-// Uses three buffers (one for center) and outputs stereo sample pairs.
-class Stereo_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
-	// Buffers used for all channels
-	Blip_Buffer* center()       { return &bufs [0]; }
-	Blip_Buffer* left()         { return &bufs [1]; }
-	Blip_Buffer* right()        { return &bufs [2]; }
-	Stereo_Buffer();
-	~Stereo_Buffer();
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long, int msec = blip_default_length );
-	void clock_rate( long );
-	void bass_freq( int );
-	void clear();
-	channel_t channel( int, int ) { return chan; }
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	long samples_avail() const { return bufs [0].samples_avail() * 2; }
-	long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long );
-	enum { buf_count = 3 };
-	Blip_Buffer bufs [buf_count];
-	channel_t chan;
-	int stereo_added;
-	int was_stereo;
-	void mix_stereo_no_center( blip_sample_t*, blargg_long );
-	void mix_stereo( blip_sample_t*, blargg_long );
-	void mix_mono( blip_sample_t*, blargg_long );
-// Silent_Buffer generates no samples, useful where no sound is wanted
-class Silent_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
-	channel_t chan;
-	Silent_Buffer();
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec = blip_default_length );
-	void clock_rate( long ) { }
-	void bass_freq( int ) { }
-	void clear() { }
-	channel_t channel( int, int ) { return chan; }
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t ) { }
-	long samples_avail() const { return 0; }
-	long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long ) { return 0; }
-inline blargg_err_t Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
-	sample_rate_ = rate;
-	length_ = msec;
-	return 0;
-inline blargg_err_t Silent_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
-	return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( rate, msec );
-inline int Multi_Buffer::samples_per_frame() const { return samples_per_frame_; }
-inline long Multi_Buffer::sample_rate() const { return sample_rate_; }
-inline int Multi_Buffer::length() const { return length_; }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Music_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Music_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 942e86e27db8bf23a9495d734714818ca04ed110..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Music_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Music_Emu.h"
-#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int const stereo = 2; // number of channels for stereo
-int const silence_max = 6; // seconds
-int const silence_threshold = 0x10;
-long const fade_block_size = 512;
-int const fade_shift = 8; // fade ends with gain at 1.0 / (1 << fade_shift)
-Music_Emu::equalizer_t const Music_Emu::tv_eq =
-	Music_Emu::make_equalizer( -8.0, 180 );
-void Music_Emu::clear_track_vars()
-	current_track_   = -1;
-	out_time         = 0;
-	emu_time         = 0;
-	emu_track_ended_ = true;
-	track_ended_     = true;
-	fade_start       = INT_MAX / 2 + 1;
-	fade_step        = 1;
-	silence_time     = 0;
-	silence_count    = 0;
-	buf_remain       = 0;
-	warning(); // clear warning
-void Music_Emu::unload()
-	voice_count_ = 0;
-	clear_track_vars();
-	Gme_File::unload();
-	effects_buffer = 0;
-	sample_rate_ = 0;
-	mute_mask_   = 0;
-	tempo_       = 1.0;
-	gain_        = 1.0;
-	// defaults
-	max_initial_silence = 2;
-	silence_lookahead   = 3;
-	ignore_silence_     = false;
-	equalizer_.treble   = -1.0;
-	equalizer_.bass     = 60;
-	static const char* const names [] = {
-		"Voice 1", "Voice 2", "Voice 3", "Voice 4",
-		"Voice 5", "Voice 6", "Voice 7", "Voice 8"
-	};
-	set_voice_names( names );
-	Music_Emu::unload(); // non-virtual
-Music_Emu::~Music_Emu() { delete effects_buffer; }
-blargg_err_t Music_Emu::set_sample_rate( long rate )
-	require( !sample_rate() ); // sample rate can't be changed once set
-	RETURN_ERR( set_sample_rate_( rate ) );
-	RETURN_ERR( buf.resize( buf_size ) );
-	sample_rate_ = rate;
-	return 0;
-void Music_Emu::pre_load()
-	require( sample_rate() ); // set_sample_rate() must be called before loading a file
-	Gme_File::pre_load();
-void Music_Emu::set_equalizer( equalizer_t const& eq )
-	equalizer_ = eq;
-	set_equalizer_( eq );
-void Music_Emu::mute_voice( int index, bool mute )
-	require( (unsigned) index < (unsigned) voice_count() );
-	int bit = 1 << index;
-	int mask = mute_mask_ | bit;
-	if ( !mute )
-		mask ^= bit;
-	mute_voices( mask );
-void Music_Emu::mute_voices( int mask )
-	require( sample_rate() ); // sample rate must be set first
-	mute_mask_ = mask;
-	mute_voices_( mask );
-void Music_Emu::set_tempo( double t )
-	require( sample_rate() ); // sample rate must be set first
-	double const min = 0.02;
-	double const max = 4.00;
-	if ( t < min ) t = min;
-	if ( t > max ) t = max;
-	tempo_ = t;
-	set_tempo_( t );
-void Music_Emu::post_load_()
-	set_tempo( tempo_ );
-	remute_voices();
-blargg_err_t Music_Emu::start_track( int track )
-	clear_track_vars();
-	int remapped = track;
-	RETURN_ERR( remap_track_( &remapped ) );
-	current_track_ = track;
-	RETURN_ERR( start_track_( remapped ) );
-	emu_track_ended_ = false;
-	track_ended_     = false;
-	if ( !ignore_silence_ )
-	{
-		// play until non-silence or end of track
-		for ( long end = max_initial_silence * stereo * sample_rate(); emu_time < end; )
-		{
-			fill_buf();
-			if ( buf_remain | (int) emu_track_ended_ )
-				break;
-		}
-		emu_time      = buf_remain;
-		out_time      = 0;
-		silence_time  = 0;
-		silence_count = 0;
-	}
-	return track_ended() ? warning() : 0;
-void Music_Emu::end_track_if_error( blargg_err_t err )
-	if ( err )
-	{
-		emu_track_ended_ = true;
-		set_warning( err );
-	}
-// Tell/Seek
-blargg_long Music_Emu::msec_to_samples( blargg_long msec ) const
-	blargg_long sec = msec / 1000;
-	msec -= sec * 1000;
-	return (sec * sample_rate() + msec * sample_rate() / 1000) * stereo;
-long Music_Emu::tell_samples() const
-	return out_time;
-long Music_Emu::tell() const
-	blargg_long rate = sample_rate() * stereo;
-	blargg_long sec = out_time / rate;
-	return sec * 1000 + (out_time - sec * rate) * 1000 / rate;
-blargg_err_t Music_Emu::seek_samples( long time )
-	if ( time < out_time )
-		RETURN_ERR( start_track( current_track_ ) );
-	return skip( time - out_time );
-blargg_err_t Music_Emu::seek( long msec )
-	return seek_samples( msec_to_samples( msec ) );
-blargg_err_t Music_Emu::skip( long count )
-	require( current_track() >= 0 ); // start_track() must have been called already
-	out_time += count;
-	// remove from silence and buf first
-	{
-		long n = min( count, silence_count );
-		silence_count -= n;
-		count -= n;
-		n = min( count, buf_remain );
-		buf_remain -= n;
-		count -= n;
-	}
-	if ( count && !emu_track_ended_ )
-	{
-		emu_time += count;
-		end_track_if_error( skip_( count ) );
-	}
-	if ( !(silence_count | buf_remain) ) // caught up to emulator, so update track ended
-		track_ended_ |= emu_track_ended_;
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Music_Emu::skip_( long count )
-	// for long skip, mute sound
-	const long threshold = 30000;
-	if ( count > threshold )
-	{
-		int saved_mute = mute_mask_;
-		mute_voices( ~0 );
-		while ( count > threshold / 2 && !emu_track_ended_ )
-		{
-			RETURN_ERR( play_( buf_size, buf.begin() ) );
-			count -= buf_size;
-		}
-		mute_voices( saved_mute );
-	}
-	while ( count && !emu_track_ended_ )
-	{
-		long n = buf_size;
-		if ( n > count )
-			n = count;
-		count -= n;
-		RETURN_ERR( play_( n, buf.begin() ) );
-	}
-	return 0;
-// Fading
-void Music_Emu::set_fade( long start_msec, long length_msec )
-	fade_step = sample_rate() * length_msec / (fade_block_size * fade_shift * 1000 / stereo);
-	fade_start = msec_to_samples( start_msec );
-// unit / pow( 2.0, (double) x / step )
-static int int_log( blargg_long x, int step, int unit )
-	int shift = x / step;
-	int fraction = (x - shift * step) * unit / step;
-	return ((unit - fraction) + (fraction >> 1)) >> shift;
-void Music_Emu::handle_fade( long out_count, sample_t* out )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < out_count; i += fade_block_size )
-	{
-		int const shift = 14;
-		int const unit = 1 << shift;
-		int gain = int_log( (out_time + i - fade_start) / fade_block_size,
-				fade_step, unit );
-		if ( gain < (unit >> fade_shift) )
-			track_ended_ = emu_track_ended_ = true;
-		sample_t* io = &out [i];
-		for ( int count = min( fade_block_size, out_count - i ); count; --count )
-		{
-			*io = sample_t ((*io * gain) >> shift);
-			++io;
-		}
-	}
-// Silence detection
-void Music_Emu::emu_play( long count, sample_t* out )
-	check( current_track_ >= 0 );
-	emu_time += count;
-	if ( current_track_ >= 0 && !emu_track_ended_ )
-		end_track_if_error( play_( count, out ) );
-	else
-		memset( out, 0, count * sizeof *out );
-// number of consecutive silent samples at end
-static long count_silence( Music_Emu::sample_t* begin, long size )
-	Music_Emu::sample_t first = *begin;
-	*begin = silence_threshold; // sentinel
-	Music_Emu::sample_t* p = begin + size;
-	while ( (unsigned) (*--p + silence_threshold / 2) <= (unsigned) silence_threshold ) { }
-	*begin = first;
-	return size - (p - begin);
-// fill internal buffer and check it for silence
-void Music_Emu::fill_buf()
-	assert( !buf_remain );
-	if ( !emu_track_ended_ )
-	{
-		emu_play( buf_size, buf.begin() );
-		long silence = count_silence( buf.begin(), buf_size );
-		if ( silence < buf_size )
-		{
-			silence_time = emu_time - silence;
-			buf_remain   = buf_size;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	silence_count += buf_size;
-blargg_err_t Music_Emu::play( long out_count, sample_t* out )
-	if ( track_ended_ )
-	{
-		memset( out, 0, out_count * sizeof *out );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		require( current_track() >= 0 );
-		require( out_count % stereo == 0 );
-		assert( emu_time >= out_time );
-		// prints nifty graph of how far ahead we are when searching for silence
-		//debug_printf( "%*s \n", int ((emu_time - out_time) * 7 / sample_rate()), "*" );
-		long pos = 0;
-		if ( silence_count )
-		{
-			// during a run of silence, run emulator at >=2x speed so it gets ahead
-			long ahead_time = silence_lookahead * (out_time + out_count - silence_time) + silence_time;
-			while ( emu_time < ahead_time && !(buf_remain | emu_track_ended_) )
-				fill_buf();
-			// fill with silence
-			pos = min( silence_count, out_count );
-			memset( out, 0, pos * sizeof *out );
-			silence_count -= pos;
-			if ( emu_time - silence_time > silence_max * stereo * sample_rate() )
-			{
-				track_ended_  = emu_track_ended_ = true;
-				silence_count = 0;
-				buf_remain    = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( buf_remain )
-		{
-			// empty silence buf
-			long n = min( buf_remain, out_count - pos );
-			memcpy( &out [pos], buf.begin() + (buf_size - buf_remain), n * sizeof *out );
-			buf_remain -= n;
-			pos += n;
-		}
-		// generate remaining samples normally
-		long remain = out_count - pos;
-		if ( remain )
-		{
-			emu_play( remain, out + pos );
-			track_ended_ |= emu_track_ended_;
-			if ( !ignore_silence_ || out_time > fade_start )
-			{
-				// check end for a new run of silence
-				long silence = count_silence( out + pos, remain );
-				if ( silence < remain )
-					silence_time = emu_time - silence;
-				if ( emu_time - silence_time >= buf_size )
-					fill_buf(); // cause silence detection on next play()
-			}
-		}
-		if ( out_time > fade_start )
-			handle_fade( out_count, out );
-	}
-	out_time += out_count;
-	return 0;
-// Gme_Info_
-blargg_err_t Gme_Info_::set_sample_rate_( long )            { return 0; }
-void         Gme_Info_::pre_load()                          { Gme_File::pre_load(); } // skip Music_Emu
-void         Gme_Info_::post_load_()                        { Gme_File::post_load_(); } // skip Music_Emu
-void         Gme_Info_::set_equalizer_( equalizer_t const& ){ check( false ); }
-void         Gme_Info_::enable_accuracy_( bool )            { check( false ); }
-void         Gme_Info_::mute_voices_( int )                 { check( false ); }
-void         Gme_Info_::set_tempo_( double )                { }
-blargg_err_t Gme_Info_::start_track_( int )                 { return "Use full emulator for playback"; }
-blargg_err_t Gme_Info_::play_( long, sample_t* )            { return "Use full emulator for playback"; }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Music_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Music_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d98f7ce7ea06dbcb2e7b595e7c0e2dc638502a1d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Music_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-// Common interface to game music file emulators
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef MUSIC_EMU_H
-#define MUSIC_EMU_H
-#include "Gme_File.h"
-class Multi_Buffer;
-struct Music_Emu : public Gme_File {
-// Basic functionality (see Gme_File.h for file loading/track info functions)
-	// Set output sample rate. Must be called only once before loading file.
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long sample_rate );
-	// Start a track, where 0 is the first track. Also clears warning string.
-	blargg_err_t start_track( int );
-	// Generate 'count' samples info 'buf'. Output is in stereo. Any emulation
-	// errors set warning string, and major errors also end track.
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	blargg_err_t play( long count, sample_t* buf );
-// Informational
-	// Sample rate sound is generated at
-	long sample_rate() const;
-	// Index of current track or -1 if one hasn't been started
-	int current_track() const;
-	// Number of voices used by currently loaded file
-	int voice_count() const;
-	// Names of voices
-	const char** voice_names() const;
-// Track status/control
-	// Number of milliseconds (1000 msec = 1 second) played since beginning of track
-	long tell() const;
-	// Number of samples generated since beginning of track
-	long tell_samples() const;
-	// Seek to new time in track. Seeking backwards or far forward can take a while.
-	blargg_err_t seek( long msec );
-	// Equivalent to restarting track then skipping n samples
-	blargg_err_t seek_samples( long n );
-	// Skip n samples
-	blargg_err_t skip( long n );
-	// True if a track has reached its end
-	bool track_ended() const;
-	// Set start time and length of track fade out. Once fade ends track_ended() returns
-	// true. Fade time can be changed while track is playing.
-	void set_fade( long start_msec, long length_msec = 8000 );
-	// Disable automatic end-of-track detection and skipping of silence at beginning
-	void ignore_silence( bool disable = true );
-	// Info for current track
-	using Gme_File::track_info;
-	blargg_err_t track_info( track_info_t* out ) const;
-// Sound customization
-	// Adjust song tempo, where 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = half speed, 2.0 = double speed.
-	// Track length as returned by track_info() assumes a tempo of 1.0.
-	void set_tempo( double );
-	// Mute/unmute voice i, where voice 0 is first voice
-	void mute_voice( int index, bool mute = true );
-	// Set muting state of all voices at once using a bit mask, where -1 mutes them all,
-	// 0 unmutes them all, 0x01 mutes just the first voice, etc.
-	void mute_voices( int mask );
-	// Change overall output amplitude, where 1.0 results in minimal clamping.
-	// Must be called before set_sample_rate().
-	void set_gain( double );
-	// Request use of custom multichannel buffer. Only supported by "classic" emulators;
-	// on others this has no effect. Should be called only once *before* set_sample_rate().
-	virtual void set_buffer( Multi_Buffer* ) { }
-	// Enables/disables accurate emulation options, if any are supported. Might change
-	// equalizer settings.
-	void enable_accuracy( bool enable = true );
-// Sound equalization (treble/bass)
-	// Frequency equalizer parameters (see gme.txt)
-	// See gme.h for definition of struct gme_equalizer_t.
-	typedef gme_equalizer_t equalizer_t;
-	// Current frequency equalizater parameters
-	equalizer_t const& equalizer() const;
-	// Set frequency equalizer parameters
-	void set_equalizer( equalizer_t const& );
-	// Construct equalizer of given treble/bass settings
-	static const equalizer_t make_equalizer( double treble, double bass )
-	{
-	    const Music_Emu::equalizer_t e = { treble, bass,
-		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
-	    return e;
-	}
-	// Equalizer settings for TV speaker
-	static equalizer_t const tv_eq;
-	Music_Emu();
-	~Music_Emu();
-	void set_max_initial_silence( int n )       { max_initial_silence = n; }
-	void set_silence_lookahead( int n )         { silence_lookahead = n; }
-	void set_voice_count( int n )               { voice_count_ = n; }
-	void set_voice_names( const char* const* names );
-	void set_track_ended()                      { emu_track_ended_ = true; }
-	double gain() const                         { return gain_; }
-	double tempo() const                        { return tempo_; }
-	void remute_voices();
-	virtual blargg_err_t set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate ) = 0;
-	virtual void set_equalizer_( equalizer_t const& ) { }
-	virtual void enable_accuracy_( bool /* enable */ ) { }
-	virtual void mute_voices_( int mask ) = 0;
-	virtual void set_tempo_( double ) = 0;
-	virtual blargg_err_t start_track_( int ) = 0; // tempo is set before this
-	virtual blargg_err_t play_( long count, sample_t* out ) = 0;
-	virtual blargg_err_t skip_( long count );
-	virtual void unload();
-	virtual void pre_load();
-	virtual void post_load_();
-	// general
-	equalizer_t equalizer_;
-	int max_initial_silence;
-	const char** voice_names_;
-	int voice_count_;
-	int mute_mask_;
-	double tempo_;
-	double gain_;
-	long sample_rate_;
-	blargg_long msec_to_samples( blargg_long msec ) const;
-	// track-specific
-	int current_track_;
-	blargg_long out_time;  // number of samples played since start of track
-	blargg_long emu_time;  // number of samples emulator has generated since start of track
-	bool emu_track_ended_; // emulator has reached end of track
-	volatile bool track_ended_;
-	void clear_track_vars();
-	void end_track_if_error( blargg_err_t );
-	// fading
-	blargg_long fade_start;
-	int fade_step;
-	void handle_fade( long count, sample_t* out );
-	// silence detection
-	int silence_lookahead; // speed to run emulator when looking ahead for silence
-	bool ignore_silence_;
-	long silence_time;     // number of samples where most recent silence began
-	long silence_count;    // number of samples of silence to play before using buf
-	long buf_remain;       // number of samples left in silence buffer
-	enum { buf_size = 2048 };
-	blargg_vector<sample_t> buf;
-	void fill_buf();
-	void emu_play( long count, sample_t* out );
-	Multi_Buffer* effects_buffer;
-	friend Music_Emu* gme_new_emu( gme_type_t, int );
-	friend void gme_set_stereo_depth( Music_Emu*, double );
-// base class for info-only derivations
-struct Gme_Info_ : Music_Emu
-	virtual blargg_err_t set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate );
-	virtual void set_equalizer_( equalizer_t const& );
-	virtual void enable_accuracy_( bool );
-	virtual void mute_voices_( int mask );
-	virtual void set_tempo_( double );
-	virtual blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	virtual blargg_err_t play_( long count, sample_t* out );
-	virtual void pre_load();
-	virtual void post_load_();
-inline blargg_err_t Music_Emu::track_info( track_info_t* out ) const
-	return track_info( out, current_track_ );
-inline long Music_Emu::sample_rate() const          { return sample_rate_; }
-inline const char** Music_Emu::voice_names() const  { return voice_names_; }
-inline int Music_Emu::voice_count() const           { return voice_count_; }
-inline int Music_Emu::current_track() const         { return current_track_; }
-inline bool Music_Emu::track_ended() const          { return track_ended_; }
-inline const Music_Emu::equalizer_t& Music_Emu::equalizer() const { return equalizer_; }
-inline void Music_Emu::enable_accuracy( bool b )    { enable_accuracy_( b ); }
-inline void Music_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )       { tempo_ = t; }
-inline void Music_Emu::remute_voices()              { mute_voices( mute_mask_ ); }
-inline void Music_Emu::ignore_silence( bool b )     { ignore_silence_ = b; }
-inline blargg_err_t Music_Emu::start_track_( int )  { return 0; }
-inline void Music_Emu::set_voice_names( const char* const* names )
-	// Intentional removal of const, so users don't have to remember obscure const in middle
-	voice_names_ = const_cast<const char**> (names);
-inline void Music_Emu::mute_voices_( int ) { }
-inline void Music_Emu::set_gain( double g )
-	assert( !sample_rate() ); // you must set gain before setting sample rate
-	gain_ = g;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 68edb446de7dccac9e8d3dc805be911207462f03..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.8. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Nes_Apu.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int const amp_range = 15;
-Nes_Apu::Nes_Apu() :
-	square1( &square_synth ),
-	square2( &square_synth )
-	tempo_ = 1.0;
-	dmc.apu = this;
-	dmc.prg_reader = NULL;
-	irq_notifier_ = NULL;
-	oscs [0] = &square1;
-	oscs [1] = &square2;
-	oscs [2] = &triangle;
-	oscs [3] = &noise;
-	oscs [4] = &dmc;
-	output( NULL );
-	volume( 1.0 );
-	reset( false );
-void Nes_Apu::treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq )
-	square_synth.treble_eq( eq );
-	triangle.synth.treble_eq( eq );
-	noise.synth.treble_eq( eq );
-	dmc.synth.treble_eq( eq );
-void Nes_Apu::enable_nonlinear( double v )
-	dmc.nonlinear = true;
-	square_synth.volume( 1.3 * 0.25751258 / 0.742467605 * 0.25 / amp_range * v );
-	const double tnd = 0.48 / 202 * nonlinear_tnd_gain();
-	triangle.synth.volume( 3.0 * tnd );
-	noise.synth.volume( 2.0 * tnd );
-	dmc.synth.volume( tnd );
-	square1 .last_amp = 0;
-	square2 .last_amp = 0;
-	triangle.last_amp = 0;
-	noise   .last_amp = 0;
-	dmc     .last_amp = 0;
-void Nes_Apu::volume( double v )
-	dmc.nonlinear = false;
-	square_synth.volume(   0.1128  / amp_range * v );
-	triangle.synth.volume( 0.12765 / amp_range * v );
-	noise.synth.volume(    0.0741  / amp_range * v );
-	dmc.synth.volume(      0.42545 / 127 * v );
-void Nes_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buffer )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		osc_output( i, buffer );
-void Nes_Apu::set_tempo( double t )
-	tempo_ = t;
-	frame_period = (dmc.pal_mode ? 8314 : 7458);
-	if ( t != 1.0 )
-		frame_period = (int) (frame_period / t) & ~1; // must be even
-void Nes_Apu::reset( bool pal_mode, int initial_dmc_dac )
-	dmc.pal_mode = pal_mode;
-	set_tempo( tempo_ );
-	square1.reset();
-	square2.reset();
-	triangle.reset();
-	noise.reset();
-	dmc.reset();
-	last_time = 0;
-	last_dmc_time = 0;
-	osc_enables = 0;
-	irq_flag = false;
-	earliest_irq_ = no_irq;
-	frame_delay = 1;
-	write_register( 0, 0x4017, 0x00 );
-	write_register( 0, 0x4015, 0x00 );
-	for ( nes_addr_t addr = start_addr; addr <= 0x4013; addr++ )
-		write_register( 0, addr, (addr & 3) ? 0x00 : 0x10 );
-	dmc.dac = initial_dmc_dac;
-	if ( !dmc.nonlinear )
-		triangle.last_amp = 15;
-	if ( !dmc.nonlinear ) // TODO: remove?
-		dmc.last_amp = initial_dmc_dac; // prevent output transition
-void Nes_Apu::irq_changed()
-	nes_time_t new_irq = dmc.next_irq;
-	if ( dmc.irq_flag | irq_flag ) {
-		new_irq = 0;
-	}
-	else if ( new_irq > next_irq ) {
-		new_irq = next_irq;
-	}
-	if ( new_irq != earliest_irq_ ) {
-		earliest_irq_ = new_irq;
-		if ( irq_notifier_ )
-			irq_notifier_( irq_data );
-	}
-// frames
-void Nes_Apu::run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
-	require( end_time >= last_dmc_time );
-	if ( end_time > next_dmc_read_time() )
-	{
-		nes_time_t start = last_dmc_time;
-		last_dmc_time = end_time;
-		dmc.run( start, end_time );
-	}
-void Nes_Apu::run_until_( nes_time_t end_time )
-	require( end_time >= last_time );
-	if ( end_time == last_time )
-		return;
-	if ( last_dmc_time < end_time )
-	{
-		nes_time_t start = last_dmc_time;
-		last_dmc_time = end_time;
-		dmc.run( start, end_time );
-	}
-	while ( true )
-	{
-		// earlier of next frame time or end time
-		nes_time_t time = last_time + frame_delay;
-		if ( time > end_time )
-			time = end_time;
-		frame_delay -= time - last_time;
-		// run oscs to present
-		square1.run( last_time, time );
-		square2.run( last_time, time );
-		triangle.run( last_time, time );
-		noise.run( last_time, time );
-		last_time = time;
-		if ( time == end_time )
-			break; // no more frames to run
-		// take frame-specific actions
-		frame_delay = frame_period;
-		switch ( frame++ )
-		{
-			case 0:
-				if ( !(frame_mode & 0xC0) ) {
-		 			next_irq = time + frame_period * 4 + 2;
-		 			irq_flag = true;
-		 		}
-		 		// fall through
-		 	case 2:
-		 		// clock length and sweep on frames 0 and 2
-				square1.clock_length( 0x20 );
-				square2.clock_length( 0x20 );
-				noise.clock_length( 0x20 );
-				triangle.clock_length( 0x80 ); // different bit for halt flag on triangle
-				square1.clock_sweep( -1 );
-				square2.clock_sweep( 0 );
-				// frame 2 is slightly shorter in mode 1
-				if ( dmc.pal_mode && frame == 3 )
-					frame_delay -= 2;
-		 		break;
-			case 1:
-				// frame 1 is slightly shorter in mode 0
-				if ( !dmc.pal_mode )
-					frame_delay -= 2;
-				break;
-		 	case 3:
-		 		frame = 0;
-		 		// frame 3 is almost twice as long in mode 1
-		 		if ( frame_mode & 0x80 )
-					frame_delay += frame_period - (dmc.pal_mode ? 2 : 6);
-				break;
-		}
-		// clock envelopes and linear counter every frame
-		triangle.clock_linear_counter();
-		square1.clock_envelope();
-		square2.clock_envelope();
-		noise.clock_envelope();
-	}
-template<class T>
-inline void zero_apu_osc( T* osc, nes_time_t time )
-	Blip_Buffer* output = osc->output;
-	int last_amp = osc->last_amp;
-	osc->last_amp = 0;
-	if ( output && last_amp )
-		osc->synth.offset( time, -last_amp, output );
-void Nes_Apu::end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
-	if ( end_time > last_time )
-		run_until_( end_time );
-	if ( dmc.nonlinear )
-	{
-		zero_apu_osc( &square1,  last_time );
-		zero_apu_osc( &square2,  last_time );
-		zero_apu_osc( &triangle, last_time );
-		zero_apu_osc( &noise,    last_time );
-		zero_apu_osc( &dmc,      last_time );
-	}
-	// make times relative to new frame
-	last_time -= end_time;
-	require( last_time >= 0 );
-	last_dmc_time -= end_time;
-	require( last_dmc_time >= 0 );
-	if ( next_irq != no_irq ) {
-		next_irq -= end_time;
-		check( next_irq >= 0 );
-	}
-	if ( dmc.next_irq != no_irq ) {
-		dmc.next_irq -= end_time;
-		check( dmc.next_irq >= 0 );
-	}
-	if ( earliest_irq_ != no_irq ) {
-		earliest_irq_ -= end_time;
-		if ( earliest_irq_ < 0 )
-			earliest_irq_ = 0;
-	}
-// registers
-static const unsigned char length_table [0x20] = {
-	0x0A, 0xFE, 0x14, 0x02, 0x28, 0x04, 0x50, 0x06,
-	0xA0, 0x08, 0x3C, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x1A, 0x0E, 
-	0x0C, 0x10, 0x18, 0x12, 0x30, 0x14, 0x60, 0x16,
-	0xC0, 0x18, 0x48, 0x1A, 0x10, 0x1C, 0x20, 0x1E
-void Nes_Apu::write_register( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
-	require( addr > 0x20 ); // addr must be actual address (i.e. 0x40xx)
-	require( (unsigned) data <= 0xFF );
-	// Ignore addresses outside range
-	if ( unsigned (addr - start_addr) > end_addr - start_addr )
-		return;
-	run_until_( time );
-	if ( addr < 0x4014 )
-	{
-		// Write to channel
-		int osc_index = (addr - start_addr) >> 2;
-		Nes_Osc* osc = oscs [osc_index];
-		int reg = addr & 3;
-		osc->regs [reg] = data;
-		osc->reg_written [reg] = true;
-		if ( osc_index == 4 )
-		{
-			// handle DMC specially
-			dmc.write_register( reg, data );
-		}
-		else if ( reg == 3 )
-		{
-			// load length counter
-			if ( (osc_enables >> osc_index) & 1 )
-				osc->length_counter = length_table [(data >> 3) & 0x1F];
-			// reset square phase
-			if ( osc_index < 2 )
-				((Nes_Square*) osc)->phase = Nes_Square::phase_range - 1;
-		}
-	}
-	else if ( addr == 0x4015 )
-	{
-		// Channel enables
-		for ( int i = osc_count; i--; )
-			if ( !((data >> i) & 1) )
-				oscs [i]->length_counter = 0;
-		bool recalc_irq = dmc.irq_flag;
-		dmc.irq_flag = false;
-		int old_enables = osc_enables;
-		osc_enables = data;
-		if ( !(data & 0x10) ) {
-			dmc.next_irq = no_irq;
-			recalc_irq = true;
-		}
-		else if ( !(old_enables & 0x10) ) {
-			dmc.start(); // dmc just enabled
-		}
-		if ( recalc_irq )
-			irq_changed();
-	}
-	else if ( addr == 0x4017 )
-	{
-		// Frame mode
-		frame_mode = data;
-		bool irq_enabled = !(data & 0x40);
-		irq_flag &= irq_enabled;
-		next_irq = no_irq;
-		// mode 1
-		frame_delay = (frame_delay & 1);
-		frame = 0;
-		if ( !(data & 0x80) )
-		{
-			// mode 0
-			frame = 1;
-			frame_delay += frame_period;
-			if ( irq_enabled )
-				next_irq = time + frame_delay + frame_period * 3 + 1;
-		}
-		irq_changed();
-	}
-int Nes_Apu::read_status( nes_time_t time )
-	run_until_( time - 1 );
-	int result = (dmc.irq_flag << 7) | (irq_flag << 6);
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		if ( oscs [i]->length_counter )
-			result |= 1 << i;
-	run_until_( time );
-	if ( irq_flag )
-	{
-		result |= 0x40;
-		irq_flag = false;
-		irq_changed();
-	}
-	//debug_printf( "%6d/%d Read $4015->$%02X\n", frame_delay, frame, result );
-	return result;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Apu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Apu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e722248f20e08520522fbebe6e1288b944c5f9a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Apu.h
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-// NES 2A03 APU sound chip emulator
-// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.8
-#ifndef NES_APU_H
-#define NES_APU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-typedef blargg_long nes_time_t; // CPU clock cycle count
-typedef unsigned nes_addr_t; // 16-bit memory address
-#include "Nes_Oscs.h"
-struct apu_state_t;
-class Nes_Buffer;
-class Nes_Apu {
-	// Set buffer to generate all sound into, or disable sound if NULL
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* );
-	// Set memory reader callback used by DMC oscillator to fetch samples.
-	// When callback is invoked, 'user_data' is passed unchanged as the
-	// first parameter.
-	void dmc_reader( int (*callback)( void* user_data, nes_addr_t ), void* user_data = NULL );
-	// All time values are the number of CPU clock cycles relative to the
-	// beginning of the current time frame. Before resetting the CPU clock
-	// count, call end_frame( last_cpu_time ).
-	// Write to register (0x4000-0x4017, except 0x4014 and 0x4016)
-	enum { start_addr = 0x4000 };
-	enum { end_addr   = 0x4017 };
-	void write_register( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data );
-	// Read from status register at 0x4015
-	enum { status_addr = 0x4015 };
-	int read_status( nes_time_t );
-	// Run all oscillators up to specified time, end current time frame, then
-	// start a new time frame at time 0. Time frames have no effect on emulation
-	// and each can be whatever length is convenient.
-	void end_frame( nes_time_t );
-// Additional optional features (can be ignored without any problem)
-	// Reset internal frame counter, registers, and all oscillators.
-	// Use PAL timing if pal_timing is true, otherwise use NTSC timing.
-	// Set the DMC oscillator's initial DAC value to initial_dmc_dac without
-	// any audible click.
-	void reset( bool pal_mode = false, int initial_dmc_dac = 0 );
-	// Adjust frame period
-	void set_tempo( double );
-	// Save/load exact emulation state
-	void save_state( apu_state_t* out ) const;
-	void load_state( apu_state_t const& );
-	// Set overall volume (default is 1.0)
-	void volume( double );
-	// Set treble equalization (see notes.txt)
-	void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& );
-	// Set sound output of specific oscillator to buffer. If buffer is NULL,
-	// the specified oscillator is muted and emulation accuracy is reduced.
-	// The oscillators are indexed as follows: 0) Square 1, 1) Square 2,
-	// 2) Triangle, 3) Noise, 4) DMC.
-	enum { osc_count = 5 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* buffer );
-	// Set IRQ time callback that is invoked when the time of earliest IRQ
-	// may have changed, or NULL to disable. When callback is invoked,
-	// 'user_data' is passed unchanged as the first parameter.
-	void irq_notifier( void (*callback)( void* user_data ), void* user_data = NULL );
-	// Get time that APU-generated IRQ will occur if no further register reads
-	// or writes occur. If IRQ is already pending, returns irq_waiting. If no
-	// IRQ will occur, returns no_irq.
-	enum { no_irq = INT_MAX / 2 + 1 };
-	enum { irq_waiting = 0 };
-	nes_time_t earliest_irq( nes_time_t ) const;
-	// Count number of DMC reads that would occur if 'run_until( t )' were executed.
-	// If last_read is not NULL, set *last_read to the earliest time that
-	// 'count_dmc_reads( time )' would result in the same result.
-	int count_dmc_reads( nes_time_t t, nes_time_t* last_read = NULL ) const;
-	// Time when next DMC memory read will occur
-	nes_time_t next_dmc_read_time() const;
-	// Run DMC until specified time, so that any DMC memory reads can be
-	// accounted for (i.e. inserting CPU wait states).
-	void run_until( nes_time_t );
-	Nes_Apu();
-	friend class Nes_Nonlinearizer;
-	void enable_nonlinear( double volume );
-	static double nonlinear_tnd_gain() { return 0.75; }
-	friend struct Nes_Dmc;
-	// noncopyable
-	Nes_Apu( const Nes_Apu& );
-	Nes_Apu& operator = ( const Nes_Apu& );
-	Nes_Osc*            oscs [osc_count];
-	Nes_Square          square1;
-	Nes_Square          square2;
-	Nes_Noise           noise;
-	Nes_Triangle        triangle;
-	Nes_Dmc             dmc;
-	double tempo_;
-	nes_time_t last_time; // has been run until this time in current frame
-	nes_time_t last_dmc_time;
-	nes_time_t earliest_irq_;
-	nes_time_t next_irq;
-	int frame_period;
-	int frame_delay; // cycles until frame counter runs next
-	int frame; // current frame (0-3)
-	int osc_enables;
-	int frame_mode;
-	bool irq_flag;
-	void (*irq_notifier_)( void* user_data );
-	void* irq_data;
-	Nes_Square::Synth square_synth; // shared by squares
-	void irq_changed();
-	void state_restored();
-	void run_until_( nes_time_t );
-	// TODO: remove
-	friend class Nes_Core;
-inline void Nes_Apu::osc_output( int osc, Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	assert( (unsigned) osc < osc_count );
-	oscs [osc]->output = buf;
-inline nes_time_t Nes_Apu::earliest_irq( nes_time_t ) const
-	return earliest_irq_;
-inline void Nes_Apu::dmc_reader( int (*func)( void*, nes_addr_t ), void* user_data )
-	dmc.prg_reader_data = user_data;
-	dmc.prg_reader = func;
-inline void Nes_Apu::irq_notifier( void (*func)( void* user_data ), void* user_data )
-	irq_notifier_ = func;
-	irq_data = user_data;
-inline int Nes_Apu::count_dmc_reads( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t* last_read ) const
-	return dmc.count_reads( time, last_read );
-inline nes_time_t Nes_Dmc::next_read_time() const
-	if ( length_counter == 0 )
-		return Nes_Apu::no_irq; // not reading
-	return apu->last_dmc_time + delay + long (bits_remain - 1) * period;
-inline nes_time_t Nes_Apu::next_dmc_read_time() const { return dmc.next_read_time(); }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Cpu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Cpu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ac548d0ffb252925fa3ff53742da757ffc2c2118..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Cpu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1084 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Nes_Cpu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#define BLARGG_CPU_X86 1
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#define FLUSH_TIME()    (void) (s.time = s_time)
-#define CACHE_TIME()    (void) (s_time = s.time)
-#include "nes_cpu_io.h"
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-#ifndef CPU_DONE
-	#define CPU_DONE( cpu, time, result_out )   { result_out = -1; }
-#ifndef CPU_READ_PPU
-	#define CPU_READ_PPU( cpu, addr, out, time )\
-	{\
-		out = CPU_READ( cpu, addr, time );\
-	}
-	#define PAGE_OFFSET( addr ) (addr)
-	#define PAGE_OFFSET( addr ) ((addr) & (page_size - 1))
-inline void Nes_Cpu::set_code_page( int i, void const* p )
-	state->code_map [i] = (uint8_t const*) p - PAGE_OFFSET( i * page_size );
-int const st_n = 0x80;
-int const st_v = 0x40;
-int const st_r = 0x20;
-int const st_b = 0x10;
-int const st_d = 0x08;
-int const st_i = 0x04;
-int const st_z = 0x02;
-int const st_c = 0x01;
-void Nes_Cpu::reset( void const* unmapped_page )
-	check( state == &state_ );
-	state = &state_;
-	r.status = st_i;
-	r.sp = 0xFF;
-	r.pc = 0;
-	r.a  = 0;
-	r.x  = 0;
-	r.y  = 0;
-	state_.time = 0;
-	state_.base = 0;
-	irq_time_ = future_nes_time;
-	end_time_ = future_nes_time;
-	error_count_ = 0;
-	assert( page_size == 0x800 ); // assumes this
-	set_code_page( page_count, unmapped_page );
-	map_code( 0x2000, 0xE000, unmapped_page, true );
-	map_code( 0x0000, 0x2000, low_mem, true );
-	blargg_verify_byte_order();
-void Nes_Cpu::map_code( nes_addr_t start, unsigned size, void const* data, bool mirror )
-	// address range must begin and end on page boundaries
-	require( start % page_size == 0 );
-	require( size % page_size == 0 );
-	require( start + size <= 0x10000 );
-	unsigned page = start / page_size;
-	for ( unsigned n = size / page_size; n; --n )
-	{
-		set_code_page( page++, data );
-		if ( !mirror )
-			data = (char const*) data + page_size;
-	}
-#define TIME    (s_time + s.base)
-#define READ_LIKELY_PPU( addr, out )    {CPU_READ_PPU( this, (addr), out, TIME );}
-#define READ( addr )                    CPU_READ( this, (addr), TIME )
-#define WRITE( addr, data )             {CPU_WRITE( this, (addr), (data), TIME );}
-#define READ_LOW( addr )        (low_mem [int (addr)])
-#define WRITE_LOW( addr, data ) (void) (READ_LOW( addr ) = (data))
-#define READ_PROG( addr )       (s.code_map [(addr) >> page_bits] [PAGE_OFFSET( addr )])
-#define SET_SP( v )     (sp = ((v) + 1) | 0x100)
-#define GET_SP()        ((sp - 1) & 0xFF)
-#define PUSH( v )       ((sp = (sp - 1) | 0x100), WRITE_LOW( sp, v ))
-// even on x86, using short and unsigned char was slower
-typedef int         fint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint8;
-bool Nes_Cpu::run( nes_time_t end_time )
-	set_end_time( end_time );
-	state_t s = this->state_;
-	this->state = &s;
-	// even on x86, using s.time in place of s_time was slower
-	fint16 s_time = s.time;
-	// registers
-	fuint16 pc = r.pc;
-	fuint8 a = r.a;
-	fuint8 x = r.x;
-	fuint8 y = r.y;
-	fuint16 sp;
-	SET_SP( r.sp );
-	// status flags
-	#define IS_NEG (nz & 0x8080)
-	#define CALC_STATUS( out ) do {\
-		out = status & (st_v | st_d | st_i);\
-		out |= ((nz >> 8) | nz) & st_n;\
-		out |= c >> 8 & st_c;\
-		if ( !(nz & 0xFF) ) out |= st_z;\
-	} while ( 0 )
-	#define SET_STATUS( in ) do {\
-		status = in & (st_v | st_d | st_i);\
-		nz = in << 8;\
-		c = nz;\
-		nz |= ~in & st_z;\
-	} while ( 0 )
-	fuint8 status;
-	fuint16 c;  // carry set if (c & 0x100) != 0
-	fuint16 nz; // Z set if (nz & 0xFF) == 0, N set if (nz & 0x8080) != 0
-	{
-		fuint8 temp = r.status;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-	}
-	goto loop;
-	s_time--;
-	check( (unsigned) GET_SP() < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) pc < 0x10000 );
-	check( (unsigned) a < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) x < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) y < 0x100 );
-	check( -32768 <= s_time && s_time < 32767 );
-	uint8_t const* instr = s.code_map [pc >> page_bits];
-	fuint8 opcode;
-	// TODO: eliminate this special case
-		opcode = instr [pc];
-		pc++;
-		instr += pc;
-	#else
-		instr += PAGE_OFFSET( pc );
-		opcode = *instr++;
-		pc++;
-	#endif
-	static uint8_t const clock_table [256] =
-	{// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
-		0,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,3,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// 0
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 1
-		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,4,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// 2
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 3
-		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,3,2,2,2,3,4,6,6,// 4
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 5
-		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,4,2,2,2,5,4,6,6,// 6
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 7
-		2,6,2,6,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,// 8
-		3,6,2,6,4,4,4,4,2,5,2,5,5,5,5,5,// 9
-		2,6,2,6,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,// A
-		3,5,2,5,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4,4,4,4,4,// B
-		2,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,2,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// C
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// D
-		2,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,2,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// E
-		3,5,0,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7 // F
-	}; // 0x00 was 7 and 0xF2 was 2
-	fuint16 data;
-#if !BLARGG_CPU_X86
-	if ( s_time >= 0 )
-		goto out_of_time;
-	s_time += clock_table [opcode];
-	data = *instr;
-	switch ( opcode )
-	{
-	data = clock_table [opcode];
-	if ( (s_time += data) >= 0 )
-		goto possibly_out_of_time;
-	data = *instr;
-	switch ( opcode )
-	{
-		if ( s_time < (int) data )
-			goto almost_out_of_time;
-		s_time -= data;
-		goto out_of_time;
-// Macros
-#define GET_MSB()   (instr [1])
-#define ADD_PAGE()  (pc++, data += 0x100 * GET_MSB())
-#define GET_ADDR()  GET_LE16( instr )
-#define NO_PAGE_CROSSING( lsb )
-#define HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( lsb ) s_time += (lsb) >> 8;
-#define INC_DEC_XY( reg, n ) reg = uint8_t (nz = reg + n); goto loop;
-#define IND_Y( cross, out ) {\
-		fuint16 temp = READ_LOW( data ) + y;\
-		out = temp + 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + 1) );\
-		cross( temp );\
-	}
-#define IND_X( out ) {\
-		fuint16 temp = data + x;\
-		out = 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (temp + 1) ) + READ_LOW( uint8_t (temp) );\
-	}
-#define ARITH_ADDR_MODES( op )\
-case op - 0x04: /* (ind,x) */\
-	IND_X( data )\
-	goto ptr##op;\
-case op + 0x0C: /* (ind),y */\
-	goto ptr##op;\
-case op + 0x10: /* zp,X */\
-	data = uint8_t (data + x);\
-case op + 0x00: /* zp */\
-	data = READ_LOW( data );\
-	goto imm##op;\
-case op + 0x14: /* abs,Y */\
-	data += y;\
-	goto ind##op;\
-case op + 0x18: /* abs,X */\
-	data += x;\
-case op + 0x08: /* abs */\
-	ADD_PAGE();\
-	data = READ( data );\
-case op + 0x04: /* imm */\
-// TODO: more efficient way to handle negative branch that wraps PC around
-#define BRANCH( cond )\
-	fint16 offset = (BOOST::int8_t) data;\
-	fuint16 extra_clock = (++pc & 0xFF) + offset;\
-	if ( !(cond) ) goto dec_clock_loop;\
-	pc = BOOST::uint16_t (pc + offset);\
-	s_time += extra_clock >> 8 & 1;\
-	goto loop;\
-// Often-Used
-	case 0xB5: // LDA zp,x
-		a = nz = READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + x) );
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xA5: // LDA zp
-		a = nz = READ_LOW( data );
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD0: // BNE
-		BRANCH( (uint8_t) nz );
-	case 0x20: { // JSR
-		fuint16 temp = pc + 1;
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 1), temp >> 8 );
-		sp = (sp - 2) | 0x100;
-		WRITE_LOW( sp, temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x4C: // JMP abs
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xE8: // INX
-		INC_DEC_XY( x, 1 )
-	case 0x10: // BPL
-		nz = a - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x30: // BMI
-	case 0xF0: // BEQ
-		BRANCH( !(uint8_t) nz );
-	case 0x95: // STA zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x85: // STA zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC8: // INY
-		INC_DEC_XY( y, 1 )
-	case 0xA8: // TAY
-		y  = a;
-		nz = a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x98: // TYA
-		a  = y;
-		nz = y;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xAD:{// LDA abs
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		READ_LIKELY_PPU( addr, nz );
-		a = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x60: // RTS
-		pc = 1 + READ_LOW( sp );
-		pc += 0x100 * READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFF) );
-		sp = (sp - 0xFE) | 0x100;
-		goto loop;
-	{
-		fuint16 addr;
-	case 0x99: // STA abs,Y
-		addr = y + GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( addr <= 0x7FF )
-		{
-			WRITE_LOW( addr, a );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	case 0x8D: // STA abs
-		addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( addr <= 0x7FF )
-		{
-			WRITE_LOW( addr, a );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	case 0x9D: // STA abs,X (slightly more common than STA abs)
-		addr = x + GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( addr <= 0x7FF )
-		{
-			WRITE_LOW( addr, a );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	sta_ptr:
-		WRITE( addr, a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x91: // STA (ind),Y
-		pc++;
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	case 0x81: // STA (ind,X)
-		IND_X( addr )
-		pc++;
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	}
-	case 0xA9: // LDA #imm
-		pc++;
-		a  = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-	// common read instructions
-	{
-		fuint16 addr;
-	case 0xA1: // LDA (ind,X)
-		IND_X( addr )
-		pc++;
-		goto a_nz_read_addr;
-	case 0xB1:// LDA (ind),Y
-		addr = READ_LOW( data ) + y;
-		addr += 0x100 * READ_LOW( (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
-		pc++;
-		a = nz = READ_PROG( addr );
-		if ( (addr ^ 0x8000) <= 0x9FFF )
-			goto loop;
-		goto a_nz_read_addr;
-	case 0xB9: // LDA abs,Y
-		HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( data + y );
-		addr = GET_ADDR() + y;
-		pc += 2;
-		a = nz = READ_PROG( addr );
-		if ( (addr ^ 0x8000) <= 0x9FFF )
-			goto loop;
-		goto a_nz_read_addr;
-	case 0xBD: // LDA abs,X
-		HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( data + x );
-		addr = GET_ADDR() + x;
-		pc += 2;
-		a = nz = READ_PROG( addr );
-		if ( (addr ^ 0x8000) <= 0x9FFF )
-			goto loop;
-	a_nz_read_addr:
-		a = nz = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Branch
-	case 0x50: // BVC
-		BRANCH( !(status & st_v) )
-	case 0x70: // BVS
-		BRANCH( status & st_v )
-	case 0xB0: // BCS
-		BRANCH( c & 0x100 )
-	case 0x90: // BCC
-		BRANCH( !(c & 0x100) )
-// Load/store
-	case 0x94: // STY zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x84: // STY zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, y );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x96: // STX zp,y
-		data = uint8_t (data + y);
-	case 0x86: // STX zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, x );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB6: // LDX zp,y
-		data = uint8_t (data + y);
-	case 0xA6: // LDX zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xA2: // LDX #imm
-		pc++;
-		x = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB4: // LDY zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xA4: // LDY zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xA0: // LDY #imm
-		pc++;
-		y = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBC: // LDY abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0xAC:{// LDY abs
-		unsigned addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
-		pc += 2;
-		y = nz = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xBE: // LDX abs,y
-		data += y;
-	case 0xAE:{// LDX abs
-		unsigned addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
-		pc += 2;
-		x = nz = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	{
-		fuint8 temp;
-	case 0x8C: // STY abs
-		temp = y;
-		goto store_abs;
-	case 0x8E: // STX abs
-		temp = x;
-	store_abs:
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( addr <= 0x7FF )
-		{
-			WRITE_LOW( addr, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		WRITE( addr, temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Compare
-	case 0xEC:{// CPX abs
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc++;
-		data = READ( addr );
-		goto cpx_data;
-	}
-	case 0xE4: // CPX zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xE0: // CPX #imm
-	cpx_data:
-		nz = x - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xCC:{// CPY abs
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc++;
-		data = READ( addr );
-		goto cpy_data;
-	}
-	case 0xC4: // CPY zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xC0: // CPY #imm
-	cpy_data:
-		nz = y - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-// Logical
-		nz = (a &= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-		nz = (a ^= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-		nz = (a |= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2C:{// BIT abs
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		READ_LIKELY_PPU( addr, nz );
-		status |= nz & st_v;
-		if ( a & nz )
-			goto loop;
-		nz <<= 8; // result must be zero, even if N bit is set
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x24: // BIT zp
-		nz = READ_LOW( data );
-		pc++;
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		status |= nz & st_v;
-		if ( a & nz )
-			goto loop;
-		nz <<= 8; // result must be zero, even if N bit is set
-		goto loop;
-// Add/subtract
-	case 0xEB: // unofficial equivalent
-		data ^= 0xFF;
-		goto adc_imm;
-	adc_imm: {
-		fint16 carry = c >> 8 & 1;
-		fint16 ov = (a ^ 0x80) + carry + (BOOST::int8_t) data; // sign-extend
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		status |= ov >> 2 & 0x40;
-		c = nz = a + data + carry;
-		pc++;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Shift/rotate
-	case 0x4A: // LSR A
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x6A: // ROR A
-		nz = c >> 1 & 0x80;
-		c = a << 8;
-		nz |= a >> 1;
-		a = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0A: // ASL A
-		nz = a << 1;
-		c = nz;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2A: { // ROL A
-		nz = a << 1;
-		fint16 temp = c >> 8 & 1;
-		c = nz;
-		nz |= temp;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x5E: // LSR abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0x4E: // LSR abs
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x6E: // ROR abs
-	ror_abs: {
-		ADD_PAGE();
-		int temp = READ( data );
-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) | (temp >> 1);
-		c = temp << 8;
-		goto rotate_common;
-	}
-	case 0x3E: // ROL abs,X
-		data += x;
-		goto rol_abs;
-	case 0x1E: // ASL abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0x0E: // ASL abs
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x2E: // ROL abs
-	rol_abs:
-		ADD_PAGE();
-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
-		nz |= (c = READ( data ) << 1);
-	rotate_common:
-		pc++;
-		WRITE( data, (uint8_t) nz );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x7E: // ROR abs,X
-		data += x;
-		goto ror_abs;
-	case 0x76: // ROR zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-		goto ror_zp;
-	case 0x56: // LSR zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x46: // LSR zp
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x66: // ROR zp
-	ror_zp: {
-		int temp = READ_LOW( data );
-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) | (temp >> 1);
-		c = temp << 8;
-		goto write_nz_zp;
-	}
-	case 0x36: // ROL zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-		goto rol_zp;
-	case 0x16: // ASL zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x06: // ASL zp
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x26: // ROL zp
-	rol_zp:
-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
-		nz |= (c = READ_LOW( data ) << 1);
-		goto write_nz_zp;
-// Increment/decrement
-	case 0xCA: // DEX
-		INC_DEC_XY( x, -1 )
-	case 0x88: // DEY
-		INC_DEC_XY( y, -1 )
-	case 0xF6: // INC zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xE6: // INC zp
-		nz = 1;
-		goto add_nz_zp;
-	case 0xD6: // DEC zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xC6: // DEC zp
-		nz = (unsigned) -1;
-	add_nz_zp:
-		nz += READ_LOW( data );
-	write_nz_zp:
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, nz );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFE: // INC abs,x
-		data = x + GET_ADDR();
-		goto inc_ptr;
-	case 0xEE: // INC abs
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-	inc_ptr:
-		nz = 1;
-		goto inc_common;
-	case 0xDE: // DEC abs,x
-		data = x + GET_ADDR();
-		goto dec_ptr;
-	case 0xCE: // DEC abs
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-	dec_ptr:
-		nz = (unsigned) -1;
-	inc_common:
-		nz += READ( data );
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE( data, (uint8_t) nz );
-		goto loop;
-// Transfer
-	case 0xAA: // TAX
-		x  = a;
-		nz = a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x8A: // TXA
-		a  = x;
-		nz = x;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x9A: // TXS
-		SET_SP( x ); // verified (no flag change)
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBA: // TSX
-		x = nz = GET_SP();
-		goto loop;
-// Stack
-	case 0x48: // PHA
-		PUSH( a ); // verified
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x68: // PLA
-		a = nz = READ_LOW( sp );
-		sp = (sp - 0xFF) | 0x100;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x40:{// RTI
-		fuint8 temp = READ_LOW( sp );
-		pc  = READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFF) );
-		pc |= READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFE) ) * 0x100;
-		sp = (sp - 0xFD) | 0x100;
-		data = status;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-		if ( !((data ^ status) & st_i) ) goto loop; // I flag didn't change
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - irq_time_;
-		if ( delta <= 0 ) goto loop;
-		if ( status & st_i ) goto loop;
-		s_time += delta;
-		s.base = irq_time_;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x28:{// PLP
-		fuint8 temp = READ_LOW( sp );
-		sp = (sp - 0xFF) | 0x100;
-		fuint8 changed = status ^ temp;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-		if ( !(changed & st_i) )
-			goto loop; // I flag didn't change
-		if ( status & st_i )
-			goto handle_sei;
-		goto handle_cli;
-	}
-	case 0x08: { // PHP
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		PUSH( temp | (st_b | st_r) );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x6C:{// JMP (ind)
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-		check( unsigned (data - 0x2000) >= 0x4000 ); // ensure it's outside I/O space
-		uint8_t const* page = s.code_map [data >> page_bits];
-		pc = page [PAGE_OFFSET( data )];
-		data = (data & 0xFF00) | ((data + 1) & 0xFF);
-		pc |= page [PAGE_OFFSET( data )] << 8;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x00: // BRK
-		goto handle_brk;
-// Flags
-	case 0x38: // SEC
-		c = (unsigned) ~0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x18: // CLC
-		c = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB8: // CLV
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD8: // CLD
-		status &= ~st_d;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF8: // SED
-		status |= st_d;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x58: // CLI
-		if ( !(status & st_i) )
-			goto loop;
-		status &= ~st_i;
-	handle_cli: {
-		//debug_printf( "CLI at %d\n", TIME );
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - irq_time_;
-		if ( delta <= 0 )
-		{
-			if ( TIME < irq_time_ )
-				goto loop;
-			goto delayed_cli;
-		}
-		s.base = irq_time_;
-		s_time += delta;
-		if ( s_time < 0 )
-			goto loop;
-		if ( delta >= s_time + 1 )
-		{
-			s.base += s_time + 1;
-			s_time = -1;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		// TODO: implement
-	delayed_cli:
-		debug_printf( "Delayed CLI not emulated\n" );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x78: // SEI
-		if ( status & st_i )
-			goto loop;
-		status |= st_i;
-	handle_sei: {
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - end_time_;
-		s.base = end_time_;
-		s_time += delta;
-		if ( s_time < 0 )
-			goto loop;
-		debug_printf( "Delayed SEI not emulated\n" );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Unofficial
-	// SKW - Skip word
-	case 0x1C: case 0x3C: case 0x5C: case 0x7C: case 0xDC: case 0xFC:
-		HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( data + x );
-	case 0x0C:
-		pc++;
-	// SKB - Skip byte
-	case 0x74: case 0x04: case 0x14: case 0x34: case 0x44: case 0x54: case 0x64:
-	case 0x80: case 0x82: case 0x89: case 0xC2: case 0xD4: case 0xE2: case 0xF4:
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	// NOP
-	case 0xEA: case 0x1A: case 0x3A: case 0x5A: case 0x7A: case 0xDA: case 0xFA:
-		goto loop;
-	case bad_opcode: // HLT
-		pc--;
-		if ( pc > 0xFFFF )
-		{
-			// handle wrap-around (assumes caller has put page of HLT at 0x10000)
-			pc &= 0xFFFF;
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	case 0x02: case 0x12: case 0x22: case 0x32: case 0x42: case 0x52:
-	case 0x62: case 0x72: case 0x92: case 0xB2: case 0xD2:
-		goto stop;
-// Unimplemented
-	case 0xFF: // force 256-entry jump table for optimization purposes
-		c |= 1;
-	default:
-		check( (unsigned) opcode <= 0xFF );
-		// skip over proper number of bytes
-		static unsigned char const illop_lens [8] = {
-			0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40, 0x80, 0xA0
-		};
-		fuint8 opcode = instr [-1];
-		fint16 len = illop_lens [opcode >> 2 & 7] >> (opcode << 1 & 6) & 3;
-		if ( opcode == 0x9C )
-			len = 2;
-		pc += len;
-		error_count_++;
-		if ( (opcode >> 4) == 0x0B )
-		{
-			if ( opcode == 0xB3 )
-				data = READ_LOW( data );
-			if ( opcode != 0xB7 )
-				HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( data + y );
-		}
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	assert( false );
-	int result_;
-	pc++;
-	result_ = 4;
-	{
-		s_time += 7;
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 1), pc >> 8 );
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 2), pc );
-		pc = GET_LE16( &READ_PROG( 0xFFFA ) + result_ );
-		sp = (sp - 3) | 0x100;
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		temp |= st_r;
-		if ( result_ )
-			temp |= st_b; // TODO: incorrectly sets B flag for IRQ
-		WRITE_LOW( sp, temp );
-		this->r.status = status |= st_i;
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - end_time_;
-		if ( delta >= 0 ) goto loop;
-		s_time += delta;
-		s.base = end_time_;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	pc--;
-	CPU_DONE( this, TIME, result_ );
-	if ( result_ >= 0 )
-		goto interrupt;
-	if ( s_time < 0 )
-		goto loop;
-	s.time = s_time;
-	r.pc = pc;
-	r.sp = GET_SP();
-	r.a = a;
-	r.x = x;
-	r.y = y;
-	{
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		r.status = temp;
-	}
-	this->state_ = s;
-	this->state = &this->state_;
-	return s_time < 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Cpu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Cpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c139e069ff1d032278f37d2b5d91eb325ba3d9e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Cpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// NES 6502 CPU emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef NES_CPU_H
-#define NES_CPU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-typedef blargg_long nes_time_t; // clock cycle count
-typedef unsigned nes_addr_t; // 16-bit address
-enum { future_nes_time = INT_MAX / 2 + 1 };
-class Nes_Cpu {
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t uint8_t;
-	// Clear registers, map low memory and its three mirrors to address 0,
-	// and mirror unmapped_page in remaining memory
-	void reset( void const* unmapped_page = 0 );
-	// Map code memory (memory accessed via the program counter). Start and size
-	// must be multiple of page_size. If mirror is true, repeats code page
-	// throughout address range.
-	enum { page_size = 0x800 };
-	void map_code( nes_addr_t start, unsigned size, void const* code, bool mirror = false );
-	// Access emulated memory as CPU does
-	uint8_t const* get_code( nes_addr_t );
-	// 2KB of RAM at address 0
-	uint8_t low_mem [0x800];
-	// NES 6502 registers. Not kept updated during a call to run().
-	struct registers_t {
-		BOOST::uint16_t pc;
-		BOOST::uint8_t a;
-		BOOST::uint8_t x;
-		BOOST::uint8_t y;
-		BOOST::uint8_t status;
-		BOOST::uint8_t sp;
-	};
-	registers_t r;
-	// Set end_time and run CPU from current time. Returns true if execution
-	// stopped due to encountering bad_opcode.
-	bool run( nes_time_t end_time );
-	// Time of beginning of next instruction to be executed
-	nes_time_t time() const             { return state->time + state->base; }
-	void set_time( nes_time_t t )       { state->time = t - state->base; }
-	void adjust_time( int delta )       { state->time += delta; }
-	nes_time_t irq_time() const         { return irq_time_; }
-	void set_irq_time( nes_time_t );
-	nes_time_t end_time() const         { return end_time_; }
-	void set_end_time( nes_time_t );
-	// Number of undefined instructions encountered and skipped
-	void clear_error_count()            { error_count_ = 0; }
-	unsigned long error_count() const   { return error_count_; }
-	// CPU invokes bad opcode handler if it encounters this
-	enum { bad_opcode = 0xF2 };
-	Nes_Cpu() { state = &state_; }
-	enum { page_bits = 11 };
-	enum { page_count = 0x10000 >> page_bits };
-	enum { irq_inhibit = 0x04 };
-	struct state_t {
-		uint8_t const* code_map [page_count + 1];
-		nes_time_t base;
-		int time;
-	};
-	state_t* state; // points to state_ or a local copy within run()
-	state_t state_;
-	nes_time_t irq_time_;
-	nes_time_t end_time_;
-	unsigned long error_count_;
-	void set_code_page( int, void const* );
-	inline int update_end_time( nes_time_t end, nes_time_t irq );
-inline BOOST::uint8_t const* Nes_Cpu::get_code( nes_addr_t addr )
-	return state->code_map [addr >> page_bits] + addr
-		% (unsigned) page_size
-	#endif
-	;
-inline int Nes_Cpu::update_end_time( nes_time_t t, nes_time_t irq )
-	if ( irq < t && !(r.status & irq_inhibit) ) t = irq;
-	int delta = state->base - t;
-	state->base = t;
-	return delta;
-inline void Nes_Cpu::set_irq_time( nes_time_t t )
-	state->time += update_end_time( end_time_, (irq_time_ = t) );
-inline void Nes_Cpu::set_end_time( nes_time_t t )
-	state->time += update_end_time( (end_time_ = t), irq_time_ );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Fme7_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Fme7_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bc8ca7f480e3f400e07ce0c220a54391684cc5ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Fme7_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Nes_Fme7_Apu.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-void Nes_Fme7_Apu::reset()
-	last_time = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		oscs [i].last_amp = 0;
-	fme7_apu_state_t* state = this;
-	memset( state, 0, sizeof *state );
-unsigned char const Nes_Fme7_Apu::amp_table [16] =
-	#define ENTRY( n ) (unsigned char) (n * amp_range + 0.5)
-	ENTRY(0.0000), ENTRY(0.0078), ENTRY(0.0110), ENTRY(0.0156),
-	ENTRY(0.0221), ENTRY(0.0312), ENTRY(0.0441), ENTRY(0.0624),
-	ENTRY(0.0883), ENTRY(0.1249), ENTRY(0.1766), ENTRY(0.2498),
-	ENTRY(0.3534), ENTRY(0.4998), ENTRY(0.7070), ENTRY(1.0000)
-	#undef ENTRY
-void Nes_Fme7_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t end_time )
-	require( end_time >= last_time );
-	for ( int index = 0; index < osc_count; index++ )
-	{
-		int mode = regs [7] >> index;
-		int vol_mode = regs [010 + index];
-		int volume = amp_table [vol_mode & 0x0F];
-		Blip_Buffer* const osc_output = oscs [index].output;
-		if ( !osc_output )
-			continue;
-		osc_output->set_modified();
-		// check for unsupported mode
-		#ifndef NDEBUG
-			if ( (mode & 011) <= 001 && vol_mode & 0x1F )
-				debug_printf( "FME7 used unimplemented sound mode: %02X, vol_mode: %02X\n",
-						mode, vol_mode & 0x1F );
-		#endif
-		if ( (mode & 001) | (vol_mode & 0x10) )
-			volume = 0; // noise and envelope aren't supported
-		// period
-		int const period_factor = 16;
-		unsigned period = (regs [index * 2 + 1] & 0x0F) * 0x100 * period_factor +
-				regs [index * 2] * period_factor;
-		if ( period < 50 ) // around 22 kHz
-		{
-			volume = 0;
-			if ( !period ) // on my AY-3-8910A, period doesn't have extra one added
-				period = period_factor;
-		}
-		// current amplitude
-		int amp = volume;
-		if ( !phases [index] )
-			amp = 0;
-		{
-			int delta = amp - oscs [index].last_amp;
-			if ( delta )
-			{
-				oscs [index].last_amp = amp;
-				synth.offset( last_time, delta, osc_output );
-			}
-		}
-		blip_time_t time = last_time + delays [index];
-		if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			int delta = amp * 2 - volume;
-			if ( volume )
-			{
-				do
-				{
-					delta = -delta;
-					synth.offset_inline( time, delta, osc_output );
-					time += period;
-				}
-				while ( time < end_time );
-				oscs [index].last_amp = (delta + volume) >> 1;
-				phases [index] = (delta > 0);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// maintain phase when silent
-				int count = (end_time - time + period - 1) / period;
-				phases [index] ^= count & 1;
-				time += (blargg_long) count * period;
-			}
-		}
-		delays [index] = time - end_time;
-	}
-	last_time = end_time;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9069bd06a29171d575add1d6c904607aea332435..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Fme7_Apu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-// Sunsoft FME-7 sound emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef NES_FME7_APU_H
-#define NES_FME7_APU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-struct fme7_apu_state_t
-	enum { reg_count = 14 };
-	BOOST::uint8_t regs [reg_count];
-	BOOST::uint8_t phases [3]; // 0 or 1
-	BOOST::uint8_t latch;
-	BOOST::uint16_t delays [3]; // a, b, c
-class Nes_Fme7_Apu : private fme7_apu_state_t {
-	// See Nes_Apu.h for reference
-	void reset();
-	void volume( double );
-	void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* );
-	enum { osc_count = 3 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	void save_state( fme7_apu_state_t* ) const;
-	void load_state( fme7_apu_state_t const& );
-	// Mask and addresses of registers
-	enum { addr_mask = 0xE000 };
-	enum { data_addr = 0xE000 };
-	enum { latch_addr = 0xC000 };
-	// (addr & addr_mask) == latch_addr
-	void write_latch( int );
-	// (addr & addr_mask) == data_addr
-	void write_data( blip_time_t, int data );
-	Nes_Fme7_Apu();
-	// noncopyable
-	Nes_Fme7_Apu( const Nes_Fme7_Apu& );
-	Nes_Fme7_Apu& operator = ( const Nes_Fme7_Apu& );
-	static unsigned char const amp_table [16];
-	struct {
-		Blip_Buffer* output;
-		int last_amp;
-	} oscs [osc_count];
-	blip_time_t last_time;
-	enum { amp_range = 192 }; // can be any value; this gives best error/quality tradeoff
-	Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> synth;
-	void run_until( blip_time_t );
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::volume( double v )
-	synth.volume( 0.38 / amp_range * v ); // to do: fine-tune
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	synth.treble_eq( eq );
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	assert( (unsigned) i < osc_count );
-	oscs [i].output = buf;
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		osc_output( i, buf );
-inline Nes_Fme7_Apu::Nes_Fme7_Apu()
-	output( NULL );
-	volume( 1.0 );
-	reset();
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::write_latch( int data ) { latch = data; }
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::write_data( blip_time_t time, int data )
-	if ( (unsigned) latch >= reg_count )
-	{
-		#ifdef debug_printf
-			debug_printf( "FME7 write to %02X (past end of sound registers)\n", (int) latch );
-		#endif
-		return;
-	}
-	run_until( time );
-	regs [latch] = data;
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t time )
-	if ( time > last_time )
-		run_until( time );
-	assert( last_time >= time );
-	last_time -= time;
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::save_state( fme7_apu_state_t* out ) const
-	*out = *this;
-inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::load_state( fme7_apu_state_t const& in )
-	reset();
-	fme7_apu_state_t* state = this;
-	*state = in;
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index f3235b3836929080e39f449e52cd3c1f7be393a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Namco_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.8. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Nes_Namco_Apu.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-	output( NULL );
-	volume( 1.0 );
-	reset();
-void Nes_Namco_Apu::reset()
-	last_time = 0;
-	addr_reg = 0;
-	int i;
-	for ( i = 0; i < reg_count; i++ )
-		reg [i] = 0;
-	for ( i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Namco_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
-		osc.delay = 0;
-		osc.last_amp = 0;
-		osc.wave_pos = 0;
-	}
-void Nes_Namco_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		osc_output( i, buf );
-void Nes_Namco_Apu::reflect_state( Tagged_Data& data )
-	reflect_int16( data, BLARGG_4CHAR('A','D','D','R'), &addr_reg );
-	static const char hex [17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
-	int i;
-	for ( i = 0; i < reg_count; i++ )
-		reflect_int16( data, 'RG\0\0' + hex [i >> 4] * 0x100 + hex [i & 15], &reg [i] );
-	for ( i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		reflect_int32( data, BLARGG_4CHAR('D','L','Y','0') + i, &oscs [i].delay );
-		reflect_int16( data, BLARGG_4CHAR('P','O','S','0') + i, &oscs [i].wave_pos );
-	}
-void Nes_Namco_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t time )
-	if ( time > last_time )
-		run_until( time );
-	assert( last_time >= time );
-	last_time -= time;
-void Nes_Namco_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t nes_end_time )
-	int active_oscs = (reg [0x7F] >> 4 & 7) + 1;
-	for ( int i = osc_count - active_oscs; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Namco_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
-		Blip_Buffer* output = osc.output;
-		if ( !output )
-			continue;
-		output->set_modified();
-		blip_resampled_time_t time =
-				output->resampled_time( last_time ) + osc.delay;
-		blip_resampled_time_t end_time = output->resampled_time( nes_end_time );
-		osc.delay = 0;
-		if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			const BOOST::uint8_t* osc_reg = &reg [i * 8 + 0x40];
-			if ( !(osc_reg [4] & 0xE0) )
-				continue;
-			int volume = osc_reg [7] & 15;
-			if ( !volume )
-				continue;
-			blargg_long freq = (osc_reg [4] & 3) * 0x10000 + osc_reg [2] * 0x100L + osc_reg [0];
-			if ( freq < 64 * active_oscs )
-				continue; // prevent low frequencies from excessively delaying freq changes
-			blip_resampled_time_t period =
-					output->resampled_duration( 983040 ) / freq * active_oscs;
-			int wave_size = 32 - (osc_reg [4] >> 2 & 7) * 4;
-			if ( !wave_size )
-				continue;
-			int last_amp = osc.last_amp;
-			int wave_pos = osc.wave_pos;
-			do
-			{
-				// read wave sample
-				int addr = wave_pos + osc_reg [6];
-				int sample = reg [addr >> 1] >> (addr << 2 & 4);
-				wave_pos++;
-				sample = (sample & 15) * volume;
-				// output impulse if amplitude changed
-				int delta = sample - last_amp;
-				if ( delta )
-				{
-					last_amp = sample;
-					synth.offset_resampled( time, delta, output );
-				}
-				// next sample
-				time += period;
-				if ( wave_pos >= wave_size )
-					wave_pos = 0;
-			}
-			while ( time < end_time );
-			osc.wave_pos = wave_pos;
-			osc.last_amp = last_amp;
-		}
-		osc.delay = time - end_time;
-	}
-	last_time = nes_end_time;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Namco_Apu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Namco_Apu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index db5fea4bf449382f89b9bbefb34ee4ed13ef1775..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Namco_Apu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// Namco 106 sound chip emulator
-// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.8
-#ifndef NES_NAMCO_APU_H
-#define NES_NAMCO_APU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-struct namco_state_t;
-class Nes_Namco_Apu {
-	// See Nes_Apu.h for reference.
-	void volume( double );
-	void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& );
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* );
-	enum { osc_count = 8 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void reset();
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	// Read/write data register is at 0x4800
-	enum { data_reg_addr = 0x4800 };
-	void write_data( blip_time_t, int );
-	int read_data();
-	// Write-only address register is at 0xF800
-	enum { addr_reg_addr = 0xF800 };
-	void write_addr( int );
-	// to do: implement save/restore
-	void save_state( namco_state_t* out ) const;
-	void load_state( namco_state_t const& );
-	Nes_Namco_Apu();
-	// noncopyable
-	Nes_Namco_Apu( const Nes_Namco_Apu& );
-	Nes_Namco_Apu& operator = ( const Nes_Namco_Apu& );
-	struct Namco_Osc {
-		blargg_long delay;
-		Blip_Buffer* output;
-		short last_amp;
-		short wave_pos;
-	};
-	Namco_Osc oscs [osc_count];
-	blip_time_t last_time;
-	int addr_reg;
-	enum { reg_count = 0x80 };
-	BOOST::uint8_t reg [reg_count];
-	Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,15> synth;
-	BOOST::uint8_t& access();
-	void run_until( blip_time_t );
-struct namco_state_t
-	BOOST::uint8_t regs [0x80];
-	BOOST::uint8_t addr;
-	BOOST::uint8_t unused;
-	BOOST::uint8_t positions [8];
-	BOOST::uint32_t delays [8];
-inline BOOST::uint8_t& Nes_Namco_Apu::access()
-	int addr = addr_reg & 0x7F;
-	if ( addr_reg & 0x80 )
-		addr_reg = (addr + 1) | 0x80;
-	return reg [addr];
-inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::volume( double v ) { synth.volume( 0.10 / osc_count * v ); }
-inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq ) { synth.treble_eq( eq ); }
-inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::write_addr( int v ) { addr_reg = v; }
-inline int Nes_Namco_Apu::read_data() { return access(); }
-inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	assert( (unsigned) i < osc_count );
-	oscs [i].output = buf;
-inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::write_data( blip_time_t time, int data )
-	run_until( time );
-	access() = data;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Oscs.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Oscs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ad3f59c013af21472089cb0a5f6969986b23170..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Oscs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
-// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.8. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Nes_Apu.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// Nes_Osc
-void Nes_Osc::clock_length( int halt_mask )
-	if ( length_counter && !(regs [0] & halt_mask) )
-		length_counter--;
-void Nes_Envelope::clock_envelope()
-	int period = regs [0] & 15;
-	if ( reg_written [3] ) {
-		reg_written [3] = false;
-		env_delay = period;
-		envelope = 15;
-	}
-	else if ( --env_delay < 0 ) {
-		env_delay = period;
-		if ( envelope | (regs [0] & 0x20) )
-			envelope = (envelope - 1) & 15;
-	}
-int Nes_Envelope::volume() const
-	return length_counter == 0 ? 0 : (regs [0] & 0x10) ? (regs [0] & 15) : envelope;
-// Nes_Square
-void Nes_Square::clock_sweep( int negative_adjust )
-	int sweep = regs [1];
-	if ( --sweep_delay < 0 )
-	{
-		reg_written [1] = true;
-		int period = this->period();
-		int shift = sweep & shift_mask;
-		if ( shift && (sweep & 0x80) && period >= 8 )
-		{
-			int offset = period >> shift;
-			if ( sweep & negate_flag )
-				offset = negative_adjust - offset;
-			if ( period + offset < 0x800 )
-			{
-				period += offset;
-				// rewrite period
-				regs [2] = period & 0xFF;
-				regs [3] = (regs [3] & ~7) | ((period >> 8) & 7);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ( reg_written [1] ) {
-		reg_written [1] = false;
-		sweep_delay = (sweep >> 4) & 7;
-	}
-// TODO: clean up
-inline nes_time_t Nes_Square::maintain_phase( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time,
-		nes_time_t timer_period )
-	nes_time_t remain = end_time - time;
-	if ( remain > 0 )
-	{
-		int count = (remain + timer_period - 1) / timer_period;
-		phase = (phase + count) & (phase_range - 1);
-		time += (blargg_long) count * timer_period;
-	}
-	return time;
-void Nes_Square::run( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time )
-	const int period = this->period();
-	const int timer_period = (period + 1) * 2;
-	if ( !output )
-	{
-		delay = maintain_phase( time + delay, end_time, timer_period ) - end_time;
-		return;
-	}
-	output->set_modified();
-	int offset = period >> (regs [1] & shift_mask);
-	if ( regs [1] & negate_flag )
-		offset = 0;
-	const int volume = this->volume();
-	if ( volume == 0 || period < 8 || (period + offset) >= 0x800 )
-	{
-		if ( last_amp ) {
-			synth.offset( time, -last_amp, output );
-			last_amp = 0;
-		}
-		time += delay;
-		time = maintain_phase( time, end_time, timer_period );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// handle duty select
-		int duty_select = (regs [0] >> 6) & 3;
-		int duty = 1 << duty_select; // 1, 2, 4, 2
-		int amp = 0;
-		if ( duty_select == 3 ) {
-			duty = 2; // negated 25%
-			amp = volume;
-		}
-		if ( phase < duty )
-			amp ^= volume;
-		{
-			int delta = update_amp( amp );
-			if ( delta )
-				synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-		}
-		time += delay;
-		if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-			const Synth& synth = this->synth;
-			int delta = amp * 2 - volume;
-			int phase = this->phase;
-			do {
-				phase = (phase + 1) & (phase_range - 1);
-				if ( phase == 0 || phase == duty ) {
-					delta = -delta;
-					synth.offset_inline( time, delta, output );
-				}
-				time += timer_period;
-			}
-			while ( time < end_time );
-			last_amp = (delta + volume) >> 1;
-			this->phase = phase;
-		}
-	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
-// Nes_Triangle
-void Nes_Triangle::clock_linear_counter()
-	if ( reg_written [3] )
-		linear_counter = regs [0] & 0x7F;
-	else if ( linear_counter )
-		linear_counter--;
-	if ( !(regs [0] & 0x80) )
-		reg_written [3] = false;
-inline int Nes_Triangle::calc_amp() const
-	int amp = phase_range - phase;
-	if ( amp < 0 )
-		amp = phase - (phase_range + 1);
-	return amp;
-// TODO: clean up
-inline nes_time_t Nes_Triangle::maintain_phase( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time,
-		nes_time_t timer_period )
-	nes_time_t remain = end_time - time;
-	if ( remain > 0 )
-	{
-		int count = (remain + timer_period - 1) / timer_period;
-		phase = ((unsigned) phase + 1 - count) & (phase_range * 2 - 1);
-		phase++;
-		time += (blargg_long) count * timer_period;
-	}
-	return time;
-void Nes_Triangle::run( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time )
-	const int timer_period = period() + 1;
-	if ( !output )
-	{
-		time += delay;
-		delay = 0;
-		if ( length_counter && linear_counter && timer_period >= 3 )
-			delay = maintain_phase( time, end_time, timer_period ) - end_time;
-		return;
-	}
-	output->set_modified();
-	// to do: track phase when period < 3
-	// to do: Output 7.5 on dac when period < 2? More accurate, but results in more clicks.
-	int delta = update_amp( calc_amp() );
-	if ( delta )
-		synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-	time += delay;
-	if ( length_counter == 0 || linear_counter == 0 || timer_period < 3 )
-	{
-		time = end_time;
-	}
-	else if ( time < end_time )
-	{
-		Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-		int phase = this->phase;
-		int volume = 1;
-		if ( phase > phase_range ) {
-			phase -= phase_range;
-			volume = -volume;
-		}
-		do {
-			if ( --phase == 0 ) {
-				phase = phase_range;
-				volume = -volume;
-			}
-			else {
-				synth.offset_inline( time, volume, output );
-			}
-			time += timer_period;
-		}
-		while ( time < end_time );
-		if ( volume < 0 )
-			phase += phase_range;
-		this->phase = phase;
-		last_amp = calc_amp();
- 	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
-// Nes_Dmc
-void Nes_Dmc::reset()
-	address = 0;
-	dac = 0;
-	buf = 0;
-	bits_remain = 1;
-	bits = 0;
-	buf_full = false;
-	silence = true;
-	next_irq = Nes_Apu::no_irq;
-	irq_flag = false;
-	irq_enabled = false;
-	Nes_Osc::reset();
-	period = 0x1AC;
-void Nes_Dmc::recalc_irq()
-	nes_time_t irq = Nes_Apu::no_irq;
-	if ( irq_enabled && length_counter )
-		irq = apu->last_dmc_time + delay +
-				((length_counter - 1) * 8 + bits_remain - 1) * nes_time_t (period) + 1;
-	if ( irq != next_irq ) {
-		next_irq = irq;
-		apu->irq_changed();
-	}
-int Nes_Dmc::count_reads( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t* last_read ) const
-	if ( last_read )
-		*last_read = time;
-	if ( length_counter == 0 )
-		return 0; // not reading
-	nes_time_t first_read = next_read_time();
-	nes_time_t avail = time - first_read;
-	if ( avail <= 0 )
-		return 0;
-	int count = (avail - 1) / (period * 8) + 1;
-	if ( !(regs [0] & loop_flag) && count > length_counter )
-		count = length_counter;
-	if ( last_read )
-	{
-		*last_read = first_read + (count - 1) * (period * 8) + 1;
-		check( *last_read <= time );
-		check( count == count_reads( *last_read, NULL ) );
-		check( count - 1 == count_reads( *last_read - 1, NULL ) );
-	}
-	return count;
-static short const dmc_period_table [2] [16] = {
-	{428, 380, 340, 320, 286, 254, 226, 214, // NTSC
-	190, 160, 142, 128, 106,  84,  72,  54},
-	{398, 354, 316, 298, 276, 236, 210, 198, // PAL
-	176, 148, 132, 118,  98,  78,  66,  50}
-inline void Nes_Dmc::reload_sample()
-	address = 0x4000 + regs [2] * 0x40;
-	length_counter = regs [3] * 0x10 + 1;
-static byte const dac_table [128] =
-	 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,
-	15,15,16,17,18,19,20,20,21,22,23,24,24,25,26,27,
-	27,28,29,30,31,31,32,33,33,34,35,36,36,37,38,38,
-	39,40,41,41,42,43,43,44,45,45,46,47,47,48,48,49,
-	50,50,51,52,52,53,53,54,55,55,56,56,57,58,58,59,
-	59,60,60,61,61,62,63,63,64,64,65,65,66,66,67,67,
-	68,68,69,70,70,71,71,72,72,73,73,74,74,75,75,75,
-	76,76,77,77,78,78,79,79,80,80,81,81,82,82,82,83,
-void Nes_Dmc::write_register( int addr, int data )
-	if ( addr == 0 )
-	{
-		period = dmc_period_table [pal_mode] [data & 15];
-		irq_enabled = (data & 0xC0) == 0x80; // enabled only if loop disabled
-		irq_flag &= irq_enabled;
-		recalc_irq();
-	}
-	else if ( addr == 1 )
-	{
-		int old_dac = dac;
-		dac = data & 0x7F;
-		// adjust last_amp so that "pop" amplitude will be properly non-linear
-		// with respect to change in dac
-		int faked_nonlinear = dac - (dac_table [dac] - dac_table [old_dac]);
-		if ( !nonlinear )
-			last_amp = faked_nonlinear;
-	}
-void Nes_Dmc::start()
-	reload_sample();
-	fill_buffer();
-	recalc_irq();
-void Nes_Dmc::fill_buffer()
-	if ( !buf_full && length_counter )
-	{
-		require( prg_reader ); // prg_reader must be set
-		buf = prg_reader( prg_reader_data, 0x8000u + address );
-		address = (address + 1) & 0x7FFF;
-		buf_full = true;
-		if ( --length_counter == 0 )
-		{
-			if ( regs [0] & loop_flag ) {
-				reload_sample();
-			}
-			else {
-				apu->osc_enables &= ~0x10;
-				irq_flag = irq_enabled;
-				next_irq = Nes_Apu::no_irq;
-				apu->irq_changed();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void Nes_Dmc::run( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time )
-	int delta = update_amp( dac );
-	if ( !output )
-	{
-		silence = true;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		output->set_modified();
-		if ( delta )
-			synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-	}
-	time += delay;
-	if ( time < end_time )
-	{
-		int bits_remain = this->bits_remain;
-		if ( silence && !buf_full )
-		{
-			int count = (end_time - time + period - 1) / period;
-			bits_remain = (bits_remain - 1 + 8 - (count % 8)) % 8 + 1;
-			time += count * period;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-			const int period = this->period;
-			int bits = this->bits;
-			int dac = this->dac;
-			do
-			{
-				if ( !silence )
-				{
-					int step = (bits & 1) * 4 - 2;
-					bits >>= 1;
-					if ( unsigned (dac + step) <= 0x7F ) {
-						dac += step;
-						synth.offset_inline( time, step, output );
-					}
-				}
-				time += period;
-				if ( --bits_remain == 0 )
-				{
-					bits_remain = 8;
-					if ( !buf_full ) {
-						silence = true;
-					}
-					else {
-						silence = false;
-						bits = buf;
-						buf_full = false;
-						if ( !output )
-							silence = true;
-						fill_buffer();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			while ( time < end_time );
-			this->dac = dac;
-			this->last_amp = dac;
-			this->bits = bits;
-		}
-		this->bits_remain = bits_remain;
-	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
-// Nes_Noise
-static short const noise_period_table [16] = {
-	0x004, 0x008, 0x010, 0x020, 0x040, 0x060, 0x080, 0x0A0,
-	0x0CA, 0x0FE, 0x17C, 0x1FC, 0x2FA, 0x3F8, 0x7F2, 0xFE4
-void Nes_Noise::run( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time )
-	int period = noise_period_table [regs [2] & 15];
-	if ( !output )
-	{
-		// TODO: clean up
-		time += delay;
-		delay = time + (end_time - time + period - 1) / period * period - end_time;
-		return;
-	}
-	output->set_modified();
-	const int volume = this->volume();
-	int amp = (noise & 1) ? volume : 0;
-	{
-		int delta = update_amp( amp );
-		if ( delta )
-			synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-	}
-	time += delay;
-	if ( time < end_time )
-	{
-		const int mode_flag = 0x80;
-		if ( !volume )
-		{
-			// round to next multiple of period
-			time += (end_time - time + period - 1) / period * period;
-			// approximate noise cycling while muted, by shuffling up noise register
-			// to do: precise muted noise cycling?
-			if ( !(regs [2] & mode_flag) ) {
-				int feedback = (noise << 13) ^ (noise << 14);
-				noise = (feedback & 0x4000) | (noise >> 1);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-			// using resampled time avoids conversion in synth.offset()
-			blip_resampled_time_t rperiod = output->resampled_duration( period );
-			blip_resampled_time_t rtime = output->resampled_time( time );
-			int noise = this->noise;
-			int delta = amp * 2 - volume;
-			const int tap = (regs [2] & mode_flag ? 8 : 13);
-			do {
-				int feedback = (noise << tap) ^ (noise << 14);
-				time += period;
-				if ( (noise + 1) & 2 ) {
-					// bits 0 and 1 of noise differ
-					delta = -delta;
-					synth.offset_resampled( rtime, delta, output );
-				}
-				rtime += rperiod;
-				noise = (feedback & 0x4000) | (noise >> 1);
-			}
-			while ( time < end_time );
-			last_amp = (delta + volume) >> 1;
-			this->noise = noise;
-		}
-	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Oscs.h b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Oscs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b675bfb47641593d6afcaac55571564eb72c320a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Oscs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// Private oscillators used by Nes_Apu
-// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.8
-#ifndef NES_OSCS_H
-#define NES_OSCS_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-class Nes_Apu;
-struct Nes_Osc
-	unsigned char regs [4];
-	bool reg_written [4];
-	Blip_Buffer* output;
-	int length_counter;// length counter (0 if unused by oscillator)
-	int delay;      // delay until next (potential) transition
-	int last_amp;   // last amplitude oscillator was outputting
-	void clock_length( int halt_mask );
-	int period() const {
-		return (regs [3] & 7) * 0x100 + (regs [2] & 0xFF);
-	}
-	void reset() {
-		delay = 0;
-		last_amp = 0;
-	}
-	int update_amp( int amp ) {
-		int delta = amp - last_amp;
-		last_amp = amp;
-		return delta;
-	}
-struct Nes_Envelope : Nes_Osc
-	int envelope;
-	int env_delay;
-	void clock_envelope();
-	int volume() const;
-	void reset() {
-		envelope = 0;
-		env_delay = 0;
-		Nes_Osc::reset();
-	}
-// Nes_Square
-struct Nes_Square : Nes_Envelope
-	enum { negate_flag = 0x08 };
-	enum { shift_mask = 0x07 };
-	enum { phase_range = 8 };
-	int phase;
-	int sweep_delay;
-	typedef Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> Synth;
-	Synth const& synth; // shared between squares
-	Nes_Square( Synth const* s ) : synth( *s ) { }
-	void clock_sweep( int adjust );
-	void run( nes_time_t, nes_time_t );
-	void reset() {
-		sweep_delay = 0;
-		Nes_Envelope::reset();
-	}
-	nes_time_t maintain_phase( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time,
-			nes_time_t timer_period );
-// Nes_Triangle
-struct Nes_Triangle : Nes_Osc
-	enum { phase_range = 16 };
-	int phase;
-	int linear_counter;
-	Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> synth;
-	int calc_amp() const;
-	void run( nes_time_t, nes_time_t );
-	void clock_linear_counter();
-	void reset() {
-		linear_counter = 0;
-		phase = 1;
-		Nes_Osc::reset();
-	}
-	nes_time_t maintain_phase( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time,
-			nes_time_t timer_period );
-// Nes_Noise
-struct Nes_Noise : Nes_Envelope
-	int noise;
-	Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> synth;
-	void run( nes_time_t, nes_time_t );
-	void reset() {
-		noise = 1 << 14;
-		Nes_Envelope::reset();
-	}
-// Nes_Dmc
-struct Nes_Dmc : Nes_Osc
-	int address;    // address of next byte to read
-	int period;
-	//int length_counter; // bytes remaining to play (already defined in Nes_Osc)
-	int buf;
-	int bits_remain;
-	int bits;
-	bool buf_full;
-	bool silence;
-	enum { loop_flag = 0x40 };
-	int dac;
-	nes_time_t next_irq;
-	bool irq_enabled;
-	bool irq_flag;
-	bool pal_mode;
-	bool nonlinear;
-	int (*prg_reader)( void*, nes_addr_t ); // needs to be initialized to prg read function
-	void* prg_reader_data;
-	Nes_Apu* apu;
-	Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> synth;
-	void start();
-	void write_register( int, int );
-	void run( nes_time_t, nes_time_t );
-	void recalc_irq();
-	void fill_buffer();
-	void reload_sample();
-	void reset();
-	int count_reads( nes_time_t, nes_time_t* ) const;
-	nes_time_t next_read_time() const;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Vrc6_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Vrc6_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d178407c329c235292b3986e2e106fdd156e3902..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Vrc6_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.8. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-	output( NULL );
-	volume( 1.0 );
-	reset();
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::reset()
-	last_time = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Vrc6_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
-		for ( int j = 0; j < reg_count; j++ )
-			osc.regs [j] = 0;
-		osc.delay = 0;
-		osc.last_amp = 0;
-		osc.phase = 1;
-		osc.amp = 0;
-	}
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		osc_output( i, buf );
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t time )
-	require( time >= last_time );
-	run_square( oscs [0], time );
-	run_square( oscs [1], time );
-	run_saw( time );
-	last_time = time;
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::write_osc( blip_time_t time, int osc_index, int reg, int data )
-	require( (unsigned) osc_index < osc_count );
-	require( (unsigned) reg < reg_count );
-	run_until( time );
-	oscs [osc_index].regs [reg] = data;
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t time )
-	if ( time > last_time )
-		run_until( time );
-	assert( last_time >= time );
-	last_time -= time;
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::save_state( vrc6_apu_state_t* out ) const
-	assert( sizeof (vrc6_apu_state_t) == 20 );
-	out->saw_amp = oscs [2].amp;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Vrc6_Osc const& osc = oscs [i];
-		for ( int r = 0; r < reg_count; r++ )
-			out->regs [i] [r] = osc.regs [r];
-		out->delays [i] = osc.delay;
-		out->phases [i] = osc.phase;
-	}
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::load_state( vrc6_apu_state_t const& in )
-	reset();
-	oscs [2].amp = in.saw_amp;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Vrc6_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
-		for ( int r = 0; r < reg_count; r++ )
-			osc.regs [r] = in.regs [i] [r];
-		osc.delay = in.delays [i];
-		osc.phase = in.phases [i];
-	}
-	if ( !oscs [2].phase )
-		oscs [2].phase = 1;
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::run_square( Vrc6_Osc& osc, blip_time_t end_time )
-	Blip_Buffer* output = osc.output;
-	if ( !output )
-		return;
-	output->set_modified();
-	int volume = osc.regs [0] & 15;
-	if ( !(osc.regs [2] & 0x80) )
-		volume = 0;
-	int gate = osc.regs [0] & 0x80;
-	int duty = ((osc.regs [0] >> 4) & 7) + 1;
-	int delta = ((gate || osc.phase < duty) ? volume : 0) - osc.last_amp;
-	blip_time_t time = last_time;
-	if ( delta )
-	{
-		osc.last_amp += delta;
-		square_synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-	}
-	time += osc.delay;
-	osc.delay = 0;
-	int period = osc.period();
-	if ( volume && !gate && period > 4 )
-	{
-		if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			int phase = osc.phase;
-			do
-			{
-				phase++;
-				if ( phase == 16 )
-				{
-					phase = 0;
-					osc.last_amp = volume;
-					square_synth.offset( time, volume, output );
-				}
-				if ( phase == duty )
-				{
-					osc.last_amp = 0;
-					square_synth.offset( time, -volume, output );
-				}
-				time += period;
-			}
-			while ( time < end_time );
-			osc.phase = phase;
-		}
-		osc.delay = time - end_time;
-	}
-void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::run_saw( blip_time_t end_time )
-	Vrc6_Osc& osc = oscs [2];
-	Blip_Buffer* output = osc.output;
-	if ( !output )
-		return;
-	output->set_modified();
-	int amp = osc.amp;
-	int amp_step = osc.regs [0] & 0x3F;
-	blip_time_t time = last_time;
-	int last_amp = osc.last_amp;
-	if ( !(osc.regs [2] & 0x80) || !(amp_step | amp) )
-	{
-		osc.delay = 0;
-		int delta = (amp >> 3) - last_amp;
-		last_amp = amp >> 3;
-		saw_synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		time += osc.delay;
-		if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			int period = osc.period() * 2;
-			int phase = osc.phase;
-			do
-			{
-				if ( --phase == 0 )
-				{
-					phase = 7;
-					amp = 0;
-				}
-				int delta = (amp >> 3) - last_amp;
-				if ( delta )
-				{
-					last_amp = amp >> 3;
-					saw_synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-				}
-				time += period;
-				amp = (amp + amp_step) & 0xFF;
-			}
-			while ( time < end_time );
-			osc.phase = phase;
-			osc.amp = amp;
-		}
-		osc.delay = time - end_time;
-	}
-	osc.last_amp = last_amp;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 18722233fd2edd9f072981bfd4e8f6d8d1b3af5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Konami VRC6 sound chip emulator
-// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.8
-#ifndef NES_VRC6_APU_H
-#define NES_VRC6_APU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-struct vrc6_apu_state_t;
-class Nes_Vrc6_Apu {
-	// See Nes_Apu.h for reference
-	void reset();
-	void volume( double );
-	void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* );
-	enum { osc_count = 3 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	void save_state( vrc6_apu_state_t* ) const;
-	void load_state( vrc6_apu_state_t const& );
-	// Oscillator 0 write-only registers are at $9000-$9002
-	// Oscillator 1 write-only registers are at $A000-$A002
-	// Oscillator 2 write-only registers are at $B000-$B002
-	enum { reg_count = 3 };
-	enum { base_addr = 0x9000 };
-	enum { addr_step = 0x1000 };
-	void write_osc( blip_time_t, int osc, int reg, int data );
-	Nes_Vrc6_Apu();
-	// noncopyable
-	Nes_Vrc6_Apu( const Nes_Vrc6_Apu& );
-	Nes_Vrc6_Apu& operator = ( const Nes_Vrc6_Apu& );
-	struct Vrc6_Osc
-	{
-		BOOST::uint8_t regs [3];
-		Blip_Buffer* output;
-		int delay;
-		int last_amp;
-		int phase;
-		int amp; // only used by saw
-		int period() const
-		{
-			return (regs [2] & 0x0F) * 0x100L + regs [1] + 1;
-		}
-	};
-	Vrc6_Osc oscs [osc_count];
-	blip_time_t last_time;
-	Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> saw_synth;
-	Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> square_synth;
-	void run_until( blip_time_t );
-	void run_square( Vrc6_Osc& osc, blip_time_t );
-	void run_saw( blip_time_t );
-struct vrc6_apu_state_t
-	BOOST::uint8_t regs [3] [3];
-	BOOST::uint8_t saw_amp;
-	BOOST::uint16_t delays [3];
-	BOOST::uint8_t phases [3];
-	BOOST::uint8_t unused;
-inline void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf )
-	assert( (unsigned) i < osc_count );
-	oscs [i].output = buf;
-inline void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::volume( double v )
-	double const factor = 0.0967 * 2;
-	saw_synth.volume( factor / 31 * v );
-	square_synth.volume( factor * 0.5 / 15 * v );
-inline void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	saw_synth.treble_eq( eq );
-	square_synth.treble_eq( eq );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nsf_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Nsf_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eab4bfbfde6168a08f90704ae2c8feb8a5b08e0b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nsf_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Nsf_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-	#include "Nes_Namco_Apu.h"
-	#include "Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h"
-	#include "Nes_Fme7_Apu.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int const vrc6_flag  = 0x01;
-int const namco_flag = 0x10;
-int const fme7_flag  = 0x20;
-long const clock_divisor = 12;
-Nsf_Emu::equalizer_t const Nsf_Emu::nes_eq     =
-	Music_Emu::make_equalizer( -1.0, 80 );
-Nsf_Emu::equalizer_t const Nsf_Emu::famicom_eq =
-	Music_Emu::make_equalizer( -15.0, 80 );
-int Nsf_Emu::pcm_read( void* emu, nes_addr_t addr )
-	return *((Nsf_Emu*) emu)->cpu::get_code( addr );
-	vrc6  = 0;
-	namco = 0;
-	fme7  = 0;
-	set_type( gme_nsf_type );
-	set_silence_lookahead( 6 );
-	apu.dmc_reader( pcm_read, this );
-	Music_Emu::set_equalizer( nes_eq );
-	set_gain( 1.4 );
-	memset( unmapped_code, Nes_Cpu::bad_opcode, sizeof unmapped_code );
-Nsf_Emu::~Nsf_Emu() { unload(); }
-void Nsf_Emu::unload()
-	{
-		delete vrc6;
-		vrc6  = 0;
-		delete namco;
-		namco = 0;
-		delete fme7;
-		fme7  = 0;
-	}
-	#endif
-	rom.clear();
-	Music_Emu::unload();
-// Track info
-static void copy_nsf_fields( Nsf_Emu::header_t const& h, track_info_t* out )
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, game );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, author );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, copyright );
-	if ( h.chip_flags )
-		Gme_File::copy_field_( out->system, "Famicom" );
-blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	copy_nsf_fields( header_, out );
-	return 0;
-static blargg_err_t check_nsf_header( void const* header )
-	if ( memcmp( header, "NESM\x1A", 5 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	return 0;
-struct Nsf_File : Gme_Info_
-	Nsf_Emu::header_t h;
-	Nsf_File() { set_type( gme_nsf_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	{
-		blargg_err_t err = in.read( &h, Nsf_Emu::header_size );
-		if ( err )
-			return (err == in.eof_error ? gme_wrong_file_type : err);
-		if ( h.chip_flags & ~(namco_flag | vrc6_flag | fme7_flag) )
-			set_warning( "Uses unsupported audio expansion hardware" );
-		set_track_count( h.track_count );
-		return check_nsf_header( &h );
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	{
-		copy_nsf_fields( h, out );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_nsf_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Nsf_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_nsf_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Nsf_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_nsf_type_ = { "Nintendo NES", 0, &new_nsf_emu, &new_nsf_file, "NSF", 1 };
-gme_type_t const gme_nsf_type = &gme_nsf_type_;
-// Setup
-void Nsf_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	unsigned playback_rate = get_le16( header_.ntsc_speed );
-	unsigned standard_rate = 0x411A;
-	clock_rate_ = 1789772.72727;
-	play_period = 262 * 341L * 4 - 2; // two fewer PPU clocks every four frames
-	if ( pal_only )
-	{
-		play_period   = 33247 * clock_divisor;
-		clock_rate_   = 1662607.125;
-		standard_rate = 0x4E20;
-		playback_rate = get_le16( header_.pal_speed );
-	}
-	if ( !playback_rate )
-		playback_rate = standard_rate;
-	if ( playback_rate != standard_rate || t != 1.0 )
-		play_period = long (playback_rate * clock_rate_ / (1000000.0 / clock_divisor * t));
-	apu.set_tempo( t );
-blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::init_sound()
-	if ( header_.chip_flags & ~(namco_flag | vrc6_flag | fme7_flag) )
-		set_warning( "Uses unsupported audio expansion hardware" );
-	{
-		#define APU_NAMES "Square 1", "Square 2", "Triangle", "Noise", "DMC"
-		int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count;
-		static const char* const apu_names [count] = { APU_NAMES };
-		set_voice_count( count );
-		set_voice_names( apu_names );
-	}
-	static int const types [] = {
-		wave_type  | 1, wave_type  | 2, wave_type | 0,
-		noise_type | 0, mixed_type | 1,
-		wave_type  | 3, wave_type  | 4, wave_type | 5,
-		wave_type  | 6, wave_type  | 7, wave_type | 8, wave_type | 9,
-		wave_type  |10, wave_type  |11, wave_type |12, wave_type |13
-	};
-	set_voice_types( types ); // common to all sound chip configurations
-	double adjusted_gain = gain();
-	{
-		if ( header_.chip_flags )
-			set_warning( "Uses unsupported audio expansion hardware" );
-	}
-	#else
-	{
-		if ( header_.chip_flags & (namco_flag | vrc6_flag | fme7_flag) )
-			set_voice_count( Nes_Apu::osc_count + 3 );
-		if ( header_.chip_flags & namco_flag )
-		{
-			namco = BLARGG_NEW Nes_Namco_Apu;
-			CHECK_ALLOC( namco );
-			adjusted_gain *= 0.75;
-			int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count + Nes_Namco_Apu::osc_count;
-			static const char* const names [count] = {
-				"Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3", "Wave 4",
-				"Wave 5", "Wave 6", "Wave 7", "Wave 8"
-			};
-			set_voice_count( count );
-			set_voice_names( names );
-		}
-		if ( header_.chip_flags & vrc6_flag )
-		{
-			vrc6 = BLARGG_NEW Nes_Vrc6_Apu;
-			CHECK_ALLOC( vrc6 );
-			adjusted_gain *= 0.75;
-			{
-				int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count + Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count;
-				static const char* const names [count] = {
-					APU_NAMES,
-					"Saw Wave", "Square 3", "Square 4"
-				};
-				set_voice_count( count );
-				set_voice_names( names );
-			}
-			if ( header_.chip_flags & namco_flag )
-			{
-				int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count + Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count +
-						Nes_Namco_Apu::osc_count;
-				static const char* const names [count] = {
-					APU_NAMES,
-					"Saw Wave", "Square 3", "Square 4",
-					"Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3", "Wave 4",
-					"Wave 5", "Wave 6", "Wave 7", "Wave 8"
-				};
-				set_voice_count( count );
-				set_voice_names( names );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( header_.chip_flags & fme7_flag )
-		{
-			fme7 = BLARGG_NEW Nes_Fme7_Apu;
-			CHECK_ALLOC( fme7 );
-			adjusted_gain *= 0.75;
-			int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count + Nes_Fme7_Apu::osc_count;
-			static const char* const names [count] = {
-				"Square 3", "Square 4", "Square 5"
-			};
-			set_voice_count( count );
-			set_voice_names( names );
-		}
-		if ( namco ) namco->volume( adjusted_gain );
-		if ( vrc6  ) vrc6 ->volume( adjusted_gain );
-		if ( fme7  ) fme7 ->volume( adjusted_gain );
-	}
-	#endif
-	apu.volume( adjusted_gain );
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	assert( offsetof (header_t,unused [4]) == header_size );
-	RETURN_ERR( rom.load( in, header_size, &header_, 0 ) );
-	set_track_count( header_.track_count );
-	RETURN_ERR( check_nsf_header( &header_ ) );
-	if ( header_.vers != 1 )
-		set_warning( "Unknown file version" );
-	// sound and memory
-	blargg_err_t err = init_sound();
-	if ( err )
-		return err;
-	// set up data
-	nes_addr_t load_addr = get_le16( header_.load_addr );
-	init_addr = get_le16( header_.init_addr );
-	play_addr = get_le16( header_.play_addr );
-	if ( !load_addr ) load_addr = rom_begin;
-	if ( !init_addr ) init_addr = rom_begin;
-	if ( !play_addr ) play_addr = rom_begin;
-	if ( load_addr < rom_begin || init_addr < rom_begin )
-	{
-		const char* w = warning();
-		if ( !w )
-			w = "Corrupt file (invalid load/init/play address)";
-		return w;
-	}
-	rom.set_addr( load_addr % bank_size );
-	int total_banks = rom.size() / bank_size;
-	// bank switching
-	int first_bank = (load_addr - rom_begin) / bank_size;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < bank_count; i++ )
-	{
-		unsigned bank = i - first_bank;
-		if ( bank >= (unsigned) total_banks )
-			bank = 0;
-		initial_banks [i] = bank;
-		if ( header_.banks [i] )
-		{
-			// bank-switched
-			memcpy( initial_banks, header_.banks, sizeof initial_banks );
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	pal_only = (header_.speed_flags & 3) == 1;
-		header_.speed_flags = 0;
-	#endif
-	set_tempo( tempo() );
-	return setup_buffer( (long) (clock_rate_ + 0.5) );
-void Nsf_Emu::update_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	apu.treble_eq( eq );
-	{
-		if ( namco ) namco->treble_eq( eq );
-		if ( vrc6  ) vrc6 ->treble_eq( eq );
-		if ( fme7  ) fme7 ->treble_eq( eq );
-	}
-	#endif
-void Nsf_Emu::set_voice( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* )
-	if ( i < Nes_Apu::osc_count )
-	{
-		apu.osc_output( i, buf );
-		return;
-	}
-	i -= Nes_Apu::osc_count;
-	{
-		if ( fme7 && i < Nes_Fme7_Apu::osc_count )
-		{
-			fme7->osc_output( i, buf );
-			return;
-		}
-		if ( vrc6 )
-		{
-			if ( i < Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count )
-			{
-				// put saw first
-				if ( --i < 0 )
-					i = 2;
-				vrc6->osc_output( i, buf );
-				return;
-			}
-			i -= Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count;
-		}
-		if ( namco && i < Nes_Namco_Apu::osc_count )
-		{
-			namco->osc_output( i, buf );
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	#endif
-// Emulation
-// see nes_cpu_io.h for read/write functions
-void Nsf_Emu::cpu_write_misc( nes_addr_t addr, int data )
-	{
-		if ( namco )
-		{
-			switch ( addr )
-			{
-			case Nes_Namco_Apu::data_reg_addr:
-				namco->write_data( time(), data );
-				return;
-			case Nes_Namco_Apu::addr_reg_addr:
-				namco->write_addr( data );
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( addr >= Nes_Fme7_Apu::latch_addr && fme7 )
-		{
-			switch ( addr & Nes_Fme7_Apu::addr_mask )
-			{
-			case Nes_Fme7_Apu::latch_addr:
-				fme7->write_latch( data );
-				return;
-			case Nes_Fme7_Apu::data_addr:
-				fme7->write_data( time(), data );
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( vrc6 )
-		{
-			unsigned reg = addr & (Nes_Vrc6_Apu::addr_step - 1);
-			unsigned osc = unsigned (addr - Nes_Vrc6_Apu::base_addr) / Nes_Vrc6_Apu::addr_step;
-			if ( osc < Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count && reg < Nes_Vrc6_Apu::reg_count )
-			{
-				vrc6->write_osc( time(), osc, reg, data );
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	#endif
-	// unmapped write
-	#ifndef NDEBUG
-	{
-		// some games write to $8000 and $8001 repeatedly
-		if ( addr == 0x8000 || addr == 0x8001 ) return;
-		// probably namco sound mistakenly turned on in mck
-		if ( addr == 0x4800 || addr == 0xF800 ) return;
-		// memory mapper?
-		if ( addr == 0xFFF8 ) return;
-		debug_printf( "write_unmapped( 0x%04X, 0x%02X )\n", (unsigned) addr, (unsigned) data );
-	}
-	#endif
-blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	memset( low_mem, 0, sizeof low_mem );
-	memset( sram,    0, sizeof sram );
-	cpu::reset( unmapped_code ); // also maps low_mem
-	cpu::map_code( sram_addr, sizeof sram, sram );
-	for ( int i = 0; i < bank_count; ++i )
-		cpu_write( bank_select_addr + i, initial_banks [i] );
-	apu.reset( pal_only, (header_.speed_flags & 0x20) ? 0x3F : 0 );
-	apu.write_register( 0, 0x4015, 0x0F );
-	apu.write_register( 0, 0x4017, (header_.speed_flags & 0x10) ? 0x80 : 0 );
-	{
-		if ( namco ) namco->reset();
-		if ( vrc6  ) vrc6 ->reset();
-		if ( fme7  ) fme7 ->reset();
-	}
-	#endif
-	play_ready = 4;
-	play_extra = 0;
-	next_play = play_period / clock_divisor;
-	saved_state.pc = badop_addr;
-	low_mem [0x1FF] = (badop_addr - 1) >> 8;
-	low_mem [0x1FE] = (badop_addr - 1) & 0xFF;
-	r.sp = 0xFD;
-	r.pc = init_addr;
-	r.a  = track;
-	r.x  = pal_only;
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::run_clocks( blip_time_t& duration, int )
-	set_time( 0 );
-	while ( time() < duration )
-	{
-		nes_time_t end = min( (blip_time_t) next_play, duration );
-		end = min( end, time() + 32767 ); // allows CPU to use 16-bit time delta
-		if ( cpu::run( end ) )
-		{
-			if ( r.pc != badop_addr )
-			{
-				set_warning( "Emulation error (illegal instruction)" );
-				r.pc++;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				play_ready = 1;
-				if ( saved_state.pc != badop_addr )
-				{
-					cpu::r = saved_state;
-					saved_state.pc = badop_addr;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					set_time( end );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if ( time() >= next_play )
-		{
-			nes_time_t period = (play_period + play_extra) / clock_divisor;
-			play_extra = play_period - period * clock_divisor;
-			next_play += period;
-			if ( play_ready && !--play_ready )
-			{
-				check( saved_state.pc == badop_addr );
-				if ( r.pc != badop_addr )
-					saved_state = cpu::r;
-				r.pc = play_addr;
-				low_mem [0x100 + r.sp--] = (badop_addr - 1) >> 8;
-				low_mem [0x100 + r.sp--] = (badop_addr - 1) & 0xFF;
-				GME_FRAME_HOOK( this );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ( cpu::error_count() )
-	{
-		cpu::clear_error_count();
-		set_warning( "Emulation error (illegal instruction)" );
-	}
-	duration = time();
-	next_play -= duration;
-	check( next_play >= 0 );
-	if ( next_play < 0 )
-		next_play = 0;
-	apu.end_frame( duration );
-	{
-		if ( namco ) namco->end_frame( duration );
-		if ( vrc6  ) vrc6 ->end_frame( duration );
-		if ( fme7  ) fme7 ->end_frame( duration );
-	}
-	#endif
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nsf_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Nsf_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b001686cb6e5c973df845e1d5ea663e972c3042..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nsf_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// Nintendo NES/Famicom NSF music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef NSF_EMU_H
-#define NSF_EMU_H
-#include "Classic_Emu.h"
-#include "Nes_Apu.h"
-#include "Nes_Cpu.h"
-class Nsf_Emu : private Nes_Cpu, public Classic_Emu {
-	typedef Nes_Cpu cpu;
-	// Equalizer profiles for US NES and Japanese Famicom
-	static equalizer_t const nes_eq;
-	static equalizer_t const famicom_eq;
-	// NSF file header
-	enum { header_size = 0x80 };
-	struct header_t
-	{
-		char tag [5];
-		byte vers;
-		byte track_count;
-		byte first_track;
-		byte load_addr [2];
-		byte init_addr [2];
-		byte play_addr [2];
-		char game [32];
-		char author [32];
-		char copyright [32];
-		byte ntsc_speed [2];
-		byte banks [8];
-		byte pal_speed [2];
-		byte speed_flags;
-		byte chip_flags;
-		byte unused [4];
-	};
-	// Header for currently loaded file
-	header_t const& header() const { return header_; }
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_nsf_type; }
-	// deprecated
-	using Music_Emu::load;
-	blargg_err_t load( header_t const& h, Data_Reader& in ) // use Remaining_Reader
-			{ return load_remaining_( &h, sizeof h, in ); }
-	Nsf_Emu();
-	~Nsf_Emu();
-	Nes_Apu* apu_() { return &apu; }
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t run_clocks( blip_time_t&, int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	void set_voice( int, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void update_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	void unload();
-	enum { bank_count = 8 };
-	byte initial_banks [bank_count];
-	nes_addr_t init_addr;
-	nes_addr_t play_addr;
-	double clock_rate_;
-	bool pal_only;
-	// timing
-	Nes_Cpu::registers_t saved_state;
-	nes_time_t next_play;
-	nes_time_t play_period;
-	int play_extra;
-	int play_ready;
-	enum { rom_begin = 0x8000 };
-	enum { bank_select_addr = 0x5FF8 };
-	enum { bank_size = 0x1000 };
-	Rom_Data<bank_size> rom;
-public: private: friend class Nes_Cpu;
-	void cpu_jsr( nes_addr_t );
-	int cpu_read( nes_addr_t );
-	void cpu_write( nes_addr_t, int );
-	void cpu_write_misc( nes_addr_t, int );
-	enum { badop_addr = bank_select_addr };
-	class Nes_Namco_Apu* namco;
-	class Nes_Vrc6_Apu*  vrc6;
-	class Nes_Fme7_Apu*  fme7;
-	Nes_Apu apu;
-	static int pcm_read( void*, nes_addr_t );
-	blargg_err_t init_sound();
-	header_t header_;
-	enum { sram_addr = 0x6000 };
-	byte sram [0x2000];
-	byte unmapped_code [Nes_Cpu::page_size + 8];
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nsfe_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Nsfe_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 55ac4688fff1773f424eed8db56177677f560125..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nsfe_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Nsfe_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-Nsfe_Info::Nsfe_Info() { playlist_disabled = false; }
-Nsfe_Info::~Nsfe_Info() { }
-inline void Nsfe_Info::unload()
-	track_name_data.clear();
-	track_names.clear();
-	playlist.clear();
-	track_times.clear();
-// TODO: if no playlist, treat as if there is a playlist that is just 1,2,3,4,5... ?
-void Nsfe_Info::disable_playlist( bool b )
-	playlist_disabled = b;
-	info.track_count = playlist.size();
-	if ( !info.track_count || playlist_disabled )
-		info.track_count = actual_track_count_;
-int Nsfe_Info::remap_track( int track ) const
-	if ( !playlist_disabled && (unsigned) track < playlist.size() )
-		track = playlist [track];
-	return track;
-// Read multiple strings and separate into individual strings
-static blargg_err_t read_strs( Data_Reader& in, long size, blargg_vector<char>& chars,
-		blargg_vector<const char*>& strs )
-	RETURN_ERR( chars.resize( size + 1 ) );
-	chars [size] = 0; // in case last string doesn't have terminator
-	RETURN_ERR( in.read( &chars [0], size ) );
-	RETURN_ERR( strs.resize( 128 ) );
-	int count = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
-	{
-		if ( (int) strs.size() <= count )
-			RETURN_ERR( strs.resize( count * 2 ) );
-		strs [count++] = &chars [i];
-		while ( i < size && chars [i] )
-			i++;
-	}
-	return strs.resize( count );
-// Copy in to out, where out has out_max characters allocated. Truncate to
-// out_max - 1 characters.
-static void copy_str( const char* in, char* out, int out_max )
-	out [out_max - 1] = 0;
-	strncpy( out, in, out_max - 1 );
-struct nsfe_info_t
-	byte load_addr [2];
-	byte init_addr [2];
-	byte play_addr [2];
-	byte speed_flags;
-	byte chip_flags;
-	byte track_count;
-	byte first_track;
-	byte unused [6];
-blargg_err_t Nsfe_Info::load( Data_Reader& in, Nsf_Emu* nsf_emu )
-	int const nsfe_info_size = 16;
-	assert( offsetof (nsfe_info_t,unused [6]) == nsfe_info_size );
-	// check header
-	byte signature [4];
-	blargg_err_t err = in.read( signature, sizeof signature );
-	if ( err )
-		return (err == in.eof_error ? gme_wrong_file_type : err);
-	if ( memcmp( signature, "NSFE", 4 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	// free previous info
-	track_name_data.clear();
-	track_names.clear();
-	playlist.clear();
-	track_times.clear();
-	// default nsf header
-	static const Nsf_Emu::header_t base_header =
-	{
-		{'N','E','S','M','\x1A'},// tag
-		1,                  // version
-		1, 1,               // track count, first track
-		{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},  // addresses
-		"","","",           // strings
-		{0x1A, 0x41},       // NTSC rate
-		{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},  // banks
-		{0x20, 0x4E},       // PAL rate
-		0, 0,               // flags
-		{0,0,0,0}           // unused
-	};
-	Nsf_Emu::header_t& header = info;
-	header = base_header;
-	// parse tags
-	int phase = 0;
-	while ( phase != 3 )
-	{
-		// read size and tag
-		byte block_header [2] [4];
-		RETURN_ERR( in.read( block_header, sizeof block_header ) );
-		blargg_long size = get_le32( block_header [0] );
-		blargg_long tag  = get_le32( block_header [1] );
-		if ( size <= 0 )
-			return "Corrupt file";
-		//debug_printf( "tag: %c%c%c%c\n", char(tag), char(tag>>8), char(tag>>16), char(tag>>24) );
-		switch ( tag )
-		{
-			case BLARGG_4CHAR('O','F','N','I'): {
-				check( phase == 0 );
-				if ( size < 8 )
-					return "Corrupt file";
-				nsfe_info_t finfo;
-				finfo.track_count = 1;
-				finfo.first_track = 0;
-				RETURN_ERR( in.read( &finfo, min( size, (blargg_long) nsfe_info_size ) ) );
-				if ( size > nsfe_info_size )
-					RETURN_ERR( in.skip( size - nsfe_info_size ) );
-				phase = 1;
-				info.speed_flags = finfo.speed_flags;
-				info.chip_flags  = finfo.chip_flags;
-				info.track_count = finfo.track_count;
-				this->actual_track_count_ = finfo.track_count;
-				info.first_track = finfo.first_track;
-				memcpy( info.load_addr, finfo.load_addr, 2 * 3 );
-				break;
-			}
-			case BLARGG_4CHAR('K','N','A','B'):
-				if ( size > (int) sizeof info.banks )
-					return "Corrupt file";
-				RETURN_ERR( in.read( info.banks, size ) );
-				break;
-			case BLARGG_4CHAR('h','t','u','a'): {
-				blargg_vector<char> chars;
-				blargg_vector<const char*> strs;
-				RETURN_ERR( read_strs( in, size, chars, strs ) );
-				int n = strs.size();
-				if ( n > 3 )
-					copy_str( strs [3], info.dumper, sizeof info.dumper );
-				if ( n > 2 )
-					copy_str( strs [2], info.copyright, sizeof info.copyright );
-				if ( n > 1 )
-					copy_str( strs [1], info.author, sizeof info.author );
-				if ( n > 0 )
-					copy_str( strs [0], info.game, sizeof info.game );
-				break;
-			}
-			case BLARGG_4CHAR('e','m','i','t'):
-				RETURN_ERR( track_times.resize( size / 4 ) );
-				RETURN_ERR( in.read( track_times.begin(), track_times.size() * 4 ) );
-				break;
-			case BLARGG_4CHAR('l','b','l','t'):
-				RETURN_ERR( read_strs( in, size, track_name_data, track_names ) );
-				break;
-			case BLARGG_4CHAR('t','s','l','p'):
-				RETURN_ERR( playlist.resize( size ) );
-				RETURN_ERR( in.read( &playlist [0], size ) );
-				break;
-			case BLARGG_4CHAR('A','T','A','D'): {
-				check( phase == 1 );
-				phase = 2;
-				if ( !nsf_emu )
-				{
-					RETURN_ERR( in.skip( size ) );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Subset_Reader sub( &in, size ); // limit emu to nsf data
-					Remaining_Reader rem( &header, Nsf_Emu::header_size, &sub );
-					RETURN_ERR( nsf_emu->load( rem ) );
-					check( rem.remain() == 0 );
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			case BLARGG_4CHAR('D','N','E','N'):
-				check( phase == 2 );
-				phase = 3;
-				break;
-			default:
-				// tags that can be skipped start with a lowercase character
-				check( islower( (tag >> 24) & 0xFF ) );
-				RETURN_ERR( in.skip( size ) );
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Nsfe_Info::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
-	int remapped = remap_track( track );
-	if ( (unsigned) remapped < track_times.size() )
-	{
-		long length = (BOOST::int32_t) get_le32( track_times [remapped] );
-		if ( length > 0 )
-			out->length = length;
-	}
-	if ( (unsigned) remapped < track_names.size() )
-		Gme_File::copy_field_( out->song, track_names [remapped] );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( info, out, game );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( info, out, author );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( info, out, copyright );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( info, out, dumper );
-	return 0;
-	loading = false;
-	set_type( gme_nsfe_type );
-Nsfe_Emu::~Nsfe_Emu() { }
-void Nsfe_Emu::unload()
-	if ( !loading )
-		info.unload(); // TODO: extremely hacky!
-	Nsf_Emu::unload();
-blargg_err_t Nsfe_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
-	return info.track_info_( out, track );
-struct Nsfe_File : Gme_Info_
-	Nsfe_Info info;
-	Nsfe_File() { set_type( gme_nsfe_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	{
-		RETURN_ERR( info.load( in, 0 ) );
-		info.disable_playlist( false );
-		set_track_count( info.info.track_count );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
-	{
-		return info.track_info_( out, track );
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_nsfe_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Nsfe_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_nsfe_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Nsfe_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_nsfe_type_ = { "Nintendo NES", 0, &new_nsfe_emu, &new_nsfe_file, "NSFE", 1 };
-gme_type_t const gme_nsfe_type = &gme_nsfe_type_;
-blargg_err_t Nsfe_Emu::load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	if ( loading )
-		return Nsf_Emu::load_( in );
-	// TODO: this hacky recursion-avoidance could have subtle problems
-	loading = true;
-	blargg_err_t err = info.load( in, this );
-	loading = false;
-	disable_playlist( false );
-	return err;
-void Nsfe_Emu::disable_playlist( bool b )
-	info.disable_playlist( b );
-	set_track_count( info.info.track_count );
-void Nsfe_Emu::clear_playlist_()
-	disable_playlist();
-	Nsf_Emu::clear_playlist_();
-blargg_err_t Nsfe_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	return Nsf_Emu::start_track_( info.remap_track( track ) );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Nsfe_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Nsfe_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 32b05d55ee14849a717ead8a9e61b7573a5f96a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Nsfe_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Nintendo NES/Famicom NSFE music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef NSFE_EMU_H
-#define NSFE_EMU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Nsf_Emu.h"
-// Allows reading info from NSFE file without creating emulator
-class Nsfe_Info {
-	blargg_err_t load( Data_Reader&, Nsf_Emu* );
-	struct info_t : Nsf_Emu::header_t
-	{
-		char game      [256];
-		char author    [256];
-		char copyright [256];
-		char dumper    [256];
-	} info;
-	void disable_playlist( bool = true );
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int track ) const;
-	int remap_track( int i ) const;
-	void unload();
-	Nsfe_Info();
-	~Nsfe_Info();
-	blargg_vector<char> track_name_data;
-	blargg_vector<const char*> track_names;
-	blargg_vector<unsigned char> playlist;
-	blargg_vector<char [4]> track_times;
-	int actual_track_count_;
-	bool playlist_disabled;
-class Nsfe_Emu : public Nsf_Emu {
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_nsfe_type; }
-	// deprecated
-	struct header_t { char tag [4]; };
-	using Music_Emu::load;
-	blargg_err_t load( header_t const& h, Data_Reader& in ) // use Remaining_Reader
-			{ return load_remaining_( &h, sizeof h, in ); }
-	void disable_playlist( bool = true ); // use clear_playlist()
-	Nsfe_Emu();
-	~Nsfe_Emu();
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& );
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	void unload();
-	void clear_playlist_();
-	Nsfe_Info info;
-	bool loading;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ecac3dafd4b343dbd630b39b0441dc6156fdd6c7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Apu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Sap_Apu.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int const max_frequency = 12000; // pure waves above this frequency are silenced
-static void gen_poly( blargg_ulong mask, int count, byte* out )
-	blargg_ulong n = 1;
-	do
-	{
-		int bits = 0;
-		int b = 0;
-		do
-		{
-			// implemented using "Galios configuration"
-			bits |= (n & 1) << b;
-			n = (n >> 1) ^ (mask & -(n & 1));
-		}
-		while ( b++ < 7 );
-		*out++ = bits;
-	}
-	while ( --count );
-// poly5
-int const poly5_len = (1 <<  5) - 1;
-blargg_ulong const poly5_mask = (1UL << poly5_len) - 1;
-blargg_ulong const poly5 = 0x167C6EA1;
-inline blargg_ulong run_poly5( blargg_ulong in, int shift )
-	return (in << shift & poly5_mask) | (in >> (poly5_len - shift));
-#define POLY_MASK( width, tap1, tap2 ) \
-	((1UL << (width - 1 - tap1)) | (1UL << (width - 1 - tap2)))
-	gen_poly( POLY_MASK(  4, 1, 0 ), sizeof poly4,  poly4  );
-	gen_poly( POLY_MASK(  9, 5, 0 ), sizeof poly9,  poly9  );
-	gen_poly( POLY_MASK( 17, 5, 0 ), sizeof poly17, poly17 );
-	if ( 0 ) // comment out to recauculate poly5 constant
-	{
-		byte poly5 [4];
-		gen_poly( POLY_MASK(  5, 2, 0 ), sizeof poly5,  poly5  );
-		blargg_ulong n = poly5 [3] * 0x1000000L + poly5 [2] * 0x10000L + 
-				poly5 [1] * 0x100L + poly5 [0];
-		blargg_ulong rev = n & 1;
-		for ( int i = 1; i < poly5_len; i++ )
-			rev |= (n >> i & 1) << (poly5_len - i);
-		debug_printf( "poly5: 0x%08lX\n", rev );
-	}
-	impl = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		osc_output( i, 0 );
-void Sap_Apu::reset( Sap_Apu_Impl* new_impl )
-	impl      = new_impl;
-	last_time = 0;
-	poly5_pos = 0;
-	poly4_pos = 0;
-	polym_pos = 0;
-	control   = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		memset( &oscs [i], 0, offsetof (osc_t,output) );
-inline void Sap_Apu::calc_periods()
-	 // 15/64 kHz clock
-	int divider = 28;
-	if ( this->control & 1 )
-		divider = 114;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		osc_t* const osc = &oscs [i];
-		int const osc_reload = osc->regs [0]; // cache
-		blargg_long period = (osc_reload + 1) * divider;
-		static byte const fast_bits [osc_count] = { 1 << 6, 1 << 4, 1 << 5, 1 << 3 };
-		if ( this->control & fast_bits [i] )
-		{
-			period = osc_reload + 4;
-			if ( i & 1 )
-			{
-				period = osc_reload * 0x100L + osc [-1].regs [0] + 7;
-				if ( !(this->control & fast_bits [i - 1]) )
-					period = (period - 6) * divider;
-				if ( (osc [-1].regs [1] & 0x1F) > 0x10 )
-					debug_printf( "Use of slave channel in 16-bit mode not supported\n" );
-			}
-		}
-		osc->period = period;
-	}
-void Sap_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t end_time )
-	calc_periods();
-	Sap_Apu_Impl* const impl = this->impl; // cache
-	// 17/9-bit poly selection
-	byte const* polym = impl->poly17;
-	int polym_len = poly17_len;
-	if ( this->control & 0x80 )
-	{
-		polym_len = poly9_len;
-		polym = impl->poly9;
-	}
-	polym_pos %= polym_len;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		osc_t* const osc = &oscs [i];
-		blip_time_t time = last_time + osc->delay;
-		blip_time_t const period = osc->period;
-		// output
-		Blip_Buffer* output = osc->output;
-		if ( output )
-		{
-			output->set_modified();
-			int const osc_control = osc->regs [1]; // cache
-			int volume = (osc_control & 0x0F) * 2;
-			if ( !volume || osc_control & 0x10 || // silent, DAC mode, or inaudible frequency
-					((osc_control & 0xA0) == 0xA0 && period < 1789773 / 2 / max_frequency) )
-			{
-				if ( !(osc_control & 0x10) )
-					volume >>= 1; // inaudible frequency = half volume
-				int delta = volume - osc->last_amp;
-				if ( delta )
-				{
-					osc->last_amp = volume;
-					impl->synth.offset( last_time, delta, output );
-				}
-				// TODO: doesn't maintain high pass flip-flop (very minor issue)
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// high pass
-				static byte const hipass_bits [osc_count] = { 1 << 2, 1 << 1, 0, 0 };
-				blip_time_t period2 = 0; // unused if no high pass
-				blip_time_t time2 = end_time;
-				if ( this->control & hipass_bits [i] )
-				{
-					period2 = osc [2].period;
-					time2 = last_time + osc [2].delay;
-					if ( osc->invert )
-					{
-						// trick inner wave loop into inverting output
-						osc->last_amp -= volume;
-						volume = -volume;
-					}
-				}
-				if ( time < end_time || time2 < end_time )
-				{
-					// poly source
-					static byte const poly1 [] = { 0x55, 0x55 }; // square wave
-					byte const* poly = poly1;
-					int poly_len = 8 * sizeof poly1; // can be just 2 bits, but this is faster
-					int poly_pos = osc->phase & 1;
-					int poly_inc = 1;
-					if ( !(osc_control & 0x20) )
-					{
-						poly     = polym;
-						poly_len = polym_len;
-						poly_pos = polym_pos;
-						if ( osc_control & 0x40 )
-						{
-							poly     = impl->poly4;
-							poly_len = poly4_len;
-							poly_pos = poly4_pos;
-						}
-						poly_inc = period % poly_len;
-						poly_pos = (poly_pos + osc->delay) % poly_len;
-					}
-					poly_inc -= poly_len; // allows more optimized inner loop below
-					// square/poly5 wave
-					blargg_ulong wave = poly5;
-					check( poly5 & 1 ); // low bit is set for pure wave
-					int poly5_inc = 0;
-					if ( !(osc_control & 0x80) )
-					{
-						wave = run_poly5( wave, (osc->delay + poly5_pos) % poly5_len );
-						poly5_inc = period % poly5_len;
-					}
-					// Run wave and high pass interleved with each catching up to the other.
-					// Disabled high pass has no performance effect since inner wave loop
-					// makes no compromise for high pass, and only runs once in that case.
-					int osc_last_amp = osc->last_amp;
-					do
-					{
-						// run high pass
-						if ( time2 < time )
-						{
-							int delta = -osc_last_amp;
-							if ( volume < 0 )
-								delta += volume;
-							if ( delta )
-							{
-								osc_last_amp += delta - volume;
-								volume = -volume;
-								impl->synth.offset( time2, delta, output );
-							}
-						}
-						while ( time2 <= time ) // must advance *past* time to avoid hang
-							time2 += period2;
-						// run wave
-						blip_time_t end = end_time;
-						if ( end > time2 )
-							end = time2;
-						while ( time < end )
-						{
-							if ( wave & 1 )
-							{
-								int amp = volume & -(poly [poly_pos >> 3] >> (poly_pos & 7) & 1);
-								if ( (poly_pos += poly_inc) < 0 )
-									poly_pos += poly_len;
-								int delta = amp - osc_last_amp;
-								if ( delta )
-								{
-									osc_last_amp = amp;
-									impl->synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-								}
-							}
-							wave = run_poly5( wave, poly5_inc );
-							time += period;
-						}
-					}
-					while ( time < end_time || time2 < end_time );
-					osc->phase = poly_pos;
-					osc->last_amp = osc_last_amp;
-				}
-				osc->invert = 0;
-				if ( volume < 0 )
-				{
-					// undo inversion trickery
-					osc->last_amp -= volume;
-					osc->invert = 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// maintain divider
-		blip_time_t remain = end_time - time;
-		if ( remain > 0 )
-		{
-			blargg_long count = (remain + period - 1) / period;
-			osc->phase ^= count;
-			time += count * period;
-		}
-		osc->delay = time - end_time;
-	}
-	// advance polies
-	blip_time_t duration = end_time - last_time;
-	last_time = end_time;
-	poly4_pos = (poly4_pos + duration) % poly4_len;
-	poly5_pos = (poly5_pos + duration) % poly5_len;
-	polym_pos += duration; // will get %'d on next call
-void Sap_Apu::write_data( blip_time_t time, unsigned addr, int data )
-	run_until( time );
-	int i = (addr ^ 0xD200) >> 1;
-	if ( i < osc_count )
-	{
-		oscs [i].regs [addr & 1] = data;
-	}
-	else if ( addr == 0xD208 )
-	{
-		control = data;
-	}
-	else if ( addr == 0xD209 )
-	{
-		oscs [0].delay = 0;
-		oscs [1].delay = 0;
-		oscs [2].delay = 0;
-		oscs [3].delay = 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	// TODO: are polynomials reset in this case?
-	else if ( addr == 0xD20F )
-	{
-		if ( (data & 3) == 0 )
-			polym_pos = 0;
-	}
-	*/
-void Sap_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t end_time )
-	if ( end_time > last_time )
-		run_until( end_time );
-	last_time -= end_time;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Apu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Apu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cdd7e50c14979835ba35e3be822c27d95a58c64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Apu.h
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@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// Atari POKEY sound chip emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef SAP_APU_H
-#define SAP_APU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-class Sap_Apu_Impl;
-class Sap_Apu {
-	enum { osc_count = 4 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void reset( Sap_Apu_Impl* );
-	enum { start_addr = 0xD200 };
-	enum { end_addr   = 0xD209 };
-	void write_data( blip_time_t, unsigned addr, int data );
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	Sap_Apu();
-	struct osc_t
-	{
-		unsigned char regs [2];
-		unsigned char phase;
-		unsigned char invert;
-		int last_amp;
-		blip_time_t delay;
-		blip_time_t period; // always recalculated before use; here for convenience
-		Blip_Buffer* output;
-	};
-	osc_t oscs [osc_count];
-	Sap_Apu_Impl* impl;
-	blip_time_t last_time;
-	int poly5_pos;
-	int poly4_pos;
-	int polym_pos;
-	int control;
-	void calc_periods();
-	void run_until( blip_time_t );
-	enum { poly4_len  = (1L <<  4) - 1 };
-	enum { poly9_len  = (1L <<  9) - 1 };
-	enum { poly17_len = (1L << 17) - 1 };
-	friend class Sap_Apu_Impl;
-// Common tables and Blip_Synth that can be shared among multiple Sap_Apu objects
-class Sap_Apu_Impl {
-	Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> synth;
-	Sap_Apu_Impl();
-	void volume( double d ) { synth.volume( 1.0 / Sap_Apu::osc_count / 30 * d ); }
-	typedef unsigned char byte;
-	byte poly4  [Sap_Apu::poly4_len  / 8 + 1];
-	byte poly9  [Sap_Apu::poly9_len  / 8 + 1];
-	byte poly17 [Sap_Apu::poly17_len / 8 + 1];
-	friend class Sap_Apu;
-inline void Sap_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* b )
-	assert( (unsigned) i < osc_count );
-	oscs [i].output = b;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Cpu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Cpu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fd911276940c027a63aae1598e14c828c5dce9c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Cpu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1011 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Sap_Cpu.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-//#include "nes_cpu_log.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#define FLUSH_TIME()    (void) (s.time = s_time)
-#define CACHE_TIME()    (void) (s_time = s.time)
-#include "sap_cpu_io.h"
-#ifndef CPU_DONE
-	#define CPU_DONE( cpu, time, result_out )   { result_out = -1; }
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int const st_n = 0x80;
-int const st_v = 0x40;
-int const st_r = 0x20;
-int const st_b = 0x10;
-int const st_d = 0x08;
-int const st_i = 0x04;
-int const st_z = 0x02;
-int const st_c = 0x01;
-void Sap_Cpu::reset( void* new_mem )
-	check( state == &state_ );
-	state = &state_;
-	mem = (uint8_t*) new_mem;
-	r.status = st_i;
-	r.sp = 0xFF;
-	r.pc = 0;
-	r.a  = 0;
-	r.x  = 0;
-	r.y  = 0;
-	state_.time = 0;
-	state_.base = 0;
-	irq_time_ = future_sap_time;
-	end_time_ = future_sap_time;
-	blargg_verify_byte_order();
-#define TIME                    (s_time + s.base)
-#define READ( addr )            CPU_READ( this, (addr), TIME )
-#define WRITE( addr, data )     {CPU_WRITE( this, (addr), (data), TIME );}
-#define READ_LOW( addr )        (mem [int (addr)])
-#define WRITE_LOW( addr, data ) (void) (READ_LOW( addr ) = (data))
-#define READ_PROG( addr )       (READ_LOW( addr ))
-#define SET_SP( v )     (sp = ((v) + 1) | 0x100)
-#define GET_SP()        ((sp - 1) & 0xFF)
-#define PUSH( v )       ((sp = (sp - 1) | 0x100), WRITE_LOW( sp, v ))
-// even on x86, using short and unsigned char was slower
-typedef int         fint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint16;
-typedef unsigned    fuint8;
-typedef blargg_long fint32;
-bool Sap_Cpu::run( sap_time_t end_time )
-	bool illegal_encountered = false;
-	set_end_time( end_time );
-	state_t s = this->state_;
-	this->state = &s;
-	fint32 s_time = s.time;
-	uint8_t* const mem = this->mem; // cache
-	// registers
-	fuint16 pc = r.pc;
-	fuint8 a = r.a;
-	fuint8 x = r.x;
-	fuint8 y = r.y;
-	fuint16 sp;
-	SET_SP( r.sp );
-	// status flags
-	#define IS_NEG (nz & 0x8080)
-	#define CALC_STATUS( out ) do {\
-		out = status & (st_v | st_d | st_i);\
-		out |= ((nz >> 8) | nz) & st_n;\
-		out |= c >> 8 & st_c;\
-		if ( !(nz & 0xFF) ) out |= st_z;\
-	} while ( 0 )
-	#define SET_STATUS( in ) do {\
-		status = in & (st_v | st_d | st_i);\
-		nz = in << 8;\
-		c = nz;\
-		nz |= ~in & st_z;\
-	} while ( 0 )
-	fuint8 status;
-	fuint16 c;  // carry set if (c & 0x100) != 0
-	fuint16 nz; // Z set if (nz & 0xFF) == 0, N set if (nz & 0x8080) != 0
-	{
-		fuint8 temp = r.status;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-	}
-	goto loop;
-	s_time--;
-	#ifndef NDEBUG
-	{
-		sap_time_t correct = end_time_;
-		if ( !(status & st_i) && correct > irq_time_ )
-			correct = irq_time_;
-		check( s.base == correct );
-	}
-	#endif
-	check( (unsigned) GET_SP() < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) a < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) x < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) y < 0x100 );
-	fuint8 opcode = mem [pc];
-	pc++;
-	uint8_t const* instr = mem + pc;
-	static uint8_t const clock_table [256] =
-	{// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
-		0,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,3,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// 0
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 1
-		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,4,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// 2
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 3
-		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,3,2,2,2,3,4,6,6,// 4
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 5
-		6,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,4,2,2,2,5,4,6,6,// 6
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// 7
-		2,6,2,6,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,// 8
-		3,6,2,6,4,4,4,4,2,5,2,5,5,5,5,5,// 9
-		2,6,2,6,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,// A
-		3,5,2,5,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4,4,4,4,4,// B
-		2,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,2,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// C
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7,// D
-		2,6,2,8,3,3,5,5,2,2,2,2,4,4,6,6,// E
-		3,5,2,8,4,4,6,6,2,4,2,7,4,4,7,7 // F
-	}; // 0x00 was 7
-	fuint16 data;
-	data = clock_table [opcode];
-	if ( (s_time += data) >= 0 )
-		goto possibly_out_of_time;
-	data = *instr;
-	#ifdef NES_CPU_LOG_H
-		nes_cpu_log( "cpu_log", pc - 1, opcode, instr [0], instr [1] );
-	#endif
-	switch ( opcode )
-	{
-		if ( s_time < (int) data )
-			goto almost_out_of_time;
-		s_time -= data;
-		goto out_of_time;
-// Macros
-#define GET_MSB()   (instr [1])
-#define ADD_PAGE()  (pc++, data += 0x100 * GET_MSB())
-#define GET_ADDR()  GET_LE16( instr )
-#define NO_PAGE_CROSSING( lsb )
-#define HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( lsb ) s_time += (lsb) >> 8;
-#define INC_DEC_XY( reg, n ) reg = uint8_t (nz = reg + n); goto loop;
-#define IND_Y( cross, out ) {\
-		fuint16 temp = READ_LOW( data ) + y;\
-		out = temp + 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + 1) );\
-		cross( temp );\
-	}
-#define IND_X( out ) {\
-		fuint16 temp = data + x;\
-		out = 0x100 * READ_LOW( uint8_t (temp + 1) ) + READ_LOW( uint8_t (temp) );\
-	}
-#define ARITH_ADDR_MODES( op )\
-case op - 0x04: /* (ind,x) */\
-	IND_X( data )\
-	goto ptr##op;\
-case op + 0x0C: /* (ind),y */\
-	goto ptr##op;\
-case op + 0x10: /* zp,X */\
-	data = uint8_t (data + x);\
-case op + 0x00: /* zp */\
-	data = READ_LOW( data );\
-	goto imm##op;\
-case op + 0x14: /* abs,Y */\
-	data += y;\
-	goto ind##op;\
-case op + 0x18: /* abs,X */\
-	data += x;\
-case op + 0x08: /* abs */\
-	ADD_PAGE();\
-	data = READ( data );\
-case op + 0x04: /* imm */\
-// TODO: more efficient way to handle negative branch that wraps PC around
-#define BRANCH( cond )\
-	fint16 offset = (BOOST::int8_t) data;\
-	fuint16 extra_clock = (++pc & 0xFF) + offset;\
-	if ( !(cond) ) goto dec_clock_loop;\
-	pc += offset;\
-	s_time += extra_clock >> 8 & 1;\
-	goto loop;\
-// Often-Used
-	case 0xB5: // LDA zp,x
-		a = nz = READ_LOW( uint8_t (data + x) );
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xA5: // LDA zp
-		a = nz = READ_LOW( data );
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD0: // BNE
-		BRANCH( (uint8_t) nz );
-	case 0x20: { // JSR
-		fuint16 temp = pc + 1;
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 1), temp >> 8 );
-		sp = (sp - 2) | 0x100;
-		WRITE_LOW( sp, temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x4C: // JMP abs
-		pc = GET_ADDR();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xE8: // INX
-		INC_DEC_XY( x, 1 )
-	case 0x10: // BPL
-		nz = a - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x30: // BMI
-	case 0xF0: // BEQ
-		BRANCH( !(uint8_t) nz );
-	case 0x95: // STA zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x85: // STA zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC8: // INY
-		INC_DEC_XY( y, 1 )
-	case 0xA8: // TAY
-		y  = a;
-		nz = a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x98: // TYA
-		a  = y;
-		nz = y;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xAD:{// LDA abs
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		nz = READ( addr );
-		a = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x60: // RTS
-		pc = 1 + READ_LOW( sp );
-		pc += 0x100 * READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFF) );
-		sp = (sp - 0xFE) | 0x100;
-		goto loop;
-	{
-		fuint16 addr;
-	case 0x99: // STA abs,Y
-		addr = y + GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( addr <= 0x7FF )
-		{
-			WRITE_LOW( addr, a );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	case 0x8D: // STA abs
-		addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( addr <= 0x7FF )
-		{
-			WRITE_LOW( addr, a );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	case 0x9D: // STA abs,X (slightly more common than STA abs)
-		addr = x + GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( addr <= 0x7FF )
-		{
-			WRITE_LOW( addr, a );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	sta_ptr:
-		WRITE( addr, a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x91: // STA (ind),Y
-		pc++;
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	case 0x81: // STA (ind,X)
-		IND_X( addr )
-		pc++;
-		goto sta_ptr;
-	}
-	case 0xA9: // LDA #imm
-		pc++;
-		a  = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-	// common read instructions
-	{
-		fuint16 addr;
-	case 0xA1: // LDA (ind,X)
-		IND_X( addr )
-		pc++;
-		goto a_nz_read_addr;
-	case 0xB1:// LDA (ind),Y
-		addr = READ_LOW( data ) + y;
-		addr += 0x100 * READ_LOW( (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
-		pc++;
-		a = nz = READ_PROG( addr );
-		if ( (addr ^ 0x8000) <= 0x9FFF )
-			goto loop;
-		goto a_nz_read_addr;
-	case 0xB9: // LDA abs,Y
-		HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( data + y );
-		addr = GET_ADDR() + y;
-		pc += 2;
-		a = nz = READ_PROG( addr );
-		if ( (addr ^ 0x8000) <= 0x9FFF )
-			goto loop;
-		goto a_nz_read_addr;
-	case 0xBD: // LDA abs,X
-		HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( data + x );
-		addr = GET_ADDR() + x;
-		pc += 2;
-		a = nz = READ_PROG( addr );
-		if ( (addr ^ 0x8000) <= 0x9FFF )
-			goto loop;
-	a_nz_read_addr:
-		a = nz = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Branch
-	case 0x50: // BVC
-		BRANCH( !(status & st_v) )
-	case 0x70: // BVS
-		BRANCH( status & st_v )
-	case 0xB0: // BCS
-		BRANCH( c & 0x100 )
-	case 0x90: // BCC
-		BRANCH( !(c & 0x100) )
-// Load/store
-	case 0x94: // STY zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x84: // STY zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, y );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x96: // STX zp,y
-		data = uint8_t (data + y);
-	case 0x86: // STX zp
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, x );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB6: // LDX zp,y
-		data = uint8_t (data + y);
-	case 0xA6: // LDX zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xA2: // LDX #imm
-		pc++;
-		x = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB4: // LDY zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xA4: // LDY zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xA0: // LDY #imm
-		pc++;
-		y = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBC: // LDY abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0xAC:{// LDY abs
-		unsigned addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
-		pc += 2;
-		y = nz = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xBE: // LDX abs,y
-		data += y;
-	case 0xAE:{// LDX abs
-		unsigned addr = data + 0x100 * GET_MSB();
-		pc += 2;
-		x = nz = READ( addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	{
-		fuint8 temp;
-	case 0x8C: // STY abs
-		temp = y;
-		goto store_abs;
-	case 0x8E: // STX abs
-		temp = x;
-	store_abs:
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		if ( addr <= 0x7FF )
-		{
-			WRITE_LOW( addr, temp );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		WRITE( addr, temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Compare
-	case 0xEC:{// CPX abs
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc++;
-		data = READ( addr );
-		goto cpx_data;
-	}
-	case 0xE4: // CPX zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xE0: // CPX #imm
-	cpx_data:
-		nz = x - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xCC:{// CPY abs
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc++;
-		data = READ( addr );
-		goto cpy_data;
-	}
-	case 0xC4: // CPY zp
-		data = READ_LOW( data );
-	case 0xC0: // CPY #imm
-	cpy_data:
-		nz = y - data;
-		pc++;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-// Logical
-		nz = (a &= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-		nz = (a ^= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-		nz = (a |= data);
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2C:{// BIT abs
-		unsigned addr = GET_ADDR();
-		pc += 2;
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		nz = READ( addr );
-		status |= nz & st_v;
-		if ( a & nz )
-			goto loop;
-		nz <<= 8; // result must be zero, even if N bit is set
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x24: // BIT zp
-		nz = READ_LOW( data );
-		pc++;
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		status |= nz & st_v;
-		if ( a & nz )
-			goto loop;
-		nz <<= 8; // result must be zero, even if N bit is set
-		goto loop;
-// Add/subtract
-	case 0xEB: // unofficial equivalent
-		data ^= 0xFF;
-		goto adc_imm;
-	adc_imm: {
-		check( !(status & st_d) );
-		fint16 carry = c >> 8 & 1;
-		fint16 ov = (a ^ 0x80) + carry + (BOOST::int8_t) data; // sign-extend
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		status |= ov >> 2 & 0x40;
-		c = nz = a + data + carry;
-		pc++;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Shift/rotate
-	case 0x4A: // LSR A
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x6A: // ROR A
-		nz = c >> 1 & 0x80;
-		c = a << 8;
-		nz |= a >> 1;
-		a = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0A: // ASL A
-		nz = a << 1;
-		c = nz;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2A: { // ROL A
-		nz = a << 1;
-		fint16 temp = c >> 8 & 1;
-		c = nz;
-		nz |= temp;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x5E: // LSR abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0x4E: // LSR abs
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x6E: // ROR abs
-	ror_abs: {
-		ADD_PAGE();
-		int temp = READ( data );
-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) | (temp >> 1);
-		c = temp << 8;
-		goto rotate_common;
-	}
-	case 0x3E: // ROL abs,X
-		data += x;
-		goto rol_abs;
-	case 0x1E: // ASL abs,X
-		data += x;
-	case 0x0E: // ASL abs
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x2E: // ROL abs
-	rol_abs:
-		ADD_PAGE();
-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
-		nz |= (c = READ( data ) << 1);
-	rotate_common:
-		pc++;
-		WRITE( data, (uint8_t) nz );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x7E: // ROR abs,X
-		data += x;
-		goto ror_abs;
-	case 0x76: // ROR zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-		goto ror_zp;
-	case 0x56: // LSR zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x46: // LSR zp
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x66: // ROR zp
-	ror_zp: {
-		int temp = READ_LOW( data );
-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) | (temp >> 1);
-		c = temp << 8;
-		goto write_nz_zp;
-	}
-	case 0x36: // ROL zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-		goto rol_zp;
-	case 0x16: // ASL zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0x06: // ASL zp
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x26: // ROL zp
-	rol_zp:
-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
-		nz |= (c = READ_LOW( data ) << 1);
-		goto write_nz_zp;
-// Increment/decrement
-	case 0xCA: // DEX
-		INC_DEC_XY( x, -1 )
-	case 0x88: // DEY
-		INC_DEC_XY( y, -1 )
-	case 0xF6: // INC zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xE6: // INC zp
-		nz = 1;
-		goto add_nz_zp;
-	case 0xD6: // DEC zp,x
-		data = uint8_t (data + x);
-	case 0xC6: // DEC zp
-		nz = (unsigned) -1;
-	add_nz_zp:
-		nz += READ_LOW( data );
-	write_nz_zp:
-		pc++;
-		WRITE_LOW( data, nz );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFE: // INC abs,x
-		data = x + GET_ADDR();
-		goto inc_ptr;
-	case 0xEE: // INC abs
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-	inc_ptr:
-		nz = 1;
-		goto inc_common;
-	case 0xDE: // DEC abs,x
-		data = x + GET_ADDR();
-		goto dec_ptr;
-	case 0xCE: // DEC abs
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-	dec_ptr:
-		nz = (unsigned) -1;
-	inc_common:
-		nz += READ( data );
-		pc += 2;
-		WRITE( data, (uint8_t) nz );
-		goto loop;
-// Transfer
-	case 0xAA: // TAX
-		x  = a;
-		nz = a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x8A: // TXA
-		a  = x;
-		nz = x;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x9A: // TXS
-		SET_SP( x ); // verified (no flag change)
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBA: // TSX
-		x = nz = GET_SP();
-		goto loop;
-// Stack
-	case 0x48: // PHA
-		PUSH( a ); // verified
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x68: // PLA
-		a = nz = READ_LOW( sp );
-		sp = (sp - 0xFF) | 0x100;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x40:{// RTI
-		fuint8 temp = READ_LOW( sp );
-		pc  = READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFF) );
-		pc |= READ_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 0xFE) ) * 0x100;
-		sp = (sp - 0xFD) | 0x100;
-		data = status;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		if ( (data ^ status) & st_i )
-		{
-			sap_time_t new_time = end_time_;
-			if ( !(status & st_i) && new_time > irq_time_ )
-				new_time = irq_time_;
-			blargg_long delta = s.base - new_time;
-			s.base = new_time;
-			s_time += delta;
-		}
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x28:{// PLP
-		fuint8 temp = READ_LOW( sp );
-		sp = (sp - 0xFF) | 0x100;
-		fuint8 changed = status ^ temp;
-		SET_STATUS( temp );
-		if ( !(changed & st_i) )
-			goto loop; // I flag didn't change
-		if ( status & st_i )
-			goto handle_sei;
-		goto handle_cli;
-	}
-	case 0x08: { // PHP
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		PUSH( temp | (st_b | st_r) );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x6C:{// JMP (ind)
-		data = GET_ADDR();
-		pc = READ_PROG( data );
-		data = (data & 0xFF00) | ((data + 1) & 0xFF);
-		pc |= 0x100 * READ_PROG( data );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x00: // BRK
-		goto handle_brk;
-// Flags
-	case 0x38: // SEC
-		c = (unsigned) ~0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x18: // CLC
-		c = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xB8: // CLV
-		status &= ~st_v;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xD8: // CLD
-		status &= ~st_d;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xF8: // SED
-		status |= st_d;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x58: // CLI
-		if ( !(status & st_i) )
-			goto loop;
-		status &= ~st_i;
-	handle_cli: {
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - irq_time_;
-		if ( delta <= 0 )
-		{
-			if ( TIME < irq_time_ )
-				goto loop;
-			goto delayed_cli;
-		}
-		s.base = irq_time_;
-		s_time += delta;
-		if ( s_time < 0 )
-			goto loop;
-		if ( delta >= s_time + 1 )
-		{
-			// delayed irq until after next instruction
-			s.base += s_time + 1;
-			s_time = -1;
-			irq_time_ = s.base; // TODO: remove, as only to satisfy debug check in loop
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	delayed_cli:
-		debug_printf( "Delayed CLI not emulated\n" );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x78: // SEI
-		if ( status & st_i )
-			goto loop;
-		status |= st_i;
-	handle_sei: {
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - end_time_;
-		s.base = end_time_;
-		s_time += delta;
-		if ( s_time < 0 )
-			goto loop;
-		debug_printf( "Delayed SEI not emulated\n" );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-// Unofficial
-	// SKW - Skip word
-	case 0x1C: case 0x3C: case 0x5C: case 0x7C: case 0xDC: case 0xFC:
-		HANDLE_PAGE_CROSSING( data + x );
-	case 0x0C:
-		pc++;
-	// SKB - Skip byte
-	case 0x74: case 0x04: case 0x14: case 0x34: case 0x44: case 0x54: case 0x64:
-	case 0x80: case 0x82: case 0x89: case 0xC2: case 0xD4: case 0xE2: case 0xF4:
-		pc++;
-		goto loop;
-	// NOP
-	case 0xEA: case 0x1A: case 0x3A: case 0x5A: case 0x7A: case 0xDA: case 0xFA:
-		goto loop;
-// Unimplemented
-	// halt
-	//case 0x02: case 0x12: case 0x22: case 0x32: case 0x42: case 0x52:
-	//case 0x62: case 0x72: case 0x92: case 0xB2: case 0xD2: case 0xF2:
-	default:
-		assert( (unsigned) opcode <= 0xFF );
-		illegal_encountered = true;
-		pc--;
-		goto stop;
-	}
-	assert( false );
-	int result_;
-	if ( (pc - 1) >= idle_addr )
-		goto idle_done;
-	pc++;
-	result_ = 4;
-	debug_printf( "BRK executed\n" );
-	{
-		s_time += 7;
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 1), pc >> 8 );
-		WRITE_LOW( 0x100 | (sp - 2), pc );
-		pc = GET_LE16( &READ_PROG( 0xFFFA ) + result_ );
-		sp = (sp - 3) | 0x100;
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		temp |= st_r;
-		if ( result_ )
-			temp |= st_b; // TODO: incorrectly sets B flag for IRQ
-		WRITE_LOW( sp, temp );
-		status &= ~st_d;
-		status |= st_i;
-		this->r.status = status; // update externally-visible I flag
-		blargg_long delta = s.base - end_time_;
-		s.base = end_time_;
-		s_time += delta;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	//s_time = 0;
-	pc--;
-	goto stop;
-	pc--;
-	CPU_DONE( this, TIME, result_ );
-	if ( result_ >= 0 )
-		goto interrupt;
-	if ( s_time < 0 )
-		goto loop;
-	s.time = s_time;
-	r.pc = pc;
-	r.sp = GET_SP();
-	r.a = a;
-	r.x = x;
-	r.y = y;
-	{
-		fuint8 temp;
-		CALC_STATUS( temp );
-		r.status = temp;
-	}
-	this->state_ = s;
-	this->state = &this->state_;
-	return illegal_encountered;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Cpu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Cpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ea42c7a80dfcdf4ae49bd0fc09c896d51a5e84c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Cpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Atari 6502 CPU emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef SAP_CPU_H
-#define SAP_CPU_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-typedef blargg_long sap_time_t; // clock cycle count
-typedef unsigned sap_addr_t; // 16-bit address
-enum { future_sap_time = INT_MAX / 2 + 1 };
-class Sap_Cpu {
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t uint8_t;
-	// Clear all registers and keep pointer to 64K memory passed in
-	void reset( void* mem_64k );
-	// Run until specified time is reached. Returns true if suspicious/unsupported
-	// instruction was encountered at any point during run.
-	bool run( sap_time_t end_time );
-	// Registers are not updated until run() returns (except I flag in status)
-	struct registers_t {
-		BOOST::uint16_t pc;
-		BOOST::uint8_t a;
-		BOOST::uint8_t x;
-		BOOST::uint8_t y;
-		BOOST::uint8_t status;
-		BOOST::uint8_t sp;
-	};
-	registers_t r;
-	enum { idle_addr = 0xFEFF };
-	// Time of beginning of next instruction to be executed
-	sap_time_t time() const             { return state->time + state->base; }
-	void set_time( sap_time_t t )       { state->time = t - state->base; }
-	void adjust_time( int delta )       { state->time += delta; }
-	sap_time_t irq_time() const         { return irq_time_; }
-	void set_irq_time( sap_time_t );
-	sap_time_t end_time() const         { return end_time_; }
-	void set_end_time( sap_time_t );
-	Sap_Cpu() { state = &state_; }
-	enum { irq_inhibit = 0x04 };
-	struct state_t {
-		sap_time_t base;
-		sap_time_t time;
-	};
-	state_t* state; // points to state_ or a local copy within run()
-	state_t state_;
-	sap_time_t irq_time_;
-	sap_time_t end_time_;
-	uint8_t* mem;
-	inline sap_time_t update_end_time( sap_time_t end, sap_time_t irq );
-inline sap_time_t Sap_Cpu::update_end_time( sap_time_t t, sap_time_t irq )
-	if ( irq < t && !(r.status & irq_inhibit) ) t = irq;
-	sap_time_t delta = state->base - t;
-	state->base = t;
-	return delta;
-inline void Sap_Cpu::set_irq_time( sap_time_t t )
-	state->time += update_end_time( end_time_, (irq_time_ = t) );
-inline void Sap_Cpu::set_end_time( sap_time_t t )
-	state->time += update_end_time( (end_time_ = t), irq_time_ );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cb52714f993ae0f4fd7c28cae3960358a8860690..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Sap_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-long const base_scanline_period = 114;
-	set_type( gme_sap_type );
-	static const char* const names [Sap_Apu::osc_count * 2] = {
-		"Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3", "Wave 4",
-		"Wave 5", "Wave 6", "Wave 7", "Wave 8",
-	};
-	set_voice_names( names );
-	static int const types [Sap_Apu::osc_count * 2] = {
-		wave_type | 1, wave_type | 2, wave_type | 3, wave_type | 0,
-		wave_type | 5, wave_type | 6, wave_type | 7, wave_type | 4,
-	};
-	set_voice_types( types );
-	set_silence_lookahead( 6 );
-Sap_Emu::~Sap_Emu() { }
-// Track info
-// Returns 16 or greater if not hex
-inline int from_hex_char( int h )
-	h -= 0x30;
-	if ( (unsigned) h > 9 )
-		h = ((h - 0x11) & 0xDF) + 10;
-	return h;
-static long from_hex( byte const* in )
-	unsigned result = 0;
-	for ( int n = 4; n--; )
-	{
-		int h = from_hex_char( *in++ );
-		if ( h > 15 )
-			return -1;
-		result = result * 0x10 + h;
-	}
-	return result;
-static int from_dec( byte const* in, byte const* end )
-	if ( in >= end )
-		return -1;
-	int n = 0;
-	while ( in < end )
-	{
-		int dig = *in++ - '0';
-		if ( (unsigned) dig > 9 )
-			return -1;
-		n = n * 10 + dig;
-	}
-	return n;
-static void parse_string( byte const* in, byte const* end, int len, char* out )
-	byte const* start = in;
-	if ( *in++ == '\"' )
-	{
-		start++;
-		while ( in < end && *in != '\"' )
-			in++;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		in = end;
-	}
-	len = min( len - 1, int (in - start) );
-	out [len] = 0;
-	memcpy( out, start, len );
-static blargg_err_t parse_info( byte const* in, long size, Sap_Emu::info_t* out )
-	out->track_count   = 1;
-	out->author    [0] = 0;
-	out->name      [0] = 0;
-	out->copyright [0] = 0;
-	if ( size < 16 || memcmp( in, "SAP\x0D\x0A", 5 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	byte const* file_end = in + size - 5;
-	in += 5;
-	while ( in < file_end && (in [0] != 0xFF || in [1] != 0xFF) )
-	{
-		byte const* line_end = in;
-		while ( line_end < file_end && *line_end != 0x0D )
-			line_end++;
-		char const* tag = (char const*) in;
-		while ( in < line_end && *in > ' ' )
-			in++;
-		int tag_len = (char const*) in - tag;
-		while ( in < line_end && *in <= ' ' ) in++;
-		if ( tag_len <= 0 )
-		{
-			// skip line
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "INIT", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			out->init_addr = from_hex( in );
-			if ( (unsigned long) out->init_addr > 0xFFFF )
-				return "Invalid init address";
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "PLAYER", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			out->play_addr = from_hex( in );
-			if ( (unsigned long) out->play_addr > 0xFFFF )
-				return "Invalid play address";
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "MUSIC", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			out->music_addr = from_hex( in );
-			if ( (unsigned long) out->music_addr > 0xFFFF )
-				return "Invalid music address";
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "SONGS", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			out->track_count = from_dec( in, line_end );
-			if ( out->track_count <= 0 )
-				return "Invalid track count";
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "TYPE", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			switch ( out->type = *in )
-			{
-			case 'C':
-			case 'B':
-				break;
-			case 'D':
-				return "Digimusic not supported";
-			default:
-				return "Unsupported player type";
-			}
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "STEREO", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			out->stereo = true;
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "FASTPLAY", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			out->fastplay = from_dec( in, line_end );
-			if ( out->fastplay <= 0 )
-				return "Invalid fastplay value";
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "AUTHOR", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			parse_string( in, line_end, sizeof out->author, out->author );
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "NAME", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			parse_string( in, line_end, sizeof out->name, out->name );
-		}
-		else if ( !strncmp( "DATE", tag, tag_len ) )
-		{
-			parse_string( in, line_end, sizeof out->copyright, out->copyright );
-		}
-		in = line_end + 2;
-	}
-	if ( in [0] != 0xFF || in [1] != 0xFF )
-		return "ROM data missing";
-	out->rom_data = in + 2;
-	return 0;
-static void copy_sap_fields( Sap_Emu::info_t const& in, track_info_t* out )
-	Gme_File::copy_field_( out->game,      in.name );
-	Gme_File::copy_field_( out->author,    in.author );
-	Gme_File::copy_field_( out->copyright, in.copyright );
-blargg_err_t Sap_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	copy_sap_fields( info, out );
-	return 0;
-struct Sap_File : Gme_Info_
-	Sap_Emu::info_t info;
-	Sap_File() { set_type( gme_sap_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const* begin, long size )
-	{
-		RETURN_ERR( parse_info( begin, size, &info ) );
-		set_track_count( info.track_count );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	{
-		copy_sap_fields( info, out );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_sap_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Sap_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_sap_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Sap_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_sap_type_ = { "Atari XL", 0, &new_sap_emu, &new_sap_file, "SAP", 1 };
-gme_type_t const gme_sap_type = &gme_sap_type_;
-// Setup
-blargg_err_t Sap_Emu::load_mem_( byte const* in, long size )
-	file_end = in + size;
-	info.warning    = 0;
-	info.type       = 'B';
-	info.stereo     = false;
-	info.init_addr  = -1;
-	info.play_addr  = -1;
-	info.music_addr = -1;
-	info.fastplay   = 312;
-	RETURN_ERR( parse_info( in, size, &info ) );
-	set_warning( info.warning );
-	set_track_count( info.track_count );
-	set_voice_count( Sap_Apu::osc_count << info.stereo );
-	apu_impl.volume( gain() );
-	return setup_buffer( 1773447 );
-void Sap_Emu::update_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	apu_impl.synth.treble_eq( eq );
-void Sap_Emu::set_voice( int i, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right )
-	int i2 = i - Sap_Apu::osc_count;
-	if ( i2 >= 0 )
-		apu2.osc_output( i2, right );
-	else
-		apu.osc_output( i, (info.stereo ? left : center) );
-// Emulation
-void Sap_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	scanline_period = sap_time_t (base_scanline_period / t);
-inline sap_time_t Sap_Emu::play_period() const { return info.fastplay * scanline_period; }
-void Sap_Emu::cpu_jsr( sap_addr_t addr )
-	check( r.sp >= 0xFE ); // catch anything trying to leave data on stack
-	r.pc = addr;
-	int high_byte = (idle_addr - 1) >> 8;
-	if ( r.sp == 0xFE && mem.ram [0x1FF] == high_byte )
-		r.sp = 0xFF; // pop extra byte off
-	mem.ram [0x100 + r.sp--] = high_byte; // some routines use RTI to return
-	mem.ram [0x100 + r.sp--] = high_byte;
-	mem.ram [0x100 + r.sp--] = (idle_addr - 1) & 0xFF;
-void Sap_Emu::run_routine( sap_addr_t addr )
-	cpu_jsr( addr );
-	cpu::run( 312 * base_scanline_period * 60 );
-	check( r.pc == idle_addr );
-inline void Sap_Emu::call_init( int track )
-	switch ( info.type )
-	{
-	case 'B':
-		r.a = track;
-		run_routine( info.init_addr );
-		break;
-	case 'C':
-		r.a = 0x70;
-		r.x = info.music_addr&0xFF;
-		r.y = info.music_addr >> 8;
-		run_routine( info.play_addr + 3 );
-		r.a = 0;
-		r.x = track;
-		run_routine( info.play_addr + 3 );
-		break;
-	}
-blargg_err_t Sap_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	memset( &mem, 0, sizeof mem );
-	byte const* in = info.rom_data;
-	while ( file_end - in >= 5 )
-	{
-		unsigned start = get_le16( in );
-		unsigned end   = get_le16( in + 2 );
-		//debug_printf( "Block $%04X-$%04X\n", start, end );
-		in += 4;
-		if ( end < start )
-		{
-			set_warning( "Invalid file data block" );
-			break;
-		}
-		long len = end - start + 1;
-		if ( len > file_end - in )
-		{
-			set_warning( "Invalid file data block" );
-			break;
-		}
-		memcpy( mem.ram + start, in, len );
-		in += len;
-		if ( file_end - in >= 2 && in [0] == 0xFF && in [1] == 0xFF )
-			in += 2;
-	}
-	apu.reset( &apu_impl );
-	apu2.reset( &apu_impl );
-	cpu::reset( mem.ram );
-	time_mask = 0; // disables sound during init
-	call_init( track );
-	time_mask = -1;
-	next_play = play_period();
-	return 0;
-// Emulation
-// see sap_cpu_io.h for read/write functions
-void Sap_Emu::cpu_write_( sap_addr_t addr, int data )
-	if ( (addr ^ Sap_Apu::start_addr) <= (Sap_Apu::end_addr - Sap_Apu::start_addr) )
-	{
-		GME_APU_HOOK( this, addr - Sap_Apu::start_addr, data );
-		apu.write_data( time() & time_mask, addr, data );
-		return;
-	}
-	if ( (addr ^ (Sap_Apu::start_addr + 0x10)) <= (Sap_Apu::end_addr - Sap_Apu::start_addr) &&
-			info.stereo )
-	{
-		GME_APU_HOOK( this, addr - 0x10 - Sap_Apu::start_addr + 10, data );
-		apu2.write_data( time() & time_mask, addr ^ 0x10, data );
-		return;
-	}
-	if ( (addr & ~0x0010) != 0xD20F || data != 0x03 )
-		debug_printf( "Unmapped write $%04X <- $%02X\n", addr, data );
-inline void Sap_Emu::call_play()
-	switch ( info.type )
-	{
-	case 'B':
-		cpu_jsr( info.play_addr );
-		break;
-	case 'C':
-		cpu_jsr( info.play_addr + 6 );
-		break;
-	}
-blargg_err_t Sap_Emu::run_clocks( blip_time_t& duration, int )
-	set_time( 0 );
-	while ( time() < duration )
-	{
-		if ( cpu::run( duration ) || r.pc > idle_addr )
-			return "Emulation error (illegal instruction)";
-		if ( r.pc == idle_addr )
-		{
-			if ( next_play <= duration )
-			{
-				set_time( next_play );
-				next_play += play_period();
-				call_play();
-				GME_FRAME_HOOK( this );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				set_time( duration );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	duration = time();
-	next_play -= duration;
-	check( next_play >= 0 );
-	if ( next_play < 0 )
-		next_play = 0;
-	apu.end_frame( duration );
-	if ( info.stereo )
-		apu2.end_frame( duration );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Sap_Emu.h
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index 5b0dc47df177222044454df94921c61b131e35be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Atari XL/XE SAP music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef SAP_EMU_H
-#define SAP_EMU_H
-#include "Classic_Emu.h"
-#include "Sap_Apu.h"
-#include "Sap_Cpu.h"
-class Sap_Emu : private Sap_Cpu, public Classic_Emu {
-	typedef Sap_Cpu cpu;
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_sap_type; }
-	Sap_Emu();
-	~Sap_Emu();
-	struct info_t {
-		byte const* rom_data;
-		const char* warning;
-		long init_addr;
-		long play_addr;
-		long music_addr;
-		int  type;
-		int  track_count;
-		int  fastplay;
-		bool stereo;
-		char author    [256];
-		char name      [256];
-		char copyright [ 32];
-	};
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const*, long );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t run_clocks( blip_time_t&, int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	void set_voice( int, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void update_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-public: private: friend class Sap_Cpu;
-	int cpu_read( sap_addr_t );
-	void cpu_write( sap_addr_t, int );
-	void cpu_write_( sap_addr_t, int );
-	info_t info;
-	byte const* file_end;
-	sap_time_t scanline_period;
-	sap_time_t next_play;
-	sap_time_t time_mask;
-	Sap_Apu apu;
-	Sap_Apu apu2;
-	// large items
-	struct {
-		byte padding1 [0x100];
-		byte ram [0x10000];
-		byte padding2 [0x100];
-	} mem;
-	Sap_Apu_Impl apu_impl;
-	sap_time_t play_period() const;
-	void call_play();
-	void cpu_jsr( sap_addr_t );
-	void call_init( int track );
-	void run_routine( sap_addr_t );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Sms_Apu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Sms_Apu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b41fdec41bf646dfa7d8a154201c5d47a7c26a09..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Sms_Apu.cpp
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@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-// Sms_Snd_Emu 0.1.4. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Sms_Apu.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// Sms_Osc
-	output = 0;
-	outputs [0] = 0; // always stays NULL
-	outputs [1] = 0;
-	outputs [2] = 0;
-	outputs [3] = 0;
-void Sms_Osc::reset()
-	delay = 0;
-	last_amp = 0;
-	volume = 0;
-	output_select = 3;
-	output = outputs [3];
-// Sms_Square
-inline void Sms_Square::reset()
-	period = 0;
-	phase = 0;
-	Sms_Osc::reset();
-void Sms_Square::run( blip_time_t time, blip_time_t end_time )
-	if ( !volume || period <= 128 )
-	{
-		// ignore 16kHz and higher
-		if ( last_amp )
-		{
-			synth->offset( time, -last_amp, output );
-			last_amp = 0;
-		}
-		time += delay;
-		if ( !period )
-		{
-			time = end_time;
-		}
-		else if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			// keep calculating phase
-			int count = (end_time - time + period - 1) / period;
-			phase = (phase + count) & 1;
-			time += count * period;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		int amp = phase ? volume : -volume;
-		{
-			int delta = amp - last_amp;
-			if ( delta )
-			{
-				last_amp = amp;
-				synth->offset( time, delta, output );
-			}
-		}
-		time += delay;
-		if ( time < end_time )
-		{
-			Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-			int delta = amp * 2;
-			do
-			{
-				delta = -delta;
-				synth->offset_inline( time, delta, output );
-				time += period;
-				phase ^= 1;
-			}
-			while ( time < end_time );
-			this->last_amp = phase ? volume : -volume;
-		}
-	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
-// Sms_Noise
-static int const noise_periods [3] = { 0x100, 0x200, 0x400 };
-inline void Sms_Noise::reset()
-	period = &noise_periods [0];
-	shifter = 0x8000;
-	feedback = 0x9000;
-	Sms_Osc::reset();
-void Sms_Noise::run( blip_time_t time, blip_time_t end_time )
-	int amp = volume;
-	if ( shifter & 1 )
-		amp = -amp;
-	{
-		int delta = amp - last_amp;
-		if ( delta )
-		{
-			last_amp = amp;
-			synth.offset( time, delta, output );
-		}
-	}
-	time += delay;
-	if ( !volume )
-		time = end_time;
-	if ( time < end_time )
-	{
-		Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
-		unsigned shifter = this->shifter;
-		int delta = amp * 2;
-		int period = *this->period * 2;
-		if ( !period )
-			period = 16;
-		do
-		{
-			int changed = shifter + 1;
-			shifter = (feedback & -(shifter & 1)) ^ (shifter >> 1);
-			if ( changed & 2 ) // true if bits 0 and 1 differ
-			{
-				delta = -delta;
-				synth.offset_inline( time, delta, output );
-			}
-			time += period;
-		}
-		while ( time < end_time );
-		this->shifter = shifter;
-		this->last_amp = delta >> 1;
-	}
-	delay = time - end_time;
-// Sms_Apu
-	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
-	{
-		squares [i].synth = &square_synth;
-		oscs [i] = &squares [i];
-	}
-	oscs [3] = &noise;
-	volume( 1.0 );
-	reset();
-void Sms_Apu::volume( double vol )
-	vol *= 0.85 / (osc_count * 64 * 2);
-	square_synth.volume( vol );
-	noise.synth.volume( vol );
-void Sms_Apu::treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq )
-	square_synth.treble_eq( eq );
-	noise.synth.treble_eq( eq );
-void Sms_Apu::osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right )
-	require( (unsigned) index < osc_count );
-	require( (center && left && right) || (!center && !left && !right) );
-	Sms_Osc& osc = *oscs [index];
-	osc.outputs [1] = right;
-	osc.outputs [2] = left;
-	osc.outputs [3] = center;
-	osc.output = osc.outputs [osc.output_select];
-void Sms_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-		osc_output( i, center, left, right );
-void Sms_Apu::reset( unsigned feedback, int noise_width )
-	last_time = 0;
-	latch = 0;
-	if ( !feedback || !noise_width )
-	{
-		feedback = 0x0009;
-		noise_width = 16;
-	}
-	// convert to "Galios configuration"
-	looped_feedback = 1 << (noise_width - 1);
-	noise_feedback  = 0;
-	while ( noise_width-- )
-	{
-		noise_feedback = (noise_feedback << 1) | (feedback & 1);
-		feedback >>= 1;
-	}
-	squares [0].reset();
-	squares [1].reset();
-	squares [2].reset();
-	noise.reset();
-void Sms_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t end_time )
-	require( end_time >= last_time ); // end_time must not be before previous time
-	if ( end_time > last_time )
-	{
-		// run oscillators
-		for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; ++i )
-		{
-			Sms_Osc& osc = *oscs [i];
-			if ( osc.output )
-			{
-				osc.output->set_modified();
-				if ( i < 3 )
-					squares [i].run( last_time, end_time );
-				else
-					noise.run( last_time, end_time );
-			}
-		}
-		last_time = end_time;
-	}
-void Sms_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t end_time )
-	if ( end_time > last_time )
-		run_until( end_time );
-	assert( last_time >= end_time );
-	last_time -= end_time;
-void Sms_Apu::write_ggstereo( blip_time_t time, int data )
-	require( (unsigned) data <= 0xFF );
-	run_until( time );
-	for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Sms_Osc& osc = *oscs [i];
-		int flags = data >> i;
-		Blip_Buffer* old_output = osc.output;
-		osc.output_select = (flags >> 3 & 2) | (flags & 1);
-		osc.output = osc.outputs [osc.output_select];
-		if ( osc.output != old_output && osc.last_amp )
-		{
-			if ( old_output )
-			{
-				old_output->set_modified();
-				square_synth.offset( time, -osc.last_amp, old_output );
-			}
-			osc.last_amp = 0;
-		}
-	}
-// volumes [i] = 64 * pow( 1.26, 15 - i ) / pow( 1.26, 15 )
-static unsigned char const volumes [16] = {
-	64, 50, 39, 31, 24, 19, 15, 12, 9, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
-void Sms_Apu::write_data( blip_time_t time, int data )
-	require( (unsigned) data <= 0xFF );
-	run_until( time );
-	if ( data & 0x80 )
-		latch = data;
-	int index = (latch >> 5) & 3;
-	if ( latch & 0x10 )
-	{
-		oscs [index]->volume = volumes [data & 15];
-	}
-	else if ( index < 3 )
-	{
-		Sms_Square& sq = squares [index];
-		if ( data & 0x80 )
-			sq.period = (sq.period & 0xFF00) | (data << 4 & 0x00FF);
-		else
-			sq.period = (sq.period & 0x00FF) | (data << 8 & 0x3F00);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		int select = data & 3;
-		if ( select < 3 )
-			noise.period = &noise_periods [select];
-		else
-			noise.period = &squares [2].period;
-		noise.feedback = (data & 0x04) ? noise_feedback : looped_feedback;
-		noise.shifter = 0x8000;
-	}
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@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// Sega Master System SN76489 PSG sound chip emulator
-// Sms_Snd_Emu 0.1.4
-#ifndef SMS_APU_H
-#define SMS_APU_H
-#include "Sms_Oscs.h"
-class Sms_Apu {
-	// Set overall volume of all oscillators, where 1.0 is full volume
-	void volume( double );
-	// Set treble equalization
-	void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& );
-	// Outputs can be assigned to a single buffer for mono output, or to three
-	// buffers for stereo output (using Stereo_Buffer to do the mixing).
-	// Assign all oscillator outputs to specified buffer(s). If buffer
-	// is NULL, silences all oscillators.
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* mono );
-	void output( Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right );
-	// Assign single oscillator output to buffer(s). Valid indicies are 0 to 3,
-	// which refer to Square 1, Square 2, Square 3, and Noise. If buffer is NULL,
-	// silences oscillator.
-	enum { osc_count = 4 };
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* mono );
-	void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* center, Blip_Buffer* left, Blip_Buffer* right );
-	// Reset oscillators and internal state
-	void reset( unsigned noise_feedback = 0, int noise_width = 0 );
-	// Write GameGear left/right assignment byte
-	void write_ggstereo( blip_time_t, int );
-	// Write to data port
-	void write_data( blip_time_t, int );
-	// Run all oscillators up to specified time, end current frame, then
-	// start a new frame at time 0.
-	void end_frame( blip_time_t );
-	Sms_Apu();
-	~Sms_Apu();
-	// noncopyable
-	Sms_Apu( const Sms_Apu& );
-	Sms_Apu& operator = ( const Sms_Apu& );
-	Sms_Osc*    oscs [osc_count];
-	Sms_Square  squares [3];
-	Sms_Square::Synth square_synth; // used by squares
-	blip_time_t last_time;
-	int         latch;
-	Sms_Noise   noise;
-	unsigned    noise_feedback;
-	unsigned    looped_feedback;
-	void run_until( blip_time_t );
-struct sms_apu_state_t
-	unsigned char regs [8] [2];
-	unsigned char latch;
-inline void Sms_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* b ) { output( b, b, b ); }
-inline void Sms_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* b ) { osc_output( i, b, b, b ); }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Sms_Oscs.h b/libs/gme/gme/Sms_Oscs.h
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index 2a896fef39adce25fab4a9d9961bcf369c3aad15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Private oscillators used by Sms_Apu
-// Sms_Snd_Emu 0.1.4
-#ifndef SMS_OSCS_H
-#define SMS_OSCS_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
-struct Sms_Osc
-	Blip_Buffer* outputs [4]; // NULL, right, left, center
-	Blip_Buffer* output;
-	int output_select;
-	int delay;
-	int last_amp;
-	int volume;
-	Sms_Osc();
-	void reset();
-struct Sms_Square : Sms_Osc
-	int period;
-	int phase;
-	typedef Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> Synth;
-	const Synth* synth;
-	void reset();
-	void run( blip_time_t, blip_time_t );
-struct Sms_Noise : Sms_Osc
-	const int* period;
-	unsigned shifter;
-	unsigned feedback;
-	typedef Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> Synth;
-	Synth synth;
-	void reset();
-	void run( blip_time_t, blip_time_t );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Snes_Spc.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Snes_Spc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index de5585ffcca9fb48c804da66001ed22b909b4d0f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Snes_Spc.cpp
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@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-// SPC emulation support: init, sample buffering, reset, SPC loading
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Snes_Spc.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-#define RAM         (m.ram.ram)
-#define REGS        (m.smp_regs [0])
-#define REGS_IN     (m.smp_regs [1])
-// (n ? n : 256)
-#define IF_0_THEN_256( n ) ((uint8_t) ((n) - 1) + 1)
-//// Init
-blargg_err_t Snes_Spc::init()
-	memset( &m, 0, sizeof m );
-	dsp.init( RAM );
-	m.tempo = tempo_unit;
-	// Most SPC music doesn't need ROM, and almost all the rest only rely
-	// on these two bytes
-	m.rom [0x3E] = 0xFF;
-	m.rom [0x3F] = 0xC0;
-	static unsigned char const cycle_table [128] =
-	{//   01   23   45   67   89   AB   CD   EF
-	    0x28,0x47,0x34,0x36,0x26,0x54,0x54,0x68, // 0
-	    0x48,0x47,0x45,0x56,0x55,0x65,0x22,0x46, // 1
-	    0x28,0x47,0x34,0x36,0x26,0x54,0x54,0x74, // 2
-	    0x48,0x47,0x45,0x56,0x55,0x65,0x22,0x38, // 3
-	    0x28,0x47,0x34,0x36,0x26,0x44,0x54,0x66, // 4
-	    0x48,0x47,0x45,0x56,0x55,0x45,0x22,0x43, // 5
-	    0x28,0x47,0x34,0x36,0x26,0x44,0x54,0x75, // 6
-	    0x48,0x47,0x45,0x56,0x55,0x55,0x22,0x36, // 7
-	    0x28,0x47,0x34,0x36,0x26,0x54,0x52,0x45, // 8
-	    0x48,0x47,0x45,0x56,0x55,0x55,0x22,0xC5, // 9
-	    0x38,0x47,0x34,0x36,0x26,0x44,0x52,0x44, // A
-	    0x48,0x47,0x45,0x56,0x55,0x55,0x22,0x34, // B
-	    0x38,0x47,0x45,0x47,0x25,0x64,0x52,0x49, // C
-	    0x48,0x47,0x56,0x67,0x45,0x55,0x22,0x83, // D
-	    0x28,0x47,0x34,0x36,0x24,0x53,0x43,0x40, // E
-	    0x48,0x47,0x45,0x56,0x34,0x54,0x22,0x60, // F
-	};
-	// unpack cycle table
-	for ( int i = 0; i < 128; i++ )
-	{
-		int n = cycle_table [i];
-		m.cycle_table [i * 2 + 0] = n >> 4;
-		m.cycle_table [i * 2 + 1] = n & 0x0F;
-	}
-		memcpy( reg_times, reg_times_, sizeof reg_times );
-	#endif
-	reset();
-	return 0;
-void Snes_Spc::init_rom( uint8_t const in [rom_size] )
-	memcpy( m.rom, in, sizeof m.rom );
-void Snes_Spc::set_tempo( int t )
-	m.tempo = t;
-	int const timer2_shift = 4; // 64 kHz
-	int const other_shift  = 3; //  8 kHz
-		m.timers [2].prescaler = timer2_shift;
-		m.timers [1].prescaler = timer2_shift + other_shift;
-		m.timers [0].prescaler = timer2_shift + other_shift;
-	#else
-		if ( !t )
-			t = 1;
-		int const timer2_rate  = 1 << timer2_shift;
-		int rate = (timer2_rate * tempo_unit + (t >> 1)) / t;
-		if ( rate < timer2_rate / 4 )
-			rate = timer2_rate / 4; // max 4x tempo
-		m.timers [2].prescaler = rate;
-		m.timers [1].prescaler = rate << other_shift;
-		m.timers [0].prescaler = rate << other_shift;
-	#endif
-// Timer registers have been loaded. Applies these to the timers. Does not
-// reset timer prescalers or dividers.
-void Snes_Spc::timers_loaded()
-	int i;
-	for ( i = 0; i < timer_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Timer* t = &m.timers [i];
-		t->period  = IF_0_THEN_256( REGS [r_t0target + i] );
-		t->enabled = REGS [r_control] >> i & 1;
-		t->counter = REGS_IN [r_t0out + i] & 0x0F;
-	}
-	set_tempo( m.tempo );
-// Loads registers from unified 16-byte format
-void Snes_Spc::load_regs( uint8_t const in [reg_count] )
-	memcpy( REGS, in, reg_count );
-	memcpy( REGS_IN, REGS, reg_count );
-	// These always read back as 0
-	REGS_IN [r_test    ] = 0;
-	REGS_IN [r_control ] = 0;
-	REGS_IN [r_t0target] = 0;
-	REGS_IN [r_t1target] = 0;
-	REGS_IN [r_t2target] = 0;
-// RAM was just loaded from SPC, with $F0-$FF containing SMP registers
-// and timer counts. Copies these to proper registers.
-void Snes_Spc::ram_loaded()
-	m.rom_enabled = 0;
-	load_regs( &RAM [0xF0] );
-	// Put STOP instruction around memory to catch PC underflow/overflow
-	memset( m.ram.padding1, cpu_pad_fill, sizeof m.ram.padding1 );
-	memset( m.ram.padding2, cpu_pad_fill, sizeof m.ram.padding2 );
-// Registers were just loaded. Applies these new values.
-void Snes_Spc::regs_loaded()
-	enable_rom( REGS [r_control] & 0x80 );
-	timers_loaded();
-void Snes_Spc::reset_time_regs()
-	m.cpu_error     = 0;
-	m.echo_accessed = 0;
-	m.spc_time      = 0;
-	m.dsp_time      = 0;
-		m.dsp_time = clocks_per_sample + 1;
-	#endif
-	for ( int i = 0; i < timer_count; i++ )
-	{
-		Timer* t = &m.timers [i];
-		t->next_time = 1;
-		t->divider   = 0;
-	}
-	regs_loaded();
-	m.extra_clocks = 0;
-	reset_buf();
-void Snes_Spc::reset_common( int timer_counter_init )
-	int i;
-	for ( i = 0; i < timer_count; i++ )
-		REGS_IN [r_t0out + i] = timer_counter_init;
-	// Run IPL ROM
-	memset( &m.cpu_regs, 0, sizeof m.cpu_regs );
-	m.cpu_regs.pc = rom_addr;
-	REGS [r_test   ] = 0x0A;
-	REGS [r_control] = 0xB0; // ROM enabled, clear ports
-	for ( i = 0; i < port_count; i++ )
-		REGS_IN [r_cpuio0 + i] = 0;
-	reset_time_regs();
-void Snes_Spc::soft_reset()
-	reset_common( 0 );
-	dsp.soft_reset();
-void Snes_Spc::reset()
-	memset( RAM, 0xFF, 0x10000 );
-	ram_loaded();
-	reset_common( 0x0F );
-	dsp.reset();
-char const Snes_Spc::signature [signature_size + 1] =
-		"SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data v0.30\x1A\x1A";
-blargg_err_t Snes_Spc::load_spc( void const* data, long size )
-	spc_file_t const* const spc = (spc_file_t const*) data;
-	// be sure compiler didn't insert any padding into fle_t
-	assert( sizeof (spc_file_t) == spc_min_file_size + 0x80 );
-	// Check signature and file size
-	if ( size < signature_size || memcmp( spc, signature, 27 ) )
-		return "Not an SPC file";
-	if ( size < spc_min_file_size )
-		return "Corrupt SPC file";
-	// CPU registers
-	m.cpu_regs.pc  = spc->pch * 0x100 + spc->pcl;
-	m.cpu_regs.a   = spc->a;
-	m.cpu_regs.x   = spc->x;
-	m.cpu_regs.y   = spc->y;
-	m.cpu_regs.psw = spc->psw;
-	m.cpu_regs.sp  = spc->sp;
-	// RAM and registers
-	memcpy( RAM, spc->ram, 0x10000 );
-	ram_loaded();
-	// DSP registers
-	dsp.load( spc->dsp );
-	reset_time_regs();
-	return 0;
-void Snes_Spc::clear_echo()
-	if ( !(dsp.read( Spc_Dsp::r_flg ) & 0x20) )
-	{
-		int addr = 0x100 * dsp.read( Spc_Dsp::r_esa );
-		int end  = addr + 0x800 * (dsp.read( Spc_Dsp::r_edl ) & 0x0F);
-		if ( end > 0x10000 )
-			end = 0x10000;
-		memset( &RAM [addr], 0xFF, end - addr );
-	}
-//// Sample output
-void Snes_Spc::reset_buf()
-	// Start with half extra buffer of silence
-	sample_t* out = m.extra_buf;
-	while ( out < &m.extra_buf [extra_size / 2] )
-		*out++ = 0;
-	m.extra_pos = out;
-	m.buf_begin = 0;
-	dsp.set_output( 0, 0 );
-void Snes_Spc::set_output( sample_t* out, int size )
-	require( (size & 1) == 0 ); // size must be even
-	m.extra_clocks &= clocks_per_sample - 1;
-	if ( out )
-	{
-		sample_t const* out_end = out + size;
-		m.buf_begin = out;
-		m.buf_end   = out_end;
-		// Copy extra to output
-		sample_t const* in = m.extra_buf;
-		while ( in < m.extra_pos && out < out_end )
-			*out++ = *in++;
-		// Handle output being full already
-		if ( out >= out_end )
-		{
-			// Have DSP write to remaining extra space
-			out     = dsp.extra();
-			out_end = &dsp.extra() [extra_size];
-			// Copy any remaining extra samples as if DSP wrote them
-			while ( in < m.extra_pos )
-				*out++ = *in++;
-			assert( out <= out_end );
-		}
-		dsp.set_output( out, out_end - out );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		reset_buf();
-	}
-void Snes_Spc::save_extra()
-	// Get end pointers
-	sample_t const* main_end = m.buf_end;     // end of data written to buf
-	sample_t const* dsp_end  = dsp.out_pos(); // end of data written to dsp.extra()
-	if ( m.buf_begin <= dsp_end && dsp_end <= main_end )
-	{
-		main_end = dsp_end;
-		dsp_end  = dsp.extra(); // nothing in DSP's extra
-	}
-	// Copy any extra samples at these ends into extra_buf
-	sample_t* out = m.extra_buf;
-	sample_t const* in;
-	for ( in = m.buf_begin + sample_count(); in < main_end; in++ )
-		*out++ = *in;
-	for ( in = dsp.extra(); in < dsp_end ; in++ )
-		*out++ = *in;
-	m.extra_pos = out;
-	assert( out <= &m.extra_buf [extra_size] );
-blargg_err_t Snes_Spc::play( int count, sample_t* out )
-	require( (count & 1) == 0 ); // must be even
-	if ( count )
-	{
-		set_output( out, count );
-		end_frame( count * (clocks_per_sample / 2) );
-	}
-	const char* err = m.cpu_error;
-	m.cpu_error = 0;
-	return err;
-blargg_err_t Snes_Spc::skip( int count )
-	if ( count > 2 * sample_rate * 2 )
-	{
-		set_output( 0, 0 );
-		// Skip a multiple of 4 samples
-		time_t end = count;
-		count = (count & 3) + 1 * sample_rate * 2;
-		end = (end - count) * (clocks_per_sample / 2);
-		m.skipped_kon  = 0;
-		m.skipped_koff = 0;
-		// Preserve DSP and timer synchronization
-		// TODO: verify that this really preserves it
-		int old_dsp_time = m.dsp_time + m.spc_time;
-		m.dsp_time = end - m.spc_time + skipping_time;
-		end_frame( end );
-		m.dsp_time = m.dsp_time - skipping_time + old_dsp_time;
-		dsp.write( Spc_Dsp::r_koff, m.skipped_koff & ~m.skipped_kon );
-		dsp.write( Spc_Dsp::r_kon , m.skipped_kon );
-		clear_echo();
-	}
-	#endif
-	return play( count, 0 );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Snes_Spc.h b/libs/gme/gme/Snes_Spc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d6c4e8135ff8dee721a0087c47ed7dcdbaad7e69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Snes_Spc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-// SNES SPC-700 APU emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef SNES_SPC_H
-#define SNES_SPC_H
-#include "Spc_Dsp.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-struct Snes_Spc {
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t uint8_t;
-	// Must be called once before using
-	blargg_err_t init();
-	// Sample pairs generated per second
-	enum { sample_rate = 32000 };
-// Emulator use
-	// Sets IPL ROM data. Library does not include ROM data. Most SPC music files
-	// don't need ROM, but a full emulator must provide this.
-	enum { rom_size = 0x40 };
-	void init_rom( uint8_t const rom [rom_size] );
-	// Sets destination for output samples
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	void set_output( sample_t* out, int out_size );
-	// Number of samples written to output since last set
-	int sample_count() const;
-	// Resets SPC to power-on state. This resets your output buffer, so you must
-	// call set_output() after this.
-	void reset();
-	// Emulates pressing reset switch on SNES. This resets your output buffer, so
-	// you must call set_output() after this.
-	void soft_reset();
-	// 1024000 SPC clocks per second, sample pair every 32 clocks
-	typedef int time_t;
-	enum { clock_rate = 1024000 };
-	enum { clocks_per_sample = 32 };
-	// Emulated port read/write at specified time
-	enum { port_count = 4 };
-	int  read_port ( time_t, int port );
-	void write_port( time_t, int port, int data );
-	// Runs SPC to end_time and starts a new time frame at 0
-	void end_frame( time_t end_time );
-// Sound control
-	// Mutes voices corresponding to non-zero bits in mask (issues repeated KOFF events).
-	// Reduces emulation accuracy.
-	enum { voice_count = 8 };
-	void mute_voices( int mask );
-	// If true, prevents channels and global volumes from being phase-negated.
-	// Only supported by fast DSP.
-	void disable_surround( bool disable = true );
-	// Sets tempo, where tempo_unit = normal, tempo_unit / 2 = half speed, etc.
-	enum { tempo_unit = 0x100 };
-	void set_tempo( int );
-// SPC music files
-	// Loads SPC data into emulator
-	enum { spc_min_file_size = 0x10180 };
-	enum { spc_file_size     = 0x10200 };
-	blargg_err_t load_spc( void const* in, long size );
-	// Clears echo region. Useful after loading an SPC as many have garbage in echo.
-	void clear_echo();
-	// Plays for count samples and write samples to out. Discards samples if out
-	// is NULL. Count must be a multiple of 2 since output is stereo.
-	blargg_err_t play( int count, sample_t* out );
-	// Skips count samples. Several times faster than play() when using fast DSP.
-	blargg_err_t skip( int count );
-// State save/load (only available with accurate DSP)
-	// Saves/loads state
-	enum { state_size = 67 * 1024L }; // maximum space needed when saving
-	typedef Spc_Dsp::copy_func_t copy_func_t;
-	void copy_state( unsigned char** io, copy_func_t );
-	// Writes minimal header to spc_out
-	static void init_header( void* spc_out );
-	// Saves emulator state as SPC file data. Writes spc_file_size bytes to spc_out.
-	// Does not set up SPC header; use init_header() for that.
-	void save_spc( void* spc_out );
-	// Returns true if new key-on events occurred since last check. Useful for
-	// trimming silence while saving an SPC.
-	bool check_kon();
-	// TODO: document
-	struct regs_t
-	{
-		int pc;
-		int a;
-		int x;
-		int y;
-		int psw;
-		int sp;
-	};
-	regs_t& smp_regs() { return m.cpu_regs; }
-	uint8_t* smp_ram() { return m.ram.ram; }
-	void run_until( time_t t ) { run_until_( t ); }
-	typedef BOOST::uint16_t uint16_t;
-	// Time relative to m_spc_time. Speeds up code a bit by eliminating need to
-	// constantly add m_spc_time to time from CPU. CPU uses time that ends at
-	// 0 to eliminate reloading end time every instruction. It pays off.
-	typedef int rel_time_t;
-	struct Timer
-	{
-		rel_time_t next_time; // time of next event
-		int prescaler;
-		int period;
-		int divider;
-		int enabled;
-		int counter;
-	};
-	enum { reg_count = 0x10 };
-	enum { timer_count = 3 };
-	enum { extra_size = Spc_Dsp::extra_size };
-	enum { signature_size = 35 };
-	Spc_Dsp dsp;
-		static signed char const reg_times_ [256];
-		signed char reg_times [256];
-	#endif
-	struct state_t
-	{
-		Timer timers [timer_count];
-		uint8_t smp_regs [2] [reg_count];
-		regs_t cpu_regs;
-		rel_time_t  dsp_time;
-		time_t      spc_time;
-		bool        echo_accessed;
-		int         tempo;
-		int         skipped_kon;
-		int         skipped_koff;
-		const char* cpu_error;
-		int         extra_clocks;
-		sample_t*   buf_begin;
-		sample_t const* buf_end;
-		sample_t*   extra_pos;
-		sample_t    extra_buf [extra_size];
-		int         rom_enabled;
-		uint8_t     rom    [rom_size];
-		uint8_t     hi_ram [rom_size];
-		unsigned char cycle_table [256];
-		struct
-		{
-			// padding to neutralize address overflow
-			union {
-				uint8_t padding1 [0x100];
-				uint16_t align; // makes compiler align data for 16-bit access
-			} padding1 [1];
-			uint8_t ram      [0x10000];
-			uint8_t padding2 [0x100];
-		} ram;
-	};
-	state_t m;
-	enum { rom_addr = 0xFFC0 };
-	enum { skipping_time = 127 };
-	// Value that padding should be filled with
-	enum { cpu_pad_fill = 0xFF };
-	enum {
-        r_test     = 0x0, r_control  = 0x1,
-        r_dspaddr  = 0x2, r_dspdata  = 0x3,
-        r_cpuio0   = 0x4, r_cpuio1   = 0x5,
-        r_cpuio2   = 0x6, r_cpuio3   = 0x7,
-        r_f8       = 0x8, r_f9       = 0x9,
-        r_t0target = 0xA, r_t1target = 0xB, r_t2target = 0xC,
-        r_t0out    = 0xD, r_t1out    = 0xE, r_t2out    = 0xF
-	};
-	void timers_loaded();
-	void enable_rom( int enable );
-	void reset_buf();
-	void save_extra();
-	void load_regs( uint8_t const in [reg_count] );
-	void ram_loaded();
-	void regs_loaded();
-	void reset_time_regs();
-	void reset_common( int timer_counter_init );
-	Timer* run_timer_      ( Timer* t, rel_time_t );
-	Timer* run_timer       ( Timer* t, rel_time_t );
-	int dsp_read           ( rel_time_t );
-	void dsp_write         ( int data, rel_time_t );
-	void cpu_write_smp_reg_( int data, rel_time_t, int addr );
-	void cpu_write_smp_reg ( int data, rel_time_t, int addr );
-	void cpu_write_high    ( int data, int i, rel_time_t );
-	void cpu_write         ( int data, int addr, rel_time_t );
-	int cpu_read_smp_reg   ( int i, rel_time_t );
-	int cpu_read           ( int addr, rel_time_t );
-	unsigned CPU_mem_bit   ( uint8_t const* pc, rel_time_t );
-	bool check_echo_access ( int addr );
-	uint8_t* run_until_( time_t end_time );
-	struct spc_file_t
-	{
-		char    signature [signature_size];
-		uint8_t has_id666;
-		uint8_t version;
-		uint8_t pcl, pch;
-		uint8_t a;
-		uint8_t x;
-		uint8_t y;
-		uint8_t psw;
-		uint8_t sp;
-		char    text [212];
-		uint8_t ram [0x10000];
-		uint8_t dsp [128];
-		uint8_t unused [0x40];
-		uint8_t ipl_rom [0x40];
-	};
-	static char const signature [signature_size + 1];
-	void save_regs( uint8_t out [reg_count] );
-#include <assert.h>
-inline int Snes_Spc::sample_count() const { return (m.extra_clocks >> 5) * 2; }
-inline int Snes_Spc::read_port( time_t t, int port )
-	assert( (unsigned) port < port_count );
-	return run_until_( t ) [port];
-inline void Snes_Spc::write_port( time_t t, int port, int data )
-	assert( (unsigned) port < port_count );
-	run_until_( t ) [0x10 + port] = data;
-inline void Snes_Spc::mute_voices( int mask ) { dsp.mute_voices( mask ); }
-inline void Snes_Spc::disable_surround( bool disable ) { dsp.disable_surround( disable ); }
-inline bool Snes_Spc::check_kon() { return dsp.check_kon(); }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Cpu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Cpu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 19aae1135de0abaf1c5c1ae1f669d7e6f26ca22b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Cpu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-// Core SPC emulation: CPU, timers, SMP registers, memory
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Snes_Spc.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-#define RAM         (m.ram.ram)
-#define REGS        (m.smp_regs [0])
-#define REGS_IN     (m.smp_regs [1])
-// (n ? n : 256)
-#define IF_0_THEN_256( n ) ((uint8_t) ((n) - 1) + 1)
-// Note: SPC_MORE_ACCURACY exists mainly so I can run my validation tests, which
-// do crazy echo buffer accesses.
-//// Timers
-	#define TIMER_DIV( t, n ) ((n) >> t->prescaler)
-	#define TIMER_MUL( t, n ) ((n) << t->prescaler)
-	#define TIMER_DIV( t, n ) ((n) / t->prescaler)
-	#define TIMER_MUL( t, n ) ((n) * t->prescaler)
-Snes_Spc::Timer* Snes_Spc::run_timer_( Timer* t, rel_time_t time )
-	int elapsed = TIMER_DIV( t, time - t->next_time ) + 1;
-	t->next_time += TIMER_MUL( t, elapsed );
-	if ( t->enabled )
-	{
-		int remain = IF_0_THEN_256( t->period - t->divider );
-		int divider = t->divider + elapsed;
-		int over = elapsed - remain;
-		if ( over >= 0 )
-		{
-			int n = over / t->period;
-			t->counter = (t->counter + 1 + n) & 0x0F;
-			divider = over - n * t->period;
-		}
-		t->divider = (uint8_t) divider;
-	}
-	return t;
-inline Snes_Spc::Timer* Snes_Spc::run_timer( Timer* t, rel_time_t time )
-	if ( time >= t->next_time )
-		t = run_timer_( t, time );
-	return t;
-//// ROM
-void Snes_Spc::enable_rom( int enable )
-	if ( m.rom_enabled != enable )
-	{
-		m.rom_enabled = enable;
-		if ( enable )
-			memcpy( m.hi_ram, &RAM [rom_addr], sizeof m.hi_ram );
-		memcpy( &RAM [rom_addr], (enable ? m.rom : m.hi_ram), rom_size );
-		// TODO: ROM can still get overwritten when DSP writes to echo buffer
-	}
-//// DSP
-	int const max_reg_time = 29;
-	signed char const Snes_Spc::reg_times_ [256] =
-	{
-		 -1,  0,-11,-10,-15,-11, -2, -2,  4,  3, 14, 14, 26, 26, 14, 22,
-		  2,  3,  0,  1,-12,  0,  1,  1,  7,  6, 14, 14, 27, 14, 14, 23,
-		  5,  6,  3,  4, -1,  3,  4,  4, 10,  9, 14, 14, 26, -5, 14, 23,
-		  8,  9,  6,  7,  2,  6,  7,  7, 13, 12, 14, 14, 27, -4, 14, 24,
-		 11, 12,  9, 10,  5,  9, 10, 10, 16, 15, 14, 14, -2, -4, 14, 24,
-		 14, 15, 12, 13,  8, 12, 13, 13, 19, 18, 14, 14, -2,-36, 14, 24,
-		 17, 18, 15, 16, 11, 15, 16, 16, 22, 21, 14, 14, 28, -3, 14, 25,
-		 20, 21, 18, 19, 14, 18, 19, 19, 25, 24, 14, 14, 14, 29, 14, 25,
-		 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
-		 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
-		 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
-		 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
-		 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
-		 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
-		 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
-		 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
-	};
-	#define RUN_DSP( time, offset ) \
-		int count = (time) - (offset) - m.dsp_time;\
-		if ( count >= 0 )\
-		{\
-			int clock_count = (count & ~(clocks_per_sample - 1)) + clocks_per_sample;\
-			m.dsp_time += clock_count;\
-			dsp.run( clock_count );\
-		}
-	#define RUN_DSP( time, offset ) \
-		{\
-			int count = (time) - m.dsp_time;\
-			if ( !SPC_MORE_ACCURACY || count )\
-			{\
-				assert( count > 0 );\
-				m.dsp_time = (time);\
-				dsp.run( count );\
-			}\
-		}
-int Snes_Spc::dsp_read( rel_time_t time )
-	RUN_DSP( time, reg_times [REGS [r_dspaddr] & 0x7F] );
-	int result = dsp.read( REGS [r_dspaddr] & 0x7F );
-		SPC_DSP_READ_HOOK( spc_time + time, (REGS [r_dspaddr] & 0x7F), result );
-	#endif
-	return result;
-inline void Snes_Spc::dsp_write( int data, rel_time_t time )
-	RUN_DSP( time, reg_times [REGS [r_dspaddr]] )
-		else if ( m.dsp_time == skipping_time )
-		{
-			int r = REGS [r_dspaddr];
-			if ( r == Spc_Dsp::r_kon )
-				m.skipped_kon |= data & ~dsp.read( Spc_Dsp::r_koff );
-			if ( r == Spc_Dsp::r_koff )
-			{
-				m.skipped_koff |= data;
-				m.skipped_kon &= ~data;
-			}
-		}
-	#endif
-		SPC_DSP_WRITE_HOOK( m.spc_time + time, REGS [r_dspaddr], (uint8_t) data );
-	#endif
-	if ( REGS [r_dspaddr] <= 0x7F )
-		dsp.write( REGS [r_dspaddr], data );
-	else if ( !SPC_MORE_ACCURACY )
-		debug_printf( "SPC wrote to DSP register > $7F\n" );
-//// Memory access extras
-	#define MEM_ACCESS( time, addr ) \
-	{\
-		if ( time >= m.dsp_time )\
-		{\
-			RUN_DSP( time, max_reg_time );\
-		}\
-	}
-#elif !defined (NDEBUG)
-	// Debug-only check for read/write within echo buffer, since this might result in
-	// inaccurate emulation due to the DSP not being caught up to the present.
-	bool Snes_Spc::check_echo_access( int addr )
-	{
-		if ( !(dsp.read( Spc_Dsp::r_flg ) & 0x20) )
-		{
-			int start = 0x100 * dsp.read( Spc_Dsp::r_esa );
-			int size  = 0x800 * (dsp.read( Spc_Dsp::r_edl ) & 0x0F);
-			int end   = start + (size ? size : 4);
-			if ( start <= addr && addr < end )
-			{
-				if ( !m.echo_accessed )
-				{
-					m.echo_accessed = 1;
-					return true;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	#define MEM_ACCESS( time, addr ) check( !check_echo_access( (uint16_t) addr ) );
-	#define MEM_ACCESS( time, addr )
-//// CPU write
-static unsigned char const glitch_probs [3] [256] =
-	0xC3,0x92,0x5B,0x1C,0xD1,0x92,0x5B,0x1C,0xDB,0x9C,0x72,0x18,0xCD,0x5C,0x38,0x0B,
-	0xE1,0x9C,0x74,0x17,0xCF,0x75,0x45,0x0C,0xCF,0x6E,0x4A,0x0D,0xA3,0x3A,0x1D,0x08,
-	0xDB,0xA0,0x82,0x19,0xD9,0x73,0x3C,0x0E,0xCB,0x76,0x52,0x0B,0xA5,0x46,0x1D,0x09,
-	0xDA,0x74,0x55,0x0F,0xA2,0x3F,0x21,0x05,0x9A,0x40,0x20,0x07,0x63,0x1E,0x10,0x01,
-	0xDF,0xA9,0x85,0x1D,0xD3,0x84,0x4B,0x0E,0xCF,0x6F,0x49,0x0F,0xB3,0x48,0x1E,0x05,
-	0xD8,0x77,0x52,0x12,0xB7,0x49,0x23,0x06,0xAA,0x45,0x28,0x07,0x7D,0x28,0x0F,0x07,
-	0xCC,0x7B,0x4A,0x0E,0xB2,0x4F,0x24,0x07,0xAD,0x43,0x2C,0x06,0x86,0x29,0x11,0x07,
-	0xAE,0x48,0x1F,0x0A,0x76,0x21,0x19,0x05,0x76,0x21,0x14,0x05,0x44,0x11,0x0B,0x01,
-	0xE7,0xAD,0x96,0x23,0xDC,0x86,0x59,0x0E,0xDC,0x7C,0x5F,0x15,0xBB,0x53,0x2E,0x09,
-	0xD6,0x7C,0x4A,0x16,0xBB,0x4A,0x25,0x08,0xB3,0x4F,0x28,0x0B,0x8E,0x23,0x15,0x08,
-	0xCF,0x7F,0x57,0x11,0xB5,0x4A,0x23,0x0A,0xAA,0x42,0x28,0x05,0x7D,0x22,0x12,0x03,
-	0xA6,0x49,0x28,0x09,0x82,0x2B,0x0D,0x04,0x7A,0x20,0x0F,0x04,0x3D,0x0F,0x09,0x03,
-	0xD1,0x7C,0x4C,0x0F,0xAF,0x4E,0x21,0x09,0xA8,0x46,0x2A,0x07,0x85,0x1F,0x0E,0x07,
-	0xA6,0x3F,0x26,0x07,0x7C,0x24,0x14,0x07,0x78,0x22,0x16,0x04,0x46,0x12,0x0A,0x02,
-	0xA6,0x41,0x2C,0x0A,0x7E,0x28,0x11,0x05,0x73,0x1B,0x14,0x05,0x3D,0x11,0x0A,0x02,
-	0x70,0x22,0x17,0x05,0x48,0x13,0x08,0x03,0x3C,0x07,0x0D,0x07,0x26,0x07,0x06,0x01,
-	0xE0,0x9F,0xDA,0x7C,0x4F,0x18,0x28,0x0D,0xE9,0x9F,0xDA,0x7C,0x4F,0x18,0x1F,0x07,
-	0xE6,0x97,0xD8,0x72,0x64,0x13,0x26,0x09,0xDC,0x67,0xA9,0x38,0x21,0x07,0x15,0x06,
-	0xE9,0x91,0xD2,0x6B,0x63,0x14,0x2B,0x0E,0xD6,0x61,0xB7,0x41,0x2B,0x0E,0x10,0x09,
-	0xCF,0x59,0xB0,0x2F,0x35,0x08,0x0F,0x07,0xB6,0x30,0x7A,0x21,0x17,0x07,0x09,0x03,
-	0xE7,0xA3,0xE5,0x6B,0x65,0x1F,0x34,0x09,0xD8,0x6B,0xBE,0x45,0x27,0x07,0x10,0x07,
-	0xDA,0x54,0xB1,0x39,0x2E,0x0E,0x17,0x08,0xA9,0x3C,0x86,0x22,0x16,0x06,0x07,0x03,
-	0xD4,0x51,0xBC,0x3D,0x38,0x0A,0x13,0x06,0xB2,0x37,0x79,0x1C,0x17,0x05,0x0E,0x06,
-	0xA7,0x31,0x74,0x1C,0x11,0x06,0x0C,0x02,0x6D,0x1A,0x38,0x10,0x0B,0x05,0x06,0x03,
-	0xEB,0x9A,0xE1,0x7A,0x6F,0x13,0x34,0x0E,0xE6,0x75,0xC5,0x45,0x3E,0x0B,0x1A,0x05,
-	0xD8,0x63,0xC1,0x40,0x3C,0x1B,0x19,0x06,0xB3,0x42,0x83,0x29,0x18,0x0A,0x08,0x04,
-	0xD4,0x58,0xBA,0x43,0x3F,0x0A,0x1F,0x09,0xB1,0x33,0x8A,0x1F,0x1F,0x06,0x0D,0x05,
-	0xAF,0x3C,0x7A,0x1F,0x16,0x08,0x0A,0x01,0x72,0x1B,0x52,0x0D,0x0B,0x09,0x06,0x01,
-	0xCF,0x63,0xB7,0x47,0x40,0x10,0x14,0x06,0xC0,0x41,0x96,0x20,0x1C,0x09,0x10,0x05,
-	0xA6,0x35,0x82,0x1A,0x20,0x0C,0x0E,0x04,0x80,0x1F,0x53,0x0F,0x0B,0x02,0x06,0x01,
-	0xA6,0x31,0x81,0x1B,0x1D,0x01,0x08,0x08,0x7B,0x20,0x4D,0x19,0x0E,0x05,0x07,0x03,
-	0x6B,0x17,0x49,0x07,0x0E,0x03,0x0A,0x05,0x37,0x0B,0x1F,0x06,0x04,0x02,0x07,0x01,
-	0xF0,0xD6,0xED,0xAD,0xEC,0xB1,0xEB,0x79,0xAC,0x22,0x47,0x1E,0x6E,0x1B,0x32,0x0A,
-	0xF0,0xD6,0xEA,0xA4,0xED,0xC4,0xDE,0x82,0x98,0x1F,0x50,0x13,0x52,0x15,0x2A,0x0A,
-	0xF1,0xD1,0xEB,0xA2,0xEB,0xB7,0xD8,0x69,0xA2,0x1F,0x5B,0x18,0x55,0x18,0x2C,0x0A,
-	0xED,0xB5,0xDE,0x7E,0xE6,0x85,0xD3,0x59,0x59,0x0F,0x2C,0x09,0x24,0x07,0x15,0x09,
-	0xF1,0xD6,0xEA,0xA0,0xEC,0xBB,0xDA,0x77,0xA9,0x23,0x58,0x14,0x5D,0x12,0x2F,0x09,
-	0xF1,0xC1,0xE3,0x86,0xE4,0x87,0xD2,0x4E,0x68,0x15,0x26,0x0B,0x27,0x09,0x15,0x02,
-	0xEE,0xA6,0xE0,0x5C,0xE0,0x77,0xC3,0x41,0x67,0x1B,0x3C,0x07,0x2A,0x06,0x19,0x07,
-	0xE4,0x75,0xC6,0x43,0xCC,0x50,0x95,0x23,0x35,0x09,0x14,0x04,0x15,0x05,0x0B,0x04,
-	0xEE,0xD6,0xED,0xAD,0xEC,0xB1,0xEB,0x79,0xAC,0x22,0x56,0x14,0x5A,0x12,0x26,0x0A,
-	0xEE,0xBB,0xE7,0x7E,0xE9,0x8D,0xCB,0x49,0x67,0x11,0x34,0x07,0x2B,0x0B,0x14,0x07,
-	0xED,0xA7,0xE5,0x76,0xE3,0x7E,0xC4,0x4B,0x77,0x14,0x34,0x08,0x27,0x07,0x14,0x04,
-	0xE7,0x8B,0xD2,0x4C,0xCA,0x56,0x9E,0x31,0x36,0x0C,0x11,0x07,0x14,0x04,0x0A,0x02,
-	0xF0,0x9B,0xEA,0x6F,0xE5,0x81,0xC4,0x43,0x74,0x10,0x30,0x0B,0x2D,0x08,0x1B,0x06,
-	0xE6,0x83,0xCA,0x48,0xD9,0x56,0xA7,0x23,0x3B,0x09,0x12,0x09,0x15,0x07,0x0A,0x03,
-	0xE5,0x5F,0xCB,0x3C,0xCF,0x48,0x91,0x22,0x31,0x0A,0x17,0x08,0x15,0x04,0x0D,0x02,
-	0xD1,0x43,0x91,0x20,0xA9,0x2D,0x54,0x12,0x17,0x07,0x09,0x02,0x0C,0x04,0x05,0x03,
-// Read/write handlers are divided into multiple functions to keep rarely-used
-// functionality separate so often-used functionality can be optimized better
-// by compiler.
-// If write isn't preceded by read, data has this added to it
-int const no_read_before_write = 0x2000;
-void Snes_Spc::cpu_write_smp_reg_( int data, rel_time_t time, int addr )
-	switch ( addr )
-	{
-	case r_t0target:
-	case r_t1target:
-	case r_t2target: {
-		Timer* t = &m.timers [addr - r_t0target];
-		int period = IF_0_THEN_256( data );
-		if ( t->period != period )
-		{
-			t = run_timer( t, time );
-				// Insane behavior when target is written just after counter is
-				// clocked and counter matches new period and new period isn't 1, 2, 4, or 8
-				if ( t->divider == (period & 0xFF) &&
-						t->next_time == time + TIMER_MUL( t, 1 ) &&
-						((period - 1) | ~0x0F) & period )
-				{
-					//debug_printf( "SPC pathological timer target write\n" );
-					// If the period is 3, 5, or 9, there's a probability this behavior won't occur,
-					// based on the previous period
-					int prob = 0xFF;
-					int old_period = t->period & 0xFF;
-					if ( period == 3 ) prob = glitch_probs [0] [old_period];
-					if ( period == 5 ) prob = glitch_probs [1] [old_period];
-					if ( period == 9 ) prob = glitch_probs [2] [old_period];
-					// The glitch suppresses incrementing of one of the counter bits, based on
-					// the lowest set bit in the new period
-					int b = 1;
-					while ( !(period & b) )
-						b <<= 1;
-					if ( (rand() >> 4 & 0xFF) <= prob )
-						t->divider = (t->divider - b) & 0xFF;
-				}
-			#endif
-			t->period = period;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	case r_t0out:
-	case r_t1out:
-	case r_t2out:
-			debug_printf( "SPC wrote to counter %d\n", (int) addr - r_t0out );
-		if ( data < no_read_before_write  / 2 )
-			run_timer( &m.timers [addr - r_t0out], time - 1 )->counter = 0;
-		break;
-	// Registers that act like RAM
-	case 0x8:
-	case 0x9:
-		REGS_IN [addr] = (uint8_t) data;
-		break;
-	case r_test:
-		if ( (uint8_t) data != 0x0A )
-			debug_printf( "SPC wrote to test register\n" );
-		break;
-	case r_control:
-		// port clears
-		if ( data & 0x10 )
-		{
-			REGS_IN [r_cpuio0] = 0;
-			REGS_IN [r_cpuio1] = 0;
-		}
-		if ( data & 0x20 )
-		{
-			REGS_IN [r_cpuio2] = 0;
-			REGS_IN [r_cpuio3] = 0;
-		}
-		// timers
-		{
-			for ( int i = 0; i < timer_count; i++ )
-			{
-				Timer* t = &m.timers [i];
-				int enabled = data >> i & 1;
-				if ( t->enabled != enabled )
-				{
-					t = run_timer( t, time );
-					t->enabled = enabled;
-					if ( enabled )
-					{
-						t->divider = 0;
-						t->counter = 0;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		enable_rom( data & 0x80 );
-		break;
-	}
-void Snes_Spc::cpu_write_smp_reg( int data, rel_time_t time, int addr )
-	if ( addr == r_dspdata ) // 99%
-		dsp_write( data, time );
-	else
-		cpu_write_smp_reg_( data, time, addr );
-void Snes_Spc::cpu_write_high( int data, int i, rel_time_t time )
-	if ( i < rom_size )
-	{
-		m.hi_ram [i] = (uint8_t) data;
-		if ( m.rom_enabled )
-			RAM [i + rom_addr] = m.rom [i]; // restore overwritten ROM
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		assert( RAM [i + rom_addr] == (uint8_t) data );
-		RAM [i + rom_addr] = cpu_pad_fill; // restore overwritten padding
-		cpu_write( data, i + rom_addr - 0x10000, time );
-	}
-int const bits_in_int = CHAR_BIT * sizeof (int);
-void Snes_Spc::cpu_write( int data, int addr, rel_time_t time )
-	MEM_ACCESS( time, addr )
-	// RAM
-	RAM [addr] = (uint8_t) data;
-	int reg = addr - 0xF0;
-	if ( reg >= 0 ) // 64%
-	{
-		// $F0-$FF
-		if ( reg < reg_count ) // 87%
-		{
-			REGS [reg] = (uint8_t) data;
-			// Ports
-				if ( (unsigned) (reg - r_cpuio0) < port_count )
-					SPC_PORT_WRITE_HOOK( m.spc_time + time, (reg - r_cpuio0),
-							(uint8_t) data, &REGS [r_cpuio0] );
-			#endif
-			// Registers other than $F2 and $F4-$F7
-			if ( reg != 2 && (reg < 4 || reg > 7) ) // 36%
-				cpu_write_smp_reg( data, time, reg );
-		}
-		// High mem/address wrap-around
-		else
-		{
-			reg -= rom_addr - 0xF0;
-			if ( reg >= 0 ) // 1% in IPL ROM area or address wrapped around
-				cpu_write_high( data, reg, time );
-		}
-	}
-//// CPU read
-inline int Snes_Spc::cpu_read_smp_reg( int reg, rel_time_t time )
-	int result = REGS_IN [reg];
-	reg -= r_dspaddr;
-	// DSP addr and data
-	if ( (unsigned) reg <= 1 ) // 4% 0xF2 and 0xF3
-	{
-		result = REGS [r_dspaddr];
-		if ( (unsigned) reg == 1 )
-			result = dsp_read( time ); // 0xF3
-	}
-	return result;
-int Snes_Spc::cpu_read( int addr, rel_time_t time )
-	MEM_ACCESS( time, addr )
-	// RAM
-	int result = RAM [addr];
-	int reg = addr - 0xF0;
-	if ( reg >= 0 ) // 40%
-	{
-		reg -= 0x10;
-		if ( (unsigned) reg >= 0xFF00 ) // 21%
-		{
-			reg += 0x10 - r_t0out;
-			// Timers
-			if ( (unsigned) reg < timer_count ) // 90%
-			{
-				Timer* t = &m.timers [reg];
-				if ( time >= t->next_time )
-					t = run_timer_( t, time );
-				result = t->counter;
-				t->counter = 0;
-			}
-			// Other registers
-			else if ( reg < 0 ) // 10%
-			{
-				result = cpu_read_smp_reg( reg + r_t0out, time );
-			}
-			else // 1%
-			{
-				assert( reg + (r_t0out + 0xF0 - 0x10000) < 0x100 );
-				result = cpu_read( reg + (r_t0out + 0xF0 - 0x10000), time );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-//// Run
-// Prefix and suffix for CPU emulator function
-#define SPC_CPU_RUN_FUNC \
-BOOST::uint8_t* Snes_Spc::run_until_( time_t end_time )\
-	rel_time_t rel_time = m.spc_time - end_time;\
-	assert( rel_time <= 0 );\
-	m.spc_time = end_time;\
-	m.dsp_time += rel_time;\
-	m.timers [0].next_time += rel_time;\
-	m.timers [1].next_time += rel_time;\
-	m.timers [2].next_time += rel_time;
-	m.spc_time += rel_time;\
-	m.dsp_time -= rel_time;\
-	m.timers [0].next_time -= rel_time;\
-	m.timers [1].next_time -= rel_time;\
-	m.timers [2].next_time -= rel_time;\
-	assert( m.spc_time <= end_time );\
-	return &REGS [r_cpuio0];\
-int const cpu_lag_max = 12 - 1; // DIV YA,X takes 12 clocks
-void Snes_Spc::end_frame( time_t end_time )
-	// Catch CPU up to as close to end as possible. If final instruction
-	// would exceed end, does NOT execute it and leaves m.spc_time < end.
-	if ( end_time > m.spc_time )
-		run_until_( end_time );
-	m.spc_time     -= end_time;
-	m.extra_clocks += end_time;
-	// Greatest number of clocks early that emulation can stop early due to
-	// not being able to execute current instruction without going over
-	// allowed time.
-	assert( -cpu_lag_max <= m.spc_time && m.spc_time <= 0 );
-	// Catch timers up to CPU
-	for ( int i = 0; i < timer_count; i++ )
-		run_timer( &m.timers [i], 0 );
-	// Catch DSP up to CPU
-	if ( m.dsp_time < 0 )
-	{
-		RUN_DSP( 0, max_reg_time );
-	}
-	// Save any extra samples beyond what should be generated
-	if ( m.buf_begin )
-		save_extra();
-// Inclusion here allows static memory access functions and better optimization
-#include "Spc_Cpu.h"
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Cpu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Cpu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c2450909d5b7054f95a218476a082020ccd4ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Cpu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1221 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-/* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-//// Memory access
-	#define SUSPICIOUS_OPCODE( name ) ((void) 0)
-	#define SUSPICIOUS_OPCODE( name ) debug_printf( "SPC: suspicious opcode: " name "\n" )
-#define CPU_READ( time, offset, addr )\
-	cpu_read( addr, time + offset )
-#define CPU_WRITE( time, offset, addr, data )\
-	cpu_write( data, addr, time + offset )
-	#define CPU_READ_TIMER( time, offset, addr, out )\
-		{ out = CPU_READ( time, offset, addr ); }
-	// timers are by far the most common thing read from dp
-	#define CPU_READ_TIMER( time, offset, addr_, out )\
-	{\
-		rel_time_t adj_time = time + offset;\
-		int dp_addr = addr_;\
-		int ti = dp_addr - (r_t0out + 0xF0);\
-		if ( (unsigned) ti < timer_count )\
-		{\
-			Timer* t = &m.timers [ti];\
-			if ( adj_time >= t->next_time )\
-				t = run_timer_( t, adj_time );\
-			out = t->counter;\
-			t->counter = 0;\
-		}\
-		else\
-		{\
-			out = ram [dp_addr];\
-			int i = dp_addr - 0xF0;\
-			if ( (unsigned) i < 0x10 )\
-				out = cpu_read_smp_reg( i, adj_time );\
-		}\
-	}
-#define TIME_ADJ( n )   (n)
-#define READ_TIMER( time, addr, out )       CPU_READ_TIMER( rel_time, TIME_ADJ(time), (addr), out )
-#define READ(  time, addr )                 CPU_READ ( rel_time, TIME_ADJ(time), (addr) )
-#define WRITE( time, addr, data )           CPU_WRITE( rel_time, TIME_ADJ(time), (addr), (data) )
-#define DP_ADDR( addr )                     (dp + (addr))
-#define READ_DP_TIMER(  time, addr, out )   CPU_READ_TIMER( rel_time, TIME_ADJ(time), DP_ADDR( addr ), out )
-#define READ_DP(  time, addr )              READ ( time, DP_ADDR( addr ) )
-#define WRITE_DP( time, addr, data )        WRITE( time, DP_ADDR( addr ), data )
-#define READ_PROG16( addr )                 GET_LE16( ram + (addr) )
-#define SET_PC( n )     (pc = ram + (n))
-#define GET_PC()        (pc - ram)
-#define READ_PC( pc )   (*(pc))
-#define READ_PC16( pc ) GET_LE16( pc )
-// TODO: remove non-wrapping versions?
-#define SET_SP( v )     (sp = ram + 0x101 + ((uint8_t) v))
-#define GET_SP()        (uint8_t (sp - 0x101 - ram))
-#define PUSH16( v )     (sp -= 2, SET_LE16( sp, v ))
-#define PUSH( v )       (void) (*--sp = (uint8_t) (v))
-#define POP( out )      (void) ((out) = *sp++)
-#define PUSH16( data )\
-	int addr = (sp -= 2) - ram;\
-	if ( addr > 0x100 )\
-	{\
-		SET_LE16( sp, data );\
-	}\
-	else\
-	{\
-		ram [(uint8_t) addr + 0x100] = (uint8_t) data;\
-		sp [1] = (uint8_t) (data >> 8);\
-		sp += 0x100;\
-	}\
-#define PUSH( data )\
-	*--sp = (uint8_t) (data);\
-	if ( sp - ram == 0x100 )\
-		sp += 0x100;\
-#define POP( out )\
-	out = *sp++;\
-	if ( sp - ram == 0x201 )\
-	{\
-		out = sp [-0x101];\
-		sp -= 0x100;\
-	}\
-#define MEM_BIT( rel ) CPU_mem_bit( pc, rel_time + rel )
-unsigned Snes_Spc::CPU_mem_bit( uint8_t const* pc, rel_time_t rel_time )
-	unsigned addr = READ_PC16( pc );
-	unsigned t = READ( 0, addr & 0x1FFF ) >> (addr >> 13);
-	return t << 8 & 0x100;
-//// Status flag handling
-// Hex value in name to clarify code and bit shifting.
-// Flag stored in indicated variable during emulation
-int const n80 = 0x80; // nz
-int const v40 = 0x40; // psw
-int const p20 = 0x20; // dp
-int const b10 = 0x10; // psw
-int const h08 = 0x08; // psw
-int const i04 = 0x04; // psw
-int const z02 = 0x02; // nz
-int const c01 = 0x01; // c
-int const nz_neg_mask = 0x880; // either bit set indicates N flag set
-#define GET_PSW( out )\
-	out = psw & ~(n80 | p20 | z02 | c01);\
-	out |= c  >> 8 & c01;\
-	out |= dp >> 3 & p20;\
-	out |= ((nz >> 4) | nz) & n80;\
-	if ( !(uint8_t) nz ) out |= z02;\
-#define SET_PSW( in )\
-	psw = in;\
-	c   = in << 8;\
-	dp  = in << 3 & 0x100;\
-	nz  = (in << 4 & 0x800) | (~in & z02);\
-	uint8_t* const ram = RAM;
-	int a = m.cpu_regs.a;
-	int x = m.cpu_regs.x;
-	int y = m.cpu_regs.y;
-	uint8_t const* pc;
-	uint8_t* sp;
-	int psw;
-	int c;
-	int nz;
-	int dp;
-	SET_PC( m.cpu_regs.pc );
-	SET_SP( m.cpu_regs.sp );
-	SET_PSW( m.cpu_regs.psw );
-	goto loop;
-	// Main loop
-	pc += *(BOOST::int8_t const*) pc;
-	pc++;
-	unsigned opcode;
-	unsigned data;
-	check( (unsigned) a < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) x < 0x100 );
-	check( (unsigned) y < 0x100 );
-	opcode = *pc;
-	if ( (rel_time += m.cycle_table [opcode]) > 0 )
-		goto out_of_time;
-		SPC_CPU_OPCODE_HOOK( GET_PC(), opcode );
-	#endif
-	/*
-	#define PROFILE_TIMER_LOOP( op, addr, len )\
-	if ( opcode == op )\
-	{\
-		int cond = (unsigned) ((addr) - 0xFD) < 3 &&\
-				pc [len] == 0xF0 && pc [len+1] == 0xFE - len;\
-		SUB_CASE_COUNTER( op && cond );\
-	}
-	PROFILE_TIMER_LOOP( 0xEC, GET_LE16( pc + 1 ), 3 );
-	PROFILE_TIMER_LOOP( 0xEB, pc [1], 2 );
-	PROFILE_TIMER_LOOP( 0xE4, pc [1], 2 );
-	*/
-	// TODO: if PC is at end of memory, this will get wrong operand (very obscure)
-	data = *++pc;
-	switch ( opcode )
-	{
-// Common instructions
-#define BRANCH( cond )\
-	pc++;\
-	pc += (BOOST::int8_t) data;\
-	if ( cond )\
-		goto loop;\
-	pc -= (BOOST::int8_t) data;\
-	rel_time -= 2;\
-	goto loop;\
-	case 0xF0: // BEQ
-		BRANCH( !(uint8_t) nz ) // 89% taken
-	case 0xD0: // BNE
-		BRANCH( (uint8_t) nz )
-	case 0x3F:{// CALL
-		int old_addr = GET_PC() + 2;
-		SET_PC( READ_PC16( pc ) );
-		PUSH16( old_addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x6F:// RET
-		{
-			SET_PC( GET_LE16( sp ) );
-			sp += 2;
-		}
-		#else
-		{
-			int addr = sp - ram;
-			SET_PC( GET_LE16( sp ) );
-			sp += 2;
-			if ( addr < 0x1FF )
-				goto loop;
-			SET_PC( sp [-0x101] * 0x100 + ram [(uint8_t) addr + 0x100] );
-			sp -= 0x100;
-		}
-		#endif
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xE4: // MOV a,dp
-		++pc;
-		// 80% from timer
-		READ_DP_TIMER( 0, data, a = nz );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFA:{// MOV dp,dp
-		int temp;
-		READ_DP_TIMER( -2, data, temp );
-		data = temp + no_read_before_write ;
-	}
-	// fall through
-	case 0x8F:{// MOV dp,#imm
-		int temp = READ_PC( pc + 1 );
-		pc += 2;
-		{
-			int i = dp + temp;
-			ram [i] = (uint8_t) data;
-			i -= 0xF0;
-			if ( (unsigned) i < 0x10 ) // 76%
-			{
-				REGS [i] = (uint8_t) data;
-				// Registers other than $F2 and $F4-$F7
-				//if ( i != 2 && i != 4 && i != 5 && i != 6 && i != 7 )
-				if ( ((~0x2F00 << (bits_in_int - 16)) << i) < 0 ) // 12%
-					cpu_write_smp_reg( data, rel_time, i );
-			}
-		}
-		#else
-			WRITE_DP( 0, temp, data );
-		#endif
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xC4: // MOV dp,a
-		++pc;
-		{
-			int i = dp + data;
-			ram [i] = (uint8_t) a;
-			i -= 0xF0;
-			if ( (unsigned) i < 0x10 ) // 39%
-			{
-				unsigned sel = i - 2;
-				REGS [i] = (uint8_t) a;
-				if ( sel == 1 ) // 51% $F3
-					dsp_write( a, rel_time );
-				else if ( sel > 1 ) // 1% not $F2 or $F3
-					cpu_write_smp_reg_( a, rel_time, i );
-			}
-		}
-		#else
-			WRITE_DP( 0, data, a );
-		#endif
-		goto loop;
-#define CASE( n )   case n:
-// Define common address modes based on opcode for immediate mode. Execution
-// ends with data set to the address of the operand.
-#define ADDR_MODES_( op )\
-	CASE( op - 0x02 ) /* (X) */\
-		data = x + dp;\
-		pc--;\
-		goto end_##op;\
-	CASE( op + 0x0F ) /* (dp)+Y */\
-		data = READ_PROG16( data + dp ) + y;\
-		goto end_##op;\
-	CASE( op - 0x01 ) /* (dp+X) */\
-		data = READ_PROG16( ((uint8_t) (data + x)) + dp );\
-		goto end_##op;\
-	CASE( op + 0x0E ) /* abs+Y */\
-		data += y;\
-		goto abs_##op;\
-	CASE( op + 0x0D ) /* abs+X */\
-		data += x;\
-	CASE( op - 0x03 ) /* abs */\
-	abs_##op:\
-		data += 0x100 * READ_PC( ++pc );\
-		goto end_##op;\
-	CASE( op + 0x0C ) /* dp+X */\
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
-#define ADDR_MODES_NO_DP( op )\
-	ADDR_MODES_( op )\
-		data += dp;\
-	end_##op:
-#define ADDR_MODES( op )\
-	ADDR_MODES_( op )\
-	CASE( op - 0x04 ) /* dp */\
-		data += dp;\
-	end_##op:
-// 1. 8-bit Data Transmission Commands. Group I
-	ADDR_MODES_NO_DP( 0xE8 ) // MOV A,addr
-		a = nz = READ( 0, data );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0xBF:{// MOV A,(X)+
-		int temp = x + dp;
-		x = (uint8_t) (x + 1);
-		a = nz = READ( -1, temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xE8: // MOV A,imm
-		a  = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0xF9: // MOV X,dp+Y
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + y);
-	case 0xF8: // MOV X,dp
-		READ_DP_TIMER( 0, data, x = nz );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0xE9: // MOV X,abs
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		++pc;
-		data = READ( 0, data );
-	case 0xCD: // MOV X,imm
-		x  = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0xFB: // MOV Y,dp+X
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
-	case 0xEB: // MOV Y,dp
-		// 70% from timer
-		pc++;
-		READ_DP_TIMER( 0, data, y = nz );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xEC:{// MOV Y,abs
-		int temp = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc += 2;
-		READ_TIMER( 0, temp, y = nz );
-		//y = nz = READ( 0, temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x8D: // MOV Y,imm
-		y  = data;
-		nz = data;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	ADDR_MODES_NO_DP( 0xC8 ) // MOV addr,A
-		WRITE( 0, data, a );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	{
-		int temp;
-	case 0xCC: // MOV abs,Y
-		temp = y;
-		goto mov_abs_temp;
-	case 0xC9: // MOV abs,X
-		temp = x;
-	mov_abs_temp:
-		WRITE( 0, READ_PC16( pc ), temp );
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xD9: // MOV dp+Y,X
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + y);
-	case 0xD8: // MOV dp,X
-		WRITE( 0, data + dp, x );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0xDB: // MOV dp+X,Y
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
-	case 0xCB: // MOV dp,Y
-		WRITE( 0, data + dp, y );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0x7D: // MOV A,X
-		a  = x;
-		nz = x;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xDD: // MOV A,Y
-		a  = y;
-		nz = y;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x5D: // MOV X,A
-		x  = a;
-		nz = a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFD: // MOV Y,A
-		y  = a;
-		nz = a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x9D: // MOV X,SP
-		x = nz = GET_SP();
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBD: // MOV SP,X
-		SET_SP( x );
-		goto loop;
-	//case 0xC6: // MOV (X),A (handled by MOV addr,A in group 2)
-	case 0xAF: // MOV (X)+,A
-		WRITE_DP( 0, x, a + no_read_before_write  );
-		x = (uint8_t) (x + 1);
-		goto loop;
-#define LOGICAL_OP( op, func )\
-	ADDR_MODES( op ) /* addr */\
-		data = READ( 0, data );\
-	case op: /* imm */\
-		nz = a func##= data;\
-		goto inc_pc_loop;\
-	{   unsigned addr;\
-	case op + 0x11: /* X,Y */\
-		data = READ_DP( -2, y );\
-		addr = x + dp;\
-		goto addr_##op;\
-	case op + 0x01: /* dp,dp */\
-		data = READ_DP( -3, data );\
-	case op + 0x10:{/*dp,imm*/\
-		uint8_t const* addr2 = pc + 1;\
-		pc += 2;\
-		addr = READ_PC( addr2 ) + dp;\
-	}\
-	addr_##op:\
-		nz = data func READ( -1, addr );\
-		WRITE( 0, addr, nz );\
-		goto loop;\
-	}
-	LOGICAL_OP( 0x28, & ); // AND
-	LOGICAL_OP( 0x08, | ); // OR
-	LOGICAL_OP( 0x48, ^ ); // EOR
-	ADDR_MODES( 0x68 ) // CMP addr
-		data = READ( 0, data );
-	case 0x68: // CMP imm
-		nz = a - data;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0x79: // CMP (X),(Y)
-		data = READ_DP( -2, y );
-		nz = READ_DP( -1, x ) - data;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x69: // CMP dp,dp
-		data = READ_DP( -3, data );
-	case 0x78: // CMP dp,imm
-		nz = READ_DP( -1, READ_PC( ++pc ) ) - data;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0x3E: // CMP X,dp
-		data += dp;
-		goto cmp_x_addr;
-	case 0x1E: // CMP X,abs
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc++;
-	cmp_x_addr:
-		data = READ( 0, data );
-	case 0xC8: // CMP X,imm
-		nz = x - data;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0x7E: // CMP Y,dp
-		data += dp;
-		goto cmp_y_addr;
-	case 0x5E: // CMP Y,abs
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc++;
-	cmp_y_addr:
-		data = READ( 0, data );
-	case 0xAD: // CMP Y,imm
-		nz = y - data;
-		c = ~nz;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	{
-		int addr;
-	case 0xB9: // SBC (x),(y)
-	case 0x99: // ADC (x),(y)
-		pc--; // compensate for inc later
-		data = READ_DP( -2, y );
-		addr = x + dp;
-		goto adc_addr;
-	case 0xA9: // SBC dp,dp
-	case 0x89: // ADC dp,dp
-		data = READ_DP( -3, data );
-	case 0xB8: // SBC dp,imm
-	case 0x98: // ADC dp,imm
-		addr = READ_PC( ++pc ) + dp;
-	adc_addr:
-		nz = READ( -1, addr );
-		goto adc_data;
-// catch ADC and SBC together, then decode later based on operand
-#undef CASE
-#define CASE( n ) case n: case (n) + 0x20:
-	ADDR_MODES( 0x88 ) // ADC/SBC addr
-		data = READ( 0, data );
-	case 0xA8: // SBC imm
-	case 0x88: // ADC imm
-		addr = -1; // A
-		nz = a;
-	adc_data: {
-		int flags;
-		if ( opcode >= 0xA0 ) // SBC
-			data ^= 0xFF;
-		flags = data ^ nz;
-		nz += data + (c >> 8 & 1);
-		flags ^= nz;
-		psw = (psw & ~(v40 | h08)) |
-				(flags >> 1 & h08) |
-				((flags + 0x80) >> 2 & v40);
-		c = nz;
-		if ( addr < 0 )
-		{
-			a = (uint8_t) nz;
-			goto inc_pc_loop;
-		}
-		WRITE( 0, addr, /*(uint8_t)*/ nz );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	}
-	}
-#define INC_DEC_REG( reg, op )\
-		nz  = reg op;\
-		reg = (uint8_t) nz;\
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBC: INC_DEC_REG( a, + 1 ) // INC A
-	case 0x3D: INC_DEC_REG( x, + 1 ) // INC X
-	case 0xFC: INC_DEC_REG( y, + 1 ) // INC Y
-	case 0x9C: INC_DEC_REG( a, - 1 ) // DEC A
-	case 0x1D: INC_DEC_REG( x, - 1 ) // DEC X
-	case 0xDC: INC_DEC_REG( y, - 1 ) // DEC Y
-	case 0x9B: // DEC dp+X
-	case 0xBB: // INC dp+X
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
-	case 0x8B: // DEC dp
-	case 0xAB: // INC dp
-		data += dp;
-		goto inc_abs;
-	case 0x8C: // DEC abs
-	case 0xAC: // INC abs
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc++;
-	inc_abs:
-		nz = (opcode >> 4 & 2) - 1;
-		nz += READ( -1, data );
-		WRITE( 0, data, /*(uint8_t)*/ nz );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0x5C: // LSR A
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x7C:{// ROR A
-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) | (a >> 1);
-		c = a << 8;
-		a = nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x1C: // ASL A
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x3C:{// ROL A
-		int temp = c >> 8 & 1;
-		c = a << 1;
-		nz = c | temp;
-		a = (uint8_t) nz;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x0B: // ASL dp
-		c = 0;
-		data += dp;
-		goto rol_mem;
-	case 0x1B: // ASL dp+X
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x3B: // ROL dp+X
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
-	case 0x2B: // ROL dp
-		data += dp;
-		goto rol_mem;
-	case 0x0C: // ASL abs
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x2C: // ROL abs
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc++;
-	rol_mem:
-		nz = c >> 8 & 1;
-		nz |= (c = READ( -1, data ) << 1);
-		WRITE( 0, data, /*(uint8_t)*/ nz );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0x4B: // LSR dp
-		c = 0;
-		data += dp;
-		goto ror_mem;
-	case 0x5B: // LSR dp+X
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x7B: // ROR dp+X
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
-	case 0x6B: // ROR dp
-		data += dp;
-		goto ror_mem;
-	case 0x4C: // LSR abs
-		c = 0;
-	case 0x6C: // ROR abs
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc++;
-	ror_mem: {
-		int temp = READ( -1, data );
-		nz = (c >> 1 & 0x80) | (temp >> 1);
-		c = temp << 8;
-		WRITE( 0, data, nz );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	}
-	case 0x9F: // XCN
-		nz = a = (a >> 4) | (uint8_t) (a << 4);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBA: // MOVW YA,dp
-		a = READ_DP( -2, data );
-		nz = (a & 0x7F) | (a >> 1);
-		y = READ_DP( 0, (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
-		nz |= y;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0xDA: // MOVW dp,YA
-		WRITE_DP( -1, data, a );
-		WRITE_DP( 0, (uint8_t) (data + 1), y + no_read_before_write  );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0x3A: // INCW dp
-	case 0x1A:{// DECW dp
-		int temp;
-		// low byte
-		data += dp;
-		temp = READ( -3, data );
-		temp += (opcode >> 4 & 2) - 1; // +1 for INCW, -1 for DECW
-		nz = ((temp >> 1) | temp) & 0x7F;
-		WRITE( -2, data, /*(uint8_t)*/ temp );
-		// high byte
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + 1) + dp;
-		temp = (uint8_t) ((temp >> 8) + READ( -1, data ));
-		nz |= temp;
-		WRITE( 0, data, temp );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	}
-	case 0x7A: // ADDW YA,dp
-	case 0x9A:{// SUBW YA,dp
-		int lo = READ_DP( -2, data );
-		int hi = READ_DP( 0, (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
-		int result;
-		int flags;
-		if ( opcode == 0x9A ) // SUBW
-		{
-			lo = (lo ^ 0xFF) + 1;
-			hi ^= 0xFF;
-		}
-		lo += a;
-		result = y + hi + (lo >> 8);
-		flags = hi ^ y ^ result;
-		psw = (psw & ~(v40 | h08)) |
-				(flags >> 1 & h08) |
-				((flags + 0x80) >> 2 & v40);
-		c = result;
-		a = (uint8_t) lo;
-		result = (uint8_t) result;
-		y = result;
-		nz = (((lo >> 1) | lo) & 0x7F) | result;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	}
-	case 0x5A: { // CMPW YA,dp
-		int temp = a - READ_DP( -1, data );
-		nz = ((temp >> 1) | temp) & 0x7F;
-		temp = y + (temp >> 8);
-		temp -= READ_DP( 0, (uint8_t) (data + 1) );
-		nz |= temp;
-		c  = ~temp;
-		nz &= 0xFF;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	}
-	case 0xCF: { // MUL YA
-		unsigned temp = y * a;
-		a = (uint8_t) temp;
-		nz = ((temp >> 1) | temp) & 0x7F;
-		y = (uint8_t) (temp >> 8);
-		nz |= y;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x9E: // DIV YA,X
-	{
-		unsigned ya = y * 0x100 + a;
-		psw &= ~(h08 | v40);
-		if ( y >= x )
-			psw |= v40;
-		if ( (y & 15) >= (x & 15) )
-			psw |= h08;
-		if ( y < x * 2 )
-		{
-			a = ya / x;
-			y = ya - a * x;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			a = 255 - (ya - x * 0x200) / (256 - x);
-			y = x   + (ya - x * 0x200) % (256 - x);
-		}
-		nz = (uint8_t) a;
-		a = (uint8_t) a;
-		y = (uint8_t) y;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0xDF: // DAA
-		if ( a > 0x99 || c & 0x100 )
-		{
-			a += 0x60;
-			c = 0x100;
-		}
-		if ( (a & 0x0F) > 9 || psw & h08 )
-			a += 0x06;
-		nz = a;
-		a = (uint8_t) a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xBE: // DAS
-		if ( a > 0x99 || !(c & 0x100) )
-		{
-			a -= 0x60;
-			c = 0;
-		}
-		if ( (a & 0x0F) > 9 || !(psw & h08) )
-			a -= 0x06;
-		nz = a;
-		a = (uint8_t) a;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2F: // BRA rel
-		pc += (BOOST::int8_t) data;
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	case 0x30: // BMI
-		BRANCH( (nz & nz_neg_mask) )
-	case 0x10: // BPL
-		BRANCH( !(nz & nz_neg_mask) )
-	case 0xB0: // BCS
-		BRANCH( c & 0x100 )
-	case 0x90: // BCC
-		BRANCH( !(c & 0x100) )
-	case 0x70: // BVS
-		BRANCH( psw & v40 )
-	case 0x50: // BVC
-		BRANCH( !(psw & v40) )
-	#define CBRANCH( cond )\
-	{\
-		pc++;\
-		if ( cond )\
-			goto cbranch_taken_loop;\
-		rel_time -= 2;\
-		goto inc_pc_loop;\
-	}
-	case 0x03: // BBS dp.bit,rel
-	case 0x23:
-	case 0x43:
-	case 0x63:
-	case 0x83:
-	case 0xA3:
-	case 0xC3:
-	case 0xE3:
-		CBRANCH( READ_DP( -4, data ) >> (opcode >> 5) & 1 )
-	case 0x13: // BBC dp.bit,rel
-	case 0x33:
-	case 0x53:
-	case 0x73:
-	case 0x93:
-	case 0xB3:
-	case 0xD3:
-	case 0xF3:
-		CBRANCH( !(READ_DP( -4, data ) >> (opcode >> 5) & 1) )
-	case 0xDE: // CBNE dp+X,rel
-		data = (uint8_t) (data + x);
-		// fall through
-	case 0x2E:{// CBNE dp,rel
-		int temp;
-		// 61% from timer
-		READ_DP_TIMER( -4, data, temp );
-		CBRANCH( temp != a )
-	}
-	case 0x6E: { // DBNZ dp,rel
-		unsigned temp = READ_DP( -4, data ) - 1;
-		WRITE_DP( -3, (uint8_t) data, /*(uint8_t)*/ temp + no_read_before_write  );
-		CBRANCH( temp )
-	}
-	case 0xFE: // DBNZ Y,rel
-		y = (uint8_t) (y - 1);
-		BRANCH( y )
-	case 0x1F: // JMP [abs+X]
-		SET_PC( READ_PC16( pc ) + x );
-		// fall through
-	case 0x5F: // JMP abs
-		SET_PC( READ_PC16( pc ) );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0F:{// BRK
-		int temp;
-		int ret_addr = GET_PC();
-		SET_PC( READ_PROG16( 0xFFDE ) ); // vector address verified
-		PUSH16( ret_addr );
-		GET_PSW( temp );
-		psw = (psw | b10) & ~i04;
-		PUSH( temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x4F:{// PCALL offset
-		int ret_addr = GET_PC() + 1;
-		SET_PC( 0xFF00 | data );
-		PUSH16( ret_addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x01: // TCALL n
-	case 0x11:
-	case 0x21:
-	case 0x31:
-	case 0x41:
-	case 0x51:
-	case 0x61:
-	case 0x71:
-	case 0x81:
-	case 0x91:
-	case 0xA1:
-	case 0xB1:
-	case 0xC1:
-	case 0xD1:
-	case 0xE1:
-	case 0xF1: {
-		int ret_addr = GET_PC();
-		SET_PC( READ_PROG16( 0xFFDE - (opcode >> 3) ) );
-		PUSH16( ret_addr );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	{
-		int temp;
-	case 0x7F: // RET1
-		temp = *sp;
-		SET_PC( GET_LE16( sp + 1 ) );
-		SET_SP( GET_SP() + 3 );
-		goto set_psw;
-	case 0x8E: // POP PSW
-		POP( temp );
-	set_psw:
-		SET_PSW( temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x0D: { // PUSH PSW
-		int temp;
-		GET_PSW( temp );
-		PUSH( temp );
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	case 0x2D: // PUSH A
-		PUSH( a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x4D: // PUSH X
-		PUSH( x );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x6D: // PUSH Y
-		PUSH( y );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xAE: // POP A
-		POP( a );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xCE: // POP X
-		POP( x );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xEE: // POP Y
-		POP( y );
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x02: // SET1
-	case 0x22:
-	case 0x42:
-	case 0x62:
-	case 0x82:
-	case 0xA2:
-	case 0xC2:
-	case 0xE2:
-	case 0x12: // CLR1
-	case 0x32:
-	case 0x52:
-	case 0x72:
-	case 0x92:
-	case 0xB2:
-	case 0xD2:
-	case 0xF2: {
-		int bit = 1 << (opcode >> 5);
-		int mask = ~bit;
-		if ( opcode & 0x10 )
-			bit = 0;
-		data += dp;
-		WRITE( 0, data, (READ( -1, data ) & mask) | bit );
-		goto inc_pc_loop;
-	}
-	case 0x0E: // TSET1 abs
-	case 0x4E: // TCLR1 abs
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc += 2;
-		{
-			unsigned temp = READ( -2, data );
-			nz = (uint8_t) (a - temp);
-			temp &= ~a;
-			if ( opcode == 0x0E )
-				temp |= a;
-			WRITE( 0, data, temp );
-		}
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x4A: // AND1 C,mem.bit
-		c &= MEM_BIT( 0 );
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x6A: // AND1 C,/mem.bit
-		c &= ~MEM_BIT( 0 );
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x0A: // OR1 C,mem.bit
-		c |= MEM_BIT( -1 );
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x2A: // OR1 C,/mem.bit
-		c |= ~MEM_BIT( -1 );
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x8A: // EOR1 C,mem.bit
-		c ^= MEM_BIT( -1 );
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xEA: // NOT1 mem.bit
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc += 2;
-		{
-			unsigned temp = READ( -1, data & 0x1FFF );
-			temp ^= 1 << (data >> 13);
-			WRITE( 0, data & 0x1FFF, temp );
-		}
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xCA: // MOV1 mem.bit,C
-		data = READ_PC16( pc );
-		pc += 2;
-		{
-			unsigned temp = READ( -2, data & 0x1FFF );
-			unsigned bit = data >> 13;
-			temp = (temp & ~(1 << bit)) | ((c >> 8 & 1) << bit);
-			WRITE( 0, data & 0x1FFF, temp + no_read_before_write  );
-		}
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xAA: // MOV1 C,mem.bit
-		c = MEM_BIT( 0 );
-		pc += 2;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x60: // CLRC
-		c = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x80: // SETC
-		c = ~0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xED: // NOTC
-		c ^= 0x100;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xE0: // CLRV
-		psw &= ~(v40 | h08);
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x20: // CLRP
-		dp = 0;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x40: // SETP
-		dp = 0x100;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xA0: // EI
-		psw |= i04;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xC0: // DI
-		psw &= ~i04;
-		goto loop;
-	case 0x00: // NOP
-		goto loop;
-	case 0xFF:{// STOP
-		// handle PC wrap-around
-		unsigned addr = GET_PC() - 1;
-		if ( addr >= 0x10000 )
-		{
-			addr &= 0xFFFF;
-			SET_PC( addr );
-			debug_printf( "SPC: PC wrapped around\n" );
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	}
-	// fall through
-	case 0xEF: // SLEEP
-		--pc;
-		rel_time = 0;
-		m.cpu_error = "SPC emulation error";
-		goto stop;
-	} // switch
-	assert( 0 ); // catch any unhandled instructions
-	rel_time -= m.cycle_table [*pc]; // undo partial execution of opcode
-	// Uncache registers
-	if ( GET_PC() >= 0x10000 )
-		debug_printf( "SPC: PC wrapped around\n" );
-	m.cpu_regs.pc = (uint16_t) GET_PC();
-	m.cpu_regs.sp = ( uint8_t) GET_SP();
-	m.cpu_regs.a  = ( uint8_t) a;
-	m.cpu_regs.x  = ( uint8_t) x;
-	m.cpu_regs.y  = ( uint8_t) y;
-	{
-		int temp;
-		GET_PSW( temp );
-		m.cpu_regs.psw = (uint8_t) temp;
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Dsp.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Dsp.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a84bfe164ab575b270e49c19512b19b22b8e5fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Dsp.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,703 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Spc_Dsp.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-	#error "Requires that int type have at least 32 bits"
-// TODO: add to blargg_endian.h
-#define GET_LE16SA( addr )      ((BOOST::int16_t) GET_LE16( addr ))
-#define GET_LE16A( addr )       GET_LE16( addr )
-#define SET_LE16A( addr, data ) SET_LE16( addr, data )
-static BOOST::uint8_t const initial_regs [Spc_Dsp::register_count] =
-	0x45,0x8B,0x5A,0x9A,0xE4,0x82,0x1B,0x78,0x00,0x00,0xAA,0x96,0x89,0x0E,0xE0,0x80,
-	0x2A,0x49,0x3D,0xBA,0x14,0xA0,0xAC,0xC5,0x00,0x00,0x51,0xBB,0x9C,0x4E,0x7B,0xFF,
-	0xF4,0xFD,0x57,0x32,0x37,0xD9,0x42,0x22,0x00,0x00,0x5B,0x3C,0x9F,0x1B,0x87,0x9A,
-	0x6F,0x27,0xAF,0x7B,0xE5,0x68,0x0A,0xD9,0x00,0x00,0x9A,0xC5,0x9C,0x4E,0x7B,0xFF,
-	0xEA,0x21,0x78,0x4F,0xDD,0xED,0x24,0x14,0x00,0x00,0x77,0xB1,0xD1,0x36,0xC1,0x67,
-	0x52,0x57,0x46,0x3D,0x59,0xF4,0x87,0xA4,0x00,0x00,0x7E,0x44,0x9C,0x4E,0x7B,0xFF,
-	0x75,0xF5,0x06,0x97,0x10,0xC3,0x24,0xBB,0x00,0x00,0x7B,0x7A,0xE0,0x60,0x12,0x0F,
-	0xF7,0x74,0x1C,0xE5,0x39,0x3D,0x73,0xC1,0x00,0x00,0x7A,0xB3,0xFF,0x4E,0x7B,0xFF
-// if ( io < -32768 ) io = -32768;
-// if ( io >  32767 ) io =  32767;
-#define CLAMP16( io )\
-	if ( (int16_t) io != io )\
-		io = (io >> 31) ^ 0x7FFF;\
-// Access global DSP register
-#define REG(n)      m.regs [r_##n]
-// Access voice DSP register
-#define VREG(r,n)   r [v_##n]
-#define WRITE_SAMPLES( l, r, out ) \
-	out [0] = l;\
-	out [1] = r;\
-	out += 2;\
-	if ( out >= m.out_end )\
-	{\
-		check( out == m.out_end );\
-		check( m.out_end != &m.extra [extra_size] || \
-			(m.extra <= m.out_begin && m.extra < &m.extra [extra_size]) );\
-		out       = m.extra;\
-		m.out_end = &m.extra [extra_size];\
-	}\
-void Spc_Dsp::set_output( sample_t* out, int size )
-	require( (size & 1) == 0 ); // must be even
-	if ( !out )
-	{
-		out  = m.extra;
-		size = extra_size;
-	}
-	m.out_begin = out;
-	m.out       = out;
-	m.out_end   = out + size;
-// Volume registers and efb are signed! Easy to forget int8_t cast.
-// Prefixes are to avoid accidental use of locals with same names.
-// Interleved gauss table (to improve cache coherency)
-// interleved_gauss [i] = gauss [(i & 1) * 256 + 255 - (i >> 1 & 0xFF)]
-static short const interleved_gauss [512] =
- 370,1305, 366,1305, 362,1304, 358,1304, 354,1304, 351,1304, 347,1304, 343,1303,
- 339,1303, 336,1303, 332,1302, 328,1302, 325,1301, 321,1300, 318,1300, 314,1299,
- 311,1298, 307,1297, 304,1297, 300,1296, 297,1295, 293,1294, 290,1293, 286,1292,
- 283,1291, 280,1290, 276,1288, 273,1287, 270,1286, 267,1284, 263,1283, 260,1282,
- 257,1280, 254,1279, 251,1277, 248,1275, 245,1274, 242,1272, 239,1270, 236,1269,
- 233,1267, 230,1265, 227,1263, 224,1261, 221,1259, 218,1257, 215,1255, 212,1253,
- 210,1251, 207,1248, 204,1246, 201,1244, 199,1241, 196,1239, 193,1237, 191,1234,
- 188,1232, 186,1229, 183,1227, 180,1224, 178,1221, 175,1219, 173,1216, 171,1213,
- 168,1210, 166,1207, 163,1205, 161,1202, 159,1199, 156,1196, 154,1193, 152,1190,
- 150,1186, 147,1183, 145,1180, 143,1177, 141,1174, 139,1170, 137,1167, 134,1164,
- 132,1160, 130,1157, 128,1153, 126,1150, 124,1146, 122,1143, 120,1139, 118,1136,
- 117,1132, 115,1128, 113,1125, 111,1121, 109,1117, 107,1113, 106,1109, 104,1106,
- 102,1102, 100,1098,  99,1094,  97,1090,  95,1086,  94,1082,  92,1078,  90,1074,
-  89,1070,  87,1066,  86,1061,  84,1057,  83,1053,  81,1049,  80,1045,  78,1040,
-  77,1036,  76,1032,  74,1027,  73,1023,  71,1019,  70,1014,  69,1010,  67,1005,
-  66,1001,  65, 997,  64, 992,  62, 988,  61, 983,  60, 978,  59, 974,  58, 969,
-  56, 965,  55, 960,  54, 955,  53, 951,  52, 946,  51, 941,  50, 937,  49, 932,
-  48, 927,  47, 923,  46, 918,  45, 913,  44, 908,  43, 904,  42, 899,  41, 894,
-  40, 889,  39, 884,  38, 880,  37, 875,  36, 870,  36, 865,  35, 860,  34, 855,
-  33, 851,  32, 846,  32, 841,  31, 836,  30, 831,  29, 826,  29, 821,  28, 816,
-  27, 811,  27, 806,  26, 802,  25, 797,  24, 792,  24, 787,  23, 782,  23, 777,
-  22, 772,  21, 767,  21, 762,  20, 757,  20, 752,  19, 747,  19, 742,  18, 737,
-  17, 732,  17, 728,  16, 723,  16, 718,  15, 713,  15, 708,  15, 703,  14, 698,
-  14, 693,  13, 688,  13, 683,  12, 678,  12, 674,  11, 669,  11, 664,  11, 659,
-  10, 654,  10, 649,  10, 644,   9, 640,   9, 635,   9, 630,   8, 625,   8, 620,
-   8, 615,   7, 611,   7, 606,   7, 601,   6, 596,   6, 592,   6, 587,   6, 582,
-   5, 577,   5, 573,   5, 568,   5, 563,   4, 559,   4, 554,   4, 550,   4, 545,
-   4, 540,   3, 536,   3, 531,   3, 527,   3, 522,   3, 517,   2, 513,   2, 508,
-   2, 504,   2, 499,   2, 495,   2, 491,   2, 486,   1, 482,   1, 477,   1, 473,
-   1, 469,   1, 464,   1, 460,   1, 456,   1, 451,   1, 447,   1, 443,   1, 439,
-   0, 434,   0, 430,   0, 426,   0, 422,   0, 418,   0, 414,   0, 410,   0, 405,
-   0, 401,   0, 397,   0, 393,   0, 389,   0, 385,   0, 381,   0, 378,   0, 374,
-//// Counters
-#define RATE( rate, div )\
-	(rate >= div ? rate / div * 8 - 1 : rate - 1)
-static unsigned const counter_mask [32] =
-	RATE(   2,2), RATE(2048,4), RATE(1536,3),
-	RATE(1280,5), RATE(1024,4), RATE( 768,3),
-	RATE( 640,5), RATE( 512,4), RATE( 384,3),
-	RATE( 320,5), RATE( 256,4), RATE( 192,3),
-	RATE( 160,5), RATE( 128,4), RATE(  96,3),
-	RATE(  80,5), RATE(  64,4), RATE(  48,3),
-	RATE(  40,5), RATE(  32,4), RATE(  24,3),
-	RATE(  20,5), RATE(  16,4), RATE(  12,3),
-	RATE(  10,5), RATE(   8,4), RATE(   6,3),
-	RATE(   5,5), RATE(   4,4), RATE(   3,3),
-	              RATE(   2,4),
-	              RATE(   1,4)
-#undef RATE
-inline void Spc_Dsp::init_counter()
-	// counters start out with this synchronization
-	m.counters [0] =     1;
-	m.counters [1] =     0;
-	m.counters [2] = -0x20u;
-	m.counters [3] =  0x0B;
-	int n = 2;
-	for ( int i = 1; i < 32; i++ )
-	{
-		m.counter_select [i] = &m.counters [n];
-		if ( !--n )
-			n = 3;
-	}
-	m.counter_select [ 0] = &m.counters [0];
-	m.counter_select [30] = &m.counters [2];
-inline void Spc_Dsp::run_counter( int i )
-	int n = m.counters [i];
-	if ( !(n-- & 7) )
-		n -= 6 - i;
-	m.counters [i] = n;
-#define READ_COUNTER( rate )\
-	(*m.counter_select [rate] & counter_mask [rate])
-//// Emulation
-void Spc_Dsp::run( int clock_count )
-	int new_phase = m.phase + clock_count;
-	int count = new_phase >> 5;
-	m.phase = new_phase & 31;
-	if ( !count )
-		return;
-	uint8_t* const ram = m.ram;
-	uint8_t const* const dir = &ram [REG(dir) * 0x100];
-	int const slow_gaussian = (REG(pmon) >> 1) | REG(non);
-	int const noise_rate = REG(flg) & 0x1F;
-	// Global volume
-	int mvoll = (int8_t) REG(mvoll);
-	int mvolr = (int8_t) REG(mvolr);
-	if ( mvoll * mvolr < m.surround_threshold )
-		mvoll = -mvoll; // eliminate surround
-	do
-	{
-		// KON/KOFF reading
-		if ( (m.every_other_sample ^= 1) != 0 )
-		{
-			m.new_kon &= ~m.kon;
-			m.kon    = m.new_kon;
-			m.t_koff = REG(koff); 
-		}
-		run_counter( 1 );
-		run_counter( 2 );
-		run_counter( 3 );
-		// Noise
-		if ( !READ_COUNTER( noise_rate ) )
-		{
-			int feedback = (m.noise << 13) ^ (m.noise << 14);
-			m.noise = (feedback & 0x4000) ^ (m.noise >> 1);
-		}
-		// Voices
-		int pmon_input = 0;
-		int main_out_l = 0;
-		int main_out_r = 0;
-		int echo_out_l = 0;
-		int echo_out_r = 0;
-		voice_t* v = m.voices;
-		uint8_t* v_regs = m.regs;
-		int vbit = 1;
-		do
-		{
-			#define SAMPLE_PTR(i) GET_LE16A( &dir [VREG(v_regs,srcn) * 4 + i * 2] )
-			int brr_header = ram [v->brr_addr];
-			int kon_delay = v->kon_delay;
-			// Pitch
-			int pitch = GET_LE16A( &VREG(v_regs,pitchl) ) & 0x3FFF;
-			if ( REG(pmon) & vbit )
-				pitch += ((pmon_input >> 5) * pitch) >> 10;
-			// KON phases
-			if ( --kon_delay >= 0 )
-			{
-				v->kon_delay = kon_delay;
-				// Get ready to start BRR decoding on next sample
-				if ( kon_delay == 4 )
-				{
-					v->brr_addr   = SAMPLE_PTR( 0 );
-					v->brr_offset = 1;
-					v->buf_pos    = v->buf;
-					brr_header    = 0; // header is ignored on this sample
-				}
-				// Envelope is never run during KON
-				v->env        = 0;
-				v->hidden_env = 0;
-				// Disable BRR decoding until last three samples
-				v->interp_pos = (kon_delay & 3 ? 0x4000 : 0);
-				// Pitch is never added during KON
-				pitch = 0;
-			}
-			int env = v->env;
-			// Gaussian interpolation
-			{
-				int output = 0;
-				VREG(v_regs,envx) = (uint8_t) (env >> 4);
-				if ( env )
-				{
-					// Make pointers into gaussian based on fractional position between samples
-					int offset = (unsigned) v->interp_pos >> 3 & 0x1FE;
-					short const* fwd = interleved_gauss       + offset;
-					short const* rev = interleved_gauss + 510 - offset; // mirror left half of gaussian
-					int const* in = &v->buf_pos [(unsigned) v->interp_pos >> 12];
-					if ( !(slow_gaussian & vbit) ) // 99%
-					{
-						// Faster approximation when exact sample value isn't necessary for pitch mod
-						output = (fwd [0] * in [0] +
-						          fwd [1] * in [1] +
-						          rev [1] * in [2] +
-						          rev [0] * in [3]) >> 11;
-						output = (output * env) >> 11;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						output = (int16_t) (m.noise * 2);
-						if ( !(REG(non) & vbit) )
-						{
-							output  = (fwd [0] * in [0]) >> 11;
-							output += (fwd [1] * in [1]) >> 11;
-							output += (rev [1] * in [2]) >> 11;
-							output = (int16_t) output;
-							output += (rev [0] * in [3]) >> 11;
-							CLAMP16( output );
-							output &= ~1;
-						}
-						output = (output * env) >> 11 & ~1;
-					}
-					// Output
-					int l = output * v->volume [0];
-					int r = output * v->volume [1];
-					main_out_l += l;
-					main_out_r += r;
-					if ( REG(eon) & vbit )
-					{
-						echo_out_l += l;
-						echo_out_r += r;
-					}
-				}
-				pmon_input = output;
-				VREG(v_regs,outx) = (uint8_t) (output >> 8);
-			}
-			// Soft reset or end of sample
-			if ( REG(flg) & 0x80 || (brr_header & 3) == 1 )
-			{
-				v->env_mode = env_release;
-				env         = 0;
-			}
-			if ( m.every_other_sample )
-			{
-				// KOFF
-				if ( m.t_koff & vbit )
-					v->env_mode = env_release;
-				// KON
-				if ( m.kon & vbit )
-				{
-					v->kon_delay = 5;
-					v->env_mode  = env_attack;
-					REG(endx) &= ~vbit;
-				}
-			}
-			// Envelope
-			if ( !v->kon_delay )
-			{
-				if ( v->env_mode == env_release ) // 97%
-				{
-					env -= 0x8;
-					v->env = env;
-					if ( env <= 0 )
-					{
-						v->env = 0;
-						goto skip_brr; // no BRR decoding for you!
-					}
-				}
-				else // 3%
-				{
-					int rate;
-					int const adsr0 = VREG(v_regs,adsr0);
-					int env_data = VREG(v_regs,adsr1);
-					if ( adsr0 >= 0x80 ) // 97% ADSR
-					{
-						if ( v->env_mode > env_decay ) // 89%
-						{
-							env--;
-							env -= env >> 8;
-							rate = env_data & 0x1F;
-							// optimized handling
-							v->hidden_env = env;
-							if ( READ_COUNTER( rate ) )
-								goto exit_env;
-							v->env = env;
-							goto exit_env;
-						}
-						else if ( v->env_mode == env_decay )
-						{
-							env--;
-							env -= env >> 8;
-							rate = (adsr0 >> 3 & 0x0E) + 0x10;
-						}
-						else // env_attack
-						{
-							rate = (adsr0 & 0x0F) * 2 + 1;
-							env += rate < 31 ? 0x20 : 0x400;
-						}
-					}
-					else // GAIN
-					{
-						int mode;
-						env_data = VREG(v_regs,gain);
-						mode = env_data >> 5;
-						if ( mode < 4 ) // direct
-						{
-							env = env_data * 0x10;
-							rate = 31;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							rate = env_data & 0x1F;
-							if ( mode == 4 ) // 4: linear decrease
-							{
-								env -= 0x20;
-							}
-							else if ( mode < 6 ) // 5: exponential decrease
-							{
-								env--;
-								env -= env >> 8;
-							}
-							else // 6,7: linear increase
-							{
-								env += 0x20;
-								if ( mode > 6 && (unsigned) v->hidden_env >= 0x600 )
-									env += 0x8 - 0x20; // 7: two-slope linear increase
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					// Sustain level
-					if ( (env >> 8) == (env_data >> 5) && v->env_mode == env_decay )
-						v->env_mode = env_sustain;
-					v->hidden_env = env;
-					// unsigned cast because linear decrease going negative also triggers this
-					if ( (unsigned) env > 0x7FF )
-					{
-						env = (env < 0 ? 0 : 0x7FF);
-						if ( v->env_mode == env_attack )
-							v->env_mode = env_decay;
-					}
-					if ( !READ_COUNTER( rate ) )
-						v->env = env; // nothing else is controlled by the counter
-				}
-			}
-		exit_env:
-			{
-				// Apply pitch
-				int old_pos = v->interp_pos;
-				int interp_pos = (old_pos & 0x3FFF) + pitch;
-				if ( interp_pos > 0x7FFF )
-					interp_pos = 0x7FFF;
-				v->interp_pos = interp_pos;
-				// BRR decode if necessary
-				if ( old_pos >= 0x4000 )
-				{
-					// Arrange the four input nybbles in 0xABCD order for easy decoding
-					int nybbles = ram [(v->brr_addr + v->brr_offset) & 0xFFFF] * 0x100 +
-							ram [(v->brr_addr + v->brr_offset + 1) & 0xFFFF];
-					// Advance read position
-					int const brr_block_size = 9;
-					int brr_offset = v->brr_offset;
-					if ( (brr_offset += 2) >= brr_block_size )
-					{
-						// Next BRR block
-						int brr_addr = (v->brr_addr + brr_block_size) & 0xFFFF;
-						assert( brr_offset == brr_block_size );
-						if ( brr_header & 1 )
-						{
-							brr_addr = SAMPLE_PTR( 1 );
-							if ( !v->kon_delay )
-								REG(endx) |= vbit;
-						}
-						v->brr_addr = brr_addr;
-						brr_offset  = 1;
-					}
-					v->brr_offset = brr_offset;
-					// Decode
-					// 0: >>1  1: <<0  2: <<1 ... 12: <<11  13-15: >>4 <<11
-					static unsigned char const shifts [16 * 2] = {
-						13,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12, 12, 12, 16, 16, 16,
-						 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11
-					};
-					int const scale = brr_header >> 4;
-					int const right_shift = shifts [scale];
-					int const left_shift  = shifts [scale + 16];
-					// Write to next four samples in circular buffer
-					int* pos = v->buf_pos;
-					int* end;
-					// Decode four samples
-					for ( end = pos + 4; pos < end; pos++, nybbles <<= 4 )
-					{
-						// Extract upper nybble and scale appropriately
-						int s = ((int16_t) nybbles >> right_shift) << left_shift;
-						// Apply IIR filter (8 is the most commonly used)
-						int const filter = brr_header & 0x0C;
-						int const p1 = pos [brr_buf_size - 1];
-						int const p2 = pos [brr_buf_size - 2] >> 1;
-						if ( filter >= 8 )
-						{
-							s += p1;
-							s -= p2;
-							if ( filter == 8 ) // s += p1 * 0.953125 - p2 * 0.46875
-							{
-								s += p2 >> 4;
-								s += (p1 * -3) >> 6;
-							}
-							else // s += p1 * 0.8984375 - p2 * 0.40625
-							{
-								s += (p1 * -13) >> 7;
-								s += (p2 * 3) >> 4;
-							}
-						}
-						else if ( filter ) // s += p1 * 0.46875
-						{
-							s += p1 >> 1;
-							s += (-p1) >> 5;
-						}
-						// Adjust and write sample
-						CLAMP16( s );
-						s = (int16_t) (s * 2);
-						pos [brr_buf_size] = pos [0] = s; // second copy simplifies wrap-around
-					}
-					if ( pos >= &v->buf [brr_buf_size] )
-						pos = v->buf;
-					v->buf_pos = pos;
-				}
-			}
-			// Next voice
-			vbit <<= 1;
-			v_regs += 0x10;
-			v++;
-		}
-		while ( vbit < 0x100 );
-		// Echo position
-		int echo_offset = m.echo_offset;
-		uint8_t* const echo_ptr = &ram [(REG(esa) * 0x100 + echo_offset) & 0xFFFF];
-		if ( !echo_offset )
-			m.echo_length = (REG(edl) & 0x0F) * 0x800;
-		echo_offset += 4;
-		if ( echo_offset >= m.echo_length )
-			echo_offset = 0;
-		m.echo_offset = echo_offset;
-		// FIR
-		int echo_in_l = GET_LE16SA( echo_ptr + 0 );
-		int echo_in_r = GET_LE16SA( echo_ptr + 2 );
-		int (*echo_hist_pos) [2] = m.echo_hist_pos;
-		if ( ++echo_hist_pos >= &m.echo_hist [echo_hist_size] )
-			echo_hist_pos = m.echo_hist;
-		m.echo_hist_pos = echo_hist_pos;
-		echo_hist_pos [0] [0] = echo_hist_pos [8] [0] = echo_in_l;
-		echo_hist_pos [0] [1] = echo_hist_pos [8] [1] = echo_in_r;
-		#define CALC_FIR_( i, in )  ((in) * (int8_t) REG(fir + i * 0x10))
-		echo_in_l = CALC_FIR_( 7, echo_in_l );
-		echo_in_r = CALC_FIR_( 7, echo_in_r );
-		#define CALC_FIR( i, ch )   CALC_FIR_( i, echo_hist_pos [i + 1] [ch] )
-		#define DO_FIR( i )\
-			echo_in_l += CALC_FIR( i, 0 );\
-			echo_in_r += CALC_FIR( i, 1 );
-		DO_FIR( 0 );
-		DO_FIR( 1 );
-		DO_FIR( 2 );
-		#if defined (__MWERKS__) && __MWERKS__ < 0x3200
-			__eieio(); // keeps compiler from stupidly "caching" things in memory
-		#endif
-		DO_FIR( 3 );
-		DO_FIR( 4 );
-		DO_FIR( 5 );
-		DO_FIR( 6 );
-		// Echo out
-		if ( !(REG(flg) & 0x20) )
-		{
-			int l = (echo_out_l >> 7) + ((echo_in_l * (int8_t) REG(efb)) >> 14);
-			int r = (echo_out_r >> 7) + ((echo_in_r * (int8_t) REG(efb)) >> 14);
-			// just to help pass more validation tests
-				l &= ~1;
-				r &= ~1;
-			#endif
-			CLAMP16( l );
-			CLAMP16( r );
-			SET_LE16A( echo_ptr + 0, l );
-			SET_LE16A( echo_ptr + 2, r );
-		}
-		// Sound out
-		int l = (main_out_l * mvoll + echo_in_l * (int8_t) REG(evoll)) >> 14;
-		int r = (main_out_r * mvolr + echo_in_r * (int8_t) REG(evolr)) >> 14;
-		CLAMP16( l );
-		CLAMP16( r );
-		if ( (REG(flg) & 0x40) )
-		{
-			l = 0;
-			r = 0;
-		}
-		sample_t* out = m.out;
-		WRITE_SAMPLES( l, r, out );
-		m.out = out;
-	}
-	while ( --count );
-//// Setup
-void Spc_Dsp::mute_voices( int mask )
-	m.mute_mask = mask;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < voice_count; i++ )
-	{
-		m.voices [i].enabled = (mask >> i & 1) - 1;
-		update_voice_vol( i * 0x10 );
-	}
-void Spc_Dsp::init( void* ram_64k )
-	m.ram = (uint8_t*) ram_64k;
-	mute_voices( 0 );
-	disable_surround( false );
-	set_output( 0, 0 );
-	reset();
-	#ifndef NDEBUG
-		// be sure this sign-extends
-		assert( (int16_t) 0x8000 == -0x8000 );
-		// be sure right shift preserves sign
-		assert( (-1 >> 1) == -1 );
-		// check clamp macro
-		int i;
-		i = +0x8000; CLAMP16( i ); assert( i == +0x7FFF );
-		i = -0x8001; CLAMP16( i ); assert( i == -0x8000 );
-		blargg_verify_byte_order();
-	#endif
-void Spc_Dsp::soft_reset_common()
-	require( m.ram ); // init() must have been called already
-	m.noise              = 0x4000;
-	m.echo_hist_pos      = m.echo_hist;
-	m.every_other_sample = 1;
-	m.echo_offset        = 0;
-	m.phase              = 0;
-	init_counter();
-void Spc_Dsp::soft_reset()
-	REG(flg) = 0xE0;
-	soft_reset_common();
-void Spc_Dsp::load( uint8_t const regs [register_count] )
-	memcpy( m.regs, regs, sizeof m.regs );
-	memset( &m.regs [register_count], 0, offsetof (state_t,ram) - register_count );
-	// Internal state
-	int i;
-	for ( i = voice_count; --i >= 0; )
-	{
-		voice_t& v = m.voices [i];
-		v.brr_offset = 1;
-		v.buf_pos    = v.buf;
-	}
-	m.new_kon = REG(kon);
-	mute_voices( m.mute_mask );
-	soft_reset_common();
-void Spc_Dsp::reset() { load( initial_regs ); }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Dsp.h b/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Dsp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 401af020ac5f11049e6ecd24de9350e3253b61b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Dsp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-// Fast SNES SPC-700 DSP emulator (about 3x speed of accurate one)
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef SPC_DSP_H
-#define SPC_DSP_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-struct Spc_Dsp {
-	typedef BOOST::uint8_t uint8_t;
-// Setup
-	// Initializes DSP and has it use the 64K RAM provided
-	void init( void* ram_64k );
-	// Sets destination for output samples. If out is NULL or out_size is 0,
-	// doesn't generate any.
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	void set_output( sample_t* out, int out_size );
-	// Number of samples written to output since it was last set, always
-	// a multiple of 2. Undefined if more samples were generated than
-	// output buffer could hold.
-	int sample_count() const;
-// Emulation
-	// Resets DSP to power-on state
-	void reset();
-	// Emulates pressing reset switch on SNES
-	void soft_reset();
-	// Reads/writes DSP registers. For accuracy, you must first call spc_run_dsp()
-	// to catch the DSP up to present.
-	int  read ( int addr ) const;
-	void write( int addr, int data );
-	// Runs DSP for specified number of clocks (~1024000 per second). Every 32 clocks
-	// a pair of samples is be generated.
-	void run( int clock_count );
-// Sound control
-	// Mutes voices corresponding to non-zero bits in mask (overrides VxVOL with 0).
-	// Reduces emulation accuracy.
-	enum { voice_count = 8 };
-	void mute_voices( int mask );
-	// If true, prevents channels and global volumes from being phase-negated
-	void disable_surround( bool disable = true );
-// State
-	// Resets DSP and uses supplied values to initialize registers
-	enum { register_count = 128 };
-	void load( uint8_t const regs [register_count] );
-// DSP register addresses
-	// Global registers
-	enum {
-	    r_mvoll = 0x0C, r_mvolr = 0x1C,
-	    r_evoll = 0x2C, r_evolr = 0x3C,
-	    r_kon   = 0x4C, r_koff  = 0x5C,
-	    r_flg   = 0x6C, r_endx  = 0x7C,
-	    r_efb   = 0x0D, r_pmon  = 0x2D,
-	    r_non   = 0x3D, r_eon   = 0x4D,
-	    r_dir   = 0x5D, r_esa   = 0x6D,
-	    r_edl   = 0x7D,
-	    r_fir   = 0x0F // 8 coefficients at 0x0F, 0x1F ... 0x7F
-	};
-	// Voice registers
-	enum {
-		v_voll   = 0x00, v_volr   = 0x01,
-		v_pitchl = 0x02, v_pitchh = 0x03,
-		v_srcn   = 0x04, v_adsr0  = 0x05,
-		v_adsr1  = 0x06, v_gain   = 0x07,
-		v_envx   = 0x08, v_outx   = 0x09
-	};
-	enum { extra_size = 16 };
-	sample_t* extra()               { return m.extra; }
-	sample_t const* out_pos() const { return m.out; }
-	typedef BOOST::int8_t   int8_t;
-	typedef BOOST::int16_t int16_t;
-	enum { echo_hist_size = 8 };
-	enum env_mode_t { env_release, env_attack, env_decay, env_sustain };
-	enum { brr_buf_size = 12 };
-	struct voice_t
-	{
-		int buf [brr_buf_size*2];// decoded samples (twice the size to simplify wrap handling)
-		int* buf_pos;           // place in buffer where next samples will be decoded
-		int interp_pos;         // relative fractional position in sample (0x1000 = 1.0)
-		int brr_addr;           // address of current BRR block
-		int brr_offset;         // current decoding offset in BRR block
-		int kon_delay;          // KON delay/current setup phase
-		env_mode_t env_mode;
-		int env;                // current envelope level
-		int hidden_env;         // used by GAIN mode 7, very obscure quirk
-		int volume [2];         // copy of volume from DSP registers, with surround disabled
-		int enabled;            // -1 if enabled, 0 if muted
-	};
-	struct state_t
-	{
-		uint8_t regs [register_count];
-		// Echo history keeps most recent 8 samples (twice the size to simplify wrap handling)
-		int echo_hist [echo_hist_size * 2] [2];
-		int (*echo_hist_pos) [2]; // &echo_hist [0 to 7]
-		int every_other_sample; // toggles every sample
-		int kon;                // KON value when last checked
-		int noise;
-		int echo_offset;        // offset from ESA in echo buffer
-		int echo_length;        // number of bytes that echo_offset will stop at
-		int phase;              // next clock cycle to run (0-31)
-		unsigned counters [4];
-		int new_kon;
-		int t_koff;
-		voice_t voices [voice_count];
-		unsigned* counter_select [32];
-		// non-emulation state
-		uint8_t* ram; // 64K shared RAM between DSP and SMP
-		int mute_mask;
-		int surround_threshold;
-		sample_t* out;
-		sample_t* out_end;
-		sample_t* out_begin;
-		sample_t extra [extra_size];
-	};
-	state_t m;
-	void init_counter();
-	void run_counter( int );
-	void soft_reset_common();
-	void write_outline( int addr, int data );
-	void update_voice_vol( int addr );
-#include <assert.h>
-inline int Spc_Dsp::sample_count() const { return m.out - m.out_begin; }
-inline int Spc_Dsp::read( int addr ) const
-	assert( (unsigned) addr < register_count );
-	return m.regs [addr];
-inline void Spc_Dsp::update_voice_vol( int addr )
-	int l = (int8_t) m.regs [addr + v_voll];
-	int r = (int8_t) m.regs [addr + v_volr];
-	if ( l * r < m.surround_threshold )
-	{
-		// signs differ, so negate those that are negative
-		l ^= l >> 7;
-		r ^= r >> 7;
-	}
-	voice_t& v = m.voices [addr >> 4];
-	int enabled = v.enabled;
-	v.volume [0] = l & enabled;
-	v.volume [1] = r & enabled;
-inline void Spc_Dsp::write( int addr, int data )
-	assert( (unsigned) addr < register_count );
-	m.regs [addr] = (uint8_t) data;
-	int low = addr & 0x0F;
-	if ( low < 0x2 ) // voice volumes
-	{
-		update_voice_vol( low ^ addr );
-	}
-	else if ( low == 0xC )
-	{
-		if ( addr == r_kon )
-			m.new_kon = (uint8_t) data;
-		if ( addr == r_endx ) // always cleared, regardless of data written
-			m.regs [r_endx] = 0;
-	}
-inline void Spc_Dsp::disable_surround( bool disable )
-	m.surround_threshold = disable ? 0 : -0x4000;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b3c20f3173884f6308b34cdde9cd224b8839bd99..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Spc_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-// TODO: support Spc_Filter's bass
-	set_type( gme_spc_type );
-	static const char* const names [Snes_Spc::voice_count] = {
-		"DSP 1", "DSP 2", "DSP 3", "DSP 4", "DSP 5", "DSP 6", "DSP 7", "DSP 8"
-	};
-	set_voice_names( names );
-	set_gain( 1.4 );
-Spc_Emu::~Spc_Emu() { }
-// Track info
-long const trailer_offset = 0x10200;
-byte const* Spc_Emu::trailer() const { return &file_data [min( file_size, trailer_offset )]; }
-long Spc_Emu::trailer_size() const { return max( 0L, file_size - trailer_offset ); }
-static void get_spc_xid6( byte const* begin, long size, track_info_t* out )
-	// header
-	byte const* end = begin + size;
-	if ( size < 8 || memcmp( begin, "xid6", 4 ) )
-	{
-		check( false );
-		return;
-	}
-	long info_size = get_le32( begin + 4 );
-	byte const* in = begin + 8; 
-	if ( end - in > info_size )
-	{
-		debug_printf( "Extra data after SPC xid6 info\n" );
-		end = in + info_size;
-	}
-	int year = 0;
-	char copyright [256 + 5];
-	int copyright_len = 0;
-	int const year_len = 5;
-	while ( end - in >= 4 )
-	{
-		// header
-		int id   = in [0];
-		int data = in [3] * 0x100 + in [2];
-		int type = in [1];
-		int len  = type ? data : 0;
-		in += 4;
-		if ( len > end - in )
-		{
-			check( false );
-			break; // block goes past end of data
-		}
-		// handle specific block types
-		char* field = 0;
-		switch ( id )
-		{
-			case 0x01: field = out->song;    break;
-			case 0x02: field = out->game;    break;
-			case 0x03: field = out->author;  break;
-			case 0x04: field = out->dumper;  break;
-			case 0x07: field = out->comment; break;
-			case 0x14: year = data;          break;
-			//case 0x30: // intro length
-			// Many SPCs have intro length set wrong for looped tracks, making it useless
-			/*
-			case 0x30:
-				check( len == 4 );
-				if ( len >= 4 )
-				{
-					out->intro_length = get_le32( in ) / 64;
-					if ( out->length > 0 )
-					{
-						long loop = out->length - out->intro_length;
-						if ( loop >= 2000 )
-							out->loop_length = loop;
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			*/
-			case 0x13:
-				copyright_len = min( len, (int) sizeof copyright - year_len );
-				memcpy( &copyright [year_len], in, copyright_len );
-				break;
-			default:
-				if ( id < 0x01 || (id > 0x07 && id < 0x10) ||
-						(id > 0x14 && id < 0x30) || id > 0x36 )
-					debug_printf( "Unknown SPC xid6 block: %X\n", (int) id );
-				break;
-		}
-		if ( field )
-		{
-			check( type == 1 );
-			Gme_File::copy_field_( field, (char const*) in, len );
-		}
-		// skip to next block
-		in += len;
-		// blocks are supposed to be 4-byte aligned with zero-padding...
-		byte const* unaligned = in;
-		while ( (in - begin) & 3 && in < end )
-		{
-			if ( *in++ != 0 )
-			{
-				// ...but some files have no padding
-				in = unaligned;
-				debug_printf( "SPC info tag wasn't properly padded to align\n" );
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	char* p = &copyright [year_len];
-	if ( year )
-	{
-		*--p = ' ';
-		for ( int n = 4; n--; )
-		{
-			*--p = char (year % 10 + '0');
-			year /= 10;
-		}
-		copyright_len += year_len;
-	}
-	if ( copyright_len )
-		Gme_File::copy_field_( out->copyright, p, copyright_len );
-	check( in == end );
-static void get_spc_info( Spc_Emu::header_t const& h, byte const* xid6, long xid6_size,
-		track_info_t* out )
-	// decode length (can be in text or binary format, sometimes ambiguous ugh)
-	long len_secs = 0;
-	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
-	{
-		unsigned n = h.len_secs [i] - '0';
-		if ( n > 9 )
-		{
-			// ignore single-digit text lengths
-			// (except if author field is present and begins at offset 1, ugh)
-			if ( i == 1 && (h.author [0] || !h.author [1]) )
-				len_secs = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-		len_secs *= 10;
-		len_secs += n;
-	}
-	if ( !len_secs || len_secs > 0x1FFF )
-		len_secs = get_le16( h.len_secs );
-	if ( len_secs < 0x1FFF )
-		out->length = len_secs * 1000;
-	int offset = (h.author [0] < ' ' || unsigned (h.author [0] - '0') <= 9);
-	Gme_File::copy_field_( out->author, &h.author [offset], sizeof h.author - offset );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, song );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, game );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, dumper );
-	GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, comment );
-	if ( xid6_size )
-		get_spc_xid6( xid6, xid6_size, out );
-blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	get_spc_info( header(), trailer(), trailer_size(), out );
-	return 0;
-static blargg_err_t check_spc_header( void const* header )
-	if ( memcmp( header, "SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data", 27 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	return 0;
-struct Spc_File : Gme_Info_
-	Spc_Emu::header_t header;
-	blargg_vector<byte> xid6;
-	Spc_File() { set_type( gme_spc_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	{
-		long file_size = in.remain();
-		if ( file_size < Snes_Spc::spc_min_file_size )
-			return gme_wrong_file_type;
-		RETURN_ERR( in.read( &header, Spc_Emu::header_size ) );
-		RETURN_ERR( check_spc_header( header.tag ) );
-		long const xid6_offset = 0x10200;
-		long xid6_size = file_size - xid6_offset;
-		if ( xid6_size > 0 )
-		{
-			RETURN_ERR( xid6.resize( xid6_size ) );
-			RETURN_ERR( in.skip( xid6_offset - Spc_Emu::header_size ) );
-			RETURN_ERR( in.read( xid6.begin(), xid6.size() ) );
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	{
-		get_spc_info( header, xid6.begin(), xid6.size(), out );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_spc_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Spc_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_spc_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Spc_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_spc_type_ = { "Super Nintendo", 1, &new_spc_emu, &new_spc_file, "SPC", 0 };
-gme_type_t const gme_spc_type = &gme_spc_type_;
-// Setup
-blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate )
-	RETURN_ERR( apu.init() );
-	enable_accuracy( false );
-	if ( sample_rate != native_sample_rate )
-	{
-		RETURN_ERR( resampler.buffer_size( native_sample_rate / 20 * 2 ) );
-		resampler.time_ratio( (double) native_sample_rate / sample_rate, 0.9965 );
-	}
-	return 0;
-void Spc_Emu::enable_accuracy_( bool b )
-	Music_Emu::enable_accuracy_( b );
-	filter.enable( b );
-void Spc_Emu::mute_voices_( int m )
-	Music_Emu::mute_voices_( m );
-	apu.mute_voices( m );
-blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::load_mem_( byte const* in, long size )
-	assert( offsetof (header_t,unused2 [46]) == header_size );
-	file_data = in;
-	file_size = size;
-	set_voice_count( Snes_Spc::voice_count );
-	if ( size < Snes_Spc::spc_min_file_size )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	return check_spc_header( in );
-// Emulation
-void Spc_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	apu.set_tempo( (int) (t * apu.tempo_unit) );
-blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Music_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	resampler.clear();
-	filter.clear();
-	RETURN_ERR( apu.load_spc( file_data, file_size ) );
-	filter.set_gain( (int) (gain() * SPC_Filter::gain_unit) );
-	apu.clear_echo();
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::play_and_filter( long count, sample_t out [] )
-	RETURN_ERR( apu.play( count, out ) );
-	filter.run( out, count );
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::skip_( long count )
-	if ( sample_rate() != native_sample_rate )
-	{
-		count = long (count * resampler.ratio()) & ~1;
-		count -= resampler.skip_input( count );
-	}
-	// TODO: shouldn't skip be adjusted for the 64 samples read afterwards?
-	if ( count > 0 )
-	{
-		RETURN_ERR( apu.skip( count ) );
-		filter.clear();
-	}
-	// eliminate pop due to resampler
-	const int resampler_latency = 64;
-	sample_t buf [resampler_latency];
-	return play_( resampler_latency, buf );
-blargg_err_t Spc_Emu::play_( long count, sample_t* out )
-	if ( sample_rate() == native_sample_rate )
-		return play_and_filter( count, out );
-	long remain = count;
-	while ( remain > 0 )
-	{
-		remain -= resampler.read( &out [count - remain], remain );
-		if ( remain > 0 )
-		{
-			long n = resampler.max_write();
-			RETURN_ERR( play_and_filter( n, resampler.buffer() ) );
-			resampler.write( n );
-		}
-	}
-	check( remain == 0 );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 09063f1237867b6074b4e28ade2db91aac596d9b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Super Nintendo SPC music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef SPC_EMU_H
-#define SPC_EMU_H
-#include "Fir_Resampler.h"
-#include "Music_Emu.h"
-#include "Snes_Spc.h"
-#include "Spc_Filter.h"
-class Spc_Emu : public Music_Emu {
-	// The Super Nintendo hardware samples at 32kHz. Other sample rates are
-	// handled by resampling the 32kHz output; emulation accuracy is not affected.
-	enum { native_sample_rate = 32000 };
-	// SPC file header
-	enum { header_size = 0x100 };
-	struct header_t
-	{
-		char tag [35];
-		byte format;
-		byte version;
-		byte pc [2];
-		byte a, x, y, psw, sp;
-		byte unused [2];
-		char song [32];
-		char game [32];
-		char dumper [16];
-		char comment [32];
-		byte date [11];
-		byte len_secs [3];
-		byte fade_msec [4];
-		char author [32]; // sometimes first char should be skipped (see official SPC spec)
-		byte mute_mask;
-		byte emulator;
-		byte unused2 [46];
-	};
-	// Header for currently loaded file
-	header_t const& header() const { return *(header_t const*) file_data; }
-	// Prevents channels and global volumes from being phase-negated
-	void disable_surround( bool disable = true );
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_spc_type; }
-	// deprecated
-	using Music_Emu::load;
-	blargg_err_t load( header_t const& h, Data_Reader& in ) // use Remaining_Reader
-			{ return load_remaining_( &h, sizeof h, in ); }
-	byte const* trailer() const; // use track_info()
-	long trailer_size() const;
-	Spc_Emu();
-	~Spc_Emu();
-	blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const*, long );
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate_( long );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t play_( long, sample_t* );
-	blargg_err_t skip_( long );
-	void mute_voices_( int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	void enable_accuracy_( bool );
-	byte const* file_data;
-	long        file_size;
-	Fir_Resampler<24> resampler;
-	SPC_Filter filter;
-	Snes_Spc apu;
-	blargg_err_t play_and_filter( long count, sample_t out [] );
-inline void Spc_Emu::disable_surround( bool b ) { apu.disable_surround( b ); }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Filter.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Filter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2d18a83e5c0a93a8848671fb01fb7e2b18381a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Filter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Spc_Filter.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-void SPC_Filter::clear() { memset( ch, 0, sizeof ch ); }
-	enabled = true;
-	gain    = gain_unit;
-	bass    = bass_norm;
-	clear();
-void SPC_Filter::run( short* io, int count )
-	require( (count & 1) == 0 ); // must be even
-	int const gain = this->gain;
-	if ( enabled )
-	{
-		int const bass = this->bass;
-		chan_t* c = &ch [2];
-		do
-		{
-			// cache in registers
-			int sum = (--c)->sum;
-			int pp1 = c->pp1;
-			int p1  = c->p1;
-			for ( int i = 0; i < count; i += 2 )
-			{
-				// Low-pass filter (two point FIR with coeffs 0.25, 0.75)
-				int f = io [i] + p1;
-				p1 = io [i] * 3;
-				// High-pass filter ("leaky integrator")
-				int delta = f - pp1;
-				pp1 = f;
-				int s = sum >> (gain_bits + 2);
-				sum += (delta * gain) - (sum >> bass);
-				// Clamp to 16 bits
-				if ( (short) s != s )
-					s = (s >> 31) ^ 0x7FFF;
-				io [i] = (short) s;
-			}
-			c->p1  = p1;
-			c->pp1 = pp1;
-			c->sum = sum;
-			++io;
-		}
-		while ( c != ch );
-	}
-	else if ( gain != gain_unit )
-	{
-		short* const end = io + count;
-		while ( io < end )
-		{
-			int s = (*io * gain) >> gain_bits;
-			if ( (short) s != s )
-				s = (s >> 31) ^ 0x7FFF;
-			*io++ = (short) s;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Filter.h b/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Filter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cdcc36069618c73fb4dca446bdd944ca884df6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Spc_Filter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Simple low-pass and high-pass filter to better match sound output of a SNES
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef SPC_FILTER_H
-#define SPC_FILTER_H
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-struct SPC_Filter {
-	// Filters count samples of stereo sound in place. Count must be a multiple of 2.
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	void run( sample_t* io, int count );
-// Optional features
-	// Clears filter to silence
-	void clear();
-	// Sets gain (volume), where gain_unit is normal. Gains greater than gain_unit
-	// are fine, since output is clamped to 16-bit sample range.
-	enum { gain_unit = 0x100 };
-	void set_gain( int gain );
-	// Enables/disables filtering (when disabled, gain is still applied)
-	void enable( bool b );
-	// Sets amount of bass (logarithmic scale)
-	enum { bass_none =  0 };
-	enum { bass_norm =  8 }; // normal amount
-	enum { bass_max  = 31 };
-	void set_bass( int bass );
-	SPC_Filter();
-	enum { gain_bits = 8 };
-	int gain;
-	int bass;
-	bool enabled;
-	struct chan_t { int p1, pp1, sum; };
-	chan_t ch [2];
-inline void SPC_Filter::enable( bool b )  { enabled = b; }
-inline void SPC_Filter::set_gain( int g ) { gain = g; }
-inline void SPC_Filter::set_bass( int b ) { bass = b; }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6bc7cda373988bce7ff00f53bd747f889fb149..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Vgm_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-double const fm_gain = 3.0; // FM emulators are internally quieter to avoid 16-bit overflow
-double const rolloff = 0.990;
-double const oversample_factor = 1.5;
-	disable_oversampling_ = false;
-	psg_rate   = 0;
-	set_type( gme_vgm_type );
-	static int const types [8] = {
-		wave_type | 1, wave_type | 0, wave_type | 2, noise_type | 0
-	};
-	set_voice_types( types );
-	set_silence_lookahead( 1 ); // tracks should already be trimmed
-	set_equalizer( make_equalizer( -14.0, 80 ) );
-Vgm_Emu::~Vgm_Emu() { }
-// Track info
-static byte const* skip_gd3_str( byte const* in, byte const* end )
-	while ( end - in >= 2 )
-	{
-		in += 2;
-		if ( !(in [-2] | in [-1]) )
-			break;
-	}
-	return in;
-static byte const* get_gd3_str( byte const* in, byte const* end, char* field )
-	byte const* mid = skip_gd3_str( in, end );
-	int len = (mid - in) / 2 - 1;
-	if ( len > 0 )
-	{
-		len = min( len, (int) Gme_File::max_field_ );
-		field [len] = 0;
-		for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
-			field [i] = (in [i * 2 + 1] ? '?' : in [i * 2]); // TODO: convert to utf-8
-	}
-	return mid;
-static byte const* get_gd3_pair( byte const* in, byte const* end, char* field )
-	return skip_gd3_str( get_gd3_str( in, end, field ), end );
-static void parse_gd3( byte const* in, byte const* end, track_info_t* out )
-	in = get_gd3_pair( in, end, out->song );
-	in = get_gd3_pair( in, end, out->game );
-	in = get_gd3_pair( in, end, out->system );
-	in = get_gd3_pair( in, end, out->author );
-	in = get_gd3_str ( in, end, out->copyright );
-	in = get_gd3_pair( in, end, out->dumper );
-	in = get_gd3_str ( in, end, out->comment );
-int const gd3_header_size = 12;
-static long check_gd3_header( byte const* h, long remain )
-	if ( remain < gd3_header_size ) return 0;
-	if ( memcmp( h, "Gd3 ", 4 ) ) return 0;
-	if ( get_le32( h + 4 ) >= 0x200 ) return 0;
-	long gd3_size = get_le32( h + 8 );
-	if ( gd3_size > remain - gd3_header_size ) return 0;
-	return gd3_size;
-byte const* Vgm_Emu::gd3_data( int* size ) const
-	if ( size )
-		*size = 0;
-	long gd3_offset = get_le32( header().gd3_offset ) - 0x2C;
-	if ( gd3_offset < 0 )
-		return 0;
-	byte const* gd3 = data + header_size + gd3_offset;
-	long gd3_size = check_gd3_header( gd3, data_end - gd3 );
-	if ( !gd3_size )
-		return 0;
-	if ( size )
-		*size = gd3_size + gd3_header_size;
-	return gd3;
-static void get_vgm_length( Vgm_Emu::header_t const& h, track_info_t* out )
-	long length = get_le32( h.track_duration ) * 10 / 441;
-	if ( length > 0 )
-	{
-		long loop = get_le32( h.loop_duration );
-		if ( loop > 0 && get_le32( h.loop_offset ) )
-		{
-			out->loop_length = loop * 10 / 441;
-			out->intro_length = length - out->loop_length;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			out->length = length; // 1000 / 44100 (VGM files used 44100 as timebase)
-			out->intro_length = length; // make it clear that track is no longer than length
-			out->loop_length = 0;
-		}
-	}
-blargg_err_t Vgm_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	get_vgm_length( header(), out );
-	int size;
-	byte const* gd3 = gd3_data( &size );
-	if ( gd3 )
-		parse_gd3( gd3 + gd3_header_size, gd3 + size, out );
-	return 0;
-static blargg_err_t check_vgm_header( Vgm_Emu::header_t const& h )
-	if ( memcmp( h.tag, "Vgm ", 4 ) )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	return 0;
-struct Vgm_File : Gme_Info_
-	Vgm_Emu::header_t h;
-	blargg_vector<byte> gd3;
-	Vgm_File() { set_type( gme_vgm_type ); }
-	blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
-	{
-		long file_size = in.remain();
-		if ( file_size <= Vgm_Emu::header_size )
-			return gme_wrong_file_type;
-		RETURN_ERR( in.read( &h, Vgm_Emu::header_size ) );
-		RETURN_ERR( check_vgm_header( h ) );
-		long gd3_offset = get_le32( h.gd3_offset ) - 0x2C;
-		long remain = file_size - Vgm_Emu::header_size - gd3_offset;
-		byte gd3_h [gd3_header_size];
-		if ( gd3_offset > 0 && remain >= gd3_header_size )
-		{
-			RETURN_ERR( in.skip( gd3_offset ) );
-			RETURN_ERR( in.read( gd3_h, sizeof gd3_h ) );
-			long gd3_size = check_gd3_header( gd3_h, remain );
-			if ( gd3_size )
-			{
-				RETURN_ERR( gd3.resize( gd3_size ) );
-				RETURN_ERR( in.read( gd3.begin(), gd3.size() ) );
-			}
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
-	{
-		get_vgm_length( h, out );
-		if ( gd3.size() )
-			parse_gd3( gd3.begin(), gd3.end(), out );
-		return 0;
-	}
-static Music_Emu* new_vgm_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Vgm_Emu ; }
-static Music_Emu* new_vgm_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Vgm_File; }
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_vgm_type_ = { "Sega SMS/Genesis", 1, &new_vgm_emu, &new_vgm_file, "VGM", 1 };
-gme_type_t const gme_vgm_type = &gme_vgm_type_;
-static gme_type_t_ const gme_vgz_type_ = { "Sega SMS/Genesis", 1, &new_vgm_emu, &new_vgm_file, "VGZ", 1 };
-gme_type_t const gme_vgz_type = &gme_vgz_type_;
-// Setup
-void Vgm_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
-	if ( psg_rate )
-	{
-		vgm_rate = (long) (44100 * t + 0.5);
-		blip_time_factor = (long) floor( double (1L << blip_time_bits) / vgm_rate * psg_rate + 0.5 );
-		//debug_printf( "blip_time_factor: %ld\n", blip_time_factor );
-		//debug_printf( "vgm_rate: %ld\n", vgm_rate );
-		// TODO: remove? calculates vgm_rate more accurately (above differs at most by one Hz only)
-		//blip_time_factor = (long) floor( double (1L << blip_time_bits) * psg_rate / 44100 / t + 0.5 );
-		//vgm_rate = (long) floor( double (1L << blip_time_bits) * psg_rate / blip_time_factor + 0.5 );
-		fm_time_factor = 2 + (long) floor( fm_rate * (1L << fm_time_bits) / vgm_rate + 0.5 );
-	}
-blargg_err_t Vgm_Emu::set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate )
-	RETURN_ERR( blip_buf.set_sample_rate( sample_rate, 1000 / 30 ) );
-	return Classic_Emu::set_sample_rate_( sample_rate );
-void Vgm_Emu::update_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
-	psg.treble_eq( eq );
-	dac_synth.treble_eq( eq );
-void Vgm_Emu::set_voice( int i, Blip_Buffer* c, Blip_Buffer* l, Blip_Buffer* r )
-	if ( i < psg.osc_count )
-		psg.osc_output( i, c, l, r );
-void Vgm_Emu::mute_voices_( int mask )
-	Classic_Emu::mute_voices_( mask );
-	dac_synth.output( &blip_buf );
-	if ( uses_fm )
-	{
-		psg.output( (mask & 0x80) ? 0 : &blip_buf );
-		if ( ym2612.enabled() )
-		{
-			dac_synth.volume( (mask & 0x40) ? 0.0 : 0.1115 / 256 * fm_gain * gain() );
-			ym2612.mute_voices( mask );
-		}
-		if ( ym2413.enabled() )
-		{
-			int m = mask & 0x3F;
-			if ( mask & 0x20 )
-				m |= 0x01E0; // channels 5-8
-			if ( mask & 0x40 )
-				m |= 0x3E00;
-			ym2413.mute_voices( m );
-		}
-	}
-blargg_err_t Vgm_Emu::load_mem_( byte const* new_data, long new_size )
-	assert( offsetof (header_t,unused2 [8]) == header_size );
-	if ( new_size <= header_size )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	header_t const& h = *(header_t const*) new_data;
-	RETURN_ERR( check_vgm_header( h ) );
-	check( get_le32( h.version ) <= 0x150 );
-	// psg rate
-	psg_rate = get_le32( h.psg_rate );
-	if ( !psg_rate )
-		psg_rate = 3579545;
-	blip_buf.clock_rate( psg_rate );
-	data     = new_data;
-	data_end = new_data + new_size;
-	// get loop
-	loop_begin = data_end;
-	if ( get_le32( h.loop_offset ) )
-		loop_begin = &data [get_le32( h.loop_offset ) + offsetof (header_t,loop_offset)];
-	set_voice_count( psg.osc_count );
-	RETURN_ERR( setup_fm() );
-	static const char* const fm_names [] = {
-		"FM 1", "FM 2", "FM 3", "FM 4", "FM 5", "FM 6", "PCM", "PSG"
-	};
-	static const char* const psg_names [] = { "Square 1", "Square 2", "Square 3", "Noise" };
-	set_voice_names( uses_fm ? fm_names : psg_names );
-	// do after FM in case output buffer is changed
-	return Classic_Emu::setup_buffer( psg_rate );
-blargg_err_t Vgm_Emu::setup_fm()
-	long ym2612_rate = get_le32( header().ym2612_rate );
-	long ym2413_rate = get_le32( header().ym2413_rate );
-	if ( ym2413_rate && get_le32( header().version ) < 0x110 )
-		update_fm_rates( &ym2413_rate, &ym2612_rate );
-	uses_fm = false;
-	fm_rate = blip_buf.sample_rate() * oversample_factor;
-	if ( ym2612_rate )
-	{
-		uses_fm = true;
-		if ( disable_oversampling_ )
-			fm_rate = ym2612_rate / 144.0;
-		Dual_Resampler::setup( fm_rate / blip_buf.sample_rate(), rolloff, fm_gain * gain() );
-		RETURN_ERR( ym2612.set_rate( fm_rate, ym2612_rate ) );
-		ym2612.enable( true );
-		set_voice_count( 8 );
-	}
-	if ( !uses_fm && ym2413_rate )
-	{
-		uses_fm = true;
-		if ( disable_oversampling_ )
-			fm_rate = ym2413_rate / 72.0;
-		Dual_Resampler::setup( fm_rate / blip_buf.sample_rate(), rolloff, fm_gain * gain() );
-		int result = ym2413.set_rate( fm_rate, ym2413_rate );
-		if ( result == 2 )
-			return "YM2413 FM sound isn't supported";
-		CHECK_ALLOC( !result );
-		ym2413.enable( true );
-		set_voice_count( 8 );
-	}
-	if ( uses_fm )
-	{
-		RETURN_ERR( Dual_Resampler::reset( blip_buf.length() * blip_buf.sample_rate() / 1000 ) );
-		psg.volume( 0.135 * fm_gain * gain() );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		ym2612.enable( false );
-		ym2413.enable( false );
-		psg.volume( gain() );
-	}
-	return 0;
-// Emulation
-blargg_err_t Vgm_Emu::start_track_( int track )
-	RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
-	psg.reset( get_le16( header().noise_feedback ), header().noise_width );
-	dac_disabled = -1;
-	pos          = data + header_size;
-	pcm_data     = pos;
-	pcm_pos      = pos;
-	dac_amp      = -1;
-	vgm_time     = 0;
-	if ( get_le32( header().version ) >= 0x150 )
-	{
-		long data_offset = get_le32( header().data_offset );
-		check( data_offset );
-		if ( data_offset )
-			pos += data_offset + offsetof (header_t,data_offset) - 0x40;
-	}
-	if ( uses_fm )
-	{
-		if ( ym2413.enabled() )
-			ym2413.reset();
-		if ( ym2612.enabled() )
-			ym2612.reset();
-		fm_time_offset = 0;
-		blip_buf.clear();
-		Dual_Resampler::clear();
-	}
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Vgm_Emu::run_clocks( blip_time_t& time_io, int msec )
-	time_io = run_commands( msec * vgm_rate / 1000 );
-	psg.end_frame( time_io );
-	return 0;
-blargg_err_t Vgm_Emu::play_( long count, sample_t* out )
-	if ( !uses_fm )
-		return Classic_Emu::play_( count, out );
-	Dual_Resampler::dual_play( count, out, blip_buf );
-	return 0;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 65895afaab65540fa63f1a7408dbd27fb68c39a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Sega Master System/Mark III, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, BBC Micro VGM music file emulator
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef VGM_EMU_H
-#define VGM_EMU_H
-#include "Vgm_Emu_Impl.h"
-// Emulates VGM music using SN76489/SN76496 PSG, YM2612, and YM2413 FM sound chips.
-// Supports custom sound buffer and frequency equalization when VGM uses just the PSG.
-// FM sound chips can be run at their proper rates, or slightly higher to reduce
-// aliasing on high notes. Currently YM2413 support requires that you supply a
-// YM2413 sound chip emulator. I can provide one I've modified to work with the library.
-class Vgm_Emu : public Vgm_Emu_Impl {
-	// True if custom buffer and custom equalization are supported
-	// TODO: move into Music_Emu and rename to something like supports_custom_buffer()
-	bool is_classic_emu() const { return !uses_fm; }
-	// Disable running FM chips at higher than normal rate. Will result in slightly
-	// more aliasing of high notes.
-	void disable_oversampling( bool disable = true ) { disable_oversampling_ = disable; }
-	// VGM header format
-	enum { header_size = 0x40 };
-	struct header_t
-	{
-		char tag [4];
-		byte data_size [4];
-		byte version [4];
-		byte psg_rate [4];
-		byte ym2413_rate [4];
-		byte gd3_offset [4];
-		byte track_duration [4];
-		byte loop_offset [4];
-		byte loop_duration [4];
-		byte frame_rate [4];
-		byte noise_feedback [2];
-		byte noise_width;
-		byte unused1;
-		byte ym2612_rate [4];
-		byte ym2151_rate [4];
-		byte data_offset [4];
-		byte unused2 [8];
-	};
-	// Header for currently loaded file
-	header_t const& header() const { return *(header_t const*) data; }
-	static gme_type_t static_type() { return gme_vgm_type; }
-	// deprecated
-	using Music_Emu::load;
-	blargg_err_t load( header_t const& h, Data_Reader& in ) // use Remaining_Reader
-			{ return load_remaining_( &h, sizeof h, in ); }
-	byte const* gd3_data( int* size_out = 0 ) const; // use track_info()
-	Vgm_Emu();
-	~Vgm_Emu();
-	blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t*, int track ) const;
-	blargg_err_t load_mem_( byte const*, long );
-	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate );
-	blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
-	blargg_err_t play_( long count, sample_t* );
-	blargg_err_t run_clocks( blip_time_t&, int );
-	void set_tempo_( double );
-	void mute_voices_( int mask );
-	void set_voice( int, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* );
-	void update_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
-	// removed; use disable_oversampling() and set_tempo() instead
-	Vgm_Emu( bool oversample, double tempo = 1.0 );
-	double fm_rate;
-	long psg_rate;
-	long vgm_rate;
-	bool disable_oversampling_;
-	bool uses_fm;
-	blargg_err_t setup_fm();
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu_Impl.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu_Impl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 60dc099fe0bde6804c01c3811e496fb45e3ad1b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu_Impl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Vgm_Emu.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-enum {
-	cmd_gg_stereo       = 0x4F,
-	cmd_psg             = 0x50,
-	cmd_ym2413          = 0x51,
-	cmd_ym2612_port0    = 0x52,
-	cmd_ym2612_port1    = 0x53,
-	cmd_ym2151          = 0x54,
-	cmd_delay           = 0x61,
-	cmd_delay_735       = 0x62,
-	cmd_delay_882       = 0x63,
-	cmd_byte_delay      = 0x64,
-	cmd_end             = 0x66,
-	cmd_data_block      = 0x67,
-	cmd_short_delay     = 0x70,
-	cmd_pcm_delay       = 0x80,
-	cmd_pcm_seek        = 0xE0,
-	pcm_block_type      = 0x00,
-	ym2612_dac_port     = 0x2A
-inline int command_len( int command )
-	switch ( command >> 4 )
-	{
-		case 0x03:
-		case 0x04:
-			return 2;
-		case 0x05:
-		case 0x0A:
-		case 0x0B:
-			return 3;
-		case 0x0C:
-		case 0x0D:
-			return 4;
-		case 0x0E:
-		case 0x0F:
-			return 5;
-	}
-	check( false );
-	return 1;
-template<class Emu>
-inline void Ym_Emu<Emu>::begin_frame( short* p )
-	require( enabled() );
-	out = p;
-	last_time = 0;
-template<class Emu>
-inline int Ym_Emu<Emu>::run_until( int time )
-	int count = time - last_time;
-	if ( count > 0 )
-	{
-		if ( last_time < 0 )
-			return false;
-		last_time = time;
-		short* p = out;
-		out += count * Emu::out_chan_count;
-		Emu::run( count, p );
-	}
-	return true;
-inline Vgm_Emu_Impl::fm_time_t Vgm_Emu_Impl::to_fm_time( vgm_time_t t ) const
-	return (t * fm_time_factor + fm_time_offset) >> fm_time_bits;
-inline blip_time_t Vgm_Emu_Impl::to_blip_time( vgm_time_t t ) const
-	return (t * blip_time_factor) >> blip_time_bits;
-void Vgm_Emu_Impl::write_pcm( vgm_time_t vgm_time, int amp )
-	blip_time_t blip_time = to_blip_time( vgm_time );
-	int old = dac_amp;
-	int delta = amp - old;
-	dac_amp = amp;
-	if ( old >= 0 )
-		dac_synth.offset_inline( blip_time, delta, &blip_buf );
-	else
-		dac_amp |= dac_disabled;
-blip_time_t Vgm_Emu_Impl::run_commands( vgm_time_t end_time )
-	vgm_time_t vgm_time = this->vgm_time; 
-	byte const* pos = this->pos;
-	if ( pos >= data_end )
-	{
-		set_track_ended();
-		if ( pos > data_end )
-			set_warning( "Stream lacked end event" );
-	}
-	while ( vgm_time < end_time && pos < data_end )
-	{
-		// TODO: be sure there are enough bytes left in stream for particular command
-		// so we don't read past end
-		switch ( *pos++ )
-		{
-		case cmd_end:
-			pos = loop_begin; // if not looped, loop_begin == data_end
-			break;
-		case cmd_delay_735:
-			vgm_time += 735;
-			break;
-		case cmd_delay_882:
-			vgm_time += 882;
-			break;
-		case cmd_gg_stereo:
-			psg.write_ggstereo( to_blip_time( vgm_time ), *pos++ );
-			break;
-		case cmd_psg:
-			psg.write_data( to_blip_time( vgm_time ), *pos++ );
-			break;
-		case cmd_delay:
-			vgm_time += pos [1] * 0x100L + pos [0];
-			pos += 2;
-			break;
-		case cmd_byte_delay:
-			vgm_time += *pos++;
-			break;
-		case cmd_ym2413:
-			if ( ym2413.run_until( to_fm_time( vgm_time ) ) )
-				ym2413.write( pos [0], pos [1] );
-			pos += 2;
-			break;
-		case cmd_ym2612_port0:
-			if ( pos [0] == ym2612_dac_port )
-			{
-				write_pcm( vgm_time, pos [1] );
-			}
-			else if ( ym2612.run_until( to_fm_time( vgm_time ) ) )
-			{
-				if ( pos [0] == 0x2B )
-				{
-					dac_disabled = (pos [1] >> 7 & 1) - 1;
-					dac_amp |= dac_disabled;
-				}
-				ym2612.write0( pos [0], pos [1] );
-			}
-			pos += 2;
-			break;
-		case cmd_ym2612_port1:
-			if ( ym2612.run_until( to_fm_time( vgm_time ) ) )
-				ym2612.write1( pos [0], pos [1] );
-			pos += 2;
-			break;
-		case cmd_data_block: {
-			check( *pos == cmd_end );
-			int type = pos [1];
-			long size = get_le32( pos + 2 );
-			pos += 6;
-			if ( type == pcm_block_type )
-				pcm_data = pos;
-			pos += size;
-			break;
-		}
-		case cmd_pcm_seek:
-			pcm_pos = pcm_data + pos [3] * 0x1000000L + pos [2] * 0x10000L +
-					pos [1] * 0x100L + pos [0];
-			pos += 4;
-			break;
-		default:
-			int cmd = pos [-1];
-			switch ( cmd & 0xF0 )
-			{
-				case cmd_pcm_delay:
-					write_pcm( vgm_time, *pcm_pos++ );
-					vgm_time += cmd & 0x0F;
-					break;
-				case cmd_short_delay:
-					vgm_time += (cmd & 0x0F) + 1;
-					break;
-				case 0x50:
-					pos += 2;
-					break;
-				default:
-					pos += command_len( cmd ) - 1;
-					set_warning( "Unknown stream event" );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	vgm_time -= end_time;
-	this->pos = pos;
-	this->vgm_time = vgm_time;
-	return to_blip_time( end_time );
-int Vgm_Emu_Impl::play_frame( blip_time_t blip_time, int sample_count, sample_t* buf )
-	// to do: timing is working mostly by luck
-	int min_pairs = sample_count >> 1;
-	int vgm_time = ((long) min_pairs << fm_time_bits) / fm_time_factor - 1;
-	assert( to_fm_time( vgm_time ) <= min_pairs );
-	int pairs = min_pairs;
-	while ( (pairs = to_fm_time( vgm_time )) < min_pairs )
-		vgm_time++;
-	//debug_printf( "pairs: %d, min_pairs: %d\n", pairs, min_pairs );
-	if ( ym2612.enabled() )
-	{
-		ym2612.begin_frame( buf );
-		memset( buf, 0, pairs * stereo * sizeof *buf );
-	}
-	else if ( ym2413.enabled() )
-	{
-		ym2413.begin_frame( buf );
-	}
-	run_commands( vgm_time );
-	ym2612.run_until( pairs );
-	ym2413.run_until( pairs );
-	fm_time_offset = (vgm_time * fm_time_factor + fm_time_offset) -
-			((long) pairs << fm_time_bits);
-	psg.end_frame( blip_time );
-	return pairs * stereo;
-// Update pre-1.10 header FM rates by scanning commands
-void Vgm_Emu_Impl::update_fm_rates( long* ym2413_rate, long* ym2612_rate ) const
-	byte const* p = data + 0x40;
-	while ( p < data_end )
-	{
-		switch ( *p )
-		{
-		case cmd_end:
-			return;
-		case cmd_psg:
-		case cmd_byte_delay:
-			p += 2;
-			break;
-		case cmd_delay:
-			p += 3;
-			break;
-		case cmd_data_block:
-			p += 7 + get_le32( p + 3 );
-			break;
-		case cmd_ym2413:
-			*ym2612_rate = 0;
-			return;
-		case cmd_ym2612_port0:
-		case cmd_ym2612_port1:
-			*ym2612_rate = *ym2413_rate;
-			*ym2413_rate = 0;
-			return;
-		case cmd_ym2151:
-			*ym2413_rate = 0;
-			*ym2612_rate = 0;
-			return;
-		default:
-			p += command_len( *p );
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu_Impl.h b/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu_Impl.h
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index b50094a015c097e15f39251aa0fadcf34c6db059..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Vgm_Emu_Impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Low-level parts of Vgm_Emu
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef VGM_EMU_IMPL_H
-#define VGM_EMU_IMPL_H
-#include "Dual_Resampler.h"
-#include "Classic_Emu.h"
-#include "Ym2413_Emu.h"
-#include "Ym2612_Emu.h"
-#include "Sms_Apu.h"
-template<class Emu>
-class Ym_Emu : public Emu {
-	int last_time;
-	short* out;
-	enum { disabled_time = -1 };
-	Ym_Emu()                        : last_time( disabled_time ), out( NULL ) { }
-	void enable( bool b )           { last_time = b ? 0 : disabled_time; }
-	bool enabled() const            { return last_time != disabled_time; }
-	void begin_frame( short* p );
-	int run_until( int time );
-class Vgm_Emu_Impl : public Classic_Emu, private Dual_Resampler {
-	typedef Classic_Emu::sample_t sample_t;
-	enum { stereo = 2 };
-	typedef int vgm_time_t;
-	enum { fm_time_bits = 12 };
-	typedef int fm_time_t;
-	long fm_time_offset;
-	int fm_time_factor;
-	fm_time_t to_fm_time( vgm_time_t ) const;
-	enum { blip_time_bits = 12 };
-	int blip_time_factor;
-	blip_time_t to_blip_time( vgm_time_t ) const;
-	byte const* data;
-	byte const* loop_begin;
-	byte const* data_end;
-	void update_fm_rates( long* ym2413_rate, long* ym2612_rate ) const;
-	vgm_time_t vgm_time;
-	byte const* pos;
-	blip_time_t run_commands( vgm_time_t );
-	int play_frame( blip_time_t blip_time, int sample_count, sample_t* buf );
-	byte const* pcm_data;
-	byte const* pcm_pos;
-	int dac_amp;
-	int dac_disabled; // -1 if disabled
-	void write_pcm( vgm_time_t, int amp );
-	Ym_Emu<Ym2612_Emu> ym2612;
-	Ym_Emu<Ym2413_Emu> ym2413;
-	Blip_Buffer blip_buf;
-	Sms_Apu psg;
-	Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> dac_synth;
-	friend class Vgm_Emu;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ym2413_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Ym2413_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d1c7a71b1490eaeaadd9c8635441d32fa6f09136..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ym2413_Emu.cpp
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Use in place of Ym2413_Emu.cpp and ym2413.c to disable support for this chip
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Ym2413_Emu.h"
-Ym2413_Emu::Ym2413_Emu() { }
-Ym2413_Emu::~Ym2413_Emu() { }
-int Ym2413_Emu::set_rate( double, double ) { return 2; }
-void Ym2413_Emu::reset() { }
-void Ym2413_Emu::write( int, int ) { }
-void Ym2413_Emu::mute_voices( int ) { }
-void Ym2413_Emu::run( int, sample_t* ) { }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ym2413_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Ym2413_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 53ce38a96c7ee5b9976fed5a2a0db52b6b5aee02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ym2413_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// YM2413 FM sound chip emulator interface
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef YM2413_EMU_H
-#define YM2413_EMU_H
-class Ym2413_Emu  {
-	struct OPLL* opll;
-	Ym2413_Emu();
-	~Ym2413_Emu();
-	// Set output sample rate and chip clock rates, in Hz. Returns non-zero
-	// if error.
-	int set_rate( double sample_rate, double clock_rate );
-	// Reset to power-up state
-	void reset();
-	// Mute voice n if bit n (1 << n) of mask is set
-	enum { channel_count = 14 };
-	void mute_voices( int mask );
-	// Write 'data' to 'addr'
-	void write( int addr, int data );
-	// Run and write pair_count samples to output
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	enum { out_chan_count = 2 }; // stereo
-	void run( int pair_count, sample_t* out );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ym2612_Emu.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/Ym2612_Emu.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ea5c9a24d54307c43923e00b0dc5e2001f5b885..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ym2612_Emu.cpp
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@@ -1,1319 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-// Based on Gens 2.10 ym2612.c
-#include "Ym2612_Emu.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2002 Stéphane Dallongeville (gens AT consolemul.com) */
-/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-// This is mostly the original source in its C style and all.
-// Somewhat optimized and simplified. Uses a template to generate the many
-// variants of Update_Chan. Rewrote header file. In need of full rewrite by
-// someone more familiar with FM sound and the YM2612. Has some inaccuracies
-// compared to the Sega Genesis sound, particularly being mixed at such a
-// high sample accuracy (the Genesis sounds like it has only 8 bit samples).
-// - Shay
-const int output_bits = 14;
-struct slot_t
-	const int *DT;  // parametre detune
-	int MUL;    // parametre "multiple de frequence"
-	int TL;     // Total Level = volume lorsque l'enveloppe est au plus haut
-	int TLL;    // Total Level ajusted
-	int SLL;    // Sustin Level (ajusted) = volume où l'enveloppe termine sa premiere phase de regression
-	int KSR_S;  // Key Scale Rate Shift = facteur de prise en compte du KSL dans la variations de l'enveloppe
-	int KSR;    // Key Scale Rate = cette valeur est calculee par rapport à la frequence actuelle, elle va influer
-				// sur les differents parametres de l'enveloppe comme l'attaque, le decay ...  comme dans la realite !
-	int SEG;    // Type enveloppe SSG
-	int env_xor;
-	int env_max;
-	const int *AR;  // Attack Rate (table pointeur) = Taux d'attaque (AR[KSR])
-	const int *DR;  // Decay Rate (table pointeur) = Taux pour la regression (DR[KSR])
-	const int *SR;  // Sustin Rate (table pointeur) = Taux pour le maintien (SR[KSR])
-	const int *RR;  // Release Rate (table pointeur) = Taux pour le rel'chement (RR[KSR])
-	int Fcnt;   // Frequency Count = compteur-frequence pour determiner l'amplitude actuelle (SIN[Finc >> 16])
-	int Finc;   // frequency step = pas d'incrementation du compteur-frequence
-				// plus le pas est grand, plus la frequence est aïgu (ou haute)
-	int Ecurp;  // Envelope current phase = cette variable permet de savoir dans quelle phase
-				// de l'enveloppe on se trouve, par exemple phase d'attaque ou phase de maintenue ...
-				// en fonction de la valeur de cette variable, on va appeler une fonction permettant
-				// de mettre à jour l'enveloppe courante.
-	int Ecnt;   // Envelope counter = le compteur-enveloppe permet de savoir où l'on se trouve dans l'enveloppe
-	int Einc;   // Envelope step courant
-	int Ecmp;   // Envelope counter limite pour la prochaine phase
-	int EincA;  // Envelope step for Attack = pas d'incrementation du compteur durant la phase d'attaque
-				// cette valeur est egal à AR[KSR]
-	int EincD;  // Envelope step for Decay = pas d'incrementation du compteur durant la phase de regression
-				// cette valeur est egal à DR[KSR]
-	int EincS;  // Envelope step for Sustain = pas d'incrementation du compteur durant la phase de maintenue
-				// cette valeur est egal à SR[KSR]
-	int EincR;  // Envelope step for Release = pas d'incrementation du compteur durant la phase de rel'chement
-				// cette valeur est egal à RR[KSR]
-	int *OUTp;  // pointeur of SLOT output = pointeur permettant de connecter la sortie de ce slot à l'entree
-				// d'un autre ou carrement à la sortie de la voie
-	int INd;    // input data of the slot = donnees en entree du slot
-	int ChgEnM; // Change envelop mask.
-	int AMS;    // AMS depth level of this SLOT = degre de modulation de l'amplitude par le LFO
-	int AMSon;  // AMS enable flag = drapeau d'activation de l'AMS
-struct channel_t
-	int S0_OUT[4];          // anciennes sorties slot 0 (pour le feed back)
-	int LEFT;               // LEFT enable flag
-	int RIGHT;              // RIGHT enable flag
-	int ALGO;               // Algorythm = determine les connections entre les operateurs
-	int FB;                 // shift count of self feed back = degre de "Feed-Back" du SLOT 1 (il est son unique entree)
-	int FMS;                // Frequency Modulation Sensitivity of channel = degre de modulation de la frequence sur la voie par le LFO
-	int AMS;                // Amplitude Modulation Sensitivity of channel = degre de modulation de l'amplitude sur la voie par le LFO
-	int FNUM[4];            // hauteur frequence de la voie (+ 3 pour le mode special)
-	int FOCT[4];            // octave de la voie (+ 3 pour le mode special)
-	int KC[4];              // Key Code = valeur fonction de la frequence (voir KSR pour les slots, KSR = KC >> KSR_S)
-	slot_t SLOT[4]; // four slot.operators = les 4 slots de la voie
-	int FFlag;              // Frequency step recalculation flag
-struct state_t
-	int TimerBase;      // TimerBase calculation
-	int Status;         // YM2612 Status (timer overflow)
-	int TimerA;         // timerA limit = valeur jusqu'à laquelle le timer A doit compter
-	int TimerAL;
-	int TimerAcnt;      // timerA counter = valeur courante du Timer A
-	int TimerB;         // timerB limit = valeur jusqu'à laquelle le timer B doit compter
-	int TimerBL;
-	int TimerBcnt;      // timerB counter = valeur courante du Timer B
-	int Mode;           // Mode actuel des voie 3 et 6 (normal / special)
-	int DAC;            // DAC enabled flag
-	channel_t CHANNEL[Ym2612_Emu::channel_count];   // Les 6 voies du YM2612
-	int REG[2][0x100];  // Sauvegardes des valeurs de tout les registres, c'est facultatif
-						// cela nous rend le debuggage plus facile
-#ifndef PI
-#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
-#define ATTACK    0
-#define DECAY     1
-#define SUBSTAIN  2
-#define RELEASE   3
-// SIN_LBITS <= 16
-// LFO_HBITS <= 16
-// (SIN_LBITS + SIN_HBITS) <= 26
-// (ENV_LBITS + ENV_HBITS) <= 28
-// (LFO_LBITS + LFO_HBITS) <= 28
-#define SIN_HBITS      12                               // Sinus phase counter int part
-#define SIN_LBITS      (26 - SIN_HBITS)                 // Sinus phase counter float part (best setting)
-#if (SIN_LBITS > 16)
-#define SIN_LBITS      16                               // Can't be greater than 16 bits
-#define ENV_HBITS      12                               // Env phase counter int part
-#define ENV_LBITS      (28 - ENV_HBITS)                 // Env phase counter float part (best setting)
-#define LFO_HBITS      10                               // LFO phase counter int part
-#define LFO_LBITS      (28 - LFO_HBITS)                 // LFO phase counter float part (best setting)
-#define SIN_LENGHT     (1 << SIN_HBITS)
-#define ENV_LENGHT     (1 << ENV_HBITS)
-#define LFO_LENGHT     (1 << LFO_HBITS)
-#define TL_LENGHT      (ENV_LENGHT * 3)                 // Env + TL scaling + LFO
-#define SIN_MASK       (SIN_LENGHT - 1)
-#define ENV_MASK       (ENV_LENGHT - 1)
-#define LFO_MASK       (LFO_LENGHT - 1)
-#define ENV_STEP       (96.0 / ENV_LENGHT)              // ENV_MAX = 96 dB
-#define ENV_ATTACK     ((ENV_LENGHT * 0) << ENV_LBITS)
-#define ENV_DECAY      ((ENV_LENGHT * 1) << ENV_LBITS)
-#define ENV_END        ((ENV_LENGHT * 2) << ENV_LBITS)
-#define MAX_OUT_BITS   (SIN_HBITS + SIN_LBITS + 2)      // Modulation = -4 <--> +4
-#define MAX_OUT        ((1 << MAX_OUT_BITS) - 1)
-#define PG_CUT_OFF     ((int) (78.0 / ENV_STEP))
-#define ENV_CUT_OFF    ((int) (68.0 / ENV_STEP))
-#define AR_RATE        399128
-#define DR_RATE        5514396
-//#define AR_RATE        426136
-//#define DR_RATE        (AR_RATE * 12)
-#define LFO_FMS_LBITS  9    // FIXED (LFO_FMS_BASE gives somethink as 1)
-#define LFO_FMS_BASE   ((int) (0.05946309436 * 0.0338 * (double) (1 << LFO_FMS_LBITS)))
-#define S0             0    // Stupid typo of the YM2612
-#define S1             2
-#define S2             1
-#define S3             3
-inline void set_seg( slot_t& s, int seg )
-	s.env_xor = 0;
-	s.env_max = INT_MAX;
-	s.SEG = seg;
-	if ( seg & 4 )
-	{
-		s.env_xor = ENV_MASK;
-		s.env_max = ENV_MASK;
-	}
-struct tables_t
-	short SIN_TAB [SIN_LENGHT];                 // SINUS TABLE (offset into TL TABLE)
-	int LFOcnt;         // LFO counter = compteur-frequence pour le LFO
-	int LFOinc;         // LFO step counter = pas d'incrementation du compteur-frequence du LFO
-						// plus le pas est grand, plus la frequence est grande
-	unsigned int AR_TAB [128];                  // Attack rate table
-	unsigned int DR_TAB [96];                   // Decay rate table
-	unsigned int DT_TAB [8] [32];               // Detune table
-	unsigned int SL_TAB [16];                   // Substain level table
-	unsigned int NULL_RATE [32];                // Table for NULL rate
-	int LFO_INC_TAB [8];                        // LFO step table
-	short ENV_TAB [2 * ENV_LENGHT + 8];         // ENV CURVE TABLE (attack & decay)
-	short LFO_ENV_TAB [LFO_LENGHT];             // LFO AMS TABLE (adjusted for 11.8 dB)
-	short LFO_FREQ_TAB [LFO_LENGHT];            // LFO FMS TABLE
-	int TL_TAB [TL_LENGHT * 2];                 // TOTAL LEVEL TABLE (positif and minus)
-	unsigned int DECAY_TO_ATTACK [ENV_LENGHT];  // Conversion from decay to attack phase
-	unsigned int FINC_TAB [2048];               // Frequency step table
-static const unsigned char DT_DEF_TAB [4 * 32] =
-// FD = 0
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-// FD = 1
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-  2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8,
-// FD = 2
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5,
-  5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 16, 16,
-// FD = 3
-  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7,
-  8 , 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 22, 22, 22
-static const unsigned char FKEY_TAB [16] =
-	0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0, 0, 1,
-	2, 3, 3, 3,
-	3, 3, 3, 3
-static const unsigned char LFO_AMS_TAB [4] =
-	31, 4, 1, 0
-static const unsigned char LFO_FMS_TAB [8] =
-inline void YM2612_Special_Update() { }
-struct Ym2612_Impl
-	enum { channel_count = Ym2612_Emu::channel_count };
-	state_t YM2612;
-	int mute_mask;
-	tables_t g;
-	void KEY_ON( channel_t&, int );
-	void KEY_OFF( channel_t&, int );
-	int SLOT_SET( int, int );
-	int CHANNEL_SET( int, int );
-	int YM_SET( int, int );
-	void set_rate( double sample_rate, double clock_factor );
-	void reset();
-	void write0( int addr, int data );
-	void write1( int addr, int data );
-	void run_timer( int );
-	void run( int pair_count, Ym2612_Emu::sample_t* );
-void Ym2612_Impl::KEY_ON( channel_t& ch, int nsl)
-	slot_t *SL = &(ch.SLOT [nsl]);  // on recupere le bon pointeur de slot
-	if (SL->Ecurp == RELEASE)       // la touche est-elle rel'chee ?
-	{
-		SL->Fcnt = 0;
-		// Fix Ecco 2 splash sound
-		SL->Ecnt = (g.DECAY_TO_ATTACK [g.ENV_TAB [SL->Ecnt >> ENV_LBITS]] + ENV_ATTACK) & SL->ChgEnM;
-		SL->ChgEnM = ~0;
-//      SL->Ecnt = g.DECAY_TO_ATTACK [g.ENV_TAB [SL->Ecnt >> ENV_LBITS]] + ENV_ATTACK;
-//      SL->Ecnt = 0;
-		SL->Einc = SL->EincA;
-		SL->Ecmp = ENV_DECAY;
-		SL->Ecurp = ATTACK;
-	}
-void Ym2612_Impl::KEY_OFF(channel_t& ch, int nsl)
-	slot_t *SL = &(ch.SLOT [nsl]);  // on recupere le bon pointeur de slot
-	if (SL->Ecurp != RELEASE)       // la touche est-elle appuyee ?
-	{
-		if (SL->Ecnt < ENV_DECAY)   // attack phase ?
-		{
-			SL->Ecnt = (g.ENV_TAB [SL->Ecnt >> ENV_LBITS] << ENV_LBITS) + ENV_DECAY;
-		}
-		SL->Einc = SL->EincR;
-		SL->Ecmp = ENV_END;
-		SL->Ecurp = RELEASE;
-	}
-int Ym2612_Impl::SLOT_SET( int Adr, int data )
-	int nch = Adr & 3;
-	if ( nch == 3 )
-		return 1;
-	channel_t& ch = YM2612.CHANNEL [nch + (Adr & 0x100 ? 3 : 0)];
-	slot_t& sl = ch.SLOT [(Adr >> 2) & 3];
-	switch ( Adr & 0xF0 )
-	{
-		case 0x30:
-			if ( (sl.MUL = (data & 0x0F)) != 0 ) sl.MUL <<= 1;
-			else sl.MUL = 1;
-			sl.DT = (int*) g.DT_TAB [(data >> 4) & 7];
-			ch.SLOT [0].Finc = -1;
-			break;
-		case 0x40:
-			sl.TL = data & 0x7F;
-			// SOR2 do a lot of TL adjustement and this fix R.Shinobi jump sound...
-			YM2612_Special_Update();
-#if ((ENV_HBITS - 7) < 0)
-			sl.TLL = sl.TL >> (7 - ENV_HBITS);
-			sl.TLL = sl.TL << (ENV_HBITS - 7);
-			break;
-		case 0x50:
-			sl.KSR_S = 3 - (data >> 6);
-			ch.SLOT [0].Finc = -1;
-			if (data &= 0x1F) sl.AR = (int*) &g.AR_TAB [data << 1];
-			else sl.AR = (int*) &g.NULL_RATE [0];
-			sl.EincA = sl.AR [sl.KSR];
-			if (sl.Ecurp == ATTACK) sl.Einc = sl.EincA;
-			break;
-		case 0x60:
-			if ( (sl.AMSon = (data & 0x80)) != 0 ) sl.AMS = ch.AMS;
-			else sl.AMS = 31;
-			if (data &= 0x1F) sl.DR = (int*) &g.DR_TAB [data << 1];
-			else sl.DR = (int*) &g.NULL_RATE [0];
-			sl.EincD = sl.DR [sl.KSR];
-			if (sl.Ecurp == DECAY) sl.Einc = sl.EincD;
-			break;
-		case 0x70:
-			if (data &= 0x1F) sl.SR = (int*) &g.DR_TAB [data << 1];
-			else sl.SR = (int*) &g.NULL_RATE [0];
-			sl.EincS = sl.SR [sl.KSR];
-			if ((sl.Ecurp == SUBSTAIN) && (sl.Ecnt < ENV_END)) sl.Einc = sl.EincS;
-			break;
-		case 0x80:
-			sl.SLL = g.SL_TAB [data >> 4];
-			sl.RR = (int*) &g.DR_TAB [((data & 0xF) << 2) + 2];
-			sl.EincR = sl.RR [sl.KSR];
-			if ((sl.Ecurp == RELEASE) && (sl.Ecnt < ENV_END)) sl.Einc = sl.EincR;
-			break;
-		case 0x90:
-			// SSG-EG envelope shapes :
-			/*
-			   E  At Al H
-			   1  0  0  0  \\\\
-			   1  0  0  1  \___
-			   1  0  1  0  \/\/
-			   1  0  1  1  \
-			   1  1  0  0  ////
-			   1  1  0  1  /
-			   1  1  1  0  /\/\
-			   1  1  1  1  /___
-			   E  = SSG-EG enable
-			   At = Start negate
-			   Al = Altern
-			   H  = Hold */
-			set_seg( sl, (data & 8) ? (data & 0x0F) : 0 );
-			break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-int Ym2612_Impl::CHANNEL_SET( int Adr, int data )
-	int num = Adr & 3;
-	if ( num == 3 )
-		return 1;
-	channel_t& ch = YM2612.CHANNEL [num + (Adr & 0x100 ? 3 : 0)];
-	switch ( Adr & 0xFC )
-	{
-		case 0xA0:
-			YM2612_Special_Update();
-			ch.FNUM [0] = (ch.FNUM [0] & 0x700) + data;
-			ch.KC [0] = (ch.FOCT [0] << 2) | FKEY_TAB [ch.FNUM [0] >> 7];
-			ch.SLOT [0].Finc = -1;
-			break;
-		case 0xA4:
-			YM2612_Special_Update();
-			ch.FNUM [0] = (ch.FNUM [0] & 0x0FF) + ((data & 0x07) << 8);
-			ch.FOCT [0] = (data & 0x38) >> 3;
-			ch.KC [0] = (ch.FOCT [0] << 2) | FKEY_TAB [ch.FNUM [0] >> 7];
-			ch.SLOT [0].Finc = -1;
-			break;
-		case 0xA8:
-			if ( Adr < 0x100 )
-			{
-				num++;
-				YM2612_Special_Update();
-				YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FNUM [num] = (YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FNUM [num] & 0x700) + data;
-				YM2612.CHANNEL [2].KC [num] = (YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FOCT [num] << 2) |
-						FKEY_TAB [YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FNUM [num] >> 7];
-				YM2612.CHANNEL [2].SLOT [0].Finc = -1;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0xAC:
-			if ( Adr < 0x100 )
-			{
-				num++;
-				YM2612_Special_Update();
-				YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FNUM [num] = (YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FNUM [num] & 0x0FF) + ((data & 0x07) << 8);
-				YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FOCT [num] = (data & 0x38) >> 3;
-				YM2612.CHANNEL [2].KC [num] = (YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FOCT [num] << 2) |
-						FKEY_TAB [YM2612.CHANNEL [2].FNUM [num] >> 7];
-				YM2612.CHANNEL [2].SLOT [0].Finc = -1;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0xB0:
-			if ( ch.ALGO != (data & 7) )
-			{
-				// Fix VectorMan 2 heli sound (level 1)
-				YM2612_Special_Update();
-				ch.ALGO = data & 7;
-				ch.SLOT [0].ChgEnM = 0;
-				ch.SLOT [1].ChgEnM = 0;
-				ch.SLOT [2].ChgEnM = 0;
-				ch.SLOT [3].ChgEnM = 0;
-			}
-			ch.FB = 9 - ((data >> 3) & 7);                              // Real thing ?
-//          if (ch.FB = ((data >> 3) & 7)) ch.FB = 9 - ch.FB;       // Thunder force 4 (music stage 8), Gynoug, Aladdin bug sound...
-//          else ch.FB = 31;
-			break;
-		case 0xB4: {
-			YM2612_Special_Update();
-			ch.LEFT = 0 - ((data >> 7) & 1);
-			ch.RIGHT = 0 - ((data >> 6) & 1);
-			ch.AMS = LFO_AMS_TAB [(data >> 4) & 3];
-			ch.FMS = LFO_FMS_TAB [data & 7];
-			for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-			{
-				slot_t& sl = ch.SLOT [i];
-				sl.AMS = (sl.AMSon ? ch.AMS : 31);
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-int Ym2612_Impl::YM_SET(int Adr, int data)
-	switch ( Adr )
-	{
-		case 0x22:
-			if (data & 8) // LFO enable
-			{
-				// Cool Spot music 1, LFO modified severals time which
-				// distord the sound, have to check that on a real genesis...
-				g.LFOinc = g.LFO_INC_TAB [data & 7];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				g.LFOinc = g.LFOcnt = 0;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0x24:
-			YM2612.TimerA = (YM2612.TimerA & 0x003) | (((int) data) << 2);
-			if (YM2612.TimerAL != (1024 - YM2612.TimerA) << 12)
-			{
-				YM2612.TimerAcnt = YM2612.TimerAL = (1024 - YM2612.TimerA) << 12;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0x25:
-			YM2612.TimerA = (YM2612.TimerA & 0x3FC) | (data & 3);
-			if (YM2612.TimerAL != (1024 - YM2612.TimerA) << 12)
-			{
-				YM2612.TimerAcnt = YM2612.TimerAL = (1024 - YM2612.TimerA) << 12;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0x26:
-			YM2612.TimerB = data;
-			if (YM2612.TimerBL != (256 - YM2612.TimerB) << (4 + 12))
-			{
-				YM2612.TimerBcnt = YM2612.TimerBL = (256 - YM2612.TimerB) << (4 + 12);
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0x27:
-			// Parametre divers
-			// b7 = CSM MODE
-			// b6 = 3 slot mode
-			// b5 = reset b
-			// b4 = reset a
-			// b3 = timer enable b
-			// b2 = timer enable a
-			// b1 = load b
-			// b0 = load a
-			if ((data ^ YM2612.Mode) & 0x40)
-			{
-				// We changed the channel 2 mode, so recalculate phase step
-				// This fix the punch sound in Street of Rage 2
-				YM2612_Special_Update();
-				YM2612.CHANNEL [2].SLOT [0].Finc = -1;      // recalculate phase step
-			}
-//          if ((data & 2) && (YM2612.Status & 2)) YM2612.TimerBcnt = YM2612.TimerBL;
-//          if ((data & 1) && (YM2612.Status & 1)) YM2612.TimerAcnt = YM2612.TimerAL;
-//          YM2612.Status &= (~data >> 4);                  // Reset du Status au cas ou c'est demande
-			YM2612.Status &= (~data >> 4) & (data >> 2);    // Reset Status
-			YM2612.Mode = data;
-			break;
-		case 0x28: {
-			int nch = data & 3;
-			if ( nch == 3 )
-				return 1;
-			if ( data & 4 )
-				nch += 3;
-			channel_t& ch = YM2612.CHANNEL [nch];
-			YM2612_Special_Update();
-			if (data & 0x10) KEY_ON(ch, S0);    // On appuie sur la touche pour le slot 1
-			else KEY_OFF(ch, S0);               // On rel'che la touche pour le slot 1
-			if (data & 0x20) KEY_ON(ch, S1);    // On appuie sur la touche pour le slot 3
-			else KEY_OFF(ch, S1);               // On rel'che la touche pour le slot 3
-			if (data & 0x40) KEY_ON(ch, S2);    // On appuie sur la touche pour le slot 2
-			else KEY_OFF(ch, S2);               // On rel'che la touche pour le slot 2
-			if (data & 0x80) KEY_ON(ch, S3);    // On appuie sur la touche pour le slot 4
-			else KEY_OFF(ch, S3);               // On rel'che la touche pour le slot 4
-			break;
-		}
-		case 0x2B:
-			if (YM2612.DAC ^ (data & 0x80)) YM2612_Special_Update();
-			YM2612.DAC = data & 0x80;   // activation/desactivation du DAC
-			break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-void Ym2612_Impl::set_rate( double sample_rate, double clock_rate )
-	assert( sample_rate );
-	assert( clock_rate > sample_rate );
-	int i;
-	// 144 = 12 * (prescale * 2) = 12 * 6 * 2
-	// prescale set to 6 by default
-	double Frequence = clock_rate / sample_rate / 144.0;
-	if ( fabs( Frequence - 1.0 ) < 0.0000001 )
-		Frequence = 1.0;
-	YM2612.TimerBase = int (Frequence * 4096.0);
-	// Tableau TL :
-	// [0     -  4095] = +output  [4095  - ...] = +output overflow (fill with 0)
-	// [12288 - 16383] = -output  [16384 - ...] = -output overflow (fill with 0)
-	for(i = 0; i < TL_LENGHT; i++)
-	{
-		if (i >= PG_CUT_OFF)    // YM2612 cut off sound after 78 dB (14 bits output ?)
-		{
-			g.TL_TAB [TL_LENGHT + i] = g.TL_TAB [i] = 0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			double x = MAX_OUT;                         // Max output
-			x /= pow( 10.0, (ENV_STEP * i) / 20.0 );    // Decibel -> Voltage
-			g.TL_TAB [i] = (int) x;
-			g.TL_TAB [TL_LENGHT + i] = -g.TL_TAB [i];
-		}
-	}
-	// Tableau SIN :
-	// g.SIN_TAB [x] [y] = sin(x) * y; 
-	// x = phase and y = volume
-	g.SIN_TAB [0] = g.SIN_TAB [SIN_LENGHT / 2] = PG_CUT_OFF;
-	for(i = 1; i <= SIN_LENGHT / 4; i++)
-	{
-		double x = sin(2.0 * PI * (double) (i) / (double) (SIN_LENGHT));    // Sinus
-		x = 20 * log10(1 / x);                                      // convert to dB
-		int j = (int) (x / ENV_STEP);                       // Get TL range
-		if (j > PG_CUT_OFF) j = (int) PG_CUT_OFF;
-		g.SIN_TAB [i] = g.SIN_TAB [(SIN_LENGHT / 2) - i] = j;
-		g.SIN_TAB [(SIN_LENGHT / 2) + i] = g.SIN_TAB [SIN_LENGHT - i] = TL_LENGHT + j;
-	}
-	// Tableau LFO (LFO wav) :
-	for(i = 0; i < LFO_LENGHT; i++)
-	{
-		double x = sin(2.0 * PI * (double) (i) / (double) (LFO_LENGHT));    // Sinus
-		x += 1.0;
-		x /= 2.0;                   // positive only
-		x *= 11.8 / ENV_STEP;       // ajusted to MAX enveloppe modulation
-		g.LFO_ENV_TAB [i] = (int) x;
-		x = sin(2.0 * PI * (double) (i) / (double) (LFO_LENGHT));   // Sinus
-		x *= (double) ((1 << (LFO_HBITS - 1)) - 1);
-		g.LFO_FREQ_TAB [i] = (int) x;
-	}
-	// Tableau Enveloppe :
-	// g.ENV_TAB [0] -> g.ENV_TAB [ENV_LENGHT - 1]              = attack curve
-	// g.ENV_TAB [ENV_LENGHT] -> g.ENV_TAB [2 * ENV_LENGHT - 1] = decay curve
-	for(i = 0; i < ENV_LENGHT; i++)
-	{
-		// Attack curve (x^8 - music level 2 Vectorman 2)
-		double x = pow(((double) ((ENV_LENGHT - 1) - i) / (double) (ENV_LENGHT)), 8);
-		x *= ENV_LENGHT;
-		g.ENV_TAB [i] = (int) x;
-		// Decay curve (just linear)
-		x = pow(((double) (i) / (double) (ENV_LENGHT)), 1);
-		x *= ENV_LENGHT;
-		g.ENV_TAB [ENV_LENGHT + i] = (int) x;
-	}
-	for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
-		g.ENV_TAB [i + ENV_LENGHT * 2] = 0;
-	g.ENV_TAB [ENV_END >> ENV_LBITS] = ENV_LENGHT - 1;      // for the stopped state
-	// Tableau pour la conversion Attack -> Decay and Decay -> Attack
-	int j = ENV_LENGHT - 1;
-	for ( i = 0; i < ENV_LENGHT; i++ )
-	{
-		while ( j && g.ENV_TAB [j] < i )
-			j--;
-		g.DECAY_TO_ATTACK [i] = j << ENV_LBITS;
-	}
-	// Tableau pour le Substain Level
-	for(i = 0; i < 15; i++)
-	{
-		double x = i * 3;           // 3 and not 6 (Mickey Mania first music for test)
-		x /= ENV_STEP;
-		g.SL_TAB [i] = ((int) x << ENV_LBITS) + ENV_DECAY;
-	}
-	g.SL_TAB [15] = ((ENV_LENGHT - 1) << ENV_LBITS) + ENV_DECAY; // special case : volume off
-	// Tableau Frequency Step
-	for(i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
-	{
-		double x = (double) (i) * Frequence;
-#if ((SIN_LBITS + SIN_HBITS - (21 - 7)) < 0)
-		x /= (double) (1 << ((21 - 7) - SIN_LBITS - SIN_HBITS));
-		x *= (double) (1 << (SIN_LBITS + SIN_HBITS - (21 - 7)));
-		x /= 2.0;   // because MUL = value * 2
-		g.FINC_TAB [i] = (unsigned int) x;
-	}
-	// Tableaux Attack & Decay Rate
-	for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-	{
-		g.AR_TAB [i] = 0;
-		g.DR_TAB [i] = 0;
-	}
-	for(i = 0; i < 60; i++)
-	{
-		double x = Frequence;
-		x *= 1.0 + ((i & 3) * 0.25);                    // bits 0-1 : x1.00, x1.25, x1.50, x1.75
-		x *= (double) (1 << ((i >> 2)));                // bits 2-5 : shift bits (x2^0 - x2^15)
-		x *= (double) (ENV_LENGHT << ENV_LBITS);        // on ajuste pour le tableau g.ENV_TAB
-		g.AR_TAB [i + 4] = (unsigned int) (x / AR_RATE);
-		g.DR_TAB [i + 4] = (unsigned int) (x / DR_RATE);
-	}
-	for(i = 64; i < 96; i++)
-	{
-		g.AR_TAB [i] = g.AR_TAB [63];
-		g.DR_TAB [i] = g.DR_TAB [63];
-		g.NULL_RATE [i - 64] = 0;
-	}
-	for ( i = 96; i < 128; i++ )
-		g.AR_TAB [i] = 0;
-	// Tableau Detune
-	for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-	{
-		for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
-		{
-#if ((SIN_LBITS + SIN_HBITS - 21) < 0)
-			double y = (double) DT_DEF_TAB [(i << 5) + j] * Frequence / (double) (1 << (21 - SIN_LBITS - SIN_HBITS));
-			double y = (double) DT_DEF_TAB [(i << 5) + j] * Frequence * (double) (1 << (SIN_LBITS + SIN_HBITS - 21));
-			g.DT_TAB [i + 0] [j] = (int)  y;
-			g.DT_TAB [i + 4] [j] = (int) -y;
-		}
-	}
-	// Tableau LFO
-	g.LFO_INC_TAB [0] = (unsigned int) (3.98 * (double) (1 << (LFO_HBITS + LFO_LBITS)) / sample_rate);
-	g.LFO_INC_TAB [1] = (unsigned int) (5.56 * (double) (1 << (LFO_HBITS + LFO_LBITS)) / sample_rate);
-	g.LFO_INC_TAB [2] = (unsigned int) (6.02 * (double) (1 << (LFO_HBITS + LFO_LBITS)) / sample_rate);
-	g.LFO_INC_TAB [3] = (unsigned int) (6.37 * (double) (1 << (LFO_HBITS + LFO_LBITS)) / sample_rate);
-	g.LFO_INC_TAB [4] = (unsigned int) (6.88 * (double) (1 << (LFO_HBITS + LFO_LBITS)) / sample_rate);
-	g.LFO_INC_TAB [5] = (unsigned int) (9.63 * (double) (1 << (LFO_HBITS + LFO_LBITS)) / sample_rate);
-	g.LFO_INC_TAB [6] = (unsigned int) (48.1 * (double) (1 << (LFO_HBITS + LFO_LBITS)) / sample_rate);
-	g.LFO_INC_TAB [7] = (unsigned int) (72.2 * (double) (1 << (LFO_HBITS + LFO_LBITS)) / sample_rate);
-	reset();
-const char* Ym2612_Emu::set_rate( double sample_rate, double clock_rate )
-	if ( !impl )
-	{
-		impl = (Ym2612_Impl*) malloc( sizeof *impl );
-		if ( !impl )
-			return "Out of memory";
-		impl->mute_mask = 0;
-	}
-	memset( &impl->YM2612, 0, sizeof impl->YM2612 );
-	impl->set_rate( sample_rate, clock_rate );
-	return 0;
-	free( impl );
-inline void Ym2612_Impl::write0( int opn_addr, int data )
-	assert( (unsigned) data <= 0xFF );
-	if ( opn_addr < 0x30 )
-	{
-		YM2612.REG [0] [opn_addr] = data;
-		YM_SET( opn_addr, data );
-	}
-	else if ( YM2612.REG [0] [opn_addr] != data )
-	{
-		YM2612.REG [0] [opn_addr] = data;
-		if ( opn_addr < 0xA0 )
-			SLOT_SET( opn_addr, data );
-		else
-			CHANNEL_SET( opn_addr, data );
-	}
-inline void Ym2612_Impl::write1( int opn_addr, int data )
-	assert( (unsigned) data <= 0xFF );
-	if ( opn_addr >= 0x30 && YM2612.REG [1] [opn_addr] != data )
-	{
-		YM2612.REG [1] [opn_addr] = data;
-		if ( opn_addr < 0xA0 )
-			SLOT_SET( opn_addr + 0x100, data );
-		else
-			CHANNEL_SET( opn_addr + 0x100, data );
-	}
-void Ym2612_Emu::reset()
-	impl->reset();
-void Ym2612_Impl::reset()
-	g.LFOcnt = 0;
-	YM2612.TimerA = 0;
-	YM2612.TimerAL = 0;
-	YM2612.TimerAcnt = 0;
-	YM2612.TimerB = 0;
-	YM2612.TimerBL = 0;
-	YM2612.TimerBcnt = 0;
-	YM2612.DAC = 0;
-	YM2612.Status = 0;
-	int i;
-	for ( i = 0; i < channel_count; i++ )
-	{
-		channel_t& ch = YM2612.CHANNEL [i];
-		ch.LEFT = ~0;
-		ch.RIGHT = ~0;
-		ch.ALGO = 0;
-		ch.FB = 31;
-		ch.FMS = 0;
-		ch.AMS = 0;
-		for ( int j = 0 ;j < 4 ; j++ )
-		{
-			ch.S0_OUT [j] = 0;
-			ch.FNUM [j] = 0;
-			ch.FOCT [j] = 0;
-			ch.KC [j] = 0;
-			ch.SLOT [j].Fcnt = 0;
-			ch.SLOT [j].Finc = 0;
-			ch.SLOT [j].Ecnt = ENV_END;     // Put it at the end of Decay phase...
-			ch.SLOT [j].Einc = 0;
-			ch.SLOT [j].Ecmp = 0;
-			ch.SLOT [j].Ecurp = RELEASE;
-			ch.SLOT [j].ChgEnM = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	for ( i = 0; i < 0x100; i++ )
-	{
-		YM2612.REG [0] [i] = -1;
-		YM2612.REG [1] [i] = -1;
-	}
-	for ( i = 0xB6; i >= 0xB4; i-- )
-	{
-		write0( i, 0xC0 );
-		write1( i, 0xC0 );
-	}
-	for ( i = 0xB2; i >= 0x22; i-- )
-	{
-		write0( i, 0 );
-		write1( i, 0 );
-	}
-	write0( 0x2A, 0x80 );
-void Ym2612_Emu::write0( int addr, int data )
-	impl->write0( addr, data );
-void Ym2612_Emu::write1( int addr, int data )
-	impl->write1( addr, data );
-void Ym2612_Emu::mute_voices( int mask ) { impl->mute_mask = mask; }
-static void update_envelope_( slot_t* sl )
-	switch ( sl->Ecurp )
-	{
-	case 0:
-		// Env_Attack_Next
-		// Verified with Gynoug even in HQ (explode SFX)
-		sl->Ecnt = ENV_DECAY;
-		sl->Einc = sl->EincD;
-		sl->Ecmp = sl->SLL;
-		sl->Ecurp = DECAY;
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		// Env_Decay_Next
-		// Verified with Gynoug even in HQ (explode SFX)
-		sl->Ecnt = sl->SLL;
-		sl->Einc = sl->EincS;
-		sl->Ecmp = ENV_END;
-		sl->Ecurp = SUBSTAIN;
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		// Env_Substain_Next(slot_t *SL)
-		if (sl->SEG & 8)    // SSG envelope type
-		{
-			int release = sl->SEG & 1;
-			if ( !release )
-			{
-				// re KEY ON
-				// sl->Fcnt = 0;
-				// sl->ChgEnM = ~0;
-				sl->Ecnt = 0;
-				sl->Einc = sl->EincA;
-				sl->Ecmp = ENV_DECAY;
-				sl->Ecurp = ATTACK;
-			}
-			set_seg( *sl, (sl->SEG << 1) & 4 );
-			if ( !release )
-				break;
-		}
-		// fall through
-	case 3:
-		// Env_Release_Next
-		sl->Ecnt = ENV_END;
-		sl->Einc = 0;
-		sl->Ecmp = ENV_END + 1;
-		break;
-	// default: no op
-	}
-inline void update_envelope( slot_t& sl )
-	int ecmp = sl.Ecmp;
-	if ( (sl.Ecnt += sl.Einc) >= ecmp )
-		update_envelope_( &sl );
-template<int algo>
-struct ym2612_update_chan {
-	static void func( tables_t&, channel_t&, Ym2612_Emu::sample_t*, int );
-typedef void (*ym2612_update_chan_t)( tables_t&, channel_t&, Ym2612_Emu::sample_t*, int );
-template<int algo>
-void ym2612_update_chan<algo>::func( tables_t& g, channel_t& ch,
-		Ym2612_Emu::sample_t* buf, int length )
-	int not_end = ch.SLOT [S3].Ecnt - ENV_END;
-	// algo is a compile-time constant, so all conditions based on it are resolved
-	// during compilation
-	// special cases
-	if ( algo == 7 )
-		not_end |= ch.SLOT [S0].Ecnt - ENV_END;
-	if ( algo >= 5 )
-		not_end |= ch.SLOT [S2].Ecnt - ENV_END;
-	if ( algo >= 4 )
-		not_end |= ch.SLOT [S1].Ecnt - ENV_END;
-	int CH_S0_OUT_1 = ch.S0_OUT [1];
-	int in0 = ch.SLOT [S0].Fcnt;
-	int in1 = ch.SLOT [S1].Fcnt;
-	int in2 = ch.SLOT [S2].Fcnt;
-	int in3 = ch.SLOT [S3].Fcnt;
-	int YM2612_LFOinc = g.LFOinc;
-	int YM2612_LFOcnt = g.LFOcnt + YM2612_LFOinc;
-	if ( !not_end )
-		return;
-	do
-	{
-		// envelope
-		int const env_LFO = g.LFO_ENV_TAB [YM2612_LFOcnt >> LFO_LBITS & LFO_MASK];
-		short const* const ENV_TAB = g.ENV_TAB;
-	#define CALC_EN( x ) \
-		int temp##x = ENV_TAB [ch.SLOT [S##x].Ecnt >> ENV_LBITS] + ch.SLOT [S##x].TLL;  \
-		int en##x = ((temp##x ^ ch.SLOT [S##x].env_xor) + (env_LFO >> ch.SLOT [S##x].AMS)) &    \
-				((temp##x - ch.SLOT [S##x].env_max) >> 31);
-		CALC_EN( 0 )
-		CALC_EN( 1 )
-		CALC_EN( 2 )
-		CALC_EN( 3 )
-		int const* const TL_TAB = g.TL_TAB;
-	#define SINT( i, o ) (TL_TAB [g.SIN_TAB [(i)] + (o)])
-		// feedback
-		int CH_S0_OUT_0 = ch.S0_OUT [0];
-		{
-			int temp = in0 + ((CH_S0_OUT_0 + CH_S0_OUT_1) >> ch.FB);
-			CH_S0_OUT_1 = CH_S0_OUT_0;
-			CH_S0_OUT_0 = SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en0 );
-		}
-		int CH_OUTd;
-		if ( algo == 0 )
-		{
-			int temp = in1 + CH_S0_OUT_1;
-			temp = in2 + SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en1 );
-			temp = in3 + SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en2 );
-			CH_OUTd = SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en3 );
-		}
-		else if ( algo == 1 )
-		{
-			int temp = in2 + CH_S0_OUT_1 + SINT( (in1 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en1 );
-			temp = in3 + SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en2 );
-			CH_OUTd = SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en3 );
-		}
-		else if ( algo == 2 )
-		{
-			int temp = in2 + SINT( (in1 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en1 );
-			temp = in3 + CH_S0_OUT_1 + SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en2 );
-			CH_OUTd = SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en3 );
-		}
-		else if ( algo == 3 )
-		{
-			int temp = in1 + CH_S0_OUT_1;
-			temp = in3 + SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en1 ) +
-					SINT( (in2 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en2 );
-			CH_OUTd = SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en3 );
-		}
-		else if ( algo == 4 )
-		{
-			int temp = in3 + SINT( (in2 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en2 );
-			CH_OUTd = SINT( (temp >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en3 ) +
-					SINT( ((in1 + CH_S0_OUT_1) >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en1 );
-			//DO_LIMIT
-		}
-		else if ( algo == 5 )
-		{
-			int temp = CH_S0_OUT_1;
-			CH_OUTd = SINT( ((in3 + temp) >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en3 ) +
-					SINT( ((in1 + temp) >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en1 ) +
-					SINT( ((in2 + temp) >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en2 );
-			//DO_LIMIT
-		}
-		else if ( algo == 6 )
-		{
-			CH_OUTd = SINT( (in3 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en3 ) +
-					SINT( ((in1 + CH_S0_OUT_1) >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en1 ) +
-					SINT( (in2 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en2 );
-			//DO_LIMIT
-		}
-		else if ( algo == 7 )
-		{
-			CH_OUTd = SINT( (in3 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en3 ) +
-					SINT( (in1 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en1 ) +
-					SINT( (in2 >> SIN_LBITS) & SIN_MASK, en2 ) + CH_S0_OUT_1;
-			//DO_LIMIT
-		}
-		CH_OUTd >>= MAX_OUT_BITS - output_bits + 2;
-		// update phase
-		unsigned freq_LFO = ((g.LFO_FREQ_TAB [YM2612_LFOcnt >> LFO_LBITS & LFO_MASK] *
-				ch.FMS) >> (LFO_HBITS - 1 + 1)) + (1L << (LFO_FMS_LBITS - 1));
-		YM2612_LFOcnt += YM2612_LFOinc;
-		in0 += (ch.SLOT [S0].Finc * freq_LFO) >> (LFO_FMS_LBITS - 1);
-		in1 += (ch.SLOT [S1].Finc * freq_LFO) >> (LFO_FMS_LBITS - 1);
-		in2 += (ch.SLOT [S2].Finc * freq_LFO) >> (LFO_FMS_LBITS - 1);
-		in3 += (ch.SLOT [S3].Finc * freq_LFO) >> (LFO_FMS_LBITS - 1);
-		int t0 = buf [0] + (CH_OUTd & ch.LEFT);
-		int t1 = buf [1] + (CH_OUTd & ch.RIGHT);
-		update_envelope( ch.SLOT [0] );
-		update_envelope( ch.SLOT [1] );
-		update_envelope( ch.SLOT [2] );
-		update_envelope( ch.SLOT [3] );
-		ch.S0_OUT [0] = CH_S0_OUT_0;
-		buf [0] = t0;
-		buf [1] = t1;
-		buf += 2;
-	}
-	while ( --length );
-	ch.S0_OUT [1] = CH_S0_OUT_1;
-	ch.SLOT [S0].Fcnt = in0;
-	ch.SLOT [S1].Fcnt = in1;
-	ch.SLOT [S2].Fcnt = in2;
-	ch.SLOT [S3].Fcnt = in3;
-static const ym2612_update_chan_t UPDATE_CHAN [8] = {
-	&ym2612_update_chan<0>::func,
-	&ym2612_update_chan<1>::func,
-	&ym2612_update_chan<2>::func,
-	&ym2612_update_chan<3>::func,
-	&ym2612_update_chan<4>::func,
-	&ym2612_update_chan<5>::func,
-	&ym2612_update_chan<6>::func,
-	&ym2612_update_chan<7>::func
-void Ym2612_Impl::run_timer( int length )
-	int const step = 6;
-	int remain = length;
-	do
-	{
-		int n = step;
-		if ( n > remain )
-			n = remain;
-		remain -= n;
-		long i = n * YM2612.TimerBase;
-		if (YM2612.Mode & 1)                            // Timer A ON ?
-		{
-	//      if ((YM2612.TimerAcnt -= 14073) <= 0)       // 13879=NTSC (old: 14475=NTSC  14586=PAL)
-			if ((YM2612.TimerAcnt -= i) <= 0)
-			{
-				// timer a overflow
-				YM2612.Status |= (YM2612.Mode & 0x04) >> 2;
-				YM2612.TimerAcnt += YM2612.TimerAL;
-				if (YM2612.Mode & 0x80)
-				{
-					KEY_ON( YM2612.CHANNEL [2], 0 );
-					KEY_ON( YM2612.CHANNEL [2], 1 );
-					KEY_ON( YM2612.CHANNEL [2], 2 );
-					KEY_ON( YM2612.CHANNEL [2], 3 );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (YM2612.Mode & 2)                            // Timer B ON ?
-		{
-	//      if ((YM2612.TimerBcnt -= 14073) <= 0)       // 13879=NTSC (old: 14475=NTSC  14586=PAL)
-			if ((YM2612.TimerBcnt -= i) <= 0)
-			{
-				// timer b overflow
-				YM2612.Status |= (YM2612.Mode & 0x08) >> 2;
-				YM2612.TimerBcnt += YM2612.TimerBL;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	while ( remain > 0 );
-void Ym2612_Impl::run( int pair_count, Ym2612_Emu::sample_t* out )
-	if ( pair_count <= 0 )
-		return;
-	if ( YM2612.Mode & 3 )
-		run_timer( pair_count );
-	// Mise à jour des pas des compteurs-frequences s'ils ont ete modifies
-	for ( int chi = 0; chi < channel_count; chi++ )
-	{
-		channel_t& ch = YM2612.CHANNEL [chi];
-		if ( ch.SLOT [0].Finc != -1 )
-			continue;
-		int i2 = 0;
-		if ( chi == 2 && (YM2612.Mode & 0x40) )
-			i2 = 2;
-		for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-		{
-			// static int seq [4] = { 2, 1, 3, 0 };
-			// if ( i2 ) i2 = seq [i];
-			slot_t& sl = ch.SLOT [i];
-			int finc = g.FINC_TAB [ch.FNUM [i2]] >> (7 - ch.FOCT [i2]);
-			int ksr = ch.KC [i2] >> sl.KSR_S;   // keycode attenuation
-			sl.Finc = (finc + sl.DT [ch.KC [i2]]) * sl.MUL;
-			if (sl.KSR != ksr)          // si le KSR a change alors
-			{                       // les differents taux pour l'enveloppe sont mis à jour
-				sl.KSR = ksr;
-				sl.EincA = sl.AR [ksr];
-				sl.EincD = sl.DR [ksr];
-				sl.EincS = sl.SR [ksr];
-				sl.EincR = sl.RR [ksr];
-				if (sl.Ecurp == ATTACK)
-				{
-					sl.Einc = sl.EincA;
-				}
-				else if (sl.Ecurp == DECAY)
-				{
-					sl.Einc = sl.EincD;
-				}
-				else if (sl.Ecnt < ENV_END)
-				{
-					if (sl.Ecurp == SUBSTAIN)
-						sl.Einc = sl.EincS;
-					else if (sl.Ecurp == RELEASE)
-						sl.Einc = sl.EincR;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( i2 )
-				i2 = (i2 ^ 2) ^ (i2 >> 1);
-		}
-	}
-	for ( int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++ )
-	{
-		if ( !(mute_mask & (1 << i)) && (i != 5 || !YM2612.DAC) )
-			UPDATE_CHAN [YM2612.CHANNEL [i].ALGO]( g, YM2612.CHANNEL [i], out, pair_count );
-	}
-	g.LFOcnt += g.LFOinc * pair_count;
-void Ym2612_Emu::run( int pair_count, sample_t* out ) { impl->run( pair_count, out ); }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/Ym2612_Emu.h b/libs/gme/gme/Ym2612_Emu.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 51cff65864a090e92273ba99825241287871059a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/Ym2612_Emu.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// YM2612 FM sound chip emulator interface
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#ifndef YM2612_EMU_H
-#define YM2612_EMU_H
-struct Ym2612_Impl;
-class Ym2612_Emu  {
-	Ym2612_Impl* impl;
-	Ym2612_Emu() { impl = 0; }
-	~Ym2612_Emu();
-	// Set output sample rate and chip clock rates, in Hz. Returns non-zero
-	// if error.
-	const char* set_rate( double sample_rate, double clock_rate );
-	// Reset to power-up state
-	void reset();
-	// Mute voice n if bit n (1 << n) of mask is set
-	enum { channel_count = 6 };
-	void mute_voices( int mask );
-	// Write addr to register 0 then data to register 1
-	void write0( int addr, int data );
-	// Write addr to register 2 then data to register 3
-	void write1( int addr, int data );
-	// Run and add pair_count samples into current output buffer contents
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	enum { out_chan_count = 2 }; // stereo
-	void run( int pair_count, sample_t* out );
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/blargg_common.h b/libs/gme/gme/blargg_common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed218a8da3a8c37702e12ece172caea1e4f5990a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/blargg_common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-// Sets up common environment for Shay Green's libraries.
-// To change configuration options, modify blargg_config.h, not this file.
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-// allow blargg_config.h to #include blargg_common.h
-#include "blargg_config.h"
-// BLARGG_RESTRICT: equivalent to restrict, where supported
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3 || _MSC_VER >= 1100
-	#define BLARGG_RESTRICT __restrict
-// STATIC_CAST(T,expr): Used in place of static_cast<T> (expr)
-#ifndef STATIC_CAST
-	#define STATIC_CAST(T,expr) ((T) (expr))
-// blargg_err_t (0 on success, otherwise error string)
-#ifndef blargg_err_t
-	typedef const char* blargg_err_t;
-// blargg_vector - very lightweight vector of POD types (no constructor/destructor)
-template<class T>
-class blargg_vector {
-	T* begin_;
-	size_t size_;
-	blargg_vector() : begin_( 0 ), size_( 0 ) { }
-	~blargg_vector() { free( begin_ ); }
-	size_t size() const { return size_; }
-	T* begin() const { return begin_; }
-	T* end() const { return begin_ + size_; }
-	blargg_err_t resize( size_t n )
-	{
-		void* p = realloc( begin_, n * sizeof (T) );
-		if ( !p && n )
-			return "Out of memory";
-		begin_ = (T*) p;
-		size_ = n;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	void clear() { void* p = begin_; begin_ = 0; size_ = 0; free( p ); }
-	T& operator [] ( size_t n ) const
-	{
-		assert( n <= size_ ); // <= to allow past-the-end value
-		return begin_ [n];
-	}
-	// throw spec mandatory in ISO C++ if operator new can return NULL
-	#if __cplusplus >= 199711 || __GNUC__ >= 3
-		#define BLARGG_THROWS( spec ) throw spec
-	#else
-		#define BLARGG_THROWS( spec )
-	#endif
-		void* operator new ( size_t s ) BLARGG_THROWS(()) { return malloc( s ); }\
-		void operator delete ( void* p ) { free( p ); }
-	#define BLARGG_NEW new
-	#include <new>
-	#define BLARGG_NEW new (std::nothrow)
-// BLARGG_4CHAR('a','b','c','d') = 'abcd' (four character integer constant)
-#define BLARGG_4CHAR( a, b, c, d ) \
-	((a&0xFF)*0x1000000L + (b&0xFF)*0x10000L + (c&0xFF)*0x100L + (d&0xFF))
-// BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( expr ): Generates compile error if expr is 0.
-	#ifdef _MSC_VER
-		// MSVC6 (_MSC_VER < 1300) fails for use of __LINE__ when /Zl is specified
-		#define BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( expr ) \
-			void blargg_failed_( int (*arg) [2 / (int) !!(expr) - 1] )
-	#else
-		// Some other compilers fail when declaring same function multiple times in class,
-		// so differentiate them by line
-		#define BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( expr ) \
-			void blargg_failed_( int (*arg) [2 / !!(expr) - 1] [__LINE__] )
-	#endif
-// BLARGG_COMPILER_HAS_BOOL: If 0, provides bool support for old compiler. If 1,
-// compiler is assumed to support bool. If undefined, availability is determined.
-	#if defined (__MWERKS__)
-		#if !__option(bool)
-		#endif
-	#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
-		#if _MSC_VER < 1100
-		#endif
-	#elif defined (__GNUC__)
-		// supports bool
-	#elif __cplusplus < 199711
-	#endif
-	// If you get errors here, modify your blargg_config.h file
-	typedef int bool;
-	const bool true  = 1;
-	const bool false = 0;
-// blargg_long/blargg_ulong = at least 32 bits, int if it's big enough
-	typedef long blargg_long;
-	typedef int blargg_long;
-	typedef unsigned long blargg_ulong;
-	typedef unsigned blargg_ulong;
-// BOOST::int8_t etc.
-// HAVE_STDINT_H: If defined, use <stdint.h> for int8_t etc.
-#if defined (HAVE_STDINT_H)
-	#include <stdint.h>
-	#define BOOST
-// HAVE_INTTYPES_H: If defined, use <stdint.h> for int8_t etc.
-#elif defined (HAVE_INTTYPES_H)
-	#include <inttypes.h>
-	#define BOOST
-	struct BOOST
-	{
-		#if UCHAR_MAX == 0xFF && SCHAR_MAX == 0x7F
-			typedef signed char     int8_t;
-			typedef unsigned char   uint8_t;
-		#else
-			// No suitable 8-bit type available
-			typedef struct see_blargg_common_h int8_t;
-			typedef struct see_blargg_common_h uint8_t;
-		#endif
-		#if USHRT_MAX == 0xFFFF
-			typedef short           int16_t;
-			typedef unsigned short  uint16_t;
-		#else
-			// No suitable 16-bit type available
-			typedef struct see_blargg_common_h int16_t;
-			typedef struct see_blargg_common_h uint16_t;
-		#endif
-			typedef long            int32_t;
-			typedef unsigned long   uint32_t;
-		#elif UINT_MAX == 0xFFFFFFFF
-			typedef int             int32_t;
-			typedef unsigned int    uint32_t;
-		#else
-			// No suitable 32-bit type available
-			typedef struct see_blargg_common_h int32_t;
-			typedef struct see_blargg_common_h uint32_t;
-		#endif
-	};
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
-	#define BLARGG_DEPRECATED __attribute__ ((deprecated))
-// Use in place of "= 0;" for a pure virtual, since these cause calls to std C++ lib.
-// During development, BLARGG_PURE( x ) expands to = 0;
-// virtual int func() BLARGG_PURE( { return 0; } )
-#ifndef BLARGG_PURE
-	#define BLARGG_PURE( def ) def
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/blargg_config.h b/libs/gme/gme/blargg_config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 377dd2d8c46daa9c1ef74911b13df178d551f665..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/blargg_config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Library configuration. Modify this file as necessary.
-// Uncomment to use zlib for transparent decompression of gzipped files
-//#define HAVE_ZLIB_H
-// Uncomment and edit list to support only the listed game music types,
-// so that the others don't get linked in at all.
-#define GME_TYPE_LIST \
-	gme_ay_type,\
-	gme_gbs_type,\
-	gme_gym_type,\
-	gme_hes_type,\
-	gme_kss_type,\
-	gme_nsf_type,\
-	gme_nsfe_type,\
-	gme_sap_type,\
-	gme_spc_type,\
-	gme_vgm_type,\
-	gme_vgz_type
-// Uncomment to enable platform-specific optimizations
-// Uncomment to use faster, lower quality sound synthesis
-//#define BLIP_BUFFER_FAST 1
-// Uncomment if automatic byte-order determination doesn't work
-//#define BLARGG_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-// Uncomment if you get errors in the bool section of blargg_common.h
-// Use standard config.h if present
-	#include "config.h"
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/blargg_endian.h b/libs/gme/gme/blargg_endian.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ba09e067ec4580a2fd81299d55eb0b211e651416..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/blargg_endian.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// CPU Byte Order Utilities
-#include "blargg_common.h"
-// BLARGG_CPU_CISC: Defined if CPU has very few general-purpose registers (< 16)
-#if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__) || defined (_M_IX86) || defined (_M_X64)
-	#define BLARGG_CPU_X86 1
-	#define BLARGG_CPU_CISC 1
-#if defined (__powerpc__) || defined (__ppc__) || defined (__ppc64__) || \
-		defined (__POWERPC__) || defined (__powerc)
-	#define BLARGG_CPU_RISC 1
-// BLARGG_BIG_ENDIAN, BLARGG_LITTLE_ENDIAN: Determined automatically, otherwise only
-// one may be #defined to 1. Only needed if something actually depends on byte order.
-#if !defined (BLARGG_BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined (BLARGG_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#ifdef __GLIBC__
-	// GCC handles this for us
-	#include <endian.h>
-	#elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN
-		#define BLARGG_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-	#endif
-#if defined (LSB_FIRST) || defined (__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || BLARGG_CPU_X86 || \
-		(defined (LITTLE_ENDIAN) && LITTLE_ENDIAN+0 != 1234)
-#if defined (MSB_FIRST)     || defined (__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined (WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || \
-	defined (__sparc__)     ||  BLARGG_CPU_POWERPC || \
-	(defined (BIG_ENDIAN) && BIG_ENDIAN+0 != 4321)
-#elif !defined (__mips__)
-	// No endian specified; assume little-endian, since it's most common
-inline void blargg_verify_byte_order()
-	#ifndef NDEBUG
-			volatile int i = 1;
-			assert( *(volatile char*) &i == 0 );
-			volatile int i = 1;
-			assert( *(volatile char*) &i != 0 );
-		#endif
-	#endif
-inline unsigned get_le16( void const* p )
-	return  (unsigned) ((unsigned char const*) p) [1] << 8 |
-			(unsigned) ((unsigned char const*) p) [0];
-inline unsigned get_be16( void const* p )
-	return  (unsigned) ((unsigned char const*) p) [0] << 8 |
-			(unsigned) ((unsigned char const*) p) [1];
-inline blargg_ulong get_le32( void const* p )
-	return  (blargg_ulong) ((unsigned char const*) p) [3] << 24 |
-			(blargg_ulong) ((unsigned char const*) p) [2] << 16 |
-			(blargg_ulong) ((unsigned char const*) p) [1] <<  8 |
-			(blargg_ulong) ((unsigned char const*) p) [0];
-inline blargg_ulong get_be32( void const* p )
-	return  (blargg_ulong) ((unsigned char const*) p) [0] << 24 |
-			(blargg_ulong) ((unsigned char const*) p) [1] << 16 |
-			(blargg_ulong) ((unsigned char const*) p) [2] <<  8 |
-			(blargg_ulong) ((unsigned char const*) p) [3];
-inline void set_le16( void* p, unsigned n )
-	((unsigned char*) p) [1] = (unsigned char) (n >> 8);
-	((unsigned char*) p) [0] = (unsigned char) n;
-inline void set_be16( void* p, unsigned n )
-	((unsigned char*) p) [0] = (unsigned char) (n >> 8);
-	((unsigned char*) p) [1] = (unsigned char) n;
-inline void set_le32( void* p, blargg_ulong n )
-	((unsigned char*) p) [0] = (unsigned char) n;
-	((unsigned char*) p) [1] = (unsigned char) (n >> 8);
-	((unsigned char*) p) [2] = (unsigned char) (n >> 16);
-	((unsigned char*) p) [3] = (unsigned char) (n >> 24);
-inline void set_be32( void* p, blargg_ulong n )
-	((unsigned char*) p) [3] = (unsigned char) n;
-	((unsigned char*) p) [2] = (unsigned char) (n >> 8);
-	((unsigned char*) p) [1] = (unsigned char) (n >> 16);
-	((unsigned char*) p) [0] = (unsigned char) (n >> 24);
-	// Optimized implementation if byte order is known
-		#define GET_LE16( addr )        (*(BOOST::uint16_t*) (addr))
-		#define GET_LE32( addr )        (*(BOOST::uint32_t*) (addr))
-		#define SET_LE16( addr, data )  (void) (*(BOOST::uint16_t*) (addr) = (data))
-		#define SET_LE32( addr, data )  (void) (*(BOOST::uint32_t*) (addr) = (data))
-		#define GET_BE16( addr )        (*(BOOST::uint16_t*) (addr))
-		#define GET_BE32( addr )        (*(BOOST::uint32_t*) (addr))
-		#define SET_BE16( addr, data )  (void) (*(BOOST::uint16_t*) (addr) = (data))
-		#define SET_BE32( addr, data )  (void) (*(BOOST::uint32_t*) (addr) = (data))
-			// PowerPC has special byte-reversed instructions
-			#if defined (__MWERKS__)
-				#define GET_LE16( addr )        (__lhbrx( addr, 0 ))
-				#define GET_LE32( addr )        (__lwbrx( addr, 0 ))
-				#define SET_LE16( addr, in )    (__sthbrx( in, addr, 0 ))
-				#define SET_LE32( addr, in )    (__stwbrx( in, addr, 0 ))
-			#elif defined (__GNUC__)
-				#define GET_LE16( addr )        ({unsigned short ppc_lhbrx_; __asm__ volatile( "lhbrx %0,0,%1" : "=r" (ppc_lhbrx_) : "r" (addr) : "memory" ); ppc_lhbrx_;})
-				#define GET_LE32( addr )        ({unsigned short ppc_lwbrx_; __asm__ volatile( "lwbrx %0,0,%1" : "=r" (ppc_lwbrx_) : "r" (addr) : "memory" ); ppc_lwbrx_;})
-				#define SET_LE16( addr, in )    ({__asm__ volatile( "sthbrx %0,0,%1" : : "r" (in), "r" (addr) : "memory" );})
-				#define SET_LE32( addr, in )    ({__asm__ volatile( "stwbrx %0,0,%1" : : "r" (in), "r" (addr) : "memory" );})
-			#endif
-		#endif
-	#endif
-#ifndef GET_LE16
-	#define GET_LE16( addr )        get_le16( addr )
-	#define SET_LE16( addr, data )  set_le16( addr, data )
-#ifndef GET_LE32
-	#define GET_LE32( addr )        get_le32( addr )
-	#define SET_LE32( addr, data )  set_le32( addr, data )
-#ifndef GET_BE16
-	#define GET_BE16( addr )        get_be16( addr )
-	#define SET_BE16( addr, data )  set_be16( addr, data )
-#ifndef GET_BE32
-	#define GET_BE32( addr )        get_be32( addr )
-	#define SET_BE32( addr, data )  set_be32( addr, data )
-// auto-selecting versions
-inline void set_le( BOOST::uint16_t* p, unsigned     n ) { SET_LE16( p, n ); }
-inline void set_le( BOOST::uint32_t* p, blargg_ulong n ) { SET_LE32( p, n ); }
-inline void set_be( BOOST::uint16_t* p, unsigned     n ) { SET_BE16( p, n ); }
-inline void set_be( BOOST::uint32_t* p, blargg_ulong n ) { SET_BE32( p, n ); }
-inline unsigned     get_le( BOOST::uint16_t* p ) { return GET_LE16( p ); }
-inline blargg_ulong get_le( BOOST::uint32_t* p ) { return GET_LE32( p ); }
-inline unsigned     get_be( BOOST::uint16_t* p ) { return GET_BE16( p ); }
-inline blargg_ulong get_be( BOOST::uint32_t* p ) { return GET_BE32( p ); }
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/blargg_source.h b/libs/gme/gme/blargg_source.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b65afd30b62e174260ea26c230e22306d3c55a03..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/blargg_source.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-/* Included at the beginning of library source files, after all other #include lines.
-Sets up helpful macros and services used in my source code. They don't need
-module an annoying module prefix on their names since they are defined after
-all other #include lines. */
-// If debugging is enabled, abort program if expr is false. Meant for checking
-// internal state and consistency. A failed assertion indicates a bug in the module.
-// void assert( bool expr );
-#include <assert.h>
-// If debugging is enabled and expr is false, abort program. Meant for checking
-// caller-supplied parameters and operations that are outside the control of the
-// module. A failed requirement indicates a bug outside the module.
-// void require( bool expr );
-#undef require
-#define require( expr ) assert( expr )
-// Use to provide hints to compiler for optimized code layout in situations where we
-// can almost always expect a conditional to go one way or the other.  Should only be
-// used in situations where an unexpected branch is truly exceptional though!
-#undef likely
-#undef unlikely
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-    #define likely( x ) __builtin_expect(x, 1)
-    #define unlikely( x ) __builtin_expect(x, 0)
-    #define likely( x ) (x)
-    #define unlikely( x ) (x)
-// Like printf() except output goes to debug log file. Might be defined to do
-// nothing (not even evaluate its arguments).
-// void debug_printf( const char* format, ... );
-static inline void blargg_dprintf_( const char*, ... ) { }
-#undef debug_printf
-#define debug_printf (1) ? (void) 0 : blargg_dprintf_
-// If enabled, evaluate expr and if false, make debug log entry with source file
-// and line. Meant for finding situations that should be examined further, but that
-// don't indicate a problem. In all cases, execution continues normally.
-#undef check
-#define check( expr ) ((void) 0)
-// If expr yields error string, return it from current function, otherwise continue.
-#undef RETURN_ERR
-#define RETURN_ERR( expr ) do {                         \
-		blargg_err_t blargg_return_err_ = (expr);               \
-		if ( blargg_return_err_ ) return blargg_return_err_;    \
-	} while ( 0 )
-// If ptr is 0, return out of memory error string.
-#define CHECK_ALLOC( ptr ) do { if ( (ptr) == 0 ) return "Out of memory"; } while ( 0 )
-// Avoid any macros which evaluate their arguments multiple times
-#undef min
-#undef max
-#define DEF_MIN_MAX( type ) \
-	static inline type min( type x, type y ) { if ( x < y ) return x; return y; }\
-	static inline type max( type x, type y ) { if ( y < x ) return x; return y; }
-DEF_MIN_MAX( int )
-DEF_MIN_MAX( unsigned )
-DEF_MIN_MAX( long )
-DEF_MIN_MAX( unsigned long )
-DEF_MIN_MAX( float )
-DEF_MIN_MAX( double )
-#undef DEF_MIN_MAX
-// using const references generates crappy code, and I am currenly only using these
-// for built-in types, so they take arguments by value
-// TODO: remove
-inline int min( int x, int y ) 
-template<class T>
-inline T min( T x, T y )
-	if ( x < y )
-		return x;
-	return y;
-template<class T>
-inline T max( T x, T y )
-	if ( x < y )
-		return y;
-	return x;
-// TODO: good idea? bad idea?
-#undef byte
-#define byte byte_
-typedef unsigned char byte;
-// Setup compiler defines useful for exporting required public API symbols in gme.cpp
-    #if defined (_WIN32) && defined(BLARGG_BUILD_DLL)
-        #define BLARGG_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-    #elif defined (LIBGME_VISIBILITY)
-        #define BLARGG_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default")))
-    #else
-        #define BLARGG_EXPORT
-    #endif
-// deprecated
-// BLARGG_SOURCE_BEGIN: If defined, #included, allowing redefition of debug_printf and check
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/gb_cpu_io.h b/libs/gme/gme/gb_cpu_io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bd69aa2db32a688582ec0d71307449037278470..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/gb_cpu_io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include "Gbs_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int Gbs_Emu::cpu_read( gb_addr_t addr )
-	int result = *cpu::get_code( addr );
-	if ( unsigned (addr - Gb_Apu::start_addr) < Gb_Apu::register_count )
-		result = apu.read_register( clock(), addr );
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	else if ( unsigned (addr - 0x8000) < 0x2000 || unsigned (addr - 0xE000) < 0x1F00 )
-		debug_printf( "Read from unmapped memory $%.4x\n", (unsigned) addr );
-	else if ( unsigned (addr - 0xFF01) < 0xFF80 - 0xFF01 )
-		debug_printf( "Unhandled I/O read 0x%4X\n", (unsigned) addr );
-	return result;
-void Gbs_Emu::cpu_write( gb_addr_t addr, int data )
-	unsigned offset = addr - ram_addr;
-	if ( offset <= 0xFFFF - ram_addr )
-	{
-		ram [offset] = data;
-		if ( (addr ^ 0xE000) <= 0x1F80 - 1 )
-		{
-			if ( unsigned (addr - Gb_Apu::start_addr) < Gb_Apu::register_count )
-			{
-				GME_APU_HOOK( this, addr - Gb_Apu::start_addr, data );
-				apu.write_register( clock(), addr, data );
-			}
-			else if ( (addr ^ 0xFF06) < 2 )
-				update_timer();
-			else if ( addr == joypad_addr )
-				ram [offset] = 0; // keep joypad return value 0
-			else
-				ram [offset] = 0xFF;
-			//if ( addr == 0xFFFF )
-			//  debug_printf( "Wrote interrupt mask\n" );
-		}
-	}
-	else if ( (addr ^ 0x2000) <= 0x2000 - 1 )
-	{
-		set_bank( data );
-	}
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	else if ( unsigned (addr - 0x8000) < 0x2000 || unsigned (addr - 0xE000) < 0x1F00 )
-	{
-		debug_printf( "Wrote to unmapped memory $%.4x\n", (unsigned) addr );
-	}
-#define CPU_READ_FAST( cpu, addr, time, out ) \
-	CPU_READ_FAST_( STATIC_CAST(Gbs_Emu*,cpu), addr, time, out )
-#define CPU_READ_FAST_( emu, addr, time, out ) \
-	out = READ_PROG( addr );\
-	if ( unsigned (addr - Gb_Apu::start_addr) < Gb_Apu::register_count )\
-		out = emu->apu.read_register( emu->cpu_time - time * clocks_per_instr, addr );\
-	else\
-		check( out == emu->cpu_read( addr ) );\
-#define CPU_READ( cpu, addr, time ) \
-	STATIC_CAST(Gbs_Emu*,cpu)->cpu_read( addr )
-#define CPU_WRITE( cpu, addr, data, time ) \
-	STATIC_CAST(Gbs_Emu*,cpu)->cpu_write( addr, data )
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/gme.cpp b/libs/gme/gme/gme.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 47709840a031d5ef8606cee8b05add7c9879353b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/gme.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Music_Emu.h"
-#include "gme_types.h"
-#include "Effects_Buffer.h"
-#include "blargg_endian.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
-can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
-module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_type_t const* gme_type_list()
-	static gme_type_t const gme_type_list_ [] = {
-	#ifdef USE_GME_AY
-	            gme_ay_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_GBS
-	            gme_gbs_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_GYM
-	            gme_gym_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_HES
-	            gme_hes_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_KSS
-	            gme_kss_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_NSF
-	            gme_nsf_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_NSFE
-	            gme_nsfe_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_SAP
-	            gme_sap_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_SPC
-	            gme_spc_type,
-	#endif
-	#ifdef USE_GME_VGM
-	            gme_vgm_type,
-	            gme_vgz_type,
-	#endif
-        0
-    };
-	return gme_type_list_;
-BLARGG_EXPORT const char* gme_identify_header( void const* header )
-	switch ( get_be32( header ) )
-	{
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('Z','X','A','Y'):  return "AY";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('G','B','S',0x01): return "GBS";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('G','Y','M','X'):  return "GYM";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('H','E','S','M'):  return "HES";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('K','S','C','C'):
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('K','S','S','X'):  return "KSS";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('N','E','S','M'):  return "NSF";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('N','S','F','E'):  return "NSFE";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('S','A','P',0x0D): return "SAP";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('S','N','E','S'):  return "SPC";
-		case BLARGG_4CHAR('V','g','m',' '):  return "VGM";
-	}
-	return "";
-static void to_uppercase( const char* in, int len, char* out )
-	for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
-	{
-		if ( !(out [i] = toupper( in [i] )) )
-			return;
-	}
-	*out = 0; // extension too long
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_type_t gme_identify_extension( const char* extension_ )
-	char const* end = strrchr( extension_, '.' );
-	if ( end )
-		extension_ = end + 1;
-	char extension [6];
-	to_uppercase( extension_, sizeof extension, extension );
-	for ( gme_type_t const* types = gme_type_list(); *types; types++ )
-		if ( !strcmp( extension, (*types)->extension_ ) )
-			return *types;
-	return 0;
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_identify_file( const char* path, gme_type_t* type_out )
-	*type_out = gme_identify_extension( path );
-	// TODO: don't examine header if file has extension?
-	if ( !*type_out )
-	{
-		char header [4];
-		RETURN_ERR( in.open( path ) );
-		RETURN_ERR( in.read( header, sizeof header ) );
-		*type_out = gme_identify_extension( gme_identify_header( header ) );
-	}
-	return 0;   
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_open_data( void const* data, long size, Music_Emu** out, int sample_rate )
-	require( (data || !size) && out );
-	*out = 0;
-	gme_type_t file_type = 0;
-	if ( size >= 4 )
-		file_type = gme_identify_extension( gme_identify_header( data ) );
-	if ( !file_type )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	Music_Emu* emu = gme_new_emu( file_type, sample_rate );
-	CHECK_ALLOC( emu );
-	gme_err_t err = gme_load_data( emu, data, size );
-	if ( err )
-		delete emu;
-	else
-		*out = emu;
-	return err;
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_open_file( const char* path, Music_Emu** out, int sample_rate )
-	require( path && out );
-	*out = 0;
-	RETURN_ERR( in.open( path ) );
-	char header [4];
-	int header_size = 0;
-	gme_type_t file_type = gme_identify_extension( path );
-	if ( !file_type )
-	{
-		header_size = sizeof header;
-		RETURN_ERR( in.read( header, sizeof header ) );
-		file_type = gme_identify_extension( gme_identify_header( header ) );
-	}
-	if ( !file_type )
-		return gme_wrong_file_type;
-	Music_Emu* emu = gme_new_emu( file_type, sample_rate );
-	CHECK_ALLOC( emu );
-	// optimization: avoids seeking/re-reading header
-	Remaining_Reader rem( header, header_size, &in );
-	gme_err_t err = emu->load( rem );
-	in.close();
-	if ( err )
-		delete emu;
-	else
-		*out = emu;
-	return err;
-BLARGG_EXPORT Music_Emu* gme_new_emu( gme_type_t type, int rate )
-	if ( type )
-	{
-		if ( rate == gme_info_only )
-			return type->new_info();
-		Music_Emu* me = type->new_emu();
-		if ( me )
-		{
-			if ( type->flags_ & 1 )
-			{
-				me->effects_buffer = BLARGG_NEW Effects_Buffer;
-				if ( me->effects_buffer )
-					me->set_buffer( me->effects_buffer );
-			}
-			if ( !(type->flags_ & 1) || me->effects_buffer )
-		#endif
-			{
-				if ( !me->set_sample_rate( rate ) )
-				{
-					check( me->type() == type );
-					return me;
-				}
-			}
-			delete me;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_load_file( Music_Emu* me, const char* path ) { return me->load_file( path ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_load_data( Music_Emu* me, void const* data, long size )
-	Mem_File_Reader in( data, size );
-	return me->load( in );
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_load_custom( Music_Emu* me, gme_reader_t func, long size, void* data )
-	Callback_Reader in( func, size, data );
-	return me->load( in );
-BLARGG_EXPORT void gme_delete( Music_Emu* me ) { delete me; }
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_type_t gme_type( Music_Emu const* me ) { return me->type(); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT const char* gme_warning( Music_Emu* me ) { return me->warning(); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT int gme_track_count( Music_Emu const* me ) { return me->track_count(); }
-struct gme_info_t_ : gme_info_t
-	track_info_t info;
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_track_info( Music_Emu const* me, gme_info_t** out, int track )
-	*out = NULL;
-	gme_info_t_* info = BLARGG_NEW gme_info_t_;
-	CHECK_ALLOC( info );
-	gme_err_t err = me->track_info( &info->info, track );
-	if ( err )
-	{
-		gme_free_info( info );
-		return err;
-	}
-	#define COPY(name) info->name = info->info.name;
-	COPY( length );
-	COPY( intro_length );
-	COPY( loop_length );
-	info->i4  = -1;
-	info->i5  = -1;
-	info->i6  = -1;
-	info->i7  = -1;
-	info->i8  = -1;
-	info->i9  = -1;
-	info->i10 = -1;
-	info->i11 = -1;
-	info->i12 = -1;
-	info->i13 = -1;
-	info->i14 = -1;
-	info->i15 = -1;
-	info->s7  = "";
-	info->s8  = "";
-	info->s9  = "";
-	info->s10 = "";
-	info->s11 = "";
-	info->s12 = "";
-	info->s13 = "";
-	info->s14 = "";
-	info->s15 = "";
-	COPY( system );
-	COPY( game );
-	COPY( song );
-	COPY( author );
-	COPY( copyright );
-	COPY( comment );
-	COPY( dumper );
-	#undef COPY
-	info->play_length = info->length;
-	if ( info->play_length <= 0 )
-	{
-		info->play_length = info->intro_length + 2 * info->loop_length; // intro + 2 loops
-		if ( info->play_length <= 0 )
-			info->play_length = 150 * 1000; // 2.5 minutes
-	}
-	*out = info;
-	return 0;
-BLARGG_EXPORT void gme_free_info( gme_info_t* info )
-	delete STATIC_CAST(gme_info_t_*,info);
-BLARGG_EXPORT void gme_set_stereo_depth( Music_Emu* me, double depth )
-	if ( me->effects_buffer )
-		STATIC_CAST(Effects_Buffer*,me->effects_buffer)->set_depth( depth );
-BLARGG_EXPORT void*     gme_user_data      ( Music_Emu const* me )                { return me->user_data(); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_set_user_data  ( Music_Emu* me, void* new_user_data ) { me->set_user_data( new_user_data ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_set_user_cleanup(Music_Emu* me, gme_user_cleanup_t func ) { me->set_user_cleanup( func ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_start_track    ( Music_Emu* me, int index )           { return me->start_track( index ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_play           ( Music_Emu* me, int n, short* p )     { return me->play( n, p ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_set_fade       ( Music_Emu* me, int start_msec )      { me->set_fade( start_msec ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT int       gme_track_ended    ( Music_Emu const* me )                { return me->track_ended(); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT int       gme_tell           ( Music_Emu const* me )                { return me->tell(); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT int       gme_tell_samples   ( Music_Emu const* me )                { return me->tell_samples(); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_seek           ( Music_Emu* me, int msec )            { return me->seek( msec ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_seek_samples   ( Music_Emu* me, int n )               { return me->seek_samples( n ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT int       gme_voice_count    ( Music_Emu const* me )                { return me->voice_count(); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_ignore_silence ( Music_Emu* me, int disable )         { me->ignore_silence( disable != 0 ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_set_tempo      ( Music_Emu* me, double t )            { me->set_tempo( t ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_mute_voice     ( Music_Emu* me, int index, int mute ) { me->mute_voice( index, mute != 0 ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_mute_voices    ( Music_Emu* me, int mask )            { me->mute_voices( mask ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_enable_accuracy( Music_Emu* me, int enabled )         { me->enable_accuracy( enabled ); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_clear_playlist ( Music_Emu* me )                      { me->clear_playlist(); }
-BLARGG_EXPORT int       gme_type_multitrack( gme_type_t t )                       { return t->track_count != 1; }
-BLARGG_EXPORT void      gme_set_equalizer  ( Music_Emu* me, gme_equalizer_t const* eq )
-	Music_Emu::equalizer_t e = me->equalizer();
-	e.treble = eq->treble;
-	e.bass   = eq->bass;
-	me->set_equalizer( e );
-BLARGG_EXPORT void gme_equalizer( Music_Emu const* me, gme_equalizer_t* out )
-	gme_equalizer_t e = gme_equalizer_t(); // Default-init all fields to 0.0f
-	e.treble = me->equalizer().treble;
-	e.bass   = me->equalizer().bass;
-	*out = e;
-BLARGG_EXPORT const char* gme_voice_name( Music_Emu const* me, int i )
-	assert( (unsigned) i < (unsigned) me->voice_count() );
-	return me->voice_names() [i];
-BLARGG_EXPORT const char* gme_type_system( gme_type_t type )
-	assert( type );
-	return type->system;
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/gme.h b/libs/gme/gme/gme.h
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index cb07061b4b9ab0c4d20de0a5148de5be8098ba78..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/gme.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-/* Game music emulator library C interface (also usable from C++) */
-/* Game_Music_Emu 0.6.1 */
-#ifndef GME_H
-#define GME_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-	extern "C" {
-#define GME_VERSION 0x000601 /* 1 byte major, 1 byte minor, 1 byte patch-level */
-/* Error string returned by library functions, or NULL if no error (success) */
-typedef const char* gme_err_t;
-/* First parameter of most gme_ functions is a pointer to the Music_Emu */
-typedef struct Music_Emu Music_Emu;
-/******** Basic operations ********/
-/* Create emulator and load game music file/data into it. Sets *out to new emulator. */
-gme_err_t gme_open_file( const char path [], Music_Emu** out, int sample_rate );
-/* Number of tracks available */
-int gme_track_count( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Start a track, where 0 is the first track */
-gme_err_t gme_start_track( Music_Emu*, int index );
-/* Generate 'count' 16-bit signed samples info 'out'. Output is in stereo. */
-gme_err_t gme_play( Music_Emu*, int count, short out [] );
-/* Finish using emulator and free memory */
-void gme_delete( Music_Emu* );
-/******** Track position/length ********/
-/* Set time to start fading track out. Once fade ends track_ended() returns true.
-Fade time can be changed while track is playing. */
-void gme_set_fade( Music_Emu*, int start_msec );
-/* True if a track has reached its end */
-int gme_track_ended( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Number of milliseconds (1000 = one second) played since beginning of track */
-int gme_tell( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Number of samples generated since beginning of track */
-int gme_tell_samples( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Seek to new time in track. Seeking backwards or far forward can take a while. */
-gme_err_t gme_seek( Music_Emu*, int msec );
-/* Equivalent to restarting track then skipping n samples */
-gme_err_t gme_seek_samples( Music_Emu*, int n );
-/******** Informational ********/
-/* If you only need track information from a music file, pass gme_info_only for
-sample_rate to open/load. */
-enum { gme_info_only = -1 };
-/* Most recent warning string, or NULL if none. Clears current warning after returning.
-Warning is also cleared when loading a file and starting a track. */
-const char* gme_warning( Music_Emu* );
-/* Load m3u playlist file (must be done after loading music) */
-gme_err_t gme_load_m3u( Music_Emu*, const char path [] );
-/* Clear any loaded m3u playlist and any internal playlist that the music format
-supports (NSFE for example). */
-void gme_clear_playlist( Music_Emu* );
-/* Gets information for a particular track (length, name, author, etc.).
-Must be freed after use. */
-typedef struct gme_info_t gme_info_t;
-gme_err_t gme_track_info( Music_Emu const*, gme_info_t** out, int track );
-/* Frees track information */
-void gme_free_info( gme_info_t* );
-struct gme_info_t
-	/* times in milliseconds; -1 if unknown */
-	int length;			/* total length, if file specifies it */
-	int intro_length;	/* length of song up to looping section */
-	int loop_length;	/* length of looping section */
-	/* Length if available, otherwise intro_length+loop_length*2 if available,
-	otherwise a default of 150000 (2.5 minutes). */
-	int play_length;
-	int i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15; /* reserved */
-	/* empty string ("") if not available */
-	const char* system;
-	const char* game;
-	const char* song;
-	const char* author;
-	const char* copyright;
-	const char* comment;
-	const char* dumper;
-	const char *s7,*s8,*s9,*s10,*s11,*s12,*s13,*s14,*s15; /* reserved */
-/******** Advanced playback ********/
-/* Adjust stereo echo depth, where 0.0 = off and 1.0 = maximum. Has no effect for
-GYM, SPC, and Sega Genesis VGM music */
-void gme_set_stereo_depth( Music_Emu*, double depth );
-/* Disable automatic end-of-track detection and skipping of silence at beginning
-if ignore is true */
-void gme_ignore_silence( Music_Emu*, int ignore );
-/* Adjust song tempo, where 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = half speed, 2.0 = double speed.
-Track length as returned by track_info() assumes a tempo of 1.0. */
-void gme_set_tempo( Music_Emu*, double tempo );
-/* Number of voices used by currently loaded file */
-int gme_voice_count( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Name of voice i, from 0 to gme_voice_count() - 1 */
-const char* gme_voice_name( Music_Emu const*, int i );
-/* Mute/unmute voice i, where voice 0 is first voice */
-void gme_mute_voice( Music_Emu*, int index, int mute );
-/* Set muting state of all voices at once using a bit mask, where -1 mutes all
-voices, 0 unmutes them all, 0x01 mutes just the first voice, etc. */
-void gme_mute_voices( Music_Emu*, int muting_mask );
-/* Frequency equalizer parameters (see gme.txt) */
-/* Implementers: If modified, also adjust Music_Emu::make_equalizer as needed */
-typedef struct gme_equalizer_t
-	double treble; /* -50.0 = muffled, 0 = flat, +5.0 = extra-crisp */
-	double bass;   /* 1 = full bass, 90 = average, 16000 = almost no bass */
-	double d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9; /* reserved */
-} gme_equalizer_t;
-/* Get current frequency equalizater parameters */
-void gme_equalizer( Music_Emu const*, gme_equalizer_t* out );
-/* Change frequency equalizer parameters */
-void gme_set_equalizer( Music_Emu*, gme_equalizer_t const* eq );
-/* Enables/disables most accurate sound emulation options */
-void gme_enable_accuracy( Music_Emu*, int enabled );
-/******** Game music types ********/
-/* Music file type identifier. Can also hold NULL. */
-typedef const struct gme_type_t_* gme_type_t;
-/* Emulator type constants for each supported file type */
-extern const gme_type_t
-	gme_ay_type,
-	gme_gbs_type,
-	gme_gym_type,
-	gme_hes_type,
-	gme_kss_type,
-	gme_nsf_type,
-	gme_nsfe_type,
-	gme_sap_type,
-	gme_spc_type,
-	gme_vgm_type,
-	gme_vgz_type;
-/* Type of this emulator */
-gme_type_t gme_type( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Pointer to array of all music types, with NULL entry at end. Allows a player linked
-to this library to support new music types without having to be updated. */
-gme_type_t const* gme_type_list();
-/* Name of game system for this music file type */
-const char* gme_type_system( gme_type_t );
-/* True if this music file type supports multiple tracks */
-int gme_type_multitrack( gme_type_t );
-/******** Advanced file loading ********/
-/* Error returned if file type is not supported */
-extern const char* const gme_wrong_file_type;
-/* Same as gme_open_file(), but uses file data already in memory. Makes copy of data. */
-gme_err_t gme_open_data( void const* data, long size, Music_Emu** out, int sample_rate );
-/* Determine likely game music type based on first four bytes of file. Returns
-string containing proper file suffix (i.e. "NSF", "SPC", etc.) or "" if
-file header is not recognized. */
-const char* gme_identify_header( void const* header );
-/* Get corresponding music type for file path or extension passed in. */
-gme_type_t gme_identify_extension( const char path_or_extension [] );
-/* Determine file type based on file's extension or header (if extension isn't recognized).
-Sets *type_out to type, or 0 if unrecognized or error. */
-gme_err_t gme_identify_file( const char path [], gme_type_t* type_out );
-/* Create new emulator and set sample rate. Returns NULL if out of memory. If you only need
-track information, pass gme_info_only for sample_rate. */
-Music_Emu* gme_new_emu( gme_type_t, int sample_rate );
-/* Load music file into emulator */
-gme_err_t gme_load_file( Music_Emu*, const char path [] );
-/* Load music file from memory into emulator. Makes a copy of data passed. */
-gme_err_t gme_load_data( Music_Emu*, void const* data, long size );
-/* Load music file using custom data reader function that will be called to
-read file data. Most emulators load the entire file in one read call. */
-typedef gme_err_t (*gme_reader_t)( void* your_data, void* out, int count );
-gme_err_t gme_load_custom( Music_Emu*, gme_reader_t, long file_size, void* your_data );
-/* Load m3u playlist file from memory (must be done after loading music) */
-gme_err_t gme_load_m3u_data( Music_Emu*, void const* data, long size );
-/******** User data ********/
-/* Set/get pointer to data you want to associate with this emulator.
-You can use this for whatever you want. */
-void  gme_set_user_data( Music_Emu*, void* new_user_data );
-void* gme_user_data( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Register cleanup function to be called when deleting emulator, or NULL to
-clear it. Passes user_data to cleanup function. */
-typedef void (*gme_user_cleanup_t)( void* user_data );
-void gme_set_user_cleanup( Music_Emu*, gme_user_cleanup_t func );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/gme_types.h b/libs/gme/gme/gme_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 06226f4aa175a3d341dcdef4498afff993188ec3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/gme_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef GME_TYPES_H
-#define GME_TYPES_H
- * This is a default gme_types.h for use when *not* using
- * CMake.  If CMake is in use gme_types.h.in will be
- * processed instead.
- */
-#define USE_GME_AY
-#define USE_GME_GBS
-#define USE_GME_GYM
-#define USE_GME_HES
-#define USE_GME_KSS
-#define USE_GME_NSF
-#define USE_GME_NSFE
-#define USE_GME_SAP
-#define USE_GME_SPC
-/* VGM and VGZ are a package deal */
-#define USE_GME_VGM
-#endif /* GME_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/gme_types.h.in b/libs/gme/gme/gme_types.h.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 4829b3e168b7116c10203ade600dcec42225d9c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/gme_types.h.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef GME_TYPES_H
-#define GME_TYPES_H
-/* CMake will either define the following to 1, or #undef it,
- * depending on the options passed to CMake.  This is used to
- * conditionally compile in the various emulator types.
- *
- * See gme_type_list() in gme.cpp
- */
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_AY
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_GBS
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_GYM
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_HES
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_KSS
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_NSF
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_NSFE
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_SAP
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_SPC
-/* VGM and VGZ are a package deal */
-#cmakedefine USE_GME_VGM
-#endif /* GME_TYPES_H */
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/hes_cpu_io.h b/libs/gme/gme/hes_cpu_io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce60ce8ef21067505bbd8bdf5fde7f875de5b718..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/hes_cpu_io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#include "Hes_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int Hes_Emu::cpu_read( hes_addr_t addr )
-	check( addr <= 0xFFFF );
-	int result = *cpu::get_code( addr );
-	if ( mmr [addr >> page_shift] == 0xFF )
-		result = cpu_read_( addr );
-	return result;
-void Hes_Emu::cpu_write( hes_addr_t addr, int data )
-	check( addr <= 0xFFFF );
-	byte* out = write_pages [addr >> page_shift];
-	addr &= page_size - 1;
-	if ( out )
-		out [addr] = data;
-	else if ( mmr [addr >> page_shift] == 0xFF )
-		cpu_write_( addr, data );
-inline byte const* Hes_Emu::cpu_set_mmr( int page, int bank )
-	write_pages [page] = 0;
-	if ( bank < 0x80 )
-		return rom.at_addr( bank * (blargg_long) page_size );
-	byte* data = 0;
-	switch ( bank )
-	{
-		case 0xF8:
-			data = cpu::ram;
-			break;
-		case 0xF9:
-		case 0xFA:
-		case 0xFB:
-			data = &sgx [(bank - 0xF9) * page_size];
-			break;
-		default:
-			if ( bank != 0xFF )
-				debug_printf( "Unmapped bank $%02X\n", bank );
-			return rom.unmapped();
-	}
-	write_pages [page] = data;
-	return data;
-#define CPU_READ_FAST( cpu, addr, time, out ) \
-	CPU_READ_FAST_( STATIC_CAST(Hes_Emu*,cpu), addr, time, out )
-#define CPU_READ_FAST_( cpu, addr, time, out ) \
-	out = READ_PROG( addr );\
-	if ( mmr [addr >> page_shift] == 0xFF )\
-	{\
-		out = cpu->cpu_read_( addr );\
-	}\
-#define CPU_WRITE_FAST( cpu, addr, data, time ) \
-	CPU_WRITE_FAST_( STATIC_CAST(Hes_Emu*,cpu), addr, data, time )
-#define CPU_WRITE_FAST_( cpu, addr, data, time ) \
-	byte* out = cpu->write_pages [addr >> page_shift];\
-	addr &= page_size - 1;\
-	if ( out )\
-	{\
-		out [addr] = data;\
-	}\
-	else if ( mmr [addr >> page_shift] == 0xFF )\
-	{\
-		cpu->cpu_write_( addr, data );\
-	}\
-#define CPU_READ( cpu, addr, time ) \
-	STATIC_CAST(Hes_Emu*,cpu)->cpu_read( addr )
-#define CPU_WRITE( cpu, addr, data, time ) \
-	STATIC_CAST(Hes_Emu*,cpu)->cpu_write( addr, data )
-#define CPU_WRITE_VDP( cpu, addr, data, time ) \
-	STATIC_CAST(Hes_Emu*,cpu)->cpu_write_vdp( addr, data )
-#define CPU_SET_MMR( cpu, page, bank ) \
-	STATIC_CAST(Hes_Emu*,cpu)->cpu_set_mmr( page, bank )
-#define CPU_DONE( cpu, time, result_out ) \
-	result_out = STATIC_CAST(Hes_Emu*,cpu)->cpu_done()
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/libgme.pc.in b/libs/gme/gme/libgme.pc.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 49fd5b1df44294e3cd76821c7e88cca1e4922b04..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/libgme.pc.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# entries grouped with CMake are expanded by CMake
-# ${foo} entries are left alone by CMake and much
-# later are used by pkg-config.
-Name: Game_Music_Emu
-Description: A video game emulation library for music.
-URL: http://code.google.com/p/game-music-emu/
-Version: @GME_VERSION@
-Cflags: -I${includedir}
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lgme
-Libs.private: -lstdc++
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/nes_cpu_io.h b/libs/gme/gme/nes_cpu_io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ce9b6ff9820210a246598356d50f5122a4942c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/nes_cpu_io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#include "Nsf_Emu.h"
-	#include "Nes_Namco_Apu.h"
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-int Nsf_Emu::cpu_read( nes_addr_t addr )
-	int result;
-	result = cpu::low_mem [addr & 0x7FF];
-	if ( !(addr & 0xE000) )
-		goto exit;
-	result = *cpu::get_code( addr );
-	if ( addr > 0x7FFF )
-		goto exit;
-	result = sram [addr & (sizeof sram - 1)];
-	if ( addr > 0x5FFF )
-		goto exit;
-	if ( addr == Nes_Apu::status_addr )
-		return apu.read_status( cpu::time() );
-		if ( addr == Nes_Namco_Apu::data_reg_addr && namco )
-			return namco->read_data();
-	#endif
-	result = addr >> 8; // simulate open bus
-	if ( addr != 0x2002 )
-		debug_printf( "Read unmapped $%.4X\n", (unsigned) addr );
-	return result;
-void Nsf_Emu::cpu_write( nes_addr_t addr, int data )
-	{
-		nes_addr_t offset = addr ^ sram_addr;
-		if ( offset < sizeof sram )
-		{
-			sram [offset] = data;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	{
-		int temp = addr & 0x7FF;
-		if ( !(addr & 0xE000) )
-		{
-			cpu::low_mem [temp] = data;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( unsigned (addr - Nes_Apu::start_addr) <= Nes_Apu::end_addr - Nes_Apu::start_addr )
-	{
-		GME_APU_HOOK( this, addr - Nes_Apu::start_addr, data );
-		apu.write_register( cpu::time(), addr, data );
-		return;
-	}
-	unsigned bank = addr - bank_select_addr;
-	if ( bank < bank_count )
-	{
-		blargg_long offset = rom.mask_addr( data * (blargg_long) bank_size );
-		if ( offset >= rom.size() )
-			set_warning( "Invalid bank" );
-		cpu::map_code( (bank + 8) * bank_size, bank_size, rom.at_addr( offset ) );
-		return;
-	}
-	cpu_write_misc( addr, data );
-#define CPU_READ( cpu, addr, time )         STATIC_CAST(Nsf_Emu&,*cpu).cpu_read( addr )
-#define CPU_WRITE( cpu, addr, data, time )  STATIC_CAST(Nsf_Emu&,*cpu).cpu_write( addr, data )
diff --git a/libs/gme/gme/sap_cpu_io.h b/libs/gme/gme/sap_cpu_io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d009d0d9b0cc17122d23d2218ba29bb2d0de0df5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/gme/sap_cpu_io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include "Sap_Emu.h"
-#include "blargg_source.h"
-#define CPU_WRITE( cpu, addr, data, time )  STATIC_CAST(Sap_Emu&,*cpu).cpu_write( addr, data )
-void Sap_Emu::cpu_write( sap_addr_t addr, int data )
-	mem.ram [addr] = data;
-	if ( (addr >> 8) == 0xD2 )
-		cpu_write_( addr, data );
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-	#define CPU_READ( cpu, addr, time )     READ_LOW( addr )
-	#define CPU_READ( cpu, addr, time )     STATIC_CAST(Sap_Emu&,*cpu).cpu_read( addr )
-	int Sap_Emu::cpu_read( sap_addr_t addr )
-	{
-		if ( (addr & 0xF900) == 0xD000 )
-			debug_printf( "Unmapped read $%04X\n", addr );
-		return mem.ram [addr];
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/include/gme/gme.h b/libs/gme/include/gme/gme.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb07061b4b9ab0c4d20de0a5148de5be8098ba78..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/include/gme/gme.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-/* Game music emulator library C interface (also usable from C++) */
-/* Game_Music_Emu 0.6.1 */
-#ifndef GME_H
-#define GME_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-	extern "C" {
-#define GME_VERSION 0x000601 /* 1 byte major, 1 byte minor, 1 byte patch-level */
-/* Error string returned by library functions, or NULL if no error (success) */
-typedef const char* gme_err_t;
-/* First parameter of most gme_ functions is a pointer to the Music_Emu */
-typedef struct Music_Emu Music_Emu;
-/******** Basic operations ********/
-/* Create emulator and load game music file/data into it. Sets *out to new emulator. */
-gme_err_t gme_open_file( const char path [], Music_Emu** out, int sample_rate );
-/* Number of tracks available */
-int gme_track_count( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Start a track, where 0 is the first track */
-gme_err_t gme_start_track( Music_Emu*, int index );
-/* Generate 'count' 16-bit signed samples info 'out'. Output is in stereo. */
-gme_err_t gme_play( Music_Emu*, int count, short out [] );
-/* Finish using emulator and free memory */
-void gme_delete( Music_Emu* );
-/******** Track position/length ********/
-/* Set time to start fading track out. Once fade ends track_ended() returns true.
-Fade time can be changed while track is playing. */
-void gme_set_fade( Music_Emu*, int start_msec );
-/* True if a track has reached its end */
-int gme_track_ended( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Number of milliseconds (1000 = one second) played since beginning of track */
-int gme_tell( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Number of samples generated since beginning of track */
-int gme_tell_samples( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Seek to new time in track. Seeking backwards or far forward can take a while. */
-gme_err_t gme_seek( Music_Emu*, int msec );
-/* Equivalent to restarting track then skipping n samples */
-gme_err_t gme_seek_samples( Music_Emu*, int n );
-/******** Informational ********/
-/* If you only need track information from a music file, pass gme_info_only for
-sample_rate to open/load. */
-enum { gme_info_only = -1 };
-/* Most recent warning string, or NULL if none. Clears current warning after returning.
-Warning is also cleared when loading a file and starting a track. */
-const char* gme_warning( Music_Emu* );
-/* Load m3u playlist file (must be done after loading music) */
-gme_err_t gme_load_m3u( Music_Emu*, const char path [] );
-/* Clear any loaded m3u playlist and any internal playlist that the music format
-supports (NSFE for example). */
-void gme_clear_playlist( Music_Emu* );
-/* Gets information for a particular track (length, name, author, etc.).
-Must be freed after use. */
-typedef struct gme_info_t gme_info_t;
-gme_err_t gme_track_info( Music_Emu const*, gme_info_t** out, int track );
-/* Frees track information */
-void gme_free_info( gme_info_t* );
-struct gme_info_t
-	/* times in milliseconds; -1 if unknown */
-	int length;			/* total length, if file specifies it */
-	int intro_length;	/* length of song up to looping section */
-	int loop_length;	/* length of looping section */
-	/* Length if available, otherwise intro_length+loop_length*2 if available,
-	otherwise a default of 150000 (2.5 minutes). */
-	int play_length;
-	int i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15; /* reserved */
-	/* empty string ("") if not available */
-	const char* system;
-	const char* game;
-	const char* song;
-	const char* author;
-	const char* copyright;
-	const char* comment;
-	const char* dumper;
-	const char *s7,*s8,*s9,*s10,*s11,*s12,*s13,*s14,*s15; /* reserved */
-/******** Advanced playback ********/
-/* Adjust stereo echo depth, where 0.0 = off and 1.0 = maximum. Has no effect for
-GYM, SPC, and Sega Genesis VGM music */
-void gme_set_stereo_depth( Music_Emu*, double depth );
-/* Disable automatic end-of-track detection and skipping of silence at beginning
-if ignore is true */
-void gme_ignore_silence( Music_Emu*, int ignore );
-/* Adjust song tempo, where 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = half speed, 2.0 = double speed.
-Track length as returned by track_info() assumes a tempo of 1.0. */
-void gme_set_tempo( Music_Emu*, double tempo );
-/* Number of voices used by currently loaded file */
-int gme_voice_count( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Name of voice i, from 0 to gme_voice_count() - 1 */
-const char* gme_voice_name( Music_Emu const*, int i );
-/* Mute/unmute voice i, where voice 0 is first voice */
-void gme_mute_voice( Music_Emu*, int index, int mute );
-/* Set muting state of all voices at once using a bit mask, where -1 mutes all
-voices, 0 unmutes them all, 0x01 mutes just the first voice, etc. */
-void gme_mute_voices( Music_Emu*, int muting_mask );
-/* Frequency equalizer parameters (see gme.txt) */
-/* Implementers: If modified, also adjust Music_Emu::make_equalizer as needed */
-typedef struct gme_equalizer_t
-	double treble; /* -50.0 = muffled, 0 = flat, +5.0 = extra-crisp */
-	double bass;   /* 1 = full bass, 90 = average, 16000 = almost no bass */
-	double d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9; /* reserved */
-} gme_equalizer_t;
-/* Get current frequency equalizater parameters */
-void gme_equalizer( Music_Emu const*, gme_equalizer_t* out );
-/* Change frequency equalizer parameters */
-void gme_set_equalizer( Music_Emu*, gme_equalizer_t const* eq );
-/* Enables/disables most accurate sound emulation options */
-void gme_enable_accuracy( Music_Emu*, int enabled );
-/******** Game music types ********/
-/* Music file type identifier. Can also hold NULL. */
-typedef const struct gme_type_t_* gme_type_t;
-/* Emulator type constants for each supported file type */
-extern const gme_type_t
-	gme_ay_type,
-	gme_gbs_type,
-	gme_gym_type,
-	gme_hes_type,
-	gme_kss_type,
-	gme_nsf_type,
-	gme_nsfe_type,
-	gme_sap_type,
-	gme_spc_type,
-	gme_vgm_type,
-	gme_vgz_type;
-/* Type of this emulator */
-gme_type_t gme_type( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Pointer to array of all music types, with NULL entry at end. Allows a player linked
-to this library to support new music types without having to be updated. */
-gme_type_t const* gme_type_list();
-/* Name of game system for this music file type */
-const char* gme_type_system( gme_type_t );
-/* True if this music file type supports multiple tracks */
-int gme_type_multitrack( gme_type_t );
-/******** Advanced file loading ********/
-/* Error returned if file type is not supported */
-extern const char* const gme_wrong_file_type;
-/* Same as gme_open_file(), but uses file data already in memory. Makes copy of data. */
-gme_err_t gme_open_data( void const* data, long size, Music_Emu** out, int sample_rate );
-/* Determine likely game music type based on first four bytes of file. Returns
-string containing proper file suffix (i.e. "NSF", "SPC", etc.) or "" if
-file header is not recognized. */
-const char* gme_identify_header( void const* header );
-/* Get corresponding music type for file path or extension passed in. */
-gme_type_t gme_identify_extension( const char path_or_extension [] );
-/* Determine file type based on file's extension or header (if extension isn't recognized).
-Sets *type_out to type, or 0 if unrecognized or error. */
-gme_err_t gme_identify_file( const char path [], gme_type_t* type_out );
-/* Create new emulator and set sample rate. Returns NULL if out of memory. If you only need
-track information, pass gme_info_only for sample_rate. */
-Music_Emu* gme_new_emu( gme_type_t, int sample_rate );
-/* Load music file into emulator */
-gme_err_t gme_load_file( Music_Emu*, const char path [] );
-/* Load music file from memory into emulator. Makes a copy of data passed. */
-gme_err_t gme_load_data( Music_Emu*, void const* data, long size );
-/* Load music file using custom data reader function that will be called to
-read file data. Most emulators load the entire file in one read call. */
-typedef gme_err_t (*gme_reader_t)( void* your_data, void* out, int count );
-gme_err_t gme_load_custom( Music_Emu*, gme_reader_t, long file_size, void* your_data );
-/* Load m3u playlist file from memory (must be done after loading music) */
-gme_err_t gme_load_m3u_data( Music_Emu*, void const* data, long size );
-/******** User data ********/
-/* Set/get pointer to data you want to associate with this emulator.
-You can use this for whatever you want. */
-void  gme_set_user_data( Music_Emu*, void* new_user_data );
-void* gme_user_data( Music_Emu const* );
-/* Register cleanup function to be called when deleting emulator, or NULL to
-clear it. Passes user_data to cleanup function. */
-typedef void (*gme_user_cleanup_t)( void* user_data );
-void gme_set_user_cleanup( Music_Emu*, gme_user_cleanup_t func );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/license.txt b/libs/gme/license.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab7695ab8cabe0c5c8a814bb0ab1e8066578fbb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/license.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-		       Version 2.1, February 1999
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
- as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
- the version number 2.1.]
-			    Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
-  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
-Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
-can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
-this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
-strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
-not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
-you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
-for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
-it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
-it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
-these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
-rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
-you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
-with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
-library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
-  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
-there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
-modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
-that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
-author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
-introduced by others.
-  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
-any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
-effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
-restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
-any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
-consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
-  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
-ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
-General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
-is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
-this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
-libraries into non-free programs.
-  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
-a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
-combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
-General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
-entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
-Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
-the library.
-  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
-does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
-Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
-of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
-are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
-libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
-special circumstances.
-  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
-encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
-a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
-allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
-library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
-case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
-software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
-  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
-programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
-free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
-non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
-operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
-  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
-users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
-linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
-that program using a modified version of the Library.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
-former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
-be combined with the library in order to run.
-  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
-program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
-other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
-this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
-Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
-  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
-  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
-  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
-  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
-    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
-    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
-    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
-    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
-    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
-    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
-    in the event an application does not supply such function or
-    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
-    its purpose remains meaningful.
-    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
-    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
-    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
-    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
-    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
-    root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
-  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
-  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
-  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
-  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
-  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
-  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
-  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
-  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
-  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
-  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
-of these things:
-    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
-    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
-    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
-    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
-    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
-    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
-    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
-    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
-    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
-    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
-    to use the modified definitions.)
-    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
-    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
-    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
-    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
-    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
-    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
-    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
-    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
-    least three years, to give the same user the materials
-    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
-    than the cost of performing this distribution.
-    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
-    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
-    specified materials from the same place.
-    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
-    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
-  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
-the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
-normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
-  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
-  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
-    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
-    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
-    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
-    Sections above.
-    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
-    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
-    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
-  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
-  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
-this License.
-  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
-  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
-  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
-           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
-  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
-  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    Lesser General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
-  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/libs/gme/player/Audio_Scope.cpp b/libs/gme/player/Audio_Scope.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ac73cc722722573bde3d53ea0d5f99d4fde38fc9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/player/Audio_Scope.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Audio_Scope.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Shay Green. Permission is hereby granted, free of
-charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software module and associated
-documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
-merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and
-to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
-following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice
-shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE
-int const step_bits = 8;
-int const step_unit = 1 << step_bits;
-int const erase_color = 1;
-int const draw_color = 2;
-	surface = 0;
-	buf = 0;
-	free( buf );
-	if ( surface )
-		SDL_FreeSurface( surface );
-const char* Audio_Scope::init( int width, int height )
-	assert( height <= 256 );
-	assert( !buf ); // can only call init() once
-	buf = (byte*) calloc( width * sizeof *buf, 1 );
-	if ( !buf )
-		return "Out of memory";
-	low_y = 0;
-	high_y = height;
-	buf_size = width;
-	for ( sample_shift = 6; sample_shift < 14; )
-		if ( ((0x7FFFL * 2) >> sample_shift++) < height )
-			break;
-	v_offset = height / 2 - (0x10000 >> sample_shift);
-	screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( width, height, 0, 0 );
-	if ( !screen )
-		return "Couldn't set video mode";
-	surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
-	if ( !screen )
-		return "Couldn't create surface";
-	static SDL_Color palette [2] = { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 255, 0} };
-	SDL_SetColors( surface, palette, 1, 2 );
-	return 0; // success
-const char* Audio_Scope::draw( const short* in, long count, double step )
-	int low = low_y;
-	int high = high_y;
-	if ( count >= buf_size )
-	{
-		count = buf_size;
-		low_y = 0x7FFF;
-		high_y = 0;
-	}
-	if ( SDL_LockSurface( surface ) < 0 )
-		return "Couldn't lock surface";
-	render( in, count, (long) (step * step_unit) );
-	SDL_UnlockSurface( surface );
-	if ( low > low_y )
-		low = low_y;
-	if ( high < high_y )
-		high = high_y;
-	SDL_Rect r;
-	r.x = 0;
-	r.w = buf_size;
-	r.y = low + v_offset;
-	r.h = high - low + 1;
-	if ( SDL_BlitSurface( surface, &r, screen, &r ) < 0 )
-		return "Blit to screen failed";
-	if ( SDL_Flip( screen ) < 0 )
-		return "Couldn't flip screen";
-	return 0; // success
-void Audio_Scope::render( short const* in, long count, long step )
-	byte* old_pos = buf;
-	long surface_pitch = surface->pitch;
-	byte* out = (byte*) surface->pixels + v_offset * surface_pitch;
-	int old_erase = *old_pos;
-	int old_draw = 0;
-	long in_pos = 0;
-	int low_y  = this->low_y;
-	int high_y = this->high_y;
-	int half_step = (step + step_unit / 2) >> (step_bits + 1);
-	while ( count-- )
-	{
-		// Line drawing/erasing starts at previous sample and ends one short of
-		// current sample, except when previous and current are the same.
-		// Extra read on the last iteration of line loops will always be at the
-		// height of the next sample, and thus within the gworld bounds.
-		// Erase old line
-		{
-			int delta = *old_pos - old_erase;
-			int offset = old_erase * surface_pitch;
-			old_erase += delta;
-			int next_line = surface_pitch;
-			if ( delta < 0 )
-			{
-				delta = -delta;
-				next_line = -surface_pitch;
-			}
-			do
-			{
-				out [offset] = erase_color;
-				offset += next_line;
-			}
-			while ( delta-- > 1 );
-		}
-		// Draw new line and put in old_buf
-		{
-			int in_whole = in_pos >> step_bits;
-			int sample = (0x7FFF * 2 - in [in_whole] - in [in_whole + half_step]) >> sample_shift;
-			if ( !in_pos )
-				old_draw = sample;
-			in_pos += step;
-			int delta = sample - old_draw;
-			int offset = old_draw * surface_pitch;
-			old_draw += delta;
-			int next_line = surface_pitch;
-			if ( delta < 0 )
-			{
-				delta = -delta;
-				next_line = -surface_pitch;
-			}
-			*old_pos++ = sample;
-			// min/max updating can be interleved anywhere
-			if ( low_y > sample )
-				low_y = sample;
-			do
-			{
-				out [offset] = draw_color;
-				offset += next_line;
-			}
-			while ( delta-- > 1 );
-			if ( high_y < sample )
-				high_y = sample;
-		}
-		out++;
-	}
-	this->low_y = low_y;
-	this->high_y = high_y;
diff --git a/libs/gme/player/Audio_Scope.h b/libs/gme/player/Audio_Scope.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 753346769e6ab65ecac98f2310d31b7682e1fbba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/player/Audio_Scope.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Simple audio waveform scope in a window, using SDL multimedia library
-#ifndef AUDIO_SCOPE_H
-#define AUDIO_SCOPE_H
-#include "SDL.h"
-class Audio_Scope {
-	typedef const char* error_t;
-	// Initialize scope window of specified size. Height must be 256 or less.
-	error_t init( int width, int height );
-	// Draw at most 'count' samples from 'in', skipping 'step' samples after
-	// each sample drawn. Step can be less than 1.0.
-	error_t draw( const short* in, long count, double step = 1.0 );
-	Audio_Scope();
-	~Audio_Scope();
-	typedef unsigned char byte;
-	SDL_Surface* screen;
-	SDL_Surface* surface;
-	byte* buf;
-	int buf_size;
-	int sample_shift;
-	int low_y;
-	int high_y;
-	int v_offset;
-	void render( short const* in, long count, long step );
diff --git a/libs/gme/player/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/gme/player/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c37e277199f1672dd6abdb82a0c946eff1c41ff3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/player/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-find_package(SDL QUIET)
-set(player_SRCS Audio_Scope.cpp
-                Audio_Scope.h
-                Music_Player.cpp
-                Music_Player.h
-                player.cpp)
-    message(" ** SDL library located, player demo is available to be built in the /player directory")
-    include_directories(${SDL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
-        "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gme")
-    add_executable(gme_player ${player_SRCS})
-    target_link_libraries(gme_player ${SDL_LIBRARY} gme)
-    # Is not to be installed though
-    message("SDL library not found, disabling player demo build")
diff --git a/libs/gme/player/Music_Player.cpp b/libs/gme/player/Music_Player.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 908f14f0f13d4a229ffd203dd1f518ee71ed3291..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/player/Music_Player.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
-#include "Music_Player.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-/* Copyright (C) 2005-2010 by Shay Green. Permission is hereby granted, free of
-charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software module and associated
-documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
-merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and
-to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
-following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice
-shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE
-#define RETURN_ERR( expr ) \
-	do {\
-		gme_err_t err_ = (expr);\
-		if ( err_ )\
-			return err_;\
-	} while ( 0 )
-// Number of audio buffers per second. Adjust if you encounter audio skipping.
-const int fill_rate = 45;
-// Simple sound driver using SDL
-typedef void (*sound_callback_t)( void* data, short* out, int count );
-static const char* sound_init( long sample_rate, int buf_size, sound_callback_t, void* data );
-static void sound_start();
-static void sound_stop();
-static void sound_cleanup();
-	emu_        = 0;
-	scope_buf   = 0;
-	paused      = false;
-	track_info_ = NULL;
-gme_err_t Music_Player::init( long rate )
-	sample_rate = rate;
-	int min_size = sample_rate * 2 / fill_rate;
-	int buf_size = 512;
-	while ( buf_size < min_size )
-		buf_size *= 2;
-	return sound_init( sample_rate, buf_size, fill_buffer, this );
-void Music_Player::stop()
-	sound_stop();
-	gme_delete( emu_ );
-	emu_ = NULL;
-	stop();
-	sound_cleanup();
-	gme_free_info( track_info_ );
-gme_err_t Music_Player::load_file( const char* path )
-	stop();
-	RETURN_ERR( gme_open_file( path, &emu_, sample_rate ) );
-	char m3u_path [256 + 5];
-	strncpy( m3u_path, path, 256 );
-	m3u_path [256] = 0;
-	char* p = strrchr( m3u_path, '.' );
-	if ( !p )
-		p = m3u_path + strlen( m3u_path );
-	strcpy( p, ".m3u" );
-	if ( gme_load_m3u( emu_, m3u_path ) ) { } // ignore error
-	return 0;
-int Music_Player::track_count() const
-	return emu_ ? gme_track_count( emu_ ) : false;
-gme_err_t Music_Player::start_track( int track )
-	if ( emu_ )
-	{
-		gme_free_info( track_info_ );
-		track_info_ = NULL;
-		RETURN_ERR( gme_track_info( emu_, &track_info_, track ) );
-		// Sound must not be running when operating on emulator
-		sound_stop();
-		RETURN_ERR( gme_start_track( emu_, track ) );
-		// Calculate track length
-		if ( track_info_->length <= 0 )
-			track_info_->length = track_info_->intro_length +
-						track_info_->loop_length * 2;
-		if ( track_info_->length <= 0 )
-			track_info_->length = (long) (2.5 * 60 * 1000);
-		gme_set_fade( emu_, track_info_->length );
-		paused = false;
-		sound_start();
-	}
-	return 0;
-void Music_Player::pause( int b )
-	paused = b;
-	if ( b )
-		sound_stop();
-	else
-		sound_start();
-void Music_Player::suspend()
-	if ( !paused )
-		sound_stop();
-void Music_Player::resume()
-	if ( !paused )
-		sound_start();
-bool Music_Player::track_ended() const
-	return emu_ ? gme_track_ended( emu_ ) : false;
-void Music_Player::set_stereo_depth( double tempo )
-	suspend();
-	gme_set_stereo_depth( emu_, tempo );
-	resume();
-void Music_Player::enable_accuracy( bool b )
-	suspend();
-	gme_enable_accuracy( emu_, b );
-	resume();
-void Music_Player::set_tempo( double tempo )
-	suspend();
-	gme_set_tempo( emu_, tempo );
-	resume();
-void Music_Player::mute_voices( int mask )
-	suspend();
-	gme_mute_voices( emu_, mask );
-	gme_ignore_silence( emu_, mask != 0 );
-	resume();
-void Music_Player::fill_buffer( void* data, sample_t* out, int count )
-	Music_Player* self = (Music_Player*) data;
-	if ( self->emu_ )
-	{
-		if ( gme_play( self->emu_, count, out ) ) { } // ignore error
-		if ( self->scope_buf )
-			memcpy( self->scope_buf, out, self->scope_buf_size * sizeof *self->scope_buf );
-	}
-// Sound output driver using SDL
-#include "SDL.h"
-static sound_callback_t sound_callback;
-static void* sound_callback_data;
-static void sdl_callback( void* data, Uint8* out, int count )
-	if ( sound_callback )
-		sound_callback( sound_callback_data, (short*) out, count / 2 );
-static const char* sound_init( long sample_rate, int buf_size,
-		sound_callback_t cb, void* data )
-	sound_callback = cb;
-	sound_callback_data = data;
-	static SDL_AudioSpec as; // making static clears all fields to 0
-	as.freq     = sample_rate;
-	as.format   = AUDIO_S16SYS;
-	as.channels = 2;
-	as.callback = sdl_callback;
-	as.samples  = buf_size;
-	if ( SDL_OpenAudio( &as, 0 ) < 0 )
-	{
-		const char* err = SDL_GetError();
-		if ( !err )
-			err = "Couldn't open SDL audio";
-		return err;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void sound_start()
-	SDL_PauseAudio( false );
-static void sound_stop()
-	SDL_PauseAudio( true );
-	// be sure audio thread is not active
-	SDL_LockAudio();
-	SDL_UnlockAudio();
-static void sound_cleanup()
-	sound_stop();
-	SDL_CloseAudio();
diff --git a/libs/gme/player/Music_Player.h b/libs/gme/player/Music_Player.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b7bda49263585c3e24b9c0eb1647ef26d83215..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/player/Music_Player.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Simple game music file player
-// Game_Music_Emu 0.6.0
-#include "gme.h"
-class Music_Player {
-	// Initialize player and set sample rate
-	gme_err_t init( long sample_rate = 44100 );
-	// Load game music file. NULL on success, otherwise error string.
-	gme_err_t load_file( const char* path );
-	// (Re)start playing track. Tracks are numbered from 0 to track_count() - 1.
-	gme_err_t start_track( int track );
-	// Stop playing current file
-	void stop();
-// Optional functions
-	// Number of tracks in current file, or 0 if no file loaded.
-	int track_count() const;
-	// Info for current track
-	gme_info_t const& track_info() const { return *track_info_; }
-	// Pause/resume playing current track.
-	void pause( int );
-	// True if track ended
-	bool track_ended() const;
-	// Pointer to emulator
-	Music_Emu* emu() const { return emu_; }
-	// Set stereo depth, where 0.0 = none and 1.0 = maximum
-	void set_stereo_depth( double );
-	// Enable accurate sound emulation
-	void enable_accuracy( bool );
-	// Set tempo, where 0.5 = half speed, 1.0 = normal, 2.0 = double speed
-	void set_tempo( double );
-	// Set voice muting bitmask
-	void mute_voices( int );
-	// Set buffer to copy samples from each buffer into, or NULL to disable
-	typedef short sample_t;
-	void set_scope_buffer( sample_t* buf, int size ) { scope_buf = buf; scope_buf_size = size; }
-	Music_Player();
-	~Music_Player();
-	Music_Emu* emu_;
-	sample_t* scope_buf;
-	long sample_rate;
-	int scope_buf_size;
-	bool paused;
-	gme_info_t* track_info_;
-	void suspend();
-	void resume();
-	static void fill_buffer( void*, sample_t*, int );
diff --git a/libs/gme/player/player.cpp b/libs/gme/player/player.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 368062dc22e17e2301b49e2535b87448bdc6eee5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/player/player.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-/* How to play game music files with Music_Player (requires SDL library)
-Run program with path to a game music file.
-Left/Right  Change track
-Space       Pause/unpause
-E           Normal/slight stereo echo/more stereo echo
-A			Enable/disable accurate emulation
--/=         Adjust tempo
-1-9         Toggle channel on/off
-0           Reset tempo and turn channels back on */
-int const scope_width = 512;
-#include "Music_Player.h"
-#include "Audio_Scope.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "SDL.h"
-void handle_error( const char* );
-static bool paused;
-static Audio_Scope* scope;
-static Music_Player* player;
-static short scope_buf [scope_width * 2];
-static void init()
-	// Start SDL
-	if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO ) < 0 )
-		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-	atexit( SDL_Quit );
-	SDL_EnableKeyRepeat( 500, 80 );
-	// Init scope
-	scope = new Audio_Scope;
-	if ( !scope )
-		handle_error( "Out of memory" );
-	if ( scope->init( scope_width, 256 ) )
-		handle_error( "Couldn't initialize scope" );
-	memset( scope_buf, 0, sizeof scope_buf );
-	// Create player
-	player = new Music_Player;
-	if ( !player )
-		handle_error( "Out of memory" );
-	handle_error( player->init() );
-	player->set_scope_buffer( scope_buf, scope_width * 2 );
-static void start_track( int track, const char* path )
-	paused = false;
-	handle_error( player->start_track( track - 1 ) );
-	// update window title with track info
-	long seconds = player->track_info().length / 1000;
-	const char* game = player->track_info().game;
-	if ( !*game )
-	{
-		// extract filename
-		game = strrchr( path, '\\' ); // DOS
-		if ( !game )
-			game = strrchr( path, '/' ); // UNIX
-		if ( !game )
-			game = path;
-		else
-			game++; // skip path separator
-	}
-	char title [512];
-	sprintf( title, "%s: %d/%d %s (%ld:%02ld)",
-			game, track, player->track_count(), player->track_info().song,
-			seconds / 60, seconds % 60 );
-	SDL_WM_SetCaption( title, title );
-int main( int argc, char** argv )
-	init();
-	// Load file
-	const char* path = (argc > 1 ? argv [argc - 1] : "test.nsf");
-	handle_error( player->load_file( path ) );
-	start_track( 1, path );
-	// Main loop
-	int track = 1;
-	double tempo = 1.0;
-	bool running = true;
-	double stereo_depth = 0.0;
-	bool accurate = false;
-	int muting_mask = 0;
-	while ( running )
-	{
-		SDL_Delay( 1000 / 100 );
-		// Update scope
-		scope->draw( scope_buf, scope_width, 2 );
-		// Automatically go to next track when current one ends
-		if ( player->track_ended() )
-		{
-			if ( track < player->track_count() )
-				start_track( ++track, path );
-			else
-				player->pause( paused = true );
-		}
-		// Handle keyboard input
-		SDL_Event e;
-		while ( SDL_PollEvent( &e ) )
-		{
-			switch ( e.type )
-			{
-			case SDL_QUIT:
-				running = false;
-				break;
-			case SDL_KEYDOWN:
-				int key = e.key.keysym.sym;
-				switch ( key )
-				{
-				case SDLK_q:
-				case SDLK_ESCAPE: // quit
-					running = false;
-					break;
-				case SDLK_LEFT: // prev track
-					if ( !paused && !--track )
-						track = 1;
-					start_track( track, path );
-					break;
-				case SDLK_RIGHT: // next track
-					if ( track < player->track_count() )
-						start_track( ++track, path );
-					break;
-				case SDLK_MINUS: // reduce tempo
-					tempo -= 0.1;
-					if ( tempo < 0.1 )
-						tempo = 0.1;
-					player->set_tempo( tempo );
-					break;
-				case SDLK_EQUALS: // increase tempo
-					tempo += 0.1;
-					if ( tempo > 2.0 )
-						tempo = 2.0;
-					player->set_tempo( tempo );
-					break;
-				case SDLK_SPACE: // toggle pause
-					paused = !paused;
-					player->pause( paused );
-					break;
-				case SDLK_a: // toggle accurate emulation
-					accurate = !accurate;
-					player->enable_accuracy( accurate );
-					break;
-				case SDLK_e: // toggle echo
-					stereo_depth += 0.2;
-					if ( stereo_depth > 0.5 )
-						stereo_depth = 0;
-					player->set_stereo_depth( stereo_depth );
-					break;
-				case SDLK_0: // reset tempo and muting
-					tempo = 1.0;
-					muting_mask = 0;
-					player->set_tempo( tempo );
-					player->mute_voices( muting_mask );
-					break;
-				default:
-					if ( SDLK_1 <= key && key <= SDLK_9 ) // toggle muting
-					{
-						muting_mask ^= 1 << (key - SDLK_1);
-						player->mute_voices( muting_mask );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Cleanup
-	delete player;
-	delete scope;
-	return 0;
-void handle_error( const char* error )
-	if ( error )
-	{
-		// put error in window title
-		char str [256];
-		sprintf( str, "Error: %s", error );
-		fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", str );
-		SDL_WM_SetCaption( str, str );
-		// wait for keyboard or mouse activity
-		SDL_Event e;
-		do
-		{
-			while ( !SDL_PollEvent( &e ) ) { }
-		}
-		while ( e.type != SDL_QUIT && e.type != SDL_KEYDOWN && e.type != SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN );
-		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-	}
diff --git a/libs/gme/readme.txt b/libs/gme/readme.txt
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index 4cfe5e7a8e71b121556df97736d6ddc68d4d1840..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/readme.txt
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@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-Game_Music_Emu 0.6.2: Game Music Emulators
-Game_Music_Emu is a collection of video game music file emulators that
-support the following formats and systems:
-AY        ZX Spectrum/Amstrad CPC
-GBS       Nintendo Game Boy
-GYM       Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
-HES       NEC TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine
-KSS       MSX Home Computer/other Z80 systems (doesn't support FM sound)
-NSF/NSFE  Nintendo NES/Famicom (with VRC 6, Namco 106, and FME-7 sound)
-SAP       Atari systems using POKEY sound chip
-SPC       Super Nintendo/Super Famicom
-VGM/VGZ   Sega Master System/Mark III, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive,BBC Micro
-* C interface for use in C, C++, and other compatible languages
-* High emphasis has been placed on making the library very easy to use
-* One set of common functions work with all emulators the same way
-* Several code examples, including music player using SDL
-* Portable code for use on any system with modern or older C++ compilers
-* Adjustable output sample rate using quality band-limited resampling
-* Uniform access to text information fields and track timing information
-* End-of-track fading and automatic look ahead silence detection
-* Treble/bass and stereo echo for AY/GBS/HES/KSS/NSF/NSFE/SAP/VGM
-* Tempo can be adjusted and individual voices can be muted while playing
-* Can read music data from file, memory, or custom reader function/class
-* Can access track information without having to load into full emulator
-* M3U track listing support for multi-track formats
-* Modular design allows elimination of unneeded emulators/features
-This library has been used in game music players for Windows, Linux on
-several architectures, Mac OS, MorphOS, Xbox, PlayStation Portable,
-GP2X, and Nintendo DS.
-Author : Shay Green <gblargg@gmail.com>
-Website: https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/wiki/Home
-License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-Current Maintainer: Michael Pyne <mpyne@purinchu.net>
-Getting Started
-Build a program consisting of demo/basics.c, demo/Wave_Writer.cpp, and
-all source files in gme/.
-Or, if you have CMake 2.6 or later, execute at a command prompt (from the
-extracted source directory):
-    mkdir build
-    cd build
-    cmake ../         # <-- Pass any needed CMake flags here
-    make              # To build the library
-    cd demo
-    make              # To build the demo itself
-Be sure "test.nsf" is in the same directory as the demo program. Running it
-should generate the recording "out.wav".
-You can use "make install" to install the library. To choose where to install
-the library to, use the CMake argument "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local"
-(and replace /usr/local with the base path you wish to use). Alternately, you
-can specify the base path to install to when you run "make install" by passing
-'DESTDIR=/usr/local' on the make install command line (again, replace
-/usr/local as appropriate).
-To build a static library instead of shared (the default), pass
--DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF to the cmake command when running cmake.
-A slightly more extensive demo application is available in the player/
-directory.  It requires SDL to build.
-Read gme.txt for more information. Post to the discussion forum for
-gme.txt               General notes about the library
-changes.txt           Changes made since previous releases
-design.txt            Library design notes
-license.txt           GNU Lesser General Public License
-CMakeLists.txt        CMake build rules
-test.nsf              Test file for NSF emulator
-test.m3u              Test m3u playlist for features.c demo
-  basics.c            Records NSF file to wave sound file
-  features.c          Demonstrates many additional features
-  Wave_Writer.h       WAVE sound file writer used for demo output
-  Wave_Writer.cpp
-  CMakeLists.txt      CMake build rules
-player/               Player using the SDL multimedia library
-  player.cpp          Simple music player with waveform display
-  Music_Player.cpp    Stand alone player for background music
-  Music_Player.h
-  Audio_Scope.cpp     Audio waveform scope
-  Audio_Scope.h
-  CMakeLists.txt      CMake build rules
-  blargg_config.h     Library configuration (modify this file as needed)
-  gme.h               Library interface header file
-  gme.cpp
-  Ay_Emu.h            ZX Spectrum AY emulator
-  Ay_Emu.cpp
-  Ay_Apu.cpp
-  Ay_Apu.h
-  Ay_Cpu.cpp
-  Ay_Cpu.h
-  Gbs_Emu.h           Nintendo Game Boy GBS emulator
-  Gbs_Emu.cpp
-  Gb_Apu.cpp
-  Gb_Apu.h
-  Gb_Cpu.cpp
-  Gb_Cpu.h
-  gb_cpu_io.h
-  Gb_Oscs.cpp
-  Gb_Oscs.h
-  Hes_Emu.h           TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine HES emulator
-  Hes_Apu.cpp
-  Hes_Apu.h
-  Hes_Cpu.cpp
-  Hes_Cpu.h
-  hes_cpu_io.h
-  Hes_Emu.cpp
-  Kss_Emu.h           MSX Home Computer/other Z80 systems KSS emulator
-  Kss_Emu.cpp
-  Kss_Cpu.cpp
-  Kss_Cpu.h
-  Kss_Scc_Apu.cpp
-  Kss_Scc_Apu.h
-  Ay_Apu.h
-  Ay_Apu.cpp
-  Sms_Apu.h
-  Sms_Apu.cpp
-  Sms_Oscs.h
-  Nsf_Emu.h           Nintendo NES NSF/NSFE emulator
-  Nsf_Emu.cpp
-  Nes_Apu.cpp
-  Nes_Apu.h
-  Nes_Cpu.cpp
-  Nes_Cpu.h
-  nes_cpu_io.h
-  Nes_Oscs.cpp
-  Nes_Oscs.h
-  Nes_Fme7_Apu.cpp
-  Nes_Fme7_Apu.h
-  Nes_Namco_Apu.cpp
-  Nes_Namco_Apu.h
-  Nes_Vrc6_Apu.cpp
-  Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h
-  Nsfe_Emu.h          NSFE support
-  Nsfe_Emu.cpp
-  Spc_Emu.h           Super Nintendo SPC emulator
-  Spc_Emu.cpp
-  Snes_Spc.cpp
-  Snes_Spc.h
-  Spc_Cpu.cpp
-  Spc_Cpu.h
-  Spc_Dsp.cpp
-  Spc_Dsp.h
-  Fir_Resampler.cpp
-  Fir_Resampler.h
-  Sap_Emu.h           Atari SAP emulator
-  Sap_Emu.cpp
-  Sap_Apu.cpp
-  Sap_Apu.h
-  Sap_Cpu.cpp
-  Sap_Cpu.h
-  sap_cpu_io.h
-  Vgm_Emu.h           Sega VGM emulator
-  Vgm_Emu_Impl.cpp
-  Vgm_Emu_Impl.h
-  Vgm_Emu.cpp
-  Ym2413_Emu.cpp
-  Ym2413_Emu.h
-  Gym_Emu.h           Sega Genesis GYM emulator
-  Gym_Emu.cpp
-  Sms_Apu.cpp         Common Sega emulator files
-  Sms_Apu.h
-  Sms_Oscs.h
-  Ym2612_Emu.cpp
-  Ym2612_Emu.h
-  Dual_Resampler.cpp
-  Dual_Resampler.h
-  Fir_Resampler.cpp
-  Fir_Resampler.h
-  M3u_Playlist.h      M3U playlist support
-  M3u_Playlist.cpp
-  Effects_Buffer.h    Sound buffer with stereo echo and panning
-  Effects_Buffer.cpp
-  blargg_common.h     Common files needed by all emulators
-  blargg_endian.h
-  blargg_source.h
-  Blip_Buffer.cpp
-  Blip_Buffer.h
-  Gme_File.h
-  Gme_File.cpp
-  Music_Emu.h
-  Music_Emu.cpp
-  Classic_Emu.h
-  Classic_Emu.cpp
-  Multi_Buffer.h
-  Multi_Buffer.cpp
-  Data_Reader.h
-  Data_Reader.cpp
-  CMakeLists.txt      CMake build rules
-Game_Music_Emu library copyright (C) 2003-2009 Shay Green.
-Sega Genesis YM2612 emulator copyright (C) 2002 Stephane Dallongeville.
-Shay Green <gblargg@gmail.com>
diff --git a/libs/gme/test.m3u b/libs/gme/test.m3u
deleted file mode 100644
index c4e91f5171bc354f60bd94676bea3f2041f9f033..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libs/gme/test.m3u
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# filename,track number,track name,track time
-test.nsf,$00,BGM C,1:16
diff --git a/libs/gme/test.nsf b/libs/gme/test.nsf
deleted file mode 100644
index da5fcedd2c4686494aad9892e869618ce11e5a60..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/libs/gme/test.nsf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/libs/gme/win32/libgme.dll.a b/libs/gme/win32/libgme.dll.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c5e95853e7d8897e23debb4d0d2fa6ddbd8e651..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/libs/gme/win32/libgme.dll.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/libs/gme/win64/libgme.dll.a b/libs/gme/win64/libgme.dll.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 8348f12de7973c43e23d17be8f9b52d35c1c2cc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/libs/gme/win64/libgme.dll.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 40a1feefd80fb3eb8f8232de60d1d05f37abeffa..92849c919982d2f5dc7930f480977b3fa3598f3f 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -245,9 +245,6 @@ if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "Darwin")
 	target_compile_definitions(SRB2SDL2 PRIVATE -DMACOSX)
-target_link_libraries(SRB2SDL2 PRIVATE gme::gme)
-target_compile_definitions(SRB2SDL2 PRIVATE -DHAVE_GME)
 target_link_libraries(SRB2SDL2 PRIVATE ZLIB::ZLIB)
 target_link_libraries(SRB2SDL2 PRIVATE PNG::PNG)
 target_link_libraries(SRB2SDL2 PRIVATE CURL::libcurl)
diff --git a/src/audio/CMakeLists.txt b/src/audio/CMakeLists.txt
index 0f35daf9117358e42b85916fc5de58b20e190e9f..1f3dfa3989210d512ad07a0911cd85cba662b268 100644
--- a/src/audio/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/audio/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ target_sources(SRB2SDL2 PRIVATE
-	gme_player.cpp
-	gme_player.hpp
-	gme.cpp
-	gme.hpp
diff --git a/src/audio/chunk_load.cpp b/src/audio/chunk_load.cpp
index 782b70ca3dcec80a35646e8ed141e92e878ee865..e8b9a2d001547f78916bda9ff521c353aefa7851 100644
--- a/src/audio/chunk_load.cpp
+++ b/src/audio/chunk_load.cpp
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 #include "../cxxutil.hpp"
 #include "../io/streams.hpp"
-#include "gme.hpp"
-#include "gme_player.hpp"
 #include "ogg.hpp"
 #include "ogg_player.hpp"
 #include "resample.hpp"
@@ -183,33 +181,6 @@ optional<SoundChunk> try_load_ogg(tcb::span<std::byte> data)
 	return chunk;
-optional<SoundChunk> try_load_gme(tcb::span<std::byte> data)
-	std::shared_ptr<audio::GmePlayer<1>> player;
-	try
-	{
-		if (data[0] == std::byte {0x1F} && data[1] == std::byte {0x8B})
-		{
-			io::SpanStream stream {data};
-			audio::Gme gme = audio::load_gme(stream);
-			player = std::make_shared<GmePlayer<1>>(std::move(gme));
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			io::ZlibInputStream stream {io::SpanStream(data)};
-			audio::Gme gme = audio::load_gme(stream);
-			player = std::make_shared<GmePlayer<1>>(std::move(gme));
-		}
-	}
-	catch (...)
-	{
-		return nullopt;
-	}
-	std::vector<Sample<1>> samples {generate_to_vec(*player)};
-	SoundChunk chunk {std::move(samples)};
-	return chunk;
 } // namespace
 optional<SoundChunk> srb2::audio::try_load_chunk(tcb::span<std::byte> data)
@@ -233,9 +204,5 @@ optional<SoundChunk> srb2::audio::try_load_chunk(tcb::span<std::byte> data)
 	if (ret)
 		return ret;
-	ret = try_load_gme(data);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
 	return ret;
diff --git a/src/audio/gme.cpp b/src/audio/gme.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ef2971b2991141753cd8e3667f1a9d03dabfeae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/audio/gme.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by Ronald "Eidolon" Kinard
-// This program is free software distributed under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
-// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
-#include "gme.hpp"
-#include <atomic>
-#include <limits>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <thread>
-#include "../cxxutil.hpp"
-using namespace srb2;
-using namespace srb2::audio;
-struct Gme::AsyncOp
-	std::thread thread_;
-	std::atomic_bool flag_ = false;
-	template <typename F>
-	AsyncOp(F&& f) : thread_(
-		[this, f]
-		{
-			f();
-			flag_ = true;
-		}
-	)
-	{
-	}
-	~AsyncOp()
-	{
-		if (thread_.joinable())
-			thread_.join();
-	}
-Gme::Gme() : memory_data_(), instance_(nullptr)
-Gme::Gme(Gme&& rhs) noexcept : memory_data_(), instance_(nullptr)
-	std::swap(memory_data_, rhs.memory_data_);
-	std::swap(instance_, rhs.instance_);
-	std::swap(seeking_, rhs.seeking_);
-Gme::Gme(std::vector<std::byte>&& data) : memory_data_(std::move(data)), instance_(nullptr)
-	_init_with_data();
-Gme::Gme(tcb::span<std::byte> data) : memory_data_(data.begin(), data.end()), instance_(nullptr)
-	_init_with_data();
-Gme& Gme::operator=(Gme&& rhs) noexcept
-	std::swap(memory_data_, rhs.memory_data_);
-	std::swap(instance_, rhs.instance_);
-	std::swap(seeking_, rhs.seeking_);
-	return *this;
-	if (instance_)
-	{
-		seeking_.reset();
-		gme_delete(instance_);
-		instance_ = nullptr;
-	}
-std::size_t Gme::get_samples(tcb::span<short> buffer)
-	if (seeking_)
-	{
-		if (seeking_->flag_)
-		{
-			seeking_.reset();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if (buffer.size() < 2u)
-			{
-				return 0u;
-			}
-			buffer[0] = 0;
-			buffer[1] = 0;
-			return 2u; // send some bytes back so the music player doesn't shut down
-		}
-	}
-	SRB2_ASSERT(instance_ != nullptr);
-	gme_err_t err = gme_play(instance_, buffer.size(), buffer.data());
-	if (err)
-		throw GmeException(err);
-	return buffer.size();
-void Gme::seek(int position_ms)
-	SRB2_ASSERT(instance_ != nullptr);
-	seeking_.reset();
-	// Send to background because gme_seek can take a long while
-	seeking_ = std::make_unique<AsyncOp>([=] { gme_seek(instance_, position_ms); });
-float Gme::duration_seconds() const
-	SRB2_ASSERT(instance_ != nullptr);
-	gme_info_t* info = nullptr;
-	gme_err_t res = gme_track_info(instance_, &info, 0);
-	if (res)
-		throw GmeException(res);
-	auto info_finally = srb2::finally([&info] { gme_free_info(info); });
-	if (info->length == -1)
-	{
-		// these two fields added together also make the length of the song
-		return static_cast<float>(info->intro_length + info->loop_length) / 1000.f;
-	}
-	// info lengths are in ms
-	return static_cast<float>(info->length) / 1000.f;
-std::optional<float> Gme::loop_point_seconds() const
-	SRB2_ASSERT(instance_ != nullptr);
-	gme_info_t* info = nullptr;
-	gme_err_t res = gme_track_info(instance_, &info, 0);
-	if (res)
-		throw GmeException(res);
-	auto info_finally = srb2::finally([&info] { gme_free_info(info); });
-	int loop_point_ms = info->intro_length;
-	if (loop_point_ms == -1)
-		return std::nullopt;
-	return loop_point_ms / 1000.f;
-float Gme::position_seconds() const
-	SRB2_ASSERT(instance_ != nullptr);
-	gme_info_t* info = nullptr;
-	gme_err_t res = gme_track_info(instance_, &info, 0);
-	if (res)
-		throw GmeException(res);
-	auto info_finally = srb2::finally([&info] { gme_free_info(info); });
-	int position = gme_tell(instance_);
-	// adjust position, since GME's counter keeps going past loop
-	if (info->length > 0)
-		position %= info->length;
-	else if (info->intro_length + info->loop_length > 0)
-		position = position >= (info->intro_length + info->loop_length) ? (position % info->loop_length) : position;
-	else
-		position %= 150 * 1000; // 2.5 minutes
-	return position / 1000.f;
-void Gme::_init_with_data()
-	if (instance_)
-	{
-		return;
-	}
-	if (memory_data_.size() >= std::numeric_limits<long>::max())
-		throw std::invalid_argument("Buffer is too large for gme");
-	if (memory_data_.size() == 0)
-		throw std::invalid_argument("Insufficient data from stream");
-	gme_err_t result =
-		gme_open_data(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(memory_data_.data()), memory_data_.size(), &instance_, 44100);
-	if (result)
-		throw GmeException(result);
-	// we no longer need the data, so there's no reason to keep the allocation
-	memory_data_ = std::vector<std::byte>();
-	result = gme_start_track(instance_, 0);
-	if (result)
-		throw GmeException(result);
diff --git a/src/audio/gme.hpp b/src/audio/gme.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7feec790464fccaa10c1929ab84707caa682161b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/audio/gme.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by Ronald "Eidolon" Kinard
-// This program is free software distributed under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
-// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
-#ifndef __SRB2_AUDIO_GME_HPP__
-#define __SRB2_AUDIO_GME_HPP__
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <memory>
-#include <optional>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include <gme/gme.h>
-#undef byte	 // BLARGG!! NO!!
-#undef check // STOP IT!!!!
-#include "../io/streams.hpp"
-namespace srb2::audio
-class GmeException : public std::exception
-	std::string msg_;
-	explicit GmeException(gme_err_t msg) : msg_(msg == nullptr ? "" : msg) {}
-	virtual const char* what() const noexcept override { return msg_.c_str(); }
-class Gme
-	std::vector<std::byte> memory_data_;
-	Music_Emu* instance_;
-	Gme();
-	Gme(const Gme&) = delete;
-	Gme(Gme&& rhs) noexcept;
-	Gme& operator=(const Gme&) = delete;
-	Gme& operator=(Gme&& rhs) noexcept;
-	explicit Gme(std::vector<std::byte>&& data);
-	explicit Gme(tcb::span<std::byte> data);
-	std::size_t get_samples(tcb::span<short> buffer);
-	void seek(int position_ms);
-	float duration_seconds() const;
-	std::optional<float> loop_point_seconds() const;
-	float position_seconds() const;
-	~Gme();
-	struct AsyncOp;
-	std::unique_ptr<AsyncOp> seeking_;
-	void _init_with_data();
-template <typename I, typename std::enable_if_t<srb2::io::IsInputStreamV<I>, int> = 0>
-inline Gme load_gme(I& stream)
-	std::vector<std::byte> data = srb2::io::read_to_vec(stream);
-	return Gme {std::move(data)};
-} // namespace srb2::audio
-#endif // __SRB2_AUDIO_GME_HPP__
diff --git a/src/audio/gme_player.cpp b/src/audio/gme_player.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0295c8ef56bbea534d2c9da59a62fdd8d167302d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/audio/gme_player.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by Ronald "Eidolon" Kinard
-// This program is free software distributed under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
-// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
-#include "gme_player.hpp"
-using namespace srb2;
-using namespace srb2::audio;
-template <size_t C>
-GmePlayer<C>::GmePlayer(Gme&& gme) : gme_(std::forward<Gme>(gme)), buf_()
-template <size_t C>
-GmePlayer<C>::GmePlayer(GmePlayer<C>&& rhs) noexcept = default;
-template <size_t C>
-GmePlayer<C>& GmePlayer<C>::operator=(GmePlayer<C>&& rhs) noexcept = default;
-template <size_t C>
-GmePlayer<C>::~GmePlayer() = default;
-template <size_t C>
-std::size_t GmePlayer<C>::generate(tcb::span<Sample<C>> buffer)
-	buf_.clear();
-	buf_.resize(buffer.size() * 2);
-	std::size_t read = gme_.get_samples(tcb::make_span(buf_));
-	buf_.resize(read);
-	std::size_t new_samples = std::min((read / 2), buffer.size());
-	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < new_samples; i++)
-	{
-		if constexpr (C == 1)
-		{
-			buffer[i].amplitudes[0] = (buf_[i * 2] / 32768.f + buf_[i * 2 + 1] / 32768.f) / 2.f;
-		}
-		else if constexpr (C == 2)
-		{
-			buffer[i].amplitudes[0] = buf_[i * 2] / 32768.f;
-			buffer[i].amplitudes[1] = buf_[i * 2 + 1] / 32768.f;
-		}
-	}
-	return new_samples;
-template <size_t C>
-void GmePlayer<C>::seek(float position_seconds)
-	gme_.seek(static_cast<std::size_t>(position_seconds * 1000.f));
-template <size_t C>
-void GmePlayer<C>::reset()
-	gme_.seek(0);
-template <size_t C>
-std::optional<float> GmePlayer<C>::duration_seconds() const
-	return gme_.duration_seconds();
-template <size_t C>
-std::optional<float> GmePlayer<C>::loop_point_seconds() const
-	return gme_.loop_point_seconds();
-template <size_t C>
-float GmePlayer<C>::position_seconds() const
-	return gme_.position_seconds();
-template class srb2::audio::GmePlayer<1>;
-template class srb2::audio::GmePlayer<2>;
diff --git a/src/audio/gme_player.hpp b/src/audio/gme_player.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d23cde6e49de62e4b1538fdecd31bb11df7758e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/audio/gme_player.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2022-2023 by Ronald "Eidolon" Kinard
-// This program is free software distributed under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
-// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
-#include <optional>
-#include "gme.hpp"
-#include "source.hpp"
-namespace srb2::audio
-template <size_t C>
-class GmePlayer : public Source<C>
-	Gme gme_;
-	std::vector<short> buf_;
-	GmePlayer(Gme&& gme);
-	GmePlayer(const GmePlayer<C>&) = delete;
-	GmePlayer(GmePlayer<C>&& gme) noexcept;
-	~GmePlayer();
-	GmePlayer& operator=(const GmePlayer<C>&) = delete;
-	GmePlayer& operator=(GmePlayer<C>&& rhs) noexcept;
-	virtual std::size_t generate(tcb::span<Sample<C>> buffer) override;
-	void seek(float position_seconds);
-	std::optional<float> duration_seconds() const;
-	std::optional<float> loop_point_seconds() const;
-	float position_seconds() const;
-	void reset();
-extern template class GmePlayer<1>;
-extern template class GmePlayer<2>;
-} // namespace srb2::audio
-#endif // __SRB2_AUDIO_GME_PLAYER_HPP__
diff --git a/src/audio/music_player.cpp b/src/audio/music_player.cpp
index aaa74988d0752f49ec525778af18b19da18b326c..386dbe67d4a5fac4426faaab555e6a90c44a34ff 100644
--- a/src/audio/music_player.cpp
+++ b/src/audio/music_player.cpp
@@ -19,14 +19,10 @@
 #include <variant>
 #include <vector>
-#include <gme/gme.h>
 #include <stb_vorbis.h>
-#undef byte	 // BLARGG!! NO!!
-#undef check // STOP IT!!!!
 #include "../cxxutil.hpp"
 #include "../io/streams.hpp"
-#include "gme_player.hpp"
 #include "ogg_player.hpp"
 #include "resample.hpp"
 #include "xmp_player.hpp"
@@ -97,7 +93,6 @@ public:
 	void _load(tcb::span<std::byte> data)
 		ogg_inst_ = nullptr;
-		gme_inst_ = nullptr;
 		xmp_inst_ = nullptr;
 		resampler_ = std::nullopt;
@@ -116,33 +111,6 @@ public:
 			resampler_ = std::nullopt;
-		if (!resampler_)
-		{
-			try
-			{
-				if (data[0] == std::byte {0x1F} && data[1] == std::byte {0x8B})
-				{
-					io::ZlibInputStream stream {io::SpanStream(data)};
-					audio::Gme gme = audio::load_gme(stream);
-					gme_inst_ = std::make_shared<GmePlayer<2>>(std::move(gme));
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					io::SpanStream stream {data};
-					audio::Gme gme = audio::load_gme(stream);
-					gme_inst_ = std::make_shared<GmePlayer<2>>(std::move(gme));
-				}
-				resampler_ = Resampler<2>(gme_inst_, 1.f);
-			}
-			catch (const std::exception& ex)
-			{
-				// it's probably not gme
-				gme_inst_ = nullptr;
-				resampler_ = std::nullopt;
-			}
-		}
 		if (!resampler_)
@@ -176,11 +144,6 @@ public:
 			playing_ = true;
-		else if (gme_inst_)
-		{
-			playing_ = true;
-			gme_inst_->reset();
-		}
 		else if (xmp_inst_)
@@ -196,10 +159,6 @@ public:
 			playing_ = true;
-		else if (gme_inst_)
-		{
-			playing_ = true;
-		}
 		else if (xmp_inst_)
 			playing_ = true;
@@ -213,10 +172,6 @@ public:
 			playing_ = false;
-		else if (gme_inst_)
-		{
-			playing_ = false;
-		}
 		else if (xmp_inst_)
 			playing_ = false;
@@ -231,11 +186,6 @@ public:
 			playing_ = false;
-		else if (gme_inst_)
-		{
-			gme_inst_->reset();
-			playing_ = false;
-		}
 		else if (xmp_inst_)
@@ -250,11 +200,6 @@ public:
-		if (gme_inst_)
-		{
-			gme_inst_->seek(position_seconds);
-			return;
-		}
 		if (xmp_inst_)
@@ -266,8 +211,6 @@ public:
 		if (ogg_inst_)
 			return ogg_inst_->playing();
-		else if (gme_inst_)
-			return playing_;
 		else if (xmp_inst_)
 			return playing_;
@@ -278,8 +221,6 @@ public:
 		if (ogg_inst_)
 			return audio::MusicType::kOgg;
-		else if (gme_inst_)
-			return audio::MusicType::kGme;
 		else if (xmp_inst_)
 			return audio::MusicType::kMod;
@@ -290,8 +231,6 @@ public:
 		if (ogg_inst_)
 			return ogg_inst_->duration_seconds();
-		if (gme_inst_)
-			return gme_inst_->duration_seconds();
 		if (xmp_inst_)
 			return xmp_inst_->duration_seconds();
@@ -302,8 +241,6 @@ public:
 		if (ogg_inst_)
 			return ogg_inst_->loop_point_seconds();
-		if (gme_inst_)
-			return gme_inst_->loop_point_seconds();
 		return std::nullopt;
@@ -312,8 +249,6 @@ public:
 		if (ogg_inst_)
 			return ogg_inst_->position_seconds();
-		if (gme_inst_)
-			return gme_inst_->position_seconds();
 		if (xmp_inst_)
 			return xmp_inst_->position_seconds();
@@ -354,7 +289,6 @@ public:
 	std::shared_ptr<OggPlayer<2>> ogg_inst_;
-	std::shared_ptr<GmePlayer<2>> gme_inst_;
 	std::shared_ptr<XmpPlayer<2>> xmp_inst_;
 	std::optional<Resampler<2>> resampler_;
 	bool playing_ {false};
diff --git a/src/audio/music_player.hpp b/src/audio/music_player.hpp
index 69f32dd6b2d345ab8f66777c16bb0a7242065d4d..dfdea15723fbec8585b29b29c92b70b1db301852 100644
--- a/src/audio/music_player.hpp
+++ b/src/audio/music_player.hpp
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ namespace srb2::audio
 enum class MusicType
-	kGme,
diff --git a/src/sdl/new_sound.cpp b/src/sdl/new_sound.cpp
index 941e1d0f3061eeeaa4189e637135cc6ea2b9e227..86b925953efb24b7e476af35f0e0599563ed35fa 100644
--- a/src/sdl/new_sound.cpp
+++ b/src/sdl/new_sound.cpp
@@ -437,8 +437,6 @@ const char* I_SongType(void)
 	case audio::MusicType::kOgg:
 		return "OGG";
-	case audio::MusicType::kGme:
-		return "GME";
 	case audio::MusicType::kMod:
 		return "Mod";
diff --git a/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/disable-player-and-demo.patch b/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/disable-player-and-demo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 79315167a15bd932640f8342a56d16eea8a53a5f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/disable-player-and-demo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
-index 6b352102db48f265448a35b731cb712b8e112d39..62349bd48ddd3d6c44e6ee68243605781814de2f 100644
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -102,5 +102,3 @@ endif ()
- add_subdirectory(gme)
- # EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL adds build rules but keeps it out of default build
--add_subdirectory(player EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
--add_subdirectory(demo EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
diff --git a/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/disable-static-zlib-hack.patch b/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/disable-static-zlib-hack.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 616482ef5075f8fadf83aa1483ae8d1293173f71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/disable-static-zlib-hack.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/gme/CMakeLists.txt b/gme/CMakeLists.txt
-index b1b2bf0aee0d79dbeb76fd46756ad9709af57ae3..aacb5a8067f77cfeac560d65cc1538dd75008c9b 100644
---- a/gme/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/gme/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ set(libgme_SRCS Blip_Buffer.cpp
- # static builds need to find static zlib (and static forms of other needed
- # libraries.  Ensure CMake looks only for static libs if we're doing a static
- # build.  See https://stackoverflow.com/a/44738756
- endif()
diff --git a/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/portfile.cmake b/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/portfile.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 329274562454d87d7d03c93b9168cc54cb717632..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/portfile.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-    REPO mpyne/game-music-emu
-    REF "${VERSION}"
-    SHA512 3d5e0dafb7ba239fb1c4cebf47c7e195a350bfe7a43606deff1ecff1ab21a0aac47343205004c0aba06ae249a0e186122c1b7dec06fc52272d4baaea9a480796
-        disable-player-and-demo.patch
-        disable-static-zlib-hack.patch
-# This file is generated during the CMake build
-file(REMOVE "${SOURCE_PATH}/gme/gme_types.h")
-        ay      USE_GME_AY
-        gbs     USE_GME_GBS
-        gym     USE_GME_GYM
-        hes     USE_GME_HES
-        kss     USE_GME_KSS
-        nsf     USE_GME_NSF
-        nsfe    USE_GME_NSFE
-        sap     USE_GME_SAP
-        spc     USE_GME_SPC
-        vgm     USE_GME_VGM
-        spc-isolated-echo-buffer    GME_SPC_ISOLATED_ECHO_BUFFER
-    set(GME_YM2612_EMU MAME)
-    # message(STATUS "This version of libgme uses the Nuked YM2612 emulator. To use the MAME or GENS instead, create an overlay port of this with GME_YM2612_EMU set to \"MAME\" or \"GENS\" accordingly.")
-    # message(STATUS "This recipe is at ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
-    # message(STATUS "See the overlay ports documentation at https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/docs/specifications/ports-overlay.md")
-        -DGME_YM2612_EMU=${GME_YM2612_EMU}
-        GME_YM2612_EMU
-    "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/include"
-vcpkg_install_copyright(FILE_LIST ${LICENSE_FILES})
diff --git a/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/vcpkg.json b/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/vcpkg.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db9f020d7c828da6c63c71874a5656a29851004..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/thirdparty/vcpkg-overlays/libgme/vcpkg.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "libgme",
-  "version": "0.6.3",
-  "description": "Video game music file emulation/playback library",
-  "homepage": "https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/wiki/Home",
-  "license": "LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later",
-  "dependencies": [
-    {
-      "name": "vcpkg-cmake",
-      "host": true
-    }
-  ],
-  "default-features": [
-    "ay",
-    "gbs",
-    "gym",
-    "hes",
-    "kss",
-    "nsf",
-    "nsfe",
-    "sap",
-    "spc",
-    "vgm"
-  ],
-  "features": {
-    "ay": {
-      "description": "Enable Spectrum ZX music emulation"
-    },
-    "gbs": {
-      "description": "Enable Game Boy music emulation"
-    },
-    "gym": {
-      "description": "Enable Sega MegaDrive/Genesis music emulation"
-    },
-    "hes": {
-      "description": "Enable PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 music emulation"
-    },
-    "kss": {
-      "description": "Enable MSX or other Z80 systems music emulation"
-    },
-    "nsf": {
-      "description": "Enable NES NSF music emulation"
-    },
-    "nsfe": {
-      "description": "Enable NES NSFE and NSF music emulation"
-    },
-    "sap": {
-      "description": "Enable Atari SAP music emulation"
-    },
-    "spc": {
-      "description": "Enable SNES SPC music emulation"
-    },
-    "spc-isolated-echo-buffer": {
-      "description": "Enable isolated echo buffer on SPC emulator to allow correct playing of \"dodgy\" SPC files made for various ROM hacks ran on ZSNES"
-    },
-    "vgm": {
-      "description": "Enable Sega VGM/VGZ music emulation",
-      "dependencies": [
-        "zlib"
-      ]
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/vcpkg.json b/vcpkg.json
index 32997c52f8edd32181c44b92223da716f6164e43..854d2beb1d187438b7022ccef6490452328204d9 100644
--- a/vcpkg.json
+++ b/vcpkg.json
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
-        "libgme",