- Dec 09, 2011
- Dec 08, 2011
- Dec 07, 2011
- Dec 06, 2011
- Dec 05, 2011
- Dec 04, 2011
- Dec 03, 2011
- Dec 02, 2011
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
Fixed memory and performance issues in Visual Mode for things with 0 with or height. (note to developers: VisualMode::GetVisualThing(t) may return null!)
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
Fixed a visual glitch which caused incorrect thing colors when selection was cleared from Edit Selection mode.
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
Fixed a bug with the Things Filter which caused some things to be incorrectly shown.
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
- Sep 18, 2011
boris_i authored
- Jul 26, 2011
codeimp authored
Added -strictpatches command line parameter to indicate strict patches loading for the WAD file loaded from command line Added -resource command line parameter to specify additional resources for the WAD file loaded from command line (see cmdargs.txt for more information!)
codeimp authored
@ Added events and properties for customization to the FieldsEditorControl, just in case for anyone who might ever use this (in a proper manner)
- Oct 05, 2010
codeimp authored
Fixed thing angles so that any value in the −32768..32767 range can be entered. Also fixed the thing angle in the info panel accordingly and optimized the rendering slightly.
- Oct 04, 2010
codeimp authored
- Oct 03, 2010
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
Fixed bug in dockers panel system that allowed the panel to go bonkers when resized smaller than possible.
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
Linedef arguments are set to 0 when action 0 (normal) is chosen. But are not forced to stay 0 (you can still change them after selecting the action)
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
codeimp authored
Improved texture filtering in Visual Mode. When filtering is Off, it interpolates the mipmaps to reduce the banding effect on walls/floors. With filtering On, it now uses anisotropic filtering up to level 8. (you can change the anisotropy level by editing the 'filteranisotropy' value in the program configuration)