- May 22, 2020
- May 21, 2020
biwa authored
- May 18, 2020
biwa authored
- May 17, 2020
biwa authored
biwa authored
Edit Selection Mode: rotating sectors with plane equation slopes now works correctly if the sectors are not rectangular
biwa authored
biwa authored
Edit Selection Mode: slopes of 3D floor control sectors are now properly updated when moving/rotating sectors (only when not pasting)
- May 16, 2020
biwa authored
Fixed an issue in Edit Selection Mode that could cause Out Of Memory exceptions with vertices that are slightly off grid in the 32 bit version
biwa authored
Using Edit Selection Mode on sectors with plane equation slopes works correctly now (flipping still doesn't work)
biwa authored
Decoupled plane equation slopes from sector heights. This means that changing sector heights will not change those slopes (use the offset box in the "slope" tab of the Edit Sector Dialog instead)
- May 03, 2020
biwa authored
Added option to lock texture offsets of 3D floors when dragging the tagged sectors
- Apr 30, 2020
biwa authored
- Apr 25, 2020
biwa authored
- Apr 19, 2020
biwa authored
Significantly reduced video memory usage when pasting sectors. Should also significantly increase speed when pasting many sectors. Fixes #400.
- Apr 11, 2020
biwa authored
biwa authored
Fixed a crash in Edit Selection Mode when visual sloping was previously used to make the slope of a sector perfectly planar
biwa authored
Moved smart grid transform into Linedefs Mode and Vertices Mode, so it also works when simply highlighting a linedef or vertex. When doing smart grid transform on a linedef it'll also use the vertex closest to the mouse cursor as the origin instead of always the start vertex
- Apr 10, 2020
- Apr 07, 2020
biwa authored
- Apr 04, 2020
- Apr 02, 2020
biwa authored
- Mar 29, 2020
biwa authored
Aligning textures on the X axis now works correctly with negative scale values when world panning is not enabled.
- Mar 21, 2020
biwa authored
Fixes for raisesectortonearest and lowersectortonearest action when used on slope handles to account for float rounding errors
- Mar 19, 2020
biwa authored
- Mar 14, 2020
biwa authored
- Feb 24, 2020
- Feb 23, 2020
biwa authored
- Added action to slope selected floors/ceilings between selected slope handles (default key: Ctrl-F) - Added Shift-W as default key to toggle visual slope picking
biwa authored
- If geometry is selected and the geometry the modified slope handle belongs to is not selected it will now also be modified - Made the slope handles hover closer to the geometry
- Feb 22, 2020
- Feb 19, 2020
- Feb 16, 2020