- Nov 25, 2018
Marco Z authored
- Nov 23, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
Add myargmalloc boolean to detect whether we allocated myargv ourselves or not, so we don't free myargv if we didn't
Marco Z authored
SteelT authored
Marco Z authored
- Nov 21, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
Fix servers disappearing from the server list when you refresh, by forcefully closing connnections to the servers immediately after sending ASKINFO. Also force close connections to old server list when refreshing, because we don't need to hear from them anymore full stop.
- Nov 19, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
Fix the nonsense going on here regarding dc_colormap, this makes FOF walls appear strange if they were for a fog block with colormap adjacent to a normal sector with a colormap and no FOFs. ...that was a mouthful
Monster Iestyn authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Make sure GetMODVersion and its console equiv properly detect failing to get a reply from the MS, also added extra console/menu messages
Alam Ed Arias authored
- Nov 15, 2018
SteelT authored
- Nov 14, 2018
SteelT authored
Alam Ed Arias authored
Alam Ed Arias authored
Fix stringop-truncation: ‘strncpy’ output truncated before terminating nul copying 8 bytes from a string of the same length
Alam Ed Arias authored
Fix =sizeof-pointer-memaccess: argument to ‘sizeof’ in ‘strncpy’ call is the same expression as the source; did you mean to use the size of the destination?
Alam Ed Arias authored
Marco Z authored
Marco Z authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Marco Z authored
SteelT authored
- Nov 13, 2018
Marco Z authored
SteelT authored
Marco Z authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Fix OpenGL's HUD not being scaled the same way as Software's, by removing an old OpenGL-specific hack for fdupx/fdupy
Monster Iestyn authored
- Nov 12, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
Split camera initialisation code from P_SetupLevel, make sure the camera has an initial subsector set!
- Nov 10, 2018
Lactozilla authored
Lactozilla authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Made some efforts to improve efficiency of new code, hard to tell if I've made it better or worse though honestly R_IsEmptyLine is now a thing too btw
Monster Iestyn authored
More progress, NEWCLIP added to doomdef.h, sadly it actually all lags the game so I've disabled it for now Other notes: * on second thought I'll keep the hw_clip functions' gld prefixes rather than HWR, not like it matters either way * despite the extra lag it does fix the issues with translucent walls and such when displayed at different vertical angles, such as with the GFZ1 waterfall
Monster Iestyn authored
Other notes: * Renamed all new functions to have HWR_ prefix instead of gld_, for consistency * HWR_FrustrumSetup and HWR_SphereInFrustum are disabled and require HAVE_SPHEREFRUSTRUM. This is because 1) SRB2CB did not need the code, so presumably neither will we, and 2) there are some OpenGL API functions used there that due to our way of using OpenGL we don't use outside of r_opengl.c, which makes dealing with HWR_FrustrumSetup complicated in theory * The new clipping functions are not added to OpenGL's "main" rendering code itself just yet, they're just available to use now once hw_clip.h is included
- Nov 08, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Monster Iestyn authored
* Move the misc types in the file to bottom, so that ATTRPACK at least is usable for RGBA_t * Include endian.h, so that UINT2RGBA can be defined correctly for big endian builds * Add more comments to make clear the main sections of the file
Monster Iestyn authored
Monster Iestyn authored
Remove FUNCMATH from functions with a void return value or args, or examine variables other than their args (which could be modified)