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Ashnal requested to merge bird/Kart-Public:afktimer into master

Adds an afktimer

Default off. Keeps track of player inputs with a timer. Whenever input changes, the timer is reset. Whenever the node sends a netxcmd, the timer is reset.

Defaults off, but has four CVARS:

  • afkspectimer - how long someone must be idle to be forced spectator in seconds
  • afkspecignoreadmins - whether force spec applies to admins
  • afkkicktimer - how long someone must be idle to be kicked in seconds
  • afkkickignoreadmins - whether kicking applies to admins

EDIT: Only will force spectate during races, after the race start countdown.

Now only has two cvars:

  • afkspectimer - On/Off, whether the force spectate feature is active.
  • afkkicktimer - how long someone must be idle to be kicked in seconds
Edited by Sal

Merge request reports