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Battle item balance

Sal requested to merge battle-item-balance into next

Small tweak we tested in v2. Adjusted Battle item odds to make matches last a shorter amount of time. Aggressive plays are slightly more encouraged. Doesn't completely solve the wasting time/camping problems Battle has, but that requires a complex solution that has to be saved for v2.

  • Far more inclined to give you Orbinaut, Jawz, Invincibility, and Grow. Far less inclined to give you Bananas or Sneakers. Obviously, this makes matches last far less time because there's much less time wasted on everyone just waiting on an item roll that they can use.
  • Item odds no longer scale with bumper count differences. This just muddied up item balancing by making it so that strong items felt like they had to be saved for the losers only. Now everyone's on an equal playing field at all times. Besides, we have other mechanics to handle catching up (WANTED and Karma).
Edited by Sal

Merge request reports