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U-turn mitigation + Item scaling Ring Racers' backports

Sal requested to merge rr-item-cruncher into next
  • Item distance is done in a "conga line" instead of a "spider web". This helps mitigate U-turns when there's more players.
  • Item distance bracket scaling was halved from the odds scaling, so distance brackets are changed significantly less.
  • SPB's item bracket distance scaling for 2nd place matches 1v1 behavior, like the odds scaling does, instead of an random arbitrary bonus.
  • SPB odds multiplier is smoother.
  • Fixed inconsistency with SPB starting distance.
  • Drastically increased Hyu cooldown (5sec -> 20sec).

Looking for community testing / feedback for this.

Testing EXE (Last updated: 9/2/22, 10:55PM EST): srb2kart_rr-item-cruncher.exe

Not compatible with v1.5, so netgames WILL desync if the client and server aren't both using it.

Edited by Sal

Merge request reports