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  • toaster's avatar
    Now it's CA_TWINSPIN's turn to get the improvements! · 8f6973cb
    toaster authored
    * Remove PF_THOKKED every time a successful damage bounce occours.
    * When this happens, spawn a number of particles based on thokitem at half scale! (Optimised, again, for MT_LHRT.)
    * Also spawn these particles when a successful spring boost occours, as well as playing a twisted spring sound.
    Also, some other related tweaks:
    * Optimisations to A_VultureBlast, which was used as a base for the particle creation.
    * Make the Metal Sonic boss use P_PlayerCanDamage instead of a custom, somewhat broken player damage detection mechanism.
    * P_SpawnGhostMobj takes colorized into account.
    * Fold Tails propeller damage into P_PlayerCanDamage.
    * When performing an Attraction Blast, place the player in roll frames.
    * Update all conditions preventing SH_PINK to incorporate thokitem and spinitem as well.
    * Buff MT_LHRT travel distance at slow speeds.