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  • toaster's avatar
    Whoops, I did some menu stuff in here. Oh well. · bc066a16
    toaster authored
    * Add "Infinite" option to cv_cooplives, inspired by SUBARASHII. Lives still exist, but are hidden from the player's view, and are prevented from falling below 1 at any cost. As a result, made the variable CV_CHEAT.
    OTHER MULTIPLAYER BASED (semi-related):
    * Made cv_autobalance an on/off switch which determines the allowed difference based on the number of people in the server, instead of a weird and opaque number from 0-4.
    MENU BASED (not related):
    * Add horizontal arrows to menu options which respond to the arrow keys.
    * Make the menu arrows bob.
    * Switch out the seperate arrows for combination arrows on the joystick menus.
    * Minor cvar description tweaks.