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  • toaster's avatar
    * Implement fixes/tweaks as written on the gitlab. · bf761a26
    toaster authored
        * `SPR2_NTAG` last vestiges removal.
        * Removed need for `getskinfromdescription()` by calculating it once, at Menu load, and storing in `description_t`.
        * Fixed nametag colour issues.
        * Support widescreen with nametags.
    * Fix a metric SHITTON of compiler errors.
        * Redefining `x` and `y` within scope of previous `x` and `y` (`M_DrawSetupChoosePlayerMenu`)
        * GCC straight up will not let you cast a `const char*` to a `char` (`V_DrawNameTag`)
        * Redefining `lines` within the scope of the global.
        * Redefining `string` within the function-specific `string`.
        * It would be recommended for y'alls to turn ERRORMODE on!