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Lua cutscene drawing

Golden requested to merge Golden/SRB2:lua-cutscenes into next

Format: function(cutsceneNum, sceneNum, timeSinceStart)

  • cutsceneNum:
    If -1 this is the ending cutscene.
    If 0 this is the default intro cutscene.
    If >0 this is a custom cutscene.

  • sceneNum:
    If 0 this is the Sonic Team Jr. presents screen (only possible during the intro cutscene.)
    If >0 this is just a regular scene.

  • timeSinceStart:
    This is the time since the start of the current scene.

During the intro cutscene and ending cutscene, Lua is sent another argument: sceneEnd.
This variable tells you when the current scene is going to end.

This merge request also adds:

  • The ability to disable the ending cutscene via hud.disable("endingcutscene").

Merge request reports