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Make NiGHTS super consistent with regular super (Closes #520 for real this time)

SMS Alfredo requested to merge SMS_Alfredo/SRB2:nonightsever into next

This merge makes it so that when you have SF_SUPER, you use super sprites in NiGHTS, but don't otherwise. SF_NOSUPERSPRITES and SF_NONIGHTSSUPER will override this behavior and make you not use super sprites in NiGHTS.

Also makes it so that the SF_NONIGHTSSUPER check uses player->charflags rather than checking the skin's flags directly. Plus, any NiGHTS sprites that had super SPR2s as defaults have been made non-super, as this merge makes it redundant.

Use this wad to test this merge. Holding Custom 1 gives you SF_NONIGHTSSUPER, not holding it removes the flag.


Edited by SMS Alfredo

Merge request reports