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Make A_Action super act as expected

Sal requested to merge TehRealSalt/SRB2:action-super-fix into next

Calling super on an A_Action actually steps back through the previous mods' overwrites of it, instead of just being literally only a call-back to hardcoded version. Additionally, lifts the restriction of super only working when called by states. The only restriction remaining is that it only works for hardcoded actions (it'd be pretty sick to make it work for Lua A_Actions, but that is way out of the scope of this branch and my patience lol).

Fixes #718 (closed)

Test EXE: srb2win_super-fix.exe Test file; has a ton of A_MonitorPop replacements, all calling super a bunch of different ways: test-super-func.pk3

I've also been testing with edited versions of some WADs that need to modify A_MonitorPop to do powerup shenanigans (Tether, Mario), where it seems to work exactly as expected.

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