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Draft: Lua colormap lib

Lactozilla requested to merge Lactozilla/SRB2:lua-colormap-lib into next
Function Parameters Description Returns
color.paletteToRgb uint8 palette_index Converts a palette index into RGB values Red, green, blue values
color.rgbToPalette uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, table rgb, string rgb_web_color Converts RGB values into a palette index Palette index
color.hslToRgb uint8 h, uint8 s, uint8 l, table hsl Converts an HSL color into RGB values Red, green, blue values
color.rgbToHsl uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, table rgb, string rgb_web_color Converts RGB values into HSL colors Hue, saturation, lightness values
color.rgbToHex uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, [uint8 a], table rgb, table rgba, string rgb_web_color, string rgba_web_color Converts an RGBA color into an HTML color Web color string
color.hexToRgb string rgb_web_color, string rgba_web_color Converts an HTML color into RGBA values Red, green, blue (and alpha) values


local rgb = { 255, 0, 0 }
local index = color.rgbToPalette(rgb) -- Returns palette index 35

local r, g, b = color.paletteToRgb(index) -- Returns 255, 0, 0
local h, s, l = color.rgbToHsl(r, g, b) -- Returns 0, 255, 128

h = 170 -- Makes a blue-ish color

r, g, b = color.hslToRgb(h, s, l) -- Returns 1, 1, 255
index = color.rgbToPalette(r, g, b) -- Returns palette index 152

hex = color.rgbToHex(r, g, b) -- Returns #0101FF
hex = color.rgbToHex(r, g, b, 128) -- Returns #0101FF80

hex = "#09C" -- Some very light blue
r, g, b = color.hexToRgb(hex) -- Returns 0, 153, 204

index = color.rgbToPalette(hex) -- Returns palette index 135
index = color.rgbToPalette("#0099CC") -- Same as above

index = color.rgbToPalette("#FA0") -- Some orange-ish color
index = color.rgbToPalette("FA0") -- Same as above
index = color.rgbToPalette("FFAA00") -- Same as above
Function Parameters Description Returns
colormap.create "default", "skin", string name, "skincolor", enum skincolor, "rgb", uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b/table rgb/string web_color Creates a colormap Colormap
colormap.generate or colormap:generate colormap map, "default", colormap map, "skin", string name, colormap map, "skincolor", enum skincolor, colormap map, "rgb", uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b/table rgb/string rgb_web_color Same as above over an existing colormap Colormap
colormap.mix or colormap:mix colormap mapA, colormap/translation mapB, uint8 amount, [alphastyle mode, int start, int length] Mixes two colormaps together Nothing
colormap.blend or colormap:blend colormap map, uint8 palette_index/table rgb/table rgba/string rgba_web_color, uint8 amount, [alphastyle mode, int start, int length] Blends a color into a colormap Nothing
colormap.tint or colormap:tint colormap map, uint8 palette_index/table rgb/table rgba/string rgba_web_color, [uint8 amount, int start, int length] Tints a colormap Nothing
colormap.copy or colormap:copy colormap mapA, colormap/translation mapB, [int start, int length] Copies a colormap into another Nothing
colormap.copySkincolor or colormap:copySkincolor colormap mapA, enum skincolor, [int start, int length] Copies a skin color into a colormap Nothing

If functions are called like this colmap:func(...), the first colormap parameter can be omitted.

Access Description Returns Accepts
map[i] Gets and sets a color index from a colormap Palette index Palette index

v.getColormap returns a translation (immutable by Lua), colormap.create creates a colormap (mutable by Lua)


extra_colormap now accessible from sectors

Field Description Returns Accepts
r Red color channel uint8 uint8
g Green color channel uint8 uint8
b Blue color channel uint8 uint8
a Alpha channel uint8 uint8
rgba RGBA channels uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a table rgb, table rgba, string rgb_web_color, string rgba_web_color
fade_r Red fade color channel uint8 uint8
fade_g Green fade color channel uint8 uint8
fade_b Blue fade color channel uint8 uint8
fade_a Fade color alpha uint8 uint8
fade_rgba Fade color channels uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a table rgb, table rgba, string rgb_web_color, string rgba_web_color
fade_start Fade start uint8 uint8
fade_end Fade end uint8 uint8
colormap Light table lighttable Cannot be set
Access Description Returns
lighttable table[row] Gets a row (indexes range from 1 to 34) from a light table Translation for the specified row


Function Parameters Description Returns
P_GetSectorColormapAt sector sec, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z Returns the sector sec's color at the specified XYZ coordinates. sec can be nil, making the call equivalent to P_GetSectorColormapAt(R_PointInSubsector(x, y).sector, x, y, z) Sector colormap (extracolormap_t)
Edited by Lactozilla

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