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Exposed floor/ceiling offsets and light reference to Lua.

Floor variables from sector_t

Name Type Accessibility Description/Notes
floorxoffset fixed_t Read+Write The X coordinate of sectors' floor texture in the map, in fracunits.
flooryoffset fixed_t Read+Write The Y coordinate of sectors' floor texture in the map, in fracunits.
floorangle angle_t Read+Write The angle of sectors' floor texture in the map. in degrees
floorlightsec int32 Read+Write Reference to the other sector's light level on the floor.

Ceiling variables from sector_t

Name Type Accessibility Description/Notes
ceilingxoffset fixed_t Read+Write The X coordinate of sectors' ceiling texture in the map, in fracunits.
ceilingyoffset fixed_t Read+Write The Y coordinate of sectors' ceiling texture in the map, in fracunits.
ceilingangle angle_t Read+Write The angle of sectors' floor texture in the map. in degrees
ceilinglightsec int32 Read+Write Reference to the other sector's light level on the ceiling.

srb20318 srb20941 srb20716

srb2win-lua-texture-offsets-expose.exe test.lua

Edited by Skydusk

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