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Allow setting NiGHTS hoop pitch & yaw in degrees (in binary map format)

sphere requested to merge nightshoopsanity into next

This small branch allows setting the pitch & yaw of NiGHTS hoops in a slightly more sane way, toggled by changing its parameter/extrainfo value:

  • Angle/yaw can be set normally, corresponding to values 0-359.
    • Unlike the current method, an angle of 0 points east instead of north, matching basically all other objects.
  • Pitch is set by adding or subtracting multiples of 360.
    • Since a mapthing's angle field takes a value between -32768 to 32767, it can fit 180 degrees of pitch rotation, from 90*360 = 32400 to -90*360 = -32400.

For example, a hoop facing northeast, pointing diagonally downwards would have a value of 45 - (45*360) = -16155. This method plays nicely with the "loop" feature from ZBU, coming to ZB soon:


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