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Music options cleanup + bugfixes

sphere requested to merge cleanupmusic into next

This started as a simple streamlining of the Music Options menu, but grew into a little more than that.

  • Digital & MIDI music handling has been consolidated as much as possible, with the "Music Preference" option becoming the main way to switch between the two
  • Fixed post-boss music being reset to boss music, when dying in a boss stage without reloading the map (Fixes #76)
  • Fixed LoopTitle not being applied in certain situations (Fixes #273)
  • Exposed MUSIC_ flags to Lua (Fixes #980)
  • Removed "Let levels force reset music" option because why was this even a thing that could be overridden
  • Removed leftover LENGTHMS code & associated devmode warnings

image srb22175

Edited by sphere

Merge request reports