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Fix A_ConnectToGround's Handling of Scaled Mobjs

Zwip-Zwap Zapony requested to merge Zwip-Zwap_Zapony/SRB2:a_scaletoground into next

A_ConnectToGround is used to make objects spawn more objects down to the ground, letting algae, cacti, palm trees, et cetera be placed at any height and automatically fill the area beneath(/above) with more objects. In the process, it scales the Z offset by the actor mobj's scale - which then gets scaled again by P_SpawnMobjFromMobj, causing every object to be "height x scale x scale" apart instead of "height x scale"! This merge request fixes that; fixes #1038 (closed).

It possibly fixes some Z interpolation issues related to the spawning and/or the actor being moved after all spawns as well.

Example test map: PalmTest.wad


TL;DR: Fixed UDMF-scaled algae, cacti, palm trees, and HHZ trees not connecting properly to the ground

Edited by Zwip-Zwap Zapony

Merge request reports