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[any-resolution] Fix OpenGL Screen Texture Resolution

Fixes !2069 not increasing the OpenGL screen texture render resolution beyond 2048x2048 when using high resolutions. Fixes [this report on Discord], but I don't have a big enough monitor to show comparison images for that.

Also fixes the OpenGL screen texture resolution being determined by the window's width, instead of its width and height. This fixes the same "stretched view boundary" issue as above, but for when the width is below a power-of-two that the height is above (e.g. 400x800, where the screen texture would become 512x512 instead of 1024x1024). See the below images.

(Also now only calculates the screen texture resolution when the window size changes, instead of once for every function call that uses it.)

Before After
image image


TL;DR: Fixed an OpenGL issue for !2069

Edited by Zwip-Zwap Zapony

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