Change MAXSKINS from 256 to 255
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+ 4
− 4
@@ -244,12 +244,12 @@ extern char logfilename[1024];
!1466 (merged) increased MAXSKINS
from 32 to 256, with a comment saying that it mustn't be set higher than 256 as some pieces of code use an 8-bit integer (0 to 255, or 256 different values) for skin numbers.
However, some of those pieces reserve a value of -1 (255) to mean "no skin", leaving only 0 to 254, or 255 different values, free for skins to occupy. This merge request reduces MAXSKINS
to 255 so that a 256th skin won't conflict with "no skin".
For changelog purposes, this should be bundled into the "Raise the skin limit" part.