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Some fixes for portals

Monster Iestyn requested to merge portal-fix into next

Specifically the following things are fixed in this branch:

  • a memory leak resulting from not clearing away clipping-related arrays each tic you view a portal
  • a very specific crash to do with portals sometimes (unintentionally) using a hack on drawsegs that don't actually belong to them ...which results in a crash if the drawsegs in question have midtextures. I reported it on the MB a year ago, with a test map included there:
  • another specific crash to do with mirrored (horizontally flipped) sprites that are scaled, particularly when you cover up the left edge of them via portals at the least. Needs more testing to be absolutely sure this is fixed, and is also reproducable in the test map linked in the post above

May be fine to merge changes into master too, I don't really know exactly

Merge request reports