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fcam simple controls but slightly less hacky

colette requested to merge fickleheart/SRB2:next-newcontrols into next

notable things:

  • ability direction menu option is replaced with a play style submenu
  • camera options now has headings and is super-expanded in simple controls mode
  • all camera features from that mod I released on the MB
  • G_BuildTiccmd/2 consolidated into one function because fuuuuuuuck keeping the two in sync
  • relevant cvars are declared as two-long arrays instead of having to manually juggle things like cam_dist/cam2_dist (imo this should be done with all cvars/commands that are duplicated per local player but I didn't wanna bloat the mr)

internal differences from the mod version:

  • instead of using a new abilitydirection cvar, simple controls is now defined as "configanalog plus directionchar both on". (for classic analog, use configanalog on and directionchar off, you fucking masochist)
  • ticcmd forwardmove/sidemove are no longer destroyed, and instead the camera angle is used as angleturn (just like analog mode!). some movement code was tweaked to accomodate this, but it should feel identical in control to the mod version
  • fixed spycam for simple control users being a total trash fire
  • added G_ControlStyle (for ticcmd generation) and P_ControlStyle (for player physics) macros to simplify distinguishing different control styles, as well as an enum for the various options (this considers directionchar on/off as separate "Standard"/"Legacy" control styles just like the mod)
  • CS_LMAOGALOG is my and toaster's combined magnum opus of variable names

thank you for considering this code

Edited by colette

Merge request reports