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To run a merge request pipeline, the jobs in the CI/CD configuration file must be configured to run in merge request pipelines and you must have sufficient permissions in the source project.
Introducing Marathon Run. (I was going to call it Marathon Mode, but NiGHTS Mode being right next to it on the menu looked terrible.)
Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features.
Benefits include:
Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include:
Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
For public consumption and testing, at least until 2.2.5 is a thing (fingers crossed y'alls are happy with this): srb2win_marathonmode.exe (LAST UPDATED: 21:36 GMT 15/05/2020)
To run a merge request pipeline, the jobs in the CI/CD configuration file must be configured to run in merge request pipelines and you must have sufficient permissions in the source project.