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Commit dc4fc81c authored by James R.'s avatar James R.
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Update replay format to Kart 1.1

parent b08fcdb0
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1 merge request!1Update replay parser to Kart 1.1 demo format
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class ReplayParser
'speed' => $info['kartspeed'],
'weight' => $info['kartweight'],
$replay = new Replay([
'race_tics' => $info['racetime'],
'lap_tics' => $info['laptime'],
......@@ -57,12 +57,47 @@ class ReplayParser
return $checksum;
protected function skipFileList(string $p, int $off) : int
// PHP sucks and I don't like it.
$total = unpack('C', $p, $off)[1];
for ($off++; $total--;)
// file name
// Basically memchr to find the terminating byte.
if (( $n = strpos($p, "\0", $off) - $off + 1 ) < 64)
$off += $n;
$off += 64;
$off += 16; // checksum
return $off;
protected function skipNetVars(string $p, int $off) : int
$total = unpack('v', $p, $off)[1];
for ($off += 2; $total--;)
// netid, string value, and stealth flag.
$off = ( strpos($p, "\0", $off + 2) + 1 ) + 1;
return $off;
protected function parseInfo(string $replayContents) : array
return unpack($this->replayFormat(), $replayContents);
$header = unpack($this->replayHeaderFormat(), $replayContents);
$off = $this->skipFileList($replayContents, 120);
$timing = unpack($this->replayRecordFormat(), $replayContents, $off);
// Skip Record Attack info, random seed and extrainfo offset.
// Also skip demo player number.
$off = $this->skipNetVars($replayContents, $off + 16) + 1;
$player = unpack($this->replayPlayerFormat(), $replayContents, $off);
return array_merge($header, $timing, $player);
protected function validateStructure(string $header, string $playString, int $demoFlags) : void
if ($header !== "\xF0" . 'KartReplay' . "\x0F") {
......@@ -102,7 +137,7 @@ class ReplayParser
protected function replayFormat() : string
protected function replayHeaderFormat() : string
$props = [
// Header - should equal "\xF0" "KartReplay" "\x0F"
......@@ -112,6 +147,9 @@ class ReplayParser
'c' . 'version',
'c' . 'subversion',
'v' . 'demoversion',
// Replay title, which we don't actually need.
'a64' . 'UNUSED',
// Checksum
'a16' . 'checksum',
......@@ -127,21 +165,32 @@ class ReplayParser
// Demo flags - This % 6 == 2 or replay is invalid
'c' . 'demoflags',
return implode('/', $props);
protected function replayRecordFormat() : string
$props = [
// Time/lap
'V' . 'racetime',
'V' . 'laptime',
return implode('/', $props);
// Random seed. We don't care about this but it's in the way.
'V' . 'UNUSED',
protected function replayPlayerFormat() : string
$props = [
// Player attributes
'Z16' . 'name',
'Z16' . 'skin',
'Z16' . 'color',
// Stats that aren't relevant for us
'c5' . 'UNUSED',
// Score; not relavent for us
'V' . 'UNUSED',
// Kart stats, to differentiate between characters with the same name and different stats.
'c' . 'kartspeed',
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