Add gamepad library and hooks for Lua scripting
Merge !1870 (merged) first.
Example script: gamepad-lib-test.lua
Lua documentation
userdata fields:
Field | Accepts | Returns | Description |
#gamepad |
integer | This returns the gamepad number. Gamepad numbers are 1-indexed. | |
gamepad.connected |
boolean | This field returns true if the gamepad is connected, and false otherwise. |
gamepad.type |
string | This field returns the type of the gamepad. | |
gamepad.isXbox |
boolean |
true if the gamepad is an Xbox controller; false if otherwise. |
gamepad.isPlayStation |
boolean |
true if the gamepad is a PlayStation controller; false if otherwise. |
gamepad.isNintendoSwitch |
boolean |
true if the gamepad is a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, a Joy-Con L, a Joy-Con R, or Joy-Con in the Joy-Con Grip; false if otherwise. |
gamepad.isJoyCon |
boolean |
true if the gamepad is a Joy-Con L, or a Joy-Con R; false if otherwise. |
gamepad.hasRumble |
boolean |
true if the gamepad has haptic feedback capabilities; false if otherwise. |
gamepad.isRumbling |
boolean |
true if rumble is active in the gamepad; false if otherwise. |
gamepad.isRumblePaused |
boolean | boolean | This field will return true if the current haptic effect on the gamepad is paused, and false if it isn't. It can be set to pause the effect. |
gamepad.largeMotorFrequency |
fixed point value | fixed point value | The frequency of the large motor. This is usually physically located on the left side of a gamepad. |
gamepad.smallMotorFrequency |
fixed point value | fixed point value | The frequency of the small motor. This is usually physically located on the right side of a gamepad. |
userdata functions:
Function | Parameters | Description | Returns |
gamepad:isButtonDown |
string button |
Checks if a gamepad button is down. | boolean |
gamepad:getAxis |
string axis, [fixed_t applyDeadzone] |
Returns the value of an axis, from -FRACUNIT to FRACUNIT . For triggers, this always returns a value from 0 to FRACUNIT . applyDeadzone is true by default. |
fixed point value |
gamepad:getStick |
"left" or "right", [fixed_t applyDeadzone] |
Returns the X and Y values of a stick, from -FRACUNIT to FRACUNIT . applyDeadzone is true by default. |
two fixed point values |
gamepad:getTrigger |
"left" or "right", [fixed_t applyDeadzone] |
Returns the value of a stick, from 0 to FRACUNIT . applyDeadzone is true by default. |
fixed point value |
gamepad:getButtonName |
string button |
Returns the name of a button. This may vary depending on the gamepad type. This is useful for displaying in e.g. menus. | string |
gamepad:getAxisName |
string axis |
Returns the name of an axis. This may vary depending on the gamepad type. This is useful for displaying in e.g. menus. | string |
gamepad:getTriggerName |
"left" or "right"
Returns the name of a trigger. This may vary depending on the gamepad type. This is useful for displaying in e.g. menus. | string |
gamepad:rumble |
fixed_t large_motor_frequency, [fixed_t small_motor_frequency, [tic_t duration]] |
Changes the frequency of the gamepad's motors. If the small motor's frequency is nil , it'll be set to the large motor's frequency. If duration is nil or 0 , the motors rotate forever, until they're stopped or their frequency changes. |
true is succeeded, false if not |
gamepad:stopRumble |
Stops the motors on the gamepad from rotating. | string |
Button names:
Name | Description |
"a" |
Bottom face button |
"b" |
Right face button |
"x" |
Left face button |
"y" |
Top face button |
"back" |
Back button |
"guide" |
Guide button |
"start" |
Start |
"left-stick" |
Left stick click |
"right-stick" |
Right stick click |
"left-shoulder" |
Left shoulder |
"right-shoulder" |
Right shoulder |
"dpad-up" |
D-Pad Up |
"dpad-down" |
D-Pad Down |
"dpad-left" |
D-Pad Left |
"dpad-right" |
D-Pad Right |
"misc1" |
Depends on the type of the controller; if you want to know, check the controller type, or try using gamepad:getButtonName("misc1")
"paddle1" |
P1 Paddle (Xbox Elite controllers) |
"paddle2" |
P2 Paddle (Xbox Elite controllers) |
"paddle3" |
P3 Paddle (Xbox Elite controllers) |
"paddle4" |
P4 Paddle (Xbox Elite controllers) |
"touchpad" |
Touchpad button (PlayStation 4 and 5 controllers) |
Axis names:
Name | Description |
"left-x" |
Left stick X |
"left-y" |
Left stick Y |
"right-x" |
Right stick X |
"right-y" |
Right stick Y |
"trigger-left" |
Left trigger |
"trigger-right" |
Right trigger |
Gamepad types:
Type |
"xbox-360" |
"xbox-one" |
"xbox-series-xs" |
"xbox-elite" |
"ps3" |
"ps4" |
"ps5" |
"switch-pro" |
"switch-joy-con-grip" |
"switch-joy-con-left" |
"switch-joy-con-right" |
"stadia" |
"amazon-luna" |
"steam-controller" |
"virtual" |
"unknown" |
Functions added:
Function | Parameters | Description | Returns |
input.getPlayerGamepad |
player_t player |
Returns a gamepad for a specific player. If the specified player isn't "local" to the system running the game, this returns nil . |
gamepad |
Hooks added:
Function | Parameters | Description |
GamepadButtonDown |
gamepad gamepad, string button |
Called when a button in the gamepad is pressed. button is the button name. Works just like KeyDown . |
GamepadButtonUp |
gamepad gamepad, string button |
Called when a button in the gamepad is no longer being pressed. button is the button name. Works just like KeyUp . |
GamepadAdded |
gamepad gamepad |
Called when a gamepad is added. |
GamepadRemoved |
gamepad gamepad |
Called when a gamepad is removed. |
Field | Description |
#gamepads |
Returns how many gamepads may be connected at once. Always returns 2 . |
gamepads[n] |
Returns the n-th gamepad. This is 1-indexed. |
gamepads.iterate |
Iterates through all connected gamepads. |
Edited by Lactozilla
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