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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Aug 18, 2021
  2. Oct 11, 2020
  3. Oct 10, 2020
  4. Dec 26, 2019
  5. Dec 24, 2019
  6. Nov 02, 2019
  7. Apr 03, 2017
  8. Jan 14, 2017
  9. Jan 06, 2017
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Things mode, Visual mode: added the ability to specify minimum/maximum... · 1c684f72
      MaxED authored
      Added, Things mode, Visual mode: added the ability to specify minimum/maximum argument range hint shapes using special DECORATE comments and Game Configuration properties (loosely based on range finder patch by Xabis).
      Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Action Argument Settings" and "DECORATE keys" pages).
  10. Dec 28, 2016
  11. Dec 27, 2016
  12. Dec 22, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Textures Browser: redesigned textures list. Textures preview size can... · 447851e4
      MaxED authored
      Added, Textures Browser: redesigned textures list. Textures preview size can now be changed from the Textures Browser window. Folders are now shown in the textures list.
      Fixed, Script Editor: Find and Replace window now sets keyboard focus to the input textbox when opening the window/switching between tabs.
      Fixed, Nodes Viewer mode: SEGS overflows were not handled, causing a crash. Also extended SEGS limit is now used.
      Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_SetSize).
  13. Nov 26, 2016
  14. Oct 24, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Game configurations: added "ignoreddirectories" parameter. It lists... · 9908e411
      MaxED authored
      Added, Game configurations: added "ignoreddirectories" parameter. It lists directory names to be ignored when loading PK3/PK7/Directory resources.
      Added, Game configurations: added "ignoredextensions" parameter. It lists file extensions to be ignored when loading PK3/PK7/Directory resources.
      Updated: sector triangulation logic now works ~20% faster.
      Changed: a case when a pk3/pk7 archive contains several entries with identical filename is now treated as a warning, not as an error.
      Fixed, Visual mode: absolute floor/ceiling brightness should not be affected by brightness transfer effects (like 3d floors).
      Fixed, Draw Lines mode: in some cases unclosed sectors were created when several points were successively drawn at the same location.
      Updated documentation. 
  15. Oct 11, 2016
  16. Oct 04, 2016
  17. Sep 07, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added Rendering toolbar items to the View menu. · c9f125aa
      MaxED authored
      Merged "Toggle models, dynamic lights and fog rendering" and "Toggle Geometry Effects" actions into "Toggle Enhanced Rendering Effects" action.
      Removed "Dynamic light size" and "Dynamic light intensity" settings.
      Updated documentation ("Rendering toolbar" page).
  18. Sep 06, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Updated, Visual mode, UDMF: "Change Texture Scale" actions now take camera and... · 6faa88f9
      MaxED authored
      Updated, Visual mode, UDMF: "Change Texture Scale" actions now take camera and texture angles into account when used on floors/ceilings.
      Changed: "+++" and "---" prefixes are now incremented on the first step instead of the second when used in any numeric inputs, which support prefixes, except action arguments.
      Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: texture offset/scale/rotation changes were applied several times when used on several 3d-floor floors/ceilings linked to the same control sector, when using "Move Texture Offsets" / "Change Texture Scale" / "Rotate Texture CW/CCW" actions.
      Updated ZDoom ACC (DamageActor).
      Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (DamageActor).
  19. Sep 05, 2016
  20. Jul 15, 2016
  21. Jul 14, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added LOCKDEFS parser. · 09e1eef9
      MaxED authored
      Changed, Game Configurations: changed "basegame" value type from int to string.
      Updated documentation.
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, DECORATE: added "//$ArgNRenderStyle" special comment. It allows to... · 9a6d3ea8
      MaxED authored
      Added, DECORATE: added "//$ArgNRenderStyle" special comment. It allows to specify a rendering shape to display the value of given argument. Supported values are "circle" and "rectangle".
      Added, DECORATE: added "//$ArgNRenderColor" special comment. It allows to specify a color used by the rendering shape.
      Updated documentation.
  22. Jun 15, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added "Split Joined Sectors" Edit menu item and toolbar button. When enabled,... · 59c4a75b
      MaxED authored
      Added "Split Joined Sectors" Edit menu item and toolbar button. When enabled, joined sectors adjacent to drawn lines will be split.
      Added "doomthingrotationangles" Game Configuration property. When enabled, editor actions related to changing thing angle will snap the resulting angle to 45 degree increments. This property is set to true for vanilla game configurations.
      Fixed a crash when changing game configuration from one without Thing actions support to one with them while in Things mode.
      Fixed, cosmetic, DB2 bug: current editing mode button was deselected after reloading resources.
      Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).
  23. May 24, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added SNDINFO parser. Currently only the "$ambient" command is parsed. The... · 578135ca
      MaxED authored
      Added SNDINFO parser. Currently only the "$ambient" command is parsed. The values are used to update the titles of "Ambient Sound NN" things and to populate "ambient_sounds" Game Configuration enum.
      Fixed, DECORATE parser: actors, which used "replaces" keyword and didn't have DoomEdNum were ignored.
      Updated documentation ("(G)ZDoom text lumps support" page).
  24. May 18, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added "safeboundary" game configuration property. The value determines the... · ecb65025
      MaxED authored
      Added "safeboundary" game configuration property. The value determines the maximum map bounding box size considered to be safe by "Check map size" error check.
      Changed, Map Analysis mode: some checks are now available only under certain conditions (for example, "Check polyobjects" is now available only when the map is in Hexen or UDMF map format).
      Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added: sectors are now split into multiple sectors when their shape is divided... · 77611bd8
      MaxED authored
      Added: sectors are now split into multiple sectors when their shape is divided into several closed shapes by drawing new geometry or dragging existing geometry using Edit Selection and Drag Geometry modes.
      Fixed: in some cases sidedefs belonging to linedefs, which were moved on top of existing linedefs, were incorrectly reassigned when applying Edit Selection and Drag Geometry modes.
      Fixed: Tag Explorer update fix from R2630 was accidentally placed in an UDMF-only if-block.
      Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_WeaponOffset).
      Updated documentation ("(G)ZDoom text lumps support" page).
  25. May 13, 2016
  26. May 10, 2016
  27. May 07, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Game configurations: added "sidedefcompressionignoresaction" property. When... · 95db4cc7
      MaxED authored
      Game configurations: added "sidedefcompressionignoresaction" property. When set to true, sidedefs will be compressed regardless of linedef action (DB2 behaviour). When set to false, sidedefs, which belong to a line with an action, will be skipped when compressing sidedefs. Default value is false.
  28. Apr 29, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added: holding Control key while switching to/from Visual mode will now... · 977adb47
      MaxED authored
      Added: holding Control key while switching to/from Visual mode will now temporarily disable position synchronization (works only when 'Synchronize camera position between 2D and 3D modes' Preferences option is enabled).
      Fixed severe lock-up after finishing dragging many vertices/linedefs/sectors in Classic modes.
      Updated documentation ("Synchronizing camera position").
  29. Apr 11, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Game configurations: added "Enum option + enum bits":26 action argument... · c861f8ec
      MaxED authored
      Added, Game configurations: added "Enum option + enum bits":26 action argument type. It can be used when an argument combines both exclusive and bit flag values.
      Updated, Game configurations: some linedef action arguments now use type 26.
      Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Action Argument Settings").
      Updated ZDoom ACC (APROP_MaxStepHeight and APROP_MaxDropOffHeight).
  30. Apr 07, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Game configurations: added "Polyobject number":25 argument type. When... · 1636be7b
      MaxED authored
      Added, Game configurations: added "Polyobject number":25 argument type. When set, used polyobject numbers will be displayed in the action argument dropdown.
      Added, Map Analysis mode: Polyobj_ExplicitLine action was not checked by "Check polyobjects" check. 
      Updated ZDoom_linedefs.cfg and Hexen_linedefs.cfg (polyobject number linedef args now have type 25).
      Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Action Argument Settings").
  31. Apr 04, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Game configurations: added "targetclasses" argument property. Can be... · dddb1bbf
      MaxED authored
      Added, Game configurations: added "targetclasses" argument property. Can be used with argument type 14 (Thing Tag). When set, only things of given classes will be shown in the argument dropdown list in Edit Things window.
      Changed, Classic modes: when "Fixed Things Scale" option is enabled, things will now switch to fixed size rendering mode when their visible size is less than 48 pixels.
      Changed, Classic modes: changed the fixed size of things with FixedSize setting to 28 pixels.
      Updated documentation ("targetclasses" argument property).
  32. Mar 14, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Draw Ellipse mode: angle setting can now be changed using "Rotate... · 23d2a27d
      MaxED authored
      Added, Draw Ellipse mode: angle setting can now be changed using "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise" actions.
      Added, Draw Line and Draw Curve modes: added "Auto-finish drawing" setting. When enabled, the modes will automatically finish drawing when currently drawn lines and already existing level geometry form a closed shape.
      Changed: sector-wise linedef flipping is now done using the new "Align Linedefs" action. "Flip Linedefs" action works the same as in DB2 again.
      Changed: when a map was already loaded, using "Open Map" action will use that map's directory as the starting directory.
      Changed: official IWADs can no longer be saved.
      Changed: disabled lump ranges/duplicate entries checks for official IWADs.
      Changed: wad type is now preserved when saving a map (previously all wads were saved as PWADs).
      Changed: moved Updater.exe launch much closer to the editor termination point to avoid any chance of it closing the editor before it properly closes itself.
      Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_Blast).
      Updated documentation.
  33. Mar 04, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Draw Grid mode: "Lock slices to grid" now operates in 4 modes: "None",... · b44023ab
      MaxED authored
      Added, Draw Grid mode: "Lock slices to grid" now operates in 4 modes: "None", "Horizontal", "Vertical" and "Both". Can be helpful when drawing ladders and such.
      Changed, all drawing modes: changeable drawing mode settings are now persistent.
      Changed: "Dynamic grid size" mode is now disabled when changing grid size manually.
      Documentation: "Command Line Parameters" topic contained a lot of incorrect information...
      Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
  34. Feb 26, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Linedef Edit window: added "Replace unused textures" checkbox. When... · e0208a38
      MaxED authored
      Added, Linedef Edit window: added "Replace unused textures" checkbox. When disabled, textures on unused sidedef parts won't be replaced when changing textures. For example, you can now replace sidedef textures of the whole map at once without assigning middle textures to all double-sided sidedefs.
      Updated documentation ("Compiling GZDoom Builder" - added "Quick start guide" section).
      Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
  35. Feb 25, 2016
  36. Feb 24, 2016
  37. Feb 23, 2016
  38. Feb 22, 2016
    • MaxED's avatar
      Added, Sector Edit window, UDMF: added UI for sector damage-realted properties. · 0f7aa9f8
      MaxED authored
      Added, DECORATE parser: damage types are now parsed.
      Added: the editor now reports duplicate textures/flats/patches/sprites/colormaps/voxels in the loaded wads.
      Added, all text parsers: added #region/#endregion support.
      Added TERRAIN parser.
      Added, Script Editor: added special handling for DECORATE special comments.
      Added, Sector Edit window, UDMF: Soundsequence value was setup incorrectly when showing the window for multiple sectors with mixed Soundsequence value. 
      Fixed, Map Options window: "Strictly load patches between P_START and P_END" was not applied when applying the changes.
      Fixed, MAPINFO parser: MapInfo should be treated as defined when a map MAPINFO block corresponding to current map is encountered even if it doesn't define any properties recognized by the editor.
      Fixed, all text parsers: in some cases error line was calculated incorrectly when reporting an error detected by a text parser.
      Cosmetic: changed ' to " in the rest of Error and Warning messages.
      Internal: added text resource tracking.
      Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
      Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).