- Jan 13, 2019
Latapostrophe authored
Expose some more Kart functions, freeplay and rankings bumpers are now hud stuff you can toggle, + experimental playercmd hook
- Nov 25, 2018
Marco Z authored
- Jul 06, 2016
ZTsukei authored
- May 18, 2016
Inuyasha authored
(no actual SLOC changes)
- May 01, 2016
Monster Iestyn authored
The idea is for the layman Lua user to understand better what range of values to use for mobj types, states, sfxs, player #s etc. Additionally, mobjinfo/states/sfxinfo/hudinfo tables all now have actual bound checks when accessing/editing them. Yikes, why didn't they have any before?!
- Jun 10, 2015
Yukita Mayako authored
That's supposed to be run once a frame, not once per hook per mobj per frame you moron. If you just run it seven thousand times a frame, of course your framerate will drop.
- May 21, 2015
Yukita Mayako authored
Angles now go from 0 to 0xFFFF (360 degrees == FRACUNIT) instead of using a full UINT32. Lua only has one number type, so signedness gets in the way of using angle_t directly. This handling of angles matches up with how ZDoom ACS scripting and the like does it. I also changed all the integer casts and pushes of fixed_t to their own macro in preperation for possible future seperation.
- Mar 21, 2014
Alam Ed Arias authored
- Mar 18, 2014
Alam Ed Arias authored
- Mar 15, 2014
Alam Ed Arias authored