- Sep 07, 2018
- Aug 29, 2018
Sal authored
1.) I mixed it up, so opponent win/lose quotes would play globally instead of your own 2.) You can't even play skin-specific sounds globally, so it'd always be Sonic
- Aug 28, 2018
Sal authored
Sal authored
- Following Oni's proposal. This means taunts are split into 2 types for offensive items and boost, 2 less hurt sounds, and there's another clip for using invincibility item (or whatever other powerful items we want to apply it to later; maybe size-down?) - Win/lose quotes are played at full volume for the person who said it. - A new sound effect plays when you hit someone with voices disabled. - Reduce amount of RNG being called from the vanilla P_Play[whatever]Sound functions - Added our skin sound constants to the dehacked list. - Unrelated: finish line sfx plays in splitscreen
- Aug 27, 2018
toaster authored
Fix that thing where item boxes just wouldn't respawn in battle if you nabbed them all too quickly (which is very likely to happen in large netgames where we have the great fortune of playing on battal bowl).
- Aug 26, 2018
toaster authored
https://git.magicalgirl.moe/STJr/SRB2.gittoaster authored
# Conflicts: # src/g_game.c # src/v_video.c
toaster authored
Dumbass copypaste rectified, stplyr is NOT valid in mobjthinker code. toaster, stop making commits to sonicitems
Sal authored
- Aug 25, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
v_video Killed The r_radio Star See merge request STJr/SRB2!270
Monster Iestyn authored
Zalloc Potter and the Death-Free Hallows See merge request STJr/SRB2!269
Monster Iestyn authored
Lighting fixes? Plane and simple! See merge request STJr/SRB2!268
toaster authored
Introduce a temporary measure to enable the old stuff, minus one of the most obviously terrible bugbears of yesteryear. Let it be known that any downstream poirt will almost certainly toggle this ASAP.
toaster authored
Clean up a bunch of v_video.c functions that previously exhibited unfortunate side effects when run in non-green resolutions. * V_DrawFixedPatch and ilk: * Change the offset of V_FLIP so it's not one screen-pixel off where its non-flipped sprite would have started being drawn from. * Write to x and y as well as desttop so that anti-screen-overflow checks later in the function behave properly with non-green resolutions. * V_DrawFill: * Reduce number of operations performed upon `c`. * V_DrawString and ilk: * Offset the left and right boundary checks in non-green resolutions such that you can actually draw stuff to the left of basevid screen x coordinate 0.
toaster authored
* Stop orphaning their memory. They ARE PU_LEVEL, so they'll disappear eventually, but, like... it's not good memory management practice to just *orphan* them when you're literally never going to do anything with them ever again. Y'know? * Make ghosts spawn properly on slopes.
toaster authored
* Fix that thing where ALL transparent FOF planes were continuously fullbright unless encased in a fog which disables sprite fullbrightness, which was long-hated by many people in the community! * For backwards compatibility, setting flag 1 in that fog field (which is probably the most common "in-the-wild" usage of this feature) will continue to make objects un-fullbright. * For situations where you desperately want the behaviour to be enabled, you can apply fog flag 2. * Change the fadestart and fadeend range in which colormaps are generated. * The problem HERE was that the darkest light level reached by generated colormaps was actually slightly brighter than the darkest level reached by normal colormaps. * The typo I fixed does have SOME basis in fact - standard colormap lumps are 34 (33 in 0-indexing) long rather than 32 (31), but whoever wrote this didn't realise that the code for generating them didn't do it DooM style, just bright-to-dark with no extras on the end...
- Aug 24, 2018
toaster authored
* They're clearly not quick enough at the job, since it causes a bunch of silly race conditions. * Instead, K_UpdateHnextList and K_CleanHnextList are in charge of removing them, which are called in the circumstances itemamount (and itemheld/eggmanheld) is changed. * Also, tweak a few places so that trailers AND orbiters can use the same system. Also, some minor thingies. * Turn all the useless ```if (a) { A } else if (!a) { B }``` bullshit into ```if (a) { A } else { B }``` bullshit. * Fix up some minor inaccuracies in the playerarrow stuff that doesn't result in creating more sprites.
toaster authored
* The tab and intermissions rankings... * ...now have parity in behaviour! * ...now properly handle player counts over 8, and no longer supports player counts over 16! * The Item Arrow in Battle... * No longer develops any extremely stupid bugs due to Orbinaut sprites that makes all objects in state S_INVISIBLE develop <!>'s! (Ask me about this if you're curious as to how it affected everything else too.)
- Aug 23, 2018
Sal authored
All spring jump issues on the sheet are fixed now.
- Aug 21, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
update XPM icon See merge request STJr/SRB2!267
- Aug 20, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
Change default sound volume See merge request STJr/SRB2!238
- Aug 16, 2018
Monster Iestyn authored
SDL Mixer fixes Closes #31 See merge request STJr/SRB2!260
- Aug 15, 2018
toaster authored
I wouldn't have done this, but I was already in the code to fix the bugs, so I hit something that was bugging me[/sonic adventure voice] as well
toaster authored
While I cannot guarantee the class of glitches that allows for additional items to be thrown/dropped has been completely obliterated, this DOES prevent the class of exploits that allows for "infinite items" (really just negative quantities not completely bounds-checked for).
toaster authored
- Aug 14, 2018
toaster authored
Also, minor code tweaks.
SeventhSentinel authored
toaster authored
* Flashing Eggman-hit players. * Fix typo with Rocket Shoe item bar, and make it extensible for potential future purposes since I was fiddling with it anyways. * More complete playerarrow visuals for various items. * Eggman fake (and debug) item get sounds.
- Aug 13, 2018
SeventhSentinel authored
I haven't been able to replicate the original bug myself, so I can't tell if it's truly fixed, but this doesn't seem to cause any other issues either.
toaster authored
- Aug 12, 2018
SeventhSentinel authored
SeventhSentinel authored
SeventhSentinel authored
SeventhSentinel authored
Instead of checking for item slot, it checks for invincibility or if you already have a fake
SeventhSentinel authored
eggman nums & rocket sneaker bar
toaster authored
* Correct a typo on Sal's part that meant flashingtics would continually grow larger and larger, slowly drifting between different clients. * A more robust eggmanblame system.