- Aug 19, 2022
- Nov 06, 2020
- Sep 20, 2020
Sal authored
Spectates/kicks players who aren't making progress, does it even faster if they're going backwards.
- Sep 18, 2020
Sal authored
- May 15, 2020
James R. authored
This is fixes crashes in replays because splitscreen displayplayers are initialized to INT32_MAX there.
- May 13, 2020
James R. authored
- Mar 10, 2020
Latapostrophe authored
- May 02, 2019
Sal authored
- Apr 18, 2019
Sal authored
Did not get to finish all refactoring or even compile this, I'll continue later
- Mar 16, 2019
fickleheart authored
- Feb 22, 2019
James R. authored
- Feb 17, 2019
James R. authored
- Jan 13, 2019
Latapostrophe authored
Expose some more Kart functions, freeplay and rankings bumpers are now hud stuff you can toggle, + experimental playercmd hook
- Nov 27, 2018
Sal authored
This broke MKSC in a minor way if you skip a specific item set and then take the big cut... I'll let it go anyway since its an improvement everywhere else.
- Nov 25, 2018
Marco Z authored
- Jun 05, 2018
Sal authored
- cmd->driftturn exists now, for figuring out how far you're turning. Added to prevent analog sticks from being able to get drift sparks faster. - Feather bounce strafing moved to use cmd->sidemove, which means it also supports analog now. - Braking now waits a few tics for you to be stopped for a few tics before it lets you go in reverse, as per Sev's request. - Removed a lot of unused/redundant/commented out control code, and reorganized some of the existing code.
- Jan 22, 2018
Sal authored
- Look backward button works - Increased default cam_speed, from 0.3 to 0.45. This is the highest value that I think doesn't look overly stiff. - Removed bobbing in first person I was trying to do the camera angle thing that we've been talking about for a while, but I can't get it to work well.
Sal authored
Since lap time will only ever be used locally, it makes more sense to just use one variable instead of a player struct variable
Sal authored
- Record Attack replays now save best lap time - Removed instances of NiGHTS Attack - Removed a lot of unlockable that have no use in Kart (ultimate mode, perfect bonus, score emblems, etc) - Removed all methods of activating ultimate mode
- Dec 17, 2017
Sal authored
- Nov 28, 2017
Sal authored
- Improve balloon-based items. Much more distinguished differences between the different ranks - Reverted Feather strafing. You can now just... properly move in the air, if you're using a Feather or a Bounce Pad. - Bounce pads are now stronger while using speed items. - Fixed the long standing bug about offroad & ziplines working when you're on FOFs above them. This is a tricky subject, so please report any issues you may come across related to this. - Shells should no longer travel to Mars, nor will they when using bounce pads. They should now do a gentle hop. - :WIP: new MP Player Setup screen, now shows character stats. Will later feature the list of characters in a row of icons, and a backported 2.2 color selector with toast's permission - Renamed "Match" to "Battle" :p - Yet MORE minor cases where kartspeed & kartweight were being read as fixed_t when they're freakin' UINT8's, people!
- Nov 20, 2017
Sal authored
Doesn't really belong in this branch but shut up! I'm lazy :p
Sal authored
- Comeback players are now 1 speed with -20 friction - Bombing gives 2 karma now - Item players should no longer be able to be hit - Attempted to fix instances of trying to bomb someone while they can't be touched causing you to lose all your karma and start a console message saying you're back in the game, despite not rewarding a balloon - Fixed a few places where kartspeed & kartweight were being read as fixed point numbers, despite being UINT8's - Fixed up kartstuff Lua support more, functions properly now
- Nov 04, 2017
Sryder authored
Set to mobj angle except when spinning where it's set to spin Only 1 spin frame needed now
- Nov 01, 2017
Sryder authored
- Apr 17, 2017
ZTsukei authored
-------- Hardcoded Collide.lua. Added player boolean array "Collide", used by Collide.lua. Walls are now bouncy by default again, like they were in 1.09. Buffed Orange Drift sparks, the boost now lasts 60 frames up from 40.
- Feb 27, 2017
ZTsukei authored
Friction updated. Added KARTSTUFF to lua. Added ->kartstuff to network syncing stuff (surprised it even worked before now???), also maybe items correctly reset at the end of level now.
- Feb 07, 2017
ZTsukei authored
- Jul 06, 2016
ZTsukei authored
- May 18, 2016
Inuyasha authored
(no actual SLOC changes)
- May 14, 2016
Monster Iestyn authored
- May 01, 2016
Monster Iestyn authored
The idea is for the layman Lua user to understand better what range of values to use for mobj types, states, sfxs, player #s etc. Additionally, mobjinfo/states/sfxinfo/hudinfo tables all now have actual bound checks when accessing/editing them. Yikes, why didn't they have any before?!
- Apr 30, 2016
wolfs authored
Fixes http://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=41403. Not sure why nobody noticed this earlier.
- May 21, 2015
Yukita Mayako authored
Angles now go from 0 to 0xFFFF (360 degrees == FRACUNIT) instead of using a full UINT32. Lua only has one number type, so signedness gets in the way of using angle_t directly. This handling of angles matches up with how ZDoom ACS scripting and the like does it. I also changed all the integer casts and pushes of fixed_t to their own macro in preperation for possible future seperation.
- Aug 27, 2014
Alam Ed Arias authored
- Aug 04, 2014
Alam Ed Arias authored
- Apr 19, 2014
Alam Ed Arias authored
- Mar 21, 2014