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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Oct 20, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      General interface: dynamic lights rendering mode and model rendering mode are... · c90d10c0
      MaxED authored
      General interface: dynamic lights rendering mode and model rendering mode are now selected via drop-downs.
      Renamed "Toggle dynamic lights rendering" action to "Show dynamic lights".
      Changed: "Show dynamic lights" action now toggles between available dynamic light rendering modes.
      Renamed "Toggle models rendering" action to "Show models".
      Changed: "Show models" action now toggles between available model rendering modes.
      Removed "Toggle dynamic lights animation" and "Render selected/all models" actions.
      Fixed, Randomize Sectors form: selection highlight was not updated after applying the changes when the form was shown in Sectors mode.
      Consistency: selection is now cleared after applying changes done in Randomize Things and Randomize Vertices forms.
      Fixed, Classic modes: sprites of things with attached models were not rendered when model rendering was disabled.
      Updated documentation.
  2. Oct 17, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Sector Edit form, UDMF: added "Slopes" tab. · 50137207
      MaxED authored
      Visual mode: "Lower/Raise Floor/Ceiling" actions now work on surfaces with sector slopes.
      Cosmetic: numeric textboxes, which support relative values, now have differently colored text and a tooltip.
      Internal: renamed Sector.CeilingSlopeOffset to Sector.CeilSlopeOffset, Sector.CeilingSlope to Sector.CeilSlope to match their names with similar sector properties.
  3. Oct 13, 2014
  4. Sep 23, 2014
  5. Sep 22, 2014
  6. Sep 18, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" / "with the same... · 5d8e62f8
      MaxED authored
      Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" / "with the same height" modifiers (Shift/Ctrl + LMB) now works when used on sides of a 3d floor.
      Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" modifier (Shift + LMB) now selects adjacent sidedefs only when their height intersects with the height of the current sidedef.
      Visual mode: "Select" action with "with the same textures" modifier (Shift + LMB) was not selecting connected one-sided sidedefs when used on a sidedef without a texture.
      Cosmetic: fixed a couple of action descriptions in BuilderModes' Actions.cfg.
      Cosmetic: MainForm.UpdateToolStripSeparators was working incorrectly in some cases.
      Cosmetic: ErrorChecksForm's title was not updated when no errors were found.
  7. Sep 16, 2014
  8. Aug 26, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Visual mode, 3d floors: fixed broken 3d floor visibility detection one more time. · a585db60
      MaxED authored
      Game Configurations: changed default map name for Doom maps to "E1M1".
      New Map Form: "E1M1" is now used as a default name for Doom maps.
      Thing Browser Control: double-click event is now sent only if user clicked in the node's label area.
      Interface: added info messages for several toolbar toggles.
      Interface: made Brightness icon more readable when using dark windows themes.
  9. Aug 25, 2014
  10. Jul 18, 2014
  11. Jul 17, 2014
  12. May 21, 2014
  13. May 20, 2014
  14. May 19, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      UDMF map format: increased maximum supported texture name length to 2048. · a61bba25
      MaxED authored
      Preferences: added "Capitalize texture names" option (located in Preferences -> Appearance -> Additional options). When disabled, the casing of displayed texture names will match filenames for textures loaded form TEXTURES or pk3/pk7/folder resources.
      Textures Browser: added support for displaying long texture names.
      Errors list is now cleared when reloading resources.
      Visual mode: added basic support for sector slopes (no UI for that feature yet).
  15. May 06, 2014
  16. May 05, 2014
  17. Apr 30, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Model rendering (all modes): UDMF scale, pitch and roll are now displayed. · 9c7b8e4e
      MaxED authored
      Thing Edit Form, UDMF: added controls for setting pitch, roll, scale, render style, fill color, alpha, health and score.
      Visual mode, UDMF: UDMF scale is now applied when rendering sprites.
      Added Thing Statistics form (Edit -> View Thing Types...), which shows all loaded thing types with some additional info.
      Visual mode: sprites with negative ScaleX and positive ScaleY were not rendered properly.
      Classic modes: display was not updated after loading a sprite.
      Current testing engine change was not saved on closing the program when no other game configuration settings were changed.
  18. Apr 02, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise" actions now work in Things... · 7a29d87c
      MaxED authored
      "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise" actions now work in Things mode (they will rotate things) and in Sectors mode (they will rotate floor/ceiling textures based on current view mode).
      Moved "Rotate Clockwise" and "Rotate Counterclockwise" actions to "Edit" category.
      Tag Statistics form: help label was incorrectly aligned.
      Some actions in Sectors and Linedefs modes were not used on highlighted map elements.
      Some actions in Sectors and Linedefs modes created undo groups incorrectly when used on highlighted map elements.
  19. Mar 12, 2014
  20. Mar 06, 2014
  21. Mar 05, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Linedef Edit Form, Sector Edit Form: when several map elements with different... · 7faf6bc1
      MaxED authored
      Linedef Edit Form, Sector Edit Form: when several map elements with different textures are selected, the "texture stack" icon is shown in the texture selectors instead of the "missing texture" icon.
      Error Checker mode: added "Check missing flats" check.
      Error Checker mode: fixed several descriptions. 
      Sprite patches for sprites defined in TEXTURES are now loaded from Sprites namespace.
      Some of my older texture alignment code didn't work properly when strict texture/flat handling ("mixtextureflats" game configuration flag set to false) was enabled.
      Fixed some incorrect checks for missing texture ("-").
  22. Mar 03, 2014
  23. Feb 27, 2014
  24. Feb 21, 2014
  25. Feb 20, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Game Configurations: added support for new property "fixedrotation", which... · d9e53f28
      MaxED authored
      Game Configurations: added support for new property "fixedrotation", which keeps thing's angle constant when a thing is rotated in Edit Selection mode.
      Game Configurations: added "fixedrotation" property to "Polyobject Anchor" (9300), "Polyobject Start Spot" (9301), "Polyobject Start Spot (crush)" (9302) and "Polyobject Start Spot (hurts to touch)" (9303) actors.
      Color Picker plugin: moved plugin button to "Modes" toolbar group.
      API: added ToolbarSection.Modes property, which can be used in MainForm.AddButton() to add a button to Modes group.
      Removed a bunch of unused variables.
  26. Feb 18, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Configurations: increased game configuration loading speed (in previous builds... · 592887a0
      MaxED authored
      Configurations: increased game configuration loading speed (in previous builds it took ~650 ms. to load a single game configuration, now it takes ~120 ms. to load all 64 of them). As a side effect, New\Open Map Options, Map Options and Game Configurations windows are now opened noticeably faster. The editor starts up a bit faster as well.
      Configurations: all 64 game configuration are now available by default.
      Game Configurations window: game configurations can now be disabled. This setting is mostly cosmetic. When a game configuration is disabled, it won't be shown in "game configuration" dropdowns in New\Open Map Options and Map Options windows. If a map's .dbs file specifies a disabled configuration, it will be picked as a map configuration anyway.
      Linedefs mode: vertex insert preview logic used Highlight range instead of Stitch range (which is used when draw mode engages).
      Visual mode: double-sided middle textures were not selected when using "Select" action with "with same texture" modifier.
      Textures: some optimizations in patch blending code.
      ZDoom ACS script configuration: added definitions for StrLeft, StrMid and StrRight functions.
  27. Feb 07, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Map Analysis mode: "Check overlapping lines" logic was broken on maps in Doom... · 48fef89e
      MaxED authored
      Map Analysis mode: "Check overlapping lines" logic was broken on maps in Doom and Hexen map formats.
      Map Analysis mode: "Check overlapping lines" now finds duplicate linedefs (e.g. when 2 lines have the same start and end positions).
      Map Analysis mode: added "Check overlapping vertices" check. This will check if a vertex is on top of a linedef or another vertex.
      Some cosmetic changes in Tools and BaseVisualMode.
      Updated zspecial.acs
  28. Feb 03, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Visual mode: when changing height of a triangular sector all vertices of which... · 1367c37b
      MaxED authored
      Visual mode: when changing height of a triangular sector all vertices of which have height offset, vertex heights will be changed instead of sector's floor/ceiling height (this allows to edit terrain without the use of vertex handles).
      Visual mode: "Copy Texture", "Copy Texture Offsets" and "Copy Properties" actions now always copy properties from currently highlighted surface (previously they copied properties from the first selected surface when something was selected).
      Draw Rectangle mode: nothing was drawn in some cases.
      Drag Things mode: grid was not updated when grid size was changed in this mode.
  29. Jan 23, 2014
    • MaxED's avatar
      Linedef info panel: tag is no longer shown in Hexen map format. · 88b12750
      MaxED authored
      Numeric textbox: in addition to '++NN' and '--NN', you can use '*NN' and '/NN' to multiply or divide the values.
      Configurations, ZDoom_linedefs.cfg: some linedef action arguments were missing a proper type.
      Rewritten parts of hints system. Hints are now loaded from "Hints.cfg" file.
  30. Jan 20, 2014
  31. Jan 17, 2014
  32. Jan 16, 2014
  33. Jan 13, 2014