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g_game.c 213 KiB
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// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by Sonic Team Junior.
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// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file  g_game.c
/// \brief game loop functions, events handling

#include "doomdef.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "d_clisrv.h"
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#include "d_player.h"
#include "f_finale.h"
#include "filesrch.h" // for refreshdirmenu
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#include "p_setup.h"
#include "p_saveg.h"
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#include "i_time.h"
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#include "i_system.h"
#include "am_map.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "r_draw.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "m_cheat.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "hu_stuff.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "byteptr.h"
#include "i_joy.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "r_things.h"
#include "y_inter.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "dehacked.h" // get_number (for ghost thok)
#include "lua_script.h"	// LUA_ArchiveDemo and LUA_UnArchiveDemo
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#include "lua_hook.h"
#include "lua_libs.h"	// gL (Lua state)
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#include "b_bot.h"
#include "m_cond.h" // condition sets
#include "md5.h" // demo checksums
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#include "k_kart.h" // SRB2kart
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#include "r_fps.h" // frame interpolation/uncapped
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#include "discord.h"

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gameaction_t gameaction;
gamestate_t gamestate = GS_NULL;
UINT8 ultimatemode = false;

boolean botingame;
UINT8 botskin;
UINT8 botcolor;

JoyType_t Joystick;
JoyType_t Joystick2;
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JoyType_t Joystick3;
JoyType_t Joystick4;
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// 1024 bytes is plenty for a savegame
#define SAVEGAMESIZE (1024)

// SRB2kart
char gamedatafilename[64] = "kartdata.dat";
char timeattackfolder[64] = "kart";
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char customversionstring[32] = "\0";

static void G_DoCompleted(void);
static void G_DoStartContinue(void);
static void G_DoContinued(void);
static void G_DoWorldDone(void);
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static void G_DoStartVote(void);
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char   mapmusname[7]; // Music name
UINT16 mapmusflags; // Track and reset bit
UINT32 mapmusposition; // Position to jump to
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INT16 gamemap = 1;
INT16 maptol;
UINT8 globalweather = 0;
INT32 curWeather = PRECIP_NONE;
INT32 cursaveslot = -1; // Auto-save 1p savegame slot
INT16 lastmapsaved = 0; // Last map we auto-saved at
boolean gamecomplete = false;

UINT16 mainwads = 0;
boolean modifiedgame = false; // Set if homebrew PWAD stuff has been added.
boolean majormods = false; // Set if Lua/Gameplay SOC/replacement map has been added.
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boolean savemoddata = false;
UINT8 paused;
UINT8 modeattacking = ATTACKING_NONE;
boolean imcontinuing = false;
boolean runemeraldmanager = false;

// menu demo things
UINT8  numDemos      = 0; //3; -- i'm FED UP of losing my skincolour to a broken demo. change this back when we make new ones
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UINT32 demoDelayTime = 15*TICRATE;
UINT32 demoIdleTime  = 3*TICRATE;

boolean nodrawers; // for comparative timing purposes
boolean noblit; // for comparative timing purposes
static tic_t demostarttime; // for comparative timing purposes

boolean netgame; // only true if packets are broadcast
boolean multiplayer;
boolean playeringame[MAXPLAYERS];
boolean addedtogame;
player_t players[MAXPLAYERS];

INT32 consoleplayer; // player taking events and displaying
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INT32 displayplayers[MAXSPLITSCREENPLAYERS]; // view being displayed
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tic_t gametic;
tic_t levelstarttic; // gametic at level start
UINT32 totalrings; // for intermission
INT16 lastmap; // last level you were at (returning from special stages)
tic_t timeinmap; // Ticker for time spent in level (used for levelcard display)

INT16 spstage_start;
INT16 sstage_start;
INT16 sstage_end;

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boolean looptitle = true;
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boolean useNightsSS = false;

UINT8 skincolor_redteam = SKINCOLOR_RED;
UINT8 skincolor_blueteam = SKINCOLOR_BLUE;
UINT8 skincolor_redring = SKINCOLOR_RED;
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UINT8 skincolor_bluering = SKINCOLOR_STEEL;
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tic_t countdowntimer = 0;
boolean countdowntimeup = false;

cutscene_t *cutscenes[128];

INT16 nextmapoverride;
boolean skipstats;

// Pointers to each CTF flag
mobj_t *redflag;
mobj_t *blueflag;
// Pointers to CTF spawn location
mapthing_t *rflagpoint;
mapthing_t *bflagpoint;

struct quake quake;

// Map Header Information
mapheader_t* mapheaderinfo[NUMMAPS] = {NULL};

static boolean exitgame = false;
static boolean retrying = false;

UINT8 stagefailed; // Used for GEMS BONUS? Also to see if you beat the stage.

UINT16 emeralds;
UINT32 token; // Number of tokens collected in a level
UINT32 tokenlist; // List of tokens collected
INT32 tokenbits; // Used for setting token bits

// Old Special Stage
INT32 sstimer; // Time allotted in the special stage

tic_t totalplaytime;
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UINT32 matchesplayed; // SRB2Kart
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boolean gamedataloaded = false;

// Time attack data for levels
// These are dynamically allocated for space reasons now
recorddata_t *mainrecords[NUMMAPS]   = {NULL};
//nightsdata_t *nightsrecords[NUMMAPS] = {NULL};
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UINT8 mapvisited[NUMMAPS];

// Temporary holding place for nights data for the current map
//nightsdata_t ntemprecords;
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UINT32 bluescore, redscore; // CTF and Team Match team scores

// ring count... for PERFECT!
INT32 nummaprings = 0;

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// box respawning in battle mode
INT32 nummapboxes = 0;
INT32 numgotboxes = 0;

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// Elminates unnecessary searching.
boolean CheckForBustableBlocks;
boolean CheckForBouncySector;
boolean CheckForQuicksand;
boolean CheckForMarioBlocks;
boolean CheckForFloatBob;
boolean CheckForReverseGravity;

// Powerup durations
UINT16 invulntics = 20*TICRATE;
UINT16 sneakertics = 20*TICRATE;
UINT16 flashingtics = 3*TICRATE/2; // SRB2kart
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UINT16 tailsflytics = 8*TICRATE;
UINT16 underwatertics = 30*TICRATE;
UINT16 spacetimetics = 11*TICRATE + (TICRATE/2);
UINT16 extralifetics = 4*TICRATE;

// SRB2kart
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tic_t introtime = 108+5; // plus 5 for white fade
tic_t starttime = 6*TICRATE + (3*TICRATE/4);
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tic_t raceexittime = 5*TICRATE + (2*TICRATE/3);
tic_t battleexittime = 8*TICRATE;
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INT32 hyudorotime = 7*TICRATE;
INT32 stealtime = TICRATE/2;
INT32 sneakertime = TICRATE + (TICRATE/3);
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INT32 itemtime = 8*TICRATE;
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INT32 comebacktime = 10*TICRATE;
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INT32 bumptime = 6;
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INT32 wipeoutslowtime = 20;
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INT32 wantedreduce = 5*TICRATE;
INT32 wantedfrequency = 10*TICRATE;
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INT32 gameovertics = 15*TICRATE;

UINT8 use1upSound = 0;
UINT8 maxXtraLife = 2; // Max extra lives from rings

UINT8 introtoplay;
UINT8 creditscutscene;

// Emerald locations
mobj_t *hunt1;
mobj_t *hunt2;
mobj_t *hunt3;

tic_t racecountdown, exitcountdown; // for racing
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fixed_t gravity;
fixed_t mapobjectscale;
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INT16 autobalance; //for CTF team balance
INT16 teamscramble; //for CTF team scramble
INT16 scrambleplayers[MAXPLAYERS]; //for CTF team scramble
INT16 scrambleteams[MAXPLAYERS]; //for CTF team scramble
INT16 scrambletotal; //for CTF team scramble
INT16 scramblecount; //for CTF team scramble

INT32 cheats; //for multiplayer cheat commands

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// SRB2Kart
// Cvars that we don't want changed mid-game
UINT8 gamespeed; // Game's current speed (or difficulty, or cc, or etc); 0 for easy, 1 for normal, 2 for hard
boolean encoremode = false; // Encore Mode currently enabled?
boolean prevencoremode;
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boolean franticitems; // Frantic items currently enabled?
boolean comeback; // Battle Mode's karma comeback is on/off
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// Voting system
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INT16 votelevels[4][2]; // Levels that were rolled by the host
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SINT8 votes[MAXPLAYERS]; // Each player's vote
SINT8 pickedvote; // What vote the host rolls
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// Server-sided, synched variables
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SINT8 battlewanted[4]; // WANTED players in battle, worth x2 points
tic_t wantedcalcdelay; // Time before it recalculates WANTED
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tic_t indirectitemcooldown; // Cooldown before any more Shrink, SPB, or any other item that works indirectly is awarded
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tic_t hyubgone; // Cooldown before hyudoro is allowed to be rerolled
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tic_t mapreset; // Map reset delay when enough players have joined an empty game
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UINT8 nospectategrief; // How many players need to be in-game to eliminate last; for preventing spectate griefing
boolean thwompsactive; // Thwomps activate on lap 2
SINT8 spbplace; // SPB exists, give the person behind better items
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boolean startedInFreePlay; // Map was started in free play
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// Client-sided, unsynched variables (NEVER use in anything that needs to be synced with other players)
boolean legitimateexit; // Did this client actually finish the match?
boolean comebackshowninfo; // Have you already seen the "ATTACK OR PROTECT" message?
tic_t curlap; // Current lap time
tic_t bestlap; // Best lap time
static INT16 randmapbuffer[NUMMAPS+1]; // Buffer for maps RandMap is allowed to roll
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tic_t hidetime;

// Grading
UINT32 timesBeaten;
UINT32 timesBeatenWithEmeralds;
//UINT32 timesBeatenUltimate;
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//@TODO put these all in a struct for namespacing purposes?
static char demoname[128];
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static UINT8 *demobuffer = NULL;
static UINT8 *demotime_p, *demoinfo_p;
UINT8 *demo_p;
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static UINT8 *demoend;
static UINT8 demoflags;
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static boolean demosynced = true; // console warning message
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struct demovars_s demo;

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boolean metalrecording; // recording as metal sonic
mobj_t *metalplayback;
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static UINT8 *metalbuffer = NULL;
static UINT8 *metal_p;
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static UINT16 metalversion;
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// extra data stuff (events registered this frame while recording)
static struct {
	UINT8 flags; // EZT flags

	UINT8 color, lastcolor;

	fixed_t scale, lastscale;

	INT32 kartitem, kartamount, kartbumpers;

	UINT8 desyncframes; // Don't try to resync unless we've been off for two frames, to monkeypatch a few trouble spots

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	UINT16 hits;
	mobj_t **hitlist;
} ghostext[MAXPLAYERS];
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// Your naming conventions are stupid and useless.
// There is no conflict here.
demoghost *ghosts = NULL;

boolean precache = true; // if true, load all graphics at start

INT16 prevmap, nextmap;

static CV_PossibleValue_t recordmultiplayerdemos_cons_t[] = {{0, "Disabled"}, {1, "Manual Save"}, {2, "Auto Save"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_recordmultiplayerdemos = {"netdemo_record", "Manual Save", CV_SAVE, recordmultiplayerdemos_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static CV_PossibleValue_t netdemosyncquality_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {35, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_netdemosyncquality = {"netdemo_syncquality", "1", CV_SAVE, netdemosyncquality_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};

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static UINT8 *savebuffer;

// Analog Control
static void UserAnalog_OnChange(void);
static void UserAnalog2_OnChange(void);
static void UserAnalog3_OnChange(void);
static void UserAnalog4_OnChange(void);
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static void Analog_OnChange(void);
static void Analog2_OnChange(void);
static void Analog3_OnChange(void);
static void Analog4_OnChange(void);
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void SendWeaponPref(void);
void SendWeaponPref2(void);
void SendWeaponPref3(void);
void SendWeaponPref4(void);
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//static CV_PossibleValue_t crosshair_cons_t[] = {{0, "Off"}, {1, "Cross"}, {2, "Angle"}, {3, "Point"}, {0, NULL}};
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static CV_PossibleValue_t joyaxis_cons_t[] = {{0, "None"},
#ifdef _WII
{1, "LStick.X"}, {2, "LStick.Y"}, {-1, "LStick.X-"}, {-2, "LStick.Y-"},
{3, "RStick.X"}, {4, "RStick.Y"}, {-3, "RStick.X-"}, {-4, "RStick.Y-"},
{5, "RTrigger"}, {6, "LTrigger"}, {-5, "RTrigger-"}, {-6, "LTrigger-"},
{7, "Pitch"}, {8, "Roll"}, {-7, "Pitch-"}, {-8, "Roll-"},
{7, "Yaw"}, {8, "Dummy"}, {-7, "Yaw-"}, {-8, "Dummy-"},
{9, "LAnalog"}, {10, "RAnalog"}, {-9, "LAnalog-"}, {-10, "RAnalog-"},
#elif defined (WMINPUT)
{1, "LStick.X"}, {2, "LStick.Y"}, {-1, "LStick.X-"}, {-2, "LStick.Y-"},
{3, "RStick.X"}, {4, "RStick.Y"}, {-3, "RStick.X-"}, {-4, "RStick.Y-"},
{5, "NStick.X"}, {6, "NStick.Y"}, {-5, "NStick.X-"}, {-6, "NStick.Y-"},
{7, "LAnalog"}, {8, "RAnalog"}, {-7, "LAnalog-"}, {-8, "RAnalog-"},
{1, "X-Axis"}, {2, "Y-Axis"}, {-1, "X-Axis-"}, {-2, "Y-Axis-"},
#ifdef _arch_dreamcast
{3, "R-Trig"}, {4, "L-Trig"}, {-3, "R-Trig-"}, {-4, "L-Trig-"},
{5, "Alt X-Axis"}, {6, "Alt Y-Axis"}, {-5, "Alt X-Axis-"}, {-6, "Alt Y-Axis-"},
{7, "Triggers"}, {-7,"Triggers-"},
#elif defined (_XBOX)
{3, "Alt X-Axis"}, {4, "Alt Y-Axis"}, {-3, "Alt X-Axis-"}, {-4, "Alt Y-Axis-"},
{3, "Z-Axis"}, {4, "X-Rudder"}, {-3, "Z-Axis-"}, {-4, "X-Rudder-"},
{5, "Y-Rudder"}, {6, "Z-Rudder"}, {-5, "Y-Rudder-"}, {-6, "Z-Rudder-"},
{7, "U-Axis"}, {8, "V-Axis"}, {-7, "U-Axis-"}, {-8, "V-Axis-"},
 {0, NULL}};
#ifdef _WII
"More Axis Sets"
"More Axis Sets"

static CV_PossibleValue_t deadzone_cons_t[] = {{FRACUNIT/16, "MIN"}, {FRACUNIT, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
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// don't mind me putting these here, I was lazy to figure out where else I could put those without blowing up the compiler.

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// it automatically becomes compact with 20+ players, but if you like it, I guess you can turn that on!
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// SRB2Kart: irrelevant for us.
//consvar_t cv_compactscoreboard= {"compactscoreboard", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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// chat timer thingy
static CV_PossibleValue_t chattime_cons_t[] = {{5, "MIN"}, {999, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_chattime = {"chattime", "8", CV_SAVE, chattime_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};

// chatwidth
static CV_PossibleValue_t chatwidth_cons_t[] = {{64, "MIN"}, {150, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_chatwidth = {"chatwidth", "150", CV_SAVE, chatwidth_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};

// chatheight
static CV_PossibleValue_t chatheight_cons_t[] = {{6, "MIN"}, {22, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_chatheight = {"chatheight", "8", CV_SAVE, chatheight_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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// chat notifications (do you want to hear beeps? I'd understand if you didn't.)
consvar_t cv_chatnotifications = {"chatnotifications", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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// chat spam protection (why would you want to disable that???)
consvar_t cv_chatspamprotection = {"chatspamprotection", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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// minichat text background
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consvar_t cv_chatbacktint = {"chatbacktint", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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// old shit console chat. (mostly exists for stuff like terminal, not because I cared if anyone liked the old chat.)
static CV_PossibleValue_t consolechat_cons_t[] = {{0, "Window"}, {1, "Console"}, {2, "Window (Hidden)"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_consolechat = {"chatmode", "Window", CV_SAVE, consolechat_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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// Pause game upon window losing focus
consvar_t cv_pauseifunfocused = {"pauseifunfocused", "Yes", CV_SAVE, CV_YesNo, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};

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// Display song credits
consvar_t cv_songcredits = {"songcredits", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};

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/*consvar_t cv_crosshair = {"crosshair", "Off", CV_SAVE, crosshair_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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consvar_t cv_crosshair2 = {"crosshair2", "Off", CV_SAVE, crosshair_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_crosshair3 = {"crosshair3", "Off", CV_SAVE, crosshair_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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consvar_t cv_crosshair4 = {"crosshair4", "Off", CV_SAVE, crosshair_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};*/
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consvar_t cv_invertmouse = {"invertmouse", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_invertmouse2 = {"invertmouse2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
/*consvar_t cv_alwaysfreelook = {"alwaysmlook", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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consvar_t cv_alwaysfreelook2 = {"alwaysmlook2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_chasefreelook = {"chasemlook", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_chasefreelook2 = {"chasemlook2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousemove = {"mousemove", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mousemove2 = {"mousemove2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};*/
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consvar_t cv_analog = {"analog", "Off", CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, Analog_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_analog2 = {"analog2", "Off", CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, Analog2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_analog3 = {"analog3", "Off", CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, Analog3_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_analog4 = {"analog4", "Off", CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, Analog4_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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Alam Ed Arias committed
#ifdef DC
consvar_t cv_useranalog = {"useranalog", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, UserAnalog_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_useranalog2 = {"useranalog2", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, UserAnalog2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_useranalog = {"useranalog", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, UserAnalog_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_useranalog2 = {"useranalog2", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, UserAnalog2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_useranalog3 = {"useranalog3", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, UserAnalog3_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_useranalog4 = {"useranalog4", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, UserAnalog4_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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consvar_t cv_turnaxis = {"joyaxis_turn", "X-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_moveaxis = {"joyaxis_move", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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consvar_t cv_brakeaxis = {"joyaxis_brake", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_aimaxis = {"joyaxis_aim", "Y-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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Alam Ed Arias committed
consvar_t cv_lookaxis = {"joyaxis_look", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_fireaxis = {"joyaxis_fire", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_driftaxis = {"joyaxis_drift", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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Lonsfor committed
consvar_t cv_xdeadzone = {"joy_xdeadzone", "0.3", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_ydeadzone = {"joy_ydeadzone", "0.5", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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Alam Ed Arias committed

consvar_t cv_turnaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_turn", "X-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
Sal's avatar
Sal committed
consvar_t cv_moveaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_move", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_brakeaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_brake", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_aimaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_aim", "Y-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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consvar_t cv_lookaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_look", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_fireaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_fire", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_driftaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_drift", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_xdeadzone2 = {"joy2_xdeadzone", "0.3", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_ydeadzone2 = {"joy2_ydeadzone", "0.5", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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Sal committed

consvar_t cv_turnaxis3 = {"joyaxis3_turn", "X-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
Sal's avatar
Sal committed
consvar_t cv_moveaxis3 = {"joyaxis3_move", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_brakeaxis3 = {"joyaxis3_brake", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_aimaxis3 = {"joyaxis3_aim", "Y-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
Sal's avatar
Sal committed
consvar_t cv_lookaxis3 = {"joyaxis3_look", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_fireaxis3 = {"joyaxis3_fire", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_driftaxis3 = {"joyaxis3_drift", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_xdeadzone3 = {"joy3_xdeadzone", "0.3", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_ydeadzone3 = {"joy3_ydeadzone", "0.5", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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Sal committed

consvar_t cv_turnaxis4 = {"joyaxis4_turn", "X-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
Sal's avatar
Sal committed
consvar_t cv_moveaxis4 = {"joyaxis4_move", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_brakeaxis4 = {"joyaxis4_brake", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_aimaxis4 = {"joyaxis4_aim", "Y-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
Sal's avatar
Sal committed
consvar_t cv_lookaxis4 = {"joyaxis4_look", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_fireaxis4 = {"joyaxis4_fire", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_driftaxis4 = {"joyaxis4_drift", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_xdeadzone4 = {"joy4_xdeadzone", "0.3", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_ydeadzone4 = {"joy4_ydeadzone", "0.5", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
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#error "please update player_name table using the new value for MAXPLAYERS"

player_t *seenplayer; // player we're aiming at right now

char player_names[MAXPLAYERS][MAXPLAYERNAME+1] =
	"Player 1",
	"Player 2",
	"Player 3",
	"Player 4",
	"Player 5",
	"Player 6",
	"Player 7",
	"Player 8",
	"Player 9",
	"Player 10",
	"Player 11",
	"Player 12",
	"Player 13",
	"Player 14",
	"Player 15",
	"Player 16"
}; // SRB2kart - removed Players 17 through 32
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James R. committed
INT32 player_name_changes[MAXPLAYERS];
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INT16 rw_maximums[NUM_WEAPONS] =
	100, // MAX_BOUNCE
	50,  // MAX_SCATTER
	100, // MAX_GRENADE
	50   // MAX_RAIL

// Allocation for time and nights data
void G_AllocMainRecordData(INT16 i)
	if (!mainrecords[i])
		mainrecords[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(recorddata_t), PU_STATIC, NULL);
	memset(mainrecords[i], 0, sizeof(recorddata_t));

/*void G_AllocNightsRecordData(INT16 i)
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	if (!nightsrecords[i])
		nightsrecords[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(nightsdata_t), PU_STATIC, NULL);
	memset(nightsrecords[i], 0, sizeof(nightsdata_t));
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void G_ClearRecords(void)
	INT16 i;
	for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i)
		if (mainrecords[i])
			mainrecords[i] = NULL;
		/*if (nightsrecords[i])
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			nightsrecords[i] = NULL;
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// For easy retrieval of records
/*UINT32 G_GetBestScore(INT16 map)
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	if (!mainrecords[map-1])
		return 0;

	return mainrecords[map-1]->score;
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tic_t G_GetBestTime(INT16 map)
	if (!mainrecords[map-1] || mainrecords[map-1]->time <= 0)
		return (tic_t)UINT32_MAX;

	return mainrecords[map-1]->time;

// Not needed
/*tic_t G_GetBestLap(INT16 map)
	if (!mainrecords[map-1] || mainrecords[map-1]->lap <= 0)
		return (tic_t)UINT32_MAX;

	return mainrecords[map-1]->lap;

/*UINT16 G_GetBestRings(INT16 map)
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	if (!mainrecords[map-1])
		return 0;

	return mainrecords[map-1]->rings;
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// No NiGHTS records for SRB2Kart
/*UINT32 G_GetBestNightsScore(INT16 map, UINT8 mare)
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	if (!nightsrecords[map-1])
		return 0;

	return nightsrecords[map-1]->score[mare];

tic_t G_GetBestNightsTime(INT16 map, UINT8 mare)
	if (!nightsrecords[map-1] || nightsrecords[map-1]->time[mare] <= 0)
		return (tic_t)UINT32_MAX;

	return nightsrecords[map-1]->time[mare];

UINT8 G_GetBestNightsGrade(INT16 map, UINT8 mare)
	if (!nightsrecords[map-1])
		return 0;

	return nightsrecords[map-1]->grade[mare];

// For easy adding of NiGHTS records
void G_AddTempNightsRecords(UINT32 pscore, tic_t ptime, UINT8 mare)
	ntemprecords.score[mare] = pscore;
	ntemprecords.grade[mare] = P_GetGrade(pscore, gamemap, mare - 1);
	ntemprecords.time[mare] = ptime;

	// Update nummares
	// Note that mare "0" is overall, mare "1" is the first real mare
	if (ntemprecords.nummares < mare)
		ntemprecords.nummares = mare;

void G_SetNightsRecords(void)
	INT32 i;
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	UINT32 totalscore = 0;
	tic_t totaltime = 0;

	const size_t glen = strlen(srb2home)+1+strlen("replay")+1+strlen(timeattackfolder)+1+strlen("MAPXX")+1;
	char *gpath;
	char lastdemo[256], bestdemo[256];
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	if (!ntemprecords.nummares)

	// Set overall
		UINT8 totalrank = 0, realrank = 0;

		for (i = 1; i <= ntemprecords.nummares; ++i)
			totalscore += ntemprecords.score[i];
			totalrank += ntemprecords.grade[i];
			totaltime += ntemprecords.time[i];

		// Determine overall grade
		realrank = (UINT8)((FixedDiv((fixed_t)totalrank << FRACBITS, ntemprecords.nummares << FRACBITS) + (FRACUNIT/2)) >> FRACBITS);

		// You need ALL rainbow As to get a rainbow A overall
		if (realrank == GRADE_S && (totalrank / ntemprecords.nummares) != GRADE_S)
			realrank = GRADE_A;

		ntemprecords.score[0] = totalscore;
		ntemprecords.grade[0] = realrank;
		ntemprecords.time[0] = totaltime;

	// Now take all temp records and put them in the actual records
		nightsdata_t *maprecords;

		if (!nightsrecords[gamemap-1])
		maprecords = nightsrecords[gamemap-1];

		if (maprecords->nummares != ntemprecords.nummares)
			maprecords->nummares = ntemprecords.nummares;

		for (i = 0; i < ntemprecords.nummares + 1; ++i)
			if (maprecords->score[i] < ntemprecords.score[i])
				maprecords->score[i] = ntemprecords.score[i];
			if (maprecords->grade[i] < ntemprecords.grade[i])
				maprecords->grade[i] = ntemprecords.grade[i];
			if (!maprecords->time[i] || maprecords->time[i] > ntemprecords.time[i])
				maprecords->time[i] = ntemprecords.time[i];

	memset(&ntemprecords, 0, sizeof(nightsdata_t));

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	// Save demo!
	bestdemo[255] = '\0';
	lastdemo[255] = '\0';
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	G_SetDemoTime(totaltime, totalscore);
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	I_mkdir(va("%s"PATHSEP"replay", srb2home), 0755);
	I_mkdir(va("%s"PATHSEP"replay"PATHSEP"%s", srb2home, timeattackfolder), 0755);

	if ((gpath = malloc(glen)) == NULL)
		I_Error("Out of memory for replay filepath\n");

	sprintf(gpath,"%s"PATHSEP"replay"PATHSEP"%s"PATHSEP"%s", srb2home, timeattackfolder, G_BuildMapName(gamemap));
	snprintf(lastdemo, 255, "%s-last.lmp", gpath);

	if (FIL_FileExists(lastdemo))
		UINT8 *buf;
		size_t len = FIL_ReadFile(lastdemo, &buf);

		snprintf(bestdemo, 255, "%s-time-best.lmp", gpath);
		if (!FIL_FileExists(bestdemo) || G_CmpDemoTime(bestdemo, lastdemo) & 1)
		{ // Better time, save this demo.
			if (FIL_FileExists(bestdemo))
			FIL_WriteFile(bestdemo, buf, len);
			CONS_Printf("\x83%s\x80 %s '%s'\n", M_GetText("NEW RECORD TIME!"), M_GetText("Saved replay as"), bestdemo);

		snprintf(bestdemo, 255, "%s-score-best.lmp", gpath);
		if (!FIL_FileExists(bestdemo) || (G_CmpDemoTime(bestdemo, lastdemo) & (1<<1)))
		{ // Better score, save this demo.
			if (FIL_FileExists(bestdemo))
			FIL_WriteFile(bestdemo, buf, len);
			CONS_Printf("\x83%s\x80 %s '%s'\n", M_GetText("NEW HIGH SCORE!"), M_GetText("Saved replay as"), bestdemo);

		//CONS_Printf("%s '%s'\n", M_GetText("Saved replay as"), lastdemo);


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	// If the mare count changed, this will update the score display
	CV_AddValue(&cv_nextmap, 1);
	CV_AddValue(&cv_nextmap, -1);
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// for consistency among messages: this modifies the game and removes savemoddata.
void G_SetGameModified(boolean silent, boolean major)
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	if ((majormods && modifiedgame) || !mainwads || (refreshdirmenu & REFRESHDIR_GAMEDATA)) // new gamedata amnesty?
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	modifiedgame = true;

	//savemoddata = false; -- there is literally no reason to do this anymore.
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Alam Ed Arias committed

	if (!silent)
		CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Game must be restarted to play Record Attack.\n"));

	// If in record attack recording, cancel it.
	if (modeattacking)
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/** Builds an original game map name from a map number.
  * The complexity is due to MAPA0-MAPZZ.
  * \param map Map number.
  * \return Pointer to a static buffer containing the desired map name.
  * \sa M_MapNumber
const char *G_BuildMapName(INT32 map)
	static char mapname[10] = "MAPXX"; // internal map name (wad resource name)
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	I_Assert(map <= NUMMAPS);

	if (map == 0) // hack???
		if (gamestate == GS_TITLESCREEN)
			map = -1;
		else if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL)
		map = G_RandMap(G_TOLFlag(cv_newgametype.value), map, false, 0, false, NULL)+1;
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	if (map < 100)
		sprintf(&mapname[3], "%.2d", map);
		mapname[3] = (char)('A' + (char)((map - 100) / 36));
		if ((map - 100) % 36 < 10)
			mapname[4] = (char)('0' + (char)((map - 100) % 36));
			mapname[4] = (char)('A' + (char)((map - 100) % 36) - 10);
		mapname[5] = '\0';

	return mapname;

/** Clips the console player's mouse aiming to the current view.
  * Used whenever the player view is changed manually.
  * \param aiming Pointer to the vertical angle to clip.
  * \return Short version of the clipped angle for building a ticcmd.
INT16 G_ClipAimingPitch(INT32 *aiming)
	INT32 limitangle;

	limitangle = ANGLE_90 - 1;

	if (*aiming > limitangle)
		*aiming = limitangle;
	else if (*aiming < -limitangle)
		*aiming = -limitangle;

	return (INT16)((*aiming)>>16);

INT16 G_SoftwareClipAimingPitch(INT32 *aiming)
	INT32 limitangle;

	// note: the current software mode implementation doesn't have true perspective
	limitangle = ANGLE_90 - ANG10; // Some viewing fun, but not too far down...

	if (*aiming > limitangle)
		*aiming = limitangle;
	else if (*aiming < -limitangle)
		*aiming = -limitangle;

	return (INT16)((*aiming)>>16);

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static INT32 Joy1Axis(axis_input_e axissel)
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	INT32 retaxis;
	INT32 axisval;
	boolean flp = false;

	//find what axis to get
	switch (axissel)
		case AXISTURN:
			axisval = cv_turnaxis.value;
		case AXISMOVE:
			axisval = cv_moveaxis.value;
Sal's avatar
Sal committed
			axisval = cv_brakeaxis.value;
		case AXISAIM:
			axisval = cv_aimaxis.value;
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Alam Ed Arias committed
		case AXISLOOK:
			axisval = cv_lookaxis.value;
		case AXISFIRE:
			axisval = cv_fireaxis.value;
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			axisval = cv_driftaxis.value;
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			return 0;

	if (axisval < 0) //odd -axises
		axisval = -axisval;
		flp = true;
#ifdef _arch_dreamcast
	if (axisval == 7) // special case
		retaxis = joyxmove[1] - joyymove[1];
		goto skipDC;
	if (axisval > JOYAXISSET*2 || axisval == 0) //not there in array or None
		return 0;

	if (axisval%2)
		axisval /= 2;
		retaxis = joyxmove[axisval];
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		if (retaxis < (-JOYAXISRANGE))
			retaxis = -JOYAXISRANGE;
		if (retaxis > (+JOYAXISRANGE))
			retaxis = +JOYAXISRANGE;
		if (!Joystick.bGamepadStyle && axissel < AXISDEAD)
			const INT32 jdeadzone = ((JOYAXISRANGE-1) * cv_xdeadzone.value) >> FRACBITS;
			if (abs(retaxis) <= jdeadzone)
				return 0;
		if (flp) retaxis = -retaxis; //flip it around
		return retaxis;
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		axisval /= 2;
		retaxis = joyymove[axisval];
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Lonsfor committed

		if (retaxis < (-JOYAXISRANGE))
			retaxis = -JOYAXISRANGE;
		if (retaxis > (+JOYAXISRANGE))
			retaxis = +JOYAXISRANGE;
		if (!Joystick.bGamepadStyle && axissel < AXISDEAD)
			const INT32 jdeadzone = ((JOYAXISRANGE-1) * cv_ydeadzone.value) >> FRACBITS;
			if (abs(retaxis) <= jdeadzone)
				return 0;
		if (flp) retaxis = -retaxis; //flip it around
		return retaxis;
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#ifdef _arch_dreamcast

static INT32 Joy2Axis(axis_input_e axissel)
	INT32 retaxis;
	INT32 axisval;
	boolean flp = false;

	//find what axis to get
	switch (axissel)
		case AXISTURN:
			axisval = cv_turnaxis2.value;
		case AXISMOVE:
			axisval = cv_moveaxis2.value;
Sal's avatar
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			axisval = cv_brakeaxis2.value;
		case AXISAIM:
			axisval = cv_aimaxis2.value;
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		case AXISLOOK:
			axisval = cv_lookaxis2.value;
		case AXISFIRE: