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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden

 * Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden,
 * This program is released under GNU General Public License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.


#region ================== Namespaces

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.Interface;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
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using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
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using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;


namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
	[EditMode(DisplayName = "GZDB Visual Mode",
			  SwitchAction = "gzdbvisualmode", // Action name used to switch to this mode
			  ButtonImage = "VisualModeGZ.png",	// Image resource name for the button
			  ButtonOrder = 1,					// Position of the button (lower is more to the left)
			  ButtonGroup = "001_visual",

	public class BaseVisualMode : VisualMode
		#region ================== Constants
		// Object picking
		private const long PICK_INTERVAL = 80;
		private const float PICK_RANGE = 0.98f;

		// Gravity
		private const float GRAVITY = -0.06f;
		#region ================== Variables
		private float cameraflooroffset = 41f;		// same as in doom
		private float cameraceilingoffset = 10f;
		// Object picking
		private VisualPickResult target;
		private long lastpicktime;
		private bool locktarget;
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		private bool useSelectionFromClassicMode;//mxd
		private readonly Timer selectioninfoupdatetimer; //mxd
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		// This keeps extra element info
		private Dictionary<Sector, SectorData> sectordata;
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		private Dictionary<Thing, ThingData> thingdata;
		private Dictionary<Vertex, VertexData> vertexdata; //mxd
		//private Dictionary<Thing, EffectDynamicLight> lightdata; //mxd
		// This is true when a selection was made because the action is performed
		// on an object that was not selected. In this case the previous selection
		// is cleared and the targeted object is temporarely selected to perform
		// the action on. After the action is completed, the object is deselected.
		private bool singleselection;
		// We keep these to determine if we need to make a new undo level
		private bool selectionchanged;
		private VisualActionResult actionresult;
		// List of selected objects when an action is performed
		private List<IVisualEventReceiver> selectedobjects;
		//mxd. Used in Cut/PasteSelection actions
		private readonly List<ThingCopyData> copybuffer;
		private Type lasthighlighttype;
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		//mxd. Moved here from Tools
		private struct SidedefAlignJob
			public Sidedef sidedef;

			public float offsetx;
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			private Sidedef controlside; //mxd
					return controlside;
					controlside = value;
					ceilingheight = (controlside.Index != sidedef.Index && controlside.Line.Args[1] == 0 ? controlside.Sector.FloorHeight : controlside.Sector.CeilHeight);

			private int ceilingheight; //mxd
			public int ceilingHeight { get { return ceilingheight; } } //mxd

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			// When this is true, the previous sidedef was on the left of
			// this one and the texture X offset of this sidedef can be set
			// directly. When this is false, the length of this sidedef
			// must be subtracted from the X offset first.
			public bool forward;
		#region ================== Properties

		public override object HighlightedObject
				// Geometry picked?
				VisualGeometry vg = target.picked as VisualGeometry;
				if(vg != null)
					if(vg.Sidedef != null) return vg.Sidedef;
					if(vg.Sector != null) return vg.Sector;
				VisualThing vt = target.picked as VisualThing;
				if(vt != null) return vt.Thing;
		public object HighlightedTarget { get { return target.picked; } } //mxd
		public bool UseSelectionFromClassicMode { get { return useSelectionFromClassicMode; } } //mxd
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		new public IRenderer3D Renderer { get { return renderer; } }
		public bool IsSingleSelection { get { return singleselection; } }
		public bool SelectionChanged { get { return selectionchanged; } set { selectionchanged |= value; } }
		#region ================== Constructor / Disposer

		// Constructor
		public BaseVisualMode()
			// Initialize
			this.gravity = new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			this.selectedobjects = new List<IVisualEventReceiver>();
			this.copybuffer = new List<ThingCopyData>();
			this.selectioninfoupdatetimer = new Timer();
			selectioninfoupdatetimer.Interval = 100;
			selectioninfoupdatetimer.Tick += SelectioninfoupdatetimerOnTick;
			// We have no destructor

		// Disposer
		public override void Dispose()
			// Not already disposed?
				// Clean up
				selectioninfoupdatetimer.Dispose(); //mxd
				// Done

		#region ================== Methods
		internal int CalculateBrightness(int level)
			return renderer.CalculateBrightness(level);
		//mxd. This calculates brightness level with doom-style shading
		internal int CalculateBrightness(int level, Sidedef sd) 
			return renderer.CalculateBrightness(level, sd);
		// This adds a selected object
		internal void AddSelectedObject(IVisualEventReceiver obj)
			selectionchanged = true;
			selectioninfoupdatetimer.Start(); //mxd
		// This removes a selected object
		internal void RemoveSelectedObject(IVisualEventReceiver obj)
			selectionchanged = true;
			selectioninfoupdatetimer.Start(); //mxd
		// This is called before an action is performed
		public void PreAction(int multiselectionundogroup)
			actionresult = new VisualActionResult();
			// If the action is not performed on a selected object, clear the
			// current selection and make a temporary selection for the target.
			if((target.picked != null) && !target.picked.Selected && (BuilderPlug.Me.VisualModeClearSelection || (selectedobjects.Count == 0)))
				// Single object, no selection
				singleselection = true;
				// Check if we should make a new undo level
				// We don't want to do this if this is the same action with the same
				// selection and the action wants to group the undo levels
				if((lastundogroup != multiselectionundogroup) || (lastundogroup == UndoGroup.None) ||
				   (multiselectionundogroup == UndoGroup.None) || selectionchanged)
					// We want to create a new undo level, but not just yet
					lastundogroup = multiselectionundogroup;
					// We don't want to make a new undo level (changes will be combined)
					undocreated = true;
		// Called before an action is performed. This does not make an undo level
		private void PreActionNoChange()
			actionresult = new VisualActionResult();
			singleselection = false;
			undocreated = false;
		// This is called after an action is performed
		private void PostAction()
				General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, actionresult.displaystatus);

			// Reset changed flags
			foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
				BaseVisualSector bvs = (BaseVisualSector)vs.Value;
				foreach(VisualFloor vf in bvs.ExtraFloors) vf.Changed = false;
				foreach(VisualCeiling vc in bvs.ExtraCeilings) vc.Changed = false;
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				foreach(VisualFloor vf in bvs.ExtraBackFloors) vf.Changed = false; //mxd
				foreach(VisualCeiling vc in bvs.ExtraBackCeilings) vc.Changed = false; //mxd
				bvs.Floor.Changed = false;
				bvs.Ceiling.Changed = false;
			selectionchanged = false;
			if(singleselection) ClearSelection();
		// This sets the result for an action
		public void SetActionResult(VisualActionResult result)
			actionresult = result;

		// This sets the result for an action
		public void SetActionResult(string displaystatus)
			actionresult = new VisualActionResult {displaystatus = displaystatus};
		// This creates an undo, when only a single selection is made
		// When a multi-selection is made, the undo is created by the PreAction function
		public int CreateUndo(string description, int group, int grouptag)
				undocreated = true;

					return General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo(description, this, group, grouptag);
				return General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo(description, this, UndoGroup.None, 0);

		// This creates an undo, when only a single selection is made
		// When a multi-selection is made, the undo is created by the PreAction function
		public int CreateUndo(string description)
			return CreateUndo(description, UndoGroup.None, 0);

		// This makes a list of the selected object
			// Make list of selected objects
			selectedobjects = new List<IVisualEventReceiver>();
			foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
					BaseVisualSector bvs = (BaseVisualSector)vs.Value;
					if((bvs.Floor != null) && bvs.Floor.Selected) selectedobjects.Add(bvs.Floor);
					if((bvs.Ceiling != null) && bvs.Ceiling.Selected) selectedobjects.Add(bvs.Ceiling);
					foreach(Sidedef sd in vs.Key.Sidedefs)
						List<VisualGeometry> sidedefgeos = bvs.GetSidedefGeometry(sd);
						foreach(VisualGeometry sdg in sidedefgeos)
							if(sdg.Selected) selectedobjects.Add((IVisualEventReceiver)sdg);

			foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> vt in allthings)
					BaseVisualThing bvt = (BaseVisualThing)vt.Value;
					if(bvt.Selected) selectedobjects.Add(bvt);
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			if(General.Map.UDMF && General.Settings.GZShowVisualVertices) 
				foreach(KeyValuePair<Vertex, VisualVertexPair> pair in vertices) 
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		//mxd. Need this to apply changes to 3d-floor even if control sector doesn't exist as BaseVisualSector
		internal BaseVisualSector CreateBaseVisualSector(Sector s) 
			BaseVisualSector vs = new BaseVisualSector(this, s);
			allsectors.Add(s, vs);
		// This creates a visual sector
		protected override VisualSector CreateVisualSector(Sector s)
			BaseVisualSector vs = new BaseVisualSector(this, s);
			allsectors.Add(s, vs); //mxd
			return vs;
		// This creates a visual thing
		protected override VisualThing CreateVisualThing(Thing t)
			BaseVisualThing vt = new BaseVisualThing(this, t);
			return vt.Setup() ? vt : null;
		// This locks the target so that it isn't changed until unlocked
		public void LockTarget()
			locktarget = true;
		// This unlocks the target so that is changes to the aimed geometry again
		public void UnlockTarget()
			locktarget = false;
		// This picks a new target, if not locked
		private void PickTargetUnlocked()
			if(!locktarget) PickTarget();
		// This picks a new target
		private void PickTarget()
			// Find the object we are aiming at
			Vector3D start = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
			Vector3D delta = General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
			delta = delta.GetFixedLength(General.Settings.ViewDistance * PICK_RANGE);
			VisualPickResult newtarget = PickObject(start, start + delta);
			// Should we update the info on panels?
			bool updateinfo = (newtarget.picked != target.picked);
			// Apply new target
			target = newtarget;

			// Show target info
			if(updateinfo) ShowTargetInfo();

		// This shows the picked target information
		public void ShowTargetInfo()
			// Any result?
			if(target.picked != null)
				// Geometry picked?
				if(target.picked is VisualGeometry)
					VisualGeometry pickedgeo = (VisualGeometry)target.picked;
					// Sidedef?
					if(pickedgeo is BaseVisualGeometrySidedef)
						BaseVisualGeometrySidedef pickedsidedef = (BaseVisualGeometrySidedef)pickedgeo;
						General.Interface.ShowLinedefInfo(pickedsidedef.GetControlLinedef(), pickedsidedef.Sidedef); //mxd
					// Sector?
					else if(pickedgeo is BaseVisualGeometrySector)
						BaseVisualGeometrySector pickedsector = (BaseVisualGeometrySector)pickedgeo;
						bool isceiling = (pickedsector is VisualCeiling); //mxd
						General.Interface.ShowSectorInfo(pickedsector.Level.sector, isceiling, !isceiling);
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				else if(target.picked is VisualThing) 
					VisualThing pickedthing = (VisualThing)target.picked;
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				//mxd. Vertex picked?
				else if(target.picked is VisualVertex)
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					VisualVertex pickedvert = (VisualVertex)target.picked;
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		// This updates the VisualSectors and VisualThings that have their Changed property set
		private void UpdateChangedObjects()
			foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
					BaseVisualSector bvs = (BaseVisualSector)vs.Value;

			foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> vt in allthings)
					BaseVisualThing bvt = (BaseVisualThing)vt.Value;
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				foreach(KeyValuePair<Vertex, VisualVertexPair> pair in vertices)

			//mxd. Update event lines (still better than updating them on every frame redraw)
			renderer.SetEventLines(LinksCollector.GetThingLinks(General.Map.ThingsFilter.VisibleThings, blockmap));
		protected override void MoveSelectedThings(Vector2D direction, bool absoluteposition) 
			List<VisualThing> visualthings = GetSelectedVisualThings(true);
			if(visualthings.Count == 0) return;
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			Vector3D[] coords = new Vector3D[visualthings.Count];
			for(int i = 0; i < visualthings.Count; i++)
				coords[i] = visualthings[i].Thing.Position;
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			Vector3D[] translatedcoords = TranslateCoordinates(coords, direction, absoluteposition);
			for(int i = 0; i < visualthings.Count; i++) 
				BaseVisualThing t = (BaseVisualThing)visualthings[i];
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			// Things may've changed sectors...

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		private static Vector3D[] TranslateCoordinates(Vector3D[] coordinates, Vector2D direction, bool absolutePosition) 
			if(coordinates.Length == 0) return null;
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			direction.x = (float)Math.Round(direction.x);
			direction.y = (float)Math.Round(direction.y);
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			Vector3D[] translatedCoords = new Vector3D[coordinates.Length];
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			if(!absolutePosition) //...relatively (that's easy)
				int camAngle = (int)Math.Round(Angle2D.RadToDeg(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY));
				int sector = General.ClampAngle(camAngle - 45) / 90;
				direction = direction.GetRotated(sector * Angle2D.PIHALF);
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				for(int i = 0; i < coordinates.Length; i++)
					translatedCoords[i] = coordinates[i] + new Vector3D(direction);
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			// specified location preserving relative positioning (that's harder)
			if(coordinates.Length == 1) //just move it there
				translatedCoords[0] = new Vector3D(direction.x, direction.y, coordinates[0].z);
				return translatedCoords;
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			//we need some reference
			float minX = coordinates[0].x;
			float maxX = minX;
			float minY = coordinates[0].y;
			float maxY = minY;
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			//get bounding coordinates for selected things
			for(int i = 1; i < coordinates.Length; i++) 
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			Vector2D selectionCenter = new Vector2D(minX + (maxX - minX) / 2, minY + (maxY - minY) / 2);
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			for(int i = 0; i < coordinates.Length; i++)
				translatedCoords[i] = new Vector3D((float)Math.Round(direction.x - (selectionCenter.x - coordinates[i].x)), (float)Math.Round(direction.y - (selectionCenter.y - coordinates[i].y)), (float)Math.Round(coordinates[i].z));
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		public override void UpdateSelectionInfo() 
			int numWalls = 0;
			int numFloors = 0;
			int numCeilings = 0;
			int numThings = 0;
			int numVerts = 0;

			foreach(IVisualEventReceiver obj in selectedobjects) 

				if(obj is BaseVisualThing) numThings++;
				else if(obj is BaseVisualVertex) numVerts++;
				else if(obj is VisualCeiling) numCeilings++;
				else if(obj is VisualFloor)	numFloors++;
				else if(obj is VisualMiddleSingle || obj is VisualMiddleDouble || obj is VisualLower || obj is VisualUpper || obj is VisualMiddle3D || obj is VisualMiddleBack)

			List<string> results = new List<string>();
			if(numWalls > 0) results.Add(numWalls + (numWalls > 1 ? " sidedefs" : " sidedef"));
			if(numFloors > 0) results.Add(numFloors + (numFloors > 1 ? " floors" : " floor"));
			if(numCeilings > 0) results.Add(numCeilings + (numCeilings > 1 ? " ceilings" : " ceiling"));
			if(numThings > 0) results.Add(numThings + (numThings > 1 ? " things" : " thing"));
			if(numVerts > 0) results.Add(numVerts + (numVerts > 1 ? " vertices" : " vertex"));
			// Display results
			string result = string.Empty;
			if(results.Count > 0) 
				result = string.Join(", ", results.ToArray());
				int pos = result.LastIndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal);
				if(pos != -1) result = result.Remove(pos, 1).Insert(pos, " and");

			General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Selection, result);
		internal void StartRealtimeInterfaceUpdate(SelectionType selectiontype)
				case SelectionType.All:
				case SelectionType.Linedefs:
				case SelectionType.Sectors:
					General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged += Interface_OnSectorEditFormValuesChanged;
				case SelectionType.Things:
					General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged += Interface_OnThingEditFormValuesChanged;
					General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged += Interface_OnEditFormValuesChanged;
		internal void StopRealtimeInterfaceUpdate(SelectionType selectiontype)
				case SelectionType.All:
				case SelectionType.Linedefs:
				case SelectionType.Sectors:
					General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged -= Interface_OnSectorEditFormValuesChanged;
				case SelectionType.Things:
					General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged -= Interface_OnThingEditFormValuesChanged;
					General.Interface.OnEditFormValuesChanged -= Interface_OnEditFormValuesChanged;

		#region ================== Extended Methods

		// This requests a sector's extra data
		internal SectorData GetSectorData(Sector s)
			// Make fresh sector data when it doesn't exist yet
				sectordata[s] = new SectorData(this, s);
			return sectordata[s];

		//mxd. This requests a sector's extra data or null if given sector doesn't have it
		internal SectorData GetSectorDataEx(Sector s)
			return (sectordata.ContainsKey(s) ? sectordata[s] : null);

		// This requests a things's extra data
		internal ThingData GetThingData(Thing t)
			// Make fresh sector data when it doesn't exist yet
				thingdata[t] = new ThingData(this, t);
			return thingdata[t];
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		internal VertexData GetVertexData(Vertex v) 
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				vertexdata[v] = new VertexData(this, v);
			return vertexdata[v];

		internal BaseVisualVertex GetVisualVertex(Vertex v, bool floor) 
				vertices.Add(v, new VisualVertexPair(new BaseVisualVertex(this, v, false), new BaseVisualVertex(this, v, true)));

			return (floor ? (BaseVisualVertex)vertices[v].FloorVertex : (BaseVisualVertex)vertices[v].CeilingVertex);
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		internal void UpdateVertexHandle(Vertex v) 
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				vertices.Add(v, new VisualVertexPair(new BaseVisualVertex(this, v, false), new BaseVisualVertex(this, v, true)));
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		// This rebuilds the sector data
		// This requires that the blockmap is up-to-date!
		internal void RebuildElementData()
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			Sector[] sectorsWithEffects = null;

				//store all sectors with effects
				if(sectordata != null && sectordata.Count > 0) 
					sectorsWithEffects = new Sector[sectordata.Count];
					sectordata.Keys.CopyTo(sectorsWithEffects, 0);
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				//remove all vertex handles from selection
				if(vertices != null && vertices.Count > 0) 
					foreach(IVisualEventReceiver i in selectedobjects)
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						if(i is BaseVisualVertex) RemoveSelectedObject(i);
			Dictionary<int, List<Sector>> sectortags = new Dictionary<int, List<Sector>>();
			sectordata = new Dictionary<Sector, SectorData>(General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count);
			thingdata = new Dictionary<Thing, ThingData>(General.Map.Map.Things.Count);

			//mxd. rebuild all sectors with effects
			if(sectorsWithEffects != null) 
				for(int i = 0; i < sectorsWithEffects.Length; i++) 
					// The visual sector associated is now outdated
						BaseVisualSector vs = (BaseVisualSector)GetVisualSector(sectorsWithEffects[i]);
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				vertexdata = new Dictionary<Vertex, VertexData>(General.Map.Map.Vertices.Count); //mxd

			if(!General.Settings.GZDoomRenderingEffects) return; //mxd
			// Find all sector who's tag is not 0 and hash them so that we can find them quicly
			foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
				foreach(int tag in s.Tags)
					if(tag == 0) continue;
					if(!sectortags.ContainsKey(tag)) sectortags[tag] = new List<Sector>();

			// Find sectors with 3 vertices, because they can be sloped
			foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
				// ========== Thing vertex slope, vertices with UDMF vertex offsets ==========
					if(General.Map.UDMF) GetSectorData(s).AddEffectVertexOffset(); //mxd
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					List<Thing> slopeceilingthings = new List<Thing>(3);
					List<Thing> slopefloorthings = new List<Thing>(3);
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						Vertex v = sd.IsFront ? sd.Line.End : sd.Line.Start;

						// Check if a thing is at this vertex
						VisualBlockEntry b = blockmap.GetBlock(blockmap.GetBlockCoordinates(v.Position));
						foreach(Thing t in b.Things) 
							if((Vector2D)t.Position == v.Position) 
									case 1504: slopefloorthings.Add(t); break;
									case 1505: slopeceilingthings.Add(t); break;
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					// Slope any floor vertices?
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						SectorData sd = GetSectorData(s);
						sd.AddEffectThingVertexSlope(slopefloorthings, true);

					// Slope any ceiling vertices?
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						SectorData sd = GetSectorData(s);
						sd.AddEffectThingVertexSlope(slopeceilingthings, false);
			// Find interesting linedefs (such as line slopes)
			foreach(Linedef l in General.Map.Map.Linedefs)
					// ========== Plane Align (see ==========
					case 181:
						if(((l.Args[0] == 1) || (l.Args[1] == 1)) && (l.Front != null))
							SectorData sd = GetSectorData(l.Front.Sector);
						if(((l.Args[0] == 2) || (l.Args[1] == 2)) && (l.Back != null))
							SectorData sd = GetSectorData(l.Back.Sector);
					// ========== Plane Copy (mxd) (see ==========
					case 118: 
						//check the flags...
						bool floorCopyToBack = false;
						bool floorCopyToFront = false;
						bool ceilingCopyToBack = false;
						bool ceilingCopyToFront = false;

						if(l.Args[4] > 0 && l.Args[4] != 3 && l.Args[4] != 12) 
							floorCopyToBack = (l.Args[4] & 1) == 1;
							floorCopyToFront = (l.Args[4] & 2) == 2;
							ceilingCopyToBack = (l.Args[4] & 4) == 4;
							ceilingCopyToFront = (l.Args[4] & 8) == 8;
						// Copy slope to front sector
						if(l.Front != null) 
							if( (l.Args[0] > 0 || l.Args[1] > 0) || (l.Back != null && (floorCopyToFront || ceilingCopyToFront)) ) 
								SectorData sd = GetSectorData(l.Front.Sector);
								sd.AddEffectPlaneClopySlope(l, true);
							if( (l.Args[2] > 0 || l.Args[3] > 0) || (l.Front != null && (floorCopyToBack || ceilingCopyToBack)) ) 
								SectorData sd = GetSectorData(l.Back.Sector);
								sd.AddEffectPlaneClopySlope(l, false);

					// ========== Sector 3D floor (see ==========
					case 160:
						if(l.Front != null)
							int sectortag = (General.Map.UDMF || (l.Args[1] & (int)Effect3DFloor.FloorTypes.HiTagIsLineID) != 0) ? l.Args[0] : l.Args[0] + (l.Args[4] << 8);
								List<Sector> sectors = sectortags[sectortag];
								foreach(Sector s in sectors) 
									SectorData sd = GetSectorData(s);

					// ========== Transfer Brightness (see =========
					case 50:
						if(l.Front != null && sectortags.ContainsKey(l.Args[0]))
							List<Sector> sectors = sectortags[l.Args[0]];
							foreach(Sector s in sectors) 
								SectorData sd = GetSectorData(s);

					// ========== mxd. Transfer Floor Brightness (see =========
					case 210:
						if(l.Front != null && sectortags.ContainsKey(l.Args[0])) 
							List<Sector> sectors = sectortags[l.Args[0]];
							foreach(Sector s in sectors) 
								SectorData sd = GetSectorData(s);

					// ========== mxd. Transfer Ceiling Brightness (see =========
					case 211:
						if(l.Front != null && sectortags.ContainsKey(l.Args[0])) 
							List<Sector> sectors = sectortags[l.Args[0]];
							foreach(Sector s in sectors) 
								SectorData sd = GetSectorData(s);

			// Find interesting things (such as sector slopes)
			foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
					// ========== Copy slope ==========
					case 9511:
					case 9510:
						if(t.Sector != null)
							SectorData sd = GetSectorData(t.Sector);

					// ========== Thing line slope ==========
					case 9501:
					case 9500:
						if(t.Sector != null)
							SectorData sd = GetSectorData(t.Sector);

					// ========== Thing slope ==========
					case 9503:
					case 9502:
						if(t.Sector != null)